Oncology Nursing Ram Sharan Mehta
Chapter Notes

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Introduction of the CellUNIT I

The science of mammalian physiology involves the study of dynamic inter-relationships that exist among cells, tissues, and organs, and reaches ultimately to the level of the organism as a whole. The cell is the smallest functional unit and it is itself composed of organelles. In this chapter, we shall focus on the structure and function of these organelles.
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Fig. 1.1: Schematic diagram of a cell
One group of organelles is bounded by a limiting membrane; a second group is not so delimited. The former group encompasses the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisomes, and mitochondria – and 2in this category we also include the plasma (outer) membrane of the cell as a whole (Fig. 1.1). The group of organelles that are not bounded by a membrane includes the chromosomes, nucleoli, microtubules, ribosome, microfilaments, and centrioles.
Although there was some knowledge of the cell boundary and subcellular organelles prior to the ultra-structure of intracellular membrane systems was unforeseen. These membrane systems provide closed compartments within the cell with distinctive environments because they maintain higher concentrations of ions (e.g. low PH in lysosomes) or enzymes (the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes in mitochondria, phosphates in the Golgi apparatus). In addition, the membrane itself consists of micro domains in which proteins or lipids are arranged in a functionally meaningful pattern of enzymes, co-factors, or carriers.
Cell Membrane
The cell membrane is a permeability barrier. If a cell is placed in hypotonic solution and if it contains molecules, which cannot penetrate its outer membrane, it will swell; conversely, it will shrink if placed in a hypertonic medium. In both instances water moves down its concentration gradient. Thus, the cell behaves as an osmometer. Nonpolar molecules (gases, lipids) move freely across the membrane; polar molecules penetrate the membrane much less readily and indeed it is the selective permeability of the plasma membrane to certain ions, which determines the excitability characteristics of nerve and muscle cells.
Chemical Composition
Although the general chemical nature of the membrane found at the cell boundary was predicted on the basis of physiological data, the detailed molecular structure is not yet known. Models 3of cell membranes prepared by combining their lipid and protein constituents (partly known from chemical analysis of purified cell membrane preparations) exhibit some physiological characteristics similar to those of natural membranes. The role of lipid: lipid interactions in membrane structure have been at the center of attention because such interactions can explain much of the presently known phenomena of membrane transport. Quantitative studies of isolated cell membranes revealed that enough lipid is present to be arranged as a bilayer coating the cell. Artificial mixtures of extracted cellular polar lipids (lecithin, phospholipid, and steroids) under appropriate conditions will form a bimolecular layer spontaneously. Presumably the polar (hydrophilic) ends of the lipids form the two outer borders, making them available for interaction with other polar molecules such as proteins. On a weight basis, membranes contain a significantly larger amount of protein than lipid (ratio up to 4:1); however, due to the high molecular weight of proteins, this relationship is reversed on a molar basis (protein to lipid ratio ranging from 1:100 to 10:100). Some proteins are associated peripherally with one of the polar surfaces of the lipid bilayer. Other proteins, the integral membrane proteins, are not restricted to the surfaces of the plasma membranes but extend into the bimolecular lipid layer.
In addition to lipid and protein, carbohydrate is associated with the cell membrane as lipopolysaccharide and as protein-polysaccharide. The carbohydrate moieties of the membrane serve to modify the electric charge at its surface and provide specific surface binding sites. Cytochemically demonstrable polysaccharide protein complex is associated with many cell surfaces as an extra cellular layer. In some places, particularly at luminal surfaces, this layer forms a fuzzy coat – often referred to as a glycocalyx, which may act as a crude filter and/or facilitate the attachment of molecules for endocytic transport across the cell membrane.4
Structure of the Unit Membrane
A pattern generally found in almost all cellular membranes prepared for microscopy by conventional techniques consists of three layers, i.e. two electron dense layers on either side of a single electron lucent layer. This has been termed a unit membrane, or a three layered membrane. Electron microscopic examination of osmium tetroxide fixed sectioned tissue shows the cell membrane to be 7-10 nm wide. The electron lucent line in the unit membrane is thought to represent the lipid layer. Hydrophobic bonding in the lipid bilayer region may make it inaccessible to osmium deposition. Thus, the two electron dense lines would result from deposition of osmium at the surfaces of this bilayer. There is much physiological evidence to suggest that the lipid bilayer is interrupted by proteins which, as hydrophilic molecules, connect the two outer surfaces of the membrane and provide transmembrane channels for transfer of water molecules and ions. The protein components of the plasma membrane are either tightly associated with it or more readily dissociated from it.
Additional electron microscopic structural information comes from unfixed membranes studied by the freeze–etching technique. When rapidly frozen tissue is fractured by a sharp knife, the membranes tend to fracture along the middle layer of their bimolecular lipid leaflets. The evaporation of a thin layer of carbon or platinum into the exposed surface produces a replica, which is viewed in the electron microscope. Intra-membrane particles are seen mainly in replicas of membranes having integral proteins (and also in various lipids – cholesterol mixtures).
In most metabolically active membranes, repeating structures are visible at various intervals within the layer. These structures may represent proteins that extend through much of the thickness of the membrane. This interpretation is supported by evidence from other techniques, which label the 5outer portions of integral proteins at either the outside, or inside surface. The positions of the intra-membranous particles may be more or less stable. With varying physiological conditions the distribution pattern of these particles may shift within a membrane. This lateral mobility of components, e.g. proteins, within the membrane is seen if cells of different origins are caused to fuse. Rather than a patchwork of the two original membrane particle patterns the result is an intermixture of both characteristics. Hormone effects resulting in trans-membrane signaling may depend on this mobility of membrane proteins: for example, formation of a receptor dimer may be required for activation and receptor and integral membrane proteins may need to associate in order to activate adenylate cyclase and thereby increase the level of the intracellular second messenger, CAMP.
