Textbook of Ophthalmology (4 Volumes) Athiya Agarwal, Sunita Agarwal, Suresh K Pandey, David J Apple
Numbers in colour indicate volume numbers
Abducent nerve 1:340
and its lesions 1:342344
course 1:341
differential diagnosis 1:343
exit from the brain 1:341
management 1:343
nucleus 1:340
palsy—clinical features 1:341
Abney effect 1:88
Abnormal retinal correspondence 1:444446
AC/A ratio 1:424425, 544
methods to measure 1:424
significance of 1:425
treatment 1:425
variations 1:425
Acanthamoeba keratitis 2:10201024
Accessory lacrimal gland of Wolffring 2:556
Accommodation reflex pathway 1:302
Accommodation-mechanism 1: 6670
Accommodative esotropia 1:457460
Achromatopsia 1:89
Acute macular neuroretinopathy 4:2517
clinical features 4:2518
diagnosis 4:2519
etiology 4:2517
treatment 4:2519
Acute meibomitis 2:627
Acute retinal necrosis syndrome 3:1998
Acyclovir 2:1041
Adhesive syndrome 1:485
Adjustable IOLs 2:1290
Adjustable refractive surgery 2:13061309
Adjustable suture technique 1:538539
Adrenaline test 1:306308
African lymphoma 2:635
After images test 1:440
Agarwal chopper 3:1748
Age-related macular degeneration 3:2218, 2250; 4:2322, 2375, 2395, 2433, 2465
advances 4:2474
classification 4:2465
differential diagnosis 4:2469
growth factors 3:2251
investigations 4:2467
medical therapy for 3:2250
photodynamic therapy 3:2251
prevention 4:2468
radiation therapy 3:2252
treatment 4:2469
Age-related macular dystrophy 4:2408
AIDS and disinfection 4:2936
Air pump to prevent surge 3:1731
advantages 3:1732
continuous infusion 3:1732
method 3:1731
no anesthesia cataract surgery 3:1733
Airy disk 1:135
Albinism 4:2880, 2962
Albright’s disease 4:2885
Alcian blue 2:744
Alcian blue staining 1:52
Alexander’s law 1:290
Alkaptonuria 4:2879
Alphagan 2:1270
Altitudinal field defects 1:322, 378
Amaurotic cat’s eye reflex 4:2613
Amblyopia 1:355358, 442443, 447451
chloroquine 1:357
diagnosis 1:447
epinephrine 1:358
ethambutol 1:358
ethyl alcohol 1:356
methyl alcohol 1:356
nutritional deficiency 1:358
oral contraceptive 1:358
tobacco-alcohol 1: 355356
toxic 1: 355
treatment 1:447
Aminoacidurias and related disorders 4:2877
Amnion 1:6
Amniotic membrane application 2:889895
Amplification 1: 103104
Amsler grid test 4:2383, 2461, 2469, 2501
Anatomy of the eye 1:2226
Anatomy of the lids 2:551558
Angioid streaks 4:2479
Angle alpha 1:421422
Angle gamma 1:421422
Angle kappa 1:422423
negative 1:423
positive 1:422423
vertical 1:423
Angle of anomaly 1:444
Angle of anterior chamber 3:1363
canal of Schlemm 3:1365
ciliary band 3:1364
drainage of aqueous humor 3:1366
iris processes 3:1364
Schwalbe’s line 3:1366
scleral spur 3:1364
trabecular meshwork 3:1364
Angle-closure glaucoma 4:2615
Angular vein 1:3435
Aniridia 3:1401
Aniseikonia 1:184185
classification 1:184
etiology 1:184
symptoms 1:185
treatment 1:185
Anisometropia 1:182183
classification 1:182
clinical features 1:183
etiology 1:182
tests 1:183
treatment 1:183
Anisophoria 1:454
Ankyloblepharon 2:641
Anomalies of disjunctive fixation 1:471472
Anterior chamber phakic IOLs 2:12841285
Anterior embryotoxon 2:1084
Anterior ethmoidal artery 1:30, 34
Anterior ethmoidal vein 1:3435
Anterior loop traction 4:2728
Anterior segment angiography 4:2338
Anterior segment ischemia 1:542
Anterior segment tumors 3:2031
anterior segment cysts 3:2039
ciliary body melanoma 3:2035
ciliary body nevus 3:2032
Fuchs’ adenoma 3:2045
iris melanoma 3:2033
iris nevus 3:2031
leiomyoma 3:2045
metastasis 3:2043
Anterior uveitis 3:1991
ancillary tests 3:1994
complications of 3:1995
differential diagnosis 3:1994
management 3:2001
signs 3:1991
symptoms 3:1991
Antiallergy therapy 3:2168
antiallergy medication 3:2169
antihistamines 3:2171
topical mast cell inhibitors 3:2170
topical steroids 3:2175
type 1 hypersensitivity reactions 3:2168
Antibacterial therapy 3:2093
antibacterial drugs 3:2095
disadvantages 3:2095
indications for 3:2094
Antibiotic therapy for the treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis 3:2112
Anticholinesterase agents 3:1487
Antifungal therapy antifungal drugs 3:2159
new horizons in 3:2166
Antiglaucoma therapy 3:1481
alpha-adrenergic agonists 3:1487
apraclonidine 3:1487
brimonidine tartrate 3:1488
anticholinesterase agents 3:1484
demecarium bromide 3:1486
echothiophate iodine 3:1486
physostigmine 3:1484
antimetabolites 3:1501
5-fluorouracil 3:1501
mitomycin-C 3:1503
beta-blockers 3:1492
betaxolol 3:1493
cartolol 3:1493
levobunolol 3:1494
metipranolol 3:1494
calcium channel blockers 3:1501
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 3:1495
acetazolamide 3:1496
brinzolamide 3:1497
dichlorphenamide 3:1497
hyperosomotic agents 3:1499
methazolamide 3:1497
future directions 3:1506
miotics 3:1482
acetylcholine chloride 3:1482
carbachol 3:1484
pilocarpine 3:1482
pilocarpine and physostigmine combination 3:1484
recent advances in 3:1504
role of neuroregeneration 3:1507
sympathomimetics 3:1490
dipivalyl epinephrine 3:1492
epinephrine 3:1490
Antihistamines 3:2171
Antiinflammatory therapy corticosteroids 3:2113
immunosuppressive agents 3:2126
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs 3:2119
Antioxidants and nutritional agents 3:2213
Antiretroviral therapy of ocular infections in AIDS patients 3:2232
break-through retinitis 3:2235
cytomegalovirus infection 3:2233
herpes zoster ophthalmicus 3:2237
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 3:2237
pneumocystis carinii choroiditis 3:2237
toxoplasma infection 3:2236
Antiviral agents: major toxicities 3:2132
Antiviral therapies 3:2129, 2149
DNA viruses 3:2149
adenoviruses 3:2142, 2149
cytomegalovirus 3:2136, 2149
herpes simplex virus 3:2129, 2149
varicella zoster virus (VZV) 3:2140, 2149
Epstein-Barr virus 3:2141
first generation drugs 3:2151
RNA viruses 3:2149
measles 3:2149
mumps 3:2149
picorna viruses 3:2149
rubella 3:2149
second generation drugs 3:2154
Apert’s syndrome 2:769
Aphakia 1:170173; 4:2668
disadvantages 1:171
etiology 1:170
optics 1:170
signs 1:172
treatment 1:173
Apoptosis 1:113
Applanation lens 2:1173
Application of molecular genetics to macular dystrophies 4:2399
Aqueous humor 1:55
blood-aqueous barrier 1:55
breakdown of 1:56
composition 1:62
chemical composition of 1:62
physical properties 1:62
dynamics 1:5565
formation 1:5759
active secretion 1:58
diffusion 1:58
ultrafiltration 1:59
functions 1: 65
movements 1: 59
bulk flow 1:60
routes of outflow 1:6061
thermal circulation 1:59
routes of outflow trabecular meshwork outflow 1:60
uveoscleral outflow pathways 1:61
vacuolation theory 1:61
Arch of aorta 1:2728
Arch perimetry 3:1389
Arcuate keratotomy 2:11541157
Arcus juvenilis 2:1084
Arcus senilis 2:1084
Arden gratings 1:181
Argon laser trabeculoplasty 3:1512
ARS 2:13061309
Arsenic poisoning 1:358
Artificial tear solutions 3:2207
polyvinyl alcohol base solutions 3:2209
viscosity increasing agents 3:2209
Artisan IOL 2:12851286
Ascending pharyngeal artery 1:28
Ascher’s syndrome 2:641
Asteroid hyalosis 4:2310, 2311
Astigmatic contact lenses 1:208209
Astigmatic fan 1:155
Astigmatic keratotomy 2:11521170
Astigmatism 1:174177
against-the-rule 1:175
and the cornea 1:175
compound 1:175176
etiology 1:174
mixed 1:176177
optics 1:174
residual 1:177
simple 1:175
symptoms 1:177
treatment 1:177
with-the-rule 1:175
Asymmetric astigmatism 1:232
Asymmetrical radial corneal incisions 2:1159
Atom 2:1191
Aubert-Forster phenomenon 1:158
Autoimmune response in the eye 4:2811
Automated anterior lamellar keratoplasty 2:1229
Automatic corneal shaper 2:11991206
Autosomal dominant drusen 4:2430
AV patterns 1:488491
clinical features 1:490
clinical significance 1:488
esotropia 1:488
exotropia 1:488
treatment 1:490
Avellino corneal dystrophy 2:1059
Axenfeld Reiger syndrome 2:10491051; 3:1399
Axial angles of the eye 1:421423
alpha 1:422
gamma 1:422
kappa 1:422
Azoles 2:1035
Bagolinis striated glasses 1:439440, 464
Balanced salt solution 4:2299
Balloon dacryocystoplasty 2:722723, 730
Band shaped keratopathy 2:1081
Bar reading 1:494
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4:2441
Barrie’s ruler test 1:291
Basic embryology 1:37
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome 4:2872
Batten’s disease 4:2441
Bayadi lens 1:191
B-cells 4:2807
BCVA 3:1943
Beckern Schaffer’s classification 3:1372
Behcet’s syndrome 4:2854, 2863
Bell’s phenomenon 2:558
Benedict’s syndrome 1:333
Benign concentric annular dystrophy 4:2443
Benson’s disease 4:2310
Bergmeister’s papilla 4:2303
Berke’s method 2:577
Best’s disease 4:2400
Bezold-Brücke phenomenon 1:88
Bielschowsky’s head tilting test 1:337339
Bielschowsky’s phenomenon 1:486
Bietti’s crystalline corneal dystrophy 2:10671068
Bilaminar germ disk 1:5, 20
Binkhorst formula 3:1673
Binocular vision 1:411420
anomalies 1:417
accommodative 1:420
oculomotor 1:420
disorders 1:412
eye movements 1:416
fixation disparity test 1:414
measurement and evaluation of deviation 1: 414
pupillary reflexes 1:416
retinoscopy and refraction 1:414
Biochemistry of lens 1:117124
amino acids 1:119
ascorbic acid 1:121
crystalline lens 1:117
glucose metabolism 1:121
lens proteins 1:117
chemical changes 1:122
senile cataractogenesis 1:122
lipids 1:120
transport processes 1:119
Biopsy of the conjunctiva 2:745
Bioptics 2:12891291, 13051306
Birdshot retinochoroidopathy 4:2513
Bito’s pump 4:2493
Bjerrum’s scotoma 1:318
Blebitis 3:1554
Blepharitis 2:627628
Blepharochalasis 2:641
Blepharon 2:565
Blepharophimosis syndrome 2:590591, 640
Blepharoplasty 2:620624
lower transconjunctival 2:622623
lower transcutaneous 2:623624
upper 2:621622
Blepharoptosis 2:565575
Blepharospasm essential 2:641
Blood supply 1:2738
Blood supply of anterior segment 4:2319
Blood-aqueous barrier 1:5557
Blood-brain barriers 4:2320
Blood-retinal barrier 4:2319
Bloodstaining of the cornea 2:1083
Blow out fracture 2:809
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome 2:638
Blunt trauma 4:2657, 2669
Body mass index 3:1591
Border tissue of Elschnig 1:324325
Border tissue of Jacoby 1:324325
Botulinum toxin 1:344, 527534; 2:685693
Bourneville’s syndrome 4:2970
Bowman’s layer 1:12
Box-carring 4:2543
Brachycephaly 2:767, 769
Branch retinal artery occlusion 4:2544
Branch retinal vein occlusion 4:2536
Break up time 2:704, 742743
Brolene 2:1023
Brow lift surgery 2:644654
complications 2:652653
coronal brow lift 2:650, 661663
direct brow lift 2:648, 657658
endoscopic forehead lift 2:650652, 663668
fixation methods 2:652
midforehead lift 2:649, 658659
pretrichial brow lift 2:649, 660
temporal 2:657
Brown’s syndrome 1:476478
Browpexy 2:656657
Browplasty 2:656657
Bruch’s membrane 1:13; 3:1989
B-scan ultrasound 4:2653
artifacts 4:2662
examination techniques 4:2655
in common orbital disorders 4:2659
in intraocular tumors 4:2658
in ocular trauma 4:2657
in vitreoretinal disease 4:2656
instrumentation 4:2654
patient positioning 4:2654
recent advances 4:2662
Bull’s eye lesion 4:2398
Burkitt’s tumor 2:635
Bursa premacularis 4:2498, 2507
Butterfly-shaped pattern dystrophy 4:2417
Cadaver time 2:1089
Café au lait spots 4:2633, 2635
Calcarine sulcus 1:313
Calcific band keratopathy 2:10801083
Calciphylaxia 2:1081
Caloric test 1:295297
Cambridge low contrast gratings 1:180181
Campimetry 3:1387
Canal of Cloquet 4:2301, 2309
Canal of Schlemm 3:1366, 1370
Canal paresis 1:296297
Canalicular lacerations repair 2:724726
Canaliculodacryocystorhinostomy 2:719
Candidate gene approach 1:105
Candle wax drippings 4:2856
Can-opener capsulotomy 3:1939
Capsaicin 2:1046
Capsulorhexis 3:1734
complications and pitfalls 3:1739
difficult cases 3:1737
pigmentosa 3:1737
posterior capsulorhexis 3:1738
pseudoexfoliation syndrome 3:1737
small pupil 3:1737
uveitis 3:1737
disadvantages of 3:1740
forceps technique 3:1736
needle technique 3:1734
Carbohydrate metabolism disorders 4:2875
Carotid-cavernous fistula 2:786787
Caruncle 2:837
Cataract 3:1587, 1620
acquired 3:1628
age related 3:1590
metabolic factors 3:1595
personal factors 3:1590
social factors 3:1592
associated with systemic diseases 3:1637
capsular 3:1622
clinical features 3:1639
congenital 3:1587
cortical 3:1623
developmental 3:1627
diagnostic tests for 3:1640
environmental factors associated with 3:1606
allopurinol 3:1608
amiodarone 3:1609
antimalarial drugs 3:1609
corticosteroids 3:1607
diuretics and antihypertensives 3:1608
hypocholesterolemic drugs 3:1609
phenothiazines 3:1608
ultraviolet radiation 3:1606
lamellar 3:1623
management 3:1640
anesthesia for 3:1643
extracapsular cataract extraction 3:1648
intracapsular cataract extraction 3:1646
