Short and OSCE Cases in Internal Medicine Clinical Exams for PACES, MRCPI, Arab Board and Similar Exams Wanis H Ibrahim
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures respectively.
Abdomen 87
midline scar in 108
Abdominal cases 87
Abdominal discomfort, causes of 117
Abdominal inspection 91
Abdominal pain 129
causes of 120, 241
Abdominal palpation 92
Abdominal percussion 93
Abducent nerve 162
palsy, right 162
Abductor pollicis brevis 155
Abetalipoproteinaemia 270
Abscess 268
Acanthosis nigricans 204
Accessory nerve 162
Achilles tendinitis 226
Achilles tendon 226
Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) 68
Acoustic nerve 162
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 98
Acquired neuromyotonia 177
Acromegalic appearance 205
Acromegaly 202, 203
causes of 205
diagnosis of 205
Actinobacillus 46
Acute asthma exacerbation, severity of 83
Adalimumab 226
Adenocarcinoma 81
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 208, 260
dependent Cushing's syndrome 208
Adult polycystic kidney disease (APKD) 109, 110
complications of 110
diagnostic criteria for 110
extrarenal manifestations of 110
Aegophony 70
Afferent pupillary defect 261
bronchogram 70
pollution 80
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 106
Alcohol 104
induced cerebellar degeneration 170
induced cirrhosis 95
Alcoholic cirrhosis 89
Alcoholic liver disease 94
Alkaline phosphatase, predominant elevation of 105
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 63
Allodynia 184
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation 119
Allopurinol 128
Alport syndrome 88, 89, 112, 112, 114
abnormality in 114
type of 114
Aminoglycosides 173
Amiodarone 34, 60, 94
Ampicillin 48
Amyloidosis 37
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 146
Anaemia 117
cause of 220
in myelofibrosis, mechanisms of 118
in systemic sclerosis 228
mechanisms of 95
of chronic diseases 221
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) 82
Ancillary tests 85
Angina, recurrent 24
Angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) 37, 110
Angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor 37
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor 98
Anhidrosis 187
Ankle jerks
absent 138
loss of 142, 145
Ankle reflexes, loss of 251
Ankylosing spondylitis 12, 18, 59, 71, 214, 215, 223, 224, 224, 225, 226
complications of 225
Anorectal varices 95
Anterior uveitis 215, 258
Anti-aquaporin-4 (AQP4) 262
Antibiotic administration 55
drugs 173
inhibitors 174
Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (ACCP) 61
Anti-GQ1B antibodies 152
Antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA) 98
Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) 98
Anti-smooth muscle antibodies (ASMA) 98
Antithyroid drugs 201
pre-treatment with 200
Anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) agent 223
Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor 266
Aortic area 5
Aortic dissection 18, 235
Aortic regurgitation (AR) 17, 23, 23
diagnosis of 7
signs of 12
Aortic root disease 18
Aortic stenosis (AS) 10, 19, 23, 23
Aortic valve disease 5
Ape hand deformity 155
Aphrophilus 46
Apical lung
fibrosis 72
tumour 160 see also Pancoast tumour
Apixaban 34
Arachnodactyly, test for 233
Argyll-Robertson pupil 138, 258
Arteriovenous (AV) fistula 90
deforming 213
mutilans 221
treatment, acute 223
Arthropathy 250
deforming 222
Asbestos exposure 80
Asbestosis 58, 61
Ascites 123, 123, 125
causes of 123, 125, 126
clinical sign for 125
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 106
Aspergillus 64
Asthma 76, 84
acute moderate 83
acute severe 83
diagnose 84
exacerbation 83
manage acute 85
life-threatening 84
severe 53
Ataxic gait 189 see also Cerebellar ataxia
Athetosis 193
Atopic dermatitis 65
Atrial fibrillation (AF) 8, 25, 33
causes of 34
Atrial septal defect (ASD) 14, 30
type of 30
Attend regular bedside clinical teaching sessions 3
disorders 128
hepatitis 94, 98
Autonomic neuropathy 252
Autosomal dominant disease 176
Avascular necrosis, risk of 207
Avatrombopag 99
Axillary freckling 249
Azathioprine 223
Babinski sign 135
Baby hippopotamus 170, 191
Basal meningitis 163
Beau's lines of chemotherapy 89
Beevor's sign 18, 179, 180
Behçet's disease 140, 261, 270
Beighton score 236
Bell's palsy 164, 165
cause of 165
complications of 166
prognosis of 166
Bell's phenomenon 165
left-sided 165
mechanism of 164
Berylliosis 59
Beta-thalassaemia, mechanism of 108
Bevacizumab 266
Bicuspid valve 20
Bioprosthetic valve 27
Biopsy scar 127
Bird fancier's lung 60 see also Pigeon Breeder's disease
Bisphosphonates 240
Bitemporal haemianopia 260
Bitemporal quadrantanopia 260
Bleeding varices 88
Bleomycin 60
Blood flow direction, determination of 92
Blood pressure
high 228
uncontrolled 130
Blood transfusion
set 88
therapy, long-term 109
marrow examination 118
pain and aches 239
Botulism 173
Bouchard's nodes 220
Boutonniere deformity 221
Bowl ischaemia 242
Brachial plexus lesion 160
Bradykinesia 184
Brain tumours 144
infarction 192
meningitis 164
stroke 188
Branch retinal
artery occlusion 271
vein occlusion 271
Breast cancer 80
Breath sounds, intensity of 55
Breathing, forward and hold 11
Broca's dysphasia 191
Bronchial breathing 55
Bronchiectasis 53, 62, 63
bilateral 63
causes of 63
complications of 64
Bronchitis, chronic 59
Bronchodilators 65
Bronchogenic carcinoma 78, 79
Bronchogenic neoplasm 69, 79
Bronchophony 70
Bronchoscopy 49
Bronchus, obstruction of 63
Bronze diabetes 101
Brucella 47
Budd–Chiari syndrome 94, 120, 124, 125, 130
Bulbar palsy 146, 147, 167, 192
causes of 192
clinical features of 192
progressive 147
Burkholderia cepacia 65
Busulfan 60
Cachexia 53, 87
Café-au-lait lesions 248
Calcinosis, evidence of 228
Campbell sign 74
Campylobacter jejuni testing 153
Carbidopa 185
Cardiac auscultation 10
Cardiac complications 177
Cardiac computed tomography 37
Cardiac device, implanted 43
Cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) 8, 45
Cardiobacterium 46
Cardioembolic stroke 272
Cardiovascular cases 7
Cardiovascular disease 75, 205, 206
risk of 131
Cardiovascular system 12, 181
Carotid space, lesions in 167
Carpal tunnel syndrome 157, 158, 204, 217, 221
causes of 159
testing for 157
Cataract 257, 258
Catechol-O-methyltransferase 185
Cavernous sinus thrombosis 163
Cell cancer, non-small 70
Central nervous system 140
Central retinal artery (CRA) 271
occlusion 257, 271, 272
causes of 272
prognosis of 272
origin 271
Central retinal vein occlusion 257, 270, 270
causes of 270
complications of 270
prognosis in 271
risk factors of 270
Cerebellar ataxia 135, 145
Cerebellar disease 170, 170
Cerebellar function 170
Cerebellar hemispheres 170
Cerebellar stroke
haemorrhage 169
ischaemia 169
Cerebellar syndrome 168, 169, 191
causes of 169, 189, 191
Cerebellar system 169
Cerebellar tumour 169
Cerebral gigantism 205
Cerebral lesions 167
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 139
Cervical lymphadenopathy 127
Cervical myelopathy 147
Charcot's joint 138, 144, 251, 251, 253, 254, 254
