Textbook of Rehabilitation S Sunder
Above knee prosthesis for transfemoral amputation 193
knee joints 195
other sockets 14
flexible sockets 195
ischial containment socket 194
quadrilateral socket 193
anterior wall 194
lateral wall 194
medial wall 194
posterior wall 193
suspension mechanisms 195
pelvic belt 195
Silesian band 195
Adductor tenotomy 383
ADL grouping 232
activity grading 233
ambulation and elevation 236
Barthel's index 233
bedside activities 234
environmental control system 237
functional independence measures (FIM) 234
modified Barthel score 233
personal care 234
traveling 236
wheelchair activities 234
ADL training 241
animals in rehabilitation 243
communication adaptations 243
dressing training 242
environment adaptation 243
hygiene and grooming 242
problems encountered during ADL training 243
some home management tips 243
Americans with disabilities Act (ADA) in 1991 14
Amputation 155
causes 155
acquired 156
congenital 155
complications 158
general principles of amputation surgery 156
surgical principles 157
types 157
Architectural design features and their accessibility 220
features providing access or egress 220
doors 220
elevators 222
kerbs 222
ramps 221
stairs 220
lighting 223
space enclosures 222
floors 222
windows 223
special rooms relating to various activities 223
bathroom 224
kitchen 223
living room 226
study or office 226
toilet 225
Arteriosclerosis obliterans 473
diagnosis 474
management 475
medical 475
physiotherapy 475
pathology 474
predisposing factors 473
symptoms 474
ASH brace 146
Auditory disability and environment 230
accessibility for disabled children 230
assistive devices 230
emergency escape 230
environment of disabled senior citizens 230
technological innovations to improve accessibility 231
Autonomic dysreflexia 425
clinical features 426
signs 426
symptoms 426
management 426
prevention 426
treatment 426
triggers 425
Behavioral medicine 104
types 104
operant behavior 104
respondent behavior 104
Behçet's syndrome 488
Below knee prosthesis for transtibial amputations 192
liners 192
PTB socket 192
supracondylar cuff 193
advantages 193
disadvantages 193
Bicipital tendinitis 520
clinical finding 521
management 521
Boyd's amputation 167
Brain injury 339
assessment scales 344
Rancho Los Amigos scale 344
clinical presentation 340
primary disability 340
secondary disability 342
other scales 345
agitated behavior scale 345
disability scale 345
rehabilitation assessment 343
acute phase 343
later phases 343
Buerger's disease 475
Calipers 129
ankle-foot orthosis 133
ankle and foot paralysis 135
ankle joint 134
dorsiflexor muscle paralysis 135
limited weight bearing 135
metal ankle-foot orthosis 133
spasticity 135
foot orthoses (FO) 130
components of lower part 130
modifications of orthopedic shoe 131
upper part 131
hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis 138
hip rotation control 138
uses 138
knee-ankle-foot orthosis 136
components 136
indications 137
knee joints 136
knee locks 136
Caplan's syndrome 489
Cardiac rehabilitation 458
components 458
contraindications 459
features 458
rehabilitation program 460
phase one 460
phase three 462
phase two 461
Carpal tunnel syndrome 373
Cerebellar diseases 454
ataxic gait 455
Friedreich's ataxia 454
symptoms 454
hereditary ataxias 454
types 454
Cerebral palsy 315
abnormal reflexes 320
asymmetric tonic neck reflex 320
galant reflex 320
moro reflex 320
opisthotonus 320
parachute reflex 320
symmetric tonic neck reflex 320
classification 316
clinical classification 316
abnormal postures 317
ataxic cerebral palsy 318
athetoid cerebral palsy 318
athetoid dance 318
multiple disabilities 318
spastic cerebral palsy 316
voluntary movement 317
etiology 315
acquired postnatal 316
development causes 316
perinatal causes 315
prenatal causes 315
principles of treatment 321
therapeutic techniques 322
progressive movement pattern 322
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation 322
special techniques 323
synergistic movement pattern 322
treatment approaches 322
Charcot-Marie Tooth disease 456
Communication 83
aphasia 86
anomic aphasia 87
Broca's aphasia 86
cerebellar dysarthria 89
disorders of phonation 89
dysarthria 88
flaccid dysarthria 88
global aphasia 86
hyperkinetic dysarthria 89
hypokinetic dysarthria 89
isolation aphasia 86
spastic dysarthria 88
transcortical motor aphasia 87
transcortical sensory aphasia 87
Wernick's aphasia 87
language 85
speech 84
Communication for hearing impaired 90
auditory prosthesis 93
cortical stimulation 93
hearing aids 92
management of hearing impairment 91
speaking aids 91
Communication for visually impaired 98
auditory vision system 100
common eye diseases 98
astigmatism 99
cataract 98
