Musculoskeletal Imaging Matthew Budak, Teik Chooi Oh, Rakesh Mehan
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures respectively.
Abductor pollicis longus 75
De Quervain’s disease 879
Abscesses 348, 39, 41, 194
Acetabular labrum 96, 11114
anatomy 95, 96, 98
developmental dysplasia of hip 109
femoroacetabular impingement 111, 112, 113
fractures 104, 105, 106
Achilles tendon 143, 1536
Acromioclavicular joint injury 45, 502, 55
Acromion process
acromioclavicular joint injury 45, 502, 55
anatomy 43, 44, 45, 46
impingement syndrome 55, 57
MRI 56
Adolescents see Children and adolescents
Anechoic materials 4, 5
Aneurysmal bone cyst 202, 2067, 208
Anisotropy 6, 7, 28
Ankle see Foot and ankle
Ankylosing spondylitis 229, 2301
Anteater sign 161, 162
Anterior cruciate ligament 123, 124, 1323, 134
Arthritides 21931
differential diagnoses 220
erosive 219, 22331
hypertrophic 219, 2213
infectious 219, 231
radiological findings 21921
treatment 221
Arthritis mutilans 224, 225
Arthrograms 90, 91, 113
Atlantoaxial fractures 16973
Attention coefficients 4, 57
Avascular necrosis of the hip 11821
Avulsion injuries
medial collateral ligament 134
pelvic 98100, 1013
phalangeal 85, 86
tibial condyle 126
triangular fibrocartilage complex 90
ulnar collateral ligament of thumb 91
Axis ring 165, 168
Baker’s cysts 13940
Bankart lesions 48, 57, 58, 58, 59
Barton fracture 76, 78
Bennett fracture 85, 87
Biceps tendon, distal 61, 63, 64, 702
Biconcave fractures, vertebrae 173, 174, 175
cancer risk per examination 2
CT density of fluid in 9
isotope bone scanning 15, 16
MRI intensity of fluid in 11
Bohler’s angle 143
abnormalities see Bone fractures; Bone infections; Bone tumours; Metabolic bone disease
avascular necrosis of the hip 11821
CT density 9
echogenicity 67
elbow ossification centres 61, 62, 63, 64
imaging modality selection 17
medullary infarcts 2369
MRI signal intensity 11, 12, 13
Paget’s disease 2316
radiographic assessment 34
radiographic density 2, 3
radiographic rule of twos 17
rickets 2478
scintigraphy see Isotope bone scanning see also specific bones
Bone fractures
ankle 1459
carpal 7984
clavicular 50, 51
computerised tomography 23
description 18
distal forearm 19, 769
elbow 61, 647
or epiphyseal line 44, 45
femoral neck 967, 1069
foot 1503
hand 22, 847
imaging modality selection 17
knee and tibia 201, 22, 23, 1269
MRI 234
nuclear medicine 13, 26
pelvic 96, 98106
plain radiographs 19, 202
proximal humeral 47, 523, 54
types 1718
vertebral 16976, 1924
Bone infections
nuclear medicine 13, 15, 24, 26
osteomyelitis 26, 231, 2403, 244
Bone marrow oedema 129
Bone scintigraphy see Isotope bone scanning
Bone tumours 20118
benign 201, 20613
characterisation 2014
isotope bone scanning 13, 24, 25, 26, 27, 205, 215, 216
key facts 204
key imaging findings 205
malignant 201, 21318 see also metastases
metastases 24, 25, 26, 199, 202, 21517
radiological findings 205
treatment 205
Bowing fracture 78, 79
Boxer’s fracture 87
Brachial artery 63, 70, 71
Brodie’s abscess 240, 242
Bucket handle meniscal tears 130, 131
Buckle (torus) fracture 78, 79
Bumper (fender) fractures 126
calcific 35
infrapatellar 29
Burst fractures 173, 174, 1767
C sign 161, 162
Calcaneofibular ligament 142, 143
anatomy 141, 142, 143, 144
Bohler’s angle 143
fractures 143, 149, 150
osteomyelitis 2412
sustentaculum tali 142, 161, 162
tarsal coalitions 160, 161, 162, 163
Calcific tendinitis 35, 36, 55
linear 34, 35
nodular 34, 35, 36
rotator cuff 55, 56, 57
Calcium pyrophosphate calcification 35
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease 226, 227
Cancer risk of radiation 2
Capitate 73, 74, 75, 82, 84
Capitellum 61, 62
MRI 63
ossification centre 63
osteochondrosis diseases 138
radiocapitellar line 61, 62, 65, 67
Carpal bones 73, 74, 75, 78
injuries 7984
osteochondrosis diseases 138 see also specific bones
Carpal tunnel 73, 75
Cartilage 4, 7, 12
Cauda equina syndrome 195, 196, 199
Cellulitis 38
Chance fracture 174, 175
Charcot’s joint 223
Children and adolescents
aneurysmal bone cysts 202, 2067
ankle fractures 148
anterior cruciate ligament tears 132
developmental dysplasia of hip 10910, 112
discitis 193
elbow fractures 64, 66
elbow ossification centres 61, 62, 63, 64
Ewing’s sarcoma 213, 214
fibrous cortical defect 204, 207, 209
forearm fractures 77, 78, 79
infectious arthritides 231
ischial–pubic synchondrosis 103
non-ossifying fibroma 202, 204, 207
Osgood–Schlatter disease 1378
pelvic avulsion fractures 98100, 1013
pelvic radiographs 98, 99
Perthes disease 11618
shoulder radiographs 44, 45
simple bone cysts 202, 206
slipped upper femoral epiphyses 11416
tarsal coalitions 160, 161
Chondroblastoma 202, 204
Chondroid tumours 204 see also specific tumours
Chondromatosis, synovial 35, 37
Chondromyxoid fibroma 202, 204
Chondrosarcoma 202, 20710, 214
Clapper-in-bell sign 32
Claudication, neurogenic 196
Clavicle 43, 44, 45, 502, 55
Clay shoveller’s fracture 171
Cloaca 240, 242
Cobb’s angle 180, 181, 182
Coccyx 95, 103
Codman’s triangle 204, 214, 215
Cold spots 15
Collateral ligaments
knee 123, 125, 1346
MRI 312
ulnar injuries 85, 86, 913
Collections 348
Colles fractures 76, 77
Common extensor/flexor tendons 61, 63, 64, 6770
Computerised tomography (CT) 78
ankle injuries 145
assessment principles 9
bony abnormalities 23, 205 see also specific
discitis 192, 193
elbow 61
foot injuries 151
indications 78, 17
intervertebral disc herniation 187
knee 128
medullary bone infarcts 238
