Essentials of Clinical Periodontology and Periodontics Shantipriya Reddy
A. actinomycetemcomitans 111
A. viscosus 111
Abrasion 428
Acantholysis 189
Acatalasia 100
Accessibility 269
Accordian technique 344
Acoustic streaming 277
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 31, 244
Actisite 409
Acute trauma from occlusion 88
Adaptation 273
Adaptive capacity 87
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 259
Adult linear IgA dermatosis 185
Adult periodontitis 209
Aerosol 277
After five curettes 266
Agglutination 252
Air-powder abrasive 263
Alendronate a biphosphonate 258
Alkaline phosphatase 221
Allograft 123, 336, 338
Alloplastic graft 337
Alternate pathway 78
Alveolar bone proper 22
Alveolar edges 308
Alveolar process 8
Alveolodental ligament 16
Amelogenin 4
Anaphylactic 113
Anaphylactic reactions 83
Anaphylotoxins 132
Anatomic aberrations 207
Anchoring fibrils 11, 14
Anemia 99
Angioblasts 310
Angiogranuloma 160
Angular cheilitis 225
Angulation 273
Ankylosis 260
Anti-calculus agents 403
Anti-inflammatory drugs 403
Anti-plaque 403
Antibiotics 404
Antimicrobial agents 404
Antimicrobial therapy 256
Antioxidant 97
Antiserum 252
ANUG 111, 245
Apically-displaced flap 316, 320, 328, 346
Aplastic anemia 100
Aplastic cementum 214
Apoptic 188
Arachidonic acid 204
Arteriosclerosis 103
Arthus reactions 84, 113
Asynchronous multiple burst hypothesis 211
Atherosclerosis 115
Atridox 409
Attached gingiva 3, 9
Attrition 428
Atypical gingivitis 158
Atypical ulcers 225
Augmentin 407
Autograft 337
Autoimmune diseases 132
Azathioprine 189
B-lymphocytic 203
Bacillary angiomatosis 225
Bacteria 197
Bacterial plaque 95
Bactericidal 288
Bacteroides forsythus 244
BANA test 108
Barnhart curettes 265
Basal lamina 14
Bass method 415
Betamethasone dipropionate 189
Bicuspidization/root 369
Bioactive glass 339
Bioactive integration 383
Biofilms 57
Biologic width 69, 401
Bisbiguanides 288
Bismuth 104
Bleeding on probing 245
Bleeding points index 45, 430
Blunt Naber’s probe 263
Bone blend 337
Bone factor concept 204
Bone swaging 337
Bruxism 74
Bullous pemphigoid 185
Bundle bone 22
Burn-out phenomenon 214
Burtonian line 104, 418
Buttressing bone formation 89, 206
Butyric acid 110
Calcium channel blockers 156
Calcium deficiency 27
Calculocementum 68
Calculus 66, 258
Campylobacter 223
Cancrum oris 224
Cannula type 286
Carbon dioxide 312
Cardiac pacemaker 312
Case control or retrospective study 42
Cationic 288
Caustic drugs 305
Cavitation 277
CD4 82
Cell rests of Malassez 5
Celluloid 281
Cementoblasts 5
Cementoclasts 17
Cementoid 5
Cementopathia 213
Cementum 25
Cervical enamel projections (CEP) 240
Cetrimide 404
Charter’s technique 415
Chédiak-Higashi syndrome 99, 220
Cheilitis 161
Chemical curettage 303
Chemiluminescence 108
Chemokines 113
Chemotactic 96
Chemotactic agents 195
Chemotaxis 78, 99, 221
Chemotherapeutic agents 404
Cherubism 166
Chlorhexidine 157, 403
Chronic dermatosis 188
Chronic trauma from occlusion 88
Cicatricial pemphigoid 185
Ciprofloxacin 407
Citric acid 336
Classical pathway 78
Clenching 74
Clobetasol 189
Clotrimazole 225
Co-aggregation 112
Cohort study 42
Col 3
Collagen fibers 17
Collagen splicing 336
Collagenase 134
Combined pocket 424
Community periodontal index of treatment needs by Ainamo and associates 52
Complement 77, 112, 132
B-cells 81
B-lymphocytes 81
