IAES Textbook of Endocrine Surgery

by Amit Agarwal, Anand Kumar Mishra, Roma Pradhan, Deepak Abraham, Dhalapathy Sadacharan

The aim of this Textbook is to focus on endocrine surgery. Endocrine surgery includes the care of patients with diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and pancreas glands, as well as the neuroendocrine system distributed throughout the neck, chest, and abdomen. This book consists of 45 chapters that mainly focus on applied embryology and surgical anatomy of the endocrine glands, endocrine system physiology, euthyroid multinodular goiter, differentiated thyroid cancer, Graves’ disease, anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, primary hyperparathyroidism, pediatric endocrine tumor, familial endocrine syndrome, anesthesia for endocrine surgery, thymectomy for myasthenia gravis, etc. The chapters in this textbook cover the length and breadth of endocrine surgery. Each of the following chapters covers the surgical management of a different thyroid-related disorder. Each chapter concludes with clinical pearls to assist learning. With an internationally recognized editor and author team, the comprehensive text is highly illustrated with photographs, radiographic images, flow charts, and diagrams. This book would be of immense help to all endocrine surgeons, general surgeons with an interest in endocrine surgery as well as trainees in endocrine surgery.


Book Detail

Editor Editor's Affiliation
1. Agarwal Amit
Department of Endocrine and Breast Surgery, Medanta Hospital, Lucknow, India-226030
2. Mishra Anand Kumar
KGMU, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
3. Pradhan Roma
4. Abraham Deepak
Directorate, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
5. Sadacharan Dhalapathy Madras Medical College/Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
ISBN 9789390595051
Speciality Gastroenterology, Surgery
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/18709
Edition 1/e
Publishing Year 2023
Pages 535
Book Type Professional


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