Recent Advances in Otolaryngology 9 Holger Sudhoff, Mahmood Bhutta
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1Recent Advances in Otolaryngology 9
3Recent Advances in Otolaryngology 9
Holger Sudhoff MD PhD FRCS FRCPath Professor and Chairman, Department of Otorhinolaryngology Bielefeld Academic Teaching Hospital Bielefeld, Germany Mahmood Bhutta DPhil FRCS (ORL-HNS) Clinical Lecturer and Specialist Registrar, UCL Ear Institute and University College London Hospitals London, UK
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The speciality of otolaryngology continues to develop rapidly. When we were compiling this volume of some of the recent advances in our field, the difficulty for us as editors was not which topics to include, but which to leave out. Advances in our specialty are testament to the initiative and dedication of our colleagues from around the globe, but we also recognise that some of these advances have been enabled by parallel advances in technology, engineering and biological techniques.
This collection of essays summarises the new: from a better understanding of the aetiology of disease, to the application of novel therapies. Chapters 2 and 5 describe new concepts in disease pathogenesis: the role of stem cells in the development of head and neck malignancy, and the role of hypoxia signalling in driving chronic inflammation in the middle ear. Chapter 7 discusses the relatively new entity of superior canal dehiscence syndrome: its diagnosis and current treatment. In Chapters 1 and 3, two new diagnostic and staging methods for head and neck cancer are described: optical diagnostics and PET-CT. We also have new and promising methods for treatment, some at the preclinical stage, some clinically established. These include vestibular implants (Chapter 9), audiovestibular regeneration (Chapter 8), Eustachian balloon tuboplasty (Chapter 6), middle ear implants (Chapter 4), and the medical treatment of lymphatic and vascular malformations (Chapter 10).
Recent Advances in Otolaryngology 9 is essential reading for trainees and practising ENT surgeons wanting to remain up-to-date with the latest developments in their field.
Mahmood Bhutta
Holger Sudhoff
December 20146