chemotaxis cellular activation 77
cytolysis 77
opsonization 77
natural killer 81
NK cells 81
T-cells 81
T-lymphocytes 81
Complex pocket 193
Composite splint 379
Contact inhibition 337
Contact stomatitis 191
Continuous paradigm 211
Coronally-positioned flap 353
Coronally-repositioned flap 353
Coronoplasty 379, 395
Cortical plate 22
Corticosteroid 186
Crevicular domain 131
Crevicular incision 317
Cribriform plate 22
Curettage 153, 303, 304, 306
gingival 306
inadvertent 306
subgingival 306
Curette 434
Curved blade 265
Cyanoacrylates 296
Cyclic neutropenia 243
Cyclooxygenase pathway 204
Cyclophosphamide 189
Cyclosporine 156, 189, 242
Cytokines 110, 113
Dapsones 190
Dark-field microscopy 251
Deep violet 289
Defective neutrophil function 220
Dehiscences 205
Delayed healing 225
Delmopinol 404
Dental endoscope 438
Dental implant 381
Dental plaque 57
Dental splinting 378
Dentinal hypersensitivity 308
Dentogingival unit 13
Dentifrices 161
Dermatitis herpetiformis 185
Desmodont 16
Desmosome 11
DFDBA (Demineralized freeze dried bone allograft) 338
Diabetes 244, 246
Diabetes mellitus 100
Diapedesis 78
Diastema 9, 93, 193
Diet 95
Digitization 250
Discontinuous or continuous incisions 308
Displaced flaps 316
Distal molar surgery 328
Double papilla flap 353
Down’s syndrome 220, 243
Doxycycline 126, 406
Drifting 92
Drug reactions 185
Drug-influenced gingival enlargement 242
Edematous pocket 193
Elastin fibers 17
Electrosection 310
Electrocoagulation 310
Electrodesiccation 310
Electrofulguration 310
Elliptical 284
Eluanin 19
Emdogain 336
Emphysema 119
Enamel matrix proteins 336
Enamel pearls 240
Enamel projections 207
Enameloids 5
ENAP 304, 334
Endosteum 17
Endotoxin or lipo-oligosaccharide 111
Endotoxins 111
Envelope flap 317
Envelope technique 358
Enzymes 112
Eosinophils 190
Epitactic concept 69
Epithelial attachment 334
Epithelial barrier 196
Epithelial root sheath of Hertwig 4
Erosion 428
Erythematous candidiasis 225
Erythromycin 190
EVA system 408
Excursive movement 394
Exotoxins 110
Explorers 264
Extraoral fulcrum 276
Fanconi’s anemia 100
Faucet 286
Fc-yRII 240
FDBA (Freeze dried bone allograft) 338
Fenestration operation 348
Fenestrations 205
Fibers 14
alveolar gingival 15
circular 15
collagen 14
dentogingival 15
dentoperiosteal 15
elastin 14, 15
intercircular 15
intergingival 15
interpapillary 15
oxytalan 14, 15
periosteogingival 15
reticulin 14
semicircular 15
trans-septal 15
transgingival 15
Fibrinolysis 97
Fibro-osseous integration 383
Fibroblast growth factor 336
Fibroblasts 17
Fibroma 165
Fibronectin 14, 19, 336
Fibrotic component 154
Fibrotic pocket 193
Finger pad 272
Finger rests 436
Firm fulcrum 272
Flap surgery 314
Flat architecture 331
Florida probe 248
Flucocinamide 186
Flurbiprofen 258, 407
Food impaction 71, 258
Free gingival autograft 358
Free gingival groove 7
Free soft tissue autograft 342
Fremitus test 429
Functional imbalance 88
Fungicide 296
Funnel-shaped bony defects 204
Furcation areas 263
Furcation involvement 314, 365
Gamma beam 249
Gauze strip 417
GBI 43
Gingiva 8
Gingival abscess 152
Gingival bleeding index 430
Gingival curettage 303
Gingival cyst 165
Gingival enlargement 151
Gingival groove 3
Gingival massage 283
Gingival recession 148, 421
Gingival sulcus 9
Gingivectomy 153, 296, 307, 314
Gingivectomy by chemosurgery 308, 312
Gingivectomy by electrosurgery 308