osteochondritis dissecans 2456
osteomyelitis 240
Paget’s disease 233
pelvic girdle and hip 99, 106, 107, 109, 115, 117
radiation burden 2
scoliosis 180, 182
shoulder 44
soft tissue abnormalities 39, 40
spinal facet joint injuries 178, 179
spinal fractures 170, 1712, 174, 177
spinal stenosis/cord compression 1967
spondylolisthesis 183, 185
tarsal coalitions 161, 163
tissue densities 89
wrist and hand 81
Coracoid process 43, 44, 45
Coronoid process of the ulna 63, 64, 65
Crescent sign 120
Cruciate ligaments 123, 124, 125
meniscal tears 130, 131
tears 1323, 134
Crush fractures, vertebrae 173, 174, 175
CT see Computerised tomography (CT)
Cuboid, anatomy 141, 144
Cuneiforms 141, 142, 144, 1501, 152, 160
aneurysmal bone 202, 2067, 208
Baker’s 13940
facet joint synovial 200
paralabral 113, 114
parameniscal 130
simple bone 202, 206
subchondral (geode) 202, 221, 222, 227
Dancer’s fracture 150, 152
De Quervain’s disease 879
Developmental dysplasia of the hip 10910, 112
Digital nerve 15860
Discitis 18995
elbow 64, 65, 67
Lisfranc injury 150
patella 1267, 129
radiocarpal joint 76, 78
shoulder 44, 479, 50
wrist 80, 82, 84
Doppler ultrasound 7
Double-line sign 120
Double PCL sign 130, 131
Doughnut sign 120, 213
Echogenicity 4, 57, 28, 32
Elbow 6172
anatomy 614
children 61, 62, 63, 64, 66
dislocations 64, 65, 67
distal biceps tendon rupture 702
epicondylitis 6770
fractures 61, 647
imaging points 614
Enchondroma 202, 204, 20710
Enteropathic arthropathy 22931
Epicondylitis 6770
Epiphyseal line 44, 45
Ewing’s sarcoma 213, 214
Extensor carpi radialis brevis 75
Extensor carpi radialis longus 75, 89
Extensor carpi ulnaris 75, 89
Extensor digitorum 75
Extensor digitorum longus 141, 143
Extensor hallucis longus 141, 143
Extensor indicis 75
Extensor pollicis brevis 75, 879
Extensor pollicis longus 75
Extensor retinaculum (foot) 143
Extensor tendon compartments, wrist 75, 75
External epicondyle see Lateral epicondyle
Fabella 125
Facet injuries/pathology 169, 1769, 198, 200
Fallen fragment sign 206
abnormal deposition in muscle 32, 34
CT density 8, 9
echogenicity 5
MRI signals 10, 11, 12
radiographic density 2, 3
Fat pads
elbow 61, 62, 64, 66
knee 124
Fatigue fractures 18
Femoral condyles 123, 124, 125
anterior cruciate ligament injury 133
fractures 126, 128
kissing contusions 129
Femoral epiphysis, upper 98, 99, 11416
Femoroacetabular impingement 111, 112, 113
anatomy 95, 978, 123, 1245
avascular necrosis of the hip 118, 119, 120
avulsion injuries 100
condylar fractures 126, 128
developmental dysplasia of hip 109, 110
femoral neck fractures 967, 1069
femoroacetabular impingement 111, 112, 113
fibrous cortical defect 207
isotope bone scanning, metastases 25
lymphoma 218
multiple myeloma 217
non-ossifying fibroma 207
osteochondral fractures 126, 128
Paget’s disease 233
Perthes disease 11618
rickets 247
slipped upper epiphyses 11416
Fender (bumper) fractures 126
Fibrous cortical defect 204, 207, 209
Fibrous dysplasia 202, 21112
Fibrous tumours 204 see also specific tumours
anatomy 123, 124, 141, 142, 143
fractures 1457
plain radiographs 201
anisotropy 6, 7
osteoarthritis 222
phalangeal injuries 85, 86
psoriatic arthritis 229
rheumatoid arthritis 225 see also Thumb injuries
Flexor digitorum longus 141, 143
Flexor digitorum profundus 75
Flexor digitorum superficialis 75
Flexor hallucis longus 141, 143, 144
Flexor retinaculum
ankle 141, 143
wrist 75
CT density 8, 9
echogenicity 5
MRI signal intensity 11, 12, 13
Foot and ankle 14163
Achilles tendon pathology 1536
anatomy 1414
aneurysmal bone cyst 208
ankle injuries 1449
cancer risk per examination 2
Charcot’s joint 223
fibrous cortical defect 209
foot injuries 14953
gout 226
Morton’s neuroma 15860
osteochondrosis diseases 138
osteomyelitis 2412
tarsal coalition 1603
tibialis posterior dysfunction 1568
Foreign bodies, non-opaque 38, 39
Fractures see Bone fractures
Freiberg’s disease 138
Gadolinium contrast 10
Galeazzi fracture 64, 65, 76
Gamekeeper’s thumb 85, 86, 91
Gamma cameras 14
CT density 8, 9
MRI signal intensity 11, 12
radiographic density 2, 3
Gastrocnemius 124, 125, 140
Geode (subchondral cyst) 202, 221, 222, 227
Giant cell tumour 202, 21213
Glenohumeral joint 44, 479, 57
Glenohumeral ligament 58
Glenoid fossa 43, 44, 45, 46, 479
Glenoid labrum 43, 46, 48, 56, 579
Gout 224, 226
Greenstick fracture 78, 79
Guyon’s canal 75
Haemangiomas 35
Haemarthrosis, elbow 64, 66
hyopechoic 30, 32
soft tissue 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 412
Haemophilia 226, 227
Haglund’s syndrome 154
Hamate 73, 75, 80, 82
Hand see Wrist and hand
Hangman’s fractures 169, 171
Harris ring 165, 168
Heterotopic ossification 35, 36
Hilgenreiner’s line 98, 99, 110
Hill–Sachs lesions 47, 50
Hip see Pelvic girdle and hip
Hot spots 14
Hounsfield unit (HU) scale 8
anatomy 43, 446, 47, 61
glenohumeral joint dislocation 44, 479, 50
glenohumeral ligament avulsion 58
involucrum 243
metastases 216
osteomyelitis 243, 244
proximal fractures 47, 523, 54
simple bone cyst 206
trochlea see Trochlea of the humerus
Hyperparathyroidism 26, 27
Hypertrophic arthritides 219, 2213
Iliac crest 98, 100, 101
Iliac spines 95, 99, 100, 101, 103
anatomy 95, 97
Duverney fractures 103 see also Iliac crest; Iliac spines
Impingement syndrome 55, 57
Indium-111 15
Infectious arthritides 219, 231
Infraspinatus muscle 43, 46, 55
Insufficiency fractures 18
Intermetatarsal space 15860
Internal epicondyle see Medial epicondyle
