Essentials in Dermatology (with Multiple Choice Questions) Devinder M Thappa
Acanthosis nigricans 165
Acne vulgaris 180
clinical features 181
differential diagnosis 181
natural history 180
pathogenesis 180
treatment 182
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 309
Acrodermatitis enteropathica 208
Albinism 152
Alopecia 189
alopecia areata 190
classification 192
prognosis 192
treatment 192
Angioedema 166
Animal scabies 76
Anogenital warts 306
Antiretroviral therapy 318
Ariboflavinosis 208
Asteatotic eczema 106
differential diagnosis 106
treatment 106
Atopic dermatitis 100
differential diagnosis 102
signs 102
treatment 102
Atypical mycobacterial infections 132
Auspitz’s sign 28, 84
Beau’s lines 195
Benign skin tumors 246
dermatofibroma 252
hypertrophic scar 251
keloids 251
melanocytic nevi 246
milia 249
naevi 246
pyogenic granuloma 249
skin tags 248
syringoma 251
trichoepithelioma 250
Bloch-Sulzberger disease 220
Bourneville’s disease 215
Bowen’s disease 85
Bowenoid papulosis 47
Bromidrosis 187
Bulla spread sign 26, 117
Bullous pemphigoid 20, 121
clinical features 121
diagnosis 121
differential diagnosis 122
treatment 122
Buschke Lowenstein tumor 47
Button holing sign 28
Candidiasis 65
clinical manifestations 65
diagnosis 66
therapy 66
Carbuncles 34
Cat scratch disease 42
Chemical peels 276
Chromomycosis 68
characteristic feature 68
differential diagnosis 69
treatments 69
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis 67
Churg-Strauss granuloma 231, 131
Clubbing 194
Collagen in dermis 15
Contact dermatitis 110
types 110
allergic 110
irritant 110
Crusted scabies 76
Cryosurgery in dermatology 274
Cryptococcosis 71
diagnosis 71
Cushing’s syndrome 63, 236
Cutaneous tuberculosis 127
classification 127
eruptive 127
hematogenous 127
inoculation 127
secondary 127
Darier’s disease 93, 104, 120, 160
Darier’s sign 27
Deep folliculitis 33
Dermabrasion 276
Dermatitis herpetiformis 123
clinical features 123
differential diagnosis 124
treatment 124
Dermatomyositis 144
characteristic 144
diagnosis 145
differential diagnosis 145
treatment 145
Dermatophyte infections 57
diagnosis 61
therapy 62
systemic therapy 62
topical therapy 62
Dermographism 27
Dimple sign 28
Discoid lupus erythematosus 134
diagnosis 135
differential diagnosis 136
histopathology 136
prognosis 135
treatment 136
types 134
Disorders of eccrine sweat glands 185
anhidrosis 186
chromhidrosis 185
hyperhidrosis 186
miliaria 186
treatment 186
Drug eruptions 172
characteristics 172
diagnosis 176
differential diagnosis 176
treatment 176
types 173
Ecthyma 33
Eczema 99
classification 99
endogenous 99
exogenous 99
Electrosurgical procedures in dermatology 272
Epidermolysis bullosa 115
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita 125
Erythema multiforme 176
differential diagnosis 177
treatment 177
Erythematous plaques 20
Erythroderma 97
causes 97
complications 98
management 98
Evolution 6
dermatology 6
leprology 7
venereology 6
Examination in sexually transmitted diseases 282
Fabry’s disease 211
Fish odor syndrome 187
Folliculitis 33
Forschheimer’s sign 243
Fox Fordyce disease 187
Genetics in dermatology 210
genetic counseling 211
genetic principles 210
multifactorial traits 211
X-linked 211
dominant inheritance 211
recessive inheritance 211
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome 243
Gonorrhea 301
Gottron’s sign 144
Gram’s staining 37, 68
Grattage test 28
Graves’ disease 223
Grover’s disease 120
Hailey disease 120
Hand eczema 109
causes 109
endogenous 109
exogenous 109
differential diagnosis 109
treatment 109
Hansen’s disease 333
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 240
