Female Infertilty: Core Principles and Clinical Management Jayant Mehta, Bryan Woodward
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures respectively.
Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) 21
Absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI) 143, 144 see also Uterine transplantation (UTx)
ACGH see Array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH)
Acupuncture 34
Adipose tissue 30
distribution of 30, 31
and chromosomal abnormalities risk 108
and fertility 75
Alcohol consumption, and fertility 10, 33
causes of 13
history of 12
AMH see Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)
Amniocentesis 108, 124, 137
Anaphase lag 113
Androgens 7, 11, 86
Anembryonic pregnancy 106, 107
Anemia, in pregnancy 9, 29
Aneuploidy 113
Angelman's syndrome 115, 115
and female infertility 23
treatment options 2425
WHO I hypogonadotropic-hypogonadism 2324, 24
WHO III hypergonadotropic hypogonadism 24, 24, 25
WHO II normogonadotropic, normogonadism 24, 24
Anticardiolipin antibodies, test for 13
Anticipated gamete exhaustion (AGE) banking 152153
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) 15, 37, 75
automated assays 37
circadian variation in 39
comorbidities and 38
endocrine environment and 38
ethnicitiy and 38
inter-individual variation 37, 37
intra-individual variation 3839
obesity and 38
smoking and 38
Antioxidants 29
food sources of 30
reactive oxygen species and 30
Antiphospholipid syndrome 87
Anti-tuberculous therapy 19
Antral follicle count (AFC) 15,15, 39, 75
age-related decline in 40
inter-individual variation 40, 40
intra-individual variation 40
as measure of ovarian reserve 3940
technical issues in determination of 3940
Apoptotic wave 5
Aromatase inhibitor 4849
Array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) 118, 119121, 120
ART see Assisted reproductive technology (ART)
Asherman's syndrome 144
Aspirin 13, 88, 147
Assisted hatching (AH) 89
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) 86, 129
diagnosis of pregnancy 105, 105106, 106
ectopic pregnancy 106
gestational surrogacy and 9192 (see also Surrogacy)
heterotopic pregnancy, risk of 106
and miscarriage 106107
and multiple pregnancies 107108, 108
Azithromycin 19
Barker hypothesis 27
Bartholin's glands 5
Basal body temperature (BBT) 14, 14
Benzathine penicillin G 19
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) 105, 106
Bicornuate uterus 22, 22
Bioengineered uterine patch 150
Bisphenol A (BPA) 33
Blastocyst biopsy 117118, 118
Blastomere biopsy 117, 117
Body mass index (BMI) 9, 30, 30
Bone marrow stem cells 88
Caffeine 3233, 33
Carnitine 34
Carrier screening, for oocyte donors 76
Ceftriaxone 19
Cell culture protocols 130131
Cell cycle 113, 114
Cell-free DNA 108
Cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) 124125
Cervical cytology 10
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 22
Cervical mucus 2, 15, 22
assessment of 15
Cervical polyps 22, 22
Cervix 2
assessment of 22
tight 22
Chlamydia trachomatis infection 19, 19
Chocolate cysts 23
Chorionicity, determination of 107
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) 108, 124, 124, 137
Chromosomal abnormalities
analytical methods for detection of 118121
chromosomal structure and origin of 111, 111112
insertions 115
inversions 115
maternal age and risk of 108
numerical 112113
reciprocal translocation 114
Robertsonian translocation 114115
structural 113115, 114
uniparental disomy 115
Chromosome structure 111, 111, 112
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) 138
Cigarette smoking, and pregnancy 1011
Cleavage-stage biopsy 117, 117
Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) 102
Clomiphene citrate (CC) 48, 61
for polycystic ovary syndrome 24
COC see Cumulus-oocyte complex (COC)
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) 33
Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) 86
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) 34
Controlled ovarian stimulation (COS), in oocyte donors 7879, 151
Corpus luteum 11, 14
Corpus luteum cysts 23
Cortical reaction 66
Counseling services, at fertility clinic 99100
licence conditions for counseling 99
CPAs see Cryoprotective agents (CPAs)
