Pocket Tutor Clinical Examination Peter Cartledge, Catherine Cartledge, Andrew Lockey, Caleb Van Essen
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures respectively.
Abbreviated Mental Test 207, 207, 278, 326
ABC approach 300, 304
ABCDE approach 3316
anatomy 109, 110, 111
auscultation 122
cardiovascular disease 66
common scars 121
critically ill patients 337
elderly patients 325
gastrointestinal disease 117, 11819, 1209
genitourinary organs see Genitourinary system
imaging investigations 132
inspection 12021, 164
neonates 313
pain 11213, 115, 123, 124
palpation 1227, 1645
percussion 127
pregnant women 1656
respiratory disease 93
Abdominal aorta 75, 127
Abdominal aortic aneurysm 115, 127
Abducens nerve (CN VI) 172, 17981
Accessory nerve (CN XI) 173, 189
Active listening 2
Activities of daily living 11, 11
Addison's disease 286
Adolescents 299, 304
see also Paediatrics
Advanced life support algorithm 340, 341
AEIOU TIPS mnemonic 340
Affect 276
Air hunger 32
Alcohol use 13
Allergies 10
Alopecia 55
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 35
Amenorrhoea 156
Amniotic fluid volume 167
AMT see Abbreviated Mental Test
Anal canal 111, 130
musculoskeletal examination 246, 2589
thyroid examination 290
Ankle–brachial pressure index 812
Anxiety 268
Aorta, palpation 75, 127
Aortic valves 59, 60, 68, 77, 79
Apex, palpation 99
Apex beat 72, 74
APGAR score 310, 311
Apnoea 33
Appendicitis 115, 124
Appendix 110
Arm see Upper limb
Arterial bruits 82, 122
Ascites 118, 128
Asterixis 47, 47, 210
Asthma 103
Atrioventricular valves
anatomy 59
apex beat 72
cardiac cycle 60
cardiac pattern and diagnoses 68
heart sounds/murmurs 78, 79
surface markings 77
Auditory function 184, 187
Auditory hallucinations 277
Auroscopy 51, 52, 305
Auscultation 389
see also specific systems
Autonomy 24, 26
AVPU scale 305, 337
Babinski's sign 221
Balanitis 141
Barium studies 132
Basic activities of daily living 11
Beneficence 25
Biliary colic 115
Bimanual pelvic examination 162
Bladder see Urinary bladder
abnormal bleeding in women 156
coughed up 92
in stools 116
in urine 137
vomiting 114
Blood oxygen saturation see Oxygen saturation
Blood pressure 61, 65
ankle–brachial pressure index 812
elderly patients 322
measurement 345, 36, 81
National Early Warning Score 338
paediatric patients 322
Blood tests
cardiovascular disease 83
dementia 326
endocrine disease 292
musculoskeletal disease 262
psychiatric assessment 279
respiratory disease 104
sexually transmitted infections 145
Blumberg's sign 124
Body mass index 41
Body surface area 41, 296
Bones 241
Borborygmi 111, 122
Bouchard's nodes 245, 247
Boutonnière's deformity 245, 247
Bowel sounds 111, 122
Bradycardia 66
Bragard's test 255, 261
anatomy 1958
visual fields 174
see also Neurological system
Breast 147, 148, 14955, 168, 287, 328
examination 1524, 168
Breast tissue 118, 286
Breath smells 120
Breath sounds, reduced 94
ABC approach 300, 304
ABCDE approach 3316
advanced life support 341
bronchial sounds 94
cardiac pathology 62
paediatric patients 296, 300, 301, 304, 31
patterns 323, 39
physiology 88
Breathlessness 32, 62, 92
Bronchial tree 87
Bronchoscopy 104
Brudzinski's test 230
Bruising 120
Bruits, arterial 82, 122
BSA see Body surface area
Candida albicans 156
Capacity 25
Capillary refill time 36, 305
Carbon dioxide 89
Cardiogenic shock 43
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 26, 340, 341
Cardiovascular system 5986
ABC approach 300, 304
ABCDE approach 332, 334
anatomy 59
auscultation 756, 306
cardiac patterns 68
causes of fever 33
critically ill patients 331, 3334, 336, 341