causes of 253
Charcot-Marie-Tooth 148, 151
cause 151
disease 134
genetic abnormality in 151
mode of inheritance in 151
peripheral nerves in 151
Chemosis 197
Chemotherapeutic agents 58
and back, examine 217
and left thoracotomy scar, asymmetry of 55
asymmetry of 71
drain scars 56
previous 63
repeated 64
percussion, sites for 56
Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system 95
Chlorpromazine 173
Cholangiocarcinoma 104
Cholestatic jaundice 96, 104
Chorea 193
causes of 193
Chronic hypertension (HTN) 10
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, diagnosis of 148
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) 150, 267
Chronic liver disease (CLD) 91, 92, 94, 150
cause of 96
complications of 97
stigmata of 87
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) 117
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 40, 53, 73, 73, 84
risk factors for 75
Chvostek's and Trousseau's signs 210
Chylous ascites 124
Ciliary ganglion 263
Ciprofloxacin 48
Cirrhosis 95
Cirrhotic ascites 99, 126
Cirrhotic patients with ascites, prognosis of 126
Claw hand 137, 137, 149
Clostridium difficile infection 112
Coarctation of aorta 212
signs of 212
Coarse crackles 62
Cognitive changes 194
Cognitive dysfunction 143
Cogwheel rigidity 183
COL415 genes 114
COL4A3 genes 114
COL4A4 genes 114
COL5A1 gene 237
COL5A2 gene 237
Colonoscopy 49
Common bile duct (CBD) 106
Complete blood count 27
Confrontation test 258
Congenital heart
defect 49
disease 49
Congestive heart failure (CHF) 25, 67, 105, 125
causes of 36
Conjugate gaze abnormalities 194
Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia 105
causes of 105
Conjunctival pallor 53
Connective tissue disease 40, 149
Constrictive pericarditis 67, 124
Copper deficiency 142
Cor pulmonale 54, 75
Cord compression, suspected 139
Cornea 198
Coronary angiography 37
Coronary artery disease (CAD) 62, 267
Corrigan's pulse 8, 18
Corrigan's sign 17
Corticosteroid 230
Cotton-wool spots 264
Cranial nerve
abnormalities 161
examination 161
Cranial nerve palsy 161
sixth 164
third 163
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) 180
level 230
Crocodile tears 166
Crohn's disease 143
Crutch palsy 158
Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis 58
Cryptosporidial infections 112
Cubitus valgus 212
Culture-negative endocarditis, causes of 46
Cushing's disease, pituitary-related 209
Cushing's features 111
Cushing's syndrome 53, 81, 88, 112, 206, 207, 207
causes of 208
Cushingoid appearance 112, 214
Cutis verticis gyrata 202, 203, 203
Cyanosis 54
Cyanotic congenital heart disease 49
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (c-AMP) 211
haemorrhage 109
large hydrated 125
Cystic fibrosis 58, 59, 63-65
diagnose 64
transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) 65
Cystoscopy 49
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) colitis 112
Cytosine-adenine-guanine trinucleotide 193
Dabigatran 34
de Musset's sign 18
Deafness 269
Death in acromegaly, cause of 205
Deep brain stimulation 185
Deep vein thrombosis 139
Deforming arthropathy, common causes of 219
Degenerative mitral annulus 22
Dementia 143
Demyelinating disease 138
Depression 75, 194
Dermatomyositis 217, 219, 219, 243
papules in 215, 217
systemic manifestations of 244
Desferrioxamine injections 107, 107
Dextrocardia 10, 32, 32, 33, 63
Diabetes 144
mellitus 149, 164
Diabetic dermopathy 11, 149, 251
Diabetic foot 250, 251, 253
ulcer, risk factors for 252
Diabetic leg, examine 251
Diabetic macular oedema, treatment for 266
Diabetic neuropathy 252, 253, 257, 264-266, 266
development of 253, 264
types of 252
Diabetic retinopathy
classified 264
laser photocoagulation for 266
rapid worsening of 265
signs of 264
Diarrhoea 112
drug-induced 112
Digital ulcers 215
Digoxin 34, 38
Diltiazem 34
Diphtheria 192
Diplopia 178, 258
causes of 172
Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) 223
Disseminating encephalomyelitis, acute 140
Distal arthropathy 214
Distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints 220
Distal symmetric polyneuropathy 252
Dornase alfa 65 see also pulmozyme
Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion 252
Dropped head syndrome 186
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan 101
Dubin-Johnson syndrome 105
Duck walk 190
Dull percussion 72
Dullness over lung
apex 72
base 66
Dupuytren's contracture 89, 96
Duroziez sign 18
Dysarthria 169, 170, 191
Dyskinesia syndrome 63
Dysphasia 191
receptive 191
Dysphonia 146, 186, 191
Dyspnoea 24
Dystonia 193
Early diastolic murmur 17
Ears 217
Eaton–Lambert syndrome 173
Ectopia lentis 233
Edinger–Westphal nucleus 144
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome 18, 233, 235
type of 237
Eikenella 46
Eisenmenger complex 12, 29
Ejection systolic murmur 30
Elbow 159
examine 217
joint 183
Elevated haemidiaphragm 66
Elicit percussion myotonia 176
Emphysema 59, 73
Enalapril 37
Endobronchial intubation 49
Endocardial wall 13
Endocrine diseases 65
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 106
End-stage liver disease scoring system, model for 95
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) 14
Enterococcus 46
Enthesitis 226
Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) 122
Eosinophilic leukaemia, chronic 118
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) 82
Episcleritis 53
Eplerenone 38
Equine gait 189
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) 12, 151
level 263
Erythropoietin 119
Essential thrombocythaemia (ET) 118
Etanercept 226
Exacerbate myasthaenia 173
Examiner's impression 5
Expressive dysphasia 191 see also motor aphasia
Extrahepatic cholestasis 105
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis 58, 61
Extrinsic muscles 166
Exudative pleural effusion 66
and fundus cases 257
and fundus, examine 138
examination 206
lens, cone-shaped 114
movements 258
normal 258
problems, common 258
Eyelid, lower 198
Faber and Gaenslen's test 225
Faber test 225
Facial nerve 162
Facial palsy 165
Facial sweating, absence of 72
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy 177
False localising sign 164
Farmer's lung 60
Fenfluramine 40
Festination 189
Fever 129
Fibrillin-1 gene 234
Fibrosis 24
abduction, testing for 157
spindling of 221
Finger clubbing 12
bilateral basal crackles
with 57
without 57
Finger-to-nose 169, 170
Fissured tongue 165
Flaccid paraparaesis 135
Flame-shaped haemorrhages 264
Flexor pollicis brevis 155
Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) 232
Fluoroquinolones 173
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) 113
Folate deficiency 142
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 177, 213, 260
Forced vital capacity (FVC) 153
Forehead muscles 164
Frataxin gene 145
Friedreich's ataxia 135, 136, 136, 137, 138, 140, 145, 170, 189, 267
cause of death in 145
complications of 145
prognosis in 145
suspected 139
Froment's sign 157, 158
Fundoscopic examination 263
Fundoscopy 258
Fundus and hearing 179
Fundus examination 263
Gaenslen's test 225
abnormal 188
