Reoperative Abdominal Surgery Solly Mizrahi, Hiram C. Polk, Petachia Reissman
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures respectively.
AAA see Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
burst 1213
open (see Open abdomen)
Abdominal abscess, postoperative 3031, 31, 31, 32 see also Abdominal wall infection/intra-abdominal abscess
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) 185 see also Vascular surgery, reoperative
endovascular repair of 85
graft maldeployment 85, 85, 8586
graft thrombosis 86
hemorrhage after 85
infection after 86
open surgical repair of 83
anastomotic aneurysms after 8384, 84
graft thrombosis after 8485
hemorrhage and 83
infection and aortoenteric fistula 83, 84
ischemic colitis after 83
reintervention for laparotomy-related complications 85
Abdominal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis, for ulcerative colitis 167
Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) 37 see also Open abdomen
damage control laparotomy and 37
intra-abdominal hypertension and 3839
and reoperative surgery 11
Abdominal organ transplants 149 see also Transplantation, reoperations in
Abdominal wall infection/intra-abdominal abscess 29
algorithm for selecting percutaneous versus reoperative drainage 32
infection, diagnosis of 3032, 31, 31, 32
intraoperative management 3435
antiseptic solution, use of 34
culture material, collection of 3435
entering and draining abscess away from intestine 34
patient positioning 34
preoperative imaging studies, use of 34
re-entry into abdomen through prior incision 34
suture line leaks, management of 34
temporary closure 35
pathogenesis of 2930, 30, 30
postrelaparotomy management 35
antibiotic management 35
fever and leukocytosis 35
mobilization of patient 35
nutritional support 35
open abdomen, management of 35
preoperative preparation for relaparotomy 3334
antibiotics use 33
central venous pressure (CVP) monitoring 33
hemoglobin concentration 33
intraoperative blood loss and 33
intraoperative hypothermia and 34
volume resuscitation 33
recurrence after drainage of abscess 31, 32
timing of reoperation 3233, 33
Abdominal wall reconstruction, delayed 42, 4243
Acetaminophen, for postoperative pain 24
Achalasia, recurrent 5556
Acidemia, in trauma patients 72
Acidosis after hemorrhagic shock 69
ACS see Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS)
Activated clotting time (ACT) 67
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 62
Adhesion formation see also Intestinal/intra-abdominal adhesions
abdominal surgery and 9, 51, 188
antiadhesion agents 194
clinical implications of 9
and infertility in female patients 9, 10
pathophysiology of 910, 10
prevention of 1011
time course of 10
Adhesion ileus 193
recurrent 194
Adrenalectomy, cortical sparing 52
Adrenal mass, laparoscopic reoperation of 5153, 52, 53
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) 74
colon injury scale 74, 74
liver injury scale 76, 76
pancreatic injury scale 75, 75
renal injury scale 80, 80
ureteral injury scale 78, 78
Anastomotic aneurysms 8384, 84
Anastomotic leakage, and reoperative surgery 11, 12
Anesthetic management 19
anesthesia, type of 21
fluid management 23
glucose management 24
normothermia 2123, 22, 23
supplemental oxygen 2324
nausea and vomiting, management of 25
pain, management of 24
respiratory management 25
antibiotic prophylaxis 1920
antiplatelet therapy and stents 20, 20
beta-blockers and cardiac medications 19
cardiovascular assessment 19
obstructive sleep apnea 2021
respiratory assessment 20, 20
smoking cessation 21
statin therapy 19
Angiography-based endovascular technique, for hemorrhage control 64
Antibiotic prophylaxis, in reoperative surgery 14, 1920
Antiplatelet therapy, in perioperative period 20
Antireflux procedure, laparoscopic, reoperation after 55
Antireflux surgery, reoperative 55
Arctic Sun system 69
Argon beam coagulation, for diffuse capsular and parenchymal bleeding 66
Bair Hugger 69
Baori flap 7879, 79
Bariatric procedures, reoperative 109
indications and types of 109, 109110
LAGB related 113114, 114
band erosion 115
band prolapse 114, 114115
postoperative 117
preoperative 116
non-LAGB-related reoperations 110, 110
gastrogastric fistula 111, 111112
internal herniation and small bowel obstruction 113, 113
leaks 112, 112113
marginal ulceration 111, 111
reversal and conversion 110
revisional 110111
stricture formation 111, 111112
port-related 115
megaesophagus 115116, 116
preoperative considerations 116
preoperative imaging 116
procedure for 117
prolonged surgery and consults 116
Barker's vacuum pack 41
Basal/bolus insulin (BBI) approach 24
Beta-blockers, in perioperative period 19
Bile peritonitis 139
Biliary strictures (BS) 125, 142
cause of 125
treatment of 126, 126
Biliary tract surgery complications, reoperation for 137
