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by Shivananda Nayak B
This title “An essential of Biochemistry is a pioneer edition in Biochemistry covering all the chapters which are essential for medical students. It presents chemistry, digestion and absorption and metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids. One of the chapters of this title explained the integration of all the metabolism and organs in fed and starvation conditions to meet the challenges. The contents are written step-by-step manner through which students can easily understand. The chapters on metabolism are included with neat diagrams and flow chart which will facilitate the learners to understand the concept easily. The chapters on nutrition are given with lucid diagrams and simple table which will help the learners to know about the symptoms of nutritional related disorders. The richness of the chapters on cancer, AIDS, radioisotopes in medicine, antioxidants, organ function tests, instrumentation and techniques are enhanced by a number of color illustrations and figures to impress upon the reader with the utmost clarity. This is a unique title provide not only the contents but also the multiple choice and short essay questions at the end of each chapter for the students check their learning process. The questions and case studies included with this textbook will help the students to prepare for their examinations.
Author | Author's Affiliation |
1. B Shivananda Nayak | University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies; Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India |
ISBN | 9788184487718 |
Speciality | Biochemistry |
DOI | 10.5005/jp/books/11024 |
Edition | 1/e |
Publishing Year | 2010 |
Pages | 459 |
Book Type | Textbook |
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