abnormalities, common 189
examine 134
quickening of 189
Gallavardin phenomenon 12, 20
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 184
Gastric varices 95
Gastroscopy 49
Gaucher's disease 41, 116, 121, 122, 128
basic abnormality in 122
type 1 121
Genetic haemochromatosis 100
Genioglossus muscle 166
Gentamicin 48
Gilbert's syndrome 105
Gingival hyperplasia 111
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 114
Glomerulonephritis 47, 242
Glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve 162
Glucocerebrosidase enzyme 122
Glucosylceramide 122 see also Glycolipid
synthase, inhibitor of 122
Glycogen storage disease 41, 65
Goitre 197
diffuse 198
Gold stage 75
Gonads 101
Gottron nodules 215, 217
acute 222
cause of 221
complications of 222
risk factors for 221
Gouty arthritis 219, 220
Gouty tophi 215
Granulomas 268
Granulomatous cheilitis 165
Grave's disease 197, 198, 199, 199, 201
Grave's ophthalmopathy 199
treatment of 202
Grip myotonia 176
Gritty eye sensation 102
Gritty sensations 229
Growth hormone (GH) 260
measurement of 205
releasing hormone (GHRH) 205
Guillain–Barré syndrome 133, 148150, 152, 165, 192
Gynaecomastia 81, 91
Gyri of scalp 202
Haematological diseases 88
Haematological disorders 41
Haematoma 268
Haematuria 114
Haemiballismus 193
Haemiplegic gait 190
Haemochromatosis 37, 99101, 104
signs of 100
Haemoglobin (HB) 108
electrophoresis 42
Haemolytic anaemia 42, 88
chronic 41
Haemophilus influenzae 65
type B 117
Haemophilus parainfluenzae 46
Haemorrhage 166
dot and blot 264
distribution 89
loss of 87
Half syndrome 168
arthritis, causes of 220
deforming arthropathy of 213
deformities 216
examination 8
examine 88
dorsum of 244
function, test 157
nerves, causes of paralysis of 159
pain 204, 229
Hard exudates 264
Headache, recurrent 109
Hearing aids 89, 114, 238
Hearing loss 112, 239, 240
type of 239
Heart 101
block 269
examine 7
Heart disease 7
serious 7
Heart failure 6, 7, 28, 35, 240
high-risk of 206
right 29, 45
signs of 27
Heart sound
first 10, 23
fourth 23
second 10
third 23
Heart-lung transplantation 30
Heberden's nodes 220
Heel-shin test 134, 169, 170
in lower limbs 134
Hemiballismus, cause of 193
Henoch-Schönlein (HS) purpura 240, 241
complications of 242
diagnosis of 242
Hepatic cause 104 see also Haemolytic cause
Hepatic encephalopathy 98
Hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) 95
Hepatitis 91
Hepatitis C 96, 130, 149
virus 94, 130
infection, treatment of 99
virus-associated cryoglobulinaemia 96
Hepatocellular carcinoma 95, 98
risk for 95, 101
Hepatomegaly, causes of 97
Hepatopulmonary syndrome 97
Hepatosplenomegaly 115
causes of 115
differential diagnosis of 121
Hepcidin 100
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia 245, 246, 246
family history of 246
Hereditary oxalosis 113
Hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy 151
Hereditary spastic paraparaesis 138
Herpes simplex virus 165
Herpes zoster 164
gene 100
protein 100
Hill sign 18
Hirsutism 111
Histoplasmosis 59
Holmes-Adie pupil 258, 259
causes of 263
Holmes-Adie syndrome 262
triad of 262
Holter monitoring 34
Homocystinuria 211, 233
Homonymous haemianopia 259
Homonymous quadrantanopia 259
Homozygous deficiency 76
Hoover's sign, positive 73
Horner's syndrome 53, 72, 160, 186, 187, 258
causes of 188
left 186
Horseshoe kidneys 213
Hot tub lung 60
Human immunodeficiency virus 40, 142
Human leucocyte antigens (HLA) 114
Humidifier lung 60
Huntington's disease 193
cardinal features of 194
Hyaluronic acid 201
Hydralazine 38, 60
Hydroxychloroquine 223
Hyperbilirubinaemia 105
Hypercalcaemia 81
Hypermobility 237
joints 236
Hyperreflexia 137
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
chronic 57, 59
panel 61
Hypertension 36
cause of 232
control 110
portal 124
Hypertensive retinopathy 266, 267, 267
Hyperthyroid 200
diseases, radioiodine therapy in 200
Hyperthyroidism 199
causes of 200
signs of 199
symptoms of 199
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) 20, 23
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA) 80, 81
Hypoalbuminaemia 67
Hypocalcaemia 210
Hypogammaglobulinaemia 63, 177
Hypoglossal canal 167
Hypoglossal nerve 162, 166
palsy 166
causes of 166
right 163
Hypoglycaemia 81
Hypogonadism 269
Hypokalaemia 143
Hypopigmented scars 107
Hypothyroidism 67
Hypoxia 40
Idiopathic granulomatous inflammation 164
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) 57, 59, 61
Iliac fossa, right 111
Immune complex phenomena 47
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) 8, 25
scar 10
Ineffective erythropoiesis 107
Infective endocarditis 8, 25, 46
section 28
signs of 7, 27
Infiltrative diseases 37
Infraclavicular pacemaker, left 10
Inhaler therapy 76
Insulin and bisphosphonates 65
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) 260
Internal jugular vein position in neck 42
Internuclear ophthalmoplaegia 167
cause of 167
Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) 53, 58, 61
Intracranial pressure 164
Intrahepatic cholestasis 105
Irritability 194
Ischaemic heart disease 16, 36 see also Rupture papillary muscle
Isosorbide dinitrate 38
Isospora 112
Ivabradine 38
Janus kinase 118
Jaundice 90, 91, 94, 97, 103, 129, 131
causes of 105, 131
clinical 104
dark (green) 105
differential diagnosis of 107
type of 104
aspiration 222
pain 208
swelling 251 see also Joint deformities
Jugular venous pressure (JVP) 7, 54
Kaposi sarcoma 113
Kartagener's syndrome 32, 33, 63, 63
Kayser–Fleischer (KF) rings 98
Kearns–Sayre syndrome 269
function 111
transplanted 113
Kingella 46
Koilonychia 89
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 118
Lactitol 98
Lactulose 98
Lambert–Eaton myasthaenic syndrome 81
Laparoscopy scar 107
Large airway obstruction 83
Laryngoscopy 49
Laurence–Moon–Bardet-Biedl syndrome 269
Leber's optic atrophy 267
Leflunomide 223
Left atrial appendage 35
Left atrial myxoma 13
Left bundle branch block (LBBB) 45
Left lung, lobectomy of 55
Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) 44
Left ventricular outflow obstruction 31
Legionella 47
bowing of 238
pitting oedema of 11
Lens dislocation 233, 234
Leprosy 149
peripheral neuropathy in 149
Lesions in medulla 166
Leucocytoclastic small vessel vasculitis, causes of 241
Leucocytoclastic vasculitides 241
Leuconychia 87, 88, 94
Leukaemic transformation, acute 118
Levodopa 185 see also Sinemet
Libman-Sack's endocarditis 48
lag 197
retraction 197
Light's criteria 67
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) 180
Lisch nodules 247 see also Iris hamartomas
Livedo reticularis 150
Liver 101
biopsy 101
cirrhosis 67, 91, 125-127
ascites in 125
dullness 74
function test (LFT) 42, 98
kidney microsome (LKM) 98
Liver transplant 91, 92, 129, 131
causes of mortality in 131
Liver transplantation
contraindications for 130
indications for 98, 130
prognosis of 130
Lobar collapse 69
causes of 70
signs in 70
Lobar consolidation 69
causes of 70
Lobar pneumonia 70
Lobectomy 66, 71
causes of 71
clinical signs of 71
Low back pain 207
cause of 212
Lower limb 133
