Microinvasive Dentistry: Clinical Strategies and Tools John J Graeber
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures, respectively.
Acid etching dentin 110, 110
Acteon 55
Actinomyces species 91
Activa (Pulpdent Corp) 149, 149
A-delta pain fibers 188
Affected dentin 143
Air abrasion 99
and acid conditioning of tooth structure 102
advantages 103104, 108110, 109
bond strengths, increase in 109
clinical applications 103104
contraindications to use of 103, 110, 117118
devices 118
history and scientific principles 99100, 107108
indications for use of, in microdentistry 110
interproximal lesions and 114115, 115
interproximal restoration and 115116
methods of soft tissue protection from 111
no harm to enamel and dentin by 109
operator objections to use of 118
other uses of 116118, 117
particle delivery system 101102
pit and fissure caries treatment 110112
precautionary measures 110, 111
reappearance of new devices 101
remineralization of affected dentin by 116, 117
resurfacing composite resin restorations 116
root surface lesions and 116, 116
safety considerations and precautions 103
scientific research on 102
steps in technique for 112116, 113115
technique 107118
types of particles 102
variables affecting 102
Air-abrasive cavity preparation devices 104, 104
Airdent 100, 107
Aluminum oxide 101, 102, 109, 111
Anorexia 20
Autofluorescence of enamel 55
Bioactive glass 178
Bioactive glass powder 102
Bioactive materials 144146
Bioactive product
Activa (Pulpdent Corp) 149, 149
Ceramir Crown and Bridge Cement (Doxa AB) 148, 148149
Gibbs–Donnan equilibrium 147
NovaMin (Sylc) 147, 147148
TheraCal LC (Bisco) 148, 148
Bioglass materials 145
Biomineralization process 146147
Bonding technique 122
bonding to dentin 124125
mechanism of resin/enamel 124
Bruxism 20, 21
Bulimia 20
Bulk-fill composites 173
Calcium sodium phosphosilicate 102
Calculus and plaque/biofilm 79
Canary patient report 48
Canary Scale 47
Canary System 45
advantages 51
in clinical practice 4548, 49, 50, 5051
disadvantages 51
energy conversion technology 45
procedure 4648
users of 48
Caries detection technologies 35. See also Canary System; Near-infrared (NIR) transillumination; SoproLife
approaches 46, 4647
CariVu 36, 3637, 4142, 42, 43
DIAGNOcam 36, 36, 42
methods 3637, 3738
use of VDDS and TWAIN interface 36
Caries detector dye 103
Caries lesions
acid solutions for removal of surface layer 11
classification of 11
clinical staging of 11
determination of treatment 11
radiographic evidence of 11
surgical treatment of 11
Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) protocol 22
Caries prevention
anticaries preparations 8
bacterial control 6
diet 6
fluoridation of drinking water 3, 67
fluoride supplements 78
tooth brushing techniques 6
using silver diamine fluoride 8, 8
using topical fluoride preparations 7
Caries risk assessment 1922
bacterial load 22, 23
questionnaire 1922, 2021
screening of cariogenic bacteria and future decay 2223
Casein phosphopeptides-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) 177
Case study
class III caries 129
class IV lower incisor 131
class IV maxillary incisor 130
class V lesion 132
demineralization lesion 127
molar caries 128
Cavitation of enamel 11
Ceramir Crown and Bridge Cement (Doxa AB) 148, 148149
Chromophore 119
CO2 laser, 9300 nm
for caries removal and tooth preparation 137
class I restorative procedures 138, 139
disadvantages, conventional handpiece 137
laser beam size and spot size 136, 137
laser delivery system 136
laser plume 139
occlusal pits and fissures 138, 138
progress 135136
sealant preparation 137138
Composite resin restorations 116
Demineralization 12, 2022, 35, 51
Dental caries 83
caries removal 138, 138
class II cavity preparations 139, 140
class III, IV, V, VI cavity 139, 140
contaminated tooth preparations 8990, 90
crown preparation with small knitted cord 72
detection and treatment 72, 72
diversity of bacteria identified within 9094, 9194
endodontic therapy 74, 74
glass ionomer restoratives 9698, 97
inactivating invisible microbes 8487, 86, 87
infected and affected layer in 8789, 88, 89
laser plume 139
methods for harvest of microbes present in vivo 84, 85, 86
microbes in 83
old alloys and repairing the tooth 141
posterior pediatric crowns 140, 141
silver diamine fluoride application 9496, 9596
support and training 74
tooth disinfection 85, 87
Dental decay 3, 4
Dental explorer 77, 77
Dental mirrors 7778
Dentin 143
defined 143
overview 143144
secreting cells 143
types 143
Detection dyes 77
DIAGNOdent value 61
Digital Imaging Fiber Optic Transillumination (DIFOTI) 3536, 36
Dust issue 108
Ecological plaque hypothesis 92
Electrically-accelerated and Enhanced Remineralization (EAER) 178179
Enamel, abiotic 180
Enamel matrix derivative (EMD) 179
Enamel regeneration
developmental program 171
