Essentials of Medical Microbiology Rajesh Bhatia, Rattan Lal Ichhpujani
ABO phenotypes 136
Absidia species 436
culture 436
microscopic 436
pathogenicity 436
Acid-fast staining 21
Acinetobacter 301
Acquired immunity 78
characteristics 79
Actinomycetes 200
classification 200
Actinomycosis 200
clinical features 201
epidemiology 200
laboratory diagnosis 201
treatment 201
Actinomycotic mycetoma 202
Actively acquired immunity 79
Adenoviruses 330
antigenic structure 330
classification 330
clinical manifestations 331
epidemiology 331
laboratory diagnosis 331
confirmation and serotyping 331
CPE 331
electron microscopy 331
isolation 331
pathogenesis and immunity 331
properties 330
Adenoviruses associated defective viruses 332
adeno associated viruses (AAV) 332
adenovirus-SV 40 hybrids 332
Adjuvants 90
classification 90
mechanism of action 90
Advantages and disadvantages of various sterilization methods 58
Aeromonas 256
antigenic structure 257
biochemical reactions 257
cultural characters 257
morphology 257
pathogenicity and clinical features 257
Agglutination 110
applications of agglutination reaction 110
factors influencing agglutination reaction 110
principle 110
Agglutination absorption tests 111
Alcaligenes faecalis 301
Anaerobic cultures 45
Anaerobic gram-negative bacilli 288
Bacteroides, Prevotella and Prophyromonas 288
clinical features 289
cultural characters 289
laboratory diagnosis 289
morphology 289
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 289
treatment 290
Fusobacteria and Leptotrichia 290
Anaerobic gram-positive bacilli 290
Peptostreptococcus and Peptococcus 290
Veillonella and Acidaminococcus 291
Anthracoid bacilli 187
Antibody 91
biological properties of immunoglobulins 93
characteristics of immunoglobulins 92
soluble antibodies and membrane bound antibodies 94
structure 91
functions of Fab and Fc 92
theories of immunoglobulin formation 93
clonal selection theory 94
Ehrlich's instructive theory 94
Antifungal drugs 62
Antigen 88
antigenicity 88
immunogenicity 88
Antigen nomenclature 89
autologous antigen 89
heterologous antigen 89
homologous antigen 89
isophile antigen 89
Antigen-antibody binding 105
effect of electrolytes 105
hydrogen bonding 105
hydrophobic properties 105
hydrostatic bonds (columbic bonds) 105
van der Waal's bonds 105
Antigen-antibody reactions 105
measurement of antigen and antibody 106
Antigenic determinant sites (epitopes) 89
Antimicrobial agent 60
antibiotics against anaerobes 62
mechanism of action of antibiotics 60
aminoglycosides 61
cephalosporins 61
macrolides 62
other beta lactam antibiotics 61
penicillins 60
quinolones 61
Antimicrobial agents 3
Antiviral drugs 62
Arboviral diseases in India 404
Japanese encephalitis 404
treatment 405
vaccine 405
Arboviruses 401
clinical features 403
laboratory diagnosis 404
Argentinian haemorrhagic fever 413
Assay of viral infectivity 318
electron microscope count 318
haemagglutination assay 319
quantitative assay in cell cultures 319
quantitative assay in eggs 318
quantitative plaque assay 319
Atypical mycobacteria 181
classification 182
group I photochromogens 182
group II scotochromogens 182
group III nonphotochromogens 182
group IV rapid growers 182
Avian influenza (bird flu) 364
causative agent 365
diagnosis 365
mode of transmission 365
risk of pandemic 365
risks of avian influenza to human health 365
role of migratory birds 365
treatment 366
Bacillus anthracis 184
antigenic structure 185
biochemical reactions 185
cultural characters 184
growth in the presence of penicillin 185
growth on blood agar 185
growth on gelatin agar 185
growth on nutrient agar 185
growth on selective (PLET) medium 185
determinants of pathogenicity 185
laboratory diagnosis 186
animal pathogenicity 186
collection of clinical samples 186
culture 186
examination of smear 186
serological diagnosis 186
morphology 184
pathogenesis and clinical picture 186
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 184
treatment and prevention 187
Bacillus cereus 187
antigenic structure 187
clinical features 188
diarrhoeal (food poisoning of long incubation period) type 188
emetic (food poisoning of short incubation period) type 188
culture characters 187
laboratory diagnosis 188
morphology 187
pathogenicity 187
diarrhoeal enterotoxin 187
haemolysins 187
phospholipase C group of enzymes 187
Bacillus stearothermophilus 188
Bacterial cell 9
arrangement of bacterial cells 10
cell wall 12
characteristics 13
chemical structure 13
cytoplasmic structures 14
functions 13
shape and size of bacteria 9
surface adherents and appendages 10
amphitrichous 12
atrichous 12
capsule and slime 10
flagella 11
lophotrichous 11
monotrichous 11
peritrichous 12
pili (fimbriae) 12
Bacterial flora in water 440
Bacterial genetics 27
bacterial variations 29
genetic variations 29
phenotypic variations 29
DNA replication 28
extrachromosomal genetic material (plasmids) 28
properties of plasmids 28
genetic code 28
structure of RNA 27
Bacterial growth curve 25
Bacterial metabolism 24
bacterial growth curve 24
decline phase 25
lag phase 25
log phase (exponential phase) 25
stationary phase 25
measurement of bacterial growth 26
synchronous growth 25
Bacterial spores 15
arrangement of spores 16
features 16
formation and structure 15
germination 15
Bacteriological examination of milk 445
coliform test 445
collection of sample 445
methylene blue test 445
phosphatase test 446
resazurin test 446
turbidity test 446
viable count 445
Bacteriological media 41
liquid and solid bacteriological media 41
agar agar 41
media recommended for routine use in laboratory 42
preparation of media 43
storage of media 43
types of culture media 41
anaerobic media 42
basal media 42
defined synthetic media 41
enriched media 42
enrichment media 42
indicator media 42
routine laboratory media 42
selective media 42
storage media 42
sugar media 42
transport media 42
Bacteriophage 38
bacteriophage typing 40
chemical structure 38
importance 40
life cycle 38
lysogenic cycle 39
lytic cycle 39
lysogeny 40
significance 40
morphology 38
head 38
tail 38
Bacteriostatic and bactericidal agents 60
Bartonella bacilliformis 301
Beta lactamase inhibitors 61
Binary fission in bacteria 24
Black piedra (piedra nigra) 420
causative agent 420
clinical features 420
diagnosis 421
mode of transmission 421
treatment 421
Blastomycosis 425
causative agent 425
clinical features 425
cutaneous form 426
disseminated form 426
pulmonary form 426
epidemiology and mode of transmission 426
laboratory diagnosis 426
