Vaginal Delivery DK Dutta
Abnormal foetal heart rate 86
Active management of the third stage 38
controlled cord traction 38
immediate oxytocin 38
uterine massage 38
Anaesthesia for vaginal delivery 89
Anatomical changes in passage 15
Anatomy of female pelvis 1
Artificial rupture of membranes 44
Augmentation of labour 44
Bimanual compression of the uterus 117
Breech delivery 77
arms are stretched above the head or folded around the neck 79
baby’s body cannot be turned 80
delivery of the arms 78
delivery of the buttocks and legs 78
delivery of the head 80
entrapped (stuck) head 81
Complication during delivery 136
foetal 137
morbidity 137
mortality 137
maternal 136
morbidity 136
mortality 136
Complications of instrumental vaginal delivery 100
foetal complications 100
maternal complications 100
Concept of optimising labour 41
Contraction of uterus 14
Counselling and litigation during vaginal delivery 136
Counselling of mother 136
Craniotomy and craniocentesis 128
aftercoming head during breech delivery 131
breech presentation with entrapped head 130
cephalic presentation 128
closed cervix 130
craniocentesis (skull puncture) 130
craniotomy (skull perforation) 128
during caesarean section 131
fully dilated cervix 130
indication 128
Delayed (secondary) postpartum haemorrhage 120
Descent 26
Destructive operation 128
Diagnosis of malpositions 60
symptoms and signs 60
breech presentation 62
brow presentation 61
compound presentation 62
face presentation 61
occiput posterior position 60
occiput transverse position 61
transverse lie and shoulder presentation 63
Diagnosis of normal labour 24
assessment of engagement and descent of the foetus 24
diagnosis and confirmation of labour 24
diagnosis of stage and phase of labour 24
identification of presentation and position of the foetus 24
Diagnosis of vaginal bleeding after childbirth 114
Diameters of pelvic brim 4
anteroposterior diameter 4
oblique diameter 5
transverse 5
Effacement and dilatation in 17
multigravida 17
primigravida 17
Episiotomy 104
Examination of tears 40
Foetal distress in labour 86
Foley catheter 50
Guideline during delivery 138
How to prevent litigation 137
Induction of labour 44
Infiltration of perineal tissue with local anaesthetic 104
Inverted uterus 119
Ketamine 93
Ketamine infusion 94
induction and maintenance 94
premedication 94
Labour activity of uterine muscle fibre 14
Labour with a scarred uterus 84
general management 84
rupture of uterine scars 84
specific management 84
trial of labour 85
Labour with breech delivery 77
Landmarks of the foetal skull 28
Litigation of vaginal delivery 137
Malposition and malpresentation of labour 57
Management of malposition 63
breech presentation 67
brow presentation 64
chin-anterior position 66
chin-posterior position 66
compound presentation 66
early labour 67
face presentation 65
occiput posterior positions 63
vaginal breech delivery 68
Management of overdistended uterus 73
excess amniotic fluid 73
multiple pregnancy 73
breech presentation 75
first baby 73
second or additional baby(s) 74
transverse lie 75
vertex presentation 74
single large foetus 73
Management of unsatisfactory progress of labour 53
cephalopelvic disproportion 54
false labour 53
inadequate uterine activity 55
obstruction 55
prolonged active phase 54
prolonged expulsive phase 56
prolonged latent phase 53
Manual removal of placenta 108
Maternal bony pelvis 1
false pelvis 1
true pelvis 2
Mechanism of oplacental separation 22
Methods of separation 22
Mathews Duncan method 23
Schultze method 22
Midpelvis 8
Misoprostol 50
Modified WHO partograph 33
Moulding 31
sutures apposed 31
sutures overlapped and not reducible 31
sutures overlapped but reducible 31
Normal childbirth 36
Normal labour and childbirth 24
Occiput anterior positions 29
Occiput transverse position 28
Overdistended uterus 72
Paracervical block 89
Passenger (foetus) 18
Pelvic axis 10
Pelvic cavity 6
Pelvic outlet 6
Pelvis inlet or brim 3
Perineal approach 91
Physiology of power in labour 12
primary forces 12
secondary forces 12
Physiology of primary force in labour 12
Presentation and position 27
Procedure of symphysiotomy 133
Progress of first stage of labour 35
Progress of foetal condition 35
Progress of maternal condition 36
Progress of second stage of labour 35
Prolapsed cord 87
Pudendal block 90
Repair of cervical tears 121
Repair of episiotomy 106
muscle layer 106
skin 106
vaginal mucosa 106
Repair of first and second degree tears 122
Repair of third and fourth degree perineal tears 124
Repair of vaginal and perineal tears 122
Repair the tear in the operating room 125
Retained placenta 118
Retained placental fragments 118
Sample partograph for normal labour 34
Shape of brim 11
android 11
anthropoid 11
gynaecoid 11
platypelloid 11
Specific management of prolapsed cord 88
cord not pulsating 88
pulsating cord 88
Symphysiotomy 132
Tears of cervix, vagina or perineum 118
Unsatisfactory progress of labour 52
Use of oxytocic drugs 116
Using the partograph 30
Vacuum extraction 96
Vacuum extraction andm symphysiotomy 99
Vaginal approach 92
Vaginal bleeding after childbirth 112
diagnosis 114
general management 113
Vaginal examination 27, 30
Chapter Notes

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1Vaginal Delivery
3Vaginal Delivery
DK Dutta MBBS, MD, MAMS, FICOG, FICMCH, MAFS (USA) Diploma in Pelvic Surgery (Germany) President Kalyani Obstetrics and Gynecological Society Kalyani, West Bengal
4Published by
Jitendar P Vij
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Vaginal Delivery
© 2006, Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
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First Edition: 2006
Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit
Printed at Paras Press
5Contributors 7Preface
Vaginal delivery refers to vaginal procedure performed to deliver the foetus vaginally. The vast majority of complications leads to high-rise of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity in rural area. This will remain serious concern as long as is being done by unskilled obstetrician. This book is not only focussed anatomy of pelvis, physiology, induction and augmentation of labour but also highlighted manual removal of placenta, instrumental vaginal delivery and anaesthesia too.
I have firmly believed that this book will be highly accepted by obstetrician working at rural area. It will also help both undergraduate and postgraduate student for the preparation of the final examination.
My thanks to FOGSI, who has kindly permitted me to release this book.
DK Dutta