differential diagnosis of 142
neurologic examination of 133
neurological cases, common 135
Lower motor neuron 135
facial palsy 164
causes of 164
lesions 166
Lower sternal border, left 23
Lowering serum uric acid level 223
Lumbar side flexion test 225
Lung 66
computed tomography scan 70
function testing 153
Lung cancer 53, 62, 71, 75, 80 see also Breast cancer
causes hypercalcaemia in 81
diagnosis of 82
signs of 77
type of 80
Lung diseases 40
occupational 58
Lung fibrosis 59, 80
unilateral 71
Lung lobes 56
surface anatomy of 57
Luteinising hormone (LH) 213, 260
Lutembacher's syndrome 14
Lyme disease 149, 165
Lymph node 128
groups of 128
Lymphadenopathy 127, 128
Lymphocytic pleural effusion, causes of 67
Lymphoma 113
type of 78
Lymphoproliferative disorders 115
Macrolides 173
Magnesium 173
Malar flush 7
Malar rash 214
Malfunctioning metallic valve 27
Malignancy associated with acromegaly, type of 205
Marantic endocarditis 48
Marcus gunn pupil 138, 140, 261
Marfan's syndrome 7, 18, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237
cardiac manifestations of 235
diagnosis of 233
differential diagnoses of 233
Marfanoid habitus 7
Massive fibrosis, progressive 59
Massive haemoptysis 64
Massive splenomegaly 116
causes of 116, 117
Maxillary bones 238
Maze procedure 34
McCune-Albright syndrome 205
McDonald criteria 140
Measles 63
Meconium ileus equivalent (MIE) 65
Medial medullary syndrome 166
Medial rectus muscle, normal 168
Median nerve
injury 156
palsy 158
Median sternotomy scar 9
Mediastinal germ cell neoplasms 78
Mediastinal masses, causes of anterior 79
Medullary infarction 166
Meigs syndrome 67
Meiotic pupil 187
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome 165
Membranous glomerulonephritis 113
Mental retardation 269
incision scar 129
scar 91, 92
Mesenteric thrombosis 120
Mesothelioma 68
Metabolic disorders 41
Metabolic syndrome 75
Metacarpal bone, short fifth 210
Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints 220
Metallic aortic valve 26
Metallic valve 8, 27
complications of 27
normal 27
Metastatic carcinoma 167
Methacholine challenge test (MCT) 84
Methotrexate 60, 94, 223
Methylprednisolone 169
Metronidazole 149
Microaneurysms 264
Microsporidia 112
Middle ear infection 164
Miller-Fisher syndrome 168
Miller-Fisher variant 152
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists 38
Mitral annular calcification 14
Mitral area 20, 33
Mitral face 7
Mitral regurgitation 16, 23, 25
Mitral stenosis (MS) 7, 12, 23
complications of 140
diagnosis of 7
facial appearance in 7
murmur 11
Mitral valve disease 10
Mixed valvular lesions 22
Monoamine oxidase-B 185
Mononeuropathy 252
multiplex 252
Moon-like face 210
Motor neuron 146
Motor neuron disease (MND) 137, 146, 146, 192
diagnosis of 146, 147
fasciculations in 147
types of 146
Movement disorder 192
Mucolytic nebulisation 65
Mucopolysaccharidosis 65
Müller sign 18
Multiple myeloma 150
Multiple neurofibromas 248
Multiple sclerosis 135, 137, 139, 144, 167, 192, 261
diagnosis of 140
differential diagnosis of 141
prognostic factors in 141
suspected 139
treatment 142
types of 140
Multiple vascular occlusions 231
Murmur 23
atrophy 146
fasciculations 137, 146
specific tyrosine kinase antibodies 174
wasting 75
Muscular atrophy, progressive 147
Muscular dystrophies 190
Muscular myopathies 190
Musk antibodies 174
Myasthaenia 173, 186
diagnosis of 174
diplopia of 172
Myasthaenia gravis 171, 171, 172174, 178, 192
case of 171
types of 172
Myasthaenic crisis 173, 174
treatment of 174
Myasthaenic sneer 172
Myasthaenic weakness 172
Mycobacterium avium 60
Mycotic aneurysms 47
Myelofibrosis 93, 117
complications of 118
diagnostic criteria for 119
Myeloproliferative disorders 115
Myeloproliferative neoplasms 117
Myocardial fibrosis 37
Myocarditis 36, 37
Myoclonus 193
Myopathic face 172, 172, 178, 179
Myopathic gait 181, 190
Myotonia 177
congenita 177
dystrophy (MD) 175178
Myotonic dystrophy, cardinal manifestations of 176
Myxoma, diagnosing 13
fold infarcts 215
onycholysis 197, 198, 199
pitting of 215
Nasal speech 186, 191
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 167
Natriuretic peptides 37
Near-fatal asthma 84
Nebulised hypertonic saline 65
Nephrogenic systemic sclerosis 230
Nephrolithiasis 109
Nephrotic syndrome 64, 67, 125
ischaemia of 163, 164
of extensors 155
Nerve palsy
bilateral seventh 165
third 163
Neurofibromatosis 247, 248, 249
complications of type 1 250
type 1 249, 250
vasculopathy 250
Neurologic abnormalities 143
Neurology cases 133
Neuromyelitis optica 141, 261, 262
Neuropathy 250
Neurosarcoidosis 144
Neutrophilic leukaemia, chronic 118
Neutrophils 241
Niemann-Pick disease 128
Nintedanib 62
Nitric oxide 84
Nitrofurantoin 60, 149
Nocturnal breathlessness 204
Nodal osteoarthrosis 220
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) 94
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis 48
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 78
Nonpharmacological alternative therapies 185
Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) 264, 265
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 98, 221
Nystagmus 171
Obesity 269
Obeticholic acid 103
Obstructive jaundice 104106 see also Cholestatic jaundice
Occiput-to-wall distance testing 225
Ocular abnormalities 114
Oculomotor nerves 162
Oculopharyngeal dystrophy 173
Oesophageal varices 95
Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) 99
Olfactory nerve 161
One and a half syndrome 168
Onycholysis 215
Ophthalmopathy, risk of worsening of 201
Ophthalmoplaegia 178, 197, 258, 269
Optic atrophy 139, 143, 267, 268
Optic disc 258
papillitis 138
Optic nerve 162
posterior portion of 140
Optic neuritis 81, 140, 141, 258, 260, 261
causes of 261
manifestation of 140
prognosis of 262
pupillary defect in 261
Orthostatic hypotension from autonomic neuropathy, treatment of 252
Ortner's syndrome 15
Osler's nodes 8, 47
Osler–Weber–Rendu disease 245
Osteoarthrosis 219, 220
Osteogenesis imperfecta 237
Osteomalacia, severe 190
Osteomyelitis 254
Osteoporosis 75
prevention 213
Ovarian cysts, large 125
Overriding scapula 179
Pacemaker, permanent 44
Paget's disease 237, 238, 239, 240
aetiology of 239
complications of 239
Palmar erythema 53, 73, 73, 120, 221
Palpation 215
Pancoast lesion 53, 54
Pancoast tumour 53, 72 see also Superior sulcus tumour
signs of 72
Pancreas 101, 104
Paper-money skin 94, 96
sign 97
Papillitis 140, 261
Papilloedema 139, 140, 268, 268
causes of 268
fundoscopic findings in 268
Paraneoplastic lung cancer 150
Paraneoplastic ovarian cancer 150
Paraneoplastic syndrome 81, 171
Paraparaesis and sensory ataxia 138, 144
Paraplaegia 240
treatment for 240
Parasagittal cerebral neoplasms 140
Parasagittal meningioma 138
Parasites 124
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) 211
Parkinson's disease 182, 183, 183, 184, 189, 191
pill-rolling tremor of 182
signs of 188
Parkinsonian gait 189
Parkinson-plus syndromes 184
Parotid enlargement 89, 96
Parotid tumour 164
Patient's illness 1
Peak expiratory flow (PEF) 74
Pectoralis major, wasting of 178
