Elbow Surgery Nicola Maffulli, François M Kelberine, Wasim Khan
Chapter Notes

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1Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine Elbow Surgery
Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine Elbow Surgery23
François M Kelberine MD Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Polyclinique du Parc Rambot Aix-en-Provence, France Wasim Khan, MRCS, PhD, FRCS(Tr&Orth) Post CCT Fellow Cardiff and Vale Orthopaedic Centre Cardiff, UK
4© 2016 JP Medical Ltd.
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Commissioning Editor:
Steffan Clements
Development Editor:
Gavin Smith
Designers Collective Ltd
Education is one of the key missions of EFOST, the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic Sport Traumatology. The Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine series is the educational flagship of EFOST, and provides an invaluable supplement to the experience afforded by the international EFOST Travelling Fellowship.
This series of highly illustrated handbooks, each dedicated to a specific anatomical region, is aimed at established surgeons, fellows in orthopaedic sports traumatology and residents in orthopaedics. It comprises much more than the simple scientific evidence behind each procedure. The aim instead is to impart practical knowledge arising from the direct experience of highly experienced surgeons, who describe reliable surgical procedures in a practical, easy-to-follow manner that will be of great value to orthopaedic and sports trauma surgeons alike.
Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine is the fruit of five years’ work by the three immediate past presidents of EFOST and is testament to how far EFOST has come since its foundation in 1992.
We hope that you find this book, and the others in the series, a useful resource.
Gernot Felmet
President, EFOST
Francois Kelberine
Series Editor
Wasim Khan
October 20156