elderly patients 323, 324
examination 6771, 86
general inspection 67
history taking 17, 63
investigations 83
jugular venous pressure 51, 68, 97
paediatric patients 300, 301, 304, 306
palpation 72, 812, 83
percussion 75, 306
physiology 6062
pulse assessment 72, 81
signs of dehydration/shock 42
signs of disease 44, 46, 66
symptoms of disease 625
Carotid arterial pressure 71
Carotid ultrasonography 84
Carpal tunnel assessment 2556
Central nervous system 19598
Cerebellum 198, 225
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis 232
Cervix 148
colposcopy 169
smear and swabs 160
cardiovascular examination 66, 68, 756
critically ill patients 337
elderly patients 327
gastrointestinal disease 117
inspection 97
musculoskeletal disease 241
neonates 312
pain 623, 64
percussion 38, 945, 99, 101
radiographs 84, 102
respiratory disease 94
respiratory examination 98
surface anatomy 88
Chest radiograph interpretation 1057
Cheyne–Stokes respiration 32
Child abuse 314
Chlamydia infection 158
Cholangiopancreatography 132
Cholecystitis 124
ABC approach 300
ABCDE approach 332, 334
see also Cardiovascular system
Claudication 65
Clock drawing 2056
Clonus 211
Clubbing 45, 46, 46, 288
CNs see Cranial nerves
Cochlear function 173, 184, 185
Cognitive function 2056, 321, 3201, 326
Collateral ligament stability 259, 263
Colonoscopy 132
APGAR score 311see also Cyanosis; Jaundice
Colposcopy 169
Compulsions 268
Computed tomography 231
Confidentiality 25
Congestive heart failure 61
ABCDE approach 334
AVPU scale 306
delirium 269
Glasgow Coma Scale 335National Early Warning Score 338
paediatric patients 305, 335
sudden loss of 199
Consent 26, 30
Consolidation, lung 103
Constipation 116, 324
Consultations 1
active listening 2
adolescents 300
clinical examination see Clinical examination
documenting 20
elderly patients 31819
environment for 4
history taking 1, 3, 318
psychiatric 269
question techniques 12, 8, 17
Coronary angiography 84
Corrigan's sign 68
Cough 90
Crackles 67, 79, 3234
Cranial nerves
anatomy 1713
examination 17689
eye movements 171, 1778
Cremasteric reflex 143
Crepitations see Crackles
Critically ill patients 33141
advanced life support 340, 341
early warning score 336, 338
examination 33141
primary survey 33136
secondary survey 336
Cruciate ligaments 25960, 264
Cyanosis 40, 97
Deafness 184, 187
Deep tendon reflexes see Reflexes
Deep vein thrombosis 81
Dehydration 42, 42, 302
Delirium 207, 207, 207, 269, 320
DELIRIUM mnemonic 269
Dementia 207, 207, 207, 320
Depression 267
Dermatomes 196, 197, 222
Development assessment 30710
Diabetes 284, 29092, 292
Diarrhoea 116
Differential diagnosis 1819
Digital rectal examination 12931, 325
Disability, ABCDE approach 332, 3345
Distributive shock 43
DNA SORAN mnemonic 1, 3
Doctor–patient relationship 1, 2
Documentation 20
Draw test 259
Dropped finger 245, 247
Drug history 3, 4, 89
breast disease 151
cardiovascular disease 63
elderly patients 318
endocrine disease 285
gastrointestinal disease 113
gynaecological disease 155
musculoskeletal disease 238
neurological disease 199
paediatric patients 296, 297
pregnant women 163
respiratory disease 90
Drug use, illicit 14
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry 266
Dupuytren's contracture 44
Durkan's compression 256
Durosier's sign 68
DVT see Deep vein thrombosis
Dysarthria 202
Dysdiadochokinesia 226
Dysfluency 206
Dyspareunia 156
Dysphagia 11316
Dysphasia 206
Dysphonia 206
Dyspnoea see Breathlessness
Dysuria 137
CN VIII function 1847, 188
elderly patients 319
general inspection 512
paediatric patients 305
