Principles and Practice of Pedodontics Arathi Rao
Aims of prosthodontic rehabilitation 408
obturation of congenital and acquired defects of orofacial structures 408
prevention and correction of speech abnormality 408
prevention of harmful habits 408
provision of space maintenance 408
restoration of masticatory efficiency 408
Aims and objectives of pediatric dental practice 2
Amalgam restoration for primary teeth 189
occlusal 190
proximal box 190
Analgesics and antibiotics used in dentistry 394
anti-inflammatory analgesics 394
classification of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 394
antimicrobial agents used in dentistry 395
advantage of oral antimicrobial agents 395
commonly encountered infections in dental practice 395
Analytical epidemiology 492
case control study 492
advantages and disadvantages 493
analysis 493
bias in case control studies 493
matching 492
measurement of exposure 493
selection of cases and controls 492
cohort study 494
advantages and disadvantages 495
elements 494
features 494
indications 494
types 494
Anesthesia for the mandibular tissues 385
greater palatine nerve block 387
infraorbital nerve block 386
maxillary and mandibular infiltration 385
maxillary anterior superior nerve block 386
middle superior alveolar nerve block 386
nasopalatine nerve block 387
palatal infiltration 387
posterior superior alveolar nerve block 386
Anesthesia for the maxillary tissues 385
Appliance used to intercept developing skeletal malocclusion 125
contraindications of preorthodontic jaw trainer 127
design of preorthodontic jaw trainer 125
indications of preorthodontic jaw trainer 126
method of use 126
preorthodontic jaw trainer 125
Area susceptibility for caries 174
Atraumatic restorative technique (ART) 241
advantages 241
contraindications 241
history 241
indication 241
principles 241
steps in preparing the cavity 241
Bacterial infections 436
actinomycosis 437
diphtheria 436
noma (cancrum oris) 438
pyogenic granuloma (granuloma pyogenicum) 439
scarlet fever (scarlatina) 436
syphilis 438
tetanus (lock-jaw) 438
tuberculosis 437
Behavior management 101
nonpharmacological methods 101
behavior management techniques 104
behavioral shaping 102
communication 101
HOME: hand over mouth exercise 105
implosion therapy 108
physical restraints 106
preappointment behavior modification 101
retraining 108
pharmacological behavior management 108
different types of pharmacological behavior management techniques 109
indications for pharmacological behavior management techniques 108
terms and definition 108
Benign tumors of the oral cavity 433
blue nevus 433
congenital epulis 433
hemangioma 433
lymphangioma 433
neurofibromatosis 433
white sponge nevus 433
Bruxism 159
etiology 159
features 159
management 159
Buckley’s solution 292
Caries activity tests 231
lactobacillus colony count 231
disadvantages 232
rapid caries activity test by resazurin disc 232
saliva tongue blade method 232
salivary reductase test 232
results 232
Snyder test 232
advantage 232
results 232
Cavity classification 187
Black’s classification 187
classification based on the site of occurrence of carious lesions 189
classification based on the size of carious lesions 189
classification by Mount and Hume 189
Finn’s modification of Black’s classification for deciduous teeth 188
Cavity preparation 186
factors to be considered before cavity preparation 186
objectives 186
Characteristics of an abused child 330
abuser 330
features of abused child 330
Child abuse and neglect 328
types 328
educational abuse 329
emotional abuse and neglect 329
failure to thrive 329
health care neglect 329
international poisoning/drugging 329
Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy 329
physical abuse 328
physical neglect 328
safety neglect 329
sexual abuse 328
Child parent separation 98.