bile duct injuries and 138141, 140, 141
biliary strictures and 142, 143
cholecystectomy 137
gallbladder carcinoma and 142143
postcholecystectomy syndrome and 144, 144
postoperative care 142
and postoperative hemorrhage 142
preoperative imaging 138, 138
preventive operative techniques 137138
Biliopancreatic diversion and duodenal switch (BPD-DS) 109
Bioprosthetic meshes 42
Bleeding, postoperative 11, 56 see also Hemorrhage, postoperative
liver transplantation and 153
reasons for 11
reoperative surgery for 11, 6364
Blood loss, intraoperative, in relaparotomy patient 33
Bogota bag 37
Bowel leakage and enterocutaneous fistula, postoperative 91
management of 92, 9293
presentation and diagnosis 9192
Bowel leakage, reoperative surgery for 1112
Bowel obstruction, small see also Small bowel obstruction (SBO)
acute 5657
reoperative surgery for 51
Bowel perforations, and reoperative surgery 11
Bowel stoma see Intestinal stomas, reoperation for
Burr closure device 41
Burst abdomen, reoperative surgery for 1213
Calot's triangle 137
Caput medusae, reoperation for 175
Carbapenem antibiotics 15
Cardiac arrhythmias, in trauma patients 72
Cardiac conditions, active 19
Cardiac medications, in perioperative period 19
Cardiovascular assessment, preoperative 19
Carotid artery stenting (CAS) 87
hemorrhage after 87
maldeployment 87
restenosis after 8788
stroke after 87
Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) 86
hemorrhage after 86
infection after 87
restenosis following 86, 87
stroke after 8687
CAS see Carotid artery stenting (CAS)
CEA see Carotid endarterectomy (CEA)
Cellulose-based matrices 64
Central venous catheters 6061
Chemotherapy-associated liver injury 130131
Child–Pugh class 130
Chlorhexidine 34
Cholecystectomy see Biliary tract surgery complications, reoperation for
Choledocholithiasis 144146, 145
Cholelithiasis 137 see also Biliary tract surgery complications, reoperation for
Chylous ascites 199, 200
Cirrhotic patients, reoperative liver resection in 130
Clostridium difficile infection 177
diagnosis of
colonoscopy 179, 179
CT scan 178, 179
laboratory tests 178
epidemiology 177
manifestations of 177
asymptomatic 177
C. difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) 177178
C. difficile-associated enteritis 178
C. difficile-colitis (CDAC) 178
C. difficile fulminant colitis (CDFC) 178
pseudomembranous colitis 178, 178
medical management 179
antibiotics 179, 180
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) 180
monoclonal antibodies 180
rectal stump management 181182
intraperitoneal closure 182
mucous fistula 182
subcutaneous closure 182
risk factors 178
surgical management 180181
indications for 180, 180
outcome of 181, 181
postoperative care 181
Coagulopathy, in trauma patients 72
Colon and rectal cancer, recurrent, reoperative laparoscopy in 4950
Colonoscopy 48
in clostridial colitis 179, 179
Colon repair, in trauma patients 7475
Colorectal cancer, metastatic, repeat hepatectomy for 129, 133, 133 see also Liver surgery, reoperative
Colostomy stenosis 172, 172173
Common bile duct (CBD) injuries 137 see also Biliary tract surgery complications, reoperation for
Components separation technique 4243, 104105
Computed tomography (CT)
abdominal abscess and 31, 31
Clostridium difficile infection 178, 179
for Crohn's disease 159
enterocutaneous fistula and 92
in liver transplantation 154
for recurrent hernia 96, 97, 102
in redo abdominal vascular surgery 190
Convective air warming system 13
Corkscrew stomach 112
Crohn's disease, reoperation in 4849, 49, 58, 159
postoperative complications and
hemorrhage 160, 162
recurrence 162
septic complications 162
small bowel obstruction 162
preoperative evaluation and planning 159160
strictureplasty techniques and 160
Finney strictureplasty 161
Heineke–Mikulicz strictureplasty 160
side-to-side isoperistaltic strictureplasty 161
Damage control laparotomy 37
Damage control resuscitation 62
Damage control surgery 6566
Decompressive laparotomy 39
Deep venous thrombophlebitis (DVT) 33
Dysphagia, after antireflux surgery 55
EAF see Enteroatmospheric fistula (EAF)
Elderly patients, reoperation in 205
colorectal surgery, considerations in 208
hernia repair, approach for 207
intraoperative care 207
paraesophageal hernia repair, considerations in 207208
postoperative management 208
preoperative approach for 205206
consultation and consent process 205
frailty index 205
history and physical examination 205
nutritional status 205
preoperative imaging studies 206
risk factors 205206
situations for 206, 206207
Embolization, for hemorrhage control 6465
Endograft, infection of 86
Endoleaks 85, 8586
Endoscopic nasopancreatic drainage (ENPD) 123
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) 154
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 76, 137