enamel replacements 172173
limitations of strategies 172173, 173
Enamel replacement
abiotic enamel 180
infiltration resin technique 179
natural enamel proteins as scaffolds 179
synthetic enamel-analogs as scaffolds 179180
Energy density measurement 120
Erbium laser handpieces
with tips 122, 123
without tips 122, 123
Etching 1112, 1415
Facial trauma 187193, 191193
complications 187
Fiber optic transilluminator (FOTI) 35
Fissure stain removal 62
Fluorescence 46
Fluoridation 3, 67
Fluoride mineral
exposure history 4, 5
sources 3, 7
therapeutic uses 34
Fluoride varnish 8
Fluorosis 3, 8
Fractured teeth 31, 33
Frequent polishing 92, 94
Gag reflex 193, 194
Gaussian beam geometry 122, 122
Gauze squares 103
Gibbs–Donnan equilibrium 147
Gingival collars 115, 1115
Gingival recession 3
Glass ionomer cements (GICs) 173
with chlorhexidine hexametaphosphate (CHX-HMP) 176
flowable bulk-fill materials 173
HA inomers 175
self-adhesive resin composites 174
surface remineralization agents 175
Gluma Desensitizer treatment 89, 90
Halogen operating light 78
HealOzone 153, 153
Helium gas 111112
Hydrochloric acid 12, 14, 15
Icon (resin infiltrant) 1112, 1617
Illumination, adequate 78, 7879
Infected dentin 143
Infiltration resin technique 179
International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS) 11
International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) coding system, for decay 23, 2324
Interproximal caries 11
resin infiltration for 12
Interproximal coronal caries 79, 79
Interproximal restoration 114115, 115
Intraoral video cameras (IOVC)
benefits 29, 3233
best practices 3031, 3031
in case presentation 32
commercially available units 33
consultation room setup 32
development of 2930
disadvantages 3233
equipment 32, 32
images 30–31
models 29, 2930
procedure 3032
role in patient education 32
KaVo-Kerr DIAGNOdent 6263
advantages 64
disadvantages 64
failed amalgam margin 64, 64
measurement of the lesion 63, 63
‘moment’ and ‘peak’ ports 63, 63
Kinetic cavity preparation (KCT) 101
Laser-assisted remineralization 178
Laser delivery system 136
Laser devices 119
Light-based devices
CariVu 79, 79
Light-based technology 185
Light emitting diodes (LED) 78
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) 190
Material seal 96
advantages 67
components of 68, 70
crown preparation with small knitted cord 71
history 67
labeled parts of 67
levels of magnification 69, 70
magnification changer 70
mounting configurations 70
Minimal invasive conservative protocol 156
Mouth rinses 56
Nano-silver fluoride 177
Near-infrared (NIR) transillumination. See also Caries detection technologies
band width 38
benefits 3844
for caries detection 35
case example 41, 4142
disadvantages 44
images 3739, 40, 4143
Nuisance dust 102
Oral cavity abrasive polishing agent 102
Orthodontic separator 1314, 1314
Ozone therapy 153
ability to kill microorganisms 154
antibacterial efficacy 156
deciduous carious lesions treatment 155156
effects on dental hard substances 157158
effects on microbes 157
future 158
mechanism 154
safety and healing 153154
smooth surface enamel caries lesions 155
Paper triangular disks (Dry-Angles) 112, 113
Peak power 121
Pen Model DIAGNOdent 6162, 62
Photoablation 119, 120
Photoacoustic 119
Photoacoustic effect 119
Photoactivated disinfection 186
Photobiomodulation (PBM) 185
applications 185
lesions and remineralization of decalcifications 187, 188
mechanisms 185
with photoactivated disinfection 187, 189
replacement of sealant restorations 186187, 187
Photochemical reactions
type 1 186
type 2 186
Photothermal radiometry and luminescence (PTR-LUM) 45
Pit and fissure caries treatment 110112
Preconditioning 193195
Pulpitis 195
Pulse duration 120
Pulse repetition rate 121
Quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) 23, 67
Recaldent (phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP)) 7
Remineralization 7, 47, 51, 116, 117
of brown spot lesions 4850, 50
products 7
Resin infiltration 11
commercially available 12
effectiveness of 13
for demineralized smooth surface lesions 17, 17
for interproximal lesions 12
for white spot lesions 17, 17
initial steps 12
principle of 12
procedure 1316, 1316
Restorative prescription
aspiration of odontoblasts 162
composite resin 167
disinfection of the dentinal structures 163, 163
heat and friction 162, 162
iatrogentic damage 164
lubricant contamination 162
Mud Flaps 164
no harm to patients 164
noise and vibration 163164
pulpal injury 162
smear layer 162163
use of amalgam 166167, 167
Root surface lesions 116, 116
Rotary instruments 108, 109
Rubber dam 103, 110
Salivary contamination, of infiltration process 12
Sandwich technique 97
Schick CDR 59
Screening of cariogenic bacteria and future decay
ATP screening 22
bacterial culture 23
CAMBRA process of determining risk profile 22