Child’s first dental visit 100
Classification of caries 174
acute dental caries 176
arrested caries 177
chronic dental caries 177
enamel caries–early features 175
nursing bottle caries/body bottle caries 179
pit or fissure caries 175
classification 175
rampant caries 177
etiology 178
feature 178
management 178
recurrent caries 177
smooth surface caries 175
Classification of children’s behavior 99
Frankl’s behavior rating scale 99
Kopel’s classification 100
Lampshire’s classification 100
co-operative 100
emotionally immature 100
fearful 100
handicapped 100
hypermotive 100
outwardly apprehensive 100
stubborn/defiant 100
tense co-operative 100
Wright (1975) added symbolic modifications 100
Wright’s classification of behavior (1975) 99
co-operative behavior 99
potentially co-operative behavior 99
Classification of chromosomal aberration 456
Down syndrome (mongolism) 457
clinical features 457
etiology 457
types 457
Classification of gingival diseases 402
acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) 404
chronic nonspecific gingivitis 404
drug-induced hyperplasia 404
eruption gingivitis 403
generalized aggressive periodontitis 405
gingivitis associated with acute bacterial infection 404
gingivitis associated with aphthous stomatitis 403
gingivitis associated with HSV I Infection 403
gingivitis associated with poor oral hygiene 403
hereditary fibromatosis gingival enlargement 404
localized aggressive periodontitis 405
pre-pubertal periodontitis 405
puberty gingivitis 404
scorbutic gingivitis 405
Classification of periodontal diseases 401
gingivitis 401
clinical features 402
stages 402
Classification of periradicular diseases 282
acute alveolar abscess 282
clinical features 282
treatment 282
chronic abscess 282
Classification of pulpal diseases 280
chronic hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp) 281
clinical features 281
treatment 281
internal resorption 281
clinical features 281
treatment 282
irreversible pulpitis 281
clinical features 281
treatment 281
necrosis of the pulp 282
clinical features 282
treatment 282
reversible pulpitis 280
clinical features 280
treatment 281
Complete denture 412
indications 412
overdentures 412
patient instructions 412
Components of a successful dental practice 484
operational systems 484
patient systems 484
personnel systems 484
Composite resin restorative material 205
acid etchant – technique 208
bonding agent 209
classification 210
critical factors affecting adhesion 209
individual components of bonding agents 209
classification 206
based on filler particle size 206
based on the mean particle size of the major filler 207
based on the method of polymerization 207
composition 206
coupling agent 206
filler particle 206
resin matrix 206
etching primary teeth 208
gel etchant 208
light cured composites 207
liquid etchant 208
properties 207
properties of composite resins 212
repair of composites 212
rebonding to old composite 212
repair of the newly placed restoration 212
steps in composite restoration 211
acid etching 211
beveling of the cavity border 211
finishing and polishing 212
oral prophylaxis 211
shade selection 211
wear of composites 212
Conservative approach for proximal caries in deciduous teeth 191
proximal approach 191
slot preparation 191
Cri-du-chat (cat cry syndrome) 458
Cysts of oral cavity 433
dental lamina cyst of the newborn 434
dentigerous cyst (follicular cyst) 433
globulomaxillary cysts 434
nasopalatine duct cyst 434
odontogenic keratocyst 434
primordial cyst 433
radicular cyst 434
Defluoridation of water 276
cation exchange method 276
carbion 276
defluoron 276
defluoron 276
magnesia 276
mechanism of defluoridation by Nalgonda technique 276
Nalgonda technique of defluoridation 276
Dental auxiliaries 477
classification 478
Dental caries 164
etiology 164
microflora 166
bacteria responsible for smooth surface fissure and root caries varies 166
bacterial colonization in the oral cavity 166
Streptococcus mutans 166
role of tooth 164
anatomic characteristics of the teeth 164
antibacterial property 166
arch form 165
composition of saliva 165
composition of the teeth 165
flow rate of saliva 165
presence of dental appliances and restoration 165
role of saliva 165
salivary buffers 166
viscosity of saliva 166
Dental floss 253
classification 254
disclosing agents 255
uses of disclosing agent 255
effectiveness 254
usage 254
Dental office setting 485
Dental xeroradiography 373
advantages 373
Dentifrices 253
composition 253
Development of occlusion 70
deciduous dentition period 71
eruption age and sequence 71
features 71
mixed dentition period 73
first transitional period 73
intertransitional period 74
second transitional period 75
permanent dentition period 76
Angle’s class I 76
Angle’s class II 76
Angle’s class III 76
predental/dentate period 70
gum pads 70
Development of teeth 58
advanced bell stage/apposition 59
bell stage/morpho- and histodifferentiation 59
bud stage/initiation 58
cap stage/proliferation 58
Diagnosis of caries 185
cavitated lesions 185
tactile evidence 186
visual evidence 185
newer methods of caries diagnosis 186
digital imaging fiberoptic transillumination 186