Early warning score 336, 338
EBM see Evidence-based medicine
Echocardiography 85
ECG interpretation 85
Ectopic pregnancy 115
Elbow examination 245, 252
Elderly patients 31528
examination 32128
functional age 315
history taking 31718
multidisciplinary teams 3289
physiological changes 31516
symptoms 31720
Electrocardiography 83
Electroencephalography 2312
Electromyography 231
Emotional state 39, 276
Endocrine system 28193
anatomy 281, 282
diabetes 284, 2901, 292
history taking 284, 285
investigations 292
physiology 2812, 283
signs of disease 44, 2867
symptoms of disease 2846
thyroid examination 28790
Endoscopy, gastrointestinal 132
Epididymis 141, 142, 143
Epispadias 142
Erectile dysfunction 138
Erythema, palmar 445
Ethicolegal considerations 246
Evidence-based medicine 214
ABCDE approach 332, 3356
for examination 31, 119
anatomy 175
cardiovascular disease 66, 81
colour vision 177
dehydration 42
elderly patients 323, 327
endocrine disease 287, 288
examination 18991
gastrointestinal disease 117, 11920
general inspection 39
innervation 1723, 171, 174
investigations 19192
movements 172, 173, 175, 17980
musculoskeletal disease 241
neonates 313
neurological disease 202
ophthalmoscopy 177, 17980
pupil 96, 172, 175, 1801
respiratory disease 96
visual acuity 176, 189, 317
visual fields 174, 1768, 189, 192, 286
visual symptoms 1736
cardiovascular disease 66
cutaneous innervation 172, 185
elderly patients 323, 327
endocrine disease 287, 288
facial nerve examination 172, 183, 184
gastrointestinal disease 117
general inspection 40, 50
musculoskeletal disease 241
neurological disease 202
respiratory disease 93
veins of 70
Facial nerve (CN VII) 172, 185
Fainting 64
Faith history 12
Fallopian tubes, palpation 162
Falls, elderly patients 319
Family history 3, 4, 10
breast disease 151
cardiovascular disease 63
endocrine disease 285
gastrointestinal disease 113
gynaecological disease 155
musculoskeletal disease 238
neurological disease 199
paediatric patients 297
pregnant women 163
psychiatric assessment 274
respiratory disease 90
Family trees 11
Female reproductive system 14769
anatomy 135, 1479
breast 147, 148, 14954, 168
examination summary 168
gynaecology 149, 150, 15456, 168
history taking 14951, 150
investigations 167
obstetric examination 1647, 168
physiology 149
Femoral hernias 141, 144, 145
Femoral nerve stretch test 255
Fetor hepaticus 53, 120
Fetuses, obstetrics 165
Fever 334
elderly patients 321
paediatric patients 3013
FH see Family history
Fibrosis, lung 99
Finger nails see Nails
Finger rub test, hearing 184
Fits 199200, 286
Flap 47
see also Tremor
Fluid thrills 128
Fluorescein, topical 192
Fluorescein angiography 192
Foot 40, 53, 21821, 246
Fundus fluorescein angiography 192
Gait 2302
elderly patients 325
GALS assessment 2423, 306
Gallbladder 109, 110, 124
Gas exchange, lungs 8
Gastrointestinal system 10933
anatomy 109, 111, 11011
auscultation 122, 306
causes of chest pain 64
causes of fever 33
digital rectal examination 12931, 324
elderly patients 316, 324
examination 11932, 133
history taking 15, 113
inspection 11922, 306
investigations 132
paediatric patients 301, 306
palpation 12227, 306
percussion 1279, 306
physiology 111
proctoscopy 131
prostate examination 130, 135
signs of disease 44, 46, 11618, 117
symptoms of disease 11216
Genetic disorders 310
family trees 11
see also Family history
Genitourinary system
anatomy 135, 136, 1479
cardiovascular disease 66, 75
causes of fever 33
endocrine disease 285
examination summary 144, 168
female 1479, 15467, 155
gastrointestinal disease 117
