Self Assessment & Review Microbiology Immunology Rachna Chaurasia, Anshul Jain
Acanthamoeba 418
Acellular vaccine 200
Acid-fast organism 4
Actinomycosis 106
Acute HIV infection 346
Acute phase reactant 6, 481
Adaptive immune system 478
ADCC lymphocyte 455
Adenovirus 292
Aerobic bacteria 4
Agglutination reaction 462
AIDS dementia complex 347
Alcohols 21
Aldehydes 21
Amoebae 403
Amoebiasis 421
Anaerobes bacteria 522
Antibodies 459
Arboviruses 293
Ascomycetes 14
Aspergillus 388
Atypical pneumonia 257
adenovirus 269
Burkitt's lymphoma 276
chicken pox 265
CMV 266
epidermodyplasia verruciformis 274
epstein-barr virus 267
erythema infectosum 270
Gullen Baire syndrome 268
herpes gladiatorum 264
herpes simplex virus 264
herpes viruses 263
herpes zoster 266, 275
herpetic whitlow 264
human papilloma virus 270
molluscum contagiosum 269
papova virus 270
parvo virus 270
Paul Bunnel test 268
pox virus 268
vaccinia 268
varicella-zoster 265
variola 268
Australia antigen 327
Autoinfection 439
β hemolytic streptococci 48
B.lymphocyte 454
Babesia 424
Bacillus anthrax 108
Bactec 460 131
Bacteria 3
Bacteria in pair 5
Bacterial vaginosis 505
Bacteroides 504
Balantidium coli 412
Basidiomycetes 14
Bcye agar 219
Bence jones protein 461
Bengal V. Cholera 173
Bipolar staining 5
Blastomycosis 394
Blood flukes 443
Bordetella 198
Borrelia 243
Botryomycosis 107
Bradyzoites 413
Brucella 197
Brucellosis 202
Burkholderia mallei 188
Burkholderia pseudomallei 188
Buruli ulcer 133
C. ulcerans 96
C3 convertase 457
C5 convertase 457
Calciviruses 292
Camp reaction 48
Campylobacter fetus 207
Campylobacter jejuni 207
Candida 374
Capsid 523
Capsulated bacteria 3
CD4 + Tcell count 349
Cell wall 522
Cells 511
Cellulitis 62
Cerebral malaria 423
Cestodes 404
tapeworms 404
Cetrimide agar 187
Charcot leyden crystal 405
Chlamydiae 221
elementary body 221
PLT agent 221
reticular body 221
Chlamydiae pneumoniae 223
twar strain 223
Chlamydiae psittaci 223
Chlamydiae trachomatis 222
Cholera red reaction 172
Cholera toxin 178
Cidex 21
CJD 320, 323
Cl. Botulinum 81
Cl. Perfringes 83
Cl. Welchii 83
Classification of fungi 14
CLED 509
Clostridial myonecrosis 83
Clostridium tetani 79
Clumping factor 32
CMV retinitis 347
Coagulase negative staphylococci 31, 34
Coccidioidomycosis 394
Cold sterilization 21
Complement fixation test 463
Complement system 457
Complementarity determining regions 460
Congenital toxoplasmosis 414
Conjugation 506
Constant region 459
Coombs test 462
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 94
Cox-sackie virus 286
Cryptococcus neofromans 373
Cryptosporidium 425
Culture media 19
Cutaneous larva migrans 407
Cutaneous mycoses 15
Cysteine – tellurite blood agar 94
Cysticercosis 437
Cysticercosis bovis 438
Dendritic cells 456
Determinants of antigenicity 458
Dimorphic fungi 15
Dimorphic fungus 393
Diphtheroids 96
Diphyllobothrum 444
Disinfection 20
DNA virus 10
Donovanosis 517
Dry heat 20
Dyes 21
E.Granulosus 445
E.Multilocularis 446
Echo virus 286
Encephalitis 422
Endemic (primary, systemic mycoses 15
Endotoxins 515
Entamoebae 416
Enteric fever 152
Enteritis necroticans 84
Enteroadherant E.coli 148
Enteroaggregative E.coli 149
Enterobius vermicularis 440
Enterococci 55
Enterococcus 49
Enterohemorrhagic E.coli 149, 158
Enteroinvasive E.coli 149, 158
Enterotoxigenic E. coli 149
Env 344
Enzyme immunoassay 463, 477