laser cataract surgery 3:1653
laser phakonit 3:1656
phacoemulsification 3:1650
nuclear 3:1623
ocular diseases associated with 3:1602
dehydrational crisis 3:1605
glaucoma 3:1603
hypertension 3:1605
myopia 3:1603
ocular trauma 3:1604
renal failure 3:1605
subcapsular 3:1622
supranuclear 3:1623
sutural 3:1623
toxic 3:1635
traumatic 3:1635
Cataract surgery 3:1661, 1716, 1769, 1804, 1841, 1850, 2016
changes in the vitreous 3:1664
biochemical 3:1666
mechanical 3:1664
photochemical 3:1667
transport 3:1666
extracapsular cataract extraction 3:1662
in severe hyperopia 3:1804
anatomical features 3:1804
calculation of the implant power 3:1809
phacoemulsification 3:1806
polypseudophakia 3:1811
in uveitic patients 3:2016
combined surgeries 3:2019
intraocular lenses 3:2018
phacoemulsification 3:2017
postoperative treatment 3:2020
preoperative management 3:2017
intracapsular cataract extraction 3:1661
manual multiphacofragmentation technique 3:1716
phacoemulsification with cryoanalgesia 3:1769
with Dodick laser photolysis 3:1850
complications 3:1855
selection of patients 3:1851
surgical technique 3:1852
with laser phaco 3:1841
Cataractogenesis 1:122124
Cavernous sinus 1:3538, 328329
Cavernous sinus syndrome 1:333334, 336, 342343
Cellular replacements 1:115
Cellulitis 4:2662
Central areolar chorioretinal dystrophy 4:2443
Central cloudy corneal dystrophy of francois 2:10661067
Central meniscus of Kuhnt 1:324325
Central or inverse retinitis pigmentosa 4:2440
Central orbital space 2:764
Central retinal artery 1:3031
Central retinal artery occlusion 4:2541
Central retinal vein 1:3435
Central retinal vein occlusion 4:2531
Central serous retinopathy 4:2457
clinical features 4:2459
investigations 4:2460
treatment 4:2463
Cerebellar disorders 1:288
Chalazion 2:626
Chalky white appearance 4:2613
Champagne cork appearance 1:362
Chandler’s syndrome 3:1409
Chandler’s vitreous surgery 3:1450, 1453
Check ligaments 2:763
Cheiroscope of Maddox 1:493
Chemical injuries 2:922926
Chemical methods of disinfection 4:29332936
Chemodenervation 1:469 see also botulinum toxin
Chlamydiae 2:854
Chorion 1:6
Chorioretinal inflammation 4:2668
Choroidal crescent 1:167168
Choroidal neovascularization, causes 4:2475
Choroidal vasculature 4:2317
Chromatic aberration 1:136
Churg-Strauss syndrome 4:2861
Ciliary arteries 4:2320
Ciliary ganglion 1:330331
Cilioretinal artery 1:3233
Cilioretinal artery occlusion 4:2547
Cimetidine 2:1046
Circle of Willis 1:2728
Circle of Zinn 3:1989; 4:2317
Circle of Zinn or Haller 1:3233
Circulus arteriosus iridis major 1:3233
Cisterna lenticularis 4:2302
Claude’s syndrome 1:333
Climatic droplet keratopathy 2:10851086
Coat’s white ring 2:1083
Coats’ disease 4:2627, 2671, 2949
clinical characteristics 4:2628
demographics 4:2627
differential diagnosis 4:2628
etiology 4:2628
treatment 4:2630
Coats’ syndrome 4:2442, 2616
Cobalt blue test of Landolt 1:156
Cogan’s syndrome 4:2861
Cogan-Reese syndrome 3:1409, 2032
Collamer lens 2:1287
Coloboma of the optic disk 1:381382
Colobomas of lid 2:640641
Color blue sky 1:88
blue water 1:88
red sunset 1:88
Color blindness 1:8485, 8889
Color Doppler scanography 1:54
Color vision 1:8390
defects 1:88
factors that modify color perception 1:88
higher centers in color perception 1:87
Color vision testing 1:8990
Color vision theories Granit’s dominator-modulator theory 1:87
Hartridge’s polychromatic theory 1:8687
Hering’s theory 1:87
Young’s trichromatic theory 1:86
Combined artery and vein occlusion 4:2547
Combined cataract extraction and filtering surgery 3:1563
advantages 3:1564
complications 3:1567
disadvantages 3:1564
patients for which cataract surgery is indicated 3:1563
patients for which filtering surgery is indicated 3:1563
surgical techniques 3:1565
Combined procedures in refractive surgery 2:13031309
Comitant vertical deviations 1:480481
Common ocular syndromes 4:29652973
Common tendinous ring 1:401
Comparison between phaco and laser phaco 3:1843
Complicated (secondary) cataract 3:1638
Complications of HIV infection in the eye 4:2820
neoplastic and neuro-ophthalmological complications 4:2820
Complications of squint surgery 1:541543
Compound microscope 1:186187
Compression sutures 2:1161
Computerized videokeratography 2:950
Conductive keratoplasty 2:13561359
Cone dystrophy 4:2435
Cone pigments 1:7677
Cone-rod dystrophy 4:2435
Cones-photochemistry 1:8384
Confocal microscopy 2:986990
Confusion 1:441
Congenital anomalies of the eye and its adnexa 4:2939
anterior chamber 4:2944
choroid 4:2947
ciliary body 4:2946
conjunctiva 4:2959
cornea 4:2942
eyeball 4:2940
eyelids 4:2956
iris 4:2945
lacrimal system 4:2959
lens 4:2953
ocular motility 4:2962
optic nerve 4:2951
orbit 4:2960
pigmentation of the eye 4:2961
retina 4:2948
sclera 4:2943
vitreous 4:2956
Congenital cataracts 4:2954
Congenital glaucoma 3:1396
in phakomatoses 3:1402
iridocorneal dysgenesis 3:1398
management 3:1397
pathology and pathogenesis 3:1396
Congenital hereditary endothelial corneal dystrophy 2:10691070
Congenital hereditary stromal corneal dystrophy 2:1068
Congenital optic nerve anomalies 1:381384
coloboma of optic disk 1:381
myelinated nerve fibers 1:384
optic disk drusen 1:383
optic disk pit 1:382
optic nerve hypoplasia 1:382
tilted disk 1:383
Congenital rubella syndrome 3:1590
Conjugate palsies 1:281284
Conjunctiva anatomy 2:833837
blood supply 2:836837
bulbar 2:833
microscopic structure 2:834835
nerve supply 2:837
palpebral 2:833
Conjunctival chlamydial infections 2:854862
Conjunctival dacryocystorhinostomy 2:719720
Conjunctival disorders 2:838888
Conjunctival fornix 2:834
Conjunctival glands 2:835837
goblet cells 2:835836
Krause’s glands 2:836
Manz glands 2:836
Henle’s glands 2:836
Wolffring’s glands 2:836
Conjunctival immunologic diseases 2:843850
Conjunctival impression cytology 2:45
Conjunctival melanocytic tumors 2:877879
Conjunctival membranes 2:883
Conjunctival neoplasms 2:838843
benign tumors 2:838839
dacryoadenoma 2:839
human papilloma virus 2:840
inverted conjunctival papilloma 2:839
malignant tumors 2:839842
papilloma 2:839
silver staining 2:841
Conjunctival-follicles 2:883
Conjunctival-papillae 2:882883
Conjunctivitis 2:882888
adult inclusion 2:856
allergic 2:843844
atopic keratoconjunctivitis 2:844
bacterial 2:884887
chronic papillary 2:852
epidemic keratoconjunctivitis 2:851
follicular 2:883
giant papillary 2:847
neonatal inclusion 2:856
vernal keratoconjunctivitis 2:846
viral 2:850854
Conradi’s syndrome 4:2886
Contact lens associated red eye (CLARE) 1:212
Contact lens care system 3:2239
bifocal contact lenses 3:2240
disposable soft contact lenses 3:2240
extended wear contact lenses 3:2240
hard contact lenses 3:2239
rigid gas permeable lenses 3:2240
soft contact lenses 3:2240
toric soft lenses 3:2240
Contact lens-induced changes 1:237
Contact lenses-care systems 1:227
Contact lenses-extended wear 1:210211
Contact lenses-topographic and pachymetric changes 1:237244
Continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis 3:1734, 1868
Contrast sensitivity 1:178181
Convergence excess 1:418, 472
Convergence insufficiency 1:417, 471472
Convergence near reflex pathway 1:301
Copper wiring 4:2554
Cornea farinata 2:1080
Cornea plana 4:2942
Cornea-development 1: 12
Corneal amyloidosis 2:1082
Corneal anatomy 2:939942
Bowman’s layer 2:940941
Descemet’s membrane 2:941
endothelium 2:942
epithelium 2:939
stroma 2:941
Corneal degenerations 2:10791088
caused by aging 2:1080
not caused by aging 2:10801083
Corneal dystrophies 2:10531078
anterior 2:10531057
endothelial 2:10691072
of Bowman’s layer 2:10551057
stromal 2:10571069
Corneal edema causes of 3:2224
topical hyperosmotic agents 3:2225
Corneal endothelium examination 2:967979
Corneal hydration 2:944945
Corneal preservation 2:10891092
34°C organ culture 2:1091
Corneal protector 2:1175
Corneal rupture 2:912
Corneal topography 2:949966
cataract surgery 2:959966
central islands 2:958
contact lens induced warpage 2:953954
decentered ablation 2:958
keratoconus 2:952953
lasik 2:955957
phakonit 2:966
radial keratotomy 2:954955
relasik 2:957
Corneal transparency 2:944946
Corneal ulcers 2:10251031
Corneal warpage 1:237
Corrugator supercilii 2:552
Cortical cataract-biochemistry 1:123
Corynebacterium 2:627
Cotton-wool spots 4:2533, 2552, 2546, 2770, 2819, 2861
Cover test 1:413, 429431, 449, 454
Cowden’s disease 2:634
Craniofacial dysostosis 4:2885
Craniometaphyseal dysplasia 4:2888
Craniosynostosis 2:766770
Creases and furrows 2:560562
Creases of the queue de sourcil 2:551
Critical angle 1:131132
Crouzon’s disease 2:769
Crow’s feet 2:692
Crowding phenomenon 1:442
Cryolathe 2:1176
Cryopreservation 2:1091
Cryotherapy 4:2620, 2639, 2697
Cuneus 1:313
Curvularia lunata 2:1034
Cyclodamia 1:156
Cyclophoria 1:454
Cyclophosphamide 4:2862
Cycloplegia 1:148
Cyclosporine 2:11141116
Cyclovertical deviations 1:480487
Bielschowsky’s classification 1:480
comitant vertical deviations 1:480
difference from horizontal deviations 1:480
dissociated vertical deviation 1:485
Faden’s operation 1:487
paretic vertical deviations 1:481
strabismus sursoadductorius 1:484
Cystinosis 2:1081; 4:2877
Cystoid macular edema, causes 3:1669; 4:249396
Cytomegalovirus 2:853
Dacryocystitis 2:705712
Dacryocystorhinostomy 2:709711, 713719, 730
endoscopic 2:718719, 732739
Dacryoscintigraphy 2:703
Danger area of the face 1:3435
Dark adaptation 1:8283
Darkness reflex 1:303
Decimal fraction 1:159
Delivery systems in excimer laser 2:11941195
Dellen 2:10831084
Demodex folliculorum 2:628
Dendritic ulcer 2:1039
Depressor lens 1:193
Depth of focus 1:137
Dermatitis 2:629
Derry’s disease 4:2874
Descemet’s membrane 1:12
Descemet’s membrane detachment 3:1931
Descemet’s membrane, breaks 2:911912
Descemet’s warts 2:1084
Development of eye 1:818
choroidal fissure 1:10
development of the brain 1:8
formation of lens 1:9
formation of optic cup 1:10
formation of optic stalk 1:9
formation of optic vesicle 1:9
mesoderm 1:10
Development of lens 912
lens fibers 1:11
lens nuclei 1:12
lens sutures 1:12
lens vesicle 1:11
structure of 1:12
Development of the angle of the anterior chamber 1:1415
Development of the brain 1:8
Development of the conjunctival sac 1:1718
Development of the cornea 1:1213
Development of the extraocular muscles 1:1921
Development of the lacrimal gland 1:1718
Development of the lids 1:1718
Development of the nasolacrimal duct 1:18
Development of the optic nerve 1:1516
Development of the retina 1:15
Development of the sclera 1:13
Development of the uveal tract 1:1314
Development of the vitreous 1:1617
Development of the zonular fibres 1:12
Developmental arrest 1:112
Dexsol 2:1091
Diabetes mellitus 4:2560, 2581
diagnosis and classification 4:2560
guidelines for eye care 4:2577
Diabetic cataract 1:123124
Diabetic macular edema 4:2391, 2568
Diabetic retinopathy 1:180; 3:2252; 4:2561, 2581, 2595
classification 4:2563
diagnosis 4:2563
electroretinogram in 4:2569
fluorescein angiography in 4:2569
guidelines for eye care 4:2577
laser photocoagulation surgery 4:2570
management 4:2563, 2582
risk factors 4:2575
surgery for 4:25952600
vitrectomy 4:2573
Diencephalon 1:8
Diffraction of light 1:134135
Diffuse lamellar keratitis 2:12621271, 12721275
Digitally subtracted dacryocystography 2:704
Dimer 2:1193
4 dioptre base out prism test 1:464466, 501
Diplopia 1:433439, 442
congrous 1:434
croosed 1:434
incongrous 1:434
paradoxical 1:434
testing 1:435439
uncrossed 1:434
Directional preponderance 1:296297
Disinsertion 1:539
Disjunctive fixation anomalies of 1:471
convergence excess 1:472
convergence insufficiency 1:471
divergence excess 1:472
divergence insufficiency 1:472
Dislocated anterior chamber IOL, management 3:1956
Dislocated lens fragments 3:1949
associated with retinal breaks and detachments 3:1953
surgical techniques 3:1950
Dislocated lens material 3:1946
Dislocated posterior chamber IOL, management 3: 1956
Dissociated palsies 1:284287
Dissociated vertical deviations 1:484487
Dissociated vertical palsies 1:286
Distance vision aids 1:266
electronic aids 1:267
telescopes 1:266
telescopic system 1:266
Distichiasis 2:617619
Divergence excess 1:418419, 472
Divergence insufficiency 1:417418, 472
Divide and conquer phaco 3:1728
DLK 2:12621275
Doll’s head phenomenon 1:298
Dominant cystoid macular edema 4:2495
Donder’s law 1:409
Donder’s reduced eye 1:140
Donor cornea 2:1196
Dorsal nasal artery 1:30, 34
Double elevator palsy 1:478479
Double Maddox rod 1:511
Down up lasik 2:12071215
Down’s syndrome 3:1637
Drainage of subretinal fluid 4:2731
