Cytology and Colposcopy in Gynecological Practice

by Usha B Saraiya, Giovanni Miniello

“Cytology and Colposcopy in Gynaecological Practice” is a multi-authored book on the subject which is very relevant in practice and a lot of emphasis has been placed on early detection of cervical cancer. The practicing gynecologist will need to have information which is updated, comprehensive and easy to follow. Ten International and eleven National Contributors are all experienced and learned individuals who have many publications on the subject. An exhaustive reference list is available on each subject. The highlight of this publication is the large number of micro—photographs which make it very readable and interesting. All the newer technologies introduced in the last decade and dealt with in details. The book highlights the problems faced in the developing world. This book will be of immense value to all practicing Gynecologists as well as Oncologists and Oncopathologists involved in cervical cancer management.


Book Detail

Editor Editor's Affiliation
1. Saraiya Usha B
Sir HN Hospital, Saifee Hospital and Breach Candy Hospital; Cama and Albless Hospital, Mumbai, India
2. Miniello Giovanni University of Bari, Italy; International Consultant of Colposcopy for the United Nations
ISBN 9788184485844
Speciality Obstetrics and Gynecology
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/10194
Edition 1/e
Publishing Year 2009
Pages 322
Book Type Professional


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