history taking 15, 137, 13940, 153, 155
investigations 144, 167
male 13544
Get-up-and-go test 325
Glasgow Coma Scale 333
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) 173, 1889
Glucose test, ABCDE approach 335
Glycaemic control 282, 284
Goitre 287, 286
Goniometers 253
Gonioscopy 192
Graphaesthesia 225
Graves’ disease 288
Groin lumps 141
Growth, paediatric patients 307
Gunstock deformity 247
Gynaecology 149, 150, 153, 15457, 168
examination 15762, 168
Gynaecomastia 118, 287
Haematemesis 116
Haematuria 137
Haemoptysis 93
Hair 55, 285, 288
Hallpike's manoeuvre 187
Hallucinations 277
cardiovascular disease 43, 44, 66
deformities 247
endocrine disease 43, 266, 287, 268
gastrointestinal disease 44, 46, 117, 120
general inspection 40, 437, 57
hand hygiene 30
movement coordination tests 226
musculoskeletal disease 44, 241, 242
musculoskeletal examination 239, 241, 247, 248, 2534
neonates 313
osteoarthritis 230
respiratory disease 44, 46, 93
rheumatoid arthritis 240
critically ill patients 337
elderly patients 323, 327
neonates 313
Headache 1989
Hearing 173, 184, 187
development 308, 30910
elderly patients 319, 323
advanced life support algorithm 341
anatomy 59
auscultation 7580, 80
cardiac cycle 60, 61
cardiac output 61
cardiac patterns and diagnoses 68
chest wall percussion 75
elderly patients 322, 323
failure 61, 65, 68
fetal 167
investigations 83
jugular venous pressure 69, 6970
murmurs 68, 77, 789, 79, 28199
National Early Warning Score 338
paediatric patients 300, 301
palpation 612
signs of disease 645
sounds 59, 68, 69, 75, 78
symptoms of disease 625
Heaves 73, 74
Heberden's nodes 247
Height, children 307, 308
Hepatojugular reflex 71
Hepatomegaly 124, 126
Hernias 141, 142, 143, 144
Hip examination 246, 247, 2578
History 3, 4, 67
psychiatric assessment 270, 271
History taking 1, 3, 317
allergies 89
drug history 3, 879
family history 3, 10
history of presenting complaint 3, 67
immunisation history 10
past medical history 3, 8, 8
past surgical history 3, 8
pitfalls 17
presenting complaint 6
social history 2, 1014
see also specific systems
Horner's syndrome 96, 182
Hydration 42, 42, 302
Hydrocele 142
Hyperbilirubinaemia 117
Hyperglycaemia 286, 335
Hyperkyphosis 247
Hyperpyrexia 34
Hypertension 35, 65
Hyperthyroidism 288, 290
Hypertonia 203
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) 173, 189, 193
Hypoglycaemia 286,
Hypomania 267
Hypospadias 142
Hypotension 35, 65, 305, 322
Hypothalamopituitary axis 281, 283
Hypothermia 33, 34
Hypothyroidism 288, 290
Hypovolaemic shock 43
Iatrogenic problems 320
Ileus 122
Illusions 277
Immobility 319
Immunisation history 10
Incontinence 156, 324
Inguinal region
anatomy 135, 136
hernias 141, 145
inspection 141
Inherited disease 30810
family trees 10
see also Family history
Insight 277
Instability 31920
Instrumental activities of daily living 11, 11
Interferon gamma release assay 104
Intermenstrual bleeding 156
Investigations 19
see also specific systems
Ischaemic heart disease 62
Janeway's lesions 44
Jaundice 117
Jaw jerk 181
active movement 245, 246, 250, 25162
effusions 239, 2589
GALS assessment 242, 243
inspection 244, 2456
investigations 265
loss of function 237
osteoarthritis 236, 240
pain 235, 239, 2378, 250
palpation 2489
passive movement 245, 246, 250, 255
position sense 222, 223
range of movement 2504, 25162
rheumatoid arthritis 236, 240
special tests 245, 246, 25460, 2614
stability 250
stiffness 235
swelling 2378
types 233
Jugular venous pressure 60, 68, 6971, 97
Kayser–Fleischer rings 11920
Kernig's sign 230
Ketosis 120
Kidney, palpation 126, 127
