DC Dutta’s Clinics in Obstetrics

by DC Dutta

DC Dutta’s Clinics in Obstetrics is an up-to-date comprehensive review for the postgraduates. The current edition has been made more widened and prepared with recent advances in obstetrics extensively. This book comprised of 10 sections that focus on obstetrics, obstetric discussion, maternal medicine (short obstetric reviews), intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring, operative obstetrics, perinatal medicine, obstetrics sepsis, labor care guide, practice of SBA and EMQs, and history in obstetrics and gynecology, which are further divided into 76 chapters. Approach for this book is entirely different from a standard textbook. Any attempt to cover the entire subject of obstetrics is presently impossible for anyone in the discipline. Technology driven advances from embryo biopsy to intrauterine fetal therapy, have given us a huge new insight. The topics are selected depending on the necessity to learn and practice with the available resources. This book has been designed for all categories of medical students and the residents that they are striving to keep themselves abreast with the progress of science and technology for improved patient care. The book covers several hundreds of problems in obstetrics, in a concise mode of discussion within a well-deigned structured framework. This book is enriched with a good number of illustrations, numerous charts, tables, boxes, photographs of rare variety

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Book Detail

Author Author's Affiliation
1. Dutta DC Nilratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, India
ISBN 9789354651342
Speciality Obstetrics and Gynecology
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/18564
Edition 1/e
Publishing Year 2022
Pages 304
Book Type Textbook


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