collection of samples 426
culture 426
direct microscopic examination 426
treatment 426
Blood culture 453
automated systems 454
clot culture 454
collection of sample 453
contaminants 454
culture media 454
false negative results 454
incubation 454
indications 453
subculturing procedures 454
volume of blood to be cultured 453
Blood group antigens 135
ABO blood group system 136
clinical significance of ABO antibodies 136
function of the A and B antigens 136
blood transfusion 137
haemolytic transfusion reaction: red blood cell incompatibility 137
transfusion reactions 137
Rh blood group system 136
transfusion transmissible infections 138
Blood transfusion associated infections 452
fungal infections 453
transfusion associated HIV infection 452
transfusion malaria 453
treponemal infections 453
Bolivian haemorrhagic fever 413
Bone marrow grafting 132
Bordetella 214
animal pathogenicity 215
antigenic structure 215
biochemical activities 214
determinants of pathogenicity 215
pertussis toxin (PT) 215
growth and cultural characters 214
growth on Bordet and Gengou's medium 214
immunity 216
laboratory diagnosis 216
morphology 214
pathogenesis and clinical picture 215
catarrhal stage 216
convalescence stage 216
paroxysmal stage 216
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 214
treatment and prevention 217
Borrelia 274
antigenic structure 274
cultivation 274
laboratory diagnosis 274
louse borne European relapsing fever 274
tick borne infection 274
pathogenicity 274
Borrelia vincenti 275
clinical features 275
cultivation 275
laboratory diagnosis 275
morphology 275
normal habitat 275
pathogenesis 275
Branches of microbiology 7
bacteriology 7
biotechnology 7
genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology 7
immunology 7
microbial taxonomy 7
mycology 7
parasitology 7
virology 7
Brill-Zinsser disease 284
Brucella 218
antigenic structure 219
biochemical reactions 219
cultural characters 218
determinants of pathogenicity 219
laboratory diagnosis 219
blood culture 220
identification of organisms 220
morphology 218
pathogenesis and clinical picture 219
phages 219
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 219
treatment and control 221
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis 299
Campylobacter 294
antigenic structure 295
biochemical reactions 294
biotyping 294
cultural characters 294
cytotoxins and enterotoxin 295
laboratory diagnosis 295
culture 295
direct demonstration 295
serology 295
morphology 294
pathogenesis and clinical features 295
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 294
treatment 295
Candidiasis 427
animal pathogenicity 428
causative agent 427
laboratory diagnosis 428
collection of infected material 428
culture 428
germ tube formation 429
microscopic examination 428
pathogenesis 428
treatment 429
Characteristics of immune cells 95
Chikungunya virus 407
Chlamydia 278
antigens 279
classification 278
morphology 278
pathogenesis and immunity 279
replication 279
Chromobacterium violaceum 300
Classification of bacteria 17
Classification of protista 8
Clostridium 189
habitat 189
nomenclature and classification 189
based on biochemical reactions 190
location and shape of spores 189
pathogenicity to human beings 189
Clostridium botulinum 190
antigenic types 190
cultural characters 190
laboratory diagnosis 192
clinical samples 192
culture 192
direct demonstration of organism 192
neutralisation test 192
morphology 190
pathogenicity and toxin 191
resistance to physical and chemical agents 190
transmission and clinical features 191
treatment 192
Clostridium difficile 192
culture 192
laboratory diagnosis 193
morphology 192
pathogenicity 193
sensitivity to chemical and physical agents 192
treatment 193
Clostridium novyi 196
antigenic structure 196
culture 196
morphology 196
pathogenicity 196
Clostridium perfringens 193
antigenic types 193
clinical picture 195
culture 193
laboratory diagnosis 196
morphology 193
Nagler reaction 194
pathogenesis 195
pathogenic properties 193
toxicology 194
alpha toxin 194
kappa toxin 194
phi toxin 194
treatment 196
Clostridium septicum 196
antigenic structure 197
culture 197
morphology 196
Clostridium tetani 197
cultural characters 197
determinants of pathogenicity 198
laboratory diagnosis 199
morphology 197
pathogenesis 198
prophylaxis 199
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 198
Coagglutination 111
Coccidioidomycosis 433
causative agent 433
clinical features 433
laboratory diagnosis 434
treatment 434
Collection of infected material 428
Complement fixation test 112
conglutination 113
indirect complement fixation test 113
other tests employing complement 113
Complement system 100
classical activation pathway 100
complement fixation test (CFT) 103
complement receptors 103
deficiency of complement 103
general properties 100
immunoconglutinins 103
regulators of complement mediated functions 103
source of complement 103
Coomb's antiglobulin test 110
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 162
antimicrobial susceptibility testing 166
clinical features 165
colony characters 163
culture media 162
immunization 167
laboratory diagnosis 165
confirmation of toxigenicity 166
demonstration of organism 165
isolation of organism 165
pathogenesis 164
susceptibility determination 166
Schick test 166
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 163
toxin 163
animal toxigenicity 163
detection of toxigenicity 164
formation of toxoid 163
mechanism of action 163
properties of toxin 163
treatment 167
Counter current immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) 109
Cross reactivity of antigens 89
Cryptococcosis 430
causative agent 430
clinical features 430
central nervous system cryptococcosis 430
osseous cryptococcosis 430
pulmonary cryptococcosis 430
laboratory diagnosis 431
treatment 431
visceral cryptococcosis 430
Cultivation and assay of viruses 316
cell lines (tissue cultures) 316
types of cell lines 317
uses of cell cultures 317
embryonated eggs 316
laboratory animals 316
Cultivation of bacteria 43
aerobic incubation of cultures 45
instrument for seeding media 43
methods of isolating pure cultures 45
seeding a culture plate 44
seeding a liquid medium 44
seeding solid media in test tubes 45
Cytomegalovirus 337
clinical features 337
immune response 338
laboratory diagnosis 338
pathogenesis 338
Defective viruses 315
Dematiaceous contaminants 437
Alternaria species 437
culture 437
microscopic 437
pathogenicity 437
Cladosporium (hormodendrum species) 437
culture 437
microscopic 437