Gingivitis 125, 140, 143
diffuse 143
marginal papillary 143
Gingivitis toxica 73
Gingivomatosis 157
Gingivoplasty 307
Glickman’s concept 90
Glossitis 161
Glossopharyngeal neuralgias 155
Glycoprotiens 19
Glycosaminoglycans 19
Gnawing 193
Golgi apparatus 12
Gomphosis 16
Graft 336
Granulation tissue 310
Granuloma 165
Granuloma pyogenicum 158
Grasps 436
Greene and vermillion 43
GTR 123
Guided tissue regeneration 337
Halitosis 106, 224
Handicapped 284
Haversian systems 22
Heel third 274
Hemidesmosomes 11
Hemisection 216, 369
Hemisepta 208
Hemiseptal defect 206
Hemostasis 100
Heparin 18
Herpes zoster 225
Heterogenous nucleation 69
Heterograft 336
High frenal attachment 221
Highly-magnetized 266
Histamine 18
HIV-associated gingivitis (HIV-G) 223
HIV-associated periodontitis (HIV-P) 223
HIV-necrotizing gingivitis (HIV-NG) 223
HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 245
Homeostasis 76
Homograft 336
Horizontal incisions 316
Host modulation therapy 125
Howship’s lacunae 17, 24
Hyaline layer of Hopewell Smith or intermediate cementum 5
Hyalinization 398
Hyaluronic acid 19
Hyaluronidase 134
Hydrodynamic mechanism 301
Hydroxyapatite 203, 326
Hydroxyapatite crystals 5
Hypercementosis 26
Hyperkeratosis 188
Hyperparathyroidism 204
Hyperpituitarism 101
Hyperplasia 155, 419
Hyperplastic candidiasis 225
Hyperplastic gingivitis 97
Hypertrophy 419
Hypophosphatasia 220, 243
Hypopituitarism 101
Hypothyroidism 27, 101
Hypoxia 100
Ibuprofen 258, 407
Idiopathic gingival enlargement 155
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia 225
IgG2 240
Immunofluorescence 188
Immunosuppressants 156
Impacted tooth 153
Implant surgery 381
Implants 256
Inadvertent curettage 303
Incidence rate 41
Infrabony pockets 308
Infrabony/intrabony/subcrestal/intra-alveolar pocket 192
Instrumentation zone 276
Insulin-like growth factor 336
Intercuspal position 394
Interdental bleeding 45
Interdental bleeding index 430
Interdental gingiva 3
Interdental incision 317
Interendothelial transmigration 78
Interferon 113
Interleukin 110
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) 240, 245
Interleukin-1 and 6 24
Internal bevel incision 316
Intrasulcular method 282
Iodine 220
Junctional epithelium 6, 9, 12, 110
Kaposi’s sarcoma 225
Keratinocyte 11
Ketoconazole 225
Ketoprofen 125
Kirkland 308
Klebsiella 223
Knuckle-rest technique 273
Lactoferrin 77
Lamina densa 11
Lamina dura 22
Lamina lucida 11, 190
Lamina propria 14
Laminin 14, 19
Langer’s technique 358
Langerhans’ cells 11, 188
Laser gingivectomy 308, 312
Lateral pressure 274
Laterally-displaced flap 351
Leukemia 98, 161, 204
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency 220
type I 240
Leukoplakia 165
Leukotriene B4 217
Lichen planus 185
Lining mucosa 3
Lipping 89
Listerine™ 404
Long junctional epithelium 260, 333
Lymphadenopathy 224
Lymphocytes 11, 81
Lysozyme 77
Magnification 249
Malodor 106
Mannitol 284
Marginal gingiva 8
Margination 78
Masticatory mucosa 3
Matrix metalloproteinases 126
McCall’s festoons 419
Mediated or delayed hypersensitivity 84
Mefenamic acid 407
Melanocytes 11
Merkel cells 11
Mesenchyme 6
Methacrylic gels 296
Metronidazole 226, 406
Microflora 101
Miniature blade 264
Minocycline 406
Miswak 281
Mitochondria 12
Modified Bass method 415
Modified ridge lap pontic 401
Modified Stillman method 415
Modified Widman flap 316, 320