for biliary system 138, 139, 139
in management of bile leak 139, 140, 144
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) 53
Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) 85 see also Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
End sigmoid colostomy 171
Enteroatmospheric fistula (EAF) 41, 91, 9293
and catabolic black hole 43
deep 43
management of 43
and nutritional support 43
prevention of 43
superficial 43, 44
Enterocutaneous fistula 91
after appendectomy 49
anastomotic leakage and 91 (see also Bowel leakage and enterocutaneous fistula, postoperative)
Enterostomal therapy 176
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 178
Esophageal dilation 115
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) 116
Euro-Collins solution (ECS) 152
EVAR see Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR)
False aneurysms 185187, 187, 191
Fibrin gel matrix 10
Finger adhesiolysis 47
Fistula-in-ano 165
Fistulography 92
FlowTrac 68
Fluid management, in perioperative period 23
Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ((FDG-PET) 190
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP), in surgical/traumatic bleeding 61, 61
Frozen abdomen 9, 41, 43, 64, 93
Gabapentin, for postoperative pain 24
Gallbladder carcinoma 142143
Gallstones 137 see also Biliary tract surgery complications, reoperation for
Gastric repair, in trauma patients 74
Gastroduodenal artery 142
Gastroduodenal artery stump from pancreatic leakage and fistula, protection of 123, 124
Gastrogastric fistula 111, 111112
Gastrografin, oral, in adhesive SBO 194
Gastrointestinal bleeding 67
Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy 63
Gelfoam 64
Gerota's fascia 79
Glucose management, in perioperative period 24
Graft thrombosis
after EVAR 86
after open AAA repair 8485, 188
Graft-to-body weight ratio (GBWR) 151
Greater omentum graft 123, 124
Groin hernia, reoperation for 95
anatomical issues in 9596, 96
hernia repair approach, historical perspective on 95, 95
history and physical examination in 95
inguinodynia and 98, 98, 99
open and laparoscopic previous recurrences and 9798
previous laparoscopic recurrence and 97
previous open inguinal hernia recurrence and 97
postoperative care 98
preoperative considerations, other 97
preoperative imaging 9697, 97
surgical considerations 97
timing of 96
Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery technique 4748
Crohn's disease and 49
Hartmann's procedure 50
laparoscopic reversal of 5051
Heaney technique 77
Hematoma, after carotid endarterectomy 86
Hemobezoars 113
Hemodynamic instability, and laparoscopy 57
Hemorrhage, postoperative 59
carotid artery stenting and 87
carotid endarterectomy and 86
diagnostic evaluation and resuscitation
initial evaluation and therapy 6061, 61
diagnostic imaging in 63
endovascular treatment of lower extremity occlusive disease and 88
EVAR and 85
initial diagnosis of
clinical signs 60, 60
hypovolemia and 60, 60
patient's history in 59, 5960
intervention for 63
angiography and endovascular embolization 6465
reoperative surgery 6364
lower extremity bypass and 88
open AAA repair and 83
organ/disease-specific considerations
elective procedures, damage control for 68
gastrointestinal bleeding 67
liver 66
pancreas/duodenum 6667
pelvis 67
spleen 66
trauma/damage control surgery 65, 6566
vascular procedures 6768
postintervention resuscitation and care 6869
resuscitation for hemorrhagic shock 61, 6163, 62
Hepatectomy, repeat 132133 see also Liver surgery, reoperative
Hepatic artery embolization 65, 66
Hepatic bleeding after surgery 66
Hepatic vascular isolation, total 132
Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scan (HIDA) 144
Hepatobiliary scintigraphy 138
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), repeat hepatectomy for 129, 132, 132133 see also Liver surgery, reoperative
HepaVision 154, 155
Hiatal hernia, recurrent 55
Hippel–Lindau syndrome, recurrent pancreatic NET in 5355, 54
Histidine – tryptophan – ketoglutarate solution (HTK) 152
Human acellular dermal matrix (HADM) 102
in perioperative period 22, 2223, 23
in trauma patients 72
treatment of 69
Hypovolemic shock 60, 60
Ileal pouch advancement technique 163, 164
Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) 159, 162 see also Ulcerative colitis, reoperation in
Ileal pouch enlargement techniques 165, 166167
Ileoanal pouch, creation of 48
Ileostomy stenosis 172, 172
Incisional hernias
abdominal CT scan 13, 13
in abdominal surgery 9
Inferior vena cava (IVC) 52
Inflammatory bowel disease, reoperation in 159
considerations in
intraoperative 160
preoperative 159160
Crohn's disease 4849, 49, 159, 160162
postoperative complications after
abdominal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis 167
proctocolectomy with permanent ileostomy 167