Crown-rump length (CRL) 107
Cryoprotective agents (CPAs) 153
for oocyte vitrification 154
for ovarian tissue freezing 155156
Cumulus-oocyte complex (COC) 67, 70
conventional IVF insemination 7071, 72
CVS see Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
Cyclosporin A (CsA) 145
Cystadenomas 23
Cystic fibrosis (CF) 77, 116
Cytokines, role of, in implantation 86
Dairy products, and fertility 32
Danazol 57, 57, 58
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 33
Denudation 7172
Denudation pipettes 72
Dermoid cysts 23
Diet and lifestyle, impact on fertility see Pre-conception nutrition and lifestyle
Differentiation 129
of human pluripotent cells to oocytes 133134
of mouse pluripotent cells to oocytes 131133
Dioxins 31, 32
Dispermy 112
DNA fragmentation index (DFI) 87
Doderlein's bacilli 2, 2, 5
Down syndrome 108, 113, 123
Doxycycline 19
Drug-induced ovulation 61
classical ovulation induction 61
superovulation and IVF 6162, 62
Drugs in fertility treatment and nutrients, interactions between 34
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) 116
Dysmenorrhea 13, 53
Dyspareunia 53
Early pregnancy, management of 105108
chromosomal abnormality, tests for 108
gestational sac 105, 106
pregnancy detection and 105106
ultrasound scan in 105, 105, 106
Ectopic pregnancy 106
Edwards syndrome 113, 123
Elective single-embryo transfer (eSET) 94, 116
Embryonic mosaicism 117118
Embryonic stem cell (ESC) 129, 129
Embryo transfer (ET) 86, 105
Emotional impact, of infertility 99
Endometrial cancer 22
Endometrial hyperplasia 2122
Endometrial polyp 21
Endometrial receptivity array (ERA) 88
Endometrial scratch 89
Endometriosis 31, 53, 53
assisted reproductive techniques 58, 5859
coelomic metaplasia theory 55
deep infiltrating 53
diet and 3132
epidemiology 53
hormonal treatment 57, 58
and infertility 56, 56, 5759
locations of lesions 53, 54
magnetic resonance imaging 54
ovarian 53
pain with 53, 57, 57
retrograde menstruation theory 55
risk factors 56
screening for 54
severity classification 5455, 55
superficial 53
support groups 59
surgical treatment 57, 58
symptoms 53
ultrasonographic diagnosis 54, 54
vascular–lymphatic theory 5556
and vitamin D supplementation 32
Endometriosis fertility index (EFI) 55
Endometrium 2, 86
assessment of 1516
hormonal effects on 11, 12
thin 88
Estradiol 6, 11
Estriol 11
Estrogens 11
Estrone 11
European Union Tissues and Cells Directives (EUTCDs) 81
Exercise, effect of 34
Expanded carrier screening (ECS) 76
Fallopian tube anatomy and neurovascular supply 34, 3, 5
Fatty acids, effects of, on health and fertility 28, 28
Female menstrual cycle
endometrium, hormonal effects on 11, 12
hormonal changes 11, 11
Female reproductive system anatomy and physiology 14, 24
Fertility counseling process 100
Fertility Europe 100
Fertility Fairness, UK 99, 100, 102
Fertility preservation (FP) 151157 see also Oocyte preservation; Ovarian tissue cryopreservation
Fertilization 3, 7
conventional IVF insemination 7071, 72
intracytoplasmic sperm injection 7173, 73
Fetal alcohol syndrome 10
Fibroids, in uterus 16, 16, 21
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) 118119, 119
deficiency 28
supplementation 10, 28, 105
synthesis 28, 29
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) 5, 6, 7, 11, 15, 2325, 33, 38, 47
Follicular cysts 23
Follicular fluid (FF) 69
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) 24, 76, 78, 78, 79
Frankenhäuser ganglia 5
Freeze-all strategy 87
FSH see Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Galactorrhea 16
Galactose 32
Genetic disorders 115
monogenic autosomal dominant disorders 116
monogenic autosomal recessive disorders 115116
X-linked disorders 116
Gestational diabetes, in oocyte recipients 81
Glycemic control, pre-conception 30
Gonadal dysgenesis 75
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) 6, 7, 11
agonists 61, 79, 86
antagonists 7879
Gonadotropin therapy 4950, 50, 50
Gonorrhea 19, 19
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) 88
Gynecological examination 14
Hemagglutinating virus of Japan envelope (HVJ-E) 139, 140
Hematinics, deficiency of 9
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) 130