of gum line notching 22, 23
pH check 23
Sealant restorations, photoactivated disinfection and replacement 187, 187
Shallow root carious lesions 155
Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) 9496, 9596
SoproLife 55, 5556
applications 57
blue florescence mode 56, 56, 58
operating portion of 56
white or daylight mode 56
working head of 56
Subgingival lesion, partially 116, 116
Subjectivity of tests 80
SYCL powder 116, 117
TheraCal LC (Bisco) 148, 148
Therapeutic bandage 9697
Thermal effect 119
Tooth desensitization, formulation for 89
Tooth disinfection 85, 87
with fluoride 4
RDA value 2425
Transillumination of teeth 35, 46 See also Near-infrared (NIR) transillumination
Trauma 187
Tricalcium phosphate 178
Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) infiltrants 12
Trimetaphosphate 178
VDDS interface 36
Whisperjet 2000 107
White spot lesion 47
Xerostomia 20, 21
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Caries-penetrating resin therapy2

Richard Chaet,
Nathaniel C Lawson,
Joel H Berg
Treatment of caries has evolved dramatically over the past decade. Advances in epidemiology of caries, dental materials, and technology as well as use of individual caries risk assessment have resulted in a much more conservative approach to surgical treatment of incipient lesions. While surgical intervention has become more microinvasive in order to retain maximum tooth structure, research has shown dental restorations will need to be replaced many times in a patient's life span. Therefore, preventing an incipient lesion from becoming cavitated is crucial to avoid surgical intervention and subsequent restoration.
Recently, a product marketed under the brand name of Icon (DMG America Company, Englewood, NJ), has become available for non-surgical treatment of non-cavitated caries on interproximal and smooth surfaces of permanent teeth. The basic technique involves etching the incipient lesion with a strong acid, rinsing and desiccation, then filling the caries with a low-viscosity resin. The resin is allowed to penetrate deeply into the enamel lesion (near the DEJ) and is then hardened with a curing light. Resin infiltration forms a diffusion barrier in the tooth and thereby seals the lesion from further acid attack.
Clinical studies using resin infiltration on interproximal lesions on permanent teeth have shown very promising results. This paper reports on the clinical use of resin infiltration in order to achieve maximum clinical benefits for patients.
Diagnosis and treatment thresholds for interproximal caries
Cavitation of enamel is thought of as a critical event in the caries process, as a formed microcavity may harbor a cariogenic biofilm and protect it from mechanical disruption.1 For this reason, cavitation of enamel is a common threshold for determining if caries lesions should be treated by surgical intervention. As diagnosis of interproximal caries is most commonly made through radiographic examination, and the clinician must determine the radiographic presentation that corresponds to interproximal enamel cavitation. Clinical studies have investigated the relationship between the radiographic display of the caries lesion and the presence of cavitation.2 Several studies determined that 52–78% of lesions that displayed radiographic evidence of caries lesions in the outer third of dentin were cavitated as assessed during cavity preparation.2 Other studies determined that 28–100% of lesions that displayed radiographic evidence of caries lesions in the outer third of dentin were cavitated as assessed by direct observation following tooth separation.2
With such variation in the reported correlation between radiographic display and enamel cavitation, the clinician is faced with ambiguity related to a threshold for surgical treatment. The International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS) was developed to help the clinician classify and treat caries lesions.3 This systems considers not only the radiographic display, but also the activity of the lesion and clinical staging. For example, an inactive lesion which is not likely to progress would not require surgical treatment. Clinical staging refers to the visual changes that can be seen in enamel throughout the caries process, including white demineralization bands, dark shadowing and frank cavitation. According to the ICCMS treatment matrix, active interproximal lesions without visual signs of caries activity do not require surgical treatment until radiographic display at the middle third of dentin. On the other 12hand, for an active lesion in the inner third of dentin with early visible surface changes to the enamel, the recommendation allows the clinician to decide whether to perform surgical treatment.