Pectus carinatum 9, 235
Pectus excavatum 9, 235
Pelvic girdle 190
Percussion myotonia 175
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) feeding 148
Perform gait examination 188
Perform transthoracic echocardiography 15
Peripheral cyanosis 73
Peripheral enthesitis 226
Peripheral eosinophilia 61
Peripheral hand nerves 155
Peripheral nerve
involvement 160
of hands, examination of 153
Peripheral neuropathy 148, 188
causes of 149, 149
gait 189
Peritoneal dialysis 92
catheter 93
Periungual erythema 217
Peroneal nerve paralysis 148
Persistent weakness 166
Pes cavus 136
deformity 145
Phalen's sign 153, 154, 157, 158, 202, 217
Phenytoin 128, 170
Pierre–Marie–Bamberger syndrome 81
Pinkish-purple cheeks 13
Pinprick sensation 139
Pirfenidone 62
Pistol shot 17
sign 18 see also Traube's sign
Pitting leg oedema 125
Pitting oedema 54, 89
Pitting pedal oedema 125
absence of 124
Pituitary tumours 205
Plethoric face 120
Pleural effusion 66
Pleural thickening 66
causes of 69
Pneumococcal vaccine, type of 76
Pneumoconiosis 58
Pneumonectomy 66, 71
clinical examinations in 71
clinical signs of 71
Pneumonia 63
Podagra 221
Poliomyelitis 134, 192
bilateral 148
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) 150
Polycystic liver disease 130
Polycythaemia 75, 270
Polycythaemia vera 102, 118, 119, 120
complications of 121
diagnostic criteria for 120
Polydactyly 269
Polyhydramnios, pregnancy with 125
Polyradiculopathy 252
Pontine infarction/tumours 164
Poor vision, cause of 177
Porphyria cutanea tarda 97
Portal vein thrombosis 124, 125
Potassium-aggravated myotonia 177
examination 7
palpation of 10
Predominant valve 23
Predominantly motor neuropathy 150
Predominantly sensory neuropathy 150
Pretibial myxoedema 197, 199, 199
Primary biliary cirrhosis 102
diagnostic criteria for 103
symptoms of 102
treatment of 103
Primary myelofibrosis (PMF) 117
prognosis of 118
Prognathism 203
Prolactin 260
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) 264, 265
Prophylactic antibiotics 99, 126
Prophylaxis 49
Prostate cancer 80
Prosthetic heart valve 26
types of 26
Pruritus, management of 103
Pseudoacromegaly 205
Pseudobulbar palsy 192
Pseudo-Cushing's syndrome 208
Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHD) 209, 210, 210, 211
Pseudomembranous colitis 112
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 65
Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism 211
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 237
Psoriatic arthritis 219-221
Psoriatic arthropathy 215
severe 215
Psoriatic rash 215
Ptosis 172, 185, 269
bilateral 171
partial 186
causes of 186
Puddle sign 125
Pulmonary complications 97, 122
Pulmonary embolism 62
Pulmonary hypertension (PHT) 13, 39, 62
signs of 29
vasodilator drugs for 230
Pulmonary oedema 7, 59
Pulmonary valve 31
Pulse oximetry, value of 77
Pulseless disease 230
Pump thrombosis 45
Pupil 139, 258
dilated 262
Purpuric rash 150
Purse-lip breathing 74
mechanism of 74
Queen square type 4
Quincke's sign 18
Radial nerve injury
low 159
very high 158
Radial nerve palsy 158
Radioactive iodine 201
therapy 201
Radioiodine ablation 200
Ramsay–Hunt syndrome 161, 164
Ranibizumab 266
Raynaud's phenomenon 60, 229
Recurrent arm numbness 33
Red eye 214
Refsum's disease 270
Regurgitant murmur, development of abnormal 27
Renal agenesis 213
Renal crisis, treatment of 229
Renal cysts 269
Renal disease 114
development of long-term 242
Renal function test (RFT) 42, 98
Renal transplant 88, 111, 114
diagnosis of 112
surgery, scar of 111
Renal transplantation
complications of 113
contraindications of 113
prognosis in 113
Respiratory cases 53
Respiratory failure 62
Respiratory muscle
function 172
strength 146
Respiratory system 181
Retinal detachment 257
Retinal telangiectasia 180
Retinitis pigmentosa 269, 269
prevalence of 269
prognosis for 270
symptoms caused by 269
vision in 270
Retinopathy 81
Retrobulbar neuritis 140, 261
Rheumatic fever, prevention of 15
Rheumatic heart disease 14
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 57, 67, 206, 216, 219
Rheumatoid factor (RF) 61
Rheumatoid hands 220, 221
Rheumatoid lung disease 53
Rheumatoid nodules 218, 221
Rheumatoid pleural effusion 68
Rheumatological disorders 219
Right eye, poor vision in 233
Right internuclear ophthalmoplaegia 141
Right partial ptosis 161
Riluzole 148
Rinne's test 162
Rivaroxaban 34
Rocker bottom foot 254
Romberg's sign 134, 136, 139, 145, 188, 189
Roth spots 47
Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula 60
Sacroiliac joint tenderness, test for 225
Sacroiliitis, without 221
Sacubitril 37
Salt and pepper skin rash 219
Sarcoid lesions 53
Sarcoidosis 37, 5961, 94, 128, 140
Saturday night palsy 158
Scanning dysarthria 191
Scapulothoracic arthrodesis 180
Scars 236 see also Paper-thin scars
Schober test, modified 225
Scissoring gait 189
Sclerodactyly 215
Scleroderma 53, 214
gastrointestinal manifestations of 229
pulmonary complications of 229
renal crisis 228
Sclerosis, primary lateral 147
Scotoma 258
Sensations, test for 157
Sensorimotor neuropathy 151
Sensorineural deafness 114
Sensory ataxia 135, 138, 145, 188
causes of 189
Sensory neuropathy 143, 251
adrenocorticotropic hormone level 208
ascites albumin gradient (SAAG) 124
erythropoietin level 120
precipitins 61, 62
testosterone 177
Shawl sign 217, 219
Short neck and obesity 210
Short stature 210, 269
Shoulder girdle
and scapula 179
muscles, wasting of 178
Shy–Drager syndrome 184
Sicca syndrome 96, 102, 229
management of 103
Sickle cell anaemia 211
Silicosis 58, 59
Silver-wire appearance 263
Sinus rhythm 34
Situs inversus 63
Six-minute walking test 43
Sixth nerve palsy, causes of 164
Sjögren's syndrome 63, 140, 229, 261
Sjögren's disease 58
Skin 101
examination 236
hyperextensibility 236
hyperpigmentation of 80, 100
with oral thrush 206
Small hand muscles 160
causes of unilateral wasting of 160
Small muscle
unilateral wasting of 160
wasting, unilateral 54
Smoking, history of 244
Snellen chart 4
Snellen eye chart 257
Sotos syndrome 205
Spastic paraparaesis 135, 136, 138, 139, 146, 189
causes of 138, 189
gait 189
abnormal 190
abnormalities, common 191
Spider angiomata 97
chest for 89
Spinal stenosis 239
paraplaegia 239
quadriplaegia 239
Spinal surgery 226
Spinocerebellar ataxia 170
Spironolactone 38
Spleen, functions of 116
Splenic irradiation 119
Spondylitis 221
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) 88
diagnose 126
prophylaxis 127
Squamous cell type 81
Squirrel-like face 107
aureus 46, 65
epidermidis 46
Stenosis, functional 30
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 65
Steppage gait, high 189
Steroids 173, 174, 223, 266
use of 208
Stomping gait 189 see also Sensory ataxic gait
bovis 47, 48
viridans 46
Stroke 192
volume, reduced 13
Strongyloidiasis 124
Subluxated lens 233
Sudden cardiac death 24
Sudden death 25
Sulfasalazine 223
Superior vena cava 78
obstruction 77, 78
causes of 78
syndrome 77
Supraclavicular lymph nodes 128
Supraclavicular nodes, left 128
Supranuclear palsy, progressive 184
