Chapter-11 Diseases of Collagen, Elastin and Mucin

BOOK TITLE: IADVL Color Atlas of Dermatopathology

1. Khopkar Uday
2. Dongre Atul M
3. Kubba Asha
4. Lee Nathan
5. Gardner Jerad
6. Edward Sara
Publishing Year
Author Affiliations
1. Seth GS Medical College and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India, KEM Hospital and Seth GS Medical, College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, KEM Hospital and Seth GS Medical College Mumbai, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, e-mail: drkhopkar@gmail.com, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, drkhopkar@gmail.com, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, KEM Hospital and SGS Medical College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
2. Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College (GSMC) Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
3. Delhi Dermpath Laboratory, New Delhi, India, MBBS American Board of Pathology, American Board of Pathology in Dermatopathology; Boston University Medical Center, Boston, USA; Delhi Dermpath Laboratory, Delhi Dermatology Group, New Delhi, India
4. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas, USA
5. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas, USA
6. St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, UK
Chapter keywords
Collagen, elastin, mucin, collagen tissue nevi, Ehler Danlos syndrome, elastofibroma, pseudoxanthoma elasticum, solar elastosis, mucin deposition


This chapter aims to equip with images of diseases of collagen, elastin and mucin. Collagen disorders include collagen tissue nevi (collagenoma), morphea, keloid and Ehler Danlos syndrome. Elastofibroma, pseudoxanthoma elasticum, solar elastosis, anetoderma and cutis laxa are the elastin changes. Mucin deposition includes papular mucinosis and scleromyxoedema, reticulate erythematous mucinosis, scleredema and focal mucinosis. Scleroderma does not exhibit sclerosis of the papillary dermis. Similarly, elastic fibers are normal or increased in morphea as against scleroderma. It is difficult to differentiate morphea and atrophoderma. It is preferred to include perilesional skin to compare with lesional skin. Keloids are less vascular than hypertrophic scars and collagen is arranged haphazardly in keloid while in hypertrophic scar it is parallel to the epidermis. Marked reduction in collagen seen in focal dermal hypoplasia is not a feature of nevus lipomatosus where collagen is normal. Elastomas show thick branching elastic fibers. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis can be distinguished from scleromyxoedema by subcutaneous involvement and less mucin deposition.

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