Unclaimed, unknown, unidentified or unwanted are the terms frequently used and heard everywhere. These terms assume importance in medical field when used in relation to patients, and more so, when used in relation to dead bodies. As per the existing procedure, all unknown, unidentified persons if found ill, unconscious, or dead are brought to the hospital. If they recover and leave, usually no issues arise, but if they were brought dead, dead on arrival or even if die while on treatment, a medicolegal case is registered and police authorities are informed. In such cases, if the doctor and police are convinced about the cause of death and suspect no foul play, the body can be disposed off. Epidemiology, legal issues, ethical and humanitarian issues, and dealing with an unknown dead body are also discussed in this chapter. Five case studies related to the unclaimed bodies—legal, ethical, and humanitarian issues are also provided in this chapter, which are very helpful for better understanding.