Recent Advances in Pediatrics (Special Volume 14): Criticare Pediatrics Suraj Gupte
Chapter Notes

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Rajesh Ramachandran Nair
Coma is a common cause for critical illness in children.1 Coma in the pediatric patient is a medical emergency and must be dealt with in a rapid, organized way. Basic life-support needs, evaluation of history, and physical examination are all of paramount importance and evaluation of these three critical areas must proceed simultaneously. Specific diagnoses must be treated appropriately, but there are key general principals to coma management that must be dealt with sequentially. The outcome in childhood coma is substantially better than adult coma, and in many cases is determined by speed and appropriateness of intervention.2 Considerable skill is required to distinguish the group at high risk of further deterioration, potentially leading either to death or severe handicap.3 This review deals with the general aspects of non-traumatic coma in children.
The term, consciousness, is multifaceted. In testing, it is important to distinguish between the content of consciousness and basic arousal. Content refers to higher cognitive and emotional functioning, whereas arousal refers to the activation of the cortex from the ascending activating system (brain stem reticular formation and diffuse thalamic projections).
There are five levels of consciousness. Alertness implies that the child is awake and fully aware of the internal and external stimuli. Child tends to drift off to sleep when not actively stimulated in lethargy. The obtunded child is difficult to arouse and, when aroused, is confused. Persistent and vigorous stimulation are needed to elicit response in stupor and semi coma.
The word coma is derived from the Greek word, Koma, meaning deep sleep. Coma is defined as state in which no evidence of behavioral response to stimulation is present. Child may show some reflex (decorticate or decerebrate) movements in light coma. No motor response is seen in deep coma.42
Though Glasgow coma scale5, 6 has been adopted in the treatment of pediatric and adult coma, it should not be used in small children, as the verbal component is not appropriate.7 James' adaptation of the Glasgow coma scale8 was designed for young children. A grimace score was later developed for the assessment of intubated children to replace the verbal score9 (Table 1.1). Response to pain should be examined both with a supraocular pressure and with nail bed pressure (with a pencil). At initial presentation, it is preferable to err on the side of recording too low a score, as it is easier to withdraw treatment from a child who is improving than to resuscitate one, who deteriorates.3
Table 1.1   Modified Glasgow coma scale. Pain as nail bed pressure with pencil; score best response9
Child > 5 years
Child < 5 years
Eye opening
  • E4 spontaneous
  • E3 to verbal stimuli
  • E2 to pain
  • E1 no response to pain
As older child
As older child
As older child
As older child
V5 oriented
Alert, babbles, coos, words or sentences to usual ability
V4 confused
Less than usual ability or spontaneous irritable cry
V3 inappropriate words
Cries to pain
V2 incomprehensible sounds
Moans to pain
V1 no response to pain
No response to pain
VT intubated
  • G5 spontaneous normal facial/oromotor activity, for example sucks tube, coughs
  • G4 less than usual spontaneous ability or only responds to touch
  • G3 vigorous grimace to pain
  • G2 mild grimace or some change in facial expression to pain
  • G1 no response to pain
M6 obeys commands
Normal spontaneous movements or withdraws to touch
M5 localizes to pain stimulus
As older child
M4 withdraws from pain
As older child
M3 abnormal flexion to pain
As older child
M2 abnormal extension to pain
As older child
M1 no response to pain
As older child
In all children with non-traumatic coma, raised intracranial pressure (ICP) is presumed initially.3,10 Early and adequate management of raised ICP prevents deterioration leading to death or permanent disability.3
Table 1.2   Brain stem examination4
Response to pain
Flexion to supraocular pressure
Extension to supraocular pain
Midbrain/upper pons
Lower pons
Brainstem intact
Uncal herniation
Midbrain/upper pontine
Lower pontine
Brainstem intact
Unilateral pyramidal
Uncal herniation
Bilateral pyramidal
Flaccid/ extensor plantars
Lower pontine
Oculocephalic(Doll's eye)
Saccadic eye movements
Normal forebrain control
Exclude cord injury
Full deviation eyes away
Minimal deviation eyes
Midbrain/upper pontine
No movement eyes
Lower pontine
Oculovestibular (Calorics)
Normal forebrain control
Exclude perforated ea drum
Full deviation eyes towards
Minimal deviation eyes
Midbrain/upper pontine
No movement eyes
Lower pontine
Pupil size