Intertrochanteric line 98
Intervertebral discs 167, 1869
discitis 18995
herniation 1869, 1901, 195, 196, 198, 200
Involucrum 240, 242, 243
Ionising radiation 1, 2
Ischial tuberosity 95, 97, 99, 100, 102
Ischium 95, 104 see also Ischial tuberosity
Isotope bone scanning 13
assessment principles 15, 16
avascular necrosis of the hip 119
bone tumours 13, 24, 25, 26, 27, 205, 215, 216
discitis 192
indications 13, 17, 246, 27
markers 14
medullary bone infarcts 238
metastases 24, 25, 26, 215, 216
osteomyelitis 240
Paget’s disease 233, 235
photopaenic defect (cold spots) 15
spondylolisthesis 183
superscans 26, 27
tissue visualisation 1415
tracers 14, 16
triple phase 26, 119
Jefferson fracture 169, 171
arthritides 21931
echogenicity 7
imaging modality selection 17
isotope bone scanning 1415, 16
osteochondritis dissecans 2446
radiographic assessment principles 3
radiographic rule of twos 17 see also specific joints
Jones fracture 150, 152
Judet views 106
Kienböck’s disease 138
Klein’s line 115, 116
Knee 12340
anatomy 1235
anterior cruciate ligament tears 1323, 134
Baker’s cysts 13940
calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition 227
fractures 201, 22, 23, 1269
giant cell tumour 213
haemophilia 227
imaging points 125
ligament injury MRI 312
medial collateral ligament 1346
medullary bone infarcts 238, 239
meniscal tears 12931, 134
Osgood–Schlatter disease 1378
osteochondritis dissecans 245, 246
osteochondroma 211
osteosarcoma 215
quadriceps tendon 1367
tendon echogenicity 6, 29
and tibial injuries 1259
Köhler’s disease 138
Kyphosis 192
acetabular see Acetabular labrum
glenoid see Glenoid labrum
Lateral epicondyle 63
Lateral epicondylitis 67, 68
Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease 11618
Leucocyte scanning 13, 15, 24, 240, 241
Ligament injuries
foot 150, 151, 152, 153
knee 130, 131, 1326
MRI 289, 312
wrist and hand 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 913
Ligament ossification 40
ankle 1412, 143
echogenicity 5
foot 142, 144, 150, 151, 152, 153
injuries see Ligament injuries
MRI signal intensity 11, 12, 13
triangular fibrocartilage complex 89
Light bulb sign 49
Lipohaemarthrosis 22, 126, 127, 133
Lisfranc injury 150, 151, 152, 153
Lisfranc ligament 142, 144, 150
Lister’s tubercle 75
Loose bodies 35
Looser’s zones 248
Lunate 73, 74, 80, 82, 84, 138
Lymphoma 202, 218
Mach effect 168
Madonna sign 82, 83
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 1013
Achilles tendon 154, 156
ankle anatomy 143
anterior cruciate ligament 132, 133
arthritides 221
assessment principles 13
Baker’s cysts 139, 140
bony abnormalities 234, 205, 236 see also specific
De Quervain’s disease 88
discitis 1923, 194
elbow 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71
foot injuries 1512
gadolinium contrast 10
indications 10, 17
intervertebral disc herniation 187, 18891, 195, 196, 198, 200
knee anatomy 1245
knee and tibial fractures 128, 129
ligament injuries 289, 312, 132, 134
medial collateral ligament 134, 135
medullary bone infarcts 239
meniscal tears 130, 131
Morton’s neuroma 159
muscle abnormalities 334
Osgood–Schlatter disease 138
osteochondritis dissecans 246
osteomyelitis 241, 242, 244
Paget’s disease 236, 237
pelvic girdle/hip anatomy 967
pelvic girdle/hip pathology 100, 106, 108, 110, 113, 115, 11720
quadriceps tendon injuries 137
scoliosis 180
short T1 inversion recovery 1011, 12, 24
shoulder 44, 46, 55, 56, 589
soft tissue 37, 39, 40, 412, 44
spinal anatomy 167
spinal fractures 170, 174, 175, 177
spinal stenosis/cord compression 195, 196, 1979
spondylolisthesis 183, 184, 186, 200
T1/T2-weighting 10, 11, 12, 13, 234
tarsal coalitions 162
tendon injuries 28, 154, 157
tibialis posterior 157, 158
tissue signal intensities 10, 11, 1213
wrist and hand 24, 75, 80, 81, 88, 90, 92
Maisonneuve fracture 1457
Malgaigne fractures 104
Malleolus 142, 143, 145, 146, 147
March fractures 150, 151, 152, 153
Markers, nuclear medicine 14
Mazabraud’s syndrome 211
McCune–Albright syndrome 211
Medial collateral ligament 1346
Medial epicondyle 61, 62, 63, 63, 64
Median nerve 75
Medullary bone infarcts 2369
Menisci 123, 125, 12931, 134
Metabolic bone disease 26, 27, 2478
Metacarpal fractures 22, 85, 85, 86, 87
Metacarpophalangeal joint, thumb 913
Metal, radiographic density 2, 3
Metalwork infections 26
Metastases 24, 25, 26, 199, 202, 21517
anatomy 141, 142, 144
fractures 1501, 152, 153
Lisfranc injury 152, 153
Morton’s neuroma 15860
Methylene diphosphonate 14
Modic changes 188, 189, 191
Monteggia fracture 64, 65, 76
MRI see Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Mulder’s click 159
Multiple myeloma 202, 217
abnormalities 324, 41
CT density 9
echogenicity 5, 32
fatty infiltration 32, 34
mass lesions 34, 35
MRI signal intensity 11, 12
oedema 334, 41
tears 32, 33
Myeloma 202, 217
Myelomalacia 197, 198
Myositis 33, 35
Navicular 141, 142, 144, 160, 162
Necrosis, avascular of hip 11821
Neer classification 53, 54
Nerves, echogenicity 6
Neurogenic claudication 196
Non-ossifying fibroma 202, 204, 207
Nuclear medicine 1314
bone scintigraphy see Isotope bone scanning
indications 13, 17, 246
tissue visualisation 1415
O’Donoghue’s unhappy triad 134
Odontoid peg 165, 166, 169, 170
bone marrow 129
muscular 334, 41
Olecranon 61, 62, 63, 64
Osgood–Schlatter disease 1378
Osgood–Schlatter disease 137, 138
soft tissue 34, 35, 39, 40
Ossification centres
elbow 61, 62, 63, 64
foot and ankle 1434