Hemoglobinopathies, screening for 10
Hemorrhagic cyst 23
Herbal medicine 3435
Heteroplasmy 137
Heterotopic pregnancy 106
History taking 1214, 13
Homoplasmy 137
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 25
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 4, 7, 61, 86
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990, UK 94, 99
Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA), UK 91, 93, 99, 102
licence conditions for counseling 99
on mitochondrial donation 141
Multiple Births Report 2015 107
‘One at a Time’ policy 102
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system 86, 88
Human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) 61
Hyaluronan (HA) 72
Hyaluronidase (Hyase) 71, 72
Hydrosalpinx 2021, 21, 88
bilateral 20
unilateral 20
Hyperprolactinemia 16
Hypertensive disorders, in oocyte recipients 81
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism 16
Hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis 11, 11
Hysterectomy 143
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) 20, 20
Hysterosalpingo sonography 20
contrast saline-based medium (HyCoSy) 20
hyperechogenic foam (HyFoSy) 20
Hysteroscopy, for uterine cavity evaluation 8788
ICSI see Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Immunomodulatory therapies 88
Implantation 7, 85
adhesion stage 85, 85
apposition phase 85, 85
cumulus cells in, role of 86
definition 85
failure (see Recurrent implantation failure (RIF))
hormonal factors and role of cytokines 86
immune system, role of 86
invasion stage 85, 85
and natural selection 86
window of 86
Imprinting 115
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) 129, 129
definiton of 9
endocrine investigations 16
examination in 14
female menstrual cycle and 9
history 1214
preconception issues 911
reproductive function assessment 1416
Injectable gonadotropins 61
Inner cell mass (ICM) 129
Insertions, chromosomal 115, 114
Insulin levels, measurement of 16
Insulin sensitizers 49
Interchromosomal effect (ICE) 121
Intercourse frequency, and infertility 12
Interleukin (IL) systems 86
Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 39
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) 19, 65, 7173, 73, 140
considerations for 73
injection procedure 7273
intracytoplasmic morphologically-selected sperm injection (IMSI) 73
micromanipulation equipment 72, 73
motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME) 73
oocytes preparation for 7172
polyvinylpyrrolidone, use of 74
Intraluminal fibrosis 20
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 91
Intrauterine pregnancy of unknown viability 106
Intrauterine synechaie 21
Inversions 115
paracentric 115
pericentric 115
In vitro fertilization (IVF) 7, 19, 20, 65, 86 see also Recurrent implantation failure (RIF)
funding and financial issues 101102
insemination procedure 7071, 72
for women with polycystic ovaries 5051
Iodine, in pregnancy 29
Iron deficiency anemia 29
Iron supplementation, in pregnancy 29
IVF see In vitro fertilization (IVF)
Karyotyping 13, 7778, 88
Kearns–Sayre syndrome (KSS) 138
Klinefelter syndrome 113
Laparoscopic oocyte recovery 69 see also Oocyte collection
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) 50
L-arginine 88
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) 138
Leigh syndrome 138
Letrozole 25, 4849, 61, 151
Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) 86
Lichen simplex chronicus (LSC) 14
Low molecular weight heparin 13
Lupus anticoagulant, test for 13
Luteal phase deficiency (LPD) 23
Luteal phase progesterone 7
Luteinizing hormone (LH) 4, 6, 6, 11, 23
carbohydrates 27
fats 28, 28
female reproduction, influence on 27
protein 28
Macroprolactin 16
Massively parallel shotgun sequencing (MPSS) 125
Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser (MRKH) syndrome 14, 91, 143 see also Müllerian agenesis
Meal timing and body weight 31
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 78
Mean sac diameter (MSD) 106
Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination 910
Mediterranean diet 27, 27
Melatonin 34
Menstruation 11
amount of bleeding during 13
Metabolomics 68
Metformin 30, 49
Methotrexate 106
