Textbook of Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion

by Rashmi GS Phulari

Dental anatomy forms the basis for all the fields of dentistry. Textbook of dental anatomy, physiology and occlusion is an attempt towards meeting the enormous challenge of providing an all comprehensive, yet simple-to-understand coverage of dental anatomy, physiology and occlusion. This book is comprised of 9 sections that mainly focus on introduction and nomenclature, chronology of tooth development and form and function, evolution of teeth, comparative dental anatomy, forensics and dental anthropology, deciduous dentition, permanent dentition, dento-osseous structures, occlusion, oral physiology, and tooth carving, which are further divided into 21 chapters. The text has been thoroughly revised and edited although the basic format of the book is retained. The order of sections has been reorganized to allow discussion of the fascinating aspects of dental anatomy such as Evolution, Dental anthropology, and Forensic odontology to appear early on, so as to infuse interest and curiosity in the minds of young readers. A few interesting fun facts are interspersed with the text in each chapter that makes for an engaging reading. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) form an important part of question paper format in most of the universities. Thus, MCQs are given at the end of each chapter in the textbook along with additional set of MCQs given as a separate online link to aid the students in revision and preparation for viva voce and competitive examinations.

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Book Detail

Author Author's Affiliation
1. Phulari Rashmi GS Manubhai Patel Dental College, Hospital and Oral Research Institute, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
ISBN 9789352705689
Speciality Anatomy, Physiology
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/18830
Edition 2/e
Publishing Year 2019
Pages 337
Book Type Textbook


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