Osgood–Schlatter disease 138
degenerative 2213
erosive 227, 228
Osteochondral fractures 126, 128
Osteochondritis dissecans 2446
Osteochondroma 202, 204, 21011
Osteochondromatosis, synovial 35, 37
Osteochondrosis diseases 138
Osteoid osteoma 202, 204, 207, 210
Osteoid tumours 204 see also specific tumours
Osteomalacia 247
Osteomyelitis 26, 231, 2403, 244
Osteopaenia 118, 119
Osteoporosis 18, 225
Osteosarcoma 202, 204, 214
Paget’s disease 2316, 237
Panner’s disease 138
Paralabral cysts 113, 114
Parameniscal cysts 130
Parrot’s beak 130
Pars interarticularis defect 183, 184, 185, 186
Patella 123, 124
bipartite 128
dislocation 1267, 129
fractures 128
kissing contusions 129
osteochondrosis diseases 138
quadriceps tendon injuries 136
Patellar tendon 137
Patellofemoral joint 123, 124
Pathological fractures 18
Pelvic girdle and hip 95121
acetabular labral pathology 11114
anatomy 958, 102
avascular necrosis 11821
cancer risk per examination 2
CT densities 9
developmental dysplasia of hip 10910, 112
femoral neck fractures 967, 1069
fibrous dysplasia 212
imaging points 968
isotope bone scanning 16
metastases 25, 215
MRI signal intensities 11
multiple myeloma 217
osteoarthritis 222
Paget’s disease 233
pelvic fractures 96, 98106
Perthes disease 11618
slipped upper femoral epiphyses 11416
soft tissue haematoma 41
Perilunate dislocations 82, 84
Perimysial striae 32
Periosteal reaction 2024, 214, 215, 218
Perkin’s line 98, 99, 110
Peroneus longus/brevis tendons 141, 143
Perthes disease 11618
Perthes lesion 57, 58, 58
Phalangeal injuries 85, 86
Phleboliths 35
Photopaenic defect 15
Pilon fracture 148
Pisiform 73, 74
Pistol grip deformity 111
Plain radiography 1
acetabular labral pathology 112, 113
ankle pathology 145, 1469, 157, 161, 162
anterior cruciate ligament tear 132
arthritides 21920
assessment principles 34
avascular necrosis of the hip 119
bony abnormalities 19, 202, 205 see also specific
developmental dysplasia of hip 109, 110, 112
discitis 1912, 193
elbow 61, 62, 647
femoral neck fractures 106, 107, 108
foot anatomy 144
foot pathology 1501, 150, 1523, 159
indications 1, 17
intervertebral disc herniation 187
knee anatomy 123, 124
knee/tibial fractures 201, 22, 1278
medullary bone infarcts 238
Osgood–Schlatter disease 138
osteochondritis dissecans 245
osteomyelitis 240
Paget’s disease 232, 2334
pelvic fractures 98, 99, 1015, 1046
pelvic girdle/hip anatomy 95, 97, 98
Perthes disease 117
quadriceps tendon injuries 136
radiation risk 2
radiographic densities 23
rickets 2478
rule of twos 17
scoliosis 180, 1812
shoulder 44, 45, 4753, 54, 55
slipped upper femoral epiphyses 11415, 116
soft tissue 34, 35, 36, 37
spinal facet joint injuries 177, 179
spinal fractures 169, 170, 1712, 174, 1756, 178
spinal stenosis/cord compression 196
spine anatomy 1656, 1689
spondylolisthesis 183, 184, 185, 186
wrist/hand anatomy 74
wrist/hand pathology 76, 7780, 81, 824, 86, 90
Popeye sign 70
Popliteal cysts 13940
Posterior cruciate ligament 123, 124, 125, 130, 131
Pott’s disease 191
Psoriatic arthritis 228, 229
Pubic rami 967, 100, 103, 104
Pubic symphysis 95, 102, 104, 105
anatomy 95, 102
fractures 103, 104 see also Pubic rami
Pyogenic discitis 189
Quadriceps 33
Quadriceps tendon injuries 30, 1367
Radial tubercle 75
Radiation, ionising 1, 2
Radiocapitellar line 61, 62, 65, 67
Radiocarpal joint dislocation 76, 78
Radiography see Plain radiography
Radionuclide imaging see Nuclear medicine
Radioulnar joint 61, 62, 64, 65, 90
distal forearm fractures 19, 769
elbow anatomy 61, 62, 63
elbow injuries 64, 65, 66, 67
elbow ossification centre 63
lunate dislocations 82, 84
perilunate dislocations 82
wrist anatomy 73, 74
Reiter’s syndrome 229
Renal system 2, 15, 16
Rheumatoid arthritis 2234, 225, 228
Rib metastases 25
Rickets 2478
Rim sign 243
Rockwood classification 51, 52, 52
Rolando fracture 85, 86, 87
Rotator cuff 43, 44, 557
Sacroiliac joint 95, 104, 105
Sacrum 95, 102, 103, 106
Sail sign 64, 66
Sarcoma 35, 202, 204 see also Chondrosarcoma; Ewing’s sarcoma; Osteosarcoma
Scaphoid 73, 74
dislocation 84
fractures 79, 80, 81, 84
Scapholunate dislocation 84
Scapholunate interval 82, 83
Scapholunate ligament 80, 82
Scapula 43, 44
acromion process see Acromion process
coracoid process 43, 44, 45
Ewing’s sarcoma 213, 214
glenoid fossa 43, 44, 45, 46, 479
Scheuermann’s disease 138
Schmorl’s node formation 195
Scoliosis 1802
Segond fracture 126, 127, 129, 132
Septic arthritis 231
Sequestra 240, 242
Sesamoid bones 144
Sever’s disease 138
Shenton’s line 95, 967, 107, 110
Short T1 inversion recovery (STIR) 1011, 12, 24
acromioclavicular joint injuries 45, 502
anatomy 437
children 44, 45
clavicle injuries 502
dislocations 44, 479, 50, 51, 52
Ewing’s sarcoma 213, 214
glenoid labral pathology 48, 579
imaging points 44, 456
proximal humeral fractures 47, 523, 54
radiographic densities 2
rotator cuff pathology 44, 557
soft tissue abnormalities 36, 37
Sinding–Larsen–Johansson syndrome 138
Skier’s thumb 85, 86, 91
Skull 2, 234
SLAP lesion 57, 59
Slipped upper femoral epiphyses 11416
Smith fracture 19, 76, 77
Soft tissue
abnormalities 349, 402 see also Calcification
cancer risk per examination 2
CT density 9
echogenicity 56
imaging modality selection 17
isotope bone scanning 15, 16
MRI signal intensities 11, 12, 13
plain radiography assessment principles 4
radiographic density 2, 3 see also Ligaments; Tendons
Spina bifida occulta 185
Spinal cord 167
compression 195200
Spine 165200