Knee examination 246, 2589, 265
Koilonychia 46, 57
Korotkoff's sounds 35
Kussmaul's respiration 323
Kwashiorkor 307, 308
Kyphosis 244, 245, 247, 342
Labour 167, 299300
Lachman's test 259, 264
Language abnormalities 202, 205, 206
Language development 30910
Large intestine 109, 167
Laseque's test 261
Leg see Lower limb
Legal concepts 247
Leuconychia 46, 57
Libido 138
Listening 2
Lithotomy position 157, 158
anatomy 109, 111
investigations 132
palpation 75, 123, 126
percussion 38
Lobectomy, lung 103
Lordosis 243, 245, 247
Lower limb
GALS assessment 242, 306
general inspection 39, 53
meningism tests 228
muscle tone 212
musculoskeletal examination 246, 250
neonates 313
peripheral vascular system 5960
power 213, 214
reflexes 21821
respiratory disease 93
breast 1537
groin 141
lymph node 49, 141
scrotal 141, 142
anatomy 87, 88
bronchoscopy 104
CT pulmonary angiography 104
elderly patients 327
function tests 104
gas exchange 89
main pathologies 103
signs of disease 936
symptoms of disease 96
vocal resonance 101
Lymph nodes 4950, 50, 99
Magnetic resonance imaging 191, 231, 266
Mallet finger 245, 247
Malnutrition 41, 307, 308
Mania 267
Marasmus 307, 307
Mastalgia 151
McBurney's point 124
McMurray's test 264
Median nerve compression 2556
Medical history see Past medical history
Medical notes 20
Medication history see Drug history
Melaena 116
Memory 207, 320, 326
Meningism 230
Meniscal tears 260
abnormal bleeding 156
menstrual cycle 149, 150
menstrual history 153
Mental state assessment 401, 2078, 208, 2758, 326
Mental State Examination 2758
Micturition 1378
Mini-mental state examination 2078, 208, 326
Mistreated children 314
Mitral valve see Atrioventricular valves
Mood 276
Motor development 30710
Motor functions, CNs 172, 181, 183, 188
Motor pathways 1956
Motor power 203, 213, 218, 219
cardiovascular disease 66
elderly patients 3234, 327
gastrointestinal disease 117, 120
general inspection 40, 51
neonates 313
see also Throat
Movement abnormalities 210, 213
CN XII 189
eye 17980
joint examination 24962
see also Tremor
Multidisciplinary teams 3289
Murphy's sign 124
Muscle power 203, 21318, 219
Muscle tone 203, 203, 211, 311
Musculoskeletal system 23366
anatomy 233
causes of chest pain 64
elderly patients 316, 325, 327
examination 24062, 265
GALS assessment 2423, 306
history taking 15, 233, 238, 242
investigations 2626
joint examination 24462, 265
paediatric patients 301, 306
red flags 236
signs of disease 44, 2378, 240
symptoms of disease 2357
general inspection 457, 57, 57
thyroid disease 288
National EWS system 336, 338
Nausea 114
cardiovascular disease 66
critically ill patients 337
deformities 247
elderly patients 327
gastrointestinal disease 117
general inspection 40, 4851, 50
goitre 286, 287, 289
meningism 22830
musculoskeletal disease 241
musculoskeletal examination 245, 247, 250, 259
neonates 313
respiratory disease 93
veins of 70
Neonates 295, 31013
Nerve conduction studies 231, 266
Neurological system 195232
abbreviated assessment 205, 207
ABCDE approach 3356
anatomy 1958
causes of fever 33
cerebellar function 210
critically ill patients 337
dehydration/shock 42
elderly patients 316, 325, 327
examination equipment 204
examination 2039, 232
gait 230, 325
general inspection 208, 306
higher mental function 20510, 326
history taking 15, 198201
investigations 2078
meningism tests 22830
paediatric patients 301, 306, 311, 335
physiology 198
positioning the patient 205
power 203, 21318, 219
reflexes 198, 202, 203, 21821
sensation 202, 2215
signs of disease 44, 2023
symptoms of disease 198201
tone 203, 203,s 211, 311