Epidemic typhus 229
Epidermophyton 369
Epitope 458
Erythema nodosum leproticum 128
Escherichia coli 147
Ethylene oxide 21
Euglobulin 459
Eumycetes 14
Exotoxins 515
Eye worm 441
Favus 371
Fever of unknown origin 512
Filtration 20
Fish tapeworm 444
Food poisoning 18
Formaldehyde gas 21
Francisella 190
Fungi imperfecti 14, 385
Gag 344
Gas gangrene 83
Genital mycoplasmas 255
Giardia lamblia 412
Glycoprotein 473
Graft 471
Gram positive cocci 31
Griffith classification 59
Group F-streptococci 49
H. influenzae 196
Haemophilus aegyptius 197
Haemophilus ducreyi 197
Halogens 21
Halophilic vibrios 179
Hansen's disease 127
Haptens 458
HBe Ag 329
Helicobacter pylori 208
Hematagglutination 11
Hemoflagellates 403
Hemolytic organism 3
Hepatitis -A 327
Hepatitis -B 327
Hepatitis-C virus 330
Hepatitis-D virus 330
Hepatitis -E virus 331
Hepatitis-G virus 331
Hide porter's disease 109, 113
Histoplasma capsulatum 393
HIV encephalopathy 347
HIV RNA determination 349
Hospital pathogens 514
Hot spots 460
HSN 464, 465
Human bites 510
Hypervariable regions 460
Idiotopes 458
IgA 460
IgD 460
IgE 460
IgG 460
IgM 460
Immunodeficiency syndrome 470
Immunofluorescence 476
Inclusion bodies 13, 310
Indicator media 19
Influenza 287
Innate immune system 478
Interferon 484
Intestinal flagellates 403
Intestinal flukes 443
Intracellular bacteria 5
Intracellular parasites 407
Invasive diarrhoea 517
Japanese encephalitis 315
Jarisch herxheimer reaction 241
Kala-azar 417
visceral leishmaniasis 417
Kaposi sarcoma 347, 356
Kerion 371
Klebsiella 150
Klebsiella pneumoniae 150
L. forms 255
Lancefield group 46
Legionella 215
Legionnaires disease 216
Leishmania 419
Lepromin test 137
Leptospira 242
Leptospirosis 246
Liquid media 19
Listeria monocytogenes 119
Liver flukes 443
LJ medium 138
Loa loa 441
Loeffler's serum slope 94, 100
Lucio's phenomenon 128
Lung fluke 443
Lyme's disease 243, 247
Lymphadenitis 63
Lymphangitis 63
Lymphatic filariasis 436
Lymphoreticular system 453
Lysogenic conversion 506
M fadyeans reaction 108
M. kansasii 133
M. marinum 133
M. ulcerans 133
Mac conkey media 147
Macrophages 456
Madura foot 106
Major histocompatibility complex 456
Malignant pustule 113
Malta fever 202
Measles 288
Meliodosis 193
Melioidosis 194
Meningitis 16
Metachromatic granules 102
Meyers kouwenaar syndrome 437
Mf. bancrofti 438
Mf. malayi 438
Microphages 456
Microsporum 369
Moist heat 20
Montoux test 141
Motile bacteria 4
Motility 3
Muller-hinton agar 119
Mumps virus 289
Mycelial fungi 15
Mycetoma 113
Mycobacteria tuberculosis 129
Mycoplasma pneumonia 254
Myxovirus 287
Naegleri fowleri 416
Nagler reaction 83
Necrotizing enteritis 91
Negri bodies 313
Nematodes 404
Neurocysticercosis 439
Neuroparasites 407
Neutralization tests 463
NK cell 455
NNN media 142
Nocardia 107
Nocardiosis 115
Normal bacterial flora 8
Normal flora 513
Null cell 455
large granular lymphocyte 455
Onchocerca volvulus 441
Oncogenic microbes 9
Oncogenic viruses 6
Opportunistic mycoses 15
Oviparous 405
Ovoviviparous 405
P. Aeruginosa 187
Panton valentine toxin 33
Paracoccidiodes 395
Parainfluenza virus 290
Paratope 458
Pasteurellae 189
Pathogens causing acute diarrhea 8
Pediatric AIDS 348
Pfeiffer's bacillus 196
Phage assay 12
Phage typing 12
Photochromogenes 126
Phycomycetes 14
Picorna viruses 285
Pigment producing bacteria 4
Pike's media 61
Pinworm 440
Plague 192