anatomy 1659
ankylosing spondylitis 229, 2301
atlantoaxial fractures 16973
cancer risk per examination 2
discitis 18995
enteropathic arthropathy 22931
facet injuries/pathology 169, 1769, 198, 200
injury mechanisms 169
intervertebral disc herniation 1869, 1901, 195, 196, 198, 200
isotope bone scanning 16, 25
lymphoma 218
metastases 25, 215
myeloma 217
osteochondrosis diseases 138
Paget’s disease 233, 235, 237
scoliosis 1802
soft tissue abnormalities 40
spondylolisthesis 1826, 200
stenosis and cord compression 186, 195200
thoracolumbar vertebral fractures 1736, 1924
Spondylodiscitis 189, 192
Spondylolisthesis 1826, 200
Sprains 28
Stener lesion 92, 93
Stenosis, spinal 186, 195200
STIR 1011, 12, 24
Straddle fractures 104
Stress fractures 17, 150, 151, 152, 153
Subacromial bursa 55, 56, 57
Subchondral cyst (geode) 202, 221, 222, 227
Subscapularis muscle 43, 46, 55, 58
Superior labral anterior–posterior (SLAP) lesion 57, 59
Superscans 26, 27
Supracondylar fractures 64, 66
Supraspinatus muscle 43, 46, 55
Supraspinatus tendon 36, 56
Symphysis pubis see Pubic symphysis
Synovial cysts, facet joint 200
Synovial osteochondromatosis 35, 37
T1/T2-weighted MRI 10, 11, 12, 13, 234
Talofibular ligaments 142, 143
anatomy 141, 142, 143, 144
tarsal coalitions 160, 161, 162, 163
Tarsal bones see Calcaneus; Cuboid; Cuneiforms; Navicular; Talus
Tarsal coalition 1603
Teardrop fracture 169, 1712, 173
Technetium-99m 14, 15
Teeth 2, 16
Tendinitis (tendonitis) 28
Achilles tendon 155
calcific 35, 36, 55, 57
rotator cuff 55
Tendinopathy 28, 29
Achilles tendon 1536
calcification 36, 55, 56, 57
De Quervain’s disease 879
elbow 6770
MRI 28
Osgood–Schlatter disease 1378
rotator cuff 557
tibialis posterior 1568
ultrasound 5, 6, 7, 28, 2930
Tendinosis 28
Tendon tears
Achilles tendon 154
elbow 68, 69, 702
MRI 28
quadriceps tendon 1367
rotator cuff 55, 56, 57
tibialis posterior 157
ultrasound 28, 30
abnormalities see Tendinopathy; Tendon tears
ankle 141, 143, 1538
CT density 9
elbow 61, 63, 64, 6772
MRI signal intensity 12, 13
ultrasound 5, 6, 7, 28
wrist and hand 74, 75, 75
Tennis elbow 67, 68
Tenosynovitis 28
De Quervain’s disease 879
tibialis posterior 157
ultrasound 29, 157
Teres minor 43, 55
Terry Thomas sign 82, 83
Thumb injuries 85, 86, 913
Thyroid 15, 16
anatomy 123, 1245, 141, 142
Brodie’s abscess 242
fibrous cortical defect 207
fractures 201, 22, 1269, 145, 1478
medullary bone infarcts 239
non-ossifying fibroma 207
osteoid osteoma 210
Paget’s disease 234
rickets 247
Tibial condyles 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129
Tibial plateaus 123, 124, 125
anterior cruciate ligament injury 133
fractures 125, 126, 129
kissing contusions 129
Tibial spines 123, 125, 133
Tibialis anterior tendon 141, 143
Tibialis posterior tendon 141, 143, 1568
Tibiofemoral joint 123
Tibiofibular syndesmosis 145, 1467
Tibiotalar joint 141, 142
Tillaux fracture 147, 148
Too-many-toes sign 157
Torus (buckle) fracture 78, 79
Tracers, nuclear medicine 14, 16
Trapezium 73, 75, 85
Trapezoid 73, 75
Triangular fibrocartilage complex injuries 8991
Triplane fracture 148, 149
Triquetrum 73, 80, 82, 83
Trochanter, greater/lesser 97, 98, 100, 108
Trochlea of the humerus 61, 62
fracture 64
MRI 63
ossification centre 63
Tuberculous arthritis 231
coronoid process 63, 64, 65
distal forearm fractures 769
elbow anatomy 61
elbow fractures/dislocations 64, 65
triangular fibrocartilage complex injuries 89
wrist anatomy 73, 74
Ulnar canal 75
Ulnar collateral ligament injuries 85, 86, 913
Ulnar nerve 61, 63, 64, 75
Ultrasound 47
Achilles tendon 154, 155
anisotropy 6, 7, 28
arthritides 220
assessment principles 7
Baker’s cysts 139, 140
bone tumours 205
De Quervain’s disease 88, 89
elbow 68, 70, 71
indications 4, 17
Morton’s neuroma 159, 160
muscle injuries 32
Osgood–Schlatter disease 138
pelvic girdle and hip 106, 109, 110
quadriceps tendon injuries 30, 1367
shoulder 44, 55
soft tissue abnormalities 348
tendons 5, 6, 7, 28, 2930, 154, 157
tibialis posterior 157
tissue echogenicity 4, 57
wrist and hand 29, 74, 88, 89, 92
Vastus medialis 33
Vertebral bodies
anatomy 165, 166, 167, 169
discitis 189, 192, 193
metastases 215
Paget’s disease 233, 237
spondylolisthesis 183, 184, 185, 186
Vertebral fractures 16976, 1924
Vitamin D deficiency 247, 248
Weber injuries, ankle 145, 1489
Wedge fractures, vertebrae 173, 174, 175, 1924
Wrist and hand
anatomy 735
arthritis mutilans 225
cancer risk per examination 2
carpal injuries 7984
De Quervain’s disease 879
dislocations 80, 82, 84
distal forearm fractures 19, 769
enchondroma 210
hand injuries 22, 29, 847
imaging points 74, 75
MRI of fractures 24, 80, 81
osteoarthritis 222, 228
osteochondrosis diseases 138
psoriatic arthritis 228, 229
rheumatoid arthritis 2245
triangular fibrocartilage complex injuries 8991
ulnar collateral ligament injuries 85, 86, 913
X-rays 1, 3, 8
Chapter Notes

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Understanding normal resultschapter 1

Only by understanding normal findings can you develop the skills to identify abnormal results and correctly diagnose the condition causing them. In radiology, various imaging modalities are used; each has its own way of producing an image. Knowing the basic concepts underlying the different types of radiological examination will enable you to interpret the images produced and understand the pathological processes occurring, even if the actual diagnosis is unknown.
