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by SR Mehdi
This handbook Essentials of Blood Banking deals with the basics of blood banking in brief, keeping in mind the requirements of the blood bank staff and the clinical residents. HIV/AIDS awareness has shifted the focus of media on blood banks. Medicolegalities and ethical issues are very much in consideration. The concept of whole blood transfusion has become obsolete. Transfusion of specific component of the blood has specific indications. A component laboratory is a must for every blood bank. The clinicians must be exposed to the usage and benefits of component therapy. The staff working in the transfusion services as provider and the clinicians and nurses acting as facilitator must ensure the transfusion of safe and disease-free blood to the end user, i.e. the patient. This book is an attempt to meet all these requirements of professionals associated with medi-care and people who run clinics and hospitals.
Author | Author's Affiliation |
1. Mehdi SR |
JN Medical College, AMU, Aligarh, India Era’s Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India |
ISBN | 9788180616426 |
Speciality | Laboratory Medicine |
DOI | 10.5005/jp/books/10271 |
Edition | 1/e |
Publishing Year | 2006 |
Pages | 104 |
Book Type | Textbook |
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