small bowel adenocarcinoma and 162
ulcerative colitis 48, 159, 162166
Inguinodynia 98, 98, 99
Inlay mesh, for defect reconstruction 14, 1415
Internal herniation (IH), gastric bypass procedure and 113
Intestinal/intra-abdominal adhesions 51, 193
aortic surgery and 188
laparoscopic management of 51
and small bowel obstruction 193
Intestinal stomas, nonoperative treatment 175176
Intestinal stomas, reoperation for 171
acute stomal ischemia/necrosis 171, 171172
caput medusae 175
parastomal hernia 173, 174, 175
poorly sited/retracted stoma 173, 173
stomal stenosis 172, 172173
stoma prolapse 173, 174
Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) 3839
Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) 38, 57
Intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) 137138
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) 180
Ioban, sheets of 65
Ischemia, and stoma complications 171
Ketamine, for postoperative pain 24
Kidney, repair of, in trauma patients 7980, 80
Kidney transplants, reoperations in 151 see also Transplantation, reoperations in
Kocher maneuver 80
Lactated ringers solution 60
Laparoscopic adhesiolysis 51, 56, 195
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) 109 see also Bariatric procedures, reoperative
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy, primary adrenal tumors 51
Laparoscopic argon beam coagulator 53
Laparoscopic foregut surgery, reoperative 55
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) 109 see also Bariatric procedures, reoperative
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy leak 112, 112
Laparoscopic ultrasound, in laparoscopic ultrasound 5354
Laparotomy, trauma 7172
Lesser sac 34
LiDCO 68
LigaSure device 66
Limb thrombosis 86
Live donation 156
Liver injuries, repair of, in trauma patients 76, 7677
Liver surgery, reoperative 129
anatomical challenges in 129
anesthesia 131
bleeding in, limiting of 131132
indications for 130
laparoscopic repeat hepatic resection 133, 134
operative planning 130
chemotherapy-associated liver injury 130131
extent of resection 130
liver cirrhosis 130
preoperative portal vein embolization 130
patient positioning and incisions 131, 131
preoperative imaging 131
repeat hepatectomy 132
for metastatic colorectal cancer 133, 133
for recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma 132, 132133
segmental liver anatomy and 129
Liver transplantation 149151 see also Transplantation, reoperations in
Loop stoma 40
Lower extremity occlusive disease 88
lower extremity bypass
and graft infection 88
graft occlusion and restenosis 88, 88
hemorrhage after 88
percutaneous endovascular intervention
arterial embolization and occlusion 8889
hemorrhage 88
restenosis after 89
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 13, 52, 96, 159
Maldeployment, endograft 85
Malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) 195
Massive transfusion protocol (MTP) 62
Megaesophagus 115116, 116
Mesh, 39
biologic 102
composite 102
heavyweight polypropylene 102
infection 101
lightweight 102
multifiber 102
preperitoneal placement of 104, 105
for recurrent hernia repair 101102
synthetic 102
synthetic versus biologic 102
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 33
Methylene blue 74
Microembolization 89
Minigastric bypass procedures 110
MR cholangiopancreatography, abdominal 138
MR enterography (MRE), for Crohn's disease 159
Mucocutaneous separations 176
Myocutaneous flaps, for perineal space 167
Nasogastric tube, postoperative 15
Necrosis of colostomy 171, 171
Negative pressure sponge technique 41
Neuroendocrine tumor (NET), pancreatic 5355, 54
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation 25
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), for postoperative pain 24
Normothermia, in perioperative period 2123, 22, 23
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), perioperative management 2021, 25
Omentum 9
Open abdomen 37
abdominal compartment syndrome and 3839
in abdominal infection 38
care of 39, 3940
closure of 4142
delayed abdominal wall reconstruction, options for 42, 4243
and enteroatmospheric fistula 4344
healing process of 40
indications for 3738
planned ventral hernia approach 40, 4041
Opiate therapy, for postoperative pain 24
Packed red blood cells (pRBC), in surgical/traumatic bleeding 61, 61
Packs, removal of 73
Pain, postoperative, management of 24
Pancreas/duodenum operations, and postoperative bleeding 6667
Pancreas transplants, reoperations in 151 see also Transplantation, reoperations in
Pancreatic fistula, postoperative 55
Pancreatic injuries, repair of, in trauma patients 75, 7576
Pancreatic surgery complications, reoperations for 121
biliary stricture 125126 (see also Biliary strictures (BS))
case example 126127