Drug delivery systems 3:2071, 20762086
local application 3:2071
systemic administration 3:2075
Drug permeability 2:947948
Drug permeability fluorescein 2:948
Dry eye 2:740747; 3:2211
Duane’s retraction syndrome 1:98, 473476; 4:2973
inversus 1:475
sine retraction 1:475
vertical 1:475
Duochrome test 1:155
Duplicity theory of vision 1:75
Dural-cavernous sinus fistula 4:2661
Dye disappearance test 2:703
Dyschromatopsia 1:89
Eales’ disease 4:2603, 2827
clinical picture 4:2605
management 4:2606
pathology 4:2604
Eccentric fixation 1:443444
Echinococcus granulosus 2:780
Eclipse 1:128129
Ectopia lentis 4:2954
Ectropion 2:597609
cicatricial 2:604605
congenital 2:600
involutional 2:600
lateral tarsal trip procedure 2:601604
mechanical 2:608609
medial spindle procedure 2:600
paralytical 2:605608
punctoplasty 2:600
Smith lazy-T procedure 2:601
Smith modification of the Kuhnt- Szymanowsky procedure 2:604
EDTA 2:1081
Edward’s syndrome 4:2886
Egg yolk lesion 4:2401
Eggs in a basket pattern 4:2697
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 4:2479, 2879, 2967
Eischnig’s pearls 3:1971
ELASHY 2:12271228
Electromyography 1:98
Electronic low vision aids 1:267268
Electronystagmography 1:9798
Electro-oculogram 1:9697; 4:2435
Electrophysiological tests 1:9198
early receptor potential 1:91
components 1:91
recording of 1:91
electro-oculogram components 1:96
origins 1:96
recording 1:97
electromyography 1:98
electronystagmography recording of 1:97
various testing procedures 1:97
electroretinogram 1:91
clinical significance 1:93
components 1:92
recording 1:92
types of ERG studies 1:93
visual evoked potential components 1:95
origin 1:95
recording of 1:95
Electroretinogram 1:9295; 4:2398, 2435
Elschnig spot 4:2556
Emission 2:11911193
End product replacement 1:115
Endocapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation 3:1692
advantages 3:1692
disadvantages 3:1692
surgical technique 3:1692
Endocapsular lensectomy 3:1857
Endophthalmitis 3:1554; 4:2721, 2783
clinical features 4:2783
diagnosis 4:2784
etiology 4:2783
intravitreal injections 4:2785
medical treatment 4:2785
vitrectomy 4:2785
Endothelial cells 4:2798
Endothelial injuries 2:912
Endothelitis 2:1040
Enhanced cone syndrome 4:2438
Entropion 2:610617
cicatricial 2:616617
cicatricial lid split procedure 2:617
cicatricial posterior lamellar graft 2:616617
cicatricial tarsal fracturing or tarsal hinge 2:616
cicatricial Wies procedure 2:616
congenital 2:611612
involutional 2:612616
spastic 2:617
Entropion surgery Allen’s modification of the Quickert operation 2:613
eyelid rotation sutures 2:612613
four-snip operation 2:613614
Quickert Rathburn sutures 2:612613
reinsertion of the retractors 2:614
Stasior modification of the Wheeler procedure 2:614
transverse lid split with everting sutures 2:613
Wies transverse tarsotomy 2:613
Enucleation 2:1121
Epicanthal folds 2:639
Epikeratophakia 2:11801190
Epimacular proliferation 4:2753
classification 4:2753
clinical features 4:2754
complications 4:2756
macular pseudohole 4:2754
management 4:2754
vitreous surgery 4:2754
Epiretinal membrane removal with blurhex, technique 4:2736
Episcleritis 2:929931
Epithelial basement membrane corneal dystrophy 2:10531055
Epithelial removal in PRK 2:1196
Epstein Barr virus 2:852; 3:2141
Erythema multiforme 2:872874
Erythema nodosum leprosum reaction 4:2834
Esodeviations 1:457466
classification 1:457
comitant esodeviations accommodative esotropia 1:457
nonaccommodative esotropia 1:460
incomitant esodeviation 1:466
microtropia 1:463
secondary esotropia 1:466
Esophoria 1:452453
Esotropia secondary 1:466
Ethmoidal canals 2:761
Ethylenediamine tetracetic acid 2:1081
Euriblepharon 2:640
Euthyroid Grave’s disease 2:800
Evaluation of the cosmetic patient 2:559564
Examination of a squint case 1:426440
cover test 1:429
diplopia 1:433
diplopia testing 1:435
dextrovertors 1:435
elevators 1:436
levovertors 1:435
head postures 1:428
Maddox wing test 1:432
methods of examination 1:426
ocular movements 1:427
synaptophore 1:431
visual acuity and refraction 1:427
Worth’s dot test 1:439
Excimer laser assisted sodium hyaluronate 2:12271228
Excimer laser: fundamental concepts 2:11911195
Excited dimer 2:1193
Exodeviations 1:467470
classification 1:467
etiology 1:467
forms 1:467
primary 1:468
secondary 1:470
Exophoria 1:453454
Exophthalmometry 2:773774
Exposure keratitis 2:642
External beam radiotherapy 4:2619
External carotid artery 1:2829
Extracapsular cataract extraction 3:1525, 1648, 1662, 1971, 2010, 2122
Extramembryonic mesoderm 1:56
Extraocular muscles 1:19, 21, 401408
development of 1:19
bilaminar germ disk 1:20
mesoderm 1:20
trilaminar germ disk 1:20
muscles 1:25, 401
actions of 1:404406
blood supply of 1:404
common tendinous ring 1:401
histology 1:406408
inferior oblique 1:403
nerve supply of 1:404
recti muscles 1:401
superior oblique 1:402
Eye 1:22
accessory structures of 1:24
anatomy of 1:22
blood supply 1:26, 27
interior of the eyeball 1:24
nerve supply 1:26
cavernous sinus 1:35
external carotid artery 1:28
Eye banking 2:11191123
Fabry’s disease 2:1086
Facelift 2:672676
Facial artery 1:29
Facial deformity syndromes 4:2887
Facial nerve and its lesions 1: 348350
course 1:348
nucleus 1:348
Faden’s operation 1:487, 539
Fanconi’s syndrome 2:1081
Far point 1:144
Farnsworth-Munsell tests 1:90
Fascia bulbi 2:762763
Favit technique 3:1965
Fenestrated sheen macular dystrophy 4:2443
Fermat’s principle 1:128
Ferry line 2:1083
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy 3:2025, 2031
Fish-strike sign 4:2492
Fixation axis 1:422
Flap securing 2:1215
Fleck corneal dystrophy 2:1066
Fleischer ring 2:1083, 1086
Fleur-de-lis 4:2617
Floppy eyelid syndrome 2:608609
Fluency 2:1194
Fluid-air exchange 4:2731, 2756
Fluorescein angiography 4:23142322, 2340, 2351, 2357, 2511
adverse reactions 4:2355
alterations 4:2335
anatomical and physiological basis 4:2351
anatomical and physiological considerations 4:2314
characteristics of sodium fluorescein dye 4:2353
checklist in the event of adverse reaction 4:2356
fundus camera: types, identification and maintenance 4:2341
indications and contraindications 4:2360
instrumentation 4:2340
limitations 4:2354
phases 4:2331, 2361
principle 4:2340, 2352
procedure 4:2325
quality determinants 4:2346
sequence of photographs 4:2360
side effects 4:2355
technique and procedures 4:2324, 2358
terminology 4:2357
Fluorescein angiography vs indocyanine green angiography 4:2354
Fluorescein angiography, anterior segment 4:2369
abnormality in iris fluorescence 4:2370
fundamentals of angiographic interpretation 4:2369
Fluorescein dye 4:2319, 2353
Fluorescein dye disappearance test 1:53
Fluorescence 4:2351
Fluorophotometry 2:975976
Flying corpuscle phenomenon 4:2381
Fogging 1:154155
Foldable intraocular lenses 3:1900
advantages 3:1901
disadvantages 3:1902
insertion of 3:1904
Foldable lens insertion technique 3:19071910
Foramen magnum 1:37
Forehead and brow rejuvenation 2:655671
Fossa glandulae lacrimalis 2:694
Foster Fuchs’ fleck 4:2488
Fovea centralis 1:24
Foveal reflex 4:2295
Foville’s syndrome 1:340, 342
Fresnel prisms 1:496497
Friend test 1:442
Frontal adversive attack 1:281283
Frontal lobe underactivity 1:281284
Frontal nerve 1:346
Frontalis muscle 2:552
Frontomesencephalic pathway 1:274
Frontosphenoidal suture 2:758
Frown incision 3:1699
Fuch’s corneal dystrophy 2:10711072
Fuch’s dimples 2:10831084
Fuchs’ adenoma 3:2045
Fuchs’ heterochromic iridocyclitis 3:1999
Fuchs’ spots 4:2476
Fuchs’ syndrome 4:2973
Functional defects of vision 4:2963
Fundus camera: types, identification and maintenance 4:2341
Fungal hematodes 4:2611
Fusion 1:411412
Galactokinase deficiency cataract 3:1633
Galand letter-box technique 3:1734
Gardner’s syndrome 2:634
Gaucher’s disease 4:2874
Gauss theorem 1:139140
Gelatinous drop like corneal dystrophy 2:10651066
Gene replacement 1:115
Genetic counseling 1:114
Genetics 1:99
general 1:105
genotype and phenotype 1:105
mendelian inheritance 1:105
non-mendelian inheritance 1:106
somatic mutations 1:107
molecular chromosomes 1:99
clinical examples 1:108
DNA 1:99
gene 1:100
mutations 1:101
principles 1:102
techniques 1:102
phenotype and genotype 1:107
Geniculate ganglionitis 1:349350
Genome human 1:99101
Genotype 1:105, 107108
Geographical ulcer 2:1039
Geometric axis 1:421
Ghost cell 3:1436
Giant cell arteritis 4:2854, 2862
Giant retinal tears 4:27432747, 2779
Glands of Moll 2:553
Glands of Zeiss 1:18; 2:553
Glare 2:1256
Glaucoma 4:2641, 2719
Glaucoma filtering surgery 3:1534
administration procedures 3:1537
antimetabolites 3:1535
complications 3:1538
healing modulators agents 3:1535
Glaucoma in the cataract patient management 3:1574
combined cataract trabeculectomy surgery 3:1574
endoscopic laser cycloablation 3:1581
filter management 3:1579
viscocanalostomy 3:1584
Glaucoma surgery 3:1527, 1541
complications of 3:1530, 1541
amputation of scleral flap 3:1541
conjunctival buttonhole 3:1541
damage to lens 3:1545
hemorrhage 3:1542
hyphema 3:1546
inflammation 3:1546
malignant glaucoma 3:1547
vitreous loss 3:1545
methods 3:1528
trabeculectomy 3:1527
Globe pulsation 2:773
Glucocorticoids 4:2853
Glucose metabolism 1:121122
Goldenhar’s syndrome 2:640; 4:2972
Goldman and Benedek’s theory 2:944
Goldmann 3 mirror lens 1:191192
Goldmann primetry 4:2397
Goldmann-Favre syndrome 4:2439, 2447
Goniopuncture 3:1518
Gonioscopy 3:1368
lenses 3:1370
pressure gonioscopy 3:1372
refraction 3:1368
Gout 4:2883
Gradenigo’s syndrome 1:342343
Gradient method 1:424
Granular corneal dystrophy 2:10571059
Granular lattice corneal dystrophy 2:1059
Granulocytes 4:2796
Graves ophthalmopathy 2:796808
classification 2:797
clincial presentation 2:797799
management 2:800806
Graves’ disease 4:2660
Gray scale 4:2654
Gronblad-Strandberg syndrome 4:2968
Gullstrand’s schematic eye 1:140
Haidinger’s brushes 4:2381
Hair follicles 2:553
Halos 2:1256
Hamartomas 3:1402
Hansatome 2:12071215
Hansen disease 4:2831
Harada-Ito procedure 1:540
Hassall-Henle bodies 2:1084
Hay fever conjunctivitis 3:2168
Head postures 1:428429
Helmholtz’s theory 1:6870; 2:1318
Hematocele 2:783
Hemianopia bitemporal 1:319
homonymous 1:320
Hemorrhagic choroidal detachment 3:1544
Henle’s fiber layer 4:2296
Hensen’s node 1:19
Hereditary optic neuritis 1:358359
Hering’s law 1:409410
Herpes simplex virus 2:853
Herpes zoster 2:10431046
of the lid 2:628629
ophthalmicus 3:2230
Hess charting 1:436439
Hessburg-Baron trephine 2:1181
Heterophoria 1:452456
etiology 1:452
investigations 1:454
symptoms 1:452
treatment 1:455
types 1:452
anisophoria 1:454
cyclophoria 1:454
esophoria 1:452
exophoria 1:453
hyperphoria and hypophoria 1:454
Heterophoria method 1:424
High myopia 4:2476
Hilton and Grizzard’s technique 4:2674
Hippus 1:308
Hirschberg’s corneal reflection test 1:429
Histocompatability matching 2:1114
Histoplasmosis 4:2854, 2857
HIV-related ocular disease, management 4:28212822
HIV-related retinopathy 3:2229
Ho:YAG laser 2:1332
Hodgkin’s disease 2:635
Holmgren’s wool test 1:85
Holmium bleb reformation 3:1579
Homogenity 2:1194
Hordoleum externum 2:625626
internum 2:627
Hormone replacement therapy 3:1590
Horner’s muscle 2:758
Horner’s syndrome 1:305308
Hruby’s lens 1:190191
Hudson-Stahli line 2:1083
Human contrast sensitivity function 1:179
clinical conditions affecting 1:180
clinical methods of measurement 1:180
Arden gratings 1:181
Cambridge low contrast gratings 1:181
Pelli Robson letter chart 1:181
vistech contrast test system 1:180
factors influencing 1:179
Hummelsheim’s operation 1:343
Humoral immunity 4:2802
Hunter’s syndrome 4:2870
Hurler’s syndrome 4:2869
Hutchinson pupil 1:305, 333
Hutchinson’s rule 1:346
Hutchinson-Tay choroiditis 4:2433
Hyalocyte 4:2304
Hydatid cyst 2:780
Hydrogel intraocular lenses 3:1888
Hydrogel lens 2:1130
Hydroxyamphetamine test 1:306308
Hydroxychloroquine 4:2853
Hylaine corneal degeneration 2:10821083
Hyoid mass 1:21
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy 3:1600; 4:2547
Hyperlipoproteinemia 4:2851
Hypermature senile cataract 3:1630
Hypermetropia 1:161164
accommodation 1:161
age variation 1:162
etiology 1:162
signs 1:163
symptoms 1:163
treatment 1:164
Hyperopic eyes 3:1804
Hyperphoria 1:453454
Hyperpolarization 1:81
Hypersecretion of tears physiological diagnostic test for 1:52
Hypertelorism 2:769770; 4:2960
Hyphema 2:912915
Hypolipoproteinemia 4:2852, 2872
Hypophoria 1:453455
Hyposecretion of tears 1:50
diagnostic tests for 1:51
ICL 2:1287
Idiopathic choroidal neovascularization 4:2481
Imbibition pressure 2:945
Immune system 4:2793