Herpes simplex infection 49
diagnosis 51
differential diagnosis 51
treatment 51
Hess test 28
Historical milestones in leprosy 327
Historical milestones in sexually transmitted diseases 279
History of dermatology 5
History taking and examination in leprosy 330
cutaneous examination 331
examination of peripheral nerves 331
family history 331
general physical examination 331
history of present illness 330
past history 330
presenting complaints 330
treatment history 331
Human immunodeficiency virus infection 309
Human papillomavirus infection 45
diagnosis 48
differential diagnosis 46
treatment 48
Ichthyosis 156
acquired ichthyoses 160
treatment 160
hereditary ichthyoses 156
congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma 158
ichthyosiform syndromes 159
ichthyosis vulgaris 156
lamellar ichthyosis 157
X-linked recessive ichthyosis 156
Immunological components of skin 15
Impetigo 31
bullous impetigo 32
non-bullous impetigo 31
Infective dermatitis 112
Jessner’s lymphocystic infiltrate 136
Juvenile plantar dermatosis 109
differential diagnosis 109
treatment 109
Kaposi’s sarcoma 341
Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption 50, 56
Kassowitz’s law 291
Kawasaki disease 56, 177
Keratinization 14
Key systemic drugs 257, 259
Koebner phenomenon 26
Koebner’s sign 150
Koenen’s tumors 216
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 244
Larva migrans eruption 79
differential diagnosis 80
treatment 80
Lasers in dermatology 275
Leiner’s disease 103
Leishmaniasis 80
diagnosis 81
treatment 81
Lentigo 154
Leprosy 333
complications 349
diagnosis 339
histopathology 339
lepromin skin test 339
slit skin smear 339
differential diagnosis 340
reactions 347
treatment 344
Lichen nitidus 94
differential diagnosis 94
Lichen planus 90
diagnosis 92
differential diagnosis 93
treatment 94
Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus 146
differential diagnosis 147
treatment 147
Lichen scrofulosorum 132
Lichen simplex chronicus 106
differential diagnosis 107
treatment 107
Lichen striatus 108
differential diagnosis 108
treatment 108
Linear IgA disease 124
differential diagnosis 125
treatment 125
Loeffler’s eosinophilia 80
Lupus erythematosus 134
Lupus vulgaris 128
differential diagnosis 128
Lyell’s syndrome 179
clinical features 179
differential diagnosis 179
treatment 179
Majocchi’s granuloma 57
Malignant tumors of the skin 254
basal cell carcinoma 254
Kaposi’s sarcoma 254
mycosis fungoides 255
Sézary syndrome 255
Mantoux reaction 132
Max-Joseph spaces 93
Melanin 14
functions 14
Melanocytes 14
Melanogenesis 14
Melasma 153
Menkes Kinky’s disease 211
Metastatic deposits of malignancies 231
Miliary tuberculosis 128
Millennium and medicine 3
Mixed connective tissue disease 145
Molluscum contagiosum 43, 308
diagnosis 44
differential diagnosis 45
treatment 45
Monder’s disease 235
Morphea 140
differential diagnosis 140
treatment 141
types 140
generalized 140
localized 140
Mycetoma 67
Myiasis 80
Nail unit 11
National leprosy eradication programme 345
Nikolsky’s sign 28, 117
Non-gonococcal urethritis 302
Non-pyodermas 38
actinomycosis 40
bacillary angiomatosis 42
botryomycosis 39
cutaneous anthrax 41
erythrasma 38
pitted keratolysis 39
trichomycosis axillaris 38
Norwegian scabies 76
Nummular eczema 105
differential diagnosis 105
treatment 105
Ocular leprosy 350
Ollendorf’s sign 28
Orificial tuberculosis 130
Palmoplantar keratoderma 163
Papular urticaria 79
Papulonecrotic tuberculid 132
Paraneoplastic disorders 232
bullous eruptions 233
collagen vascular disease 234
disorders of keratinization 232
hormone related disorders 236
migratory erythemas 233
