KP Neeraja
Principal Navodaya College of Nursing Raichur
Jitendar P Vij
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Textbook of Nursing Education
© 2003, KP Neeraja
All rights reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author and the publisher.
First Edition: 2003
Publishing Director: RK Yadav
Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit
Printed at Gopsons Papers Ltd., A-14, Sector 60, Noida
My sister, Dr KP Sailaja,
who is guiding force
to build up
my professional career
It is indeed a great pleasure to write the foreword for the Textbook of Nursing Education by Dr KP Neeraja. The book is intended primarily to nurse educators. It presents the varied concepts, principles and approaches that could be effectively used in nursing education. This book is a great resource as well as a handy reference. It contains valuable information for both experienced teachers and beginning educators.
The nurse educators have the important task of training in teaching skills to deliver the contents by using various teaching strategies in a better manner. This book is intended to help them in their work.
The contents of this book will be of great value to the nursing fraternity like undergraduates and postgraduates in the teaching-learning process in efficient manner. It will help the teachers to teach better and the learners to learn better by utilizing the considerable valuable material.
In presenting this text to the profession, a valuable contribution has been added to the nursing literature. The purpose of writing the text for nursing graduates who are preparing themselves for positions as nurse educators.
We know Dr KP Neeraja as a young enthusiastic and diligent student who strove to be an excellent nurse educator. We congratulated her for her remarkable achievement and we are confident that this book will prove to be of great value to the professionals.
Mrs N Santha R Godi
Mrs S Ramidhami Negi
Training is a means to acquire knowledge and skills for professional excellence. With the increase in demand for training health professionals, particularly nurses, has necessitated to develop a handbook for the teachers in nursing education, to enable them develop academic as well as teaching skills. Even though few books on this subject are available, this book Textbook of Nursing Education is unique in its application to the field of nursing.
Good teaching demands knowledge base of teaching methodology, techniques and ability to assess and adapt in the changing learning situations. This book equips the nursing teachers and students to gain insight into the intricacies of training in nursing, for today as well as tomorrow. This book is of immense value to nurses, who are more oriented to provide nursing care to the patients, to develop good human relations and organize educational sessions to different focus groups.
A sincere effort is made to incorporate the findings of research studies, innovative techniques of teaching applicable to the profession of nurse training in this book. The unit one focuses on the philosophy of education and nursing education, and the unit two on evolution of education, whereas the unit three covers how the education has developed from ancient India to free India and the problems related to education and its remedies, the unit four is the vital part of the text, i.e. curriculum and its development for various groups and situations including the technique of evaluation.
The use of audiovisual aids in the teaching enhances learning and the unit five covers in detail the use of audiovisual aids in nursing education. The concepts of teaching, learning methods and the process of communication are widely discussed in the units seven, eight and nine. Chapter on Social Change and Education rightly focuses on the role of teachers for adaptation of teaching to social change in various institutions. Finally, the section on Guidance and Counselling is aimed at moulding the teachers in nursing education to do the role of counsellor to guide the nursing students, patients, families and the community as well.
I hope this book will serve as an ideal textbook for the teachers of nursing. I have made sincere effort to make this book understandable and applicable to nursing education, and make teaching a lovable profession. Criticisms and suggestions are solicited. My e-mail address
KP Neeraja
I am most grateful to my teachers Mrs Susheela Ramidhami Negi and Mrs N Santha Rathnam Godi, who have kindly honoured me by writing the Foreword.
It gives immense pleasure to acknowledge sincere thanks to Dr K Sreenivasa Reddy, Dr DH Jagadish and Mrs J Shantha Kumari MSc (N), (PhD) for their cooperation in gathering material from different resources. The motivating factor to conceive this textbook is Dr R Vasundhara, MSc (N), PhD. My sincere thanks to Mrs Sundarambal Narayanan, who provided conducive environment to complete this greatest task successfully and to all the persons, who helped me in preparing this book.
My sincere thanks to the staff of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi for giving me an opportunity to publish this textbook.