postpancreatectomy hemorrhage 121125 (see also Postpancreatectomy hemorrhage (PPH))
Pancreatic tumors, laparoscopic reoperation of 5355, 54
Pancreatitis, and reoperative surgery 11
Pancreatoduodenectomy (PD), two-stage 123, 124
Panniculectomy, with ventral hernia repair 106
Para-anastomotic aneurysms 185187, 186, 191
Parastomal hernia, reoperation for 173, 174, 175
Parkland/Harborview ‘vac-pack’ closure 65, 65
Pelvic sinus 162
Pelvic surgery/fracture, and hemorrhage 67
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), prior 20, 20
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) 138, 138
Perifascial space 29, 30 see also Abdominal wall infection/intra-abdominal abscess
Perineal wound, nonhealing of 167
Peristomal hernias 173
Piggyback technique 150, 150
Pinch test 41
Pneumatic compression devices 69
Portal hypertension 130
Portal vein embolization (PVE) 129, 130
Portocaval plane 130
Positron emission tomography (PET), in resection for metastatic liver tumors 131
Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), management of 25
Postpancreatectomy hemorrhage (PPH) 121
cause of 121
continuous irrigation methods 124125, 125
definition of 121122
delayed 123
early 122, 122
preoperative imaging 122
prevention of 123125
sites of 121, 122
timing of reoperation 122123
type of operation for 123
Pouch-cutaneous fistula 163
Pouchitis 165
Pouch-vaginal fistula 165
PPH see Postpancreatectomy hemorrhage (PPH)
Pregabalin, for postoperative pain 24
Primary graft failure (PGF) 152
Pringle maneuver 66, 76, 132
Prolapse of end ileostomy 173, 174
Pseudomembranous colitis 178, 178
Psoas hitch 79, 79
Pulmonary artery catheters (PACs) 6869
Pulmonary embolism (PE) 33
Pyoderma 176
Radiation and chemotherapy complications, and surgical management 197
breast cancer and 201
chemotherapy 198
conduct of operation 202
gastrointestinal cancers and 198
head and neck cancers and 201
pelvic surgery and 198199
postoperative care 202203
preoperative planning 201202
prostate cancer and 200201, 201
radiation therapy, toxicity from 197198, 198
soft tissue sarcoma and 199, 199
testes cancer and 199200, 200
Recombinant factor VII (rVIIa) 62
Rectal injuries, repair of, in trauma patients 75
Rectourethral fistulas (RUF) 201, 202
Regional anesthesia, cancer recurrence rates and 21
Renal vein, left 189, 189
Reoperative laparoscopy 47
achalasia and 5556
adhesive acute small bowel obstruction 5657
adrenal tumors, recurrent 5153, 52, 53
antireflux procedure and 55
contraindications to 57
Crohn's disease and 4849, 49
emergency 56
general principles 47
hand port, use of 4748
history examination 47
patient positioning and room setup 47
port placement 47
previous operations, information about 47
Hartmann's procedure, laparoscopic reversal of 5051
hiatal hernia, recurrent 55
pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, recurrent 5355, 54
for recurrent colon cancer 4950
results of 5758
small bowel obstruction and abdominal adhesions, recurrent 51
ulcerative colitis and 48
Reoperative surgery 12, 9
acute 3
adhesion formation 9
pathophysiology 910, 10
prophylaxis 10
time course 1011
anatomical issues in 9
clinical judgment in, importance of 3
complication rates from 3
conduct of operation 1415
abdominal wall closure 14
adhesiolysis 14
antibiotic prophylaxis 14
choice of incision 14
defect reconstruction 14, 1415
drain placement 14
emergency 1113
anastomotic leakage 12, 12
bile duct anastomosis leakage 12
bowel leakage 1112
burst abdomen 1213
colon/small bowel leaks 12
pancreatic leakage and fistula 12
postoperative bleeding 11
indications for 11
and informed consent 4
defenses to informed consent claim 67
requirements 4
standards 46, 56
long operation time and blood loss 13
medical ethics in, principles of 4
patient positioning 14
planned secondary reconstruction 13
postoperative principles 15
antibiotic therapy 15
laparostoma care 15, 15
nutrition 15
wound management 15
preoperative imaging 13, 13
remote occurrence 3
timing of 11
Respiratory assessment, preoperative 20, 20
Resuscitation, for hemorrhagic shock 6163, 62
Retransplantation 153
Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND), postchemotherapy 199
The Rives-Stoppa technique, for open ventral hernia repair 104
Round ligament of liver 130
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) 109 see also Bariatric procedures, reoperative
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass leak 112, 112
Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy 139, 141
Seprafilm 163, 194
Sequential compression devices 33
Seromas, postoperative, prevention of 106
Sleeve pouchectomy 165
Small bowel obstruction (SBO)
in Crohn's disease 162
gastric bypass procedure and 113
recurrent adhesive SBO 193
laparoscopy, role of 195
laparoscopy versus laparotomy in 195
malignant bowel obstruction 195