neutrophilic dermatoses 235
panniculitides 234
vascular and blood abnormalities 235
Pediatric dermatology 240
Pediculosis (lice infestation) 77
pediculosis capitis 77
pediculosis corporis 78
pediculosis pubis 78
Pellagra 206
Pelvic inflammatory disease 303
Pemphigus 116
erythematosus 120
foliaceous 118
diagnosis 119
vegetans 118
vulgaris 116
clinical features 116
diagnosis 118
Penicilliosis 71
diagnosis 71
treatment 71
Periodic acid Schiff’s stain 62
Perioral dermatitis 185
differential diagnosis 185
treatment 185
Peutz Jeghers syndrome 154
Phakomatoses 212
Phrynoderma 206
Phthriasis palpebrarum 79
Piebaldism 153
Piedra 67
differential diagnosis 67
treatment 67
Pilosebaceous unit 11
Pityriasis alba 105
differential diagnosis 106
treatment 106
Pityriasis rosea 95
diagnosis 96
differential diagnosis 96
treatment 96
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 96
differential diagnosis 97
treatment 97
types 97
Poikiloderma 23
Polymorphic light eruption 112
Pompholyx 105
differential diagnosis 105
treatment 105
Porokeratosis 162
Porphyria 198
clinical classification 198
congenital erythropoietic porphyria 199
porphyria cutanea tarda 200
Premalignant epidermal tumors 252
actinic keratosis 252
Bowen’s disease 253
cutaneous horn 253
erythroplasia of Queyrat 253
Primary cutaneous amyloidosis 201
differential diagnosis 202
Principles of diagnosis in dermatology 16
distribution of skin 24
laboratory and special tests 29
biopsy 29
culture and sensitivity test 30
dark field 29
dermatoscopy 29
electron microscopy 30
Gram’s stained pus smear 29
HIV antibody detection test 30
immunofluorescence 30
intradermal testing 30
KOH preparation 29
LE cell phenomenon 30
lepromin test 29
mouse foot pad inoculation 30
patch testing 30
prick testing 30
slit skin smear 29
tissue smear 29
trichogram 30
Tzanck test 29
wet preparation 29
Wood’s light examination 29
physical examination 17
primary lesions 18
secondary lesions 21
special lesions 23
preliminary general history 16
Protective functions of skin 13
Prurigo nodularis 107
differential diagnosis 108
treatment 108
Pruritus (itching) 170
causes 170
dermatological disorders 170
diagnosis 170
iatrogenic pruritus 170
psychogenic pruritus 170
systemic disorders 170
treatment 171
Pseudo-Darier’s sign 27
Psoriasis 82
classification 82
clinical features 83
diagnosis 85
differential diagnosis 86
systemic medications 87
topical therapies 87
treatment 87
Purpura 23
Pyodermas 31
primary pyodermas 31
follicular 32
non-follicular 32
secondary pyodermas 31
Raynaud’s phenomenon 142
Refsum’s syndrome 159
Reiter’s disease 89
differential diagnosis 90
Rhinosporidiosis 69
differential diagnosis 69
Ritter’s disease 35
Rosacea 184
differential diagnosis 184
treatment 184
Sabouraud’s agar 71
Scabies 72
causative agent 72
complications 74
diagnosis 75
differential diagnosis 75
microscopic examination 75
morphology 72
therapy 75
Scleroderma 139
classification 139
Scrofuloderma 129
differential diagnosis 130
Sebrorrheic dermatitis 103
classification 103
differential diagnosis 104
treatment 104
Sexually transmitted diseases 288
Sézary syndrome 98
Sjögren’s syndrome 145
Sjögren-Larsson syndrome 159
Skin 8
development 8
functions 8
structure 9
dermis 10
epidermis 9
Skin biopsy 272
Skin changes 237
old age 239
pregnancy 237
Skin disorders in children 241
Skin failure 14
Skin in systemic diseases 222
adrenal syndromes 222
diabetes mellitus 225
endocrine disorders 222
parathyroid diseases 224
hyperparathyroidism 224
hypoparathyroidism 225
pituitary disorders 222
primary systemic amyloidosis 227
thyroid diseases 223
vasculitis 227
classification 227
giant cell arteritis 228