The lipid bilayer serves as a transport medium for lipid –soluble molecules to gain entry into the cell membrane. The lipid bilayer serves as a transport medium for lipid soluble molecules to gain entry into the cell, whereas protein lined hydrophilic “pores” probably provide channels for diffusion of polar entities such as water and ions. Surprisingly, certain lipid bilayer show rates of movement sufficient to account for osmosis. The permeability to water, however, seems to be inversely related to the proportion of cholesterol in the phospholipid membranes.
Endocytosis and Exocytosis
Membrane components are subject to continual turnover. In certain cell types, portions of the membrane invaginate into the cell and pinch off to form the boundary of an intracellular vesicle, vacuole, or tubule. External material is carried into the cell by this process, referred to asEndocytosis. This material and its enclosing membrane may fuse with lysosomes, or after delivering endocytosed material to an intracellular endosome, 6the specialized endocytic vesicle membrane may return to the plasma membrane. The fusion to the plasma membrane with membranes of intracellular origin is termedExocytosis. When secretary granules exocytose at the cell membranes they release their internal material to the outside of the cell but their membrane are retrieved as endocytic vesicles. These vesicles may, in fact, return to their intracellular origin, the Golgi area. As a result there is a flow of membrane and of material enclosed in membrane-delimited spaces between the surface and intracellular compartments. Similar exchanges seem to occur between certain intracellular organelles, notably the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. In the various processes involving formation of vesicles (e.g. pinocytic endocytosis) there is often a “bristle” coating, presumably clathrin or a related protein, on the cytoplasmic side of the vesicle membrane. Exocytosis and incorporation into the surface of intracellular membrane containing transport units (e.g. channels or transporters) may be the structural basis for rapid changes of cell permeability by increasing the numbers of cell membrane transporters in response to hormonal stimulation.
Structural Aspects of Increasing the Cell Surface
Stable imaginations and invaginations of the cell membrane are important elements in providing a dramatic increase in surface areas contact between cell and environment. Microvilli, finger-like envaginations, are generally associated with cell surfaces involved in absorption processes, such as in the intestine and kidney. Conversely, in striated muscle, one finds and invagination of the cell membrane, the transverse tubule, associated with each sarcomere. Since the transverse tubules are continuous with the surface membrane they provide a direct route for the communication of alterations at the cell surface to the contractile system deep within the muscle fiber.7
Function of the Nucleus
The nucleus has two principal functions: replication of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and synthesis of ribosomal, messenger, and transfer ribonucleic acids (RNAs). Because it is best understood, we shall discuss in some detail ribosomal RNA synthesis, which occurs in the nucleolus.
Each nucleus possesses one or more nucleoli not delimited by membranes. Each nucleolus consists of aroughly spherical dense array of fibrils and granules rich in RNA. Often the nucleolus is found in intimate association with special regions of DNA (known as nucleolus organizer regions), which is presumed to carry the information for ribosomal RNA. Nucleolar RNA (45S predominantly) is almost certainly a precursor form of ribosomal RNA found in the cytoplasm; if one labels RNA synthesized in the nucleolus with radioactive nucleotides, labeled RNA molecules are subsequently detected in the cytoplasm. These RNA molecules complex with protein and form respectively a 30S and a 60S sub-cytoplasm toform aribosome(15-25 nm in diameter). There may be several million ribosomes in a given cell.
The specific function of ribosomal RNA is not well understood; generally speaking, however, all three types of RNA are involved in the translation of genetic information constrained in the DNA molecule into specific proteins that are synthesized in the cytoplasm. The ribosomes interact in the process of protein synthesis with two other types of RNA.Large messenger RNA molecules (mRNAs) determine the sequence of amino acids in proteins by specifying the order of attachment of the small transfer RNAs carrying the appropriate amino acids. Our belief that DNA is the template for these RNAs is derived largely from experiments with prokaryotic (bacterial) cells.8
As the information in a messenger RNA molecule is being read, several ribosome attach via their smaller subunits to the mRNA. The combination of an mRNA and its attached ribosomes is referred to as a polysome. Each ribosome of a polysome synthesizes a polypeptide chain, so that several chains will be produced simultaneously by a polysome. The nascent peptide seems to be attached to the larger ribosomal subunit; completed protein is released to the cytoplasm. An average polypeptide my be synthesized in 10-20 s.
Morphology of the Nucleus
The interphase nucleus is readily seen in the light microscope as a spheroidal body with a “suggestion” of internal organization. The DNA-containing material can be specifically stained. The nuclear chromatin can be resolved into two types: euchromatin (loosely coiled) and heterochromatin (Compact). It seems likely that the euchromatic regions are more active in the transcription process than the heterochromatic regions, i.e. there is little demonstrable RNA synthesis in chromosomes that are largely or entirely composed of heterochromatin, as in the case of sperm cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and the Barr body (one of the X chromosomes of female cells). The association of euchromatin with active transcription may account for some of the selective genetic expression associated with characteristic chromosomal uncoiling patterns found in different tissues within the same organism or at different developmental stages in the same tissue.
Chemical analysis has shown that the chromosome consists of DNA associated with basic proteins (histones) and with other (nonhistone) protein. It has been speculated that the complexing of histone with DNA may have a protective or structural function (preventing alternation or denaturation of the DNA, controlling coiling, etc.), or the histone may have a repressor function (interfering with the template activity of DNA). The 9amounts of RNA and nonbasic nuclear protein seem to vary in parallel with the metabolic activity of the cell, e.g. sperm cell nuclei have essentially neither RNA nor non basic protein.
Isolated chromosomes studied by electron microscopy appear as masses of fibers around 25 nm in diameter, or may have a beaded look with periodic DNA coiling around histone groups (nucleosomes). An individual DNA double helix coated with protein measures less than 5 nm, and while it is known that the fibers of chromosomes are coiled, the nature of the packaging of nucleic acid and proteins is yet to be described. Nevertheless, there are theories, consistent with current evidence, suggesting that a single chromosome contains one, or at most a very few, extremely elongated DNA molecules complexed with protein and coiled into a fiber structure which is seen in the electron microscope.
