Dental Photography in Practice Peter Gordon
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures, respectively.
AACD see American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD)
Accessories 73
Adaptalux 127
lighting system, photography with 127
Advanced photo system type-C sensor 18, 19
Agnos 29
Agnos scorpion
classic brackets 31
light-basic 31
Ambient light exposure 8
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 66, 113
Aperture 57
and shutter speeds 9
changes affects depth of field 20
large 11
priority mode 14
setting 55
modern technology 55
sizes 9
small 11
APS-C see Advanced photo system type-C sensor (APS-C)
Art bold effect 126
Audit trail 55
Automatic exposure systems 56
Automatic flash
exposure 10
metering 96
Axis bracket, advantage of 42
Baby's bottle warmer 79
BACD see British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD)
Backgrounds 96
Black acrylic 121
Black and white grainy effect 126
Black card background 97
Black velvet 121
before 118
views 115
Boxes and bouncers 88
Bracket systems 27, 88
Agnos 27, 88
Axis 27, 88
compared 37
Molaris brackets 88
Molinaris 27
Owl 27, 88
PhotoMed 27, 88
British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 66, 113
Brownie box model 1
Buccal canal, blood in 71
assembly, movement of 20
bodies 8, 51, 82
computer 11
facial views with 115
function 5
internal components of 1
menu, pre-sets in 63
metering system 96
modes 13
mounted on pistol grip 84
optics 15
own flash 22
proximity of 21
shake 20
shutter 10
specifically designed for dental use 62
system 7
types of 2
using 56
crop factor 57
intraoral views 56
metering area 56
perioral views 56
with controller fitted 47
with NEO 2 attached 93
Canon 14, 20, 55
accessories for 21
Canon 200D 21, 24
Canon 470 EX-AI 101
flash 111
Canon 800D 24
inbuilt flash triggering 28
Canon APS-C sensors 7
Canon built in flash 102
Canon EL 100 27
flash 23, 37
units 30, 39
Canon EOS M50 61
Canon flash 33
systems 101
Canon M50 mirrorless 61
Canon MR 14 EX II 102
flash 86
ring flash 85
Canon MR EX II 32
flash 32, 82
system 34
Canon MT 14/26 flash 38
Canon MT 24 98
flash 87
units 88
Canon MT 24/26 35, 42, 103, 104
flash 29
system 37, 43
twin flash 27
Chrome mirror 77
Circular flash tube 21
Close-up photographs 17
Clutch wrist strap 83
College of Medicine and Dentistry 124
Colour LED lights 127
Columbia retractor 74, 75
Combination flash 33
Compact digital camera, components of 6
Contrastor in situ, image with 74
Contrastors 79
Copped sensor camera, settings on 58
Corona virus 80
Correct exposure 42
CPS see Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
Creative filters 126
Crop factor 18
Crown Prosecution Service 55
Current digital single-lens reflex 5
image 71
advantage of 8
components of 7
Dental chair 95, 95
Dental eyepad 66
on charging stand 67
Dental photography 10, 20, 56, 80
bouncers for 38
consent to 59
images, percentage of 19
optical stabilisation for 20
with digital cameras 51
Depth of field 10
relation to 10
Digital camera 6
Digital single-lens reflex 1, 17, 56, 61
body 5
camera 5, 7, 13, 41
photography 58
set-up 70
Dine camera 67
clinical image using 68
Dine combination flash 34
Dine ring flash 34
Dinecorp 66
Dioptre 7
adjustment wheel 8
wheel 7
Direct photography 73
Doctorseyes 46, 75, 80
contrastor 74
mirrors 79
power pack 47, 48
system 46
DoF see Depth of field (DoF)
Drum diffuser 107
DSLR see Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR)
EL 100 flash 36
units 88
Electronic flash
use of 13
white Balance for 32
Electronic focal plane shutter assembly 12
Elimination of reflections, system for 80
Exposure 8
triangle 9
Extension cord, set up using 45