see also Cranial nerves; Ophthalmology; Psychiatric assessment
NEWS system 336, 338
Nipples 1512, 153
Nocturia 138
Nocturnal dyspnoea 32, 63
Non-maleficence 25
Nose 53, 54, 313
Note making 20
clinical assessment 412
elderly patients 322
history taking 1415, 297
paediatric patients 297, 307, 308
Nystagmus 179
Observations see Vital signs
Obsessions 268
Obstetric examination 1647, 168
Obstructive sleep apnoea 31
Oculomotor nerve (CN III) 172, 179
Odynophagia 113
Oedema 67, 75
Olfactory nerve (CN I) 172
OPERATES+ mnemonic 3, 270
cardiovascular examination 81
cranial nerve examinations 1769
eye anatomy 176
eye innervation 172, 173
investigations 1912
visual symptoms 1734
visual system examination 1767, 18991
Ophthalmoscopy 204, 17980
Optic disc 177
Optic nerve (CN II) 172, 176
Optic tract 171
Optical coherence tomography 191
Orchitis 141
Orthopnoea 62
Orthostatic hypotension 35, 321
Osler's nodes 44
Osteoarthritis 236
Otoscopes 52, 53
Ovaries 164
advanced life support 341
central cyanosis 97
delivery devices 97
partial pressure 36
respiration 89
supplemental 96, 333
Oxygen saturation 36
elderly patients 321
National Early Warning Score 338
paediatric patients 304
Paediatrics 295314
age definitions 295
anatomy 29596
child mistreatment 314
clinical environment 295
development assessment 30710
examining children 314
examining neonates 31013
history taking 299300
key symptoms 301
physiology 296
red flags 300
Paediatric consultation 296
Paget's disease 153
Pain history 3, 6, 7
Pain sensation 2234
Palms 4445
Palpation 37
lymph nodes 4950, 99
see also specific systems
Palpitations 64
abdominal pain 115
anatomy 109, 110
glycaemic control 282
investigations 132
Parotid glands 51
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea 32
Past medical history 2, 4, 89
breast disease 151
cardiovascular disease 63
elderly patients 318
endocrine disease 285
gastrointestinal disease 113
genitourinary disease 137, 153, 155
musculoskeletal disease 238
neurological disease 199
paediatric patients 297
pregnant women 163
psychiatric assessment 271
respiratory disease 90
Past surgical history 3, 8
cardiovascular disease 63
elderly patients 318
gastrointestinal disease 113
musculoskeletal disease 238
neurological disease 199
pregnant women 163
psychiatric assessment 271
respiratory disease 90
Patent ductus arteriosus 302
Pelvic examination 1578, 16062
Pelvic pain 156
Pelvis, fetal engagement 16667
Penis 141, 142
Peptic ulcers 115
Perceptions, abnormal 277
Percussion 38
see also specific systems
Peripheral oedema 61, 67, 75
Peripheral vascular system 5960
auscultation 82
elderly patients 324
inspection 81
mid-calf diameter 83
palpation 813
signs of disease 66, 67
symptoms of disease 65
Peristalsis 111
Peritoneum 109, 115, 124
Personal history 272, 273
Phalen's test 255
Phimosis 141, 142
Phobias 268
Pituitary tumours 286
Plantar reflex 221
Pleural effusion 103
Pneumonectomy 103
Pneumothorax 103
Polydipsia 284, 286
Polyuria 284, 286
Position sense 208, 222
Positioning of patients 30, 119, 152, 157, 205
paediatric 305
Postcoital bleeding 156
Postural hypotension 35, 322
Power 204, 21318, 219
Prayer signs 242, 255
Ectopic 115
obstetrics 1647, 168
paediatric history taking 299
Presenting complaint 3, 4
breast disease 151
cardiovascular 63
elderly patients 318
endocrine 285
gastrointestinal 113
genitourinary 137, 153, 155
history of 3, 4, 6
musculoskeletal 238
neurological 199
obstetric 163
paediatric patients 297
psychiatric assessment 271
respiratory disease 90
Privacy 30
Probity 26
Pronator drift 213
Proprioception 196
abdominal pain 115
