Mastering the Techniques in Hysteroscopy

by Sushma Deshmukh, Osama Shawki, Luis Alonso Pacheco

This book is a complete guide to the use of hysteroscopy in the investigation and diagnosis of gynecological disorders and diseases. A hysteroscopy is a way to look at the lining of your uterus camera and uses a tool to see the uterus is called a hysteroscope. A hysteroscopy can be used to remove growths in the uterus, such as fibroids or polyps. This textbook is designed in such a way that it gives complete knowledge about the uterus, i.e. anatomy, physiology, instruments and gadgets and its applications along with the current and recent advances in hysteroscopy. This book is divided into 70 chapters, which are comprised of 21 sections. There are many sections in this book dedicated to each problem, and various opinions and methods to solve it by stalwarts in hysteroscopy. It also includes tips and tricks to master hysteroscopy. This book is blessed with many gifted international as well as national figures of India, who are specialized in hysteroscopic surgeries. For beginners, this textbook is motivational for learning this wonderful technique of hysteroscopy. For masters, this book is for updating as well as opening newer challenges.

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Book Detail

Editor Editor's Affiliation
1. Deshmukh Sushma
Central India Test Tube Baby Center, Deshmukh Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India; Get-Well Superspeciality Institute and Research Center, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
2. Shawki Osama
Cairo University, School of Medicine; European Journal of Gynecologic Surgery; Giessen School of Endoscopy, Germany; International Society Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE); Ebtesama Center for Advanced Endoscopic Surgery; Hysteroscopy Academy for Research and Training (HART), AI Ebtesama Hospital, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
3. Pacheco Luis Alonso Centro Gutenberg, URA Quiron, Málaga, Spain
ISBN 9789354657559
Speciality Obstetrics and Gynecology
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/18818
Edition 2/e
Publishing Year 2022
Pages 789
Book Type Professional



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