pathogenicity 438
Curvularia species 438
culture 438
microscopic 438
pathogenicity 438
immunodiagnosis of fungal infections 438
detection of circulating antibody 439
detection of fungal antigen 439
exoantigen analysis 439
fluorescent antibody microscopy 439
skin tests 439
mycotoxicosis 438
Penicillium species 438
culture 438
microscopic 438
pathogenicity 438
Dengue fever 405
causative agent 405
clinical manifestations 406
high-risk areas 405
mode of transmission 405
Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) 406
immunity 406
laboratory diagnosis 406
isolation/detection of virus/antigen 406
serodiagnosis 406
pathogenesis and pathophysiology 406
treatment 406
Dermatophytes 421
classification 421
clinical features 422
habitat 421
pathogenicity 422
treatment 424
Dermatophytids (ID reaction) 424
causative agents 424
clinical features 424
course and prognosis 424
diagnosis 424
epidemiology 424
pathogenesis 424
treatment 424
Determinants of antigenicity 88
biodegradibility 88
foreignness 88
macromolecular size 88
molecular complexity 88
specificity 88
Development of immune system 84
DF-2 bacteria 300
Discovery of new organisms 5
Discovery of viruses 4
Disinfection and sterilization 49
chemical agents 53
physical agents 49
Drug resistance 63
biochemical mechanisms of 63
origin of drug resistant strains 63
transmissible (infectious) drug resistance 63
Dynamics of antigen elimination 85
phase of equilibration 85
phase of immune catabolism 85
phase of non-immune catabolic degradation 85
Ehrlichia 287
Eikenella 299
Electroimmunodiffusion 109
Endemic syphilis 270
causative agent 270
course of infection 270
laboratory diagnosis and treatment 270
mode of transmission 270
reservoir 270
Enteric fever 235
bacteriophage typing 239
biotyping 239
laboratory diagnosis 236
Widal test 238
pathogenesis and clinical features 235
plasmid typing 239
treatment 240
vaccines against typhoid fever 240
Enterobacteriaceae 222
antigenic structure 223
H antigens 223
K antigens (capsular antigen) 223
O antigens 223
biochemical reactions 223
classification 222
Enterovirus 71 353
Enzyme immunoassays 115
Epidemic typhus 284
clinical features 284
pathogenesis and pathology 284
prevention 284
treatment 284
Epstein-Barr virus 338
clinical features 338
epidemiology 339
laboratory diagnosis 339
Paul-Bunnell test 339
pathogenesis 339
prophylaxis and therapy 339
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 299
Escherichia coli 224
antigenic structure 225
biochemical activities 225
cultural characters 224
growth on blood agar 224
growth on MacConkey agar 224
growth on selective media 224
determinants of pathogenicity 226
heat labile enterotoxin (LT) 226
heat stable enterotoxin (ST) 226
laboratory diagnosis 227
morphology 224
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 226
treatment 228
Essential steps of biosafety 378
Essentials of immune response 80
Examination of air 446
droplet-nuclei and disease transmission 446
factors affecting air quality 446
importance of air 446
larger droplets in disease transmission 447
Examination of milk 444
milk-borne diseases 444
pasteurisation of milk 445
types of bacteria in milk 444
Examination of milk for specific pathogens 446
Factors influencing antibody production 87
Filoviruses (ebola and marburg virus) 413
causative viruses 413
clinical features 414
diagnosis 414
methods of control 414
Flavobacterium meningosepticum 300
Francisella tularensis 297
Functions of Fab and Fc 92
Functions of resident flora 302
Fungal contaminants 435
aseptate contaminants 436
common properties 435
Fungi 415
classification 416
economic importance 419
Gardnerella vaginalis 213
cultural and biochemical characters 213
laboratory diagnosis 213
morphology 213
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 213
treatment 213
Gastrospirillum hominis 296
Gene transfer 29
conjugation 31
significance 31
transduction 30
abortive transduction 31
significance 31
transformation 29
transposable genetic material 32
Genetic engineering 32
applications of rDNA technology 33
blotting techniques 37
northern blotting 37
southern blotting 37
western blotting 37
DNA probes 33
ligase chain reaction (LCR) 36
uses of LCR 36
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 35
recombinant DNA technique 32
clone and cloning host 33
technique of gene cloning 33
vector 33
Genetic variation in nature 321
Genetics of viruses 320
genetic recombination between viruses 320
mutations 320
Genotypes of ABO groups 136
Grafts 131
genetic types of graft 131
graft versus host (GVH) rejection 131
clinical experience in grafting 132
immunological enhancement 132
mechanism of graft rejection 132
prevention of graft rejection 132
types of graft rejection 131
acute early rejection 131
hyperacute rejection 131
insidious and late rejection 131
Gram's staining 20
Group D streptococci 155
epidemiology and clinical features 156
treatment 156
Haemophilus influenzae 209
antigenic structure 210
bacteriophages and bacteriocins 211
biochemical characters 210
cultural characters 209
growth in liquid media 210
growth on solid media 210
V factor 210
X factor 209
laboratory diagnosis 211
morphology 209
pathogenesis and clinical picture 211
phase variation 211
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 210
treatment and prevention 212
virulence factors 211
capsular polysaccharide 211
outer membrane protein 211
pili 211
protease 211
Haptens 89
Heart transplant 132
Helicobacter pylori 295
biochemical reactions 296
cultural characters 296
laboratory diagnosis 296
culture 296
microscopic examination 296
urease tests 296
mechanism of pathogenicity 296
morphology 295
treatment 296
Hepatitis A virus 389
classification and morphology 389
clinical manifestations 390
epidemiology of hepatitis A 390
laboratory diagnosis 390
pathogenesis 390
prevention and control 391
Hepatitis B virus 391
classification 391
clinical features 393
epidemiology 394
laboratory diagnosis 394
mode of transmission 393
pathogenesis 393
prevention against hepatitis B 395
immunization 395
treatment 396
viral proteins 392
HBcAg and HBeAg 392
HBsAg 392
Hepatitis C 396
genetic heterogeneity 396
laboratory diagnosis 397
mode of transmission 397
pathogenesis and pathology 397
reservoir of infection 396
treatment and control 397
Hepatitis D 398
clinical features 398
laboratory diagnosis 399
morphology 398
pathogenesis 399
prevention and control 399
Hepatitis E 397
clinical significance 398
laboratory diagnosis 398
mode of transmission 397