anatomy 135
examination 131
investigations 144
micturition problems 138
Proximal myopathy 2889
Pruritus 120
Pseudohallucinations 277
Psychiatric assessment 26779
elderly patients 326
higher mental function 278
history taking 26970
investigations 27980
Mental State Examination 2758
physical examination 2789
summary 280
symptoms 2679
Psychotic symptoms 268
Pulmonary oedema 61, 67
Pulmonary valve 76, 79
Pulse oximetry see Oxygen saturation
assessment 72
cardiovascular disease 66
elderly patients 321
endocrine disease 288
paediatric patients 304
Pupil, 172, 179
Pyrexia 33
Pyrogens 34
Quincke's sign 68
Radiography 84, 102, 132, 265
Record keeping 2021
anatomy 109, 110, 111
bleeding 116
digital examination 12930
proctoscopy 131
Reduced conscious 340
Reflex irritability, neonates 31112
Reflexes 177, 198
Relative afferent pupillary defect 181
Religion, faith history 1011
Renal colic 115
Resistance testing 213, 214
ABC approach 300, 304
ABCDE approach 332, 333
advanced life support 341
breathlessness 32, 62, 92
cardiac pathology 62
National Early Warning Score 338
paediatric patients 296
patterns of 32
physiology 88
Respiratory failure 89
Respiratory rate 32
elderly patients 298
National Early Warning Score 338
paediatric patients 304
Respiratory system 87107
anatomy 87
auscultation 1004
cardiovascular disease 59, 66
causes of fever 32
chest percussion 38, 94
critically ill patients 331, 3334, 341
elderly patients 3215, 327
examination 96106
history taking 17, 8990
inspection 96, 306
investigations 104
main lung pathologies 103
paediatric patients 299, 304
palpation 989
physiology 88
signs of disease 43, 936
symptoms of disease 903
upper respiratory tract see Mouth; Nose
Resuscitation 26, 336
Retching 114
Reticular activating system 198
Rheumatoid arthritis 236, 240
Rigidity 203
Rigor 34
Rinne's test 1845, 187
Risk assessment, psychiatric 277
Romberg's test 208
Rovsing's sign 124
Rubs 95
SAD PERSONS mnemonic 278
Scapula 247
Schizophrenia 268
Schober's test 254
Sciatic nerve stretch test 255, 261
Scoliosis 244, 245, 247
Scratch marks 120
Scrotum 136, 141, 142, 144
Seizures 199200, 286
Sensory examination 202, 2215
Sensory functions, CNs 1889, 202, 209
Sensory pathways 196, 197, 222
Sepsis evaluation, 3368
Sexual function 138
Sexual history 13940
Sexual intercourse 156
Sexually transmitted infections 140, 140, 160, 299
Shock 43
Shortness of breath see Breathlessness
Shoulder examination 245, 247, 251
Skeletal system 233
see also Musculoskeletal system
breast tumours 153
critically ill patients 337
elderly patients 322, 327
endocrine disease 285, 287, 287, 288
gastrointestinal disease 117
general assessment, 39, 40, 534
graphaesthesia 225
lesion types 56
musculoskeletal disease 241
pregnancy changes 164
Sleep apnoea 33
Small intestine 109, 110, 1323
of breath 120
sense of 1723
Smoking 12
Social development 308, 30910
Social history 3, 4, 1015
breast disease 151
cardiovascular disease 63
elderly patients 318
endocrine disease 285
gastrointestinal disease 113
genitourinary disease 137, 138, 155
musculoskeletal disease 238
neurological disease 199
paediatric patients 297
pregnant women 163
psychiatric assessment 274
respiratory disease 90
SOCRATES mnemonic 3, 7, 7
Spasticity 203
Speculum examinations 15961, 164, 167
Speech 202, 205, 206, 276
Spider naevi 120
Spinal cord 196, 222
Spinal tap 232
deformities 247
elderly patients 324
GALS assessment 2423, 306
musculoskeletal disease 224
musculoskeletal examination, 24062, 241, 247
Spiritual history 12
Spleen 110, 1245, 125, 126, 127
Splenomegaly 1256
Splinter haemorrhages 46, 57