recurrent adhesion ileus, reoperation in 194
Small bowel repair, in trauma patients 74
Smoking, cessation of 21
Somatostatin analog 53
Splenectomy, and hemorrhage 66
Splenic artery embolization 66
Staged laparotomy, for trauma 71
Staphylococcus epidermidis 187
Statins, in perioperative period 19
Stoma, bowel see Intestinal stomas, reoperation for
Strasberg classification, of bile duct injuries 138
Stricture formation, after bariatric surgery 112
Strictureplasties, for Crohn's disease 160
Finney strictureplasty 161
Heineke–Mikulicz strictureplasty 160
side-to-side isoperistaltic strictureplasty 161
Stroke, after carotid artery stenting 87
Supplemental oxygen, perioperative 2324
Surgical and Clinical Adhesions Research Group (SCAR), on intra-abdominal adhesions 193
Surgical site infections (SSI)
antibiotic prophylaxis and 20
in hernia patients 106
hypothermia and 22
Talc (magnesium silicate hydroxide) 106
TcdA 177
TcdB 177
Thromboelastography (TEG) 62, 62
Tissue expanders 43
Tissue hypoperfusion 197
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) 15, 91, 92
Tranexamic acid (TXA) 62
Trans-femoral balloon catheter, IVC 52, 52
Transplantation, reoperations in 149
anatomical and physiological issues in 149
causes for 149
conduct of 155
donor reoperations 154
indication for 153
kidney and pancreas 151
liver 149
arterial revascularization 150
partial liver grafts 150, 150151, 151
portal venous revascularization 149
venous outflow 149150, 150
long case and need for consultants 154155
preoperative imaging 154, 155
recipient reoperations 154
timing of 151
bleeding 151152
drainage and leakage 152
graft loss and retransplantation 153
infections 153
initial graft dysfunction 152
intestinal obstructions 153
persistent graft dysfunction 152
primary graft failure 152
vascular stenosis occlusion 152
Transuretero-ureterostomy 78
Trauma, reoperative surgery in 71
acidemia in 72
coagulopathy in 72
gastrointestinal injuries and
colonic repair 74, 7475
gastric repair 74
rectal repair 75
small bowel repair 74
hypothermia in 72
laparotomy 7172
liver injuries and 7677
pancreatic injuries and 75, 7576
physiological resuscitation in ICU 7273
preoperative check list 73
reconstructive work 7374
re-exploration 73
reoperation, planned 73
staged surgery 71
urinary reconstruction
kidney repair 7980, 80
ureter repair 78, 78, 7879, 79
‘Triad of death’ 71, 72
Ulcerative colitis, reoperation in 48, 159, 162
postoperative complications and
abdominal colectomy with ileostomy and closure of rectal stump and 163
anastomotic dehiscence and pelvic sepsis 163
anastomotic stenosis 163, 164
bowel obstruction 162, 163
chronic pouchitis 165
Crohn's features in pouches 165
fistula-in-ano 165
pouch-cutaneous fistula 163
pouch failure 166
pouch-vaginal fistula 165
pouch with insufficient capacity 165, 166167
pouch with large capacity 165
recurrence and 167
Ureteral injuries, repair of, in trauma patients 78, 78, 7879, 79
Ureteral stents 50
Uretero-uretostomy 78, 78, 78
Vacuum-assisted laparostoma treatment 15, 15
Vacuum-assisted wound management 41
Vacuum pack dressing 39, 39
Vancomycin 33, 179, 180
Vascular procedures, postoperative bleeding after 6768
Vascular surgery, reoperative 83, 185
abdominal aortic aneurysm 8386
anatomical issues in
intestinal adhesions 188
renal arteries, proximity to 188189, 189
ureters, proximity of 189
carotid artery stenosis 8688 (see also Carotid artery stenting (CAS); Carotid endarterectomy (CEA))
conduct of
aortic stent/graft thrombosis and 191
infection and 191
para-anastomotic and false aneurysms 191
patient positioning 191
intraoperative hemorrhage, risk of 190191
lower extremity occlusive disease 8889
need for 185, 186
false aneurysms 185, 187, 187
graft infection and aortoenteric fistula 187, 187188
graft thrombosis 188
late AAA rupture risk 187
para-anastomotic aneurysms 185, 186
postoperative care 192
preoperative imaging 190, 190
timing of 189190
Vasopressin 162
Vasopressive agents 69
Vena cava filter, prior to relaparotomy 33
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) 69
Ventral hernia, planned 40, 4041
Ventral hernias, recurrent 101
components separation 104, 106
drains, placement of 106
hernia recurrence, reasons for 101
laparoscopic repair 103, 103
mesh for repair of 101102, 102
open repair 104, 105
panniculectomy 106
postoperative complications and treatment 106
preoperative care and imaging 102103
seroma formation, prevention of 106
Ventral Hernia Working Group (VHWG), grading system for ventral incisional hernias 102, 102
Visceral vessel grafts 188
Vitamin K 33
Water-based thermo-wrap system 13
Wound management 15
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Orientation to reoperative surgery with an emphasis on communication and safetyChapter 1

Hiram C. Polk, Jr.