Nuclear Envelope
The boundary of the nucleus, the nuclear envelope, is a double membrane complex. Each membrane is approximately 7-8 nm thick. The envelope, a flattened sac with an enclosed perinuclear space, resembles the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER): (1) the cytoplasmic surface of the outer (cytoplasmic) nuclear membrane has granules which appear to be ribosomes; (2) direct continuities are seen between the cytoplasmic portion of the nuclear membrane and the ER; and (3) the presence of certain enzymes can be demonstrated cytochemically in both the perinuclear space and the cisternae of the ER.
The inner surface often nuclear membrane is often associated with chromatin an “internal dense lamella”, the latter may provide some rigidity to the structure. The inner and outer membranes of the envelope join at intervals to form “pores” tens of nanometers in diameter.10
How does a “directive” of the nucleus reach the cytoplasm or, conversely, how do cytoplasmic and other external feedback messages reach the nucleus? Non-nuclear substances can act as inducers or repressors of the synthesis of specific proteins in the cytoplasm. This almost certainly requires interaction with genes. Furthermore, most gene products (e.g. mRNA) must leave the nucleus and enter the cytoplasm to express their effects. Permeability properties of the nucleus are too complex to be explained by simple holes. The morphology of the nuclear boundary provides for two alternative routes for the transfer of information either across membranes of the perinuclear sac or through “pores.” The pores are often referred to as “annuli” to emphasize that they are not simple holes but rather organized regions: often pores are seen which contain a diaphragm or plug. In addition, the membrane adjacent to the pore may show morphological traces of special organization.
To date, the morphological evidence in support of the physiological and biochemical data on transnuclear transport through pores rests mainly on a few observations, such as the movement of electron dense material (thought to be RNA-containing granules) through the nuclear pores in the insect salivary gland and some other tissues, and the movement of a marker (colloidal gold) into the nucleus when it is injected into the cytoplasm of ameba. Clear morphological evidence on passage of material across the nuclear membranes as distinct from the pores, is not available.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Often an integrated biochemical and ultra-structural investigation (involving cell disruption, isolation, and analysis of a homogeneous organelle population) leads to the clearest understanding of organelle functionin situ. From such studies, in a variety of cell types, a fraction of membrane – delimited vesicles, referred to as microsomes, is recovered. The 11microsomes perform several functions, including the provision of a base for the attachment of ribosomes, the biosynthesis of lipids, and in the case of striated muscle, the accumulation and release of calcium. In the intact cell, microsomal vesicles are not found as such; rather, one observes a tubular network known as the ER. It is assumed that the majority of microsomal vesicles represent a reproducible, preparative artifact arising during cell disruption by the shearing into fragments and closing up of the tubules and sacs of the ER.
Rough ER
As noted above, the ER (and/or the microsomes derived from the ER) can provide a base for the attachment of ribosomes. Such ribosome carrying ER is referred to as rough ER. Microsomal vesicles derived from this rough ER were found to be capable of protein synthesis, the newly synthesized protein appearing in the vesicle lumen. In the rough ERin situ the nascent protein likewise can be demonstrated within the reticulum lumen. This unidirectional passage into the lumen is thought to result from the folding of the original 0.5 to 1.0 nm wide protein into a three-dimensional structure which is large enough to be retained. The rough ER seems to grow by synthesizing more of itself. The newly made rough ER may lose its ribosomes and thus become converted to smooth ER. The relative proportions of rough and smooth ER vary within different cells; for example, the rough ER is extensive in cells which specialize in synthesizing protein for export, while the smooth ER is extensive in steroid secreting cells.
Smooth ER
As noted above, the ER, which lacks ribosomes, is referred to as the smooth ER. The membrane of the ER carries enzymes, which are important in several biosynthetic pathways. For example, the enzymes required for the synthesis of steroid are 12found in microsomal fractions of steroid secreting cells. Enzymes involved in triglyceride synthesis as well as phospholipid synthesis are also found in this fraction the phospholipid sometimes appearing in the ER as small fat droplets. In liver cells, important drug degrading enzymes are associated with the smooth ER. Also, in the hepatocytes, the close spatial relationship of the smooth ER with glycogen, the major storage form of glucose, suggests that the smooth ER may function in glycogen metabolism. In muscle, the smooth ER (sarcoplasmic reticulum) controls the local concentration of calcium ions near the contractile machinery and thereby influences the contraction and relaxation process.
Golgi Apparatus
The Golgi apparatus is believed to be a site for the concentration of protein and polysaccharide. It is also a site for completion of the synthesis of the carbohydrate moiety of glycoprotein, e.g. the synthesis of the carbohydrate moieties of thyroglobulin and immunoglobulin begins in the ER, but the terminal sugars are added in the Golgi apparatus. In the case of synthesis of polysaccharides destined for secretion, the precursors are first seen in the Golgi apparatus. Therefore, the apparatus is believed to be the site of synthesis and packaging of polysaccharides for secretion. These products are usually packaged as “granules” within Golgi derived vacuoles or vesicles, which then migrate away from the Golgi apparatus. The enzymes involved in the polymerization of polysaccharide or addition of carbohydrate to protein, glycosyl transferases, have recently been used as marker enzymes for the biochemical isolation of the Golgi apparatus.
The Golgi apparatus consists of stack of several membranous saccules with associated vacuoles and vesicles. The ER in some cell types is assumed to contribute to the “forming face” or “outer” surface of the Golgi apparatus. Within the stacked 13membranes of the Golgi apparatus materials are concentrated as they pass from the saccules on the “outer” surface to those forming the “inner” surface of the apparatus. In addition while passing through the Golgi cisternae, these luminal proteins are modified covalently by removal and addition of specific sugars. In exocrine and endocrine cells the mature secretary granules are generally found in association with the “inner” saccules.