Swan neck deformity 221
Sweat chloride test 64
Syncope 24
Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone production (SIADH) 81
Synovial thickening 221
Synthetic disaccharide 98
Syphilis 140, 192, 253
Syphilitic aortitis 18
Syringobulbia 166
Systemic complications 47
Systemic corticosteroids, indications of 243
Systemic disorders 41
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 14, 53, 116, 140, 206, 261
Systemic mastocytosis 118
Systemic sclerosis 58, 214, 216, 219, 219, 227, 229
calcinosis with 228
Systolic anterior motion (SAM) 24
Systolic murmur 11, 27
Tabes dorsalis 136, 138, 143, 144, 253, 254
diagnosis 144
suspected 139
Tachycardia 197
Takayasu's arteritis 230, 231, 231, 232
Takayasu's disease 231
Tall stature 203
Tardive dyskinesia 185, 193
Teeth, wide spacing of 203
Telangiectasia 214
Temporal haemianopia 260
Tense ascites 125
Teprotumumab 202
Terminal ileum diseases 143
Tetraparesis 146
Thalassaemia 104, 107, 109
causes of mortality in 108
face 88
major 106, 107
varices 88
Thalassaemic face 107
Thiamine deficiency 144, 150
Third nerve palsy
causes of 163
right 161
Thoracotomy scar 9
left 56
Thrombocytopaenic purpura 240, 241
Thrombocytosis, essential 118
Thromboembolism, recurrent 234
Thrombophilia 272
Thrombopoietin receptor agonist 99
abduction, testing for 157
sign 233, 234
Z deformity of 221
Thymoma 78
Thymus hyperplasia 174 see also Thymoma
Thyroid 101
cartilage 74
disorders 41
function test (TFT) 42, 101
gland examination, steps for 198
nodule 202
ophthalmopathy 201
proptosis in 201
hormone (TSH) 260
immunoglobulin 199
Thyrotoxicosis 34
causes of 199
Tics 193
Tinel's sign 154, 157, 158, 202, 217
positive 153
TNM staging system 82
Toe amputation 251
Tolosa–Hunt syndrome 162, 164
Tonic pupil 262
Tophaceous gout, chronic 216
Total hip arthroplasty 226
Tracheal tug 74
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) 22
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) 98
Transplant rejection, types of 113
Trauma 211
Tremor 193
Trendelenburg's gait 190
Trendelenburg's sign 190
Treponema pallidum 144
Tricuspid and mitral area 6
Tricuspid valve 20
Trigger finger 221
Trochlear nerves 162
Tuberculosis (TB) 53, 59
Tumour 164, 268
and foreign body 63
Turner syndrome 211, 212
clinical features of 213
diagnosis 212
male version of 213
Typical laser burn 266
Uhthoff's phenomenon 261
Ulnar deviation of hand 221
Ulnar nerve palsy 155, 158, 158
Unicuspid valve 20
Unilateral enophthalmos 72
Unilateral fibrosis, clinical signs of 71
Unilateral pulmonary fibrosis, differential diagnosis of 71
Upper limbs 181
Upper lobe
collapse 72
consolidation 72
fibrosis, causes of 72
lung consolidation, signs of right 79
Upper motor neuron
facial palsy 164, 165
lesions 166
Urinary bladder catheter 169
Urinary tract infection (UTI) 109
Urinothorax 67
Ursodeoxycholic acid 103
Usher syndrome 270
Usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) 61
Uveitis 53, 214 see also Ankylosing spondylitis
Vaginal delivery 49 see also Caesarean delivery
disease 18
dysfunction, risk of 28
Valvotomy 22
Valvular heart disease 22, 36
Vancomycin 48
Vasculitic rash 150
Vasculitis 149, 254
type of 241
Velcro sound 59
Venous pulsation, loss of 268
Ventricular arrhythmia 25
Ventricular septal defect 12, 28
Venus, dimples of 225
Vincristine 149
Viral hepatitis 95
Viral hepatitis
B 94
C 94
Viral infections 261
Virchow's lymph nodes 128
Visual acuity 257
Visual defects, different 259
Visual disturbances 33
Visual field
abnormalities 258, 259
examination 258, 261
test 258
Visual neglect 258
B12, doses of 143
E deficiency 142
Vitamin B12 deficiency 135, 138, 139, 142
causes of 142
complications of 143
neurologic manifestations of 143
Vitreous haemorrhage 257
von Recklinghausen's disease 247, 248
V-sign 217, 219
Waddling gait 190
Walking happily 170
Warfarin 28
related bleeding 27
Warm sweaty hands 197
and fatigue, causes of 172
type of 148
Weber's test 162
Wernicke's dysphasia 191
Wernicke's encephalopathy 144, 168
West register street 169, 170
Wheezy chest 82
differential diagnoses of 83
Whispering pectoriloquy 70
Whooping cough 63
Wilson's disease 94, 95, 98, 104, 106
Worsen Grave's ophthalmopathy 201
drop deformity 156
joint 182, 183
sign 233, 234
Xanthelasma 90
Yellow nail syndrome 67, 68, 68
Chapter Notes

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_fm1Short and OSCE Cases in Internal Medicine Clinical Exams for PACES, MRCPI, Arab Board and Similar Exams
_fm3Short and OSCE Cases in Internal Medicine Clinical Exams for PACES, MRCPI, Arab Board and Similar Exams
Wanis H Ibrahim MB ChB FRCP (Edin) FRCP (Glasg) FRCPI FCCP F (Pulm) Senior Consultant Physician, Department of Medicine, Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar Professor of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, Qatar University and Weill-Cornell Medicine, Qatar Core Faculty, Residency Training Program, Department of Medicine, Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar Certified International Clinical Examiner for Various National and International Clinical Examinations Winner of 17 “Best Teacher” Awards Foreword Rayaz A Malik
© 2020 Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
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Medical knowledge and practice change constantly. This book is designed to provide accurate, authoritative information about the subject matter in question. However, readers are advised to check the most current information available on procedures included and check information from the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose, formula, method and duration of administration, adverse effects and contraindications. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to take all appropriate safety precautions. Neither the publisher nor the authors assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising from or related to use of material in this book.
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Development Editor:  Harsha Madan
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“Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory”
—Miguel de Cervantes
Medicine is both an art and a science. Scientific knowledge creates the foundation and the art of deduction and application enables the discerning clinician to arrive at the correct diagnosis and therefore appropriate management.
Nowhere is the practice of medicine challenged as acutely as it is in the postgraduate examinations in internal medicine. The candidate is expected to undertake a thorough and systematic physical examination, identify the pertinent physical signs, create a sensible differential diagnosis, apply clinical knowledge, and present their findings in a clear, structured, and professional manner. However, when the pass rate is below 50% for the PACES examination, preparation is the key. In the words of my old mentor Professor JD Ward (ex-vice president of the Royal College of Physicians), ‘preparation and daily practice is key to success in the MRCP’.