As it is ultimately the clinician who must decide if a caries lesion will receive surgical treatment, it is useful to survey practicing dentists to determine their radiographic threshold for treatment. A 2009 study from the US Dental Practice-Based Research Network surveyed 500 dentists in the United States and Scandinavia.4 The study reported that in high caries risk patients, 66% of dentists chose to surgically treat lesions radiographically observed in enamel only and 24% chose to wait until the lesions progressed to the inner third of the dentin. In low caries risk patients, 39% of dentists would treat the enamel only lesion surgically and 54% would wait until it progressed to the inner third of dentin. This survey demonstrates that many dentists perform invasive treatment to lesions that are radiographically evident in the enamel or inner third of the dentin despite evidence and professional recommendations that surgical treatment may not be necessary. The clinical niche for resin infiltration is to provide a treatment option to stop the progression of early caries lesions and prevent surgical treatment of savable tooth structure.
Development of resin infiltration for interproximal lesions
The histopathology of enamel caries can be summarized as acid dissolution and enlargement of intercrystalline spaces creating enamel porosity and channels for acid to progress to the dentin.2 The initial caries lesion, the white spot lesion, forms when the subsurface of the caries lesion becomes more porous than its outermost 10–30 micron surface. The surface of the enamel is more resistant to dissolution due to the presence of less acid soluble fluorapatite.5 The principle of resin infiltration is to occlude the porosity formed during the caries process and prevent pathways for acid to further dissolve the tooth structure.6 The two basic steps to achieve this goal are to remove the less-porous surface layer of enamel and allow resin to infiltrate the internal enamel porosities through capillary movement.
As the surface of a carious lesion may act as a barrier to resin infiltration, several preliminary studies evaluated different acid solutions for removal of the surface layer. A solution of 15% hydrochloric acid applied for 90–120 seconds was shown to almost completely remove the 45-micron thick surface layer of the lesion.7 Solutions of 5% hydrochloric acid and 37% phosphoric acid were only able to remove about half the depth of the surface layer of the lesion.7 Lesions etched with 15% hydrochloric acid could be infiltrated with a dental adhesive to a depth of 58 microns whereas the use of 37% phosphoric acid only allowed 18 microns of infiltration.6
After removing the surface layer of the caries lesion, the next step is to infiltrate resin into the porosities created during dissolution of intercrystalline enamel. The ability of several dental adhesives and 66 experimental resin infiltrants to penetrate porous enamel was estimated using their physical properties. Infiltrants containing triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) showed the highest potential for penetration.8 An experimental infiltrant containing about 90% TEGDMA and 10% ethanol was shown to penetrate deeper into caries lesions than a commercially available dental adhesive,9 and later an infiltrant containing only TEGDMA was shown to penetrate deeper than other formulations of infiltrants.10
The commercially available resin infiltration product, Icon, was released in 2010. This product contains a 15% hydrochloric acid etchant, an ethanol solution for desiccating the enamel and a TEGDMA-based resin infiltrant. When applied for 3 minutes, the Icon infiltrant was shown to penetrate deep into non-cavitated interproximal caries lesions.11 Initial laboratory testing showed that infiltrating enamel lesions with Icon resin infiltration was able to inhibit the progression of demineralization in an acidic solution.12 There are some limitations. Salivary contamination of the infiltration process decreased its ability to prevent demineralization and infiltration is not able to fill the cavities present in cavitated interproximal lesions.1313
Evidence for the effectiveness of interproximal resin infiltration
In a split-mouth study of fifty 5–8-year-old children, 62% of untreated interproximal lesions progressed within a year, whereas, only 23% of those infiltrated showed radiographic progression.14 In another split-mouth trial of 39 adult patients, 32% of infiltrated, 41% of sealed, and 70% of untreated interproximal lesions showed progression after 3 years.15 In a third split-mouth trial of 29 young adult patients, 42% of untreated interproximal lesions progressed within 3 years, whereas, only 4% of those infiltrated progressed.16 In a split-mouth trial performed in a practice-based network, lesion progression was noted in 10 out of 186 infiltrated lesions and 58 out of 186 untreated lesions.17 Based on the results of these clinical studies, a Cochrane review for microinvasive treatments for managing dental decay concluded that microinvasive treatments for interproximal caries (such as resin infiltration) significantly reduces the likelihood of caries progression more than non-invasive treatments.18
Procedure for interproximal resin infiltration
The caries risk of the patient must be determined based on the presence of caries lesions and the patient's diet. Diet counseling should be performed and patient was encouraged to substitute sweetened beverages with water. The surfaces to be treated using resin infiltration should be identified in the treatment plan and informed consent should be obtained. A bitewing radiograph will indicate the extent of penetration of the interproximal lesion (Figure 1).