Microdeletion screening 126
Micronutrients 28
folate 28, 29
iodine 29
iron 29
vitamin D 2829
Miscarriage 106107
recurrent 13
Misoprostol 107
Mitochondria 137, 137
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) disease 137, 138 see also Mitochondrial donation
oocyte donation 138
preimplantation genetic diagnosis 138
prenatal genetic diagnosis 137138
reducing/avoiding of, options for 137138
Mitochondrial donation 137, 138
cytoplast lysis 141
karyoplast lysis 141
procedure 140141
pronuclei (PN) transfer 139, 139140, 140
regulation 141
spindle transfer 138, 139
training for 141
Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, stroke-like symptoms (MELAS) 138
Mitotic polyploidy 112, 112
Modified Strassman procedure 143
Monochorionic pregnancies 107
Monogenic autosomal dominant disorders 116
Monogenic autosomal recessive disorders 115116
Mosaicism 113
in trophectoderm biopsies 117118
Multiple cysts, in ovaries 23
Multiple pregnancy 107108
chorionicity in 107
and preterm delivery risk 108
risks associated with 108
Multiplex polymerase chain reaction 118, 119
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) 146
Mycoplasma (Ureaplasma urealyticum) 19, 20
Myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF) 138
Myo-inositol 34
Myotonic dystrophy 116
Nabothian cysts 2, 5
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 19, 1920
Neural tube defects 105
Neurodermatitis 14
Neuropathy, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) 138
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) 118, 121
NIPT see Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
Nondisjunction 113, 114
Nongrowing follicles (NGFs) 37
Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) 108, 123, 137138
amniocentesis 108, 124, 137
biology and screening tests 124125
chorionic villus sampling 124, 124
clinical applications 125126
combined test 123, 123
future of 126127
integrated test 123, 123124
massively parallel shotgun sequencing (MPSS) 125
methods 125
quadruple test 123, 123124
qualitative single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 125
targeted massively paralleled sequencing (MPS) 125
timing of testing 124
ultrasound scanning and biochemical markers combination 123, 123124
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAT) 10
Nurses’ Health Study II 28
Nutrition and fertility, link between see Pre-conception nutrition and lifestyle
insulin resistance in 16
and pregnancy 9
OHSS see Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
Oligomenorrhea 23, 24
Oligozoospermia 19
Omega three fatty acids 32
Online support 101
Oocyte 4, 5, 6, 11, 65, 129
biological structure 6567
centrosome 6667
checking for fertilization 73, 73
collection procedure (see Oocyte collection)
conventional IVF insemination 7071, 72
cortical granules (CGs) 66, 67
fertilized 7
grading 68
intracytoplasmic sperm injection 7173, 73
mitochondria 67
oolemma 65
ooplasm 65, 66
perivitelline space (PVS) 65, 66
quality, assessment of 6768, 68
shapes and sizes 68, 68
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) and SER discs 67, 67
transzonal projections (TZPs) 65, 66
in vitro differentiation to oocytes 130131
in vitro maturation (IVM) 151, 154155
in vitro processing of, in IVF laboratory 6970, 71
in vivo oocyte development 130, 131
zona pellucida 6566, 66
Oocyte aneuploidy 67
Oocyte banking
cycles without super-ovulation 151152
cycles with super-ovulation 151
Oocyte collection
day before 6869
double lumen needle use 69
high aspiration pressure during 69, 70
methods for 69
preparation for 68
single lumen needle use 69
Oocyte donation 75
altruism 8182
blood tests 76
carrier screening tests 76
compliance 82
confidentiality 82
controlled ovarian stimulation for 7879
donor candidate, selection of 7576
genetic screening 7677
international legislation and legal framework 81, 81
karyotyping 7778
medical interview 76
number of children born from one donor 82
for older women 75
physical and gynecological examination 76
use of, reasons for 75
Oocyte preservation
for anticipation of gamete exhaustion 152153
for oncofertility 151152
by slow freezing 153
by vitrification 153 (see also Vitrification of oocytes)