Lysosomes have been found in virtually all-animal cells, which have been studied. As organelles they are best defined by biochemical and cytochemical criteria: a lysosome is a membrane-delimited body containing demonstrable acid hydrolase activity and an intervesicular pH of 5-6. Over 30 acid hydrolases are known to occur in the lysosomes; these enzymes can digest essentially all macromolecules. Material to be digested becomes enclosed within lysosomal membranes permitting isolated, controlled degradation. A proton-translocating ATPase maintains the low intervesicular pH. There are numerous findings suggesting that release of hydrolases from the lysosome into the cell may be important in various pathological states. In silicosis (miner,s disease) it is believed that macrophages of the lung take up silica into phagocytic vacuoles which, upon fusion with lysosomes, make the lysosomal membranes leaky. In some inflammations, hydrolases may be released at the surface of the phagocytic cells and affect the adjacent tissues. In many cases these findings are yet to be fully evaluated.
Microscopic identification of lysosomes often consists of demonstration of acid phosphatase activity within a membrane-delimited body; the assumption is that other lysosomal hydrolases are also present. Morphologically, the lysosomes are mostly group of subcellular bodies. Their appearance depends largely on the origin of the enclosed material which is destined 14for intracellular digestion by the lysosomal hydrolases. In polymorphonuclear white blood cells, Golgi-derived lysosomal granules fuse with phagocyte vacuoles formed as a result of endocytosis of foreign material. Autophagic vacuoles are lysosomes which contain bits of the cell,s own substance which have been separated along with the hydrolases from the rest of the cytoplasm within a membrane –delimited space. Autophagia, which may be enhanced by stress, is hypothesized to be important for the turnover of some cell constituents.
The degraded soluble products of lysosomal hydrolysis can either enter the anabolic pool to reused in biosynthesis or to be secreted. An example of the latter is the secretion of thyroid hormone. thyroid colloid travels from the follicle lumbar within endocytic vacuoles which then fuse with the lysosomes; the colloid is hydrolyzed and thyroxin is released. It is also noteworthy that indigestible residues accumulate within lysosomes, a phenomenon which accompanies the aging process in neural and other cells. The accumulation of lipid deposits in blood vessels may be one factor contributing to the development of arteriosclerosis.
The peroxisomes constitute another group of membrane –delimited bodies. They are often associated with the ER. They are concerned with the metabolism of peroxide: peroxisomes contain enzymes (such as catalase), which destroy hydrogen peroxide and other enzymes, which produce hydrogen peroxide (such as D-amino acid oxidase and, in some species). Peroxisomes have, thus far, been found in essentially all cell types, of which liver and kidney are among the best-established examples. The function of peroxisomes is currently under active investigation, and there is evidence that, in some species, they are involved in carbohydrate synthesis from fat and in the degradation of purines and fats, as well as in the detoxification 15of hydrogen peroxide. New peroxisomes are apparently formed by division of pre-existing peroxisomes.
The early cytologists noted that mitochondria were closely associated with motile processes and were situated in regions of intense metabolic activity such as sites of active transport. Biochemists have since shown that two major metabolic pathways, the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the electron transport chain, are situated with in the mitochondrion; thus, this organelle is involved in the metabolism of lipids, amino acids, and carbohydrates.
Mitochondrion has a length of 5-10 nm and a diameter of 0.5-1.0 nm. It is bounded externally by two lipoprotein membranes (each about 7 nm thick), the inner one of which is thrown into folds termed cristae or tubules. Within the inner membrane is a matrix containing granules, RNA and DNA. The DNA is a small circular molecule and is thought to provide some, but not all, of the necessary information for replication of the mitochondria. The RNA is responsible for synthesis of a few of the proteins of the mitochondrion; the majority of the mitochondria enzymes are synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes under the direction of the nuclear DNA. From physiological and biochemical evidence, it is generally believed that the respiratory enzymes and the components of oxidative phosphorylation are associated in an ordered array on the inner membrane. The order is thought to promote the sequential interaction of substrates and enzymes in these multienzyme systems with concomitant conservation of energy. Therefore, much effort has been directed toward isolation of modular physiological units from inner membrane fraction. The fact that multienzyme assemblies can be obtained from mitochondria has been encouraging. Moreover, morphological studies support the multienzyme assembly can be obtained from mitochondria has been encouraging.16
Moreover, morphological studies support the multienzyme assembly hypothesis. First, the respiratory activity or mitochondria is roughly proportional to the amount of inner membrane a finding which could be explained by presuming an increased number of repeating units or respiratory assemblies associated with the increased membrane area. Second, a repetitive array of particles found in certain preparations suggests a similarly repetitive assemblage of inner membrane enzyme systems. These regularly space particles are attached by small stalks to the inner membrane of unfixed and negatively stained isolated mitochondria. (In negative staining, the surface details of the material under study appear as light objects against a dark background.) Surprisingly, after isolation, the stalked particles contained an ATPase predominantly; however, it is suspected that the equilibrium of the reaction catalyzed by the ATPase in the stalked particles is reversed in the intact mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system and that it couples phosphorylation of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) with electron transport. This suggestion is supported by the fact that dissociation of the particle from submito-chondrial preparations abolishes the ability of the preparation to carry out oxidative phosphorylation; when the particles are added back, oxidative phosphorylation returns too. These particles are closely associated with the assemblage of enzymes and cytochromes that are distributed in the inner membrane and that form the electron transport system of the cell.
Normally these two essential processes, namely, ATP formation and electron transport, are tightly coupled. The morphology of the inner membrane enzyme system remains a matter of current dispute.