Normal midpoint
Midbrain/upper pontine
Unilaterally large
Uncal herniation
Bilaterally large
Lower pontine
Pupil response to light
Brainstem intact
Midbrain/upper pontine
Respiratory pattern
Brainstem intact
Midbrain/upper pontine
Ataxic, shallow
Lower pontine
Gasping, slow, irregular
Bold refers to clinical signs of potentially reversible cerebral herniation
Ischemic cerebral damage and herniation syndromes are the two important complication of raised ICP.3,11 Mean arterial pressure remaining the same, the cerebral perfusion pressure drops with a rise in ICP. Pressure difference between the brain compartments and the spinal canal results in various herniation syndromes, which results in mechanical damage and the vascular distortion. Careful serial brainstem examination4 (Table 1.2) is performed to recognize the progressive herniation syndromes12 (Table 1.3), so that early appropriate management could be undertaken to prevent the irreversible stage. In acute rise in ICP papilledema is often absent.13 Raised ICP should be assumed even if there is no evidence of brain swelling on CT scan.12, 144
Table 1.3   Herniation syndromes12
Unilateral fixed dilated pupil
Unilateral ptosis
Minimal deviation of eyes on oculocephalic/oculovestibular testing
Small or midpoint pupils reactive to light
Full deviation of eyes on oculocephalic/oculovestibular testing
Flexor response to pain and/or decorticate posturing
Hypertonia and or hyperreflexia with extensor plantars
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
Midbrain/upper pontine
Midpoint pupils, fixed to light
Minimal deviation of eyes on oculocephalic/oculovestibular testing
Extensor response to pain and/or decerebrate posturing
Lower pontine
Midpoint pupils, fixed to light
No response on oculocephalic/oculovestibular testing
No response to pain or flexion of legs only
Flaccidity with extensor plantars
Shallow or ataxia respiration
Pupil dilated and fixed to light
Slow, irregular, or gasping respiration
Respiratory arrest with adequate cardiac output
Bold refers to clinical signs of potentially reversible cerebral herniation
Initial management is to ensure adequate airway, oxygenation and mean arterial pressure.
Intubation is needed in a child with a coma score of 12 or less.3, 11 This could aid in mechanical ventilation in case of hypoventilation and hypercarbia. Intubation can protect the airways in a comatose child and prevents aspiration of saliva. The mean arterial pressure is maintained at the upper level of normal; this might require additional inotropic support or plasma infusion. After initial stabilization it is better to practice mild fluid restriction, but maintaining adequate urine output. Kirkham had formulated an algorithmic approach to the emergency management of unconscious child3 (Table 1.4). In addition, hypoglycemia needs urgent correction. As seizures are associated with an increase in ICP, which would precipitate herniation15, emergency management to control seizures should be instituted. Persistent altered sensorium in brain injury could be partly due to nonconvulsive status epilepticus. As the clinical motor manifestations are subtle, this entity is often missed in the ICU unless an electroencephalogram (EEG) is taken.16, 17 Status epilepticus has to be managed according to the standard protocol.185
Table 1.4   Emergency management of the unconscious patient3
• High flow oxygen by mask is given after establishing adequate airway.
• Mean arterial pressure is maintained. Resuscitate with salt containing fluids/inotropes if low; do not reduce immediately if high
• Perform Dextrostix testing and simultaneous true blood sugar and give dextrose if low
• Assess the level of consciousness using modified Glasgow coma scale
• Assess brain stem function and decide whether the patient has evidence of central or uncal herniation
• Examine the fundi for papilledema
• Intubation and ventilation is performed if the modified Glasgow coma scale is less than 12 or there is evidence of herniation
• If the modified Glasgow coma scale score is between 12 and 14, or intubation is not possible immediately and there is evidence of progressive uncal or central herniation, give mannitol 0.25g/Kg
• If there is tonic deviation of the eyes or nystagmus, assume subtle status epilepticus and give a benzodiazepine and or phenytoin
• If the child is febrile and is either under the age of 12 months or is older than 12 months and has a Glasgow coma score greater than 12, undertake a lumbar puncture after checking that the child is not in subtle status. The CSF pressure should be measured. A dose of mannitol 0.25 g/Kg should be given if the pressure is greater than 15 cm H2O or if there is evidence of deterioration in the modified Glasgow coma score or the brain stem signs after the lumbar puncture.