infrared laser fluorescence 186
quantitative light fluorescence 186
Diagnosis of pulp pathology 282
diagnostic features 282
discoloration 283
mobility 283
pain 282
radiographs 285
swelling 282
vitality tests 284
Diet and dental caries 169
cariogenecity of a food 169
eating habits in children 169
Diet assessment, analyzing and counseling 234
diet counseling 235
diet habit assessment 234
various methods employed for collection 234
dietary goal at modification 235
Difference between primary and permanent pulp 280
Differences between a deciduous tooth and a permanent tooth 10
features of a deciduous crown 10
features of a deciduous pulp 10
features of a deciduous root 10
Differences between the child and adult periodontium 400
Digital radiography or real-time imaging 372
advantages 372
disadvantages 373
Discoloration in cystic fibrosis 442
Discoloration in erythroblastosis fetalis 442
Discoloration in porphyria 442
Discoloration in tetracycline therapy 442
Disorders affecting the number of teeth 428
anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 430
anodontia 429
ectodermal dysplasia 430
hypodontia 429
supernumerary teeth 428
Disorders affecting the shape of the teeth 425
concrescence 428
dens evaginatus 426
dens in dente 426
dilacerations 426
fusion 427
gemination 428
macrodontia 425
microdontia 425
odontome 428
supernumerary roots 427
Talon’s cusp 426
taurodontism 427
Disorders affecting the structure of the teeth 431
amelogenesis imperfecta 432
dentin dysplasia 432
dentin dysplasia (type I) 432
dentin dysplasia (type II) 433
dentinogenesis imperfecta hereditary opalescent dentin 432
enamel hyoplasia/enamel hypocalcification 431
Disorders of the buccal mucosa 424
focal epithelial hyperplasia 424
Fordyce’s granules 424
leukoedema 424
Disorders of the face 435
facial hemiatrophy 436
facial hemihypertrophy 435
Disorders of the jaw 434
agnathia 434
cherubism 435
fibrous dysplasia 435
macrognathia 435
micrognathia 435
osteomyelitis 435
Disorders of the lips 424
cleft lip 425
commissural lip pits 424
double lip 425
Peutz-Jegher’s syndrome 425
Disorders of the tongue 422
ankyloglossia 422
benign migratory glossitis 423
fissured tongue 423
hairy tongue 424
lingual thyroid 424
macroglossia 422
median rhomboid glossitis 423
microglossia 422
Down’s syndrome 346
Effects of trauma on development of succedaneous teeth 323
Epidemiological studies relating sucrose to dental caries 170
hereditary fructose intolerance 170
Hope Wood house study 170
Turku Sugar studies 171
Epidemiology 487
aims 489
components of epidemiology 488
determinants of disease 489
disease frequency 488
distribution of disease 488
descriptive studies 489
procedures in descriptive epidemiology 489
uses of descriptive epidemiology 491
epidemiologic methods 489
principles 489
Etiology of gingival diseases 402
Examination 22
extra-oral examination 24
facial divergence 26
facial height 26
facial profile 24
facial symmetry 26
lymph nodes 28
mentolabial sulcus 30
shape of the face 24
shape of the head 24
temporomandibular joint 27
general examination 22
built 23
gait 23
general well-being of the child 22
height and weight 22
speech 23
intra-oral—hard tissue examination 32
hard tissue status 33
occlusion 33
teeth present 32
intra-oral—soft tissue examination 31
change in color 31
change in consistency 31
change in contour 31
gingiva 31
halitosis 32
saliva 32
tongue 31
local examination 24
Experimental epidemiology 495
aims 496
blinding 497
randomized controlled trials (RCT) 496
uses of epidemiology 497
Extraction of teeth 389
contraindications to tooth removal 391
acute oral infection 391
acute systemic infections 391
blood diseases 391
irradiated bone 391
uncontrolled diabetes mellitus 391
rationale of deciduous tooth removal 389
acute pathologic involvement 389
ankylosed deciduous tooth 390
cariously involved, nonrestorable deciduous tooth 390
chronic pathologic involvement 390
fractured of traumatized tooth 391
impacted tooth 391
natal of neonatal tooth 391
over retained deciduous tooth 390
supernumerary tooth 391
Extraction of the lower teeth 392
Factors influencing child’s behavior 94
factors involving parents 95
attitude of parents to dentistry 96
family influence 95
maternal anxiety 96
parent-child relationship 95
factors involving the child 94
growth and development 94
IQ of the child 94
past dental experience 94
social and adaptive skill 94
factors involving the dentist 96
appearance of the dental office 96
avoiding the use of fear promoting words 97
dentist’s skill and speed 97
personality of the dentist 97
use of subtle, flattery, praise and reward 97
Fear 92
changes in fear perception with age 93
types 92
objective fear 92
subjective fear 92
value of fear 93
Features of deciduous teeth compared to permanent teeth 184
broad and flat contact areas 184
constricted cervical portion 184
enamel rods extend in a slightly occlusal direction from the DEJ in the gingival third 184
lighter color 184
narrow occlusal table 184
shorter crown 184
thinner enamel and dentin layers 184
wider mesiodistally than cervicoocclusal height 184
Final diagnosis 40
Fixed partial dentures 412
types 412
