Manual of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing

by Annamma Jacob

This manual focuses on midwifery and gynecological nursing. The practice of nursing continues to be influenced by the expansion of science and technology and myriad of social, cultural and environmental changes throughout the world. Today’s nurses are faced with many challenges, like shortage of manpower, material and economic resources. The third edition of Manual of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing is designed to help nurses and midwifery students to function competently in planning and implementing need-based nursing care to their patients. This book consists of 132 chapters following as abdominal examination, abnormal uterine action, assisted reproductive technology, biophysical profile, birth injuries in newborns, cesarean section, cardiac disease in pregnancy, diabetes in pregnancy, eclampsia, face presentation, fetal heart rate monitoring, gene disorders, genetic screening and genetic counseling, induction of labor, maternal pelvis, obstructed labor, rectovaginal fistula, etc. The contents of the book are arranged in alphabetical sequence for quick reference and study in the clinical area, at home or in the community as well. Nursing considerations including health education are highlighted in every topic. The book is pocket-sized, yet contains all aspects of childbearing and newborn period. This book gives immense value to the students and nurses in their learning and practice of midwifery.


Book Detail

Author Author's Affiliation
1. Jacob Annamma Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain College of Nursing, Bengaluru, India
St. Philomina’s College of Nursing, Mother Theresa Road, Bengaluru
College of Nursing, CMC Hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu;
LT College of Nursing, SNDT Womens’ University, Mumbai
Al-Sabah Hospital, Ministry of Public Health, Kuwait
Suburban Medical Center, Paramount, Southern California, USA
Graduate School for Nurses BNE, SIB, CMAI
Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain College of Nursing, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
ISBN 9789386261618
Speciality General Nursing and Midwifery
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/18728
Edition 3/e
Publishing Year 2017
Pages 681
Book Type Textbook


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