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BOOK TITLE: Retina: Medical and Surgical Management
Coloboma is a defect in ocular tissue, which may involve lid, lens, iris or choroid with each having different embryological mechanisms. Fundus coloboma is a relatively rare disease and occurs in 0.14% of the general population. Still it is important to understand this condition because it may lead to a retinal detachment in as high as 40% cases. Fundus coloboma occurs due to defective closure of the embryonic fissure. Fundus coloboma usually presents as a bilateral (80%) asymmetric condition in the first decade of life with more than 85% cases with associated iris involvement, which appears as a keyhole like defect on gross examination. Most commonly fundus colobomas are located in the inferonasal quadrant and thus these are labeled “typical”. Environmental causes, clinical features, classification of choroidal coloboma, differential diagnosis, role of prophylactic laser barrage, coloboma and retinal detachment, surgical management, prognosis, and optic disc coloboma and other disc anomalies are discussed in this chapter.