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 229
polyarteritis nodosa 229
Takayasu arteritis 229
Spectrum of leprosy 334
Sporotrichosis 71
differential diagnosis 71
Stasis dermatitis 106
differential diagnosis 106
treatment 106
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 177
Streptococcal pyodermas 36
blistering dactylitis 37
cellulitis 36
erysipelas 36
Sturge-Weber syndrome 218
Subacute lupus erythematosus 137
treatment 137
Subcutaneous zygomycosis 70
differential diagnosis 71
Sweat glands 11
apocrine sweat glands 11
hypodermis 12
eccrine sweat glands 11
Syphilis 289
acquired 289
primary 289
secondary 289
tertiary 291
congenital 291
Systemic lupus erythematosus 137
diagnosis 137
differential diagnosis 139
etiology 137
investigations 138
pathogenesis 137
treatment 139
Systemic sclerosis 141
classification 141
differential diagnosis 143
pathogenesis 141
prognosis 143
treatment 144
Terry’s nail 197
Thermoregulation 14
Tinea nigra 67
Tinea versicolor 63
diagnosis 63
differential diagnosis 64
therapy 64
Topical formulary drugs 257
Topical therapy 257
Toxin mediated syndromes 35
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 35
toxic shock syndrome 35
Tuberculids 131
diagnosis 131
erythema induratum 131
lichen scrofulosorum 131
papulonecrotic tuberculid 131
treatment 132
Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis 129
differential diagnosis 129
Tuberculous chancre 128
Tuberculous gumma 130
Tuberous sclerosis 216
Tzanck smear 56
Urticaria 166
diagnosis 169
differential diagnosis 169
etiological factors 167
treatment 169
types 167
acute 167
chronic 167
Varicella-zoster virus infection 52
varicella 53
differential diagnosis 53
zoster (shingles) 53
diagnosis 55
differential diagnosis 55
treatment 55
Vesicles and bullae 19
Vesiculobullous disorders 113
classification 113
Viral exanthems in children 242
erythema infectiosum 243
exanthem subitum 243
measles 242
rubella 242
Viral hepatitis 308
Viral infections 43
Vitiligo 148
classification 149
generalized 150
localized 149
clinical features 149
signs 150
treatment 151
medical 151
surgical 152
Von Hippel-Lindau disease 218
Waardenburg’s syndrome 153
Wegener’s granulomatosis 230
Wickham’s striae 18
Woolsorter’s disease 41
Xanthomatoses 202
cerebrotendinous xanthomas 205
eruptive exanthomas 203
generalized plane xanthomas 204
intertriginous xanthomas 204
plane xanthomas 204
tendinous xanthomas 203
tuberous xanthomas 202
xanthelasma palpebrarum 202
Zosteriform herpes simplex 55
Zidovudine-based HAART regimen 88
Chapter Notes

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Ten Most Influential People in Medicine and Dermatology1

  1. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895): Proposed the “germ theory”. He first associated a specific micro organism (bacillus) with a specific disease (anthrax). He developed the method of pasteurization—a heating process that kills bacteria in milk, wine and other liquids. He was also a pioneer in stereochemistry.
  2. Robert Koch (1843-1910): The first to isolate the anthrax bacillus (1876). In 1883, he published a method of preventive inoculation against this disease. In 1882, he announced the discovery of tubercle bacillus and in 1883; he discovered the cause of cholera. He was awarded the nobel prize in physiology or medicine in 1905.
  3. Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902): Founded Cellular pathology. His concept that the basis of disease is the cell, the essential functional and structural unit of the body, was of monumental importance as a basis for understanding the cause, the process and the results of the disease.