acquired immunity 4:2795, 2807
innate immunity 4:2793, 2807
Immunity of the eye 4:2809
Immunoglobulins 4:2803
Immunosuppression in corneal grafting 2:11121118
Indentation tonometry 3:1376
Indirect ophthalmology 1:195
characteristics 1:198
scleral depression 1:197
technique of 1:195
Indocyanine green angiography 4:2372, 2511
administration, binding and excretion 4:2372
adverse reactions 4:2373
interpretation 4:2374
photographic technique 4:2373
Indocyanine green dye 4:2373
Inferior oblique muscle 1:403404
Inferior oblique muscle surgery 1:539
Inferior ophthalmic vein 1:3435
Inferior orbital fissure 2:760
Inferior palpebral furrow 2:551
Inferior palpebral muscle 2:556
Inferior turbinate infracture 2:729
Infiltrative keratitis 1:212
Inflammatory and infectious complications after lasik 2:12721281
Inflammatory and rheumatological ocular disease 4:2858
Inflammatory disorders of muscles 4:2891
Ink-injection technique 4:2307
Innate immunity 4:2807
Interference fringes 1:160
Interferons 4:2801
Intermarginal sulcus of von Graefe 2:552
Intermediate cell mass 1:2021
Intermediate tissue of Kuhnt 1:324325
Intermittent tropia 1:455
Internal carotid artery 1:29
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia 1:284287
Intersecting incisions 2:11631164
Intracapsular cataract extraction 3:1646, 1661; 4:2496
Intracranial pressure 1:360361
Intraocular contact lens 2:1287
Intraocular endoscopic surgery 3:1925
Intraocular foreign bodies 1:95; 4:2658, 2669, 2762
localization 4:2762
radiological localization 4:2762
surgery 4:2763
type 4:2762
Intraocular lens implantation 3:1865, 1948
Intraocular lenses materials for 3:1880
polyhydroxy-ethylmethacrylate 3:1887
polymethylmethacrylate 3:1880
silicone 3:1883
Intraocular low vision aid 1:269270
Intraocular masquerade syndromes 3:2023
Intraocular pressure 3:1413, 1423, 1456, 1521, 1574
Intrastromal corneal ring segments 2:13101316
Intravitreal drug preparation 4:2787
Intubation dacryocystography 1:5354
IOL power calculation 3:1672, 1678
after keratomileusis 3:1678
aim of the study 3:1679
axial length measurement 3:1672
Binkhorst formula 3:1673, 1682
factors affecting accuracy of 3:1675
keratometric measurements 3:1672
Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff formula 3:1674
theoretical formula 3:1673
Iridocorneal angle 3:1363
Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome 3:1409
clinicopathologic features 3:1410
differential diagnosis 3:1411
etiology 3:1410
management 3:1411
Iris 1:14
Iron ring 2:1083
Irregular astigmatism 2:12231230
Irvine-Gass syndrome 4:2496
Ischemic central retinal vein occlusion 4:2532
Ischemic optic neuropathy 1:377380
anterior ion 1:377
investigations and treatment 1:378
posterior ion 1:377
Jack in the box phenomenon 1:172173
Jackhammer effect 3:1722
Jackson’s cross cylinder 1:150153
checking the axis 1:152
checking the cylindrical power 1:151
explanation 1:151
Javal’s rule 1:177
Jensen’s operation 1:343, 541
Johnson’s syndrome 1:479
Jones fluorescein dye test 1:5253
Jones I test 2:703
Jones II test 2:703
Jugular foramen 1:37
Junctional scotoma 1:319320
Juvenile X-linked retinoschisis 4:2445
Kaposi’s sarcoma 3:2233; 4:2820
Karate chop technique 3:1523
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome 2:638
Kawasaki disease 3:2000
Kayser-Fleischer ring 3:1634
Kelman Christmas-tree technique 3:1734
Keloid formation in the cornea 2:1082
Keratitis bacterial 2:9911019
fungal 2:10321037
herpes simplex 2:10381042
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca 2:740
Keratoconus 2:10861087
Keratometry 2:949950
Keratomileusis 2:11711178
Keratophakia 2:11781179
Keratoprosthesis 2:11311135
coralline hydroxyapatite 2:11361140
Keratoscopy 2:950
Keravision ring 2:13101316
Kestenbaum’s newspaper method 1:291
Klippel-Feil syndrome 4:2968
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome 3:1404
Knapp’s procedure 1:540541
Kodak Warteen Gelatin 1:94 1:495
Korescopy 1:141
Krimsky’s test 1:431, 508
Krukenberg’s spindle 3:1441
Krupin valves 3:1583
K-Sol 2:1090
Labrador keratopathy 2:1081
Lacrimal and conjunctival glands- development 1: 18
Lacrimal apparatus anatomy 2:694700, 705706, 733734
silicone intubation 2:729730
testing 2:703704
Lacrimal artery 1:30, 34
Lacrimal canaliculi anatomy 2:696
Lacrimal gland anatomy 2:694696
Lacrimal gland tumors 2:748755
adenoid cystic carcinoma 2:751752
benign mixed tumor 2:749750
dacryoadenitis 2:752753
dacryops 2:754
epithelial 2:749752
inflammatory masses 2:752753
lymphoid hyperplasia 2:753
lymphoidal tumors 2:753754
malignant mixed tumor 2:750751
mucoepidermoid carcinoma 2:752
nonepithelial 2:752754
pleomorphic adenoma 2:749750
primary ductal adenocarcinoma 2:752
pseudotumor 2:753
sarcoidosis 2:753
sebaceous carcinoma 2:752
Lacrimal irrigation 2:703
Lacrimal nerve 1:345346
Lacrimal passage anatomy 2:696697
Lacrimal pump 2:699700
failure 2:727
Lacrimal puncta anatomy 2:696
Lacrimal sac anatomy 2:696697
Lacrimal sac fossa 2:758
Lacrimal system: diagnosis and testing 2:698704
Lacrimal tubercle 2:758
Lacrimal vein 1:3435
Lambda sign 4:2857
Lamdba pattern 1:488
Lamellar grafts 2:10931103
Lamina cribrosa 1:22
Landolt’s ring test objects 1:159
Lantern test 1:90
Large tarsal ligament of Winslow 2:556
Laser blepharoplasty 2:677680
Laser delivery systems 4:2592
Laser glaucoma treatment 3:1508
after filtering surgery 3:1517
cyclocoagulation with yag and diode laser 3:1515
laser iridotomy 3:1509
laser peripheral iridoplasty 3:1514
laser trabeculoplasty 3:1512
sclerostomies 3:1519
Laser interferometer 4:2381
Laser media 2:1192
Laser photocoagulation 4:2647
Laser physics 4:2588
Laser pumps 2:1192
Laser resurfacing of the skin 2:563564, 677684
Laser thermokeratoplasty 2:13311337
Lasers in posterior segment 4:25882594
Laser-tissue interactions 4:2590
Lasik after penetrating keratoplasty 2:12311239
Lasik for hyperopic astigmatism 2:12161222
Lateral geniculate body-anatomy 1:311312
Lateral palpebral ligament 2:555556
Lateral plate mesenchyme 1:2021
Lattice corneal dystrophy 2:10601062
type I 2:10601061
type II 2:1061
type III 2:1061
type III A 2:10611062
Lattice degeneration 4:2667
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome 4:2886, 2972
Law of inverse squares 1:127
Law of thickness 2:1171
Laws of ocular motility 1:409410
Donder’s law 1:409
Hering’s law 1:409
Listing’s law 1:409
Sherrington’s law 1:410
Laws of reflection 1:128
Laws of refraction 1:131
Layer of Chievitz 1:15
Layer of rods and cones 4:2292
Lead poisoning 1:358
Leber’s disease 1:358359
Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy 1:110
Leber’s optic atrophy 1:373
Left lens syndrome 1:227
Lens active transport processes 1:119
amino acids 1:119120
proteins 1:117118
Lens injury, blunt 2:918919
Lens quake phaco mechanism 3:1765
techniques 3:1765
Lens subluxation 3:1816
clinical manifestations 3:1818
etiology of 3:1816
homocystinuria 3:1817
Marfan’s syndrome 3:1817
pseudoexfoliation syndrome 3:1817
trauma 3:1816
phacoemulsification 3:1818
surgical techniques 3:1820
capsular ring implantation 3:1822
capsulorhexis 3:1821
hydrodissection-hydrodelineation 3:1822
intraocular lenses implantation 3:1825
nuclear phacoemulsification 3:1824
Lensometer 1:202204
components of 1:202
electronic lensometer 1:204
method of use 1:203
optical principle 1:202
Leprosy in eye 4:2831
care of the eyes and patients counseling 4:2835
lepromatous leprosy 4:2832
treatment 4:2834
tuberculoid leprosy 4:2833
Levator palpebrae superioris 2:553555
action 2:555
nerve supply 2:555
principal insertions 2:555
secondary insertions 2:555
Lid and conjunctiva-development 1:17
Lid aponeurosis of Arnold 2:556
Lid diseases 2:625643
Lid tumors 2: 630639
actinic keratosis 2:631
angiosarcoma 2:638
basal cell carcinoma 2:632
blue nevi 2:636
Bowen’s disease 2:631
capillary hemangioma 2:637
cavernous hemangiomas 2:638
compound nevus 2:635
dermal melanocytic tumors 2:636
diffuse neurofibroma 2:639
epidermal melanocytic tumors 2:636
epithelial cutaneous tumors 2:630634
epithelial glandular tumors 2:634
glomus tumor 2:638
intradermal nevus 2:635
intraepithelial epithelioma 2:631
inverted follicular keratosis 2:631
junctional nevus 2:635
keratoacanthoma 2: 631
lymphangioma 2:638
malignant epithelial tumors 2:632
malignant melanocytic tumors 2:636
meibomian cell carcinoma 2:634
melanocytic tumors 2:635637
mesenchymal tumors 2:635
metastatic tumors 2:639
molluscum fibrosum 2:639
nerve tissue tumors 2:638639
neurofibromatosis 2:638
nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome 2:633
nevus cell tumors 2:635
nevus flammeus 2:637
nevus of ota 2:636
oculodermal melanocytosis 2:636
plexiform neurofibroma 2:638
radiation dermatosis 2:631
sebaceous gland carcinoma 2:634
seborrheic keratosis 2:631
squamous cell carcinoma 2:633634
squamous cell papilloma 2:630631
tumors of lymphoreticular system 2:635
vascular tumors 2:637639
xeroderma pigmentosum 2:631632
Lids arterial supply 2:557
fibrous layer 2:555556
layer of nonstriated muscle fibers 2:556
lymphatic drainage 2:558
nerve supply 2:557
submuscular areolar tissue 2:555
surface anatomy 2:551
venous drainage 2:558
Light adaptation 1:8283
Light-bulb appearance 4:2628
Lighthouse test 1:257
Light-near dissociation 1:305
Limbal stem cell 2:897898, 901905
Limbal stem cell damage 1:212
care 1:216
patient and practice management 1:217
Limbal zone anatomy 2:942943
Lingual artery 1:28
Linkage 1:104
Lipemia retinalis 4:2851
Lipid corneal degeneration 2:1083
Lipoprotein abnormalities, types 4: 2850, 2872
Liposuction 2:562563
Listing’s eye 1:140
Listing’s law 1:409
Local anesthetics injectables 3:2177
topical 3:2181
Long posterior ciliary artery 1:3233
Lost muscle 1:541
Low vision aids 1:250270
intraocular low vision aid 1:269
tiflotechnological aids 1:268
Low vision examination 1:259263
Lowe’s syndrome 3:1634, 1863; 4:2886
LTK 2:13311337
Lucid interval of Vogt 2:1084
Lunar eclipse 1:128129
Lymphogranuloma venereum 2:860
Lymphoid cells 4:2797
Lysozyme assay 1:52; 2:744
Macroperforation 2:1148
Macular coloboma 4:2947
Macular corneal dystrophy 2:10621064
Macular dystrophies 4:23952448
clinical presentations 4:2396
diagnostic approach 4:2396
management 4:2399
Macular function tests 4:23802384
Macular hole 4:2485
differential diagnosis 4:2487
stages 4:2486
treatment 4:2489
Macular massage method 1:494
Maddox double prism 1:511
Maddox rod 1:432, 507508
Maddox wing 1:432
Magnetic resonance imaging 2:775
Major amblyoscope 1:431
Malar fold 2:551
Malignant glaucoma 3:1449
characteristics of 3:1451
clinical importance 3:1450
differential diagnosis 3:1451, 1452
management 3:1451
onset 3:1450
other clinical forms 3:1450
pars plana vitrectomy 3:1455
pathophysiology 3:1450
postoperative care 3:1455
Malignant melanoma 3:2023
Malignant melanoma of choroid 3:2050
ancillary tests 3:2051
clinical features 3:2050
diagnosis 3:2051
differential diagnosis 3:2054
management 3:2058
pathological features 3:2052
Malignant schwannoma 4:2636
Management of filtering blebs 3:1549
Management of mature cataracts 3:1798
Trypan Blue 3:1798
Mandibular mass 1:21
Maple syrup disease 4:2882
Mapping 1:104
Marble bone disease 4:2888
Marcus Gunn inversus 2:592
Marcus Gunn ptosis 2:591-592
Marcus Gunn’s phenomenon 4:2958
Marfan’s syndrome 1:264; 3:1817, 1949; 4:2878, 2965
Marginal myotomy 1:539
Marginal tarsal arcade 2:836
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome 4:2871
Masquerade syndromes 3:1994
Maternally inherited diabetes 4:2422
Maurices theory 2:944
Maxillary artery 1:29
Mc Ardle’s disease 4:2422
MCD’margin crease distance 2:578
Medial palpebral ligament 2:555556
Meesmann’s corneal dystrophy 2:1053
Meibomian cyst 2:626
Meibomian gland 2:553
Melanin 2:1083
Mendelian inheritance 1:105106
Meniscus of Kuhnt 4:2294
Mesencephalon 1:8
Mesenchymal dysgenesis 2:10471052
Mesoderm 1:1011, 2021
Metabolic cataract 3:1633
Methods of power calculation 3:1810
Meyer’s loop 1:313
Microcornea 4:2942
Microkeratome ACS 2:12001202
Barraquer’s 2:1175
Micronystagmus 1:290
Microorganisms and ocular diseases 3:20902092
Microperforation 2:1148
Micropigmentation of the eyelids 2:642
Microscopic polyangiitis 4:2860
Microtropia 1:463466
Mikulicz’s syndrome 1:50; 4:2857
Milard-Gubler syndrome 1:340, 342
Miller syndrome 3:1401
Miner’s nystagmus 1:293
Mineral metabolic disorders 4:2882
Mittendorf’s dot 4:2303
MK medium 2:1090
Modification of phaco power intensity 3:1723
Modulation transfer function 2:1254
Molecular genetics 1:99105
Molluscum contagiosum 2:629
Monosomy 1:3, 113114
Mooren’s ulcer 2:1085