External flash systems 10
Eyes filter 80
Ezybounce 106
Face 64
Facial aesthetics 119
Facial close-ups 70
Facial image 101
Facial photography 21, 58, 101, 117
autofocus 58
using basic equipment 95
Facial shot, capturing 101
FEB see Flash exposure bracketing (FEB)
Field of view 57
consistency in 58
Film cameras 12
Film sensitivity 12
Fish eye effect 126
Flash accessories 88
Flash control 55
Flash exposure bracketing 41
Flash off camera 43
Flash operation, differing methods of 53
Flash synchronisation speed 12, 13, 54
Flash system 10, 52, 56, 62, 84, 101
function 10
Flash units 37
on Owl bracket 45
Flashright diffuser 108
Focal length 8, 15
Focal plane shutter 2, 12
Focus 7
Forensic and normal rulers 83
Forensic scale 83
Front surface mirror 77
Frontal smile 113
Full arch in occlusion 114
Full arch lower 114
Full face view 113
Full frame camera 57
Full frame digital sensor cameras 17
Full upper arch 114
Fully automatic flash illumination 56
Gary Fong diffuser 109
GDPR see General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Gemini (Royal Copenhagen) 51
General Data Protection Regulation 68
General dental practices 68
Ghost image 77
Hot shoe PC cord adaptor 93
Image quality, typical choice of 55
Image stabilisation, canon uses 20
Images higher settings 54
ISO 100 54
ISO 1600 54
ISO 200 54
ISO 3200 54
ISO 800 54
Impact Strobos diffuser 107
International Organization for Standardization 12
Isolate shade image 66
Jakobi de-misting mirror 75, 79
kit 79
Jakobi vestibular retractor 76
CRLAF version, images using 76
Joint Photographic Experts Group 56
JPEG see Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
Kenro KFL 101 100, 101, 33
Knight dental design 91, 101
Latest Canon hot shoe 22
LDB see Light diffuser bouncer (LDB)
LED see Light-emitting diode (LED)
Lens 8, 82, 84
barrels 18
metering 22
on Owl bracket 40
prime 8
ratio 58
simple 15
specialist 8
stabilised 16
weights of different 84
Lester dine
combination flash 21
ring 26
true ring flash 21
Light diffuser bouncer 42, 43
in situ 43
on Axis bracket 44
used 44
Light-emitting diode 97
lighting system 46, 69
Lighting systems 21
axial illumination 21
bracket systems 27
combination flash 25
compared 32
compatibility 21
for faces, comparison of 95
on teeth and models, comparison of 85
ring flash 22
twin flash systems 25
variety of 32
Lightning icon 51
Lightweight system 42
apart 124
together 124
Lipstick 73
on retractor 73
Low glare
and whitening 64
illumination 65
Lower jaw, photography of 116
Lumiquest bouncers 39, 40, 89
Lumiquest mini soft box 39, 89
Lumiquest ultrasoft 89
bouncer 39, 41
Macro lens 8, 10, 15, 62, 85
angle of view 16
aperture 19
autofocus 20
current 17
depth of field 19, 19
earlier 15
magnification ratio 17
optical stabilisation 20
structure 15
working distance 15
Magic diffuser 109
Magmod diffuser 108
Magnetic lens mount 47
Magnification ratio 57
set 57
Manual M mode 24
Mask minor pathology 85
Maximum aperture 9
calculation 10
MDP see Mobile dental photography (MDP)
Metering modes 56
Metz filter on camera flash Canon 800D 24
Metz Filter on EL 100 flash 24
Metz MS-1 33
flash 86
Milled restoration 122
Mirror 64, 75
handles 79
image 64
technique photography 116
Mirrorless cameras 61
Mobile dental photography 68
system 69
Mobile phone
and protocol 68
image 70, 71
Mobile selfie 70
Modern camera technology 52
Modern electronically controlled aperture structure 9
Modern lens construction 16
Molaris bracket 30, 31
MR EX II flash 32, 94
MS-1 flash 23
MT 24 flash 35
units 87
MT 24 on Axis bracket 88
MT 24 Twin Flash 97
MT 24/26 flash with LDB 44
Mug shot 101
Multi-user situation 52
Nature and sports photography 13