natural host 397
pathogenesis 398
treatment and control 398
Hepatitis F 400
Hepatitis G 399
epidemiology 399
prevention and control 400
Herd immunity 81
Herpes simplex virus 334
clinical manifestations 334
epidemiology 336
immune response 335
laboratory diagnosis 335
pathogenesis and pathology 334
reactivation 334
treatment 336
Herpesviruses 333
classification 333
morphology of herpesviruses 334
capsid 334
core 334
envelope 334
genome 334
tegument 334
Histoplasmosis (Darling's disease) 426
causative agent 426
clinical features 426
epidemiology and mode of transmission 427
laboratory diagnosis 427
HIV testing in health care settings 378
Host response to viral infections 323
antisera and immunoglobulins 327
laboratory diagnosis of viral infections 325
detection and measurement of antiviral antibodies 325
direct demonstration of virus 325
virus isolation 325
live viral vaccines 326
non-replicating viral vaccines 326
outcome of viral infections 325
prevention of viral diseases 326
Host-parasite relationship 74
Human herpesvirus 6 339
Human herpesvirus 7 340
Human immunodeficiency virus 368
clinical course of infection 372
genetic variability 371
global scenario 368
Indian scenario 368
laboratory investigations 374
mode of transmission 369
opportunistic infections in HIV/AIDS 380
origin and discovery of causative agent 368
prevention and control 380
structure and genome 368
susceptibility to HIV 371
treatment 380
tropism 372
Human T cell leukaemia viruses 367
antigens 367
clinical features 367
laboratory diagnosis 368
morphology 367
treatment 368
Humoral immunity 79
Hypersensitivity 118
type I hypersensitivity 118
detection 119
mediators of immediate hypersensitivity 119
type II hypersensitivity 120
mechanism 120
type III hypersensitivity 120
arthus reaction 121
mechanism 121
serum sickness 122
type IV hypersensitivity 122
type V stimulatory hypersensitivity 123
Ideal disinfectant 56
comparison of different methods 58
evaluation of disinfectants 56
filter paper method 58
in use dilution test 58
Kelsey-Sykes test 56
phenol coefficient test 56
Identification of bacteria 46
animal pathogenicity 48
antibiotic sensitivity determination 48
antigenic characters 47
biochemical tests 47
fluorescent microscopy 47
isolation in pure form 46
molecular techniques 48
morphology and staining reaction 47
morphology of bacterial colony 46
typing of bacteria 47
Immune response 85
primary immune response 85
secondary immune response 86
Immune system 78
types 78
cellular, or cell-mediated immune system 78
humoral immune system 78
Immunity and susceptibility 78
Immunodeficiency 125
diagnosis of immunodeficiencies 127
primary immunodeficiency 125
secondary immunodeficiency (acquired) 125
biological immunosuppression 126
chemical immunosuppression 126
chronic diseases 126
malignancies 126
microbial infections 126
nutritional 125
physical immunosuppression 126
treatment induced deficiency 126
Immunoelectrophoresis 109
Immunofluorescence 114
Immunology 78
Immunoprophylactic agents 458
antisera 461
combined passive and active immunization 461
national immunization schedule 461
immunoglobulins and antisera 460
immunoglobulins (Ig) 460
vaccine 458
adverse reactions to vaccines 458
contraindications to vaccinations 459
currently available vaccines 458
live versus killed vaccines 459
role of adjuvants 459
Infection 65
Infection and disease 65
development of disease 68
period of convalescence 68
period of decline 68
period of illness 68
period of incubation 68
prodromal period 68
generalised infections 68
bacteraemia 68
pyaemia 68
septicaemia 68
mechanism of infection 67
modes of transmission 67
Infections and immunodeficient patients 126
Infections caused by parainfluenza viruses 359
clinical features 359
laboratory diagnosis 359
clinical samples 359
serological tests 359
virus isolation 359
pathogenesis 359
Infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus 359
clinical features 359
laboratory diagnosis 359
pathogenesis 359
Infestation 65
Interaction between viral gene produ cts 320
complementation 321
interference 321
phenotypic mixing 321
polyploidy 321
Interferons (IFN) 98
biological effects 99
general characteristics 98
interferon inducers 98
mechanism of action 99
types 98
Jeryl Lynn strain 358
Kidney grafts 132
Kingella 300
Kirby Bauer's method 48
Klebsiella 228
antigenic structure 228
biochemical reactions 228
cultural characters 228
morphology 228
pathogenicity and clinical features 228
Koch's bacillus 169
Koch's postulates 2
Kyasanur Forest disease 406
Laboratory diagnosis of acute respiratory infections (ARI) 484
antibiotic sensitivity test 486
blood culture 486
causative agents 484
collection, storage and transport of samples 484
detection of bacterial antigens 486
diagnosis of bacterial pathogens 485
culture 485
Gram staining 485
identification of bacterial isolates 485
isolation of viruses 486
Laboratory diagnosis of AIDS 472
clinical samples 473
detection of antibody 473
detection of antigen 473
opportunistic infections and malignancies 473
Laboratory diagnosis of cholera 478
clinical sample: collection and transportation 478
storage and transport 478
Laboratory diagnosis of diarrhoeal diseases (gastroenteritis) 480
causative agents 480
collection and transportation of samples 481
immunological tests 483
isolation of bacterial pathogens 482
macroscopic examination 482
microscopic examination 482
newer diagnostic tests 482
Laboratory diagnosis of gas gangrene 466
causative agents 466
clinical sample: collection and transportation 466
direct demonstration 467
direct demonstration by immunofluorescence 467
gas liquid chromatography (GLC) 467
isolation by culture 467
Laboratory diagnosis of meningitis 462
antibiotic sensitivity testing 465
biochemical estimation 463
blood culture 464
causative agents 462
culture of CSF 464
direct demonstration in stained smear 463
examination for cells 463
immunological tests 464
macroscopic examination 463
storage 462
Laboratory diagnosis of pertussis 468
causative agent 468
collection of specimen 468
culture 469
direct demonstration 468
serology 469
Laboratory diagnosis of pyrexia of unknown origin 470
causative agents 470
diagnosis 470
animal inoculation 471
blood culture 471
detailed history and physical examination 471
examination of body fluids 472
examination of peripheral blood smear 471
examination of tissues 472
routine screening tests 471
serological tests 471
skin tests 472
sputum examination 471
stool examination 472
therapeutic trials 472
