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by R Algappan
The Manual of Practical Medicine provides the basic principles of clinical examination in addition to detailed history taking. The firm foundation in clinical methods will help the physicians in arriving at a provisional diagnosis and for planning relevant necessary investigations to confirm the diagnosis. The common and important clinical disorders are described in detail along with relevant investigations and updated management. New diagrams, tables and radiological images have been added in all the chapters. Medicine is an everchanging science. The vast clinical experience, the technological advancement in the field of investigatory modalities, tremendous explosion in the invention and addition of newer drugs in the field of pharmacology, and a wide variety of interventional therapeutic advancements have contributed to the voluminous growth of medical literature. Human brain cannot remember all the facts. It is impossible to learn, register, remember and to recall all the medical facts in the course of time bound undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. It is the realization of these difficulties that prompted me to write this manual. Hence, an earnest attempt has been made to merge the clinical methods and the principles of internal medicine and to present both in a condensed form. To keep the size of the volume compact and small, only certain important clinical topics are included in this manual. Even references are not included since high-tech reference system is available in all the good libraries. The manual will be of practical value to the medical students and practising physicians with an emphasis not only on clinical methods, clinical features, various essential investigations, but also on the management of various important clinical disorders.
Author | Author's Affiliation |
1. Algappan R | |
ISBN | 9789380704807 |
Speciality | Medicine |
DOI | 10.5005/jp/books/11447 |
Edition | 4/e |
Publishing Year | 2011 |
Pages | 838 |
Book Type | Textbook |
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