Oocyte recipients
artificial endometrial cycle 80
endometrial preparation in 80
medical tests for 79, 7980
natural or modified natural cycle 80
obstetrical risks in 8081
Oocyte vitrification 151, 153 see also Vitrification of oocytes
Oogenesis and oocytes production
follicular growth 5
indifferent gonad stage 5
oogonal multiplication and oocyte formation 5
ovarian differentiation 5
Oral ovulation induction (OI) 25
Ovarian cysts 23, 23
Ovarian drilling 13, 13, 25
Ovarian endometrioma 23
Ovarian follicles 4
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) 49, 6263, 63, 78, 151
Ovarian reserve 13, 15, 23, 37
Ovarian response, biomarkers for 37
AMH and AFC performance, comparison of 4143, 42, 42
anti-Mullerian hormone 3739
antral follicle count 3940
tailoring treatment based on 43, 43
Ovarian stimulatory medications 61
Ovarian tissue banking 152
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation
ex-vivo oocyte harvesting and IVM 156157
ovarian cortex preparation 155, 156
ovarian tissue freezing 155156
Ovaries 2223
blood supply to 4
early development of 5
hormone receptor expression 67
innervation of 4
morphology of, checking of 23, 23
structure of 34, 6
Oviducts see fallopian tubes
Ovulation 14
assessment of 1415
induction, medications for 61
Ovulation predictor kits 14, 94
Ovulatory disorders 23 see also Anovulation
Parthenogenetic stem cells (PSCs) 129, 129
Patau syndrome 113, 123
PCOS see Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Pearson syndrome 138
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
and female infertility 19
sexually transmitted infections 19, 1920
Pelvis, ultrasound assessment of 16, 16, 21
Pentoxifylline 88
PGT see Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT)
Phytoestrogens 32, 33
Polar body biopsy 117
Polarized light microscopy, for oocyte assessment 68
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) 7, 24, 47, 87
anti-Müllerian hormone level 47
aromatase inhibitor 4849
clomifene citrate 48
definition 47
etiology 47
gonadotropin therapy 4950, 50, 50
hyperinsulinemia in 47
insulin resistance in 166
insulin sensitizers 49
laparoscopic ovarian drilling 50
management of infertility with 4751
pathophysiology 47
treatment for 25
in vitro fertilization 5051
weight loss 48
Polyploidy 112113
Polyspermy 66
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) 74
Postcoital test (PCT) 15, 22
concept of 129130
demonstration of 130
nullipotency 129
pluripotent cells 129, 129
reduction of, through differentiation 130
totipotency 129
in vitro differentiation to oocytes 130131
in vivo oocyte development 130, 131
Prader–Willi syndrome 115, 115
Preconception counseling see also Pre-conception nutrition and lifestyle
alcohol 10
anemia 9
caffeine 11
cervical cytology 10
folate 10
hemoglobinopathies 10
obesity 9
rubella infection 910, 10
sexually transmitted infections 10
tobacco 1011
Pre-conception nutrition and lifestyle
alcohol 33
bisphenol A 33
body mass index and body fat 30, 30
caffeine 3233, 33
complementary and alternative medicine 3435
dairy products 32
diet and endometriosis 3132
exercise 34
macronutrients 2728, 28
Mediterranean diet 27, 27
micronutrients 2829, 29
novel supplements and nutraceuticals 3334
overweight 3031, 31
phytoestrogens 32, 33
reactive oxygen species and antioxidants 29, 30
smoking 33
underweight 31
vegetarian and vegan diets 32
Prednisolone 146
Pre-eclampsia, in oocyte recipients 81
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) 75, 138
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) 112, 116
for aneuploidy 116
blastocyst biopsy 117118, 118
cleavage-stage biopsy 117, 117
polar body biopsy 117
for structural rearrangements/monogenic disorders 116
Premature ovarian failure 75
Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) 24, 25
Primordial germ cells (PGCs) 129, 130
PGC-like cells (PGCLCs) 133
Progesterone 6, 7, 11, 14
ovulation and level of 1415
Progesterone receptor (PR) expression 7
Progesterone test 15, 16
Progesterone withdrawal bleed 16
Prolactin 16
and infertility 16
Progestogens 16, 61
Qualitative single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 125
Rare autosomal trisomies (RATs) 126
