Transfusion Update

by Kanchan Bhardwaj, BL Bhardwaj, Kusum K Thakur, Rajni Bassi, Harnoor Singh Bhardwaj

This is a comprehensive update on transfusion medicine written in simple language. It is both a theoretical and practical resource for the clinical faculty, transfusion medicine specialists, postgraduate students in clinical specialties and transfusion medicine and laboratory technical staff working in transfusion medicine. This book highlights the updates in clinical transfusion practice. It includes the transfusion experience of eminent clinical specialists from all over India. The book is divided into four sections viz. clinical hemotherapy, cellular therapies, blood safety and miscellaneous. CLINICAL HEMOTHERAPY covers all clinical areas involved in transfusion practice ranging from Transfusion Therapy in Clinical Medicine: Transfusion in bone marrow failure syndromes; in autoimmune hemolytic anemia; in disseminated intravascular coagulation; in oncology; in coronary interventions; sugar free antibodies-a new treatment for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and autoimmune hemolytic anemia; neurological ICU-role of red blood cell transfusion; blood transfusion alternatives; role of whole blood in transfusion practice. Transfusion Therapy in Surgical practice: Management of preoperative anemia in elective surgery; blood conservation strategies; thromboelastography; transfusion support in cardiac surgery; in arthroplasty; in neurosurgery; restricting transfusion requirements in major orthopedic surgery. Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Transfusion Practice: Noninvasive prenatal screening for Rh-hemolytic disease; antenatal antibody screening and intrauterine transfusion; antenatal screening of thalassemia; neonatal transfusion practice. Transfusion Practice in Transplantation: In bone marrow transplantation; in renal transplantation; in heart transplantation; in liver transplantation and in incompatible blood type kidney transplantation. Massive Transfusion: Protocol and in obstetrical hemorrhage. Platelet Therapy: In inherited and acquired platelet disorders; in fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia; transfusion practice in dengue; in immune mediated heparin induced thrombocytopenia; single donor platelets vs random donor platelets; prophylactic platelet transfusion. Apheresis: Maximizing the resources multicomponent collection; therapeutic plateletpheresis; therapeutic erythrocytapheresis; Therapeutic leucapheresis and plasma exchange. Transfusion Practice in Chronically Transfused Patients: Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia; pediatrician’s role in thalassemia; iron overload in chronically transfused patients; advanced therapy for hemophilia. Intervention in Bleeding Patients: Lab diagnosis of bleeding disorders; management of coagulopathy in liver diseases; recombinant activated factor VII in clinical practice; plasma vs recombinant clotting factors; solvent detergent treated plasma in clinical use and cryoprecipitate. Section on CELLULAR THERAPIES discusses the stem cell in regenerative medicine; in cardiovascular diseases; in diabetes mellitus and in peripheral artery disease. There has been special reference of the role of platelet-rich plasma in regenerative medicine and plastic surgery. It also describes natural killer cells in tumor and transplantation, cord blood banking and transplantation, gene therapy, erythropoiesis stimulating agents vs red cell transfusion. The section on BLOOD SAFETY includes nucleic acid testing, pathogen reduction technology, automation, hemovigilance, leucoreduction, adverse transfusion reactions. MISCELLANEOUS section includes National plasma policy, evidence-based transfusion medicine, accreditation of transfusion service, molecular genotyping and its applications in practice, rare blood group registry, ethical issues, new vs old blood, automation, etc. It comprises of 81 chapters with multiple tables, figures, flowcharts, schematic diagrams and colored illustrations for the ease of readers. Overall, this is a concise update in transfusion medicine.

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Book Detail

Editor Editor's Affiliation
1. Bhardwaj Kanchan
Government Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India
2. Bhardwaj BL
Government Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India
3. Thakur Kusum K
Government Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India; ISBTI (Punjab Chapter)
4. Bassi Rajni
Government Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India
5. Bhardwaj Harnoor Singh Government Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India
ISBN 9789351525981
Speciality Hematology
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/12449
Edition 1/e
Publishing Year 2015
Pages 346
Book Type Reference


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