Radiology of Positioning and Applied Anatomy (For Students and Practitioners) GS Garkal
Abdomen 96
anteroposterior view 96
erect view 97
KUB—anteroposterior view 96
lateral view 98
prone oblique view 97
Abdomen 99
for pregnancy 99
anteroposterior view 99
prone oblique view 99
Acromioclavicular joint 127
AP scapular plane position 128
central ray 128
exposure settings 129
PA axial oblique position 127
central ray 128
exposure settings 128
Acromioclavicular joint 43
Ankle joint 54
ankle joint (lateral view) 56
anteroposterior view 54
right ankle—AP view 55
right ankle—lateral view 56
Arm (Humerus) 39
anteroposterior view 39
central ray 39
exposure settings 39
Atypical orthopedic radiographic techniques 119
Bronchography 160
contrast media 161
technique 162
preparation 162 route used 162
Calcaneum 53
axial view 53
central ray 54
exposure settings 54
lateral view 53 central ray 53
exposure settings 53
left calcaneum axial view 54
Chest 76
antero-oblique view 78
anterolateral portion of ribs 90
above diaphragm 90
anteroposterior 85
apicogram 80
chest lateral decubitus position 94
for ribs—anteroposterior view 81
lateral portion of ribs 90
through diaphragm 90
lateral view 76
lateroposterior portion of ribs 87
through diaphragm 87
posterior portion of ribs 83
above diaphragm 83
through diaphragm 83
posteroanterior view 76
ribs lateral-oblique view 82
Clavicle 45
anterioposterior 45
posterioanterior view 45
central ray 45
exposure settings 45
Common radiological investi- gations 137
techniques of 137
Double contrast barium enema 155
technique 155
cleansing the colon 155
instillation of barium 156
Elbow 131
axial lateral position 131
central ray 131
exposure settings 132
Elbow joint 37
anteroposterior view 37
central ray 37
exposure settings 37
lateral view 37
central ray 38
exposure settings 38
Esophagus 152
Fibula 132
oblique view 132
central ray 133
exposure settings 133
Fingers 30
posteroanterior view 30
central ray 31
exposure settings 32
Foot 49
anteroposterior (AP) 49
greater toe (lateral view) 52
left foot (oblique view) 50
right foot—anteroposterior view 50
toe (oblique view) 52
toes (anteroposterior view) 51
Forearm 35
anteroposterior view 35
central ray 36
exposure settings 36
lateral view 36
exposure factors 37
Hand 29
posteroanterior view 29
central ray 29
exposure settings 29
Hip 70
anteroposterior view 70
hip joint (lateral view) 72
hip joint—lateral view (frog posi- tion) 72
right hip—AP view 71
Hysterosalpingography 156
technique 157
roentgenographic findings 158 fallopian tubes 158
uterus 158
Intravenous pyelography 139
normal appearance 140
cystogram 141
nephrogram 140
pyelogram 140
ureters 141
rapid sequence pyelography 142
standardized technique 140
Knee joint 58
anteroposterior view 58
intercondyloid space 61
knee joint (oblique view) 61
lateral view 59
Laryngopharynx 151
radiography of 151
barium swallow 151
Left wrist 34
lateral view 35
wrist bending position 35
radial deviation 35
ulnar deviation 35
Leg 57
anteroposterior view 57
lateral view 57
Lower extremity 49
Mastoid 16
central ray 16
exposure settings 16
Metacarpals 120
AP and PA oblique positions 120
central ray 120
exposure settings 121
Micturating cystourethography 142
male urethrography 143
anatomy 143
Nasal bone 27
lateral view 27
central ray 27
exposure settings 28
Optic foramen 17
central ray 17
exposure settings 20
lateral oblique view 20
Patella 66
axial (skylene) view 68
axial view 67
posteroanterior view 66
central ray 66
exposure settings 67
Patella 133
flexion lateral position 134
tangential position 133
Pelvis 73
lateral view 74
Plain radiography abdomen 137
normal plain abdomen 137
extraurinary shadows 139
plain film 138
optimal bowel preparation 137
Posthepatic bile-collecting system 143
radiography of 143
anatomy 143
intravenous cholangio- graphy 145
oral cholesystography 145
radiographic considerations 144
Radiological examination 146
of the heart 146
correct position 146
Sacrum 113
anteroposterior view 113
lateral view 114