Morning glory syndrome 1:382; 4:2951
Morquio syndrome 4:2870
Morula 1:4
Mosaic shagreen of Vogt 2:1080
Mosaicism 1:112
Motheaten pattern 3:1445
Mucocele 2:782
Mucolipidoses 4:2871
Mucopolysaccharidoses 4:2869
Muller’s muscle 2:556
Multidrug therapy 4:2834
Multifocal choroiditis and subretinal fibrosis 4:2514
Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome 4:2512
Mumps 2:853
Munson’s sign 2:1086
Muscle spindle 1:406408
Muscle transposition 1:540541
Muscular dystrophy disorders 4:2889
Mustarde’s operation 2:640
Mutations 1:101102
Myasthenia gravis 4:2889
Mydriatic adrenergic agents 3:2197
cholinergic antagonist 3:2199
cycloplegic mydriatics 3:2199
Myectomy of the inferior oblique 1:485
Myelinated nerve fibres 1:384
Myope-advantages 1:166167
Myopia 1:165169; 4:2667, 2749
advantages of 1:166
classification 1:166
etiology 1:165
fundus changes 1:167
optics 1:166
signs 1:167
symptoms 1:166
treatment 1:169
Myopic crescent 1:167168
Myositis 4:2661
Myotonic disorders 4:2889, 2890
Nagel anomaloscope 1:89
Nasociliary nerve 1:346
Nasojugal furrow 2:551
Nasolacrimal duct anatomy 2:697
development 1:18
Nasolacrimal furrow 1:18
Nasolacrimal intubation 2:720722
Near vision aids 1:264266
Neostigmine/edrophonium/tensilon test 2:579
Neovascular proliferation 4:2566
Nerve fiber layer 4:2293
Nerve of Luschka 1:34
Neurilemmoma 2:794
Neuroectoderm 1:20
Neurofibroma 2:794
Neurofibromatosis 4:2634
Neurotrophic keratopathy 2:10301031
Neutral zone 1:290
Neutralization point 1:144
Nevus flammeus 4:2640
Nevus of Ota 3:2032; 4:2962
Niemann-Pick disease 4:2873
Night blindness 4:2396
No anesthesia cataract surgery 3:1742, 1773, 1778, 1781
capsulorhexis 3:1781
incision 3:1781
intracameral 3:1773
intraocular lens implantation 3:1784
karate chop technique 3:1743
phacoemulsification techniques 3:1783
specific precautions in 3:1784
topical 3:1773
Nonaccommodative esotropia 1:460463
Non-caseating granulomata 4:2853
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 3:2025
Nonischemic central retinal vein occlusion 4:2532
Non-mendelian inheritance 1:106107
Non-optic reflex system 1:279280
disorders 1:287288
Non-pigment epithelium 3:1985
Nonprogressive cone dysfunction 4:2436
Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy 4:2565
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs 3:2119, 2174
Nonsurgical treatment of squint optical 1:492
orthoptics 1:492
pharmacological 1:492
Normal tension glaucoma 3:1413, 1422
clinical presentation 3:1424
disk hemorrhages 3:1425
IOP 3:1424
optic disk cupping 3:1425
optic disk size 3:1426
visual field 3:1424
genetic component 3:1422
management 3:1426
pathogenesis 3:1423
vascular factors 3:1423
Norrie’s disease 4:2951
North carolina dystrophy 4:2422
Nothnagel’s syndrome 1:333
Nuclear fascicular syndrome 1:336
Nuclear sclerosis 1:123
Nuclear third nerve paresis 1:332
Null zone 1:290
Nystagmus 1:289299
amaurotic 1:293
amblyopic 1:293
classification 1:290
central nystagmus 1:298
cerebellar nystagmus 1:298
deviational 1:290291
hysterical 1:298
idiopathic congenital 1:299
jerky 1:290
latent 1:294
Miner’s 1:293294
miscellaneous 1:298
ocular nystagmus 1:290
pendular 1: 290
postrotational 1:297298
rotational 1:297298
vestibular nystagmus 1:294298
voluntary 1:298
examination of 1:290
grades 1:290
symptoms 1:299
terminology 1:290
treatment 1:299
Nystagmus blockage syndrome 1:299
O’Brien’s method 3:1643
Oarlocking 3:1689
Oblate pattern 1:231
Occipital artery 1:29
Occlusion amblyopia 1:494
Occlusion-inverse 1:494
Ocular allergy 4:2814
atopic keratoconjunctivitis 4:2816
giant papillary conjunctivitis 4:2816
hypersensitivity reaction to drugs 4:2817
seasonal allergic conjunctivitis 4:2815
vernal keratoconjunctivitis 4:2815
Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid 2:874876
Ocular complications of antirheumatic drug therapy 4:2864
Ocular defense system 3:2067
Ocular disability in leprosy patients 4:2834
Ocular drug toxicity 3:2256
complications of contact lens solutions 3:2271
complications of steroids 3:2259
complications of topical antimicrobial agents 3:2257
complications of topical ocular anesthetic agents 3:2267
drug-induced ocular cicatrization 3:2273
toxicity of surgical solutions 3:2268
Ocular hypertension 3:1413
associations with 3:1416
prevalence 3:1414
problems associated with 3:1417
risk factors for 3:1416
Ocular lubricants 3:2207
ointments 3:2210
Ocular manifestation of hypertension 4:2549
hypertensive choroidopathy 4:2554
hypertensive optic disk edema 4:2557
hypertensive retinopathy 4:2551
Ocular manifestations of granulomatous and rheumatological disease 4:28532865
Ocular manifestations of inborn metabolic disorders 4:28692884
Ocular manifestations of musculoskeletal disorders 4:28852893
Ocular movements 1:427428
Ocular nystagmus 1:290294
Ocular surface disease 2:896908
Ocular therapeutics in refractive surgery 2:13481355
Ocular tuberculosis 4:2824
diagnosis 4:2828
intraocular disease 4:2826
manifestation 4:2825
treatment 4:2828
Oculogyric crisis 1:283284
Oculomotor nerve 1:327332
blood supply 1:331
cavernous sinus 1:328
ciliary ganglion 1:330
course in superior orbital fissure 1:328
course in the orbit 1:329
exit from the brain 1:328
lesions 1:332324
cavernous sinus syndrome 1:334
management 1:334
nuclear third nerve paresis 1:332
orbital syndrome 1:334
posterior communicating artery aneurysm 1:333
pupil-sparing third nerve palsy 1:334
third nerve fascicle syndromes 1:332
uncal herniation syndrome 1:333
nucleus 1:327328
Oil droplet appearance 4:2876
One and one half syndrome 1:285287
Open-angle glaucoma 3:1875, 2219
Operating room sterilization 4:29222926
Ophthalmia neonatorum 2:879881
Ophthalmic artery 1:3034
Ophthalmic artery occlusion 4:2547
Ophthalmic drugs with common dosages 3:2276
antiallergy therapy 3:2281
antibiotic therapy 3:2276
anticataract therapy 3:2285
antifungal therapy 3:2279
antiglaucoma therapy 3:2280
artificial tears and lubricants 3:2283
contact lens care products 3:2286
medical therapy for ARMD 3:2285
mydriatics and cycloplegics 3:2283
ophthalmic dyes 3:2286
topical anti-inflammatory therapy 3:2277
topical immune therapy 3:2284
viscoelastic substances 3:2284
Ophthalmic dyes 3:2203
fluorescein sodium 3:2203
fluorexon 3:2205
lissamine green 3:2205
rose bengal 3:2205
Ophthalmic genetics 1:99116
Ophthalmic prisms 1:496526
Ophthalmoscopy 1:195201
Opportunistic infections of the eye 3:2229
Optic atrophy 1:368376
ascending 1:368
cavernous 1:369
classification 1: 368
clinical picture 1: 374
consecutive 1:370
descending 1:369
differential diagnosis 1: 375
glaucomatous 1:371372
investigations 1:375376
primary 1:369370
Schnable’s 1:369
secondary 1:370371
treatment 1:376
Optic axis 1:421
Optic chiasma 1:309311
variations 1:310
Optic cup 1:10
Optic disk drusen 1:383
Optic disk pit 1:382383
Optic disk pit associated maculopathy 4:2522
clinical features 4:2522
potential therapy 4:2523
stereoscopic fundus findings 4:2522
visual field examination 4:2523
Optic foramen 2:760
Optic nerve 1:15, 323326
anatomy 1:323326
blood supply 1:325
course intracanalicular portion 1:323
intracranial portion 1:323
intraocular portion 1:323
intraorbital portion 1:323
development of 1:15
relations 1:323
Optic nerve gliomas 1:385391; 2:791
Optic nerve hypoplasia 1:382
Optic nerve meningiomas 1:392396
Optic nerve sheath meningioma 2:791
Optic nerve tumors 1:385398
Optic neuritis 1:351359
classification papillitis 1:352
retrobulbar neuritis 1:354
etiology 1:351
hereditary 1:358
Optic nerve tumors primary 2:791792
Optic radiations 1:312313
Optic tract 1:311
Optic vesicle-optic stalk 1:9
Optical coherence tomography in macular surgery 4:23852394
diabetic macular edema 4:2391
macular holes 4:2389
Optical defects of images 1:134
Optical treatment of squint 1:492
Optisol 2:1091
Optokinetic nystagmus 1:98, 291293
drum 1:291
inverse 1:293
Ora serrata 3:1983
Oral fluorescein angiography 4:2367
Oral glucose tolerance test 4:2561
Orbicularis muscle 2:553554
action 2:554
muscle of Horner 2:554
nerve supply 2:554
pars ciliaris 2:553554
pars lacrimalis 2:553554
pars orbitalis 2:553554
pars palpebralis 2:553554
pars septalis 2:553554
pars subtarsalis 2:553554
pars tarsalis 2:553554
posterior lacrimal muscle 2:553554
tensor tarsi 2:553554
Orbital anatomy 2:756761
Orbital apertures 2:764
Orbital ascomycosis 2:780
Orbital capillary hemangioma 2:783784, 787
Orbital cavernous hemangioma 2:784785, 787
Orbital cellulitis 4:2660
Orbital cystic lesions 2:781
Orbital decompression 2:829
Orbital disease clinical evaluation 2:771775
painful 2:771
Orbital fascia 2:762763
Orbital fat 2:764
Orbital floor 2:758759
Orbital fractures 2:809821
Orbital infections 2:775780
Orbital inflammatory conditions 2:782
Orbital irradiation 2:803
Orbital lateral wall 2:759760
Orbital lesions and tumors 2:771795
Orbital lymphangioma 2:785, 787
Orbital malignancies 2:786795
Orbital margins 2:756758
Orbital medial wall 2:758
Orbital metastatic tumors 2:788791
Orbital pain 2:772
Orbital periosteum 2:761
Orbital phycomycosis 2:779
Orbital roof 2:758
Orbital septum 2:556
Orbital spaces 2:763764
Orbital surgery, complications 2:830
Orbital syndrome 1:333334, 336, 342343
Orbital trauma 4:2662
Orbital tumors 4:2660
Orbital tumors, secondary 2:792
Orbital varix 2:785, 787
Orbital vascular lesions 2:783786
Orbitotomies 2:822830
Orbitotomy anterior 2:826827
lateral 2:823826
transconjunctival 2:827828
transfrontal 2:828829
Organizers primary 1:19
secondary 1:20
Organs of the immune system 4:2798
Orthoptics 1:492495
Oscillatory illimination 1:189
Oscillopsia 1:289
Osteopetrosis 4:2888
Outshortening theory 2:1311
Ovum 1:3
bilaminar germ disk 1:5
chorion and amnion 1:6
cleavage 1:3
extraembryonic mesoderm 1:5
fertilized 1:3
morula 1:4
primitive streak 1:7
prochordal plate 1:6
trilaminar germ disk 1:7
two-cell stage 1:3
zona pellucida 1:4
Oxycephaly 2:767768
Pachman phenomenon 3:1977
Pachymetry 2:975, 980985
Paget’s disease 4:2887
Palpebral fascia of Schwalbe 2:556
Panda sign 4:2857
Panfunduscope of Rodenstock 1:193
Papilledema 1:354, 360367
clinical stages of 1:361364
differential diagnosis 1:365
intracranial pressure 1:360
pathogenesis of 1:361
pseudotumor cerebri 1:366
treatment 1:367
vintage 1:362363
work-up of a patient with 1:365
Papillitis 1:352354, 366
Papillophlebitis 4:2533
Papova group 2:629
Paradoxical fixation 1:444
Paradoxical pupillary reaction 1:308
Paralysis of convergence 1:287
Paralysis of divergence 1:287
Parametric descriptors of corneal topography 1:238
Paranasal sinus tumors 2:792
Paraneoplastic ocular syndromes 3:2060
acquired cone dysfunction 3:2063
bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation syndrome 3:2063
carcinoma-associated retinopathy (CAR) 3:2060
central retinal artery occlusion 3:2063
melanoma-associated retinopathy 3:2062
ophthalmoplegia 3:2064
optic neuritis 3:2063
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada like syndrome 3:2064
Paraxial mesenchyme 1:1921
Paretic vertical deviations 1:481484
Parietal lobe lesion 1:293
Parinaud’s syndrome 1:284
Parrot head disease 2:769
Parry-Romberg syndrome 2:1081
Pars plana vitrectomy 3:1547, 1950; 4:2313, 2524
Pattern epithelial dystrophies 4:2416
Pediatric cataract surgery 3:1861
correction of pediatric aphakia 3:1864
management 3:1861
ocular examination 3:1863
postoperative complications 3:1871
techniques, complications 3:1861, 1867
Pelli Robson letter chart 1:181
Pellucid marginal corneal degeneration 2:1084
Penalization 1:450451
Penetrating keratoplasty 2:11041111
Penumbra 1:128129
Perfluorocarbon liquids 4:2734, 2743, 2746, 2760, 27752782
Perimysium 1:406408
Perioperative complications 3:1937
Peripheral corneal degenerations 2:10831086
Peripheral neovascularization 1:212
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors 2:794
Peripheral orbital space 2:763
Peripheral retina in LASIK 4:27492752
Peripheral tarsal arcade 2:836
Peripheral ulcerative keratitis 4:2860
Perversion quotient 1:444
Peters’ anomaly 2:10471049; 3:1402
Petrous Apex syndrome 1:342343
Phaco chop 3:1729, 1748
Phaco flip 3:1754
Phaco hemiflip 3:1753
Phaco technique and machine technology 3:1728
Phacoemulsification 3:1566, 1650, 1783, 1786, 1929
and IOL implantation in vitrectomized eyes 3:1920
and the diseased cornea 2:11241130
anterior segment complications 3:1929
in a narrow pupil 3:1786
Phacogenic uveitis 1:118
Phakic intraocular lens implants 2:12821302
Phakic refractive lens 2:12931302
Phakomatoses 4:26312642
Phakonit 3:1652, 1773, 1781, 1833, 1837