cantilevered prosthesis 415
complete crown retainers 415
inlay retainers 415
partial veneer crown retainers 414
resin bonded retainers 413
restorations for a single tooth 416
Fluoride 262
absorption of fluoride 262
different modes 265
systemic fluorides 265
topical fluorides 268
distribution of fluoride in nature 262
fluoride in the lithosphere 262
in the atmosphere 262
in the biosphere 262
in the hydrosphere 262
distribution of fluoride in the body 263
fluoride in plasma 263
fluorides in bone 263
fluorides in soft tissues 263
excretion of fluoride 264
fluoride in India 262
mechanism of action of fluoride 264
alteration of tooth morphology 265
decreasing the solubility of hydroxyapatite crystals 264
desorption of protein and bacteria 265
enzyme inhibition 265
improving the crystallinity of hydroxyapatite 265
lowering the free surface energy 265
remineralization 265
suppressing the flora 265
Fluoride toxicity 274
acute fluoride toxicity 274
management 274
signs and symptoms 274
chronic toxicity 275
Functional matrix theory 51
Fungal infection 441
acute pseudomembranous candidiasis (thrush) 441
General principles of pediatric pharmacology 6
Genetic counseling 459
indications 459
information conveyed during genetic counseling 459
process involved in genetic counseling 459
psychological aspects of counseling 460
Genetics and dental caries 458
Genetics and malocclusion 459
Genetics and periodontal disease 459
Glass ionomer cement 201
classification 201
composition 201
critical procedures for glass ionomer restoration 204
modifications of glass ionomer cement 205
properties of glass ionomer cement 203
adhesion 203
biocompatibility 203
esthetics 203
physical properties 203
resin modified glass ionomer cement 205
advantages 205
composition 205
setting reaction 205
role of fluoride in glass ionomer cement 202
setting reaction of glass ionomer cement 202
different stages in the setting reaction 202
factors affecting rate of setting of glass ionomer cement 203
factors affecting setting characteristic of glass ionomer cement 203
role of moisture contamination and dehydration 202
Global goals for oral health 2020
by WHO 256
aims 256
goals 256
objectives 257
targets 257
craniofacial anomalies 258
dental caries 258
developmental anomalies of teeth 258
functional disorders 257
health care services 259
infectious diseases 257
noma 258
oral manifestations of HIV infection 258
oral mucosal diseases 258
oropharyngeal cancer 257
pain 257
periodontal diseases 258
salivary gland disorders 258
tooth loss 259
trauma 258
Growth 44
factors influencing growth 44
environmental factors 44
genetic factors 44
maternal factors 44
Growth spurts 46
clinical importance 46
period of growth spurts 46
Guidelines for prescribing radiographs 362
detection of developmental anomalies 362
evaluation of the development of dentition 362
pathologic evaluation 362
post-treatment evaluation 362
routine evaluation based on risk assessment 363
high risk child 363
low risk child 363
Hand wrist radiographs 371
indications 372
Handicapping conditions 334
bleeding disorder 351
features and dental importance 351
blindness 350
features and dental importance 350
bone marrow transplantation 354
dental management 354
cerebral palsy 334
behavior in dental clinic 336
classification 335
dental consideration and management 335
incidence 335
childhood autism 350
features and dental importance 350
children on anticoagulants 354
dental management 354
cleft lip and palate 338
classification of cleft lip and palate 339
etiology for cleft formation 339
mechanism of cleft formation 339
coagulation disorders 351
features and dental importance 351
congenital cardiac disease 337
features and dental importance 337
deafness 351
features and dental importance 351
diabetes mellitus 346
diagnosis 346
features and dental importance 346
Down’s syndrome 345
dental management 345
epilepsy 348
classification 348
features and dental importance 349
hemophilia A 351
features and dental importance 352
hyperparathyroidism 347
features and dental importance 347
hyperpituitarism 347
features and dental importance 347
hyperthyroidism 347
features and dental importance 347
hypoparathyroidism 347
features and dental importance 347
hypopituitarism 347
features and dental importance 347
hypothyroidism 347
features and dental importance 347
immunodeficiency 348
features and dental importance 348
leukemia 353
dental effects of chemotherapy 354
dental effects of radiation therapy 354
dental management 353
oral manifestations 353
liver disease 346
features and dental importance 346
mental retardation 336
classification 336
dental considerations 337
etiology 336
incidence 336
modifications in treatment plan 337
organ transplantation 354
dental implication and management 354
renal diseases 345
features and dental importance 345
respiratory disease (asthma) 348
features and dental importance 348
sickle cell anemia 352
features and dental importance 352
thalassemia 353
dental implications and management 353
Harmful effects of prosthesis and its prevention 408
caries 408
effects of growth and development 409
loss of alveolar bone 409
