Nursing Process: A Clinical Guide Molly Sam
Activity and exercise 87
nursing diagnoses under sleep and rest pattern 88
activity intolerance—high- risk/actual 88
altered growth and development 95
decreased tissue perfusion 100
fatigue 89
impaired gas exchange 102
impaired home maintenance management 103
impaired physical mobility 91
ineffective airway clearance 96
ineffective breathing pattern 98
self-care deficit 93
Approved nursing diagnoses— NANDA, 1990 12
Assessment guidelines 126
activity/rest reports 128
circulation 128
ego integrity 129
elimination 130
food/fluid 130
hygiene 131
medical/surgical assessment tool 127
neurosensory 132
pain/comfort 133
respiration 133
safety 134
sexuality 134
social interaction 135
teaching/learning 136
Body temperature 31
Bowel incontinence 31, 82
Cognition and perception 109
anxiety 119
expected outcomes 121
related clinical concerns 120
fear 123
clinical concerns 123
expected outcomes 123
related factors 123
nursing diagnosis 109
altered thought process 118
knowledge deficit 116
sensory perceptual alteration 112
Comparison of nursing models for data collection 5
Data collection and nursing diagnoses 11
cognition, reception and self- concept 21
NANDA approved nursing diagnosis according to human response patterns categories 14
NANDA list of nursing diagnoses organized according to Gordon's functional health patterns 17
nursing diagnoses classified under body systems 22
cardiovascular system 22
endocrine system 25
gastrointestinal system 23
genitourinary system 24
integumentary system 25
intensive cares 26
musculoskeletal system 24
nervous system 23
oncology 26
postoperative 26
preoperative 25
respiratory system 22
patterns and nursing diagnoses 20
activity-exercise sleep rest 21
elimination 21
health perception-health pattern management 20
nutrition metabolism 20
Elimination 78
nursing diagnosis 78
altered urinary elimination: incontinence 83
bowel incontinence 82
diarrhea 80
urinary retention 85
Fluid volume access 35
Fluid volume deficit – actual 34
Fluid volume deficit – potential 34
Gas exchange, impaired 35
Growth and development, altered 35
Health perception—health management pattern 50
Impaired swallowing 68
Impaired tissue/skin integrity-high risk for/actual 74
Infection potential for 38
Injury potential for 40
Knowledge deficit 40
Medical/surgical assessment tool 127
Mobility, impaired physical 38
Musculoskeletal system 24
Nursing care plan 138
Nursing diagnoses of health perception 50
altered health maintenance 50
clinical conditions 51
expected outcome 51
possibly evidenced 51
altered protection 57
clinical problems 58
possibly evidenced by 58
high-risk for infection 52
clinical conditions 53
expected outcome 53
high-risk for injury 55
clinical problems 56
expected outcome 56
possibly evidenced 56
in effective management of therapeutic regime 54
clinical concerns 54
expected outcome 54
Nursing diagnoses with defining characteristics and contributing factors 28
activity intolerance 28
activity intolerance potential 29
airway clearance, ineffective 29
anxiety 29
aspiration, potential for 30
body temperature, potential altered 31
bowel incontinence 31
breathing pattern, ineffective 31
constipation 32
diarrhea 32
fatigue 33
fluid volume deficit, actual 34
fluid volume deficit, potential 34
fluid volume excess 35
gas exchange, impaired 35
growth and development, altered 35
health maintenance, altered 36
home maintenance management impaired 37
infection, potential for 38
injury potential for 40
knowledge deficit 40
mobility, impaired physical 38
nutrition, altered: less than body requirements 39
nutrition, altered; more than body requirements actual and potential 41
pain 42
pain, chronic 42
self-care deficit, bathing/hygiene 42
self-care deficit, dressing/ grooming 43
self-care deficit, feeding 43
self-care deficit, toileting 44
sensory/perceptual alterations (specify): visual, auditory, kinesthetic gustatory, tactile, olfactory 40
skin integrity, impaired 44
skin integrity, potential impaired 44
sleep pattern disturbances 45
swallowing, impaired 45
tissue integrity, impaired 46
tissue perfusion, altered (specify) 47
trauma, potential for 46
urinary elimination, altered 48
urinary incontinence 48, 49
urinary retention 49
Nursing process 1
benefits 2
steps 3
assessment 3
diagnosis 7
expected outcome 9
implementation 8
planning 7
Nursing process and conceptual framework 2
Nutrition metabolism 60
nursing diagnoses 61
altered body temperature 75
altered nutrition—less than body requirement 61
fluid volume deficit: actual or high-risk for 70
fluid volume excess 72
high-risk for/or potential for aspiration 66
impaired swallowing 68
impaired tissue/skin integrity- high-risk for/actual 74
Oncology 26
Place of nursing process in nursing education 2
Related clinical concerns 120
Respiratory system 22
Sleep-rest 106
sleep pattern disturbance 106
clinical conditions 106
expected outcome 107
possibly evidenced 106
Teaching/learning 136
Tissue integrity 46
Tissue perfusion 47
Trauma, potential for 46
Urinary retention 85
Chapter Notes

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