cataract removal through a 0.9 mm incision 3:1829
in clear lens extraction 3:1833
Pharmacological treatment of squint 1:492
Pharyngoconjunctival fever 2:851
Phenotype 1:105,107108
Phenylephrine test 1:306308; 2:579
PHMB drops 2:1024
Photochemistry of color vision by the cones 1:83
applied physiology color blindness 1:84
tests for color blindness 1:85
color sensations by the retina and the brain 1:84
spectral sensitivities of the three types of cones 1:83
tricolor theory 1:83
Photochemistry of vision 1:7585
photoreceptors 1:75
visual pigments rhodopsin and cone pigments 1:76
vitamin A 1:77
Photocoagulation therapy 4:2620
Photodynamic therapy 4:2477
Photopic vision 1:8283
Photoreceptors-photochemistry 1:7576
Photorefractive keratectomy 2:11961198
Photostress test 4:2384
Phototherapeutic keratectomy 2:13381347
Phthiriasis palpebrarum 2:628
Physiology of accommodation 1:6674
Picornavirus 2:854
Piggyback carriers 1:211
Piggyback fits 1:230
Piggyback IOLs 3:1913
Pigment dispersion syndrome clinical features 3:1440
ocular examination 3:1442
Pigmentary corneal degenerations 2:1083
Pigmentary dispersion syndrome 4:2336
Pigmentary glaucoma 3:1442
differential diagnosis 3:1443
management 3:1443
mechanism of 3:1442
Pigmentary peripheral corneal degenerations 2:1086
Pin-hole aperture test 4:2381
Pityrosporum ovale 2:627
Plagiocephaly 2:767, 769
Plastic surgery and laser treatment 4:29742997
aging of the face 4:2975
complications 4:2995
full face by CO2 laser 4:2986
laser-assisted lower eyelid blepharoplasty 4:2982
laser-assisted upper lid blepharoplasty 4:2979
lasers used for cosmetic treatment 4:2975
preoperative and postoperative treatment 4:2994
technique and laser setting 4:2986
Platelet-derived growth factor 4:2797
Platycephaly 2:769
Platysmal bands 2:693
Pleoptophore of Bangerter 1:495
Pleuripotent cells 1:20
Plica semilunaris 2:837
PMMA rehabilitation 1:219
calculations 1:222
designs 1:220
fitting keratoconus 1:228
fitting penetrating keratoplasty 1:230
fitting postrefractive surgery 1:233
fitting toric corneas 1:227
fluorescein patterns 1:223
for presbyopia 1:225
materials 1:220
reverse geometry lenses 1:234
troubleshooting 1:222
Pneumatic retinopexy 4:2674
intraoperative complications 4:2675
postoperative complications 4:2676
postoperative management 4:2675
techniques 4:2674
Pneumatic rings 2:1173
Polyarteritis nodosa/MPA 4:2854, 2860, 2893
Polycoria 1:300, 308
Polyenes 2:1035; 3:2160
Polymerase chain reaction 1:103104
Polymerase chain reaction technique 3:1410; 4:2612
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes 4:2796
Population inversion 2:1193
Port wine stain 4:2640
Position maintenance system 1:280
Positional candidate gene approach 1:105
Post calcarine fissure 1:313
Posterior amorphous corneal dystrophy 2:10681069
Posterior auricular artery 1:29
Posterior capsular opacification 3:1971
Posterior central artery of Kuhnt 1:3031
Posterior chamber phakic IOL’s 2:12861289
Posterior ciliary artery 1:3132
Posterior ciliary vein 1:3435
Posterior communicating aneurysm 1:333
Posterior ethmoidal artery 1:30, 34
Posterior ethmoidal vein 1:3435
Posterior fixation suture 1:487
Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy 2:10701071
Potential acuity meter 4:2382
Pre-Descemet’s corneal dystrophy 2:1068
Premandibular mass 1:21
Preparation of fresh unfixed specimens 4:2299
Presbyopia 1:6674
Presbyopia surgery 2:13171330
Presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome 4:2477, 2858
Primary inferior oblique overaction 1: 484485
Primary open-angle glaucoma 3:1456
approach to the management 3:1459
adrenergic agonists 3:1464
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 3:1469
drug combinations in 3:1474
intraocular pressure control 3:1459
medical therapy for 3:1460
modern concepts in neuroprotection 3:1459
parasympathomimetics 3:1466
pharmacological agents 3:1461, 1462
prostaglandin analogs 3:1471
optic disk changes 3:1457
risk factors 3:1456
Primitive streak 1:7, 19
Prism adaptation test 1:512
Prism bar cover test 1:430431, 504507
Prism erector system 1:186
Prism reflex test 1:499500
Prisms and orthoptics 1:496
assessment of torsion 1:511
correction of deviations 1:511
investigation 1:497
management 1:515
measuring the angle of deviation 1:504
advantages and disadvantages 1:505
Krimsky test 1:508
Maddox rod 1:507
prism cover test 1:504
simultaneous prism cover test 1:507
uses in investigation and management 1:519
Prisms-vergence 1:498499
PRK 2:11961198
Probing 2:704, 720
Procencephalon 1:8
Prochordal plate 1:67
Progressive hyperopia 2:11491150
Progressive prism compensation test 1:512513
Progressive supranuclear palsy 1:284
Prolate pattern 1:231
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy 4:2566, 2781
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy 4:2724, 2780
anterior loop traction 4:2728
classification 4:2725
scleral buckling 4:2728
vitrectomy 4:2728
Propagation of light 1:127
Propionibacterium acnes 4:2784
Pseudocysts 2:1054
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome 3:1444, 1817
capsular delamination 3:1444
clinical features 3:1445
differential diagnosis 3:1447
exfoliation syndrome 3:1444
management of 3:1447
pathogenesis of 3:1446
Pseudoglioma (Leukokoria) 4:2312
Pseudo-Graefe’s sign 1:481
Pseudohole 4:2488
Pseudo-hypopyon 4:2614
Pseudoisochromatic plates 1:89
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2:9991001
Pseudoneuritis 1:163
Pseudo-ophthalmoplegia 1:281
Pseudopapillitis 1:163
Pseudoperculum 4:2486
Pseudoproptosis 2:768
Pseudotumor 4:2660
Pseudotumor cerebri 1:366367
Pseudotumor orbital 2:780781
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 4:2422
Psychosensory reflex 1:303
Pterygium 2:862869
laser therapy 2:869
radiation therapy 2:868
recurrent 2:866
thiotepa 2:868
Pterygium excision Arlt’s technique 2:866
Arruga’s technique 2:866
Pterygium transplantation 2:865
Knapp’s procedure 2:865
McReynold’s method 2:865
Meher’s method 2:865
PTK 2:13381347
Ptosis 2:565575
aponeurotic 2:568
classification 2:568
congenital 2:576596
mechanical 2:568
myogenic 2:568
neurogenic 2:568
Ptosis surgery aponeurotic advancement 2:570571
brow elevation 2:573
brow sling 2:572573
brow suspension repair 2:585589
complications 2:573575
Crawford technique 2:572
Fasanella-Servat surgery 2:580581
levator resection 2:581585
orbital volume augmentation 2:573
seventh nerve weakening 2:573
strabismus surgery 2:573
tarsal resection 2:571
Punctal ectropion 2:728
Punctal plugs 2:746747
Punctal stenosis 2:727
Punctate inner chorioretinopathy 4:2515
Pupil 1:300308
abnormalities 1:308
Adie’s 1:303, 305
amaurotic 1:303
Argyll Robertson 1:303305
Hutchinson’s 1:305, 333
irregularity 1:308
lesions 1:303
Marcus Gunn pupil 1:303304
pathways 1:300
accommodation reflex pathway 1:302
convergence near reflex pathway 1:301
pharmacology of dilated pupil 1:307
parasympathetic system 1:307
sympathetic system 1:307
pseudoargyll Robertson 1:305
sparing isolated third nerve paresis 1:333334
tonic 1:303, 305
Wernicke’s hemianopic 1:303304
Pupil cycle time 1:303
Pupil dilators 3:1789
Pupil size in refractive surgery 2:12561261
Pupillary dilatation pathway 1:303303
Pupillary leakage 4:2371
Pupillary pathways 1:300303
Pupilloconstrictor reflex pathway 1:300301
Pupilloscopy 1:141
Purkinje effect 1:88
Purkinje vascular image phenomenon 4:2381
Pursuit disorders 1:287
Pursuit system 1:275277
Putterman’s method 2:577
Pyramidalis muscle 2:552
Pyrimidines 2:1035
PZX6 gene in aniridia 1:112
Quadrantic field defects 1:319
Radial keratoneuritis 2:1021
Radial keratotomy 2:11431151
Radiofrequency keratoplasty 2:1356
Radionuclide testing 1:54
Radioscope 2:1176
Railroad track appearance 4:2642
Raymond’s syndrome 1:340, 342
Reader’s syndrome 1:306307
Receptor potential 1:81, 91
Recession of the inferior oblique 1:485
Recession of the muscle 1:537
Recklinghausen’s disease 3:1403
Recommended doses of intravitreal antimicrobial agents 3:2109
Recti muscles 1:401403
Rectilinear propogation of light 1:127128
Recurrent ciliary artery 1:3233
Recurrent corneal erosion 2:910911, 1339
Red filter treatment 1:493495
Reduced eye 1:140
Reflecting retinoscope of Priestley Smith 1:147
Reflection of light 1:128
by a concave mirror 1:130
by a convex mirror 1:130
by a plane mirror 1:128
laws of 1:128
Refraction by combination of lenses 1:138
Refraction of light 1:131156
by a concave lens 1:134
by a convex lens 1:133
critical angle 1:131
laws of 1:131
of eccentric rays 1:137
subjective tests 1:154
astigmatic fan 1:155
cobalt blue test of Landolt 1:156
cyclodamia 1:156
duochrome test 1:155
fogging 1:154
sensitometric refraction 1:154
trial set 1:154
through a prism 1:132
Refractive accommodative esotropia corrected with lasik 1:544548
Refractive cataract surgery biometry 3:1911
control of astigmatism 3:1914
multifocal IOLs 3:1913
piggyback IOLs 3:1913
Refractive index 4:2776
Refractive keratoplasty 2:1171
Refractive surgery in contact lens wearers 1:237
Regeneration cycle 1:7080
Reis-Bucklers’ corneal dystrophy 2:1056
Reiter’s syndrome 3:1997
Relaxing incisions 2:1160
Repair of retinal detachment 4:26912714
anesthesia 4:2693
drainage techniques 4:2708
modalities to induce retinal adhesions 4:2696
opening steps 4:2694
postoperative management 4:2711
preoperative examination 4:2692
principles of scleral buckling 4:2691
scleral buckling techniques 4:2698
supplemental techniques 4:2711
Resection of the muscle 1:538
Retina 4:2291, 2298
anatomy 4:2291
blood supply 4:2298
layers 4:2291
macula 4:2294
optic disk 4:2294
retinal thickness 4:2291
Retina-development 1:1516
Retinal 1:7782
Retinal arterial occlusions 4:25412547
Retinal break 4:2665, 2677, 2692
Retinal detachment 4:2489, 2629, 2656, 2664, 2672, 26772684
exudative retinal detachment 4:2671
pathogenesis 4:2672
predisposing factors 4:2670
rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 4:2665
tractional retinal detachments 4:2670
Retinal hemorrhages 4:2772
Retinal holes 4:26772684
Retinal phlebitis 4:2607
Retinal pigment epithelial detachment 4:2466
Retinal pigment epithelial tears 4:2526
associated with other disorders 4:2528
clinical features 4:2526
Retinal pigment epithelium 4:2291
Retinal telangiectasia 4:2616
Retinal tuberculosis 4:2827
Retinal vascular supply 4:2316
Retinal vein occlusions 4:25312539
Retinoblastoma 3:2026; 4:26112624, 2659
clinical features 4:2612
differential diagnosis 4:2614
laboratory investigations 4:2615
therapy 4:2618
visual prognosis 4:2623
Retinopathy of prematurity 4:2645
classification 4:2645
cryotherapy for 4:2646
laser photocoagulation 4:2647
LIGHT-ROP 4:2650
STOP-ROP 4:2650
treatment 4:2648
Retinopexy 4:2685
chemical cauterization of the choroid 4:2687
cryoapplication 4:2686
cyanoacrylate retinopexy 4:2688
diathermy 4:2685
electrolysis 4:2688
photocoagulation 4:2687
pneumatic retinopexy 4:2689
retinal suturing 4:2689
retinal tacks 4:2689
silicone oil 4:2690
thermocautery 4:2687
Retinoschisis 4:2291
Retinoscopy 1:141149
cycloplegia 1:148149
difficulties in 1:147148
neutralization point 1:144
stages 1:146147
streakretinoscopy 1:147
test 1:141
Retractory nystagmus 1:284
Retrobulbar neuritis 1:354358
Retroequatorial myopexy 1:487
Retroillumination 1:188
Reverse geometry lenses 1:234235
Reverse transcription 1:103
Rhabdomyosarcoma 2:786788
Rheumatoid arthritis 4:2854, 2859
Rhexis 3:1743
Rhodopsin 1:7682
Rhombencephalon 1:8
Rhytidectomy 2:672676
Riddoch phenomenon 1:322
Rides genitales of mantegazza 2:551
Rieger’s anomaly 3:1397; 4:2944
Rigid gas permeable contact lenses 1:219236
designs 1:220222
fluorescein patterns 1:223234
for keratoconus 1:228230
for penetrating keratoplasty 1:230233
for postrefractive surgery 1:233234
for presbyopia 1:225227
for toric corneas 1:227228
materials 1:220
Riley-Day syndrome 4:2959
Ring infiltrate 2:1021
Ring scotoma 1:172173
Ronne’s nasal step 1:318
Rose bengal staining 1:51; 2:744
Rosette formation 4:2617
Rothmund’s syndrome 4:2969
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome 2:1081
Rubella 2:854
Rubella syndrome 4:2972
Rubeola 2:853
Saccadic disorders 1:281287
Saccadic system 1:274275
Salicylate poisoning 1:358
Salzmann’s nodular corneal degeneration 2:10821083
Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff formula 3:1674, 1811
Sandhoff’s disease 4:2874
Sands of Sahara syndrome 2:12621275
Sandwich technique 3:1718
Sanfilippo’s syndrome 4:2870
Sarcoidosis 4:2854
Scaphocephaly 2:769, 767
Schachar’s theory 1:70; 2:1319
Schagel’s lens 1:193
Scheie’s syndrome 4:2870
Schematic eye 1:138140
Donder’s reduced eye 1:140