oral mucosal disorders 409
periodontal disease 408
Health education 243
communication 243
key element in communication 243
objectives 243
History 20
family history 22
history of chief complaint 20
attenuating factors or relieving factors 20
duration 20
inception 20
intensity and quality 20
location of pain 20
provoking factors or aggravating factors 20
radiation 20
medical history 20
natal history 21
postnatal history 21
prenatal history 21
recent medical history 21
past dental history 22
personal history 22
diet history 22
oral habits history 22
oral hygiene history 22
Implant prosthesis 418
Indications for prosthetic replacement/prosthesis 408
Indices used in routine dental practice 471
caries indices for deciduous dentition 474
criteria for classifying debris 471
criteria for selecting an index 471
decayed-missing-filled index 473
calculation of DMFT index 474
DMFS 474
rules in recording DMFT 473
WHO modification of DMX index (1986) 474
gingival index 473
calculation 473
oral hygiene index-simplified (OHI-S index) 471
plaque index 472
scoring criteria 472
Individual tooth assessment 285
apexification 298
follow-up 300
material used 299
procedure 299
apexogenesis (calcium hydroxide pulpotomy) 298
aim 298
direct pulp capping 288
contraindications 288
indications 288
materials used for direct pulp capping 289
procedure 288
treatment considerations 288
indirect pulp capping 286
affected vs infected dentin 287
aim 286
contraindications 286
indications 286
procedure 286
pulpectomy 293
common problems with zinc oxide eugenol as deciduous tooth obturation material 297
contraindications 293
evaluation of success of pulpectomy 297
follow-up 297
indications 293
multivisit pulpectomy 294
problems encountered in deciduous tooth pulpectomy 297
procedure of single visit pulpectomy 294
single visit pulpectomy 294
treatment modalities for a permanent tooth with extensive involvement of the pulp 298
types 293
pulpotomy 290
contraindications 291
indications 291
objectives 290
types 291
Infection control 445
barrier precautions 446
care of handpieces 451
cleaning and disinfection of dental unit and environmental surfaces 451
disinfection and the dental laboratory 451
disposal and treatment of health care waste materials 451
hand washing and care of hands 448
incinerators 452
chemical disinfection 453
encapsulation 454
inertization 454
microwave irradiation 453
safe burying 454
wet thermal treatment 453
routes of transmission of infection 446
single-use disposable instruments 451
sterilization or disinfection of instruments 448
pre-sterilization cleaning 449
sterilization methods 450
use and care of sharp instruments and needles 448
Injuries associated with abuse 329
abdominal injuries 330
bone injuries 330
head injuries 330
injury to skin and subcutaneous tissues 330
orofacial injuries 329
Interceptive orthodontics 123
problems encountered in primary and mixed dentition periods and the procedures to correct them 123
anterior cross bite 123
deep bite 125
diastema 125
posterior cross bite 125
Intrinsic stains 441
Investigation 37
cephalometric study 38
use of cephalometrics 38
photographs 38
pulp testing 37
electric pulp testing 38
response to vitality testing 38
thermal 37
radiographic examination 37
study models and model analysis 38
Isolation techniques 194
different methods 194
absorbents and throat shields 198
high volume evacuators and saliva ejectors 197
rubber dam 194
Key’s triad 164
Klinefelter’s syndrome 456, 458
clinical features 458
Leeway space of nance 75
Levels of prevention, caries point of view 242
primary prevention level 242
secondary prevention level 242
tertiary prevention level 242
Lip biting and mentalis habit 159
features 159
changes seen due to the lip biting habit 160
mantalis habit 159
management 160
Local anesthesia 380
absorption metabolism and excretion of anesthetic agent 383
absorption 383
excretion 384
metabolism 383
complications 384
composition of local anesthetic solution 381
contraindications 384
duration of action 384
effects of overdose 382
ideal requirements of the anesthetic agent 383
local anesthetics 380
mode of action of local anesthesia 383
Magnetic resonance imaging 372
Major developmental periods in the development of a child to a full matured adult 85
babyhood (2 weeks to 2 years) 86
characteristics of the period 86
childhood (2 to 11
years) 87
characteristics of the period 87
infancy (Birth to 1014
days) 86
characteristics of an infant 86
conditions influencing adjustment to postnatal life 86
prenatal period 85
puberty/adolescence (11 to 16
years) characteristics of adolescence 88
characteristics of puberty 87
Management of a physically handicapped child during dental treatment 355
dental office access 355
diet and nutrition 355
first dental visit of a handicapped child 355
fluoride 355
home care 355
modification of tooth brushes 357
pit and fissure sealant 356
position of the child and the caretaker 356
lap 356
sofa 356
standing 356
preventive methodologies 355
radiographic examination 355
Management of discolored teeth 323
bleaching of vital teeth 323
bleaching of non-vital teeth 323
in office bleaching technique 323