The outer membrane of the mitochondrion has different enzyme content, a larger percentage of lipids, and is more permeable to simple sugars than the inner membrane. In addition to the demonstrable membrane-anchored enzymes of 17both inner and outer membranes, certain enzymes (such as those of the tricarboxylic acid cycle) are solubilized after disruption of the mitochondria. These enzymes are presumed to be situated in the matrix or possibly loosely attached to a mitochondrial membrane.
Physiologists can clearly define the metabolic state of the mitochondria in terms of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. Careful electron microscopic study of isolated mitochondria, in situ, has related states: (1) the condensed state in which the matrix appears dense and the space between the inner and outer membrane is enlarged; this state is seen when oxidative phosphorylation is proceeding at a rapid rate under conditions of excess ADP and inorganic phosphate, and (2) the orthodox state. When ADP and P, are rate-limiting in oxidative phosphorylation. It is hoped that this kind of structural alteration can be explained eventually in terms of the interaction of mitochondrial macromolecules.
Microtubules and Microfilaments
The asymmetry observed in certain cell types is sharply at variance with the picture of an idealized cell in which all the organelles surround a central nucleus symmetrically. A nerve cell in which the axon runs several feet as an extension of the perikaryon an elongated muscle cell and a squamous (or columnar) epithelial cell all exemplify such asymmetry. Likewise, the nonrandom (asymmetric) movement of subcellular elements is exemplified by transport of neurosecretory products (axonal flow), sliding myofilaments in muscle contraction, and chromosomal movement in cell division. Electron microscopy of aldehyde-fixed tissue has revealed a morphological basis for asymmetric structure and movement in the form of entities referred to as microtubules and microfilaments; these structures are not membrane – delimited.18
Microtubules and Centrioles
In cross-section microtubules are 20-30 nm in diameter and may be followed for several microns in longitudinal sections. They are found in many regions in which phase contrast and polarizing microscopy had previously demonstrated the presence of formed oriented, elongated elements. Microtubules are often associated with oriented movement, e.g. axonal transport of neurotransmitter from the nerve cell body (where synthesis occurs) to the synaptic terminal where transmitter is released. In nerve cells microtubule subunits are also synthesized in the cell body but assembled in the axon.
One of the best-established examples of microtubule association with movement in all cells is chromosomal movement in the mitotic spindle. The mitotic poles – toward which the microtubules of the spindle orient and toward which the chromosomes move – have centrioles, usually two per cell. In the interphase cell the pair of centrioles is generally found with long axes at right angles to each other. Each centriole is a cylinder 0.15 nm in diameter had 0.5 nm in length, composed of nine sets of microtubule like elements.
The organization of microtubules can be disrupted by physical mean (freezing or high pressure) or by chemical treatment especially with colchicines. When this is done motion is inhibited and some of the structure collapses. Therefore, the affinity of microtubular protein for colchicines serves as a means of identifying microtubular protein in a cell fraction. Isolated and disrupted microtubules yield protein subunits of approximately 6×104 daltons. These appear to be globular subunits, which may be arranged in helical fashion to form the microtubules. In normal cells the microtubular protein appears to be present in a form, which is assembled into tubules (e.g. for the formation of the mitotic spindle) under appropriate, but as yet not understood, stimulation.19
Cilia and Flagella
Microtubule-like structures may also be organized into organelles. Cilia and flagella are rapidly beating cell processes, which extend 10-200 nm from the cell and are surrounded by a membrane, which is continuous with the plasma membrane. The intracellular basal bodies of cilia and flagella are also composed of microtubular structures arranged in the pattern of nine basic units (often referred to as “9+0”); they are widely assumed to be an alternate form of the centrioles.
Cilia and flagella generally have, in addition to the basic nine outer sets, a central pair of microtubules (“9+2”). Good evidence suggests that the sliding of tubules within a doublet is the motile force. The process of beating requires cellular energy as indicated by the findings that exogenous ATP can cause beating in isolated cilia and flagella and that the “arms” of the nine sets of microtubules contain and ATPase. The tubules of the cilia are composed of molecules similar to those of the other cellular microtubules.
Microfilaments are heterogeneous classes of long, thin and non-tubular structures. Thin microfilaments, 5-7 nm in diameter, are made of actin. Among the most commonly seen microfilaments are those, which appear to serve as the structural core of microvilli. Also frequently encountered are tonofilaments on the intracellular side of desmosomes. The best example of association of microfilaments with motion is the extensively developed myofilament system, which forms the basis of muscle contraction. The myofilament proteins, actin and myosin, have now been localized in many other cell types as result of improved techniques for the cellular localization of specific proteins. Results of the application of antibody to actin have implicated some of these protein as a constant component 20of thin (5 nm diameter) microfilaments. Likewise a myosin like protein associated with transiently formed thick microfilaments (10 nm), is found in virtually all cells.
Junctional Complex
We have thus far limited our view of the cell to those entities circumscribed by and including its boundary, the plasma membrane. Cells rarely are continuous with one another; usually a space of 10-20 nm separates them. Cells are associated in tissues by various means; the best described is the junctional complex in epithelial cell. In this complex then plasma membranes of two adjacent cells contribute to specialized attachment sites: at tight junction (zonual occludens), a desmosome (macula adherens), and between these two usually a less well-defined zonual adherens where the two membranes are separated by a constant 20 nm space. The desmosome may contain organized extra cellular material between the two cell membranes, which may be seen as an additional dense line in parallel with the membranes.