1.1 Plain radiography
The plain radiograph remains an important and useful diagnostic tool. This is especially true in musculoskeletal radiology, as radiographs are quick, widely available and inexpensive. They are well tolerated by most, if not all, patients. Fractures and focal bony abnormalities are easily detected.
However, radiography exposes the patient to ionising radiation in the form of X-rays. Although the radiation burden of radiography and other radiological examinations is small (Table 1.1), the risk of developmental problems and lifetime cancer risk is increased. Therefore any examination must be clinically justified.
How it works
X-rays are passed through a part of the body and the resultant image is captured on an imaging plate (traditionally a film but nowadays a digital detector). The X-rays are either absorbed or scattered by the different layers of tissue. The degree of absorption or scattering depends on the density of the tissue. Thus differences in tissue density are visualised as differences in contrast in the overall image.2
Table 1.1   Risks of common radiological examinations
Equivalent period of natural background radiation
Estimated additional lifetime risk of cancer per examination
• Radiograph of chest, arms, legs, hands, feet or teeth
A few days
Negligible: < 1 in 1,000,000
• Radiograph of skull, head or neck
A few weeks
Minimal: 1 in 1,000,000 to 1 in 100,000
• Radiograph of hip, spine, abdomen or pelvis
• CT of heda
A few months to a year
Very low: 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 10,000
• Radiograph of kidneys and bladder (intravenous urogram)
• CT of chest or abdomen
A few years
Low: 1 in 10,000 to 3 in 1000
CT, computerised tomography.
Radiographic densities
The four main classes of radiographic density are gas, fat, soft tissue and bone. Metal may also be seen on radiographs (Figure 1.1).
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Figure 1.1: Radiograph of the right shoulder, showing five different radiographic densities in an acromial fixation: in increasing order of density, gas or air Ⓐ, fat Ⓑ, soft tissue Ⓒ, bone Ⓓ and metal Ⓔ.
Gas (not always air) has the lowest density and therefore absorbs very few X-ray photons. Most of the energy passes through areas of gas, which therefore appear black on the final image.
Fat has low density but absorbs X-ray energy slightly more than gas does. Therefore areas of fat appear a shade lighter than black, i.e. a dark grey, on the image. Dark-grey areas of fat are seen between layers of soft tissue and help delineate these layers.
Soft tissue
Soft tissue partially absorbs and scatters X-rays, resulting in a grey shadow on the image. Adjacent soft tissues of the same density are indistinguishable if there is no intervening fat, gas or metal.
Bone contains calcium, which makes it very dense. Therefore bone appears light grey to white on radiographs. The exact shade of grey depends on which part of the bone is being viewed. For example, the light grey medullary cavity is clearly distinguishable from the white cortex in a long bone.
Metal has the highest density. Its presence in the body may be intentional (e.g. when a screw fixation is used) or unintentional (e.g. in cases of a retained suture needle).
Principles of assessment of radiographs
The general principle is to use a systematic approach to assess the entire image.
  • Alignment: check that all the bones and joints are in anatomically correct alignment. Loss of alignment can result from fractures or dislocations.
  • Bones: check the contour of every bone by tracing around the entire cortex. Suspect a fracture if there is any step or 4break in the cortex. After checking the contours, examine bone texture: the fine trabeculae of the bones should be preserved.
  • Cartilage: cartilage is not visible on radiographs, but check that the joint spaces are present and congruent throughout the joint. Joint space narrowing or widening may indicate underlying pathology.
  • Soft tissue: check for the presence of soft tissue changes which can indicate underlying pathology even when the bones and joints appear normal.
1.2 Ultrasound
Ultrasound is a particularly useful tool in musculoskeletal imaging, because it is good at visualising superficial structures due to the high-resolution images it generates. Also, ultrasound images of some structures, such as tendons, are more detailed than those of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
However, ultrasound is operator-dependent; the quality of ultrasound images and the accuracy of diagnosis is entirely dependent on the expertise of the operator, and ultrasound skills take a long time to acquire. Also, ultrasound has limited ability to visualise deeper structures or those masked by dense structures such as bone.
How it works
A pulsed wave of ultrasound (2–15 MHz) is transmitted. It loses energy as it passes through the body. The amount of energy lost depends on the amount of energy absorbed by the material. The rate of absorption depends on the type of material through which the pulse passes and the frequency of the ultrasound.
The absorption rate of a material is specified by its attenuation coefficient. The lower the coefficient, the more easily the ultrasound pulse penetrates the material (Figure 1.2). Therefore materials with a lower attenuation coefficient are more anechoic and look darker on ultrasound. Conversely, materials with a higher attenuation coefficient are more echogenic and look brighter on ultrasound.5
zoom view
Figure 1.2: Ultrasound of the arm, showing various tissue densities: fluid Ⓐ in the tendon sheath of the long head of the biceps tendon Ⓑ, lying on the cortical bony surface Ⓒ, with overlying deltoid muscle Ⓓ and superficial subcutaneous fat Ⓔ.
Fluids are anechoic and thus appear dark on ultrasound. Different fluids, for example blood and water, have different reflective properties. Water appears totally anechoic or black on the screen, whereas blood pooled within a vein appears almost black on the screen, with a slight turbidity due to the cellular components within.
Fat appears as a bright (hyperechoic) area.
Soft tissue
Soft tissue appearances vary according to the exact type of tissue.
  • Muscle is hypoechoic. In the short axis (transverse plane) it looks dark with small speckled dots (due to perimysial connective tissue within it). In the long axis (longitudinal plane) it is dark with hypoechoic cylindrical structures (fascicles), resembling parallel lines of spaghetti.