oblique view (anterior) 116
sacrum and coccyx—lateral view 115
Scaphoid 121
PA axial ulnar flexion position 121
central ray 122
exposure settings 122
Scapula 129
lateral scapular plane position 129
central ray 130
exposure settings 130
Scapula 43
antero-oblique (AO) view 43
central ray 44
exposure settings 44
lateral view 44
Shoulder joint 124
AP axial position 124
central ray 124
Shoulder joint 40
anteroposterior view 40
central ray 41
exposure settings 41
Sialography 158
contrast media 159
radiography 160
technique 159
Sinography 158
technique 158
Skull 1
view 1
base 10
Caldwell 3
lateral 8
posteroanterior 1
Towne 6
Waters’ 13
Small intestine 154
Spine 101
cervical 101
anteroposterior view 101
cervical spine—lateral view 103
atlas and axis—anteropos terior 104
dorsal 105
anteroposterior view 105
lateral view 107
lumbar 108
anteroposterior view 108
lateral view 108
lumbosacral 111
anteroposterior view 111
lateral view 111
Spine 116
coccyx 116
anteroposterior view 116
lateral view 118
Sternoclavicular articulation 46
unilateral posterioanterior position 46
central ray 46
exposure settings 47
Styloid process 26
anteroposterior view 26
central ray 26
exposure settings 27
Temporomandibular (TM) joint 21
anteroposterior view 24
lateral view 21
central ray 22
exposure settings 22
orbit view 22
Thigh 68
anteroposterior view 68
lateral view 69
central ray 70
exposure settings 70
Thumb 119
PA stress projection 119
central ray 120
Exposure settings 120
Thumb 32
anteroposterior view 32
central ray 32
exposure settings 32
Upper extremity 29
Upper GI Tract 153
barium meal 153
Wrist 122
lateral positions 122
central ray 123
exposure settings 123
Wrist joint 33
lateral view 33
central ray 34
exposure settings 34
posteroanterior view 33
central ray 33
exposure settings 33
Chapter Notes

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Radiography of the skull is difficult because in no other parts of the body are there so many structures that can be identified in radiographs of so small an area.
The minimum number of views that must be obtained to demonstrate all areas of skull clearly is five. These five views are the posteroanterior, the caldwell, the Towne, the lateral, and the base. If the sinuses or facial bones are involved, the Waters' view is essential. The discussion and the illustration of all the six views of the skull are as follows:
Posteroanterior View
The posteroanterior view is the best view of the ear. Ostolaryngologists, who live in an audiocentric world, describe this view as the transorbital view because the petrous pyramid and the ear as seen within the orbit of the skull have been demonstrated the ear so well. Therefore, the area that should receive the most attention during interpretation of a posteroanterior view of the skull is that showing the structures of the inner and the middle ear (FIGURES 1.1A and B).
zoom view
zoom view
FIGURES 1.1B: Posterior view: Drawing (A) and labeled line drawing of the radiograph (B) show the position of the patient and the central ray with respect to the plane of the film. The head is positioned so that the tragocanthal line is perpendicular to the film. The central ray coincides with the tragocanthal line; it enters the skull near the external occipital protuberance (in-ion) and exits at the nasion
Exposure Setting
– 100 cms
Focal spot
– Large
– Yes
mA station
– 100 or 200
Exposure factors
– kV — 65–70
This is the best view for visualizing the internal auditory canal (20). The right and the left internal auditory canal should be compared. They should be similar in size and shape. A difference of 1 to 2 mm is suggestive of abnormality; a difference of more than 2 mm is a definite indication of abnormality. The length of the canal can be measured from the posterior wall of the porus acusticus internus (33) to the vestibule (41); the cochlea, including the apex (3), and the promontory (34); the 4 superior semicircular canals (38); and the lateral semicircular canal (22).