Gauss’s theorem 1:139
Gullstrand’s schematic eye 1:140
Listing’s eye 1:140
refraction by combination of lenses 1:138
Schiotz tonometry 3:1374
Schirmer’s test 1:51; 2:704, 743744
Schlemm’s canal 1:14; 3:1557
Schnyder’s corneal dystrophy 2:10641065
Schwannoma 2:794
Scintillography 1:54
Scissor shadows 1:148
Scissors reflex 2:1086
Sclera-development 1:13; 4:2319
Scleral anatomy 2:943
Scleral buckling 4:2698, 2765, 2717
intraoperative complication 4:2717
postoperative complications 4:2718
procedures 4:2717
techniques 4:2698
Scleral depression 1:197198
Scleral expansion bands 2:13171330
Scleritis 2:931935
anterior 2:932
nodular 2:933
posterior 2:933
Scleroderma 4:2893
Scleromalacia perforans 2:933
Sclerotic scatter 1:188189
Scotopic vision 1:8283
Secondary optic nerve tumors 1:396397
Segmentation 4:2730
Seidel test 3:1551
Semiradial incisions 2:11571159
Senile cataract 3:2247
medical therapy for 3:2248
risk factors 3:2247
Senile macular degeneration 4:2465
Sensitometric refraction 1:154
Septum orbitale of Henle 2:556
Serpiginous choroidopathy 4:2515
Serratia marcescens 2:10011002
Shadow test 1:141
Shadows 1:128129
Shaken baby syndrome 4:2769
characteristics and course 4:2770
differential diagnosis 4:2771
etiology and pathogenesis 4:2769
treatment 4:2772
Sherrington’s law 1:410
Short ciliary nerve 1:331
Sicca symptoms 4:2859
Sigmoid sinus 1:37
Silicone oil in complex vitreoretinal surgery 4:2739
complications of 4:2740
indications for use 4:2739
intraoperative use of 4:2740
Silicone oil injection 4:2733
Silver wire 4:2554
Simple microscope 1:186
Sine condition 1:137
Sjögren reticular dystrophy 4:2420
Sjögren’s syndrome 2:740; 4:2854, 2859, 2969
Skiascopy 1:141
Sleeve-incision relationship 3:1726
Slit lamp basics 1:186189
examination of the fundus 1:190194
examination techniques 1:187189
instrument 1:187
optics 1:186
Sly’s syndrome 4:2871
Small incision manual technique 3:1699
anterior capsulotomy 3:1704
caveats 3:1714
cortex aspiration 3:1712
incision 3:1699
nucleus delivery 3:1704
small pupils 3:1702
SMAS incision 2:675
Smith-Limli-Opitz syndrome 3:1597
Smoking and the risk of cataract 3:1592
Snap back test 2:701702
Snellen visual acuity test 1:178
Snellen’s chart 1:158159
Snell-Sterling formula 1:159160
Snow flake cataract 3:1595
Soft acrylic IOLs 3:1890
Soft contact lens 1:205
astigmatic lenses 1:208
complications 1:212216
correction of presbyopia 1:209
materials and design 1:205
replacement frequency 1:206
spherical soft lenses 1:207
Soft contact lens fitting 1:205218
Soft contact lenses care 1:216
Soft lens-induced corneal changes 1:238
Solar eclipse 1:128129
Somatic efferent column 1:21
Somatic mutations 1:107
Sorsby’s pseudoinflammatory macular dystrophy 4:2427
Spasmus nutans 1:293
Specific immunity 4:2807
Specular microscopy 2:967969, 972975
Specular reflcetion 1:188
Sphenoparietal sinus 1:37
Spherical aberration 1:136
Spherical soft lenses 1:207208
Spheroidal corneal degeneration 2:10851086
Sphincter tears 2:916
Sphingolipidoses 4:2873
Spina recti lateralis 2:759
Spirochetes 2:1004
Spontaneous emission 2:1191
Square incisional geometry 3:1688
Staphylococcus aureus 2:995999
Stargardt’s disease 4:2397, 2406, 2483
Stargardt’s disease and fundus flavimaculatus 4:2406
Stereopsis 1:415416, 440
Sterilization 4:28972921
areas of sterilization 4:2899
culture rate 4:2918
sterilizers 4:2912
Sterilization and disinfection methods 4:29282933
Sterilization control 4:2919
Steve Charles technique 4:2675
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 2:741, 872; 3:2257
Stilling and Ishihara test charts 1:85
Stimulated emission 2:1091
Stocker-Busacca line 2:1083
Stoke’s law 4:2351
Stop and chop phaco 3:1729
STOP-ROP study 4:2650
Strabismus 1:441, 473, 515, 527
adaptations 1:441
Brown’s syndrome 1:476
correction with botulinum toxin 1:527
adult esotropia 1:531
esotropia 1:529
exotropia 1:532
infantile essential esotropia 1:530
initial indications in strabismus surgery 1:528
oculomotor nerve palsies 1:532
double elevator palsy 1:478
Duane’s retraction syndrome 1:473
Johnson’s syndrome 1:479
signs 1:441
strabismus fixus 1:479
symptoms 1:441
Strabismus sursoadductorius 1:484485
Straight keratotomy 2:11541157
Streak retinoscopy 1:147148
Streptococcus pneumoniae 2:1001
Streptomyces caespitosus 3:1535
Stress test 2:969
Striae of Gennari 1:313
Striate melanokeratosis 2:1086
Stromal swelling pressure 2:945
Sturge-Weber syndrome 3:1403; 4:2640, 2971
Sturm’s conoid 1:134
Stye 2:625626
Subarachnoid space syndrome 1:336, 342343
Subdural hemorrhage 4:2771
Subjective tests for refraction 1:154156
Subnormal vision etiologies 1:255
examination 1:257
prognosis factors 1:256
refractive tests 1:263
Subperiosteal space 2:763
Suction ring 2:1199
Sunflower cataract 4:2882
Superficial middle cerebral vein 1:37
Superficial punctate keratitis 1:212
Superficial temporal artery 1:29
Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis 2:869871
Superior oblique muscle 1:339, 402403
Superior oblique muscle surgery 1:539540
Superior oblique palsy 1:339, 483484
Superior ophthalmic vein 1:3435
Superior orbital fissure 1:328329
Superior palpebral furrow 2:551
Superior palpebral muscle 2:556
Superior petrosal sinus 1:37
Superior thyroid artery 1:28
Supertraction of the retina 1:167168
Suppression 1:442
Supracapsular phacoemulsification 3:1750
advantages 3:1760
in difficult cases 3:1761
new generation phaco machines 3:1762
surgical technique 3:1751
Supracapsular quick chop phaco 3:1756
Supraciliaris 3:1983
Supranuclear disorders 1:281288
non-optic reflex system disorders 1:287
of eye movements 1:281
pseudo-ophthalmoplegia 1:281
pursuit disorders 1:287
saccadic disorders conjugate palsies 1:281
dissociated palsies 1:284
vergence disorders 1:287
Supranuclear pathways 1:273280
for eye movements 1:273
saccadic system 1:274
infranuclear pathways 1:273
non-optic reflex system 1:279
position maintenance system 1:280
pursuit system 1:275
vergence system 1:277
Supraorbital artery 1:30, 34
Supratrochlear artery 1:30, 34
Surgical management of squint 1:535543
complications of surgery 1:541
indications for surgery 1:535
muscle transposition 1:540
presurgical assessment 1:535
surgical techniques 1:536
Suspensory ligaments of lockwood 2:763
Sutureless cataract incisions 3:1687
Swan incision 1:537
Swans syndrome 1:434
Swedish interactive thresholding algorithm 3:1394
Swinging flashlight test 1:303304
Sympathetic ophthalmitis 3:2008
clinical features 3:2009
differential diagnosis 3:2010
laboratory investigations 3:2010
ocular complications 3:2013
therapy 3:2012
Synaptophore 1:431, 493
Synchysis scintillans 4:2311
Synophrys 2:551
Syphilis in eye 3:1999; 4:2837
diagnosis 4:2839
treatment 4:2840
Systemic diseases related to ocular manifestations 4:28412849
Systemic lupus 4:2854
Systemic lupus erythematosus 4:2858
Takayasu’s disease 4:2549
Tarsal gland 2:553
Tarsal plates 2:555556
Tarsitis 2:627
Tarsorrhaphies 2:642
Tay-Sachs disease 4:2874
T-cells 4:2800, 2808
Tear composition 1:43
Tear film 1:39
break up time 1:42
chemical composition of tear fluid 1:4450
electrolytes and hydrogen ions 1:49
enzymes 1:49
formation dynamics 1:42
middle aqueous layer 1:41
physical properties of tears 1:43
physiology 1:3954
posterior mucin layer 1:4142
superficial lipid layer 1:4041
tear composition 1:43
tear drainage 1:43
Tear globulin assay 1:52; 2:744745
Tear osmolarity 2:745
Tear pH 1:43
Tear substitutes 2:745746
Tears hypersecretion 1:5254
Tears hyposecretion 1:5052
Telangiectasias 4:2628
Telecanthus 2:639
Telencephalon 1:8
Telescopic system 1:266267
Temporary keratoprosthesis, surgical technique 4:2758
Tenon’s capsule 2:762763; 3:1369, 1552
Tenon’s space 2:764
Terrien’s marginal corneal degeneration 2:10841085
Terson syndrome 4:2770
Tessier’s operation 2:770
Thermokeratoplasty 2:1356
Thiel-Behnke corneal dystrophy 2:10561057
Third nerve fascicle syndromes 1:332333
Three cell stage embryo 1:3
Tiflotechnological aids 1:268
Tight lens syndrome 1:212
Tilt and tumble phaco 3:1755
Tilted disc 1:383384
Tissue preservative 2:1176
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome 2:778
Tonometer, Barraquer’s 2:1173
Tonometry 3:1374
applanation tonometry 3:1377
Goldmann applanation tonometer 3:1377
Perkin’s hand held tonometer 3:1378
Halberg hand applanation tonometer 3:1379
digital 3:1374
instrumental 3:1374
indentation tonometry 3:1374
Schiotz tonometry 3:1374
tonography 3:1381
Topical antibiotic preparations 3:2110
Topical immune therapy 3:2220
adverse reactions 3:2223
dosage 3:2223
indications for 3:2222
ocular defence system and immunity 3:2220
Topographic linked excimer laser ablation 2:12281229, 12401255
Topography of central retina 4:2315
Topography-assisted lasik 2:12281229, 12401255
Topolink 2:12281229
TORCH titers 3:1863
Torre’s syndrome 2:634
Trabeculectomy with phaco and IOL implantation 3:1521
Trachoma 2:857
Traction test 2:701
Transforming growth factor 4:2492
Trapezoidal astigmatic keratotomy 2:11591160
Trauma, anterior segment blunt 2:909921
Traumatic cataract in children 3:1871
Traumatic corneal abrasion 2:909910
Traumatic glaucoma 3:1431
causes of angle closure glaucoma 3:1437
epithelial ingrowth following penetrating injury 3:1438
lens subluxation 3:1437
lens swelling 3:1438
posterior synechiae with pupillary block 3:1438
uveal effusion 3:1438
causes of open angle glaucoma 3:1432
blunt injury 3:1432
course of hyphema 3:1433
management 3:1434
penetrating injury 3:1433
classification of injuries 3:1431
etiopathogenesis 3:1432
ghost cell glaucoma 3:1436
inflammation 3:1434
lens particle glaucoma 3:1435
retained intraocular foreign body 3:1437
Treacher Collins syndrome 2:641
Trephination system 2:1129
Trial set 1:154
Trichiasis 2:617619
Trifluridine 2:1041
Trigeminal cave 1:345
Trigeminal nerve 1:345347
exit from the brain 1:345
mandibular division 1:346347
maxillary division 1:346347
nucleus 1:345
ophthalmic division 1:345346
Trilaminar germ disk 1:7, 2021
Trilateral retinoblastoma 4:2622
Triple ‘S’ syndrome 2:628
Trisomy 4:18, 2686
Trochlear nerve 1:335
and its lesions 1:336339, 483484
Bielschowsky’s head tilting test 1:337
course 1:335
management 1:339
Trophoblast 1:4
Trypan Blue (Blurhex) 3:1798
Tuberculous retinitis 4:2827
Tuberous sclerosis 4:2631
Tug of war 4:2730
Two-cell stage embryo 1:3
Tyndall phenomena 3:1555
Typical shower of golden rain 4:2311
Umbra 1:128129
Uncal herniation syndrome 1:333
Uveal metastasis 3:2024
Uveal tract 3:1981
choroid 3:1986
ciliary body 3:1983
development 1: 13
iris 3:1981
Uveitic scoring system 3:1994
Uveitis 3:2003; 4:2826
van der Hoeve’s syndrome 4:2967
Van Lint’s method 3:1644
Vascular endothelial growth factor 4:2563
Vascular lesions 4:2661
Vasculitic disorders of the eye 4:2860
Vergence disorders 1:287
Vergence system 1:277279
Verhoeff’s membrane 4:2291
Vernier acuity 1:158
Verruca vulgaris 2:629630
Vestibular system disorders 1:287288
Vidarabine 2:1041
Virchow’s law 2:766
Viscocanalostomy 3:1557, 1584
operative technique 3:1557
complications 3:1558
Viscoelastic substances 3:2186
caustic preparations 3:2195
commercially available 3:2187
criteria for selection of 3:2186
indications for 3:2187
irrigating solutions 3:2192
roles of 3:2187
Vistech contrast test system 1:180
Visual acuity 1:157160; 3:1563
definition of 1:158
examination in an infant or illiterate 1:160
measurement of Snellen’s test 1:158
types of 1:158
with contact lenses versus LASIK 1:245253
materials and methods 1:250
optical physiology 1:245
results 1:250
Visual angle 1:157
Visual axis 1:422
Visual cortex 1:313314
histology 1:313314
Visual evoked potential 1:9596
Visual field testing (perimetry) 3:1384
Amsler Grid testing 3:1387
confrontation methods 3:1385
finger counting technique 3:1386
finger-mimicking test 3:1386
visual observation method 3:1386
visually evoked movement 3:1385
Goldmann perimetry 3:1390
Lister perimetry 3:1389
static perimetry 3:1391
tangent screen 3:1387
types 3:1385
Visual pathway 1:309322
blood supply 1:316318
lesions and field defects 1:318322
localization 1:314
lateral geniculate body 1:315
optic chiasma 1:314
optic nerve 1:314
optic radiation 1:316
optic tract 1:315
retina 1:314
visual cortex 1:316
Visual pigments 1:7683
Vitamin A alcohol 1:7782
Vitamin A and retinal relationship 1:8182
Vitelliform dystrophy 4:2400
Vitrectomy 4:2471, 2595, 2609
Vitreous development 1:16
Vitreous movements 4:2307
Vitreous opacities 4:23092313
classification 4:2313
echography patterns 4:2311
opaque sheets 4:2312
signs 4:2313
snowballs in vitreous 4:2312