urine examination 472
Laboratory diagnosis of rickettsial diseases 286
Laboratory diagnosis of sore throat 476
age group involved 477
antigen detection 477
associated conditions 477
causative agents 477
culture 477
direct smear examination 477
examination of blood 478
Paul Bunnel test 477
virus isolation 478
Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis 474
direct examination 475
immunofluorescence 475
serological tests 475
biological false positive results 476
FTA-ABS test 476
TPHA test 476
VDRL test 475
Laboratory diagnosis of tetanus 465
clinical sample: collection and transportation 465
animal pathogenicity 466
direct demonstration 466
direct immunofluorescence 466
isolation by culture 466
Laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infections 467
antibiotic sensitivity testing 468
causative agents 467
clinical specimen: collection and transportation 467
factors predisposing to UTI 467
identification of isolates 468
isolation by culture 468
microscopic examination of urine 467
Lassa fever 413
Leptospira 271
clinical features 271
epidemiology and control 272
laboratory diagnosis 271
animal pathogenicity 272
isolation 272
microscopic demonstration 271
serological diagnosis 272
morphology 271
pathogenesis 271
serogroup specific tests 272
Listeria monocytogenes 298
antigenic structure 298
cultural characters 298
morphology 298
pathogenesis and clinical features 298
treatment 299
Liver transplant 132
Local immunity 81
Louis Pasteur—father of microbiology 1
Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) medium 174
Lyme disease 275
clinical features 275
laboratory diagnosis 275
mode of transmission 275
treatment 275
Lymph node 84
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis 413
Lymphogranuloma venereum 280
Lymphoid organs 82
functions 82
types 82
primary or central lymphoid organs 82
secondary lymphoid organs 82
Major cells of immune system 95
B lymphocytes 95
activation of B-cells 96
distribution of B lymphocytes 96
cytokines 97
chemical nature and production 97
families of cytokines 98
target cells for cytokines 97
macrophages 97
natural killer (NK cells) 97
T lymphocytes 96
cytotoxic T cells (CD8 cells) 96
delayed type hypersensitivity T (TD) cells 97
distribution of T lymphocytes 96
functions of T cells 96
helper T cells (CD4 cells) 96
nomenclature of T lymphocytes 96
T cell subsets and their functions 96
Management of accidental exposure to blood for HIV prophylaxis 378
Measles 355
clinical features 356
epidemiology 357
immune response 356
laboratory diagnosis 356
clinical samples 356
demonstration of giant cells 357
demonstration of measles antigen 357
growth in cell cultures 356
serodiagnosis 357
pathogenesis 356
prevention and control 357
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 356
Methods of bacteriological examination of air 447
air centrifuge 447
settle plate method (sedimentation method) 447
slit sampler method 447
swab method 447
sweep plate method 447
Microbial flora of vagina 305
Microbiological examination of water 441
Microbiology and community 7
Microbiology and healthy individual 7
Microbiology and patient 6
Micrococcus 147
Microorganism 6
Microscope 17
special types 18
bright field microscope 18
dark field microscopy 18
electron microscopy 18
fluorescence microscopy 18
phase contrast microscopy 18
Milker's nodules 343
Miscellaneous viruses 408
arenaviridae 412
antigenic relationship and pathogenesis 412
morphology 412
coronaviridae 411
clinical features 412
laboratory diagnosis 412
morphology 411
polypeptide and antigens 411
prophylaxis and treatment 412
rotavirus 410
antigenic structure 410
clinical features 410
laboratory diagnosis 410
morphology 410
pathogenesis 410
treatment and prophylaxis 410
rubella 408
antigenic structure 408
classification 408
clinical features 409
cytopathogenic effects 408
laboratory diagnosis 409
morphology 408
pathogenesis 408
prevention 409
Moisture and desiccation 24
Molluscum contagiosum 343
Monoclonal antibody (hybridomas) 94
Morphology of viruses 309
capsids 310
complex viruses 311
envelope 310
measuring the size of the viruses 312
preservation of viral infectivity 311
lipid solvents 312
pH 312
temperature 311
symmetry of viruses 310
helical symmetry 311
icosahedral symmetry 310
viral carbohydrates 311
viral lipids 311
viral nucleic acids 309
viral proteins 311
enzymes 311
haemagglutinins 311
Mucor species 436
culture 436
microscopic 436
pathogenicity 436
Mumps 357
clinical features 358
laboratory diagnosis 358
pathogenesis 357
treatment and prevention 358
Murine typhus 284
clinical features 284
treatment 284
Mutations 29
Ames test 29
mutation rate 29
Mycetoma 429
causative agents 429
diagnosis 430
epidemiology and mode of transmission 430
geographical distribution 429
treatment 430
Mycobacteria producing skin ulcers 182
Mycobacterium 169
animal pathogens 169
M. lepraemurium 169
M. paratuberculosis 169
non or rarely pathogenic 169
M. gordonae 169
M. smegmatis 169
obligate pathogens 169
M. bovis 169
M. leprae 169
M. tuberculosis 169
opportunistic pathogens 169
M. avium-intracellulare (MAC) 169
M. kansasii 169
skin pathogens 169
M. marinum 169
M. ulcerans 169
Mycobacterium leprae 178
clinical classification 179
clinical features 179
cultivation 179
laboratory diagnosis 181
morphology 178
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 179
treatment and control 181
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 169
antigenic structure 170
bacteriocins 171
BCG vaccination 176
biochemical properties 171
cultural characters 170
colony characters 170
cultural media 170
mycobacterial cell wall 170
extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) 177
immunity and hypersensitivity 171
Koch's phenomenon 171
tuberculin test 172
laboratory diagnosis 172
morphology 169
multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) 177
mycobacteriophages 171
pathogenesis 171
prevention 176
primary prevention 176
secondary prevention 176
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 170
tuberculosis and HIV infection 177
virulence in animals 170
Mycoplasma 276
classification 276
clinical features 277
colony characters 276
epidemiology and control 277
laboratory diagnosis 277
morphology 276
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 277
Natural resistance and acquired immunity 78
Negative versus positive staining 20
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 206
antigenic structure and virulence factors 206
culture 206
immunity 207