zoom view
Figure 1: Pre-treatment BW radiograph.
Prior to treatment, orthodontic rubber separators should be placed (Figure 2) between the teeth to be treated in order to facilitate placement of the interproximal foils. The clinician must balance the inconvenience of scheduling time to place the separators and the uncomfortableness of wearing the separators with the ease of performing treatment that can be achieved with long-term use of separators. A larger separator is preferred for maximum results. In most cases, the resin infiltration procedure will not be performed during the visit where the determination for the need for the procedure is made. Therefore, it is generally possible and preferred to allow a minimum of a 72-hour period for interproximal separation for the teeth prior to performing the Icon procedure.
An easy method to place the separators is to loop two pieces of floss through the separator (Figures 3a and b) and then pull the separator taut. One side of the floss can then be passed through the contact. The separator is then pulled through the gingival embrasure so it is positioned apical the contact. The separator is then pulled coronally to wedge it between the contact. In order to remove the separator without inducing discomfort, it should be cut with scissors to open it up and then pulled underneath the contact with hemostats.
zoom view
Figure 2: Placement of separator.
zoom view
Figures 3a and b: Technique for placement of orthodontic separator prior to use of resin infiltration.
zoom view
Figure 4: Placement of rubber dam showing inversion of rubber dam.
After removing the orthodontic separator, a rubber dam is placed (Figure 4) to prevent saliva from contaminating the surface to be treated. It is also essential to avoid the hydrochloric acid from irritating the soft tissue, and the resin infiltrant producing an unpleasant taste to the patient. It is important to use a latex rubber dam with this treatment, as resin infiltrant can dissolve non-latex rubber dams. If the patient is allergic to latex, the rubber dam material to be used should be tested with some of the infiltrant to verify it will not be affected by the resin. Based on the amount of excess infiltrant that contacts the rubber dam, a non-latex dam can form a perforation prior to completing the first 3 minutes of infiltration if not verified that this effect will not occur. As demonstrated in this case, the tooth receiving treatment can be clamped as long as the wings of the clamp do not infringe on the space needed to place the interproximal foil (Figure 5).
zoom view
Figure 5: Use of clamp acceptable on tooth to be treated if mesial surface is treated.
When the orthodontic separator is placed in advance, the wedge is only needed to stabilize the matrix during the procedure and not to separate the teeth. Using a wedge might cause bleeding which could interfere with the need for a completely dry environment. The wedge should be directed through the contact initially ensuring that the tip of the wedge is seen on the other side of the tooth and that it was not inadvertently directed apically into the soft tissue. Generally, local anesthesia is not needed. Once the wedge is in place, it should not be removed until treatment is completed as removing the wedge will frequently cause bleeding that will contaminate the procedure. Note that the wedge should only be used to stabilize the matrix system and not to separate the teeth. Separation is easily achieved via use of orthodontic separators.
The next step was to etch the tooth with Icon-Etch hydrochloric acid (Figure 6). The film in the interpoximal foils is perforated on the side with the green border and unperforated on the side with the white border. Therefore, the foil is positioned with the green-bordered side facing toward the surface being treated.15
zoom view
Figure 6: Placement of Icon delivery system to introduce 15% hydrochloric acid solution.
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Figure 7: Positioning of foil to introduce hydrochloric acid solution.
zoom view
Figure 8: Positioning of air-water syringe and suction.