• If the child is afebrile or febrile with a deteriorating level of consciousness, do not perform lumbar puncture, but start a third generation cephalosporin and acyclovir and plan for neuroimaging.
After initial stabilization a search for the etiology and the management of the specific problem has to be instituted (Table 1.5). Discussion on the management of specific etiology is beyond the scope of this review.
The priority of investigation has to be individualized depending on the individual merits of the case. In an afebrile unconscious child, a CT scan is needed to look for structural lesions like intracerebral hemorrhage, stroke, hydrocephalus, brain tumors, brain abscess and granulomas. Trauma related findings could be seen in cases where the history was misleading, like in battered baby syndrome. Neurosurgical intervention depends on the CT findings. If CT brain is not confirmatory, an MRI brain might be required. Many diseases have typical findings in MRI.1924 (Table 1.6). A CNS infection should be considered with any acute neurological deterioration associated with fever, signs of meningeal irritation, and an elevated white blood cell count.25 A CSF examination after initial stabilization is mandatory in all febrile comatose children.26 A GCS of 12 and below, focal deficits and presence of pupillary signs and cardiovascular instability warrant CT brain before lumbar puncture.3, 11, 27 CSF pressure is measured in all case and appropriate bacteriological (pyogenic and tuberculous), and virological studies are undertaken.6
Table 1.5   Investigation of non-traumatic coma
Indication/clinical clues
Possible abnormality
Further investigation if abnormal
Possible diagnosis
Blood Glucose
Liver function tests
Hypoglycemia secondary to:
Intravenous dextrose
Blood ammonia
Blood lactate
Severe illness
Blood and urine amino
Organic aciduria
Haemmorrhagic shock and Encephalopathy
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Blood sodium
Urinary sodium
Hypo/hypernatremia +/-
Appropriate fluids
Blood urea
Blood creatinine
Blood film
Haemolytic uremic syndrome
Dialysis, plasmapheresis
Aspartate transaminase
Blood ammonia
Reye's syndrome
Hypoxic ischaemic
Blood ammonia
All (unless cause clear)
Blood orotic acid
Urea cycle defect
Sodium benzoate
Urine organic acids
Organic academia
Full blood count and film
Low Hb
Hb electrophoresis
High WBC
3rd generation
Low platelets
DIC, infection
Burr cells
Haemolytic uremic syndrome
Dialysis, plasmapheresis
Basophilic stippling
Lead encephalopathy
Microbiological tests, neuroimaging, lumbar puncture and EEG are done depending on the clinical situation
Table 1.6   MRI brain findings in non-traumatic coma1924
Herpes simplex encephalitis
Frontal and temporal, usually asymmetric cortical changes- Hypointense in T1 and hyperintense in T2.
Japanese B encephalitis
Bilateral haemorrhagic thalamic involvement
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Bilateral asymmetrical subcortical white matter and deep grey matter involvement
Meningeal enhancement& infarcts in Meningitis
Multiple ring enhancing lesions in tuberculoma,
Neurocysticercosis and multiple brain abscess
Gliomas, lymphomas
Infarcts, bleeds, hydrocephalus
EEG could be used to detect nonconvulsive status epilepticus and could aid in the diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis. In the appropriate clinical setting, periodic lateralised epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) pattern is diagnostic of herpes simplex encephalitis.28 A child who has an altered level of consciousness without a clear explanation should have a metabolic and toxicological screen.3, 29 Certain points help to differentiate toxic metabolic coma from structural coma. Focal neurological deficits are more common in structural lesions. Symmetry is the feature of metabolic causes. However subtle asymmetries are not uncommon. Fluctuating level of consciousness occurs in metabolic causes. Though rapid and deep respiration could occur in pontine lesions or neurogenic pulmonary edema, this pattern is more frequent in toxic metabolic coma. With few exceptions like hypoparathyroidism and lead encephalopathy, papilledema is rare in metabolic causes. Small pupils, with retained light reactivity are classical of nonstructural coma. Structural lesions like subarachnoid hemorrhage, vasculitis, demyelination and meningitis could mimic metabolic diseases. Focal features are more commonly observed in hypoglycemia, hepatic encephalopathy and lead poisoning.30