Sputum 92, 104
Squint 190
SSS CCC FFF TTT mnemonic 49, 49
Starling's law 62
Stenosing tenosynovitis see Trigger finger
Stereognosis 224
Stethoscopes 39, 100, 101
STIs see Sexually transmitted infections
Stomach 109, 110
Stools 116, 132
Strabismus 1901
Straight leg raise 255, 261
Stretch reflexes see Reflexes
Stridor 95
Suicidal assessment 278
Surgical history see Past surgical history
Swallowing, problems with 113
Swan-neck deformity 240, 245
Symphyseal–fundal height 1645, 165
Syncope 65, 199
Systemic vascular resistance 61
Tachycardia 65
Tactile vocal fremitus 99
Taste sense 173
Teeth 51
Temperature 334, 37
elderly patients 321
National Early Warning Score 338
paediatric patients 300, 304, 313
Temperature sensation 2234
Tendon reflexes see Reflexes
anatomy 136
carcinoma 141, 150
cremasteric reflex 143
pain 139, 141
palpation 142, 143
signs of disease 141
torsion 139, 141
ultrasound 145
Thirst, polydipsia 284, 286
Thomas's test 257
Thoughts 276
Thrills 73, 74, 128, 302
Throat 512, 53 55, 303, 305
Thudicum speculum 54
anatomy 281, 282
auscultation 20
examination 40, 28790, 293
goitre 286, 287, 288
investigations 292
palpation 28990
regulation 281, 283
Thyroid acropachy 288
Tinel's sign 2
Toe movements 258
Toe nails see Nails
Tone (muscle) 203, 209, 211, 227, 311
general inspection 51, 97
innervation 172, 173, 185, 185,
Tonometry 192
Tophi 47
Torticollis 245, 247
Touch sensation 222, 224, 225
Trachea 87, 88, 98
Tremor 47, 47, 202, 210, 288
Trendelenburg's test (hip) 257
Trendelenburg's test (veins) 83
Trichomonas vaginalis 156
Tricuspid valve see Atrioventricular valves
Trigeminal nerve (CN V) 172, 181
Trigger finger 245, 247
Trochlear nerve (CN IV) 172, 179
Tympanic membrane 52, 52, 305
genital 141
peptic 115
Ultrasound 42, 132, 141, 191, 292
Undernutrition 42, 307, 308
Upper limb
active movements 250
deformities 247
endocrine disease 287
GALS assessment 2412, 305
joint examination 245, 247, 251, 258
muscle tone 211
neonates 313
power 214, 213
reflexes 218, 220
see also Hand
Uraemic fetor 120
Urethra (female) 135, 148
Urethra (male) 135, 138, 142
Urinary bladder
palpation 126
Urinary tract, anatomy 135
blood in 137
incontinence of 156, 320
investigations 132, 144
micturition problems 137
polyuria 284, 286
Urine tests
endocrine disease 292
genitourinary assessment 1679
musculoskeletal disease 263
psychiatric assessment 279
Uterus 1479, 162, 1645, 167
Vagina 1479, 156, 15962, 167
Vaginosis, bacterial 156
Vagus nerve (CN X) 173, 18889
Valgus deformities 248
Values, patient 22
Varicocele 141, 143
Varicose veins 82
Varus deformities 247, 248
Vestibular function 172, 187, 188
Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) 173, 1847, 188
Vibration sensation 223, 224
Virus serology 104
Vision development 308, 30910
Visual acuity 176, 189, 317
Visual fields 174, 177, 189, 192, 286
Visual symptoms 17376
Visual system examination 18991
Visual tract 171, 174
Vital signs 3136
cardiovascular disease 66, 66, 82
dehydration/shock 42
elderly patients 3212
musculoskeletal disease 241
National Early Warning Score 338
paediatric patients 301, 304, 308, 313
respiratory disease 93
VITAMIN CDE mnemonic 18
Vocal fremitus 101, 102
Vocal resonance 1012
Vomiting 114
Weakness 201, 21318, 219
Weber's test 184, 187
Weight, children 2956, 307, 308
Weight change 116, 285, 288
Wernicke's area 206
Wheeze 95
Whisper test, hearing 184
Whispering pectoriloquy 101
Wrist deformities 247
Wrist examination 245, 247, 248, 2558
Xanthomas 47
xanthelasma 120
Chapter Notes

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