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by Apurba Sankar Sastry, Sandhya Bhat K, Anand Janagond
The association of man and microorganisms and their fight to survive each other is never-ending. With the increasing complexity of interaction between man and microbes, the relevance of studying medical microbiology has increased manifold. The book titled, Essentials of Medical Microbiology attempts to provide smart ways to master the world of microbes relevant to the mankind. This book focuses on providing good foundation in clinically important concepts and principles of microbiology. Enough (over 300) tables and flow charts have been included along with the text. Over 200 schematic diagrams have been drawn to simplify difficult concepts, and they are easy to reproduce where necessary as in examinations. In a nutshell, this book is carefully written targeting to meet the varied needs of undergraduate students with an approach that will orient them to build concepts and to clear undergraduate examinations as well as to equip them for postgraduate entrance examinations in future. This book is divided into six sections and comprises of fifty seven chapters. General microbiology, immunology, systematic bacteriology, virology, mycology and applied microbiology are the six sections of the book that deals with principles of microscopy, morphology, physiology, culture identification of bacteria, concepts of bacterial genetics, antigen, antibody, hypersensitivity, gram-positive cocci, gram-negative cocci, general properties of viruses, DNA/RNA viruses, medical mycology, hospital-acquired infections and biomedical waste management etc. Clinical case-based essay questions and MCQs are given at the end of each chapter to orient and prepare students for the examinations.
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Editor | Editor's Affiliation |
1. Sastry Apurba Sankar
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India |
2. K Sandhya Bhat
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), (A Unit of Madras Medical Mission), Puducherry, India |
3. Janagond Anand | Velammal Medical College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India |
ISBN | 9789351529873 |
Speciality | Microbiology and Immunology |
DOI | 10.5005/jp/books/12637 |
Edition | 1/e |
Publishing Year | 2016 |
Pages | 656 |
Book Type | Textbook |
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