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by Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, V Sivanesaratnam, Alokendu Chatterjee, Pratap Kumar
The book starts with issues related to conception, implantation and growth of the fetus and placenta. From this point, it expands to the knowledge needed for prenatal care followed by normal pregnancy and childbirth. The various obstetric and medical complications in the antenatal period are covered followed by normal and abnormal labor including operative deliveries. It ends with normal and complicated puerperium. This book is truly the work of select obstetricians who have a deep concern for women’s health and in these chapters; they have dealt with practical aspects, with utmost care to provide a crystal clear pathway to obstetric management for the undergraduates. The greatest benchmark for the disparity in medical care between rich and poor countries is their obstetric outcome—their reproductive status. The Editors deep concern for this problem is easily visualized through a comprehensive chapter on Safe Motherhood and the emphasis on fundamentals of reproduction as an opening chapter, at the same time not ignoring important players like endocrinal and immunological components. This chapter covers anatomy of female reproductive organs, anatomy of the female pelvis, immunology of pregnancy, antepartum hemorrhage, gynecological disorders in pregnancy, intrauterine growth restriction, thalassemia and rhesus isoimmunization, injuries to birth canal, and so on.
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Editor | Editor's Affiliation |
1. Arulkumaran Sabaratnam
2. Sivanesaratnam V
University of Malaya Specialist Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
3. Chatterjee Alokendu
NRS Medical College and Hospital, Calcutta, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, India |
4. Kumar Pratap | Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka, India |
ISBN | 9788180613623 |
Speciality | Obstetrics and Gynecology |
DOI | 10.5005/jp/books/10288 |
Edition | 1/e |
Publishing Year | 2004 |
Pages | 398 |
Book Type | Textbook |
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