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) 29
Reciprocal translocation 114
Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) 86
altered sex steroids and 87
and assisted hatching 89
embryonic genetic aneuploidy and 8687
endometrial receptivity assessment 88
endometrial scratch, use of 89
gynecological diseases and 87
hydrosalpinx and 88
immunological factors 87, 88
investigations and possible treatments 8789
and karyotyping 88
oocyte quality and 87
sperm quality and 87
thin endometrium and 88
thrombophilias and 87, 88
uterine cavity evaluation 8788
Reference nutrient intake (RNI) 29
for iodine 29
Reproductive function, assessment of
anti-Müllerian hormone 15
antral follicle count 15, 15
cervical mucus 15
endometrium 1516
ovarian reserve testing 15
ovulation 14, 1415
pelvic scan 16, 16
woman's age and serum follicle stimulating hormone 15
Reprogramming 129
Resistant ovary syndrome 24
Resveratrol 32
Rete ovarii 4
RIF see Recurrent implantation failure (RIF)
Robertsonian translocation 114115
Rubella infection, in pregnancy 910, 10
Salpingectomy 2021, 88, 106
Salpingitis isthmica nodosa (SIN) 20
Salpingotomy 106
Secondary infertility care, investigations in 19
aim of 19
anovulation 2225, 23
cervix 22, 22
fallopian tubes 19, 1921, 20
ovaries 2223, 23
uterine cavity 2122
Selective salpingography, for proximal tubal disease 20, 21
Self-renewal 129
Serum insulin 16
Serum prolactin 16
Sex steroid hormones, ovarian-derived 6
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
pelvic inflammatory disease and tubal blockage by 19, 1920
screening for 10
Sickle-cell anemia (SCA) 77
Sickle-cell disease (SCD) 77, 78
Sildenafil 88
Skene's gland 5
Smoking, effect of 1011, 33
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) pluripotent cells 129, 129
Soya phytoestrogens 32
Speculum examination 14
Sperm DNA testing 87
Spina bifida 10
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) 77, 77
Submucosal fibroid, on hysterosonogram 21, 22
Superovulation 61, 62
cycle monitoring 62
long protocols 6162
luteal support after 63
and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 6263
short protocols 62
Support groups 100101
aim of 100
in Europe 103
male partners, support for 101
online support 101
specialist 101
support after unsuccessful treatment 102103
support in clinic 101
Surrogacy 91 see also Surrogate
altruistic 92
commercial 92
contract 95
counseling for 95
cross-border 95
embryo creation 95
ethical considerations 9596
gestational 9192, 92, 94
incidence of 93
legal parenthood 9293
legal perspectives 92, 93
as option for parenthood, reasons for 91, 91
Parental Orders 93
procedures 94
screening for 94
sperm provider 94
success rates 95
traditional 91, 92, 94
types of 9192, 92
Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985, UK 94
Surrogate 91
anonymous 93
criteria 9394
Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) 19, 20
Tacrolimus 145, 146
Tamoxifen 61
Targeted massively paralleled sequencing (MPS) 125
Testosterone 6
Tetraploidy 112, 112
Textured vegetable protein (TVP) 32
Thalassemias 77, 115
alpha thalassemia 77
beta thalassemia 77
and implantation failure 87
and recurrent pregnancy losses 87, 88
Thymoglobulin 146
Timed intercourse 12
Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-b1) 86
Transvaginal ultrasonography (TVS)
antral follicle count 39
cervical polyps 22, 22
in early pregnancy 105, 106
endometriosis 54, 54
ovarian morphology 23
Triploidy 112
Trisomies 113, 113
Trisomy 21 see Down syndrome
Tubal infertility 1920
distal tubal blockage 20
pelvic inflammatory disease and 19, 1920
pelvic surgery and 20
previous pelvic pathology and 20
proximal tubal blockage 20
Tubal patency, investigations for 20
hysterosalpingography 20, 20
hysterosalpingo sonography 20
and management 2021
Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) 19, 20
Turner syndrome 113
Ultrasound-guided follicle aspiration 69 see also Oocyte collection
Under-nutrition and fertility, relationship between 31
Unicornuate uterus 22, 22
Uniparental disomy 115
Uterine fibroids 14, 16, 21, 22
Uterine malformations 22, 22
and miscarriage 22
Uterine natural killer (uNK) cells 86, 87