symptoms 4:2313
treatment 4:2313
Vitreous, cisternal anatomy 4:2299
Vitreous, functional anatomy 4:2304
Vogt’s interval 2:1084
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada like syndrome 3:2010, 2017, 2060; 4:2483
Volk coroid lens 1:191
von Hippel-Lindau disease 3:1405; 4:2637, 2950, 2970
von Recklinghausen’s disease 2:638; 4:2888, 2970
Waardenburg’s syndrome 4:2881, 2969
Walls of the orbit 3:2069
Warts 2:629630
Watershed zone 1:33
Wave theory 1:127
Wavefront technology 2:12281229,12401246,12471255
Webbed-neck syndrome 4:2968
Wedge resection 2:11611162
Wegener’s granulomatosis 4:2854, 2861
Weill-Marchesani syndrome 3:1818, 1949; 4:2887, 2966
Werner’s syndrome 4:2969
Wernicke’s area 1:312
White dot syndromes 4:25102516
White limbal girdle of Vogt 2:1083
Whitnall’s ligament 2:566
Whitnall’s tubercle 2:759
Wilbrandt’s knee 1:314315
Wilson’s disease 3:1634
Worth’s 4 dot test 1:415, 439, 465
X pattern 1:488
Xanthelesma 2:641
Xeroderma pigmentosa 4:2883
X-linked cone dystrophy 4:2437
X-linked recessive deficiency 4:2875
X-linked retinoschisis 4:2447
X-linked trait 4:2435
Y pattern 1:488
YAG capsulotomy 3:1973
Zeiss lens 3:1371
Zellweger’s syndrome 4:2881
Zona occludens 4:2325, 2352, 2551
Zona pellucida 1:45
Zonula adherens 3:1986; 4:2369
Zonular cataract 3:1628; 4:2955
Zonular dehiscence 3:1933
Zonular fibers-development 1:12
Zonule of Zinn 1:24
Zonulocapsular barrier 3:1816
Zygomatic furrow (malar fold) 2:551
Zygomatic-maxillary suture 3:2068
Chapter Notes

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  • 1. Basic Embryology 3
  • 2. Development of the Eye 8
  • 3. Development of the Extraocular Muscles 19
  • 4. Anatomy of the Eye 22
  • 5. Blood Supply 27
  • 6. Tear Film Physiology 39
  • 7. Aqueous Humor Dynamics 55
  • 8. Physiology of Accommodation and Presbyopia 66
  • 9. Photochemistry of Vision 75
  • 10. Color Vision 86
  • 11. Electrophysiological Tests 91
  • 12. Ophthalmic Genetics 99
  • 13. Biochemistry of the Lens 1172

Basic Embryology1

Amar Agarwal
When a sperm meets the ovum, fertilization takes place. This occurs in the ampulla of the uterine tube. One spermatozoon pierces the zona pellucida and enters the ovum. After one spermatozoon has entered the ovum other spermatozoa cannot enter it. The chromosomes of the ovum now assume the shape of nucleus called the female pronucleus. At the same time the head of the spermatozoon separates from the middle piece and tail, and transforms itself into the male pronucleus.
The male and female pronuclei meet but they do not fuse to form one nucleus. Their nuclear membranes disappear and their chromosomes become distinct. Each pronucleus has 23 chromosomes so that the fertilized ovum now has 46 chromosomes in all (Fig. 1.1).
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Fig. 1.1: Fertilized ovum
Now, two daughter cells are formed. This is called the two-cell stage of the embryo (Fig. 1.2).
Important points to note at this stage are that:
  1. the two daughter cells are still surrounded by the zona pellucida.
  2. each daughter cell is much smaller than the ovum. As subsequent divisions occur the cells become smaller and smaller until they acquire the size of the cells of the body.
The two cells formed undergo a series of divisions. One cell divides first so that we have a “3-cell” stage of the embryo (Fig. 1.3) followed by a “4–cell” stage (Fig. 1.4), a “5–cell” stage, etc.4
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Fig. 1.2: Two-cell stage
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Fig. 1.3: Three-cell stage
This process of subdivision of the ovum into smaller cells is called cleavage.
As cleavage proceeds the ovum comes to have 16 cells. It now looks like a mulberry and is called the morula (Fig. 1.5). It is still surrounded by the zona pellucida. If a section is cut across the morula we see that it consists of an inner cell mass that is completely surrounded by an outer layer of cells. The cells of the outer layer will later give rise to a structure called the trophoblast (Fig. 1.6). The inner cell mass gives rise to the embryo proper, whereas the cells of the trophoblast help to provide nutrition to the embryo.
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Fig. 1.4: Four-cell stage
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Fig. 1.5: Morula
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Fig. 1.6: Trophoblast formation
Some fluid now passes into the morula from the uterine cavity, and partially separates the cells of the inner cell mass from those of the trophoblast (Fig. 1.7). As the quantity of fluid increases, the morula acquires the shape of a cyst. The cells of the trophoblast become flattened, and the inner cell mass comes to be attached to the inner side of the trophoblast on one side only (Fig. 1.8). The morula has now become a blastocyst. That side of the blastocyst to which the inner cell mass is attached is called the embryonic or animal pole, while the opposite side is the abembryonic pole.
The trophoblast has the property of being able to stick to the uterine epithelium and its cells have the capacity to eat up other cells.5
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Fig. 1.7: Fluid passes into the morula
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Fig. 1.8: Blastocyst
They can, therefore, invade and burrow into tissues with which they come in contact. As the embryo travels down the uterine tube and the uppermost part of the uterine cavity, it is prevented from “sticking” to the epithelium by the zona pellucida. During this time it receives nutrition, partly from the substances stored within the ovum (e.g. yolk), and partly by diffusion from the uterine secretions. By the time a blastocyst is formed, it is necessary for the embryo to acquire additional sources of nutrition. This is achieved when the blastocyst “sticks” to the uterine endometrium, and gets implanted in it. However, before this can happen, it is necessary for the zona pellucida to disappear. The zona pellucida disappears soon after the morula reaches the uterine lumen. Thus, the function of the zona pellucida is to prevent implantation of the blastocyst at an abnormal site.
The blastocyst is a spherical cyst lined by flattened trophoblastic cells, and inside it there is a mass of cells, the inner cell mass, attached eccentrically to the trophoblast.
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Fig. 1.9: Bilaminar germ disk
Some cells of the inner cell mass differentiate (i.e. they become different from others) into flattened cells, that come to line its free surface. These constitute the endoderm, which is thus the first germ layer to be formed.
The remaining cells of the inner cell mass become columnar. These cells form the second germ layer, the ectoderm. The embryo is now in the form of a disk having two layers (Fig. 1.9).
A space appears between the ectoderm (below) and the trophoblast (above). This is the amniotic cavity (Fig. 1.10), filled by amniotic fluid, or liquor amnii. The roof of this cavity is formed by amniogenic cells derived from the trophoblast, while its floor is formed by the ectoderm.
Flattened cells arising from the endoderm (or according to some from trophoblast), spread and line the inside of the blastocystic cavity. In this way, a cavity lined on all sides by cells of endodermal origin is formed. This cavity is called the primary yolk sac (Fig. 1.11).
The cells of the trophoblast give origin to a mass of cells called the extraembryonic mesoderm (or primary mesoderm). These cells come to lie between the trophoblast and the flattened endodermal cells lining the yolk sac, thus separating them from each other.
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Fig. 1.10: Amniotic cavity formation
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Fig. 1.11: Amniogenic cells
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Fig. 1.12: Extraembryonic mesoderm
These cells also separate the wall of the amniotic cavity from the trophoblast (Fig. 1.12). This mesoderm is called extra-embryonic because it lies outside the embryonic disk. It does not give rise to any tissues of the embryo itself.
Small cavities appear in the extraembryonic mesoderm. Gradually these join together to form larger spaces and, ultimately, one large space is formed. This cavity is called the extraembryonic coelom. With its formation, the extraembryonic mesoderm is split into two layers: (i) the part lining the inside of the trophoblast, and (ii) the outside of the amniotic cavity, is called the parietal or somatopleuric extraembryonic mesoderm. The part lining the outside of the yolk sac is called the visceral or splanchopleuric extraembryonic mesoderm (Fig. 1.13). The extraembryonic coelom does not extend into that part of the extraembryonic mesoderm, which attaches the wall of the amniotic cavity to the trophoblast. The developing embryo, along with the amniotic cavity and the yolk sac, is now suspended in the extraembryonic coelom, and is attached to the wall of the blastocyst (i.e. trophoblast) only by this unsplit part of the extraembryonic mesoderm. This mesoderm forms a structure called the connecting stalk.
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Fig. 1.13: Prochordal plate
At this stage, two very important membranes are formed. One is formed by the parietal extraembryonic mesoderm (on the inside) and the overlying trophoblast (on the outside)—this is called the chorion. The other is the amnion, which is constituted by the amniogenic cells forming the wall of the amniotic cavity (excluding the ectodermal floor). These cells are derived from the trophoblast. The chorion and amnion play an important role in childbirth (parturition).
With the appearance of the extraembryonic mesoderm, and later of the extraembryonic coelom, the yolk sac becomes much smaller than before and is now called the secondary yolk sac. This alteration in size is accompanied by a change in the nature of the lining cells. They are no longer flattened but become cubical (Fig. 1.14).
At this stage, the embryo proper is a circular disk composed of two layers of cells—the upper layers (towards amniotic cavity) is the ectoderm, the cells of which are columnar, while the lower layer (towards yolk sac) is the endoderm, made up of cubical cells. There is no indication yet of a head or tail end of the embryonic disk.
However, we soon see that, at one circular area near the margin of the disk, the cubical cells of the endoderm become columnar. This area is called the prochordal plate.7
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Fig. 1.14: Mesoderm
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Fig. 1.15: Primitive streak
The appearance of the prochordal plate determines the central axis of the embryo (i.e. enables us to divide it into right and left halves), and also enables us to distinguish its head and tail ends (Fig. 1.13).
Soon after the formation of the prochordal plate some of the ectodermal cells lying along the central axis, near the tail end of the disk, begin to proliferate, and form an elevation that bulges into the amniotic cavity. This elevation is called the primitive streak (Fig. 1.15). The primitive streak is at first a rounded or oval swelling, but with elongation of the embryonic disk it becomes a linear structure lying in the central axis of the disk.
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Fig. 1.16: Trilaminar germ disk
The cells that proliferate in the region of the primitive streak pass sideways, pushing themselves between the ectoderm and endoderm (Fig. 1.16). These cells form the intraembryonic mesoderm (or secondary mesoderm) which is the third germ layer.
The intraembryonic mesoderm spreads throughout the disk except in the region of the prochordal plate. Note that the mesoderm extends cranial to the prochordal plate and here mesoderm from the two sides becomes continuous across the midline (Fig. 1.16). In the region of the prochordal plate, the ectoderm and endoderm remain in contact. In later development, the ectoderm and endoderm mostly persist as a lining epithelium. On the other hand, the bulk of the tissues of the body are formed predominantly from mesoderm. As there is no mesoderm in the prochordal plate, this region remains relatively thin, and later forms the buccopharyngeal membrane. Now, a trilaminar germ disk has formed.