All sick children with non-traumatic coma should be put on a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which is appropriate to treat meningitis. Choice of antibiotic treatment entails the selection of agents that are effective against the probable pathogens and are able to attain adequate bactericidal activity in the CSF. Initial empirical therapy31 (Table 1.7), which would also cover for the possible meningitis, can be modified depending on later culture reports. Dexamethasone given before antibiotic therapy for meningitis reduces the risk of deafness and neurological deficits.328
Table 1.7   Initial empirical therapy for bacterial meningitis (WHO guidelines)31
Patient group
Developing countries
Developed countries
Immunocompetent children
<3 months
Ampicillin plus
Ampicillin plus Cefotaxime
3 months-18 years
Ampicillin plus
Cefotaxime or Ceftriaxone
Immunodeficient children
Ampicillin plus Cefotaxime
For a child in coma it is better to follow the guideline for developed countries
But this effect is less certain for pneumococcal and tuberculous infection.33 Children in coma, who had seizures during the illness, should be put on acyclovir to cover the possibility of herpes simplex encephalitis. If this diagnosis is likely, the drug should be continued for two weeks to prevent recurrence.34 Some physicians use erythromycin in idiopathic coma considering the etiological possibility of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, until the results of antibody testing are known.35
Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring
If the child remains unconscious for more than six hours despite adequate mean arterial pressure ICP monitoring may be considered. If there are clinical evidence for irreversible brainstem damage or the electroencephalogram (EEG) is predictive of poor outcome, ICP monitoring is not beneficial3 There are no data from randomized controlled trials that can clarify the role of ICP monitoring in acute coma.36 However, there is a large body of published clinical experience that indicates that ICP monitoring
  1. helps in the earlier detection of intracranial mass lesions,
  2. can limit the indiscriminate use of therapies to control ICP which themselves can be potentially harmful,
  3. can reduce ICP by CSF drainage and thus improve cerebral perfusion,
  4. helps in determining prognosis, and
  5. may improve outcome.37
In patients who require ICP monitoring, a ventricular catheter connected to an external strain gauge transducer or catheter tip pressure transducer device is the most accurate reliable method of monitoring ICP and enables therapeutic CSF drainage. Clinically significant infections or hemorrhage associated with ICP devices causing patient morbidity are rare and should not deter the decision to monitor ICP. Parenchymal catheter tip pressure transducer devices measure ICP similar to ventricular ICP pressure but have the potential for significant measurement differences and drift due to the inability to recalibrate. 9These devices are advantageous when ventricular ICP is not obtained or if there is obstruction in the fluid couple. Subarachnoid or subdural fluid coupled devices and epidural ICP devices are currently less accurate.38
Maintaining Cerebral Perfusion Pressure and Management of Raised ICP
As the outcome is more related to cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) than maximum ICP, adequate CPP should be maintained.39 Current trend is to maintain CPP above 50 mm Hg3. Controlling fever to reduce the brain's metabolic demands helps to keep the CPP at the desired level.27 Intermittent hikes in ICP can be prevented by maintaining the mean arterial pressure if necessary, with fluids, plasma or inotropic support.