laboratory diagnosis 207
morphology 206
pathogenesis and clinical picture 206
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 206
treatment 208
Neisseria meningitidis 203
antigenic structure 204
culture 204
determinants of pathogenicity 204
laboratory diagnosis 204
morphology 203
growth requirements 203
pathogenesis and clinical manifestations 204
prevention 205
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 204
treatment 205
Neutralisation tests 113
toxin neutralisation tests 113
virus neutralisation tests 113
Newer approaches to bacterial genetics 32
Nobel laureates 5
Nocardiosis 201
clinical features 201
laboratory diagnosis 202
morphology 201
treatment 202
Nosocomial infections 448
common agents of nosocomial infections 449
common types of hospital infections 450
modes of spread 449
persons at risk 449
source of infection 448
Nuclear apparatus 14
Nutrients 22
macronutrients 22
micronutrients 22
Nutrition and growth of bacteria 22
Oncogenic viruses 328
mechanism of viral oncogenesis 328
transformation of cells by viruses 328
viruses considered as oncogenic 328
Opportunistic fungi 434
source of infection 434
transition from saprophytism to pathogenicity 434
Opsonisation 117
Orthomyxoviruses 361
antigenic shift and antigenic drift 363
genetic basis of antigenic shift and antigenic drift 363
pathogenesis 363
clinical features 363
general features 361
immune response 363
laboratory diagnosis 363
clinical samples 364
growth in cell lines 364
growth in embryonated eggs 364
immunofluorescence 364
serodiagnosis 364
morphology 361
polypeptides 362
haemagglutinin 362
neuraminidase 362
resistance to physical and chemical agents 362
treatment 364
types and strain designation 362
Other pathogenic streptococci 154
Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococci) 154
antigenic structure 155
morphology and physiology 154
pathogenesis and clinical picture 155
treatment 155
Otomycosis 435
causative agents 435
clinical features 435
complications 435
diagnosis 435
pathogenesis 435
treatment 435
Oxygen and carbon dioxide for bacteria 22
bacteria 22
aerobe (aerobic organism) 22
aerotolerant anaerobes 23
anaerobe (anaerobic organism) 23
facultative anaerobe 23
microaerophile 23
Papovaviruses 344
human papillomaviruses 344
diagnosis 345
morphology 344
pathogenesis 344
treatment 345
human polyomaviruses 345
diagnosis 345
morphology 345
pathogenesis 345
role of polyomaviruses in human malignancies 345
Paracoccidioidomycosis 424
causative agent 424
clinical features 425
laboratory diagnosis 425
mode of transmission 424
treatment 425
Paramyxoviruses 355
Parvoviruses 346
classification 346
clinical features 346
diagnosis 346
pathology 346
prevention 347
properties 346
treatment 347
Passive agglutination 112
Pasteurella multocida 297
Pathogenesis of plague 248
Pathogenic microorganisms 69
frank pathogens 69
non-pathogens 69
opportunistic pathogens 69
Pathogenicity of viruses 322
damage to host 323
systemic spread of viruses 323
target organs 323
viraemia 323
viral entry into host 322
Paul Ehrlich—father of chemotherapy 3
Petroff's method 173
Picornaviruses 348
coxsackieviruses 351
clinical features 352
general features 352
laboratory diagnosis 352
treatment and prophylaxis 352
echoviruses 352
clinical features 352
laboratory diagnosis 352
poliovirus 348
antigens 349
clinical features 349
epidemiology 351
global polio eradication initiative 351
laboratory diagnosis 349
morphology 349
pathogenesis 349
prevention and control 351
replication 349
rhinoviruses 353
clinical features 353
laboratory diagnosis 353
pathogenesis 353
treatment and prophylaxis 354
Pinta 269
age group affected 269
causative agent 269
course of infection 270
diagnosis 270
mode of transmission 270
occurrence 269
reservoir 270
treatment 270
Pneumococcus 158
antigenic structure 160
biochemical reactions 159
bile solubility 159
optochin sensitivity 159
clinical features 160
cultural characters 158
growth in liquid media 158
growth on blood agar 158
determinants of pathogenicity 160
genetic (S to R) variation 159
habitat 158
immunity 161
laboratory diagnosis 160
animal pathogenicity 161
capsule swelling tests 161
clinical specimens 160
culture 161
detection of antigen 161
direct demonstration 160
morphology 158
prevention 161
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 159
treatment 161
Poxviruses 341
buffalopox 342
cowpox 342
human monkeypox 342
smallpox 341
eradication of smallpox 342
immunity 342
laboratory diagnosis 342
tanapox 343
Precipitation 106
applications of precipitation reactions 107
ring test 107
slide test 108
tube flocculation test 108
immunodiffusion 108
double diffusion in one dimension 108
double diffusion in two dimensions 108
single diffusion in one dimension 108
single diffusion in two dimensions 108
mechanism of precipitation 107
zone phenomenon 106
zone of antibody excess 106
zone of antigen excess 107
zone of equivalence 107
Predators 65
Preferred methods of sterilization for common use articles 59
Prevention of parent of child transmission centres (PPTCT) 378
Prions 308
properties 308
Protista 8
eukaryota 8
prokaryota 8
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 258
antigenic structure 259
bacteriocins and bacteriophages 260
biochemical characters 259
cultural characters 258
growth on other media 259
determinants of pathogenicity 259
laboratory diagnosis 260
morphology 258
pathogenesis and clinical picture 259
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 259
treatment and prevention 260
Psittacosis 280
Q-fever 285
aetiologic agent 286
clinical features 286
treatment 286
Quality assurance in microbiology 455
common causes of poor performance 456
consequences of poor quality 455
implementation of EQA 456
assessment by physcial inspection 456
assessment by surveys 456
implementation of IQC 456
quality assurance 455
external quality assessment or proficiency testing 455
internal quality control 455
Radioimmunoassay 115
Recognition of viral growth in cells 318
cytopathic effect (CPE) 318
haemagglutination and haemadsorption 318
immunofluorescence 318
interference 318
Replication of viruses 313
assembly of virion 314
attachment of virus to host cell 313
penetration 313
release 314
budding 315
cell degeneration 315
cell lysis 315
replication of viral genome 314
transcription of early mRNA 313
transcription of late mRNA 314
translation of early proteins 313
translation of late proteins 314
uncoating 313
Resident flora 302
Resistance of host to microorganisms 74