Nature's flaws, reproduction of 36
Neewer adjustable shoe 31
adaptor 93
led light 91
set-up 94
contrastor 77, 80
retractor 77
Nikon 13, 54, 101
clip 34
hot shoe 22
PC converter for 25
specific shoes 30
uses vibration reduction 20
Nikon R 1C1 27
flashes 35, 36
diffused 35
system 25, 38
Nikon SB-R200 42
fitting 42
units 29
Nissin ‘AIR’ wireless trigger 29
Nissin i40 28
flash units 26
Nissin i60 28
flash units 40, 41
Nissin MF-18 33
Nissin produce flash units 26
Non-clinical images 125
Nonstabilised lens 16
and Canon systems 62
produce 62
system 62, 80
T10 ring flash 81
One side off camera 125
Optical hot shoe receiver 101
Optical stabilisation, sigma uses 20
Optical system, number of 9
Oringer retractor 74, 74
combination with 74
Orthodontics 113
Owl bracket 30, 43
extended 38
Parallax, problem of 4
PC cord 26
PC socket 25
Phone image 71
Photographic systems 20
Photography, type of 38
PhotoMed bracket 30
Photomicrography 71
Photoscissors software 65
Pixapro RICO 240 90, 91, 93
LED ringlight 93
Pixapro ringlight 93
Plastic lip retractor, images using 76
Plastic occlusal retractor 76
Point flash system 26
Polar eyes filter attached 82
Polaroid slave flash 100
Polylactic acid 42
Rangefinder camera 4
Red eye 95
Canon MR EX II Flash 95
corrected 95
Restorative and orthodontic dentistry 58
bracket-shaped 73
C-shaped 73
cut down 75
V-shaped 74
Ring flash 21, 22, 85, 101
held off camera 125
on camera 125
Ring lashes 33
Ring light 47
at half power 48
Rotolight NEO 2 light unit 91
Rotolight universal PC converter 25
Safety 82
Scale 82
SD card 6
Self-retaining retractor 74
with tabs 74
sensitivity of 12
smaller 18
camera 8
canon-cropped 62
cropped 18, 58, 58
Servo mode 23
Setting image quality 55
Shadows 97
Shofu camera 64
Shofu CIII 62
Silicone-covered pliable metal 79
Simple single element lens 15
Single lighting unit, setting up 90
Single posterior tooth, image of 117
Single teeth, photography of 115
Single-lens reflex 1, 2
camera 2, 3, 4, 5
history of 1
Slave flash 99, 100
unit 99, 100
SLR see Single-lens reflex (SLR)
design 114
lateral 113
Snug fit with T24 flash 43
Soft boxes 38
and bouncers 37
Sports photography 12
Squamous cell carcinoma 83
Standard illumination 65
Standard views 113
Start-up screen 63
Stone model 121
with bridge 122
Strobos diffuser 107
Studio flash, image using 91
Studio lighting 90
facial view in 65
setting 64
Sync mode 24
System comparison 85
T10 cross polarised 81
T10 direct flash 81
T10 flash 81
direct 82
T10 ring flash system 80
T10 with polarising filter 82
Table top photography 46, 118
Tamron 20
90 mm macro lenses 16
uses vibration control 20
anterior 19
after 118
before 118
Tele-macro 64
lens 66
Tent lighting 43
Through the lens 11, 39, 43, 75, 100, 126
extension cord 46
Titanium mirror 77
TLR see Twin lens reflex (TLR)
Tony knight of knight dental design 118
Top flash
bounced position 105
direct 105
Trigger Metz MS-1 flash 24
TTL see Through the lens (TTL)
Twin flash systems 34
Twin lens
cameras 1
reflex 1
camera 2
Twin systems 88
Two camera systems 27
Two Canon EL 100 flash units 39, 87
Typical Canon hot shoe 22
Typical focussing screen 7
Typical ring flash units 23
Typical shoe 31
Typical studio set-up 91
Ultra-bright mirror 78, 121
Upper anterior sextant views 115
Upper arch 64
Very cheap flash systems 21
WB see White balance (WB)
White acrylic 121
White background, images against 100
White balance 13, 13, 90
options 13
White card background 97
Whitening illumination 65
Wi-Fi SD card, components of 6
Wing lights 47
image using 48
Yashica twin-lens reflex C 1950 2
Zygomatic implant placement 17
Chapter Notes

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