Mongolism 221
Monotherapy 289
Morse scaler 262
Mouth-breathing 413
Mucogingival line or junction 3
Mucogingival surgery 341
Mucopolysaccharides 31
Multidirectional strokes 278
Myxedema 101
N-formyl-methionyl leucylphenylalanine (FMLP) 217
Naber’s probe 207, 248
Naproxen 407
Nd:YAG lasers 312
Necrotizing stomatitis (NS) 223
Negative architecture 331
Neurosis 72
Neurotic 292
Neutropenia 97, 220
Neutrophil disorders 80
Neutrophils 78, 190
New attachment 259
Niacinamide 190
Nicotinamide 190
Nifedipine 156, 242
Nikolsky’s sign 189
Noma 224
Non-operating hand 271
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 258
Nondisplaced flap 316
Nosocomial 120
Nutritional deficiencies 95
Nylon bristles 281
Nystatin 225
Occlusal disharmony 88
Occlusal dystrophy 88
Occlusal neurosis 74
Occlusal overload 88
Occlusal trauma 88
Occlusion 394
Ocular mucosa 189
Odontoblasts 4
Odontoplasty 369
Oesophageal reflux 120
Offset blade 265
Opportunistic infections 103
Opsonins 79
Opsonization 79
Oral contraceptive-associated gingivitis 242
Oral epithelium 261
Oral hairy leukoplakia 225
Oral hygiene index 43
Oral hyperpigmentation 225
Oral implantology 381
Oral moniliasis 163
Orban interdental gingivectomy knives 308
Organoleptic method 107
Oropharyngeal or vulvovaginal candidiasis 224
Oschsenbein chisels 332
Osseointegration 381, 383
Osseous coagulum 337
Osseous surgery 330
Ostectomy 330
Osteoblasts 17, 204
Osteoclasts 17, 127
Osteoconduction 337
Osteocytic osteolysis 23
Osteogenin 338
Osteoid 203
Osteoinduction 337
Osteoplasty 330, 369
Osteoporosis 30, 31, 204, 245, 246
Otitis media 221
Overhanging 258
Oviate pontic 402
Oxidized cellulose 300
Oxytalan fibers 19
Oxytalin fibers 17
P. gingivalis 111
Paget’s disease 27, 166, 259
Palatal flap 326
Pancytopenia 99
Papillary bleeding index 45, 430
Papilloma 165
Papilloma virus 225
Papillon-Lefévre syndrome 220, 235
Para formaldehyde 312
Paradontosis 213
Parallelism 273
Parallelization 250
Parkinson’s disease 240
PAS stain 11
Pemphigus vulgaris 185
Peri-implant mucositis 387
Peri-implantitis 387
Periapical abscess 153
Pericementum 16
Pericoronal abscess 153
Perio chip 409
Perio-Aid 278
Periodontal abscess 153
Periodontal disease index (PDI) 44
Periodontal diseases 3, 125
Periodontal dressing 308
Periodontal flap 315
Periodontal membrane 16
Periodontal pack 308
Periodontal pocket 314
Periodontal splint 378
Periodontal surgery 314
Periodontal therapy 3
Periodontal traumatism 88
Periodontal treatment 44
Periodontal-knives 308
Periodontics 3
Periodontium 3
Periodontology 3
Periosteum 17, 315
cambium layer or cellular layer 17
fibrous layer 17
alveolocrestal group 18
apical group 18
horizontal group 18
inter-radicular fibers 18
oblique group 18
trans-septal group 18
Periotron 134
Peroxidase 76
Petechiae 99
Phagocytic 99
Phagocytosis 18, 79, 101, 131, 196
Phagolysozyme 79
Phenytoin 155, 242
Photodensitometric 250
Plunger cusps 71
Plaque control 414
Plasma cell gingivitis 191
Plasma cells 197
Platelet derived growth factor 336
PMA index 44
Polyvinylchloride 284
Porphyromonas gingivalis 31, 244
Positive architecture 331
Potassium hydroxide 312
Pouch and tunnel technique 360
Povidone 220
Pregnancy 102
Prevalence rate 41
Primary enamel cuticle 6
Primary epithelial attachment 6
Primary occlusal trauma 395
Principal fibers of periodontal ligament 18
Principal group 14