Uterine transplantation (UTx) 91, 143
animal models, lessons from 144145
Asherman's syndrome and 144
bioengineered uterine patch 150
donor inclusion and exclusion criteria 148
donor surgery incisions 148
future prospects 147148
history 144
human cases, lessons from 145147
hysterectomy and 143
intrafamilial donation 149
living donors, use of 148149
MRKH syndrome and 143
radical hysterectomy 149150
recipient anatomy following uterine transplantation 149
recipient inclusion and exclusion criteria 148
recipient preoperative counseling and investigations 147
transgender donors 149
uterine transplant graft following retrieval 149
anatomy of 2, 23, 4
assessment of 2122
menstrual cycle and 3
Vagina anatomy and neurovascular supply 14, 2
Vaginal progesterone 63
Vegetarian and vegan diets 32
Visceral adipose tissue 30, 31
Vitamin D
and endometriosis 32
infertility and 2930
Vitrification of oocytes 153
cryoprotectants 154
devices 154, 154
procedures 153
vitrification and warming protocol 155
Vulva 1, 1
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) 14
Weight loss 24
and fertility 24
polycystic ovary syndrome and 48
Weight loss surgery, and conception 9
Wheat/gluten-free diets 32
Whole genome amplification (WGA) and analysis 127
Window of implantation (WOI) 86
disturbance in 87
World Health Organization (WHO), anovulation classification by 2324, 24
X-linked disorders 116
Zona pellucida (ZP) 6566, 66
Zygote 7
Chapter Notes

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Bryan Woodward PhD FRCPath Consultant Reproductive Scientist X & Y Fertility Ltd Leicester, UK Jayant Mehta PhD DipRCPath Sub-Fertility Laboratory Director Quality Control Manager Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS University Trust Romford, UK
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Development Editor:   Harsha Madan
Editorial Assistant:   Keshav Kumar
Cover Design:      Rakesh Kumar
Pregnancy outcomes are highly dependent on oocyte quality. Although sperm quality influences fertilization, embryo development and implantation, it is the oocyte that orchestrates these processes to produce a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. The birth of Louise Brown in 1978 marked the beginning of our journey towards an understanding of the dynamics of assisted female reproduction. Today, four decades later, our efforts to expand and improve on this knowledge are greater than ever.
The purpose of Female Infertility: Core Principles and Clinical Management is to provide a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of female reproduction in order to overcome infertility with appropriate treatments.
The book opens with an introduction to the basic anatomy and physiology and concludes with a chapter on fertility preservation for future treatment. Chapters in between cover a broad range of topics: those dedicated to investigative techniques describe how to establish the physiologically normal functionality of the ovaries, the measurement of ovarian reserves, stimulation protocols and the process of oogenesis and oocyte collection.
Conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis influence the quality of oocytes and implantation. Dedicated chapters therefore address the underlying causes of these diseases and how to treat them to achieve successful pregnancies. The preservation of oocytes offers women facing chemo- or radiotherapy the opportunity to realize their reproductive potential: relevant techniques and concepts are described in chapters on cryo-banking and oncology. Concluding chapters address future technologies, including deriving oocytes from stem cells. Correcting mitochondrial disease by application of the three-parent child concept is also discussed. The dynamic journey of describing female reproduction ends with a chapter on transplantation of cryopreserved ovaries.
Female Infertility: Core Principles and Clinical Management is richly illustrated throughout and we hope it will serve as an essential resource for all clinicians, nurses and clinical scientists specialising in reproductive medicine, gynecology, oncology, infertility and embryology.
Bryan Woodward
Jayant Mehta
March 2019