Reoperative surgery requires an entirely different approach from any other kind of surgical care. The implication that the first or prior effort had failed or that the disease recurred is the essence of the problem and creates another sequence of pain, anxiety, and recovery that must be directly addressed. There are always multiple parties with an interest in the reasons for failure, the prospects of lasting recovery, and other therapeutic options. When the surgeon proposing reoperation differs from the earlier operator, there will always be the wish that younger/older, wiser or more or less aggressive, better facilities, or other aspects of the change of characters on the surgical team will lead to a better outcome. When any surgeon faces reoperation on his own patient, the psychological milieu is different in that there should always be a sense of fault or constructive self-blame, even when no error has been made:
  • Could I have used different techniques?
  • Better timing?
  • More overall support, such as nutrition or anesthetics?
  • Different antibiotics and shorter or longer use?
  • An endless list of questions about materials, strategies, and devices:
  • Minimal versus maximal access?
  • Absorbable or nonabsorbable sutures?
  • Staged operations as opposed to a single coup?
  • Alimentary diversion or not?
  • More or less utilization of image-dependent adjunctive therapy?
  • Had I done something differently, would the outcome have been better?
Before proceeding, I rightly should recognize some specific efforts of now senior and respected protégés in keeping me focused upon the goals of surgical education; the patient is best served by the curative and innovative surgeon who is also totally honest! Gaar, Mitchell, Fry, Bland, Edwards, Evers, Voyles, and McMasters: these former residents’ books and articles on reoperation and surgical infection have hugely influenced this 2013 version of Reoperative Surgery.
Given a reoperation by the same surgeon, a conscious initial assessment, including formal or informal consultation with colleagues, must be made and plans for alternate strategies and techniques set forth with the patient and immediate family. What will lead to a more satisfactory outcome this time? In all cases, the approach to the operation should be undertaken with specific but often different goals, assured that preoperative total patient preparation and optimum imaging will have been done. The most certain predictor of failure is ‘let's see what we find and go from there.’
Again assuming the same surgeon or team is going to do the reoperative procedure, expectations must be finite and carefully laid out for the patient and family. Although preoperative consultation is given, intraoperative consultation may be even more important; a peer in the field should always be available – even if by telephone – to discuss unanticipated discoveries or diseases.
It is a psychologically easier scenario when reoperation is undertaken by a different surgeon; it is never too early to remind the reader–surgeon that many professional liability lawsuits are spawned by overt or even subtle inferences that the first operation was less than ideally done. A personal conversation between the two surgeons is not always done but is most desirable.
Senior surgeons always savor judgment and wisdom, and younger ones are fascinated by new technologies and devices. In the last decade's obsession with quality and outcomes (has it not always been so?), a study of major abdominal operations done by fully trained surgeons in a Midwestern state showed that among sequenced age groups of surgeons, only recent (<5 years of experience) graduate surgeons had a higher than expected operative mortality rate (Billeter et al. 2012, Galandiuk et al. 2004, Prystowsky et al. 2002). Regardless of the situation, two heads are often better than one! In that same vein, the surgeon's evening preceding a reoperation should dwell on details of the case ahead: think and rethink! Reoperative surgery is seldom pretty and virtually never easy.
A good example for many of these principles is the re-repair of ventral or incisional hernia; increasingly, it is agreed that nearly half such operations fail and fail again. This scenario is familiar to all general surgeons. Often in North America the predisposing cause is overt abdominal obesity. Pleas for weight reduction are seldom heeded, but the optimistic second surgeon is easily seduced. When the hernia is very large or ‘massive,’ pneumoperitoneum preoperatively in the doctor's office is an advantageous maneuver, virtually always overlooked and historically ignored. If the patient is obese, excision of the omentum as a battering ram to a new repair as well as the previous one is useful and regularly forgotten. Tension is the producer of failure and one of the advantages of component release as a technique is its de facto requirement for wide dissection (Kanaan et al. 2011). Although the sundry, innumerable meshes, or combinations thereof are regularly placed by their seriously conflicted surgeon advocates, combinations of the technically demanding component release bridged with permanent mesh are increasingly the fashion among the most experienced abdominal surgeons. Again communication failure sets the stage for disappointment; ‘do not lift anything over 4 kg (10 lbs) until the 100th days after operation’ is the most important pre- and postoperative admonition, to be repeated at every follow-up visit!
