Introductory Psychology for Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

by AB Salgado

Psychology for Nurses is a comprehensive book that is designed for all student nurses who are taking up Diploma and Bachelor in nursing programs as well as for the registered nurses who would like to enrich their practice as nurse practitioners. Psychology as a subject must provide adequate insight for the aspiring nurses who will embark into the caring profession which requires adjustment to the behavior of the patients and those around them; understanding every problem like anxiety that patients would always convey to the nurses and self-acceptance that is required to function independently as a nurse. This book is unique since the author who is a psychologist and a mental health nurse practitioner introduced new concepts that are relevant to the nursing practice. Among these concepts are the following: The psychology of nursing care; the psychological interventions like the therapeutic smile; and the therapeutic use of self or presence. The basic concepts of psychology are also presented in this book since, it is very important as the author views it, that all nurses must also know and understand the origin and the development of psychology as a science.


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