Review in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Sachin Dev Sachdeva, Rajat Misurya, Samprati Badjate, Archana Sachdeva
Chapter Notes

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Basic Principles of Oral Surgery1

  1. Excisional biopsy is done in lesion of size:
    1. Less than 2 cm in diameter
    2. More than 4 cm in size
    3. None of the above
    4. All of the above
  1. Incisional biopsy includes:
    1. Only pathologic tissue
    2. Pathologic and normal tissue
    3. Only normal tissue
    4. None of the above
  1. Requirements of flap are:
    1. Flap must be designed to provide an adequate exposure of the surgical site
    2. Broad base and good vascular supply
    3. When placed back should rest on healthy bone
    4. All of the above
  1. Surgical incision should be made:
    1. 45 degree to epithelial surface
    2. Right angle to epithelial surface
    3. Can be done at any angle
    4. None of the above
  1. Fixer used for biopsy specimen:
    1. 10 percent formalin
    2. 10 percent benzoin
    3. Toluidine blue
    4. None of the above
    1. A
    2. B
    3. D
    4. B
    5. A
  1. All of the following are absorbable suture material except:
    A. Catgut
    B. Polyglycolic
    C. Polyglactin
    D. Silk
  1. All of the following are non absorbable suture except:
    A. Silk
    B. Stainless steel
    C. Nylon
    D. Chromic catgut
  1. Which number scalpel blade is universally useful for oral surgical procedure?
    A. 15
    B. 12
    C. 17
    D. 10
  1. Local factors predisposing bone to osteomyelitis are related mainly to:
    1. Reduced antibody formation
    2. Reduced blood supply
    3. Potent endotoxin
    4. Increased lymphatic circulation
  1. Normally a dressing should be changed after every:
    A. Atleast 24 hr
    B. 3–4 days
    C. 24–48 hr
    D. 4–5 days
  1. Presence of suture increases the susceptibility of infection by a factor of:
    A. 100 times
    B. 1000 times
    C. 10000 times
    D. 100000 times
  1. Which of the following material is not used for packing of wounds?
    1. Iodoform gauze
    2. Gauze soaked in antibiotic paste
    3. Betadine
    4. Gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide
  1. Drains are used for:
    1. Providing exit for pus and infection outside
    2. Prevent formation of haematomas
    3. Prevent formation of seromas in hard and soft tissues
    4. All of the above
    6. D
    7. D
    8. A
    9. B
    10. C
    11. C
    12. D
    13. D
  1. In periodontal surgeries needle used is:
    1. 1/4th, round body
    2. 3/8th, reverse cutting
    3. 1/2, flat needle
    4. 3/4th, atraumatic needle
  1. Poor accessibility is main disadvantage of:
    A. Trapezoid flap
    B. Envelope flap
    C. Semilunar flap
    D. Any of the above
  1. Vicryl is an:
    1. Absorbable natural suture
    2. Absorbable synthetic suture
    3. Nonabsorbable silk suture
    4. Nonabsorbable synthetic suture
  1. Incisional biopsy is indicated in:
    1. 2 cm hemangioma of tongue
    2. 3 cm leukoplakia of cleft palate
    3. 0.5 cm fibroma of gingiva
    4. 3.5 cm area of fordyces spot of cheek
  1. Among the following which factor influences pain perception threshold:
    A. Emotional state
    B. Apprehension
    C. Age
    D. All of the above
  1. Complete blood count does not include:
    A. Haemoglobin
    B. Haematocrit
    C. Total WBC count
    D. ESR
  1. Among the following which causes practisioner the greatest concern:
    1. 80 percent of normal partial prothrombin time
    2. 50 percent of normal prothrombin time
    3. 30 percent of normal prothrombin time
    4. 20 percent of normal prothrombin time
  1. Which of the following is early sign of need of oxygen?
    A. Tachycardia
    B. Cyanosis
    C. Sternal relaxation
    D. Constricted pupil
    14. B
    15. B
    16. B
    17. B
    18. D
    19. D
    20. D
    21. A
  1. Among the following which anaerobic organism is frequently responsible for oral infection?
    1. Staphylococcus aureus
    2. Staphylococcus albus
    3. Bacteroides fragilis
    4. Streptococcus viridans
  1. In patient on artificial ventilation the cycle of exhale air ventilation should be repeated of every:
    A. 20 secs
    B. 10 secs
    C. 5 secs
    D. 1 sec
  1. The following factors influence the sedation procedure with IV agents:
    A. Weight of patient
    B. Age