In the region of the tight junction, the outermost layers of the two cellular unit membranes appear to be very closely associated or fused with one another; externally applied tracer molecules (such as ferritin, an iron–containing electron dense protein) cannot penetrate between the cells at the tight junction. Movement across epithelial cell layers with tight junctions requires a pathway through cells rather than around them. Certain cells are considered to be electronically coupled in that the usual insulation effect on passage of an applied electric current between cells is greatly reduced at a specialized junctional area. This area has been called a gap junction because in a thin section it appears to have many small regions of contact between the plasma membranes with obliteration of (gaps in) the adjacent dense lines. Communication between and coordination of the individual cells of cardiac muscle may be effected via such gap junctions.21
Cell, is the basic unit of all living tissue. Cells are made of nucleus, cytoplasm, and organelles held together by a plasma membrane. The nucleus is the control center of the cell. Most cells have a single nucleus. Without a membrane penetrated by fairly large pores. Within the nucleus are the nucleolus (containing RNA) and chromatin granules (containing protein and DNA) that grow into chromosomes, which determine hereditary traits. Organelles in the cytoplasm include the endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, the Golgi complex, mitochondria, lysosomes, and the centrosome. It is the basic structural and functional unit of life. Cells vary widely in both shape and size. The plasma membrane encloses cell contents, mediates exchanges with the extra-cellular environment, and plays a role in cellular communication.
Pathophysiological Processes at Cellular Level
The cell is considered the smallest unit. The tissues are aggregates of these small cells and organs are aggregates these tissues. The processes of health, disease, adaptation, and maladaptation occur at the cellular level. The cell may be described as existing on a continuum of function and structure, ranging from the normal cell, to the adapted cell, to the injured cell, to the dead cell.
Mechanisms of Cell Damage
Injury is defined as disorder in a steady state regulation. Any stressor that alters the ability of the cell to maintain optimal balance of its adjustment processes will lead to injury. When cells are injured, the extent of the damage depends on the nature, of differentiation or metabolic activity of the cells.
Causes of disorder and injury in the system may arise from the external or internal environment of the system. Injured organelles are no longer capable of carrying out their specific functions (i.e. mitochondria stop producing some ATP). 22Exposure of hepatocytes to noxious chemicals and some drugs place these cells at great risk of toxic injury. Cardiac muscle are extremely vulnerable to hypoxia due to a high rate of metabolism. Health care providers are reminded that when two clients are exposed to the same injurious substance both may not sustain the same degree of injury because of the influence of modifying factors. For example, the nutritional and emotional state of an individual can have a profound impact on the extent and consequences of a slight to moderate level of injury. There is however, a point after which cell death inevitably occurs. The mechanisms responsible for the transition from reversible to irreversible cellular damage are not clearly understood.
The injurious agents act at the cellular level by damaging or destroying are:
  1. The integrity of the cell membrane, necessary for ionic balance,
  2. The ability of the cell to transform energy (ATP),
  3. The ability of the cell to synthesize enzymes and other necessary proteins and the ability of the cell to grow and reproduce.
The injury can be of any of the following types:
Hypoxia, temperature extremes, thermal or burn injury, ionizing radiations, electrical injury, chemical injury, bacterial injury, viral injury, mechanical injury and nutritional injury.
Hypoxia (inadequate tissue oxygenation) is a leading cause of cell injury and death. Hypoxia can arise secondary to (1) vascular disease or injury, which impedes blood flow to tissues, or (2) insufficient oxygenation of blood causes by conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning. Depending on the severity of the hypoxic state, cells will compensate and recover or be killed. For example, if the femoral artery becomes stenotic, the skeletal muscles of the legs will eventually atrophy as a result 23of the inadequate blood flow and the consequent reduced oxygen supply. Severe or chronic hypoxia will result in cell injury or death. The most common cause of hypoxia is ischemia, or reduced blood supply. When ischemic injury is caused by gradual narrowing of arteries (arteriosclerosis or thrombus) the progressive hypoxia is better tolerated than sudden anoxia (MI, Stroke) caused by an obstruction in the blood supply.
Temperature Extremes
External heat will damage cells by coagulating cytoplasmic protein. Even mild heat results in permanent cellular damage, if it is applied over a prolonged period to individuals with impaired circulation, as seen in peripheral vascular disease. Heart in these cases increases the metabolic needs of cells and tissues and leads to insufficient oxygen levels which, coupled with a reduced capacity to dispose greater-than-normal amounts of waste products, will accelerate the damage to the affected tissue.
Thermal or Burn Injury
There is an increase in metabolic activity and as heat increases, protein is coagulated, and enzyme systems are destroyed, and in extreme charring or carbonization occur. Burns of the epithelium are classified as partial thickness burns if epithelializing elements remain to support healing. Full thickness lacks such elements and must be grafted for healing.
Cold will constrict the smaller blood vessels, thereby decreasing the circulation of blood and oxygen to tissues. Freezing temperatures may cause the intracellular water to crystallize, which destroys the cell,s structure. Cold injury can result in frostbite, which permanently injures the tissues involved. Very low temperatures cause stasis of blood, leading to clot formation, which will occlude arteries, resulting in ischemia and ultimately, in cell death and necrosis.24
Ionizing Radiation
Exposure to radiation causes mutations, inactivates enzymes, and interrupts cell division. The fact that radiation stops mitosis makes radiation therapy important in the treatment of cancer – a disease involving pathologic cell reproduction. Radiation affects virtually all cells, but certain cells are more susceptible than others. Reproductive cells, in the lymph nodes and gastrointestinal tract, and bone marrow are highly sensitive to damage by radiation exposure, whereas cells of cartilage, muscle, brain, and endocrine glands are relatively insensitive. Individuals who work with radioactive materials or nuclear fission reactors, or who are giving or receiving radiotherapy, are most susceptible to cellular trauma from radiation.
Electrical Injury
Electrical energy generates heat when it passes through the body and may thus produce burns. It also interferes with neural conduction pathways and often causes death from cardiac dysrhythmia. The extent of damage from electrical energy depends on its voltage and amperage, tissue resistance, and the pathways of the current as it passes through the body. Users of electrical equipment should be aware that exposure to 100 mA can be lethal to humans.