  4. Gregor Mendel (1822-1844): Formulated the laws of heredity. Mendel's work laid the mathematical foundation of the science of genetics.
  5. Francis Crick (1916-) and James Watson (1928): Accredited with determining the molecular structure of DNA, the chemical substrate of heredity, which is regarded as the most important discovery of the 20th century in medicine and science. They were awarded the nobel prize in 1962 sharing it with Maurice Wilkins (1916). Currently, Crick is associated with the Salk Institute for biological studies in San Diego while Watson is the director of the Cold Spring Harbor lab in southeastern New York.
  6. Marie Curie (1867-1934): Discovered radioactivity and was given the nobel prize in 1903. The discovery formed the basis of radiation therapy. In 1911, she was again conferred the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her discovery of radium and polonium.
  7. Edward Jenner (1749-1823): Introduced the inoculation for smallpox at the end of the 18th century, which is considered one of the greatest triumphs in the history of medicine.
  8. Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943): Called the “father of blood grouping” - a concept without which blood transfusion would not be possible. In 1901, he showed that there are at least three major types of blood. Landsteiner was awarded the noble prize for his work in 1930.4
  9. Wilhelm Rontgen (1845-1923): Discoverer of X-rays in 1895 and nobel prize winner in Physics in 1901. The value of X-rays in the diagnosis and treatment was recognised and accepted almost from the outset of their discovery.
  10. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939): Considered the founder of psychoanalysis, he believed that a complex of repressed and forgotten expressions underlies all abnormal mental states and that infantile mental processes are important in later development.
  1. Dr. JS Pasricha: Pioneer of pulse therapy in pemphigus, contact dermatitis in India.
  2. Dr. LK Bhutani: Clinical dermatology, “Bhutani's Colour Atlas of Dermatology”, photobiology.
  3. Dr. Dharmendra: “Father of leprosy” in India.
  4. Dr. RV Rajam and Dr. PN Rangaiah: Monograph on donovanosis.
  5. Dr. VN Sehgal: For his literary contribution in dermatology, venereology and leprosy.
  6. Dr. Patrick Yesudian: Clinician par excellence, known for “Patrick Yesudian sign” for palmar freckling in neurofibromatosis type 1.
  7. Dr. KC Kandhari: Established department of dermatology at AIIMS.
  8. Dr. Gurmohan Singh: contribution to Indian and community dermatology.
  9. Dr. Surinder Kaur: Established department of dermatology at PGIMER, Chandigarh.
  10. Dr. Sardarilal: First editor of Indian Journal of sexually transmitted diseases, and for contributions in donovanosis.
  1. Dr. Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra– Founder of the new Vienna school of dermatology, which set the basis for modern dermatology.
  2. Dr. Robert Willan– Founder of dermatology as a medical specialty.
  3. Dr. Josef Jadassohn– Best remembered for his handbook of skin and venereal disease (41 volumes), pioneer in allergology, introduced patch testing.
  4. Dr. Johnathan Hunter– Natural history of syphilis, role of inflammation in healing.
  5. Dr. Paul Ehrlich– Developed salvarsan (magic bullet) as a treatment for syphilis, was the first to stain tubercle bacilli.
  6. Dr. Thomas Bernard Fitzpatrick– Proved that melanin was produced in melanosomes, first editor of Dermatology in General Medicine (1965).
  7. Dr. Arthur Rook (1918-1991), Dr. Darrell Sheldon Wilkinson and zoologist John Ebling (1918-1992): Produced their major work, Textbook of Dermatology (alias The Rook Book) in 1968.
  8. Dr. Paul Gerson Unna, Dr. HKB Pinkus, Dr. A Bernard Ackerman, and Walter F. Lever: Contributions to dermatopathology.
  9. Heinrich Koebner– Koebner phenomenon, founder of the dermatology clinic at the University of Breslau.
  10. GHA Hansen– Identified M. leprae as the causative agent of leprosy in 1873.