The radiolucent cleft of the middle ear is visible on the posteroanterior view. The lateral semicircular canal (22), and the promontory of the cochlea (34) form the medial wall of the middle ear; the lateral wall of the attic (23) forms its lateral wall. The density of the right and the left middle ear should be the same. Two of the three auditory ossicles (7)—the incus and the malleus—are visible within the middle ear as a single ossicular mass.
Although the mastoid air cells are visible on this view, they are seen to better advantage on the Towne view (FIGURE 1.3) and the Schiller view. The anterior clinoid process (2), and the superior edge of the dorsum sellar (10) are also seen on the posteroanterior view.
Analysis of these structures means one has looked at and evaluated the structures of the skull for which the posteroanterior view is uniquely valuable.
Caldwell View
It the posteroanterior view (FIGURES 1.1A and B) can be regarded as the “ear view”, the Caldwell, or inclined posteroanterior view (FIGURES 1.2A and B) could be considered the primary “orbit view” because it demonstrates the margins of the orbits and the structures that make up the orbital wall better than any other view. The Caldwell view is also uniquely valuable for demonstrating the midline structures of the skull and the face.4
zoom view
Exposure Settings
– 100 cms
Focal spot
– Large
– Yes
mA station
– 100 or 200
Exposure factors
– kV — 75 or
mAs — 160–200
Because the orbital margins are best seen on the Caldwell view, it is the best view for measuring orbital size. There should be no more than 2 mm difference in the size of the orbits. A difference of more than 2 mm is indicative of abnormality.
The structures within the orbit that should be carefully evaluated include the linea innominate (17), which represents the cortex of the temporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid. Pathologic change in the lateral wall of the orbit near the orbital apex will interrupt or destroy the linea innominate.
The superior orbital fissure (29) is seen better on the Caldwell view than it is on any other view. Abnormality of the superior orbital fissure might be suspected in a patient who has ophthalmoplegia or some other abnormality of the extraocular muscles. The superior orbital fissure separates the greater wing of the sphenoid (13), from the lesser wing of the sphenoid (16). The lamina papyracea of the ethmoid, which makes up most of the medial wall of the orbit, is demonstrated by two lines. One line is the anterior portion of the lamina papyracea (2); the other, the posterior portion of the lamina papyracea (25). These two lines limit the most lateral extension of the ethmoid air cells (6).
In addition to the orbits, the Caldwell view is valuable for study of the midline structures. The frontal sinus (11), the ethmoid air cells (6), the planum (jugum) sphenoidale (23), and the floor of the sella turcica (8) are visualized particularly well.5
zoom view
FIGURES 1.2A and B: Caldwell (inclined posteroanterior) view: Drawing (A) and labeled line drawing of the radiograph, and (B) show the position of the patient and the central ray with respect to the plane of the film. The head is positioned so that the tragocanthal line is perpendicular to the film. The central ray is directed 23 degrees caudad to the tragocanthal line; it enters the skull about 3 cm above the external occipital protuberance and exits at the glabella
The medial wall of the maxillary antrum (19), which is the lateral wall of the nasal fossa, is also seen best on the Caldwell view. If the clinical findings are suggestive of a tumor in the region of the maxillary antrum, the medial wall of the antrum (the lateral wall of the nasal fossa), should be analyzed very carefully for evidence of bone destruction. The ethmomaxillary plate (7) should also receive careful analysis if the clinical findings are suggestive of a tumor in the ethmoid sinus of the maxillary antrum.
Towne View
If the posteroanterior view (FIGURES 1.1A and B) is the ear view and the Caldwell view (FIGURES 1.2A and B) is the orbit view, then the Towne, or half-axial anteroposterior view (FIGURES. 1.3A and B) could be considered the “occiput view” because it is the only view that clearly shows the occiput (24) and the structures of the posterior cranial fossa. The Towne view could also be regarded as an axillary ear view. Only on a Towne view can the mastoid antrum (19) and the mastoid air cells on one side of the skull be compared with those on the other side on the same radiograph.
zoom view
The middle ear (22) is demonstrated better on the Towne view than it is on the posteroanterior view. The medial wall of the middle ear is defined by the bony otic capsule of the lateral semicircular canal (15) and by the promontory of the cochlea (29); the lateral wall of the middle ear is defined by the lateral wall of the attic (16). The matoid antrum (19) is projected superior to the middle ear on the Towne view.