Chemical Injury
Chemicals harm cells by destroying or altering their structure and by disrupting their metabolism. The capacity of a chemical to injure a cell depends on the strength and toxicity of the chemical, as well as the susceptibility of the cell. There are numerous chemicals that can cause cellular injury. Highly toxic substances are called poisons. Minute amounts of poisonous substances such as cyanide and arsenic cause death. Some of the most toxic substances known are bacterial exotoxins, such as diphtheria toxin and botulinum toxin. Environmental 25chemicals, such as herbicides, pesticides, and air pollutants, are potential causes of cellular injury. Children often eat lead-based paint, which tastes sweet. Lead based paint on walls and window binds, comes off in dust particles and if inhaled. Dangerous amounts of lead are also found in water pipes in older homes and are present in the drinking water. The ingested or inhaled lead destroys cells in the nervous system (which may lead to mental retardation in young children), affects blood cell production, and damages the kidneys. Workers around machinery and home owners with gas appliances must guard against carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide binds tightly to hemoglobin and prevents normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Bacterial Injury
Microorganisms such as bacteria injure host cells by direct attack or by means of the toxins they produce. Bacterial toxins are classified as being either endotoxins or exotoxins. An endotoxin is a structural component of the outer envelope of gram-negative bacteria and consists of lipopolysaccharide. The toxic mostly released only when the bacteria dies and the cell undergoes lysis. Endotoxins may act directly with macrophages and T lymphocytes causing the release of cytokines. Endotoxins acting on macrophages stimulate the production of interlukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (two cytokines), which in large quantities cause bacterial septic shock, a condition that, is often fatal. Endotoxins may also activate the complement cascade, producing disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), another potentially fatal condition. Intervention in endotoxemia is difficult and often impossible to achieve.
An endotoxin is excreted by a bacterium into the surrounding medium. Endotoxins are proteins and have very specific toxic effects.Clostridium tetani, the organism that causes tetanus, produces a neurotoxin that blocks processes that inhibit 26neural transmission in the central nervous system (CNS). The disease is marked by painful spasms of the airway, generalized muscle tetany contractions, and depression of the respiratory center. Preventive immunization is possible with a few exotoxins (such asClostridium tetani), and in some cases an exotoxemia can be successfully treated with antitoxins (e.g. diphtheria).
Viral Injury
Viruses have been described as consisting of mobile genetic elements protected by outer layer of protein and lipoprotein. Viruses attach to specific receptors on host cell surfaces and are taken up by endocytosis. The nucleic acid core of the virus then passes through the vesicular membrane into the interior of the host cell. The viral genome then subverts the host cell metabolic machinery and begins to make vital components. While inside the host cell the virus is protected from reactive cells and solutes of the host. The assembled virions may than exit the cell by either lysing the cell remnant or permitting the cell to remain viable while continuously secreting virions across the cell membrane. Viruses damage host cells by killing, nutrient deprivation, or causing the cell to transform into a tumor state.
Mechanical Injury
Cells can be damaged by physical impact or irritation. Examples of these types of injury include blisters from tight shoes, abrasions, lacerations, and contusions (bruises). The cell can be injured in other ways as well. Light can damage cells of the cornea. Noise can damage the eardrum (tympanic membrane), the ossicle in the middle ear, and the organ of Corti in the inner ear. Prolonged contact with vibrating objects can alter muscle and bone structure, as well as nerve conduction. Clients at risk of these injuries are those who work with hand tools and pneumatic drills.27
Nutritional Imbalance
Inadequate protein intake decreases the function of the intestinal mucosa and pancreas, which in turn reduces nutrient absorption. Plasma proteins, especially albumin, help retain fluid in blood vessels. When levels of plasma proteins decline, fluid tends to move into interstitial spaces, causing edema. antibiotics or immunoglobulin are proteins therefore; the lack of proteins adversely affects immune system function and so increases the risk of infection. Inadequate carbohydrate intake forces the body to use fats for energy. The liver becomes overwhelmed and ketone bodies are formed that accumulate in the blood, a condition known as ketosis. Ketosis develops because of the rapid breakdown of fatty acids stored in adipose tissue. Fatty acids are used for energy when the intake of carbohydrates is less than 50 grams. Clients at high-risk for ketosis include diabetics, persons on starvation diets and persons on low carbohydrates diet. Increased fat intake often causes fat deposition in heart, liver and muscle and may led to obesity, CHD, stroke or breast and colon cancer. Growth factors include amino acids, purines and pyrimidines and vitamins. These nutrients are required but cannot be synthesized. Insufficient quantities of these substances will seriously impair the ability of the cell to take up and metabolize nutrients, to synthesize macromolecules for structural building and reproduction.
Cells die as a result of being traumatized, through alteration by disease, from failure due to genetic alterations, or through a programmed process called apoptosis. Necrotic processes in the tissues following the death of injured or altered cells have three patterns. (1) Coagulative necrosis results from the slowing or blocking of normal blood supplies to tissues. In this form of necrosis, the membrane of the cell is preserved but the nucleus 28is lost. The necrotic cell is removed by phagocytosis. (2) Caseous necrosis is usually associated with TB, but may be seen in other disorders. The cell membrane is destroyed and the body walls off the damaged area. The central portion of the walled off area looks cheesy and crumbly. (3) Liquificative is seen in the brain tissue. Death of the neuron releases lysosomes into the surrounding area. The lysosomes liquefy the area and leave pockets of liquid and cellular debris. Cells undergoing death byapoptosis usually will not disturb the steady state of the tissue and thus give no sign of its occurrence.
Somatic or body death occurs when respiration and cardiac function cease. Within minutes of death, noticeable change occurs that assist in determining that death has occurred. In addition to cessation of respiration and circulation, the skin becomes pale and yellow, body temperature falls until it reaches the ambient temperature after 24 hours, BP is absent, pupils become fixed and dilated, and limbs become rigid. The processes noted at death have been given specific names: Algor mortis is loss of body temperature; Livor mortis is a purple discolorations developing in body tissues following blood statis and Rigor mortis is muscle stiffening. It affects the entire body within 12 to 24 hours and diminishes after 24 hours.