If there is any nontechnical common thread to the requirement for reoperation, it is the failure to understand and, to the extent possible, eliminate predisposing causes. Here, an alimentary fistula is a highly representative case. While the litany is known to all, distal obstruction and foreign bodies, such as mesh, and cancer lead the list. All the prescribed medications in the world will not close a fistula due to any of the unholy trinity – all of which must be systematically corrected or eliminated at reoperation.2
Safety issues apply to all operations, but reoperation is the ideal scenario in which to practice the surgical time-out (Altpeter et al. 2007). Preoperative description of the plan and goals should be followed by the postoperative ‘huddle’ – what did we achieve and what are the necessary adjuncts to postoperative care? Drains and other devices must be appreciated for what they are: early for blood, late for intestinal discharge, and removal accordingly but always with the consent of the senior surgeon.
The postoperative report to the family and the next day to the patient must emphasize essential aspects of the reoperation:
  1. We found no cancer
    We found some recurrent cancer, removed it, and believe we can slow the progress of the disease to some degree with further therapy
  2. We found a blockage and were able to remove it
    Bypass it, which often works as well
  3. We found a tack or suture of the mesh underneath and corrected it
    We removed all of the mesh and used your own tissue for repair
Surgeon, patient, team, family need to enter the reoperative arena with understanding, trust, and tempered optimism. Finally, if at all possible, reoperation should be undertaken as the first case of an uncrowded day. So be it.
  1. Altpeter T, Luckhardt K, Lewis JN, et al. Expanded surgical time out: a key to real-time data collection and quality improvement. J Am Coll Surg 2007; 204: 527–532. PubMed PMID: 17382210.
  1. Billeter AT, Polk HC Jr, Hohmann SF, et al. Mortality after elective colon resection: the search for outcomes that define quality in surgical practice. J Am Coll Surg 2012; 214: 436–443; discussion 443–444. PubMed PMID: 22397975.
  1. Galandiuk S, Rao MK, Heine MF, Scherm MJ, Polk HC. Mutual reporting of process and outcomes enhances quality outcomes for colon and rectal resections. Surgery 2004; 136: 833–841. PubMed PMID: 15467669.
  1. Kanaan Z, Hicks N, Weller C, et al. Abdominal wall component release is a sensible choice for patients requiring complicated closure of abdominal defects. Langenbecks Arch Surg 2011; 396: 1263–1270. PubMed PMID: 21870175.
  1. Prystowsky JB, Bordage G, Feinglass JM. Patients outcomes for segmental colon resection according to surgeon's training, certification, and experience. Surgery 2002; 132: 663–670.
  1. Bland KI, Sarr RG, eds. The practice of general surgery. PA: WB Saunders,  Philadelphia  2002.
  1. Edwards MJ, Heniford BT, Klar EA, Doak KW, Miller FN. Pentoxifylline inhibits interleukin-2 induced toxicity in C57BL/6 mice but preserves antitumor efficacy. J Clin Invest 1992; 90: 637–641.
  1. Evers BM, Cryer HM, Miller FB. Pelvic fracture hemorrhage. Priorities in management. Arch Surg 1989; 124: 422–424. PubMed PMID: 2930351.
  1. Fry DE, ed. Reoperative surgery of the abdomen. Marcel Dekker,  New York:  1986.
  1. Gaar EE, ed. E-General Surgery Review [Kindle version]. Louisville, KY: Earl Gaar, 2102. Available from: (accessed 31 Mar 2014).
  1. Garrison RN. The Association for Academic Surgery: what a concept! J Surg Res 1992; 52: 287–292. PubMed PMID: 1593865.
  1. McMasters KM, Vauthey JN, eds. Hepatocellular carcinoma: targeted therapy and multidisciplinary care. Springer,  New York:  2011.
  1. Townsend C, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL, eds. Sabiston textbook of surgery, 19th edn. Saunders,  New York:  2012.
  1. Voyles CR, Petro AB, Meena AL, Haick AJ, Koury AM. A practical approach to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Am J Surg 1991; 161: 365–370. PubMed PMID: 1825759.
  1. Voyles CR, Richardson JD, Bland KI, et al. Emergency abdominal wall reconstruction with polypropylene mesh: short-term benefits versus long-term complications. Ann Surg 1981; 194: 219–223. PubMed PMID: 6455099; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1345243.