procedure 323
walking bleach 323
Mandibular anesthesia 387
inferior alveolar block 387
technique of inferior alveolar, lingual and long buccal nerve block 387
mental nerve block 388
Matrix bands, retainers and wedges 191
classification of matrix band 191
spot-welded matrix band 193
T-band 191
wedges 193
types 193
uses 194
Measures of growth 47
growth assessment parameters 47
chronologic age 47
height and weight age 47
skeletal age 47
behavioral age 49
dental age 47
facial age 49
mental age 50
sexual age 49
Mechanism of dental caries 172
acidogenic/chemicoparasitic theory 172
autoimmune theory (Burch and Jackson) 172
chemical theory 172
endogenous/vital theory 172
glycogen theory 172
humors 172
organotrophic theory by Leimgruber 172
parasitic/septic theory 172
proteolytic theory 172
sucrose chelation theory 172
worms 172
Mechanisms of growth 50
cortical drift 50
displacement 51
endosteal and periosteal bone growth 50
expanding ‘V’ principle 50
growth fields 51
relocation and remodeling 50
surface principle 51
Medical emergencies 499
management during an emergency 501
airway 502
circulation 503
position 502
management for some of the emergencies encountered in the pediatric dental clinic 504
acute adrenal insufficiency 511
acute asthmatic attack 504
foreign body obstruction 508
hypersensitivity reactions 505
hypoglycemia 513
local anesthesia (LA) overdosage 509
precautions against an emergency 501
careful use of drugs 501
recording ASA classification for the child 501
recording physical signs 501
preparedness for an emergency 500
equipping himself 500
equipping the office 500
Metal ceramic crown 417
Methods of reducing radiation exposure 363
Microscopic structure of dentinal caries 173
Minimal intervention dentistry 228
aims and objectives 228
concepts 228
control 231
identification 228
prevention 229
Morphology of individual deciduous teeth 11
mandibular canines 12
mandibular first molars 13
mandibular incisors 11
mandibular second molars 14
maxillary canines 12
maxillary first molars 13
maxillary incisors 11
maxillary second molars 13
Mouth breathing habit 157
clinical features 157
etiology 157
examination of a child 157
management of a child 158
oral screen/vestibular screen 158
Mucocele 442
Nail biting habit 160
treatment 160
Neurologic anatomy 378
innervation to the primary and permanent teeth 378
terminal branches of mandibular nerve 379
terminal branches of maxillary nerve 378
Normal human growth 44
post-natal phases 45
features 45
pre-natal phases 44
period of embryo 45
period of fetus 45
period of ovum 44
Scammon’s growth curve 45
Objectives of behavior management 100
Oral health surveys [pathfinder surveys] 469
classification 470
national pathfinder survey 470
pilot survey 470
Oral hygiene AIDS 244
ideal pedodontic brush 246
modifications in brushes 246
tooth brushes 244
components of a brush 245
Parent counseling 98
Patient evaluation 18
Pediatric dentistry 2
Pedodontics in India 2
Pernicious oral habits 148
classification 148
by Brash 148
by Earnest Klein 148
by Morris and Bohana 148
by Sydney Finn 148
by William James 149
Physiologic gingival changes associated with tooth eruption 400
eruptive stage 401
posteruptive stage 401
pre-eruptive stage 401
Pit and fissure sealants 236
classification of resin sealants 238
history 236
materials used as sealant 237
properties of BISGMA 238
biocompatibility 238
dimensional stability 238
ease of manipulation 238
microleakage and bacterial survival 239
physical and mechanical properties 238
viscosity and penetration 238
requirements of the materials 236
steps in the placement of sealant 237
Plaque 167
composition 168
formation of plaque 168
inorganic constituents of plaque 168
pathogenic constituents of plaque 168
pellicle and its structure 169
structure 168
Post-natal growth and development 52
post-natal growth of mandible 54
post-natal growth of maxilla 53
displacement 53
growth at sutures 54
surface remodeling 54
post-natal growth of the cranium 52
cortical drift and remodeling 52
elongation at the synchondrosis 52
sutural growth 53
Practical application of understanding tooth morphology 15
pulp therapy 15
stainless steel crown preparations 15
surgical procedures 15
tooth preparations 15
Practical significance of predicting development 50
Pre-eruptive “caries” 441
Prevention of trauma during contact sports 324
instructions to the patient 325
mouth protectors 324
classification of mouth protectors 325
ideal requirement of a mouth protector 324
Preventive dentistry 227
principles and objectives 228
scope 228
Preventive orthodontics 122
postnatal care as a part of preventive orthodontics 122
role of radiographs in preventive orthodontics 122
role of study models in preventive orthodontics 122
prenatal advice to mother as a part of preventive orthodontics 122
Preventive resin restorations (PRR) 239
types 239
type A 239
type B 240
type C 240
Production and collections 485
Protective factors in food that help reduce caries 171
fats and protein 171
glycyrrhizinic acid 171
phosphates 171
different types of phosphates that are protective 171
trace elements 171
possible mechanism of trace element action of dental caries 172