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Figure 9: Placement of alcohol solution.
When sufficient separation is achieved, the foil can be easily placed by pushing the foil apically while slightly sliding the foil back-and-forth in the buccal-lingual direction (Figure 7).
If it is challenging to slide the foil through the contact (as demonstrated in the case above), the foil can be separated from the dispensing syringe so it is easier to manipulate. The foil is grasped with two fingers on one side and hemostats on the other in order to pull the film taut and prevent it from folding. It is then helpful to start at an occlusal point angle (mesiolingual-occlusal point angle) and gently saw the foil into the contact point. Generally, this last step is not needed when adequate separation exists via pre-placement of an orthodontic separator.
After etching for 2 minutes, the foil is removed and the tooth should be thoroughly rinsed with water for 30 seconds and dried completely. The air-water tip is placed in direct contact with the tooth to ensure it is completely dried (Figure 8).
The Icon-Dry alcohol solution should be applied to the interproximal area of the tooth. Several drops of the solution should be applied to the treated proximal surface so that desiccation of the surface can be achieved (Figure 9). After 30 seconds, the tooth should be completely dried with the air syringe after verifying that the spray will be completely dry.
A new foil is then placed between the teeth and the Icon-Infiltrant resin is introduced (Figure 10). Prior to dispensing the infiltrant, the overhead light must be adjusted with an orange filter to prevent premature polymerization of the resin. Over a 3-minute period, infiltrant is dispensed through the foil via rotation of the handle. Excess material should be removed with a low volume evacuator in order to prevent the patient from tasting the resin.
After removing the foil, a gentle stream of air and floss are used to remove excess resin (Figure 11).16
zoom view
Figure 10: Placement of Icon infiltrant.
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Figure 11: Use of dental floss to remove excess Icon resin infiltrant after 3 minutes of placement.
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Figure 12: Curing of Icon resin infiltrant circumferentially for 40 seconds total.
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Figure 13: Placement of second Icon infiltrant matrix to allow 1 additional minute of infiltration.
zoom view
Figure 14: Special kit with devices to place Icon resin infiltration interproximally.
The infiltrant is polymerized with a light curing unit (minimum 1,000 mW/cm2). The light tip is placed in contact with the tooth and moved from the lingual to the occlusal to the buccal surfaces of the teeth for a total of 40 seconds (Figure 12).
The Icon-Infiltrant is then returned to the interproximal surface of the tooth with a new foil for the second application (Figure 13). The infiltrant is again applied for 1 minute and then the same clean-up and light polymerization procedures described previously are repeated. The wedge and the rubber dam should be removed, and the patient's mouth should be thoroughly rinsed. All of the elements of the product needed are available in a “kit” of Icon used for this interproximal lesion treatment purpose (Figure 14).
At the end of the visit, the patient is informed which teeth were treated with Icon resin infiltration and the treatment performed noted in the patient's chart. The patient must be informed that this treatment is not visible on radiographs, and therefore must be monitored through signs of radiographic progression.17
Resin infiltration for demineralized smooth surface lesions after orthodontic treatment
In the same way that resin infiltration is effective to arrest the progression of pre-cavitated interproximal caries lesions, it is also effective at halting progression of white lesions created as a result of inadequate oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. Unfortunately, and too often, lesions appear around orthodontic brackets, which become highly visible and of great esthetic concern after orthodontic treatment. In the anterior region in particular, these white spot lesions can be highly unsightly. This is particularly problematic whereas a primary objective of orthodontic therapy is to improve esthetics. Because these lesions are specifically caries lesions, they can be treated using resin infiltration. The sequence of steps is the same except that the interproximal matrix is not needed. A separate “kit” of Icon is available specifically for this purpose (Figure 15).
An example of the immediate effect of resin infiltration treatment using the Icon system can be seen in Figures 16 and 17 (pre- and post-treatment).
zoom view
Figure 15: Special “kit” for use of Icon resin infiltrant for anterior facial white spot treatments.
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Figure 16: Pre-treatment after rubber dam place showing white spots after orthodontic treatment.
zoom view
Figure 17: Immediately after treatment with Icon resin infiltration.
Clinicians are well aware of the need to always provide the most conservative treatment possible when deciding how to manage dental caries lesions. The use of resin infiltration (Icon) is one of the most conservative lesion management techniques in terms of halting progression of caries lesions. With careful post-treatment monitoring, excellent results and minimal overall loss of tooth structure is achieved with this technique.
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