I believe Professor Wanis H Ibrahim has created a comprehensive book from the “examiner's perspective” and incorporated a unique conversational style, which recreates the conditions encountered in the examination. The material covered is comprehensive and up-to-date and builds on a wealth of experience, which guides you through what to expect during the examination and how to examine proficiently and present your findings professionally and competently.
Rayaz A Malik
Professor of Medicine and Consultant Endocrinologist,
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, Doha/Qatar
Central Manchester Teaching Hospitals, University of Manchester, UK_fm6
_fm7Preface to the 2nd edition
I am glad that the 1st edition of this book was very well-received and was a resounding success. The book has gained wide popularity among international candidates (particularly those preparing for their MRCP, PACES, MRCPI, and Arab Board clinical examinations) over less than four years from its publication. Feedback from internal medicine residents and medical students indicated that the book was extremely helpful during their preparation for clinical examinations. I was pleasantly surprised and extremely delighted to receive positive feedback not only from candidates but also from experienced clinician colleagues and seasoned examiners. I am ever grateful for their comments and suggestions for improvement in future editions of this book. The main driver of the book was a desire to provide a resource to busy clinicians during their clinical examination preparation, which is both concise and easy to assimilate but, at the same time, comprehensive and does not omit any vital component of the examination. A consistent theme from the positive feedback is the book's unique conversational style and the precise and concise information it delivers to the readers. Although this was the intention of starting this project in the first place, this positive feedback exceeded my expectations and encouraged me to improve even further the utility of the book by bringing this 2nd edition. As teaching has always been a passion for me, I always looked at how medical education can be made easy and more straightforward for a busy clinician. While acting as an examiner for many years, I realised the particular areas in which candidates struggle during examinations. This book is an effort to help candidates overcome these difficulties.
This 2nd edition keeps the same basic theme of conversational style of the book (an examiner asks a question and a candidate provides the typical answer), which recreates the conditions encountered in the real clinical examinations. However, various additions have been made based on feedback from students, residents, seasoned clinicians, and examiner colleagues.
The approach to each case in the book has been standardised into a unified format that includes the common instructions by examiners encountered in clinical examinations, the common mistakes (pitfalls) committed by candidates, and the typical style of presentation of findings. This is followed by a succinct summary of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, management, and further information usually required in clinical examinations. Throughout the book, particular emphasis has been placed on a highly professional approach to the case, a competent and relevant examination technique, and a concise professional presentation. This is followed by the questions that are commonly asked by the examiners on each case along with their standard answers, encompassing all aspects of the case. A paragraph containing the essential rules/clues for each case has been added and updated to help candidates understand common practical facts about that case.
The list of cases has been expanded to include cases recently encountered by candidates in international clinical examinations.
The list of questions (number and type of questions asked by examiners) on each case, as well as typical answers expected by examiners, have been expanded and updated as well.
All the sections have been thoroughly reviewed and updated based on new information and advancements in the medical field since the publication of the 1st edition.
A ‘how to examine’ paragraph precedes each case in this book, which emphasises and explains the most competent and professional manner of examination for that case._fm8
The section on ‘examiner instructions’ that guides the candidate through the most common instructions encountered for each case has been updated to include commonly encountered instructions in clinical examinations. This helps to take away the element of surprise and alleviate the candidate's anxiety during the stressful examination. The candidates can also use these instructions during their mock examination drills before the examination.
A section on ‘the typical presentation of the findings’ expected from candidates for each case has also been added and again can be thoroughly practised by the candidates during their mock examination drills before the examination.
To improve the candidate's visual learning experience, and supplements the other aspects of the book, the number of photos and illustrations has been expanded in this edition to include about 150 photographs.
Finally, many candidates continue to enquire about the best way to prepare for clinical examinations. In the 2nd edition, a section entitled ‘how to prepare for and pass your clinical examinations’ has been added to explain important practical tips that help candidates to plan and prepare for their clinical examinations.
I sincerely hope that this book will continue to remain a great resource for all the future candidates going through their undergraduate and postgraduate clinical examinations. I will continue to look forward to any suggestions or comments from all the candidates, fellow examiners, and colleagues for any future improvements.
This book could not have been possible without continued support from my loving family. I also would like to express my sincere gratitude to all candidates and colleagues for their invaluable and encouraging comments and suggestions during the writing of this book.
To all the future candidates, I wish you a happy and enjoyable learning and the best of luck in your examinations.
Wanis H Ibrahim
_fm9Preface to the 1st edition
Clinical examinations are considered in many countries as an integral part of the assessment of a doctor's clinical competence. To candidates, they represent a major hurdle during their training. There are significant anxiety and stress associated with the preparation of these examinations that peak on the day of the examination. Internationally, there is a significant variation in the way these examinations are conducted. Two types of postgraduate clinical short case examinations are currently conducted at national and international levels. In the traditional unstandardised examination, a candidate is typically assessed by two examiners on all short cases. The more standardised and structured form of examination requires two examiners (who mark independently) at each station. The former examinations have a considerable number of disadvantages including inconsistency in marking and judgement between examiners (hawk versus dove), gender, personality, and ethnic biases. Furthermore, many national and some international boards appoint clinical examiners without prior training, which results in further variability and inconsistency in marking. Despite being considered as more objective and fair, the recent standardised types of clinical examinations have the disadvantages of cost and preparation. Nevertheless, the key factor for passing clinical examinations remains the candidate's preparation. Going for a clinical examination is like going to a battle. Irrespective of clinical experience, preparation and practice are the keys to passing clinical examinations. You can hear about cardiology fellows who fail cardiac cases, gastroenterology fellows who fail abdominal cases, or neurology fellows who fail neurology cases in clinical examinations because they have not prepared well. Preparation for such examinations requires, in addition to the attainment of broad medical knowledge, acquisition of the required clinical skills of physical examination and mastering the art and discipline of presenting findings and case discussion in a clear systematic manner. Several crucial steps can help candidates to prepare for their short/OSCE cases. While many candidates feel confident in their clinical skills and techniques, the stress in the ‘real examination’ will expose significant skill and knowledge gaps. It is essential, therefore, that a day-by-day short case practice should become second nature to all candidates preparing for their clinical examinations. The best way of attaining this is by frequent bedside assessment and teaching of a motivated group of candidates by a registrar or a consultant (preferably who has been through the examination hurdle). Examination-oriented consultant supervision and comments during the ward round and mock examinations are also helpful. Revision courses may help to familiarise candidates with the common examination cases and examination methods, but alone are never sufficient to pass clinical examinations. Parallel to mastering proper examination skills is a good grasp of medical knowledge related to the common examination cases. Reading medical textbooks without considering commonly encountered cases in clinical examinations is virtually guaranteed with failure. The examiners are assessing knowledge and clinical acumen and the latter cannot be derived from the textbooks. Candidates should also focus on reading books that are dedicated to helping candidates to pass their clinical examinations. These books familiarise candidates with the most common cases encountered in examinations. Nevertheless, many candidates believe that currently there are not enough books that meet this purpose. Hence, many of these books are becoming large medical textbooks that are detailed and extremely wordy, but lack focus and include detailed theoretical information that is useful in written rather than clinical examinations. The examiners are looking for common sense clinical answers, not the latest theories on the molecular basis of disease. As an international clinical examiner, _fm10a primary organiser, and host examiner for different clinical board examinations, I endorse the view that candidates need concise information to help them systematically examine cases, quickly identify the abnormality, and derive the correct diagnosis. In this book, I have put a tremendous effort into including all possible questions that my examiner colleagues have asked or may ask in the clinical examinations. To provide the candidate with a model answer, I have provided a typical conversation between an examiner and a candidate where the examiner asks and the candidate provides the expected answer. This may also put the reader of this book in a more interactive atmosphere rather than reading a large text with the bottom line information lost in the details. Furthermore, being a previous candidate for undergraduate and postgraduate clinical examinations, I realise how a candidate's working memory is negatively affected by examination-provoked stress. Candidates, for example, can easily forget a simple list of causes of a disease as a result of such stress. Considering this, I have included some mnemonics in various pages to help recall some long lists. Each case or system in this book is preceded by ‘how to examine’ to help candidates focus on important physical signs related to that case. Common mistakes or pitfalls committed by candidates and various examiner instructions that have been observed in real examinations are also clearly addressed at the beginning of each case. Particular attention has been paid to the up-to-date management of each case, which is a mandatory question in clinical examinations. Finally, I have gathered all my experience as a clinical examiner, organiser, and educator in this book to help postgraduate doctors feel confident when proceeding to their clinical examinations.