Plasmodium 414
PLET medium 108
Pneumococcus 49
Pneumocystis 375
Pneumocystis jiroveci 379
Pneumolysin 58
Pock assay 12
Pol 344
Polio virus 285
Pontiac fever 215
PPLO 254
Precipitation reaction 462
Preformed toxins 515
Premunition 406
Prion 10, 320, 323
Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy 321
Prokaryotic 511
Protein A 32
Proteus bacilli 154
Pseudocyst 413
Pseudoglobulins 459
Pseudomembranous colitis 82
Pseudomycetes 14
Purpura fulminans 69
agar 69
amies medium 71
cerebrospinal fever 73
gonococci 70
gonorrhea 74
meningitis 73
muller-Hinton 69
thayer martin media 71
Quellung reaction 50
Rabies vaccines 312
Rabies virus 293
Radiation 20
Radioimmunoassay 463, 477
Respiratory syncytial virus 290
Respiratory viruses 13
Rhabdomyolysis 517
Rhabdoviridae 293
Rhinosporidiosis 518
Ring test 462
Ritter's disease 33
RNA virus 10
Roberson cooked meat medium 41
Robertson's cooked meat broth 79
Rotavirus 291
Rubella 301
Rubeola 288
S. dysenteriae 161
Salmonella 152
Salmonella gastroenteritis 165
Salt milk agar 41
Scalded skin syndrome 33
Scarlatinal toxin 47
Scarlet fever 47
Schick test 96
Scotochromogens 126
Secretory IgA 460
Segmented nucleic acid 11
Sereny test 159
Serological reactions 462
Serous cavity filariasis 436
Serum IgA 460
Sexually transmitted microorganisms 7
Shigella 150
Slide test 462
Slim disease 344
Solid media 19
Spore producing bacteria 5
Spores 15
Spores of clostridia 91
Sporothorix 395
Sporozoa 403
Staph.epidermidis/albus 34
Staph. saprophyticus 34
Staphylococci aureus 32
Sterilization 20
Streoptolysin S 64
fulminant meningococcemia 69
meningococci 68
Strep pyogenes 46
Strep. Agalactiae 48
Streptolysin O 64
Subacute sclerosing panecephalitis 321
Subcutaneous filariasis 436
Subcutaneous mycoses 15
Superficial mycoses 15
Surface active agents 21
Synergohymenotropic toxin 33
Syphilis 240
T.lymphocyte 454
Taenia saginata 438
Taenia solium 437
Tinsdale medium 94
Toxic shock syndrome 33
Toxoplasma gondii 413
Transduction 506
Transformation 506
Transplacental infection 9
Transplacental transmission 522
Transport media 3
Traveller's diarrhea 166
Trematodes 403
flukes 403
Treponema 239
Treponema pallidum 239
Trichinella spiralis 439
Trichophyton 369
Trypanosomes 419
Tube test 462
Tuberculin test 131
Tunica reaction 236
Type I immediate 464
Type I lepra reaction 128
Type II lepra reaction 128
Type II 464
Type III 465
Type IV 465
Type V HSN 464
Type VI HSN 464
Undulating membrane 406
Urease positive 5
Urethritis 513
Urinary tract infection 17
Variable region 459
Verotoxingenic E.coli 149
Vibrio alginolyticus 175
Vibrio mimicus 175
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 175
Vibrio vulnificus 175
Viral assay 510
Viral interaction 12
Viridans streptococci 49
Virion 10
Viroids 10
Virus family 10
Virus multiplication 12
Visceral larva migrans 407
Visceral leishmaniasis 417
Viviparous 405
Warts 516
Widal reaction 160
Wool sorter's disease 109, 113
Yeast 15
Yeast like fungi 15
Yersinia pestis 189
Yersinosis 190
Zone phenomenon 462
Zygomycetes 14
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

  • 1. Dermatophytes
  • 2. Yeast & Yeast like Fungus Cryptococcus, Candida, Pneumocystii carinii
  • 3. Aspergillus & Mucormycosis
  • 4. Dimorphic Fungi


  • Filamentous fungi (Mold) that infect only superficial keratinized tissues – skin, hair and nail.
