Chapter-14 Perforating Disorders

BOOK TITLE: IADVL Color Atlas of Dermatopathology

1. Khopkar Uday
2. Dongre Atul M
3. Desai Chirag
4. Lee Nathan
5. Gardner Jerad
Publishing Year
Author Affiliations
1. Seth GS Medical College and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India, KEM Hospital and Seth GS Medical, College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, KEM Hospital and Seth GS Medical College Mumbai, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, e-mail: drkhopkar@gmail.com, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, drkhopkar@gmail.com, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, KEM Hospital and SGS Medical College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
2. Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College (GSMC) Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
3. Hindu Sabha Hospital, Ghatkopar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Divya Sparsh Skin and Hair Clinic, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
4. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas, USA
5. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas, USA
Chapter keywords
Perforating disorder, eactive perforating collagenosis, Kyrle’s disease, perforating folliculitis, elastosis perforans serpiginosa


This chapter focuses on perforating disorders and covers images of reactive perforating collagenosis, Kyrle’s disease, perforating folliculitis, and elastosis perforans serpiginosa. If the follicular localization of perforating folliculitis is not appreciated, serial sections are advised. In penicillamine induced EPS, there are thickened elastic fibers in the reticular dermis. In the region of their transepidermal elimination, the elastic fibers may lose their staining properties and may become eosinophilic. Pseudocarcinomatous lichenoid granulomatous diseases may result into transfollicular elimination. In these diseases initiating event may be folliculitis and trauma, which may lead to dermal damage and subsequent dermal inflammation with epidermal and appendageal changes. In Kyrle’s disease, keratotic plugs that develop in hair follicles and eccrine ducts, penetrate the epidermis and extend into the dermis.

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