    C. Type of agent used
    D. All of the above
  1. Frequent site for occurrence of ameloblastoma is:
    1. Mandibular premolar area
    2. Max molar area
    3. Max antrum and floor of nose
    4. Mandibular molar and ramus area
  1. Among the following which is short acting barbiturates:
    A. Pentobarbital
    B. Phenobarbital
    C. Valium
    D. Codeine
  1. Site of action of valium is:
    A. Cerebellum
    B. Cerebral cortex
    C. Limbic system
    D. Pyramidal system
  1. Among the following which has least hypnotic action:
    A. Chloralhydrate
    B. Pentobarbital
    C. Phenobarbital
    D. Codeine
  1. Which of the following lesion has no epithelial lining?
    A. Nasopalatine cyst
    B. Nasolabial cyst
    C. Aneurysmal bone cyst
    D. Follicular cyst
    22. C
    23. C
    24. D
    25. D
    26. A
    27. C
    28. D
    29. C
  1. Preanesthetic medication is commonly used to achieve the following goals except:
    1. Decrease nervous irritability
    2. Decrease secretions
    3. Provides analgesia
    4. Desensitise the respiratory center of CO2
  1. What is the time to administer analgesic for controlling postoperative pain?
    1. After the regain of sensation
    2. Pain becomes moderate to severe
    3. Before the anesthetic effect wears off
    4. None of the above
  1. The soft tissue incision used to remove mand. Tori should be placed:
    1. Directly over torus
    2. Inferior to torus in floor of mouth
    3. Over the edentulous crest or gingival crevice around the dentition
    4. None of the above
  1. Which of the following bone graft has the greatest osteogenic potential?
    1. Autogenous cortical bone
    2. Autogenous cancellous graft
    3. A freeze dried bone graft
    4. Xenograft
  1. Among the following which is an advantage of IV administration of drug?
    1. Minimal skill
    2. Sedative drugs are compatible with IV solution
    3. It eliminates side effects
    4. It allows titration of the drug
  1. Sedation by which of the following routes can be reversed most rapidly?
    A. Inhalation
    B. Intramuscular
    C. Intravenous
    D. Oral
    30. D
    31. C
    32. C
    33. B
    34. D
    35. A
  1. An inhaled foreign body most probably enters:
    A. Left bronchus
    B. Right bronchus
    C. Oesophagus
    D. None of the above
  1. A patient came to dental clinic who has pulse rate of 72 respiratory rate of 15 bp of 120/80 warm pink extremities and pupils that constrict during near accommodation then what is the diagnosis:
    A. Normal patient
    B. Acute anxiety syndrome
    C. Coronary artery disease
    D. Myopia
  1. Best way to palpate submandibular gland is:
    1. Bimanual extraoral
    2. Monomanual extraoral
    3. Bimanual simultaneous intra and extraoral
    4. None of the above
  1. Among the following which is strongest stimulator to increase the respiration:
    A. Decrese IV oxygen
    B. Increase blood pH
    C. Increase in arterial CO2
    D. Increase in arterial oxygen
  1. The following suture material has the memory property:
    A. Silk
    B. Catgut
    C. Nylon
    D. Linen
  1. Among the following which one elicit more tissue reaction?
    A. Catgut
    B. Silk
    C. Nylon
    D. Linen
  1. Surgical needle and sutures are usually sterilised in manufacturing units by:
    A. Gamma radiation
    B. X-rays
    C. Boiling
    D. Dry heat sterilisation
  1. Langer lines usually runs parallel with:
    1. Parallel with skin creases and underlying muscle
    2. Perpendicular to skin creases and parallel to action of underlying muscle
    3. Parallel with skin creases and perpendicular to action of underlying muscle
    4. None of the above
    36. B
    37. A
    38. C
    39. C
    40. C
    41. A
    42. A
    43. C
  1. The following is one of the advantage of catgut over plain suture:
    A. Greater ease of use
    B. Nonabsorbable
    C. Greater strength
    D. Cheap
  1. The average daily adult fluid intake should be:
    A. 4000 ml
    B. 1800 ml
    C. 1200 ml
    D. 500 ml
  1. Among the following which radiograph best demonstrates the subcondylar fracture?
    A. Townes projection
    B. a-p mandible
    C. Submento vertex
    D. Occipito mental
  1. Of the following which is most common site of metastatis from mandible?
    A. Heart
    B. Liver
    C. Lung
    D. Pancreas
    44. C
    45. B
    46. A
    47. C