Provisional diagnosis 36
Radiation protection or radiation hygiene measures 373
correct exposure time 374
correct film processing procedures 374
film holding devices 374
filtering of X-ray beam 374
maintaining good equipment standards 373
obtaining previous radiographs 374
protective shielding 374
radiation protection of operator and office personnels 374
restricted beam of radiation 374
right type of cone to be used 374
Radiographic techniques commonly used in children 364
intraoral periapical (IOPA) radiographs 365
bite wing radiographs 367
indications 365
occlusal radiograph 368
panoramic radiographs 371
Ranula 443
Reaction of the pulp to trauma 322
ankylosis 322
calcific metamorphosis of dental pulp 322
external root resorption 322
internal hemorrhage 322
internal resorption 322
pulpal hyperemia 322
pulpal necrosis 322
Reasons why gingivitis rarely progress to periodontitis in prepubertal children 400
Recent advances in fluoride research 273
fluoride chewing gum 273
fluoride containing alginates 273
fluoride containing amalgam 273
fluoride containing dental cements 273
fluoride impregnated dental floss 273
fluoride–chlorhexidine amalgam 273
iontophoresis 273
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis 443
Removable partial denture 410
advantages of removable denture 412
design for removable partial denture in children 410
disadvantages of removable denture 412
ideal requirements 410
indications 410
instructions to the patient and the parents 411
parts of a removable partial denture 410
procedure for constructing removable partial denture 411
Resin jacket crown 416
Responsibilities of the pedodontist 7
Role of dental surgeon 331
diagnosis 331
examination 331
prognosis 331
Root formation 59
permanent dentition 60
School dental health program 244
advantages of a school-based program 244
elements of school-based programs 244
Scope of pedodontics 3
Sequence of motor development 88
Silver amalgam restorative material 199
classification of amalgam alloy 199
according to the composition 199
according to the method of dispensing 199
according to the shape 199
according to the size 199
zinc containing/non-zinc containing 199
condensation and carving of silver amalgam 199
mercury hygiene 201
Soldering procedure 144
Space maintainers 131
classification 131
band and loop space maintainers 133
fixed space maintainer 133
removable space maintainers 131
contraindication 131
contraindications of band and loop space maintainer 134
indications 131
modifications of band and loop space maintainers 135
active space maintainers/space regainers 140
band and bar space maintainer 136
bonded space maintainer 136
crown and loop space maintainer 135
distal shoe space maintainers 139
fixed space regainer 140
Gerber space regainer 142
Jackscrew space regainer 142
lingual arch space maintainer 136
Nance palatal arch 138
reverse crown/band and loop 135
transpalatal bar space maintainer 138
requirements 131
Space management 127
changes following premature tooth loss 127
etiology of space closure/contributing factors 128
planning for space maintenance factors involved 128
amount of bone covering the unerupted tooth 128
congenital absence of permanent tooth 129
delayed eruption of permanent tooth 129
dental age of the patient 128
existing malocclusion 129
Hixon and oldfather 130
Johnson and Tanaka’s analysis 130
Moyer’s mixed dentition analysis 129
presence of oral habits 129
radiographic method 130
sequence of eruption of teeth 129
space analysis 129
time lapse since loss 128
resulting effects due to premature loss of deciduous teeth 128
premature loss of first deciduous molar 128
premature loss of second deciduous molar 128
Special technique for the handicapped child 371
Specific differences between child and adult patients 3
emotional differences 5
pharmacokinetics 4
drug distribution 5
drug excretion 5
drug metabolism 5
uptake of the drug and absorption 4
physiology and anatomic differences 3
body fluids 3
body size 3
cardiovascular system 4
respiratory system 3
urinary system 4
Stainless steel crown 215
classification 217
complications 225
formation of interproximal ledge 225
ingestion of crown 225
over extension of the crown 225
under extension of the crown 225
composition 217
contraindications 217
equipments used 218
burs 218
pliers 218
indications 216
modifications 223
anterior teeth 224
deep subgingival caries in the interproximal surface 224
drifting of tooth and space loss 224
in bruxism 224
open contact 224
over sized crown 224
undersized crown 224
steps involved in adaptation of the preformed stainless steel crown 219
cementation 223
crown selection 219
finishing the crown 223
local anesthesia administration 221
placement of wedges 221
postcementation instruction 223
preoperative occlusal evaluation 221
rubberdam application 221
tooth preparation 221
trial fitting, trimming and contouring the crown 222
types 218
3M company 218
ormco company 218
rocky mountain 218
unitek 218
Sugar substitutes 233
non-caloric sweetners 233
sagar substitutes/caloric sweetners 233
Survey 463
steps in surveying 466
analyzing the data 469