  • Tendons have a fibrolinear pattern, seen on US as parallel lines in the longitudinal axis. In the transverse axis, tendons are round or ovoid. Tendons may be surrounded by either a synovium-lined sheath or a dense connective tissue known as the paratenon (Figure 1.3).
  • Ligaments look similar to tendons. However, ligaments have a more compact fibrolinear architecture and hence more hyperechoic pattern.
    zoom view
    Figure 1.3: (a) Longitudinal ultrasound of the knee, showing fibrolinear parallel lines (arrow) in the patellar tendon, arising from the lower pole of the patella (arrowhead). (b) Transverse ultrasound showing the ovoid tendon (long arrow) with a thin paratenon (short arrow).
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    Figure 1.4: Longitudinal ultrasound of the finger, showing anisotropic artefact in the distal portion of the flexor tendon (arrowhead) as it curves away (deeper) from the probe.
  • Nerves have fascicular structures that are slightly less echogenic than tendons and ligaments.
The cortical layer of bone appears as a thin, well-defined, hyperechoic line casting an acoustic shadow deep to its surface.7
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Figure 1.5: Transverse ultrasound of the fingers, showing the common flexor tendons. (a) Anisotropic artefact in the ring finger (arrowhead). A digital artery (*) lies between the tendons. (b) Anisotropy resolves (arrow) when the probe position is adjusted.
At joint surfaces, the articular cartilage appears as a thin hypoechoic rim paralleling the echogenic articular cortex.
Principles of ultrasound assessment
It is essential to use the correct ultrasound in order to produce optimal diagnostic images. Choice of probe (low or high frequency) depends on the depth of the tissue that is being reviewed. In principle, use the highest frequency probe possible for the area examined, understanding that what is gained in higher resolution is lost in reduced depth. Target the examination to a specific area, and assess all relevant structures in that area systematically and thoroughly. If an abnormality is found, use basic principles to understand which tissue is involved, and look for other changes such as vascularity and compressibility to assist in unifying the underlying diagnosis. Doppler ultrasound allows detection of vascular flow within the vessels and tissues.
1.3 Computerised tomography
Computerised tomography (CT) produces detailed cross-sectional images of the body. CT is faster to perform than MRI and has a high spatial resolution. It is used in musculoskeletal imaging primarily to assess bones and bony lesions. CT is especially useful when planning surgery for complex fractures.8
Computerised tomography is well tolerated by most patients. However, it carries an even higher radiation burden than that of radiographs (Table 1.1). Therefore CT should be reserved for instances in which other imaging modalities cannot provide the information needed.
How it works
Computerised tomography produces images by using a series of narrow beams of X-rays, in contrast to radiography, which uses one narrow beam. A computer programme uses the obtained X-ray absorption data to generate images called tomograms. Each tomogram represents a cross-sectional slice of a three-dimensional structure. Modern CT uses voxels (3D pixels) to allow multi-planar reconstruction (MPR) review. Contrast material may be injected to enhance the appearance of the tissues.
Computerised tomography provides good cross-sectional images, which can be reconstructed in multiple planes. The intensity scale used in CT is related to the density of the material and is known as the Hounsfield unit (HU) scale.
Computerised tomography densities
As with radiographs, the key to interpreting CT scans is an understanding of the normal appearance of tissues, each demonstrating its own attenuation value. The attenuation scale ranges from −1000 HU for air or gas, through 0 HU for water and to 3000 HU for dense bone (Figure 1.6).
Gases, such as those in air, do not absorb X-rays emitted by the CT scanner and therefore appear black on the image.
Fat on average measures −50 HU, so on CT it appears darker than water but lighter than gas.
Attenuation of water is 0 HU, but most fluid in the body measures approximately 15–25 HU. Fluids such as water are lighter than fat on CT.9
zoom view
Figure 1.6: Computerised tomography of the pelvis, showing various degrees of tissue attenuation. Ⓐ Fluid in the bladder, Ⓑ bones of the pelvis and femur, Ⓒ muscles, Ⓓ subcutaneous fat. Small pockets of intraluminal gas (arrowhead) are present in the rectum.
Soft tissue
Soft tissue has a wide range of attenuation values, ranging from 30 HU for muscle to 90 HU for tendon.
Different types of bone have different attenuation values, ranging from 700 HU for cancellous bone to > 1000 HU for dense bone. Bones appear white on the normal soft tissue window setting (since all structures hyperdense to 75 HU appear white) and are best visualised on the bone window setting (centred at 300 HU, with width of 1500 HU).
Principles of CT assessment
Use a systematic approach to assess every structure separately and how each structure affects surrounding tissues. To help clinicians, describe bony fragments and their relation to each other, and provide an overall grading of the injury or disease.10
1.4 Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging provides excellent contrast resolution of tissues. Therefore it is a very sensitive modality for detecting subtle or early pathology, particularly oedema, a sensitive and early suggestion of underlying pathology. MRI is now the mainstay of complex musculoskeletal imaging. MRI is also good for the local staging of bony and soft tissue tumours, because of its superb ability to differentiate tissue types.
However, there are contraindications for MRI. Magnetically activated implant devices (especially pacemakers) and ferromagnetic metals (especially in the brain or eye) are contraindications for MRI. Also, patients who are prone to claustrophobia may be unable to tolerate MRI.
How it works
In MRI, a very strong magnet is used. The magnetic field aligns hydrogen protons, whilst radiofrequency (RF) pulses disrupt their alignment. The protons then realign, giving off signals, to form images. Various pulse sequences are used. The two commonest sequences produce T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. T1-weighted images (Figure 1.7a) are generally best for showing anatomical structures. T2-weighted images (Figure 1.7b) are typically used to show pathological conditions.
Gadolinium contrast helps to distinguish different pathologies based on the degree of enhancement. It is hyperintense on T1-weighted images. T1-weighted fat-saturated images are obtained before and after gadolinium injection: in these, the fat signal is ‘disrupted’ by a selective radiofrequency pulse, and appears dark.
Short T1 inversion recovery (STIR) is a pulse sequence similar to that used in T2 weighting. However, in STIR sequences, an inversion recovery pulse is used to nullify the signal from the fat, so it appears hypointense or dark (Figure 1.7c).11
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Figure 1.7: (a) T1-weighted, (b) T2-weighted and (c) short T1 inversion recovery (STIR) magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis. Fluid in the bladder Ⓐ is dark on the T1-weighted image but bright on the T2-weighted and STIR images. Medullary and subcutaneous fat Ⓑ is bright on T1- and T2-weighted images but dark on the STIR image. Musculature Ⓒ gives an intermediate signal on the T1-weighted image, appearing slightly brighter than on the T2-weighted image; it is dark on the STIR image. Cortical bone Ⓓ and fibrous ligaments (not shown) are dark on all sequences. Ⓔ Air or gas.