Treatment of raised ICP demands regular clinical assessment and multiple pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures. Head should be positioned in the midline and elevated about 30 degrees to allow optimal venous drainage.40 Movement should be minimized with sedation.25 There should be minimum physical stimuli to the patient. Some physicians believe that hyperventilation should not be used in children, because intracranial pressure would be decreased at the expense of a reduction in cerebral blood flow, possibly approaching ischemic thresholds.41 This method should be used only as a temporary measure to control raised ICP. Prophyllactic hyperventilation does not improve the outcome. Current practice is to ventilate to normocapnia. Prolonged hyperventilation of more than 1 hour causing PaCO2 of less than 28 torr is not recommended.3, 11 Fluid management depends on the etiology of coma. Restriction of fluid could be dangerous in subarachnoid hemorrhage and meningitis.42, 43 Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is not infrequent in brain injury. Fluid restriction is the best management.44 Hypo-osmolar solutions like 5 or 10% dextrose could aggravate cerebral edema. Monitoring of urine output, blood pressure, temperature, plasma electrolytes, osmolality and central venous pressure is part of proper fluid management. Mannitol is effective in reducing ICP. But there is no enough evidence to suggest that regular prophylactic mannitol is of benefit.45 Serum osmolalities >320 mOsm and hypovolemia should be avoided. It is recommended to use lower doses (0.25–0.5 g/Kg/dose), which have fewer side effects.11 There is some data to suggest that bolus administration is preferable to continuous infusion46. The risk of hypotension probably outweighs any useful effect of barbiturate in reducing ICP.3,47 Complications like neutropenia and sepsis made 10profound hypothermia a less favored therapeutic strategy in reducing ICP47. CSF drainage is a non-pharmacological method to reduce raised ICP.48
Role of Electroencephalogram (EEG)
In comatose patients, continuous EEG (cEEG) may provide otherwise unobtainable information and influence therapeutic management, and also help determine the prognosis of patients with acute brain injury. This technique is best used for the detection of sub clinical seizures, which may frequently occur during or after treatment of convulsive status epilepticus and after many types of acute brain injury, particularly trauma.49 The other main application of cEEG is as a primary monitor of brain function. cEEG can detect focal cerebral ischemia, such as that caused by vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage, as well as global ischemia related to intracranial pressure elevation and insufficient cerebral perfusion pressure. Other potential applications include prognostication in coma and titration of continuous infusion sedative therapy. New technologic developments include continuous digital video EEG, automated seizure-detection software, and user-friendly online quantitative EEG analysis.16
Once the life threatening problems have been controlled, the demand for information concerning prognosis from the parents' side is usually pressing and needs to be addressed by the pediatrician. Literature regarding the outcome of pediatric non-traumatic coma mainly deals with hypoxic ischemic damage. As serious co-morbid conditions or pre-existing neurological diseases adversely affect the outcome, such cases are generally excluded in the analysis of outcome. A clear knowledge regarding the underlying cause and the course of the illness is necessary to predict the prognosis50. Four important clinical features that help to determine the prognosis are: etiology, depth of coma, duration of coma, and clinical signs.51 The outcome of coma is related to the cause independent of the physical signs, depth of coma or length of coma. This is most important and shown most dramatically in coma caused by drug overdose. All such patients should be regarded as potentially salvageable and with a good prognosis, provided that they can be supported and complications are avoided during the period of coma. In general, metabolic causes of coma have a better prognosis than anoxic-ischemic causes. The level of coma as measured on the Glasgow coma scale is predictive of outcome. The longer a patient remains in a coma the poorer his or her chance of recovery and the 11greater the chance that he or she will enter a vegetative state. By the third day the chance of making a moderate or good recovery is reduced to only 7%, and by the 14th day is as low as 2%. By the end of the first week almost half of those patients who have not recovered consciousness are in a vegetative state.52 Absence of a papillary light reflex at the time of admission, the absence of spontaneous eye movements after 1 day, alack of withdrawal of an extremity after painful stimulus after 3 days, no spontaneous eye opening after 1 week, and inability to follow motor commands after 2 weeks, all predicted a very low likelihood of good recovery.50 Widespread use of sedative drugs limits the role of EEG as an outcome predictor. However, serial EEG recording could provide valuable information on the prognosis.53 An isoelectric baseline or a burst suppression pattern during the first week has 100% specificity in predicting poor prognosis.54 EEG combined with somatosensory evoked potential and brainstem auditory evoked potential testing provides additional information on prognosis. However, there is no consensus in the literature on the criteria for these procedures in the prediction of recovery.55 Wide spread low density suggesting global ischemia in brain imaging indicates poor prognosis.56
Whether to continue treatment of patients, who do not immediately recover from coma, is a difficult issue that often confronts physicians. Although the prognosis for recovery is undoubtedly an important factor in decision-making, regarding withdrawal of support, pediatrician must also consider other factors such as a patient's acute illness, premorbid function and family's wishes. In caring for patients with stupor and coma, all physicians should be familiar with the key steps of neurological examination. Proper observation helps with the initial localization and diagnosis and with the subsequent determination of prognosis. This, together with the supportive data such as medical history, laboratory tests results, and brain imaging, will further guide timely and appropriate treatment.
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