Although the internal auditory canal (12), the vestibule (31), the superior semicircular canal (30), the lateral semicircular canal (15), and the cochlea (3) are visible on the Towne view, they are visualized best and should be analyzed most closely on the posteroanterior view.7
zoom view
FIGURES 1.3A and B: Towne (half axial anteroposterior) view: Drawing (A) and labeled line drawing of the radiograph (B) show the position of the patient and the central ray with respect to the plane of the film. The head is positioned so that the tragocanthal line is perpendicular to the film. The central ray is directed 30 degrees caudad to the tragocanthal line; if passes through a point between the external auditory canals
A Towne view made with proper positioning will show the dorsum sellae (6), the anterior clinoid process (1), and the foramen magnum (8) better than any other view. Although the inferior orbital fissure (10) is an orbital structure, it is visualized only on the Towne view. The medial margin of this fissure is formed by the junction of the roof and the posterolateral wall of the maxillary antrum (14), and its lateral margin is formed by the inftratemporal tubercule of the greater wing of the sphenoid (11). So called blow-out (depressed) fracture of the floor of the orbit may be seen on this area of a Towne view because a depressed fracture of the orbital floor may extend posteriorly to the inferior orbital fissure (10).
Exposure Settings
– 100 cms
Focal spot
– Large
– Yes
mA station
– 100 or 200
Exposure factors
– kV — 75
mAs — 160
Lateral View
The lateral view (FIGURES 1.4A and B) is the only view of the skull that shows the shape and the depth of the sella turcica. When the length and the depth of the sella turcica measured on the lateral view are combined with the width of this structure determined from the right-angle view of its floor on the Caldwell view (FIGURES 1.2A and B), the volume of the sella turcica can be calculated (2). The width of the sella turcica multiplied by one half of the product of the length times the depth equals the volume.
zoom view
zoom view
FIGURES 1.4A and B: Lateral view: Drawing (A) and line drawing of the radiograph (B) show the position of the patient and the central ray with respect to the plane of the film. The head is positioned so that the midsagittal plane is parallel to the film. The central ray is perpendicular to the midsagittal plane; it enters the skull 2 cm anterior to and 2 cm above the external auditory canal
The nasopharyngeal soft tissues (33) of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx are seen best on the lateral view. The curve of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx should always be concave. If the curve is convex, it is abnormal. If the posterior wall of the nasopharynx of a covex, it is abnormal. If the posterior wall of the nasopharynx of a child has a convex curve, hypertrophied adenoids are usually responsible. The anterior wall of the frontal sinus (6) and the posterior wall of the frontal sinus (41) should be analyzed on this view. Analysis of these walls is particularly important if the clinical findings are suggestive of mucocele of the frontal sinus. If one of the frontal sinuses seems to be opacified on the Caldwell view, special attention should be paid to the anterior wall of this sinus on the lateral view. What appears to be opacification on the Caldwell view may be the result of a relatively thick anterior wall rather than disease; only on the lateral view can any difference in the thickness of the wall be recognised.
Two other structures that are optimally visible on the lateral view are the pterygopalatine fossa (46) and the hard palate (20). The cortical bone that outlines the hard palate should extend from the pterygopalatine fossa posteriorly to the premaxilla (43) anteriorly.
The lateral view is also extremely valuable for visualization of the clivus (13), and for evalution of the relation of the odontoid process (34) to the foramen magnum. Adequate evalution of the sphenoid sinus (48) cannot be accomplished solely on the basis of its appearance on the lateral view. The information obtained from the lateral view must be combined with the appearance of the sinus on the base view (FIGURES 1.5A and B).
Exposure Settings
– 100 cms
Focal spot
– Large
– Yes
mA station
– 100 or 200
Exposure factors
– kV — 60–65
mAs — 80–100
Base View
The base, or submentovertical, view (FIGURES 1.5A and B) is uniquely valuable for visualization of the structures in the base of the skull and those structures that are oriented in a more caudocephalad direction.11
zoom view
Among the latter are the anterior wall of the middle cranial fossa (2), the lateral wall of the orbit (19), and the lateral wall of the maxillary antrum (18).