Typically, the remaining hyperintense signal is from fluid only, and this fluid signal often shows the pathological tissue. All other signal intensities remain the same. STIR is often used in musculoskeletal MRI.12
Signal intensity
Because of the nature of MRI, different materials have different signals depending on the sequence used. By looking at several sequences, it is possible to identify which tissues are present (Table 1.2).
Gas has a low signal on all sequences because of the absence of any hydrogen atoms.
Fat is the only tissue that returns an increased signal on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images, therefore it should always be distinguishable. STIR or fat-saturated sequences are designed to eliminate this signal, resulting in low signal from fat.
Table 1.2   Signal intensities for various materials on T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI sequences
T1-weighted sequence
T2-weighted sequence
Fluid (A)
Hypointense/low (dark)
Hypointense/high (bright)
Fat and medullary bone (B)
Hyperintense/high (bright)
Isointense/intermediate (moderate)
Muscle (C)
Isointense/intermediate (moderate)
Hypointense/low (dark)
Tendons, ligaments and fibrocartilage
Hypointense/low (dark)
Hypointense/low (dark)
Cortical bone (D)
Hypointense/low (dark)
Hypointense/low (dark)
Air or gas (E)
Hypointense/low (dark)
Hypointense/low (dark)
aLetters A to E correspond to labelling on Figure 1.7.
Fluid is classically hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. To help determine whether a sequence is T1 weighted or T2 weighted, always look for physiological areas of fluid, such as the bladder, the brain and spinal cord (containing cerebrospinal fluid), and the joints.
Soft tissue
The signal intensity of soft tissue on MRI depends on the amount of water it contains. Structures lacking water, such as tendons and ligaments, show no or low signal on all sequences.
Cortical bone lacks free water and so gives no signal on all sequences. However, the medullary cavity may give a fatty signal (with yellow marrow) or a more fluid signal (with red marrow).
Principles of MRI assessment
The key to assessing MRI results is to use all the various sequences and planes covering the relevant structures, and to understand the normal signal appearances of each tissue. Pathological changes can be detected by identifying the abnormal signal, which can be further distinguished in some pathologies by using gadolinium contrast.
1.5 Nuclear medicine
Nuclear medicine (radionuclide imaging) is another method of assessing certain musculoskeletal diseases. Isotope bone scaning (bone scintigraphy) is used specifically for detecting osteoblastic bony activity, including fractures, infection and bony tumours. More specialised tests, such as a leucocyte-labelled study, can be even more specific for infections, particularly those in a joint prosthesis.
Nuclear medicine is relatively expensive but widely available and very sensitive. Its high sensitivity makes it an excellent tool to exclude bony metastasis. However, it has a low spatial 14resolution and has low diagnostic specificity. Also, like radiography and CT, it carries a radiation burden.
How it works
The principle behind nuclear medicine is the use of a marker specific for the intended organ or system, attaching this marker to a radioactive tracer, typically a radioactive isotope. The labelled marker is injected intravenously, and travels to and is taken up by the intended organ. The isotope emits radiation when it decays: a gamma camera detects areas in which the tracer has localised. These so-called hot spots show the presence of pathological changes.
In an isotope bone scan, methylene diphosphonate is used as the marker because it is taken up by bone. This marker is attached to a tracer, the metastable technetium-99m isotope, which emits gamma rays when it decays to its stable technetium-99 form.
Tissue visualisation
Methylene diphosphonate–technetium-99m is widely used for isotope bone scans. It is taken up throughout the skeleton, with intense uptake in the physis of the long bones due to osteoblastic activity. Marrow-containing flat facial bones in children are also hot spots.
Accumulation of the technetium-99m tracer decreases with age, but some areas shows persistent increased uptake symmetrically: the acromial and coracoid process, medial ends of the clavicle, sternomanubrial joint, sacral ala and sites of tendinous insertion (e.g. the anterior and posterior iliac spine). Areas of dental treatment also may show focal increased uptake.
The bones at the major joints, such as the shoulders and hips, show mild increased uptake symmetrically. The pattern 15of increased uptake at the sternoclavicular joints and manubrium sterni is variable. Further increased uptake can be present when there is arthropathy. Common degenerative (and possibly asymptomatic) arthropathic sites include the shoulders, hips, knees and smaller carpal and tarsal joints. Facet joint arthropathy may cause unilateral uptake in the spine.
A triple-phase bone scan is done for suspected infection. Normal uniform uptake is visible in all three phases if no pathological changes are present (see Chapter 2 for details). Equivocal results may indicate specialised leucocyte scanning, in which white cells harvested from the patient are labelled with a suitable isotope (usually indium-111) and reinjected into the patient. Accumulation of the isotope indicates local infection.
Soft tissue
Nuclear medicine is not primarily used for visualising soft tissue pathology. However, in an isotope bone scan there is physiological soft tissue uptake, and it is important not to mistake this for a pathological change. The isotope is excreted through the urinary system, so the kidneys, ureters and bladder all show increased uptake. Tracer uptake is often seen at sites of intravenous injection too. Sometimes, some unbound (free) technetium will also accumulate in the thyroid.
Principles of bone scan assessment
A good understanding of what constitutes normal uptake is needed. Look carefully for areas of increased uptake, particularly asymmetrical uptake (Figure 1.8). Distinguishing physiological from pathological uptake is important. It is equally important to be aware of areas of photopaenic defect (so-called cold spots). These areas often indicate loss or destruction of bone, and the pathology may lie in the cold spot. If in doubt, radiographs of the affected area can help increase the specificity of the diagnosis. Further anatomical correlation of lesions can sometimes be obtained with MRI.16
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Figure 1.8: (a) Anterior and (b) posterior bone scan of the whole body, showing normal skeletal uptake, including areas of increased uptake at the sacral ala Ⓐ, coracoid Ⓑ and sternum Ⓒ. The anterior and posterior iliac spine Ⓓ has tendinous insertions. Focal uptake in the cervical spine Ⓔ, lumbar spine Ⓕ and tarsal bones Ⓖ is consistent with joint de0generation. Dental uptake is present Ⓗ. Soft tissue uptake includes that at an intravenous site Ⓘ, the thyroid Ⓙ, the renal system Ⓚ and the bladder Ⓛ.