characteristics of components of natural resistance 75
mechanism of natural resistance 75
natural (innate) resistance (constitutive immunity) 74
Retroviruses 367
classification 367
Rhabdoviruses 382
chemical composition 382
classification 382
clinical features 383
laboratory diagnosis 384
antemortem diagnosis 384
postmortem diagnosis 384
morphology 382
pathogenesis 383
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 382
treatment 385
Rhinosporidiosis 431
causative agent 431
clinical features 431
course and prognosis 432
geographical distribution 431
laboratory diagnosis 432
treatment 432
Rhizopus species 436
culture 436
microscopic picture 436
pathogenicity 437
Rickettsia 282
antigenic structure 282
classification 283
clinical features 283
cultivation 282
growth in animals and eggs 282
pathogenesis 283
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 282
Robert Koch—father of bacteriology 2
Rochalimaea 287
Rocky mountain spotted fever 285
Role of medical microbiology 7
Role of microbiology laboratory in prevention and control of nosocomial infections 450
control and prevention 451
diagnosis of hospital infection 450
infection committee 451
use of epidemiological markers 450
Rubini strain 358
Salmonella 232
antigenic notation 234
antigenic structure 233
H antigens 233
O antigens 233
surface antigens 233
antigenic variations 234
plasmid conversion 234
biochemical reactions 233
cultural characters 232
Kauffmann-White diagnostic scheme 234
morphology 232
pathogenicity 235
Salmonella bacteraemia with focal lesions 240
Saprophytic mycobacteria 183
SARS-CoV 412
Scrub typhus 284
aetiologic agent 284
clinical manifestations 285
pathogenesis and pathology 285
treatment 285
Shigella 241
antigenic structure 242
biochemical reactions 241
cultural characters 241
genetics of virulence of Shigellae 243
laboratory diagnosis of bacillary dysentery 243
morphology 241
pathogenesis 243
Shigella carriers 243
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 242
treatment 243
virulence factors 242
exotoxin 242
lipopolysaccharide 242
verocytotoxin 242
Simple versus differential staining 20
Sites with normal flora 303
conjunctiva 304
intestinal tract 304
mouth and upper respiratory tract 305
skin 303
urethra 304
vagina 304
Slide agglutination 111
Species 75
Species of Staphylococcus 139
Staphylococcus aureus 139
biochemical properties 141
cultural characteristics 140
determinants of pathogenicity 142
epidemiology 145
genetics 141
habitat 139
laboratory diagnosis 144
morphology 140
pathogenesis and clinical features 144
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 141
Staphylococcus epidermidis 146
Staphylococcus saprophyticus 146
identification of coagulase negative staphylococci 146
Specific immunity 79
Spectrophotometer 26
Spiral shaped motile anaerobes 291
Spirillum minus 298
Spirochaetes 261
classification 261
Spore formation in fungi 416
arthrospores 417
ascospores 417
basidiospores 417
blastospores 417
chlamydospores 417
conidiospores 418
zygospores 416
Sporotrichosis 432
clinical features 432
laboratory diagnosis 433
morphology 432
treatment 433
Streptobacillus moniliformis 298
Streptococci 148
classification 148
alpha haemolytic streptococci 148
beta haemolytic streptococci 148
gamma haemolytic streptococci 149
Streptococcus pyogenes 149
antigenic structure 150
capsule 150
group specific cell wall antigen 150
biochemical reactions 150
clinical manifestations 152
acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis 153
acute rheumatic fever 153
post-streptococcal diseases 152
cultural characters 149
growth in liquid media 150
growth on blood agar 149
growth on selective media 149
determinants of pathogenicity 151
erythrogenic toxin (pyrogenic exotoxin) 151
haemolysins 151
laboratory diagnosis 153
antigen detection tests 154
culture and identification 154
direct demonstration 154
lipoteichoic acid 151
morphology 149
nucleoproteins 151
pathogenesis 152
susceptibility to physical and chemical agents 150
treatment 154
type specific cell wall antigens 150
M protein 150
R proteins 151
T proteins 151
Sulbactam 61
Tazobactam 61
Techniques to study morphology of bacteria 17
microscopic examination 17
Temperature for bacteria 23
three groups of bacteria 23
mesophile 23
psychorophile 23
thermophile 24
Teratogenic viruses 329
Tinea versicolor 419
causative agent 420
clinical features 420
laboratory diagnosis 420
culture 420
examination of infected material 420
treatment 420
Trachoma 280
Transient flora 302
Trench fever (quintana fever) 285
Treponema pallidum 262
animal pathogenicity 263
antigenic structure 262
clinical features 263
latent stage 263
primary stage 263
secondary stage 263
tertiary stage 263
epidemiology 264
immunity 263
laboratory diagnosis 264
interpretations of serological tests 268
serological tests 265
treponemal tests 267
morphology 262
pathogenesis 263
resistance 262
Tumour immunology 132
immunological surveillance 134
immunotherapy of cancers 134
tumour antigens 133
antigens induced by chemicals 133
antigens induced by viruses 133
carcinofetal enzymes 133
carcinofoetal antigens 133
Types of microscopy 19
Urabe strain 358
Uses of primary and secondary immune responses 86
V. parahaemolyticus 256
clinical disease 256
determinants of pathogenicity 256
laboratory diagnosis and treatment 256
morphology and culture characters 256
Varicella-Zoster virus 336
clinical features 336
varicella 336
zoster 336
epidemiology 337
immune response 337
laboratory diagnosis 337
pathogenesis and pathology 336
treatment and prevention 337
Vibrio cholerae 251
antigenic structure 253
biochemical characters 252
cultural characters 251
growth in liquid media 252
growth on solid media 252
selective media 252
laboratory diagnosis 255
morphology 251
pathogenesis and clinical features 255
prevention and control 256
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 252
treatment 255
Viral vectors 321
Viridans streptococci 156
clinical significance 156
dental caries 156
diagnosis 157
infective endocarditis 156
Viroids 308
Virology of common arboviruses 401
bunyaviridae 402
flaviviridae 401
togaviridae 402
Virulence factors of microorganisms 69
genetic mechanism (R-factors) 72
invasiveness 69
microbes escape mechanisms 72
toxins and enzymes 70
Viruses 306
classification 306
features 306
nomenclature of viruses 307
unconventional infectious agents 308
Water-borne diseases 440
White piedra 420
diagnosis 420
treatment 420
Widal test 110
Yaws 269
causative agent 269
clinical features 269