Progenitor cells 203
Prognosis 237, 239, 291, 433
Propionic acids 110
Propylene glycol 284
Prostaglandin 110, 111, 113
Proteins 96
Proteoglycans 19
Proteolytic 101
Protrusion 394
Provisional splinting 256
Pruritus 190
Pseudopockets 307, 424
PSI 43
Psychosomatic 104
Pull stroke 264
Purulent 153
Pyrophosphatase 191
Radiating pain 193
Radiation detector 250
Radical treatment 291
Radicular blending 332
Radius of action 204
Random burst theory 211
Reattachment 259
Reciprocal 284
Recurrent periodontitis 219
Reduced enamel epithelium 4
Refractory periodontitis 219
Regeneration 259
Repair 259
Reproducibility 248
Resistance 251
Resistant 287
Resolution 280
Respiratory burst 80
Reticulin fibers 17
Retrograde periodontitis 373, 428
Retrusion 394
Reversal phenomenon 68
Reverse bevel incision 317
Reversed architecture 206
Rickets 221
Ridge lap pontic 401
Risk 237
determinants 246
factors 246
indicators 246
marker 245, 246
Roll technique 415
Roll test 424
Rolling 78
Rongeur forceps 337
Rongeurs 332
Root biomodification 336
Root planing 303, 435
Root resection 369
S. sanguis 111
Salivary calculus 66
Salivary peroxidase system 76
Salmonella 233
Sanguinarine 403
Sanitary pontic 401
Sarcoidosis 165
Scaler 434
Scaling 303, 435
Schwartz periotreivers 266
Scrub technique 415
Scurvy 96
Secondary epithelial attachment 7
Secondary group 14
Secondary intention 310
Secondary occlusal trauma 375
Selenium plate 249
Semilunar flap 357
Sequestration 219
Seruminal calculus 67
Sharpey’s fibers 5, 18
Silver bullet 288
Silver halide emulsion 249
Slowly progressive periodontitis 209
Smoker’s palate 73, 414
Sodium lauryl sulphate 285
Specialized mucosa 3
Stability 271
Stellate reticulum 4
Stillman’s clefts 419
Stillman’s technique 283
Stippling 3, 420
Stomatitis medicamentosa 191
Stomatitis venenata 191
Stratum germinativum 11
Stratum intermedium 4
Streptococcus 223
Stress 246
Strip technique 346
Strokes 274
Strontium chloride 301
Subepithelial connective tissue graft 358
Subgingival 262
Subgingival curettage 303
Substantivity 287, 289
Sulcular bleeding index 430
Sulfone 190
Supportive periodontal treatment 390
Supra-alveolar pockets 307
Suprabony pocket 424
Suprabony/supracrestal/supra-alveolar pocket 192
Supraperiosteal arterioles 16
Surgical curettage 303
Surgical gingivectomy 308
T-lymphocyte 203
Tackiness 296
Tenacious 262, 276
Tension test 424
Tensional theory 21
Testosterone 259
Tetracycline 190, 336, 406
TGF (transforming growth factor alpha and beta) 336
Thrush 225
Thyroidectomy 259
TNF 113
Tobacco smoking 246
Toe 281
Tomography 250
Tongue-thrusting 413
Toothpicks 417
Tori 207
Trabeculae 30
Transgingival probing 206
Trauma from occlusion 87
Traumatizing occlusion 88
Triamcinolone 186
Tricalcium phosphate 339
Triclosan 403
Trigeminal ganglion 20
Trisomy 221
True pockets 192, 424
Tumor necrosis factor 113
Tunnel preparation 369
Two-tone dye 289
Tzanck cells 191
Ultrasonic curettage 303
Uncontrolled diabetics 240
Undisplaced flap 316, 320
Unitufted brushes 285, 417
Vertical grooving 332
Vertical incision 317
Vibratory motion 283
Viscoelastic theory 21
Vitamin C deficiency 259
Vitamins 96
Volkmann’s canals 16
Waerhaug’s concept 91
Washed out 301
Water lavage 277
Wedge-shaped 284
Wegener’s granulomatosis 163
William Addis 281
Xenograft 336
Chapter Notes

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