Note the anterior wall, or margin, of the middle cranial fossa (2) joins the lateral wall of the orbit (19). Both are derived from and are made up by the greater wing of the sphenoid. Note also that the lateral wall of the maxillary antrum (18), or sinus, has a curvilinear, S-shaped contour. Because the S-shaped line represents the lateral wall of a structure beginning with the letter “S” (the sinus) a mnenonics for identifying this wall is S-and-S.
Other structures seen best on the base view because they are oriented caudocephalically are the pterygoid plates. The medial pterygoid plate (27), the inferior portion of the lateral pterygoid plate (14), and the superior portion of the lateral pterygoid plate (37) are all shown to good advantage. The pterygopalatine fossa can often be visualized immediately anterior to the pterygoid plates.
Although the sphenoid sinus can be seen on the lateral view (FIGURES 1.4A and B) only the base view shows each sphenoid sinus (36) as a separate entity. The base view, therefore is essential for adequate evaluation of these sinuses.
The foramina in the base of the skull that are oriented caudocephalically, such as the foramen ovale (10), and the foramen spinosum (11) are seen on the base view. On the other hand the basal formina that are oriented anteroposteriorly, such as the foramen rotundum are not visualized on the base view. The foramen rotundum is seen the posterior view (FIGURES 1.1A and B) the Caldwell view (FIGURES 1.2A and B), and the Waters' view (FIGURES 1.6A and B).12
zoom view
FIGURES 1.5A and B: Base (submentovertical view): Drawing (A) and lebeled line drawing of the radiograph (B) show the position of the patient and the central ray with respect to the plane of the film. The head is positioned so that the tragocanthal line is parallel to the film. The central ray is perpendicular to the tragocanthal line; it enters the skull in the midline between the mandibular angles
zoom view
Exposure Settings
– 100 cms
Focal spot
– Large
– Yes
mA station
– 100 or 200
Exposure factors
– kV — 80–86
mAs — 160–200
The base view is the only view that demonstrates the bony eustachian tube (7). It is also the only view that shows two of the three auditory ossicles-the incus (13) and the malleus (20)-as separate structures.
Waters' View
If the posteroanterior view (FIGURES 1.1A and B) is the ear view and the Caldwell view (FIGURES 1.2A and B) is the orbit view, the Waters' or inclined posteroanterior view(FIGURES 1.6A and B) could be considered the “maxillary antrum view” because it shows the maxillary antrum better than any other views of the skull. The roof of the maxillary antrum is the floor of the orbit. The Waters' view, therefore, is also the best view of demonstrating the orbital floor. On the Waters' view, the floor of the orbit is represented by two lines that are parallel to each other. The superior line is the anterior margin of the orbital floor (2), which is often called the palpable rim of the orbit and the inferior line is the floor of the orbit (9). The relation of these two lines, i.e. the relation of these two parts of the orbital floor is extremely important in the evaluation of blow-out (depressed) fractures of the floor of the orbit. Normally the distance between the two lines should be the same for both orbits.14
zoom view
FIGURES 1.6A and B: Waters' (inclined posteroanterior) view: Drawing (A) and labeled line drawing of the radiograph (B) show the position of the patient and the central ray with respect to the plane of the film. The head is positioned with the midsagittal plane perpendicular to the film, and the head is extended so that the tragocanthal line forms an angle of 37 degrees with the central ray, which is perpendicular to the film. The central ray enters the skull about 3 cm above the external occipital protuberance and exits through the tip of the nose
The roof of the orbit is visualized almost en face on the Waters' view. The anterior portion of the orbital roof ($), which is delimited by a curvilinear cortical line, is superior to the posterior most portion of the roof, which is delimited by the sphenoid ridge (31).
The ethmomaxillary plate (8)—the plate of bone that separates the maxillary antrum from the ethmodial labyrinth—is visible on the Waters' view a well as on the posterior most view and the Caldwell view.