incubation period 269
laboratory diagnosis and treatment 269
mode of transmission 269
occurrence 269
reservoir 269
Yersinia enterocolitica 249
biochemical and antigenic structure 249
determinants of pathogenicity and clinical picture 249
morphology and cultural characters 249
Yersinia pestis 245
antigenic structure 246
biochemical reactions 246
cultural characters 245
determinants of pathogenicity 247
epidemiology 248
laboratory diagnosis 247
morphology 245
pathogenesis and clinical features 247
sensitivity to physical and chemical agents 246
treatment and prevention 248
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis 248
biochemical reactions and antigenic structure 249
morphology and cultural characters 248
pathogenicity and clinical features 249
Ziehl-Neelsen technique 173
Chapter Notes

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1Essentials of Medical Microbiology
2Essentials of Medical Microbiology
Fourth Edition
Rajesh Bhatia MD (Medical Microbiology) Formerly Director National Institute of Biologicals, New Delhi and Department of Microbiology Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi India Rattan Lal Ichhpujani MD (Medical Microbiology) Additional Director and Chief of Division of HIV/AIDS and Related Diseases National Institute of Communicable Diseases, Delhi Formerly Department of Microbiology Medical College, Rohtak Haryana India
3Published by
Jitendar P Vij
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
B-3 EMCA House, 23/23B Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi 110 002, India
Phones: +91-11-23272143, +91-11-23272703, +91-11-23282021, +91-11-23245672
Rel: +91-11-32558559, Fax: +91-11-23276490, +91-11-23245683
Essentials of Medical Microbiology
© 2008, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
Editorial Consultant: Ms Peromila MA (English)
All rights reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the authors and the publisher.
First Edition: 1994
Second Edition: 1999
Third Edition: 2004
Fourth Edition: 2008
Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit
Printed at Ajanta4
Indu, Peromila,
Parul, Vrinda and Tushar
for being so wonderful and
understanding during the
genesis of this work
5Preface to the Fourth Edition
Teaching of Medical Microbiology to the MBBS students is changing rapidly. This is primarily due to emergence of newer pathogens, newer diagnostic tools, emerging and re-emerging infections and above all shrinking time available to accommodate all this. Microbiology continues to be the backbone of understanding diagnosing and controlling the communicable diseases. Our primary focus of this Fourth Edition is to update various chapters, delete the contents that have become relatively unimportant and enhanced focus on the topics of current interest. For easy assimilation and reproducibility of the subject by the students, a lot of tables, figures and flow charts have been included. The book is for the first time being printed in colour which will definitely enhance its acceptability by our valued readers.
We are deeply indebted to Shri Jitendar P Vij, Chairman and Managing Director, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers and his dedicated team for their magnificent support in bringing this book to its current shape. We continue to be thankful to our family members, friends, well-wishers and above all our dear students for their continuous support.
We are optimistic that this revised edition will be liked by our readers. We look forward to their patronage.
Rajesh Bhatia
RL Ichhpujani
6Preface to the First Edition
The development of the science of medical microbiology—from Leeuwenhoeck's astonishing observations of animalcules to Pasteur's first use of rabies vaccine on a human being; to Fleming's discovery of penicillin; to today's race to develop a vaccine against AIDS—has been indeed one of the most amazing stories of mankind behind which is hidden the intricate and intimate relationship between the man and the microbe. For every single cell in the human body, ten microbes are harboured by the man. At any time an adult human being harbours 100 trillion microorganisms. These organisms are most of the times beneficial to man. Pathogenicity is a trait exhibited by only a few of them. Yet, tremendous mortality and morbidity have been inflicted on the mankind by these organisms since time immemorial. Rapid advances in medical sciences may have brought down the incidence of microbial infections in some parts of the world but an overwhelming population is still afflicted by a variety of infectious diseases. Medical microbiology is the science which deals with the study of organisms that cause infectious diseases.
This book has been designed chiefly for the students pursuing an undergraduate course in medical microbiology or any of the allied fields. This has deliberately been written in a simple, straightforward, functional, easily reproducible and user-friendly style. Special attention has been given to provide the updated information. Clear, attractive and easy-to-make illustrations have been used in abundance to ensure better understanding of the subject. About three dozen coloured figures have been appended in the beginning of the book to create long-lasting impressions of the appearances of the microorganisms. Numerous boxes coupled with tables have been inserted to highlight salient features.
So much has been the information explosion in medical microbiology that no book, however, hefty it may be, can stake a claim to be complete and up-to-date in all aspects of the subject. Apropos to this reality we decided to present in this book a prudent mix of essentials of fundamentals, recent advances and applications to the practice of medicine. The book has been accordingly titled as Essentials of Medical Microbiology. For those desirous of going into details, a few relevant references have been appended at the end of the text of each chapter.
While we derived immense pleasure in conceiving the concept of this book and giving it the shape of the manuscript, getting it through various stages of publication was also an scintillating experience. We are deeply indebted to Shri Jitendar P Vij of Jaypee Brothers, and his dedicated team for the magnificent support extended by them.
Finally, we thank our affectionate families for their constant encouragement without which we would have never contemplated, let alone complete, this book.
Rajesh Bhatia
RL Ichhpujani