This book is intended for candidates preparing for all postgraduate clinical examinations using the short case/OSCE format such as MRCP (UK and Ireland), PACES, Arab Board, Arabian Gulf Boards, FCPS (Pakistan), MD (India), FARCP (Australia), and other national board clinical examinations. Medical students will also find this book useful.
Good Luck!
Wanis H Ibrahim
My mother, Mubaraka Al-Darrat, for her sacrifice and constant support throughout my life.
Wanis H Ibrahim
Important note
This book is intended to provide postgraduate medical doctors and medical students with the necessary information to pass their clinical examinations. The author of this book has made every effort and care to ensure the information provided in this book is accurate. However, since medical knowledge is constantly changing, neither the author nor the publisher can assume any responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in this book.
I am indebted to the following colleagues from Hamad Medical Corporation for their great assistance and providing some photographic materials included in this book—Dr Amjad Mahboob, Dr Gowri Karuppasamy, and Dr Elrazi Awadelkarim from Internal Medicine Section; Dr Liaquat Ali, Dr Dirik Deleu, Dr Mohammed Alhatou, Dr Ahmad Shihab, Dr Suha Makki, Dr Naveed Akhtar, Dr Faisal Ibrahim, and Dr Yasser Osman from Neurology Section; Dr Abdul-Wahab Al-Allaf, Dr Fiaz Alam, Dr Samar Al-Emadi, Dr Izzat Khanjar, Dr Abdul-Razzakh Poil, Dr Salah Mahdi, and Dr Mohammed Hamoudeh from Rheumatology Section; Dr Hamda Ali and Dr Mohsen Elidrisi from the Endocrinology Section; Dr Farouq Hamed, Dr Hawraa Omran, Dr Hisham Elsabah, Dr Kakil Rasul, and Dr Mufid Elmistiri from Oncology Section; Dr Maha Elshafei, Dr Mohammed Mousa, and Dr Fatima Almansouri from Ophthalmology Section; Dr Farook Ahmed from Nephrology Section; and Ms Mary Anne Tourette from the Department of Medicine. Special thanks go to Professor Rayaz Malik, Dr Mushtaq Ahmed, Dr Tasleem Raza, Dr Salah Elbadri, Dr Ahmed Al-Mohammed, and Dr Dhabia Al-Mohanadi and my brother Dr Gamal Ibrahim for their invaluable suggestions and continuous support during the preparation of this book.
_fm14List of abbreviations 6MWT:
Six-minute walking test
Arterial blood gas
Anti-citrullinated protein antibody
Angiotensin-converting enzyme
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Autosomal dominant
Atrial fibrillation
Acid-fast bacilli
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase
Alkaline phosphatase
Alanine aminotransferase
Anti-mitochondrial antibodies
Anti-nuclear antibodies
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
Anti-double stranded DNA antibody
Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor
Adult polycystic kidney disease
Aortic regurgitation
Autosomal recessive
Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker
Angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor
Argyll Robertson pupils
Aortic stenosis
Atrial septal defect
Anti-smooth muscle antibody
Aspartate aminotransferase
Arteriovenous malformations
Bronchoalveolar lavage
Bi-level positive airway pressure
B-type natriuretic peptide (brain natriuretic peptide)
Blood pressure
Coronary artery bypass graft
Coronary artery disease
COPD assessment test
Complete blood count
Common bile duct
Cystic fibrosis
Transmembrane conductance regulator gene
Congestive heart failure
Chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy
Chronic liver disease
Chronic myeloid leukaemia
Central nervous system
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Creatine phosphokinase
Central retinal artery
C-reactive protein
Cardiac resynchronisation therapy
Central retinal vein occlusion
Cerebrospinal fluid
CT scan:
Computed tomography scan
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Computed tomography pulmonary angiography
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Distal interphalangeal joint
Diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide
Do not attempt resuscitation
Deep vein thrombosis
Epstein–Barr virus
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
Epidermal growth factor receptor
Extractable nuclear antigen antibodies
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
End-stage renal disease
Essential thrombocythemia
Fractional exhaled nitric oxide
Forced expiratory volume in the first second
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
Follicle-stimulating hormone
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
Forced vital capacity
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
Guillain–Barré syndrome
Gaucher's disease
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Glomerular filtration rate
Growth hormone
Growth hormone-releasing hormone
Global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease
Haemophilus parainfluenzae and aphrophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella and Kingella
Glycosylated haemoglobin
Hepatitis B virus
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Hepatitis C virus
Huntington's disease
Heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction
Heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
Human immunodeficiency virus
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
High-resolution CT scan
Henoch–Schönlein purpura
Hepatic venous pressure gradient
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators
Inhaled corticosteroid
Infective endocarditis
Insulin-like growth factor 1
Interstitial lung disease
Internuclear ophthalmoplaegia
International normalised ratio
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Janus kinase 2
Jugular venous pressure
Long-acting beta-agonists
Long-acting muscarinic antagonist
Left bundle branch block
Lactate dehydrogenase
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
Luteinising hormone
Liver kidney microsomal antibody
Lower motor neuron
Long-term oxygen therapy
Left ventricular assist device
Left ventricular ejection fraction
Left ventricular end-systolic dimension
Metacarpophalangeal joint
Methacholine challenge test
Myotonic dystrophy
Model for end-stage liver disease
Meconium ileus equivalent
Medial longitudinal fasciculus
Motor neuron disease
Mitral regurgitation_fm16
Magnetic resonance angiography/mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
Magnetic resonance imaging
Mitral stenosis/multiple sclerosis
Non-alcoholic fatty liver
Neprilysin inhibitor
Neuromyelitis optica
Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
N-terminal (NT)-pro hormone BNP
New York Heart Association
Pulmonary artery pressure
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Peritoneal dialysis
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Peak expiratory flow
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PET scan:
Positron emission tomography scan
Pulmonary hypertension
Primary myelofibrosis
Parathyroid hormone
Polycythemia vera
Pulmonary blood flow/ systemic blood flow
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid factor
Renal function test
Rheumatic heart disease
Retinitis pigmentosa
First heart sound
Serum-ascites albumin gradient
Systolic anterior motion movement
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Single-photon emission computed tomography
Superior vena cava
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Transesophageal echocardiography
Thyroid function test
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
Transthoracic echocardiography
Usual interstitial pneumonia
Urinary tract infection
Video-assisted thoracoscopy
Venereal disease research laboratory test
Ventricular septal defect