Cells can adapt to environmental stress by structural and functional changes. Some of these adaptations include: hypertrophy, atrophy, hyperplasia, and metaplasia.
It leads to changes in the size of the cells and hence the size of the organs they form. Compensatory hypertrophy resulting in an enlarged muscle mass commonly occurs in the skeletal and cardiac muscle under engages in body building is one example.29
It is shrinkage in cell size leading to decrease in organ size. The decrease in cell size is due to: use blood supply, nutrition, hormonal stimulation and innervations. It is mostly associated with aging. It mostly affects skeletal muscles, secondary sex organs, the heart and the brain.
It is an increase in the number of the new cells in an organ or tissue, as cells multiply volume also increases. It is a mitotic response, but it is reversible when the stimulus is removed. This distinguishes it from neoplasia or malignant growth, which continues after the stimulus is removed. Hyperplasia may be hormonally induced. Examples are breast changes of a girl in puberty or of a pregnant woman, regeneration of the liver cells, new RBCs in blood loss.
It is a cell transformation in which a highly specialized cell changes to a less specialized cell. This serves as a protective function, because the less specialized cell is more resistant to the stress that stimulates the change. In smokers, the ciliated columnar epithelium lining the bronchi is replaced by the squamous epithelium. The squamous cells can survive, however, loss of the cilia and protective mucous can have damaging consequences.
It is a deranged cellular growth or a form of hyperplasia. It occurs form persistent severe injury or irritation.
Thus the adaptations allow the survival of the organism. They reflect changes in the normal cell in response to the stress. If the stress continuous, the function of the adapted cell maysuccumb and cell injury will occur.30
Cells of the body get injured due to the above said reasons. When this happens there is a naturally occurring response in the healthy tissues adjacent to the site of the injury and this is called inflammatory response. It is a defensive reaction the intent of which is to neutralize, control and eliminate the offending agent and to prepare the site for repair. It is a nonspecific response meant to serve a protective function. For example, inflammation may be observed at the site of a bee sting, in a sore throat, in a surgical incision and in a burn.
Inflammation also occurs in cell injury events such as strokes and MI. It consists of various stages and this sequence of events involves changes in the microcirculation in the area of the injury that include vasodilatation increased vascular permeability, and leukocytes cellular infiltration.
Five cardinal signs of inflammation are:
  1. Redness: The transient vasoconstriction immediately after injury is followed by vasodilatations and an increased blood flow through microcirculation, which results in redness.
  2. Heat: Vasodilatation leads to heat vaporization.
  3. Swelling: Increased vascular permeability and plasma fluids (including proteins and solutes) leak into the inflamed tissues, producing swelling.
  4. Pain: It is due to the pressure of fluids (swelling) on nerve endings and to direct irritation of nerve endings by chemical mediators released at the site. Bradykinin is one of the chemical mediators suspected of causing pain.
  5. Loss of function: It is related to the pain and swelling but the exact mechanism has not been explained.
As the blood flow increases and fluid leaks into the surrounding tissues, the formed elements (RBCs, WBCs and platelets) remain in the blood and the blood becomes more viscous and sluggish. WBCs collect in the vessels, exit and 31migrate to the site of injury to engulf the offending organisms and to remove the cellular debris in a process called phagocytes. Fibrinogens in the leaked plasma fluid coagulates, forming fibrin for clot formation that serves to wall off the injured area and prevent the spread of the infection.
Inflammation is categorized primarily by its duration and the type of exudates produced. It is of three types:
Acute Inflammation
It is characterized by local vascular and exudative changes described above and usually lasts for less than two weeks. It is an immediate response and it serves a protective function. When the injurious agent is removed, the inflammation subsides and healing takes place with the return of normal or near normal structure and function.
Chronic Inflammation
It develops when the injurious agent persists and the acute response is perpetuated. Symptoms may appear for many months or years. It does not serve a beneficial and protective function but on the contrary is debilitating and may produce long lasting effects. The nature of the exudates becomes proliferative. There is a continuous cycle of cellular infiltration, necrosis and fibrosis (repair and breakdown occur simultaneously). Considerable scarring may occur, resulting in permanent tissue damage.
Sub Acute Inflammation
It falls between acute and chronic inflammation. There are elements of active exudative phase of the acute response and simultaneously there is some repair occurring as in the chronic response.32
The reparative process begins at the time of injury and is interwoven with inflammation. Healing proceeds after the inflammatory debris are removed. It takes place by two processes:
Healing by Regeneration
The ability of cells to regenerate depends upon whether they are labile, permanent or stable. There is gradual repair of the defect by proliferation of cells of the same type as those destroyed. Labile cells include those that multiply constantly to replace cells worn out by normal physiological processes. These include epithelial cells of the skin and those lining the GI tract. Permanent cells include neurons – the nerve cells, not their axons. Destruction of a neuron is a permanent loss, but axons may regenerate. If normal activity is to return, tissue regeneration must occur in a functional pattern especially in the growth of several axons. Stable cells have a latent ability to regenerate. Under normal physiological damaged or destroyed, they are able to regenerate, e.g. cells of kidney, liver, pancreas and other organs of the body.
Healing by Replacement
This includes the following:
  • Primary intention healing: The wound is clean and dry and the edges are approximated. For example surgical wound. Little scar formation occurs and the wound is usually healed in a week.
  • Secondary intention healing: The wound or defect is larger and the gapping is more. It has more necrotic or dead material. The wound fills from the bottom upwards with33granulation tissue. The process of repair takes longer and results in more scar formation with loss of specialized function. For example in MI patients there is an abnormal ECG tracing because the electrical signal cannot be conducted through the connective tissue that replaces the defect.