  • Causative agent of Ringworm or Tinea or Dermatophytoses.
  • Not involve living Tissues.
  • It has 3 genera – Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton.
  • In lesion, it form hyphae and arthospores.
  • In culture it form septate hyphae and asexual spores (micro and macroconidia) with powdery and pigmented colonies.
  • They are differentiated mainly by nature of macrocondia.
Clinical features
  • Local inflammation is due to irritation by fungal products and hypersensitivity reaction.
  • Transmission occurs from infected to uninfected person often by brushes, combs and towels.
    Infect hair, skin and nail
    Hair and skin only
    Skin and Nail only
    Powdery, pigmented
    Cotton like pigmented
    Powdery greenish yellow
    • Microconidia
    Relatively scanty
    • Macroconidia
    Pencil or Cylindrical shaped, relatively scanty
    Multicellular Spindle or fusiform shaped and is predominant spore
    Club shaped or pear shaped multicellular
  • Clinically ringworm is classified depending on the site involved eg. Tinea capitis infect scalp and hair.
  • MC species infecting human being – T. rubrum.
1. T. capitis (endothrix) is caused by :
[PGI 00]
  1. Epidermophyton
  2. T. tonsurans
  3. T. violaceum
  4. Microsporum
2. Kerion is caused by :
[PGI 98]
  1. Candida
  2. Streptococcus
  3. Dermatophytes
  4. Herpes
3. Tinea cruris is caused by :
[PGI 97]
  1. Epidermophyton
  2. Trichophyton
  3. Microsporum
  4. Candida
1. b and c
2. c) Dermatophytes
3. a and b
1. Ans. is b and c i.e. T. tonsurans; and T. violaceum
Ref. Ananthnarayan 7/e, p 616
Common causative agents
Tinea captis
Microsporum, Trichophyton most species
T. schoenleinii T. violaceum, M. gypseum
Tinea barbae
T. rubrum, T.mentagrophytes, T. verrucosum
Tinea imbricata
T. concentricum
Tinea corporis
T. rubrum and any other dermatophyte
T. cruris
E. floccosum, T. rubrum
T pedis
T. rubrum, E. floccosum
Ectothrix hair infection
Microsporum species, T. rubrum
Endothrix hair infection
T. schoenleinii, T. tonsurans, T. violaceum
2. Ans. is c i.e. Dermatophytes
Ref. Dashore Manual of Skin, p 26
  • The fungal infection of scalp caused by microsporum or trichophyton species not by epidermophyton.
  • Inflammatory boggy swelling covering small or large areas of scalp in which hair are loose and fallout or can be easily epilated.
  • Commonly caused by zoophilic dermatophytes like T. mentagrophytes and T. verruco sum.
  • Follicular scarring and partial alopecia is common after severe kerion.
  • Chronic type of ringworm in which dense crusts (scutula) develop in hair follicles leading to alopecia and scarring
Remember : Both kerion and favus are type of Tinea captis.
3. Ans. is a and b i.e. Epidermophyton; and Trichophyton
Ref. Ananthnarayan 7/e, p 616
Already explained, refer answer no. 1
Chapter Review
  • This section includes questions of Various Other PGMEES from 1990 – 2007.
  • Questions are arranged in decreasing order of yearwiz. This is done to make referral system easier and uncomplicated to save the precious time of PGMEE Aspirant.
1. Dermatophytes are fungi infecting :
[Delhi 93]
  1. Subcutaneous tissues
  2. Systemic organs
  3. Nails, hair and skin
  4. Superficial skin and deep tissue
[Ref. Ananthnarayan 7/e, p 613]
2. Dermatophytosis is caused by :
[Delhi 02]
  1. Herpes simplex
  2. Papilloma virus
  3. Trichophyton
  4. Candida
[Ref. Ananthnarayan 7/e, p 613]
1. c) Nails, hair ...
2. c) Trichophyton