Exposure Settings
— 100 cms
Focal spot
— Large
— Yes
mA station
— 100 or 200
Exposure factors
— kV — 70–75
mAs — 160
The anterior ethmoid air cells (1) and the posterior ethmoid air cells (29) are visible as separate entities only on the Waters' view because on this view the anterior structures are thrown upward. Thus, the images of the anterior and the posterior ethmoid air cells are separated with—the anterior ethmoid air cells superior and the posterior ethmoid air cells inferior. On the Caldwell view, on the other hand, the anterior and the posterior ethmoid air cells are superimposed.
The medial wall of the maxillary antrum (25), which is the lateral wall of the nasal fossa, should be evaluated on the Waters' view as well as on the Caldwell view, and the two appearances should be compared. On the Waters' view, the anterior portion of the medial wall of the maxillary antrum is visualized free of the more posterior portion. Thus, the anterior portion of the medial wall is visualized better on the Waters' view than it is on the Caldwell view because the Caldwell view shows the medial wall of the maxillary antrum en face and the anterior and the posterior portions of the medial wall of the structure are superimposed.
Other structures that should be evaluated on the Waters' view are the zygomatic arch (35) the frontozygomatic suture (14) the linea innominate (21) and the mandibular condyle (22).16
Schüller Position or Lateral Oblique View (Film size—6½″ × 8½″)
Position of the Patient
Patient is asked to lie in prone position. Place the head in true lateral position. The interorbital lie is at right angle with the cassette. The auricle of the ear near the film is folded forward (FIGURE 1.7).
zoom view
FIGURE 1.7: Mastoid (lateral oblique view): Position of the patient
Central Ray
The central ray is directed at an angle of 30° toward the feat. The central ray inters the skull above the ear at the parietal region and passes through external acoustic meatus proximal to the film (FIGURE 1.8).
Exposure Settings
— 100 cms
Focal spot
— Large
— Yes
mA station
— 100 or 200
Exposure factors
— kV — 65
mAs — 80–100
zoom view
FIGURE 1.8: Mastoid (lateral view): Line drawing of the radiograph
Posteroanterior Oblique View (Film size—6½″ × 8½″)
Position of the Patient
Ask the patient to lie in prone position with head of patient in nose chin position. Rotate the head 40°, toward the optic canal to be examined until nose, molar bone and chin are touching with the cassette (FIGURE 1.9).
Central Ray
The central ray is directed vertically with an angle of 20° toward the feet. The rays enter the head from opposite occipital region and passes through the orbit near the cassette (FIGURE 1.10).18
zoom view
FIGURE 1.9: Optic foramen (posteroanterior oblique view): Position of the patient
zoom view
FIGURE 1.10: Optic foramen (oblique view): Line drawing of the radiograph
Exposure Settings
— 100 cms
Focal spot
— Large
— Yes
mA station
— 100 or 200
Exposure factors
— kV — 75
mAs — 120–160
Posteroanterior View (Film size—8″ × 10″ or 10″ × 12″)
Position of the Patient
Patient is asked to lie in prone position. The head is positioned in posteroanterior position with radiographic base line is right angle (90°) to the film (FIGURE 1.11).
zoom view
FIGURE 1.11: Mandible (posterointerior view): position of the patient
Central Ray
The central ray is directed vertically intering the nap of neck and passing through lips. The patient is instructed to stop breathing during the exposure.20
Exposure Settings
— 100 cms
Focal spot
— Large
— Yes
mA station
— 100 or 200
Exposure factors
— kV — 65
mAs—120 48–60
Lateral Oblique View (Film size—8″ × 10″)
Position of the Patient
Patient is asked to lie in lateral recumbent position with body of mandible (the side which is to be exposed) resting on an inclined plain of 17°. The chin is extended and head is thrown back to minimize the overshadowing effect of cervical spine. The body of mandible (near the film) should be parallel to the upper edge of cassette (FIGURE 1.12).