conducting the examinations 467
designing the investigation 466
drawing the conclusions and publishing the report 469
establishing the objectives 466
selecting the sample 466
survey methods 464
health examination survey 464
health interview survey (face-toface survey) 464
health records survey 465
questionnaire survey 465
types 464
analytic survey 464
cross-sectional survey 464
descriptive surveys 464
longitudinal survey 464
uses of surveys 465
assessment of dental needs 465
monitoring trends in oral health and disease 465
policy development 465
program evaluation 465
providing visibility of dental issues 465
Theories of psychological development 80
behavior learning theories 83
classic conditioning 83
cognitive theory 84
operant conditioning theory 83
social learning theory 85
psychodynamic theories 80
hierarchy of needs 82
psychoanalytical theory 80
psychosocial theory 82
Thumb sucking habit 149
changes seen orofacial structures 151
classification 149
according to Cook 149
according to Subtleny 150
clinical features of a child practicing thumb sucking 151
factors influencing the severity of dental defects due of thumb sucking 152
management to thumb sucking habit 152
discussion with the child 152
discussion with the parents 153
use of habit reminders 153
theories explaining thumb sucking habit 151
Benjamin’s theory 151
learning theory 151
oral drive theory 151
psychosexual/psychoanalytical theory 151
three distinct phases of development of thumb sucking habit 152
Tongue thrusting habit 154
clinical features 154
features of adult swallowing pattern 155
features of infantile swallowing pattern 154
features of retained infantile swallow 155
features of swallow associated with complex tongue thrusting 155
features of swallow associated with simple tongue thrusting 155
general clinical features of tongue thrusting habit 156
investigative methods for identifying tongue thrusting habit 156
methods of examination 156
management 157
reasons for the prevalence of tongue thrusting habit in children 155
types 154
according to Backlund 154
according to Moyer 154
Tooth brushing program for children 248
Bass/modified bass technique 248
Charter’s method 248
Fone’s technique 249
guidelines for home oral hygiene 251
adolescents 252
infant 251
prenatal counseling 251
preschooler 251
school age 251
toddler 251
modified Stillman technique 248
physiologic method 249
recommended brushing techniques for children 249
Roll technique 248
Scrub technique 248
Tooth eruption 60
eruption movements 62
eruptive movements 63
pre-eruptive movements 62
theories of mechanism of tooth eruption 63
factors influence the timing of eruption 60
birth weight 61
genetic factor 61
hormones and vitamins 62
local causes 62
sex 61
socioeconomic condition 61
systemic disorder 61
post-eruptive movements 64
problems during eruption of teeth 64
ankylosis 66
difficult eruption/teething 64
Epstein pears, Bohn’s nodules and dental lamina cysts 66
eruption hematoma/eruption cyst 65
eruption sequestrum 65
natal and neonatal teeth 65
sequence of eruption 62
Topical anesthesia 380
Trauma to the anterior teeth 303
classification of trauma to anterior teeth 304
Ellis classification 304
descriptive classification 305
Ellis and Davey classification 304
Hargreaves and Craig classification 304
Hithersay and Morile classification 305
injuries to teeth 305
injury to periodontal tissues 305
international classification of diseases injuries to teeth 305
soft tissue injury 307
trauma to the supporting bone 307
WHO classification 305
etiology 307
management 309
clinical examination 309
obtaining history 309
providing first aid 310
predisposing factors 308
dental anomalies and caries 308
handicapped children 308
inadequate lip coverage 308
mechanical factors 308
prevention 309
treatment of the injury 311
emergency management of avulsed tooth 319
postoperative supportive management 320
trauma to the permanent tooth 312
trauma to the primary teeth 311
treatment modalities of avulsed tooth 319
Treatment planning 40
advantages 40
modification in treatment planning 41
phases 40
corrective phase 40
maintenance and recall 40
medical phase 40
preventive phase 40
systemic phase 40
Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) 458
Trisomy 18 (Edward’s syndrome) 458
clinical features 458
Turner’s syndrome 456
Turner’s syndrome (gonadal dysgenesis) 458
clinical features 458
Types of injection procedures 385
field block 385
local infiltration 385
nerve block 385
Types of prosthesis 409
fixed prosthesis 410
removable prosthesis 409
Ugly duckling stage 75
Values of knowing that children develop differently 85
basis of individuality 85
different expectations 85
Viral infections 439
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 440
chickenpox (varicella) 440
herpangina 439
herpes simplex virus type I infection 439
herpes zoster (shingles) 440
measles (rubeola) 439
mumps (epidemic parotitis) 440
Vital statistics 19
address 19
chronologic age 19
class and school 19
date 19
hospital registration number 19
name 19
parent’s name and occupation 19
sex 19
Chapter Notes

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