zoom view
FIGURE 1.12: Mandible (lateral view): position of the patient
Central Ray
It is directed vertically with an angle of 10° toward head passing through lower Ist molar tooth. Patient is asked to stop breathing during exposure (FIGURE 1.13).21
zoom view
FIGURE 1.13: Mandible (lateral view): Line drawing of the radiograph
Exposure Settings
— 100 cms
Focal spot
— Large
— No
mA station
— 200
Exposure factors
— kV — 50
mAs — 12
Lateral View (Open and Closed) (Film Size—8″ × 10″)
Position of the Patient
Patient is asked to lie in prone position with head in true lateral position. Median plane of head is paralled to the table top and external auditory meatus is centred in the midline of table and cassette. The opposite side hand is cluched and place under the chin as a support (FIGURES 1.14A to D).22
zoom view
FIGURES 1.14A to D: TM joint (lateral view½open and closed): Position of the patient
Central Ray
The central ray is directed vertically with an angle of 25° degree toward feet passing through the external auditory meatus of the side to be radiographed(FIGURE 1.15).
Exposure Settings
— 100 cms
Focal spot
— Large
— Yes
mA station
— 100 or 200
Exposure factors
— kV — 65
mAs — 100
Orbit View
The patient is supine (or sitting erect), and the head is placed in the anteroposterior position with the base line at right angles to the table (FIGURES 1.16 A and B). The head is then moved away from the side under examination so that the central ray is angled 10° toward the feet and passes through the center of orbit.23
zoom view
FIGURE 1.15: TM joint (lateral view): Line drawing of the radiograph
The head is then rotated 5° toward the effected side in the sagittal place. Each joint is taken separately, with the mouth closed. It should be noted that in radiographs of normal subjects(FIGURE 1.17), appearences are similar with the mouth closed and with the jaws occluded, and again with the mouth, mouth open and the lower jaw thrust forward.
zoom view
FIGURES 1.16A and B: TM joint (orbit view): position of the patient
zoom view
FIGURES 1.17: Radiograph TM joint (orbit view)
However, their relationships may be maintained when there is an abnormal condition of the joint.
Anteroposterior View
The joints will also be shown simultaneously by using the modification of the 30° occipitofrontal projection. Again the position is best taken with the mouth open. Center above glabella, with the tube angled at 30° to the baseline to a point midway between the temporomandibular joints (FIGURE 1.18).
Posterior Position (Superoinferior)
The patient is prone or seated erects, the chin is placed firmly on the table and the neck is hyperextended. The base line is angled at 40° with the table.25
zoom view
FIGURE 1.18: Radiograph of TM joint (anteroposterior view)
Center through the temporomandibular joints angling the tube 15° towards the feet. This view is best taken with the mouth closed (FIGURES 1.19 and 1.20).
zoom view
FIGURE 1.19: TM joint (posteroanterior view): position of the patient
zoom view
FIGURE 1.20: Radiograph of TM joint (posteroanterior view)
Anteroposterior View (Film size—10″ × 12″)
Position of the Patient
Ask the patient to lie in supine position. The skull is positioned in true anteroposterior position. Median plane is perpendicular to the cassette and in the center line of the film. Ask the patient to open the mouth and put 2″ size cork between the teeth. Now the head is adjusted in the position that line drawn from the root of nose to external meatus should be perpendicular to the film(FIGURE 1.21).
Central Ray
The central ray is directed vertically with an agle of 15° toward fect. Rays passes through inferior margin of orbit and external acoustic meatus.27
zoom view
FIGURE 1.21: Styloid process (anteroposterior view): position of the patient
Exposure Settings
— 100 cms
Focal spot
— Large
— Yes
mA station
— 100 or 200
Exposure factors
— kV — 75
mAs — 160
Lateral View (Film size—6½″ × 8½″)
Position of the Patient
Patient is asked to lie in prone position. The head is positioned in true lateral position. Put the film on a small bag, so that the film is near the nasal bone(FIGURE 1.22).
zoom view
FIGURE 1.22: Nasal bone (lateral view): position of the patient
Central Ray
The central ray is directed vertically passing through the distal end of nasal bone (FIGURE 1.23).28
zoom view
FIGURE 1.23: Nasal bone (lateral view): Line drawing of the radiograph
Exposure Settings
— 100 cms
Focal spot
— Large
— No
mA station
— 100 or 200
Exposure factors
— kV — 46
mAs — 4–6