corneal ulcer 99
glaucoma 99
optic atrophy 99
retinal detachment 99
xerophthalmia 99
tactile vision 100
types of visual aids 99
tactile visual aids 99
Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) 28
Concessions and subsidies given to handicapped 79
central government schemes 80
children's education allowance 80
communication 80
customs concessions 80
other schemes 81
artificial limb manufacturing corporation 82
district rehabilitation center scheme 82
income-tax concessions 82
national awards 81
national institutes 81
rehabilitation council of India 82
reservation of jobs 80
scheme of integrated education for children with disability 80
travel concession 79
Congenital malformation of bones and joints 304
arthrogryposis multiplex congenital 305
classification 305
clinical manifestation 305
treatment 306
congenital deformities of skull 312
microcephaly 312
congenital dislocation of hip 308
clinical manifestation 308
etiology 308
treatment 309
congenital limb deficiencies 304
amelia 304
congenital radio-ulnar synstosis 307
congenital scoliosis 308
management 308
congenital talipes equinovarus 309
causes 309
congenital torticollis 307
management 307
congenital vertical talus 307
mongolism (Down's syndrome) 312
clinical features 313
management 313
osteogenesis imperfecta 306
clinical manifestations 306
Sprengel's shoulder 306
Congenital malformation of central nervous system 299
spina bifida 299
pathology 299
spina bifida cystica 300
clinical features 300
management 301
spina bifida occulta 300
Crohn's disease 488
Cushing's syndrome 523
De Quervain's disease 518
causes 518
Finkelstein's test 518
management 519
Deep vein thrombosis 426
clinical features 476
complications 476
management 427
medical management 477
postural hypotension 427
prevention 477
psychological re-adjustment 428
pulmonary embolism 426
Deformities 377
causes for development 378
grading 378
first degree 378
second degree 378
third degree 378
prevention 379
types 377
acquired 377
congenital 377
Deformities of feet 385
elbow flexion 386
equinus and equinovarus 385
precautions during tendon transfers 387
specific transfers 387
valgus deformity 386
Deformities of lower limb 379
hip deformities 379
knee deformities 380
Degenerative arthropathies 496
clinical features 497
Disability 8, 10
diagnosis 10
disability limitation 12
evaluation 11
functional diagnosis 11
multiple disabilities 11
primary disabilities 12
secondary disabilities 12
Dorrance hooks 181
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 394
clinical features 394
complications 397
investigations 397
pathology 394
rehabilitation 398
ambulatory stage 398
stage of prolonged survival 399
wheelchair dependent stage 398
Dysphagia 96
augmentative communication 97
deaf blindness 98
environment control aids 97
general form of communication 97
therapeutic techniques 97
Endurance training 441
indication 442
principles 441
Erb's palsy 370
causes 370
muscles paralyzed 370
physiotherapy management 370
position of the hand 370
treatment 370
Exercises for positive health 438
benefits of aerobic exercise 439
benefits of strength training 441
physical 439
Facial paralysis 374
physical treatment 375
electrical treatment 375
massage 375
precautions 376
tapotement 375
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy 399
clinical features 399
complications 400
Felty's syndrome 489
Foot deformities 380
congenital talipes equinovarus 382
equinus 380
hind foot varus 382
clinical features 382
pes cavus 381
clinical features 381
pes plano valgus 380
pes planus—flat foot 380
clinical features 380
Foot drop 376
causes 376
Fracture 503
complications after a fracture 509
investigations 504
management 504
conservative 505
surgical 505
rehabilitation 506
assessment 507
functional cast braces 509
gait training 509
history 507
occupational therapy 508
physiotherapy 507
principles 506
types 503
Functional electrical stimulation 140
Furniture modifications for the disabled 226
Goals of rehabilitation 13
Golfer's elbow 431, 518
treatment 518
Handicap 8
Hansels disease 524
clinical features 365
treatment of neuritis 365
Harrington rod 391
Hemophilia 472
arthritic joint 473
clinical features 472
role of physiotherapy 473
Hydrocephalus 302
classification 302
clinical manifestations 303
treatment 303
Impairment 8, 9
Innervation of bladder 416
automatic bladder 417
autonomous (or non-reflex) bladder 417
bladder conditions 417
management 418
indwelling catheter 418
intermittent self-catheterization 418
long-term prevention of UTI 418
management of bladder 417
management of bowels 419
aids used 420
toilet training 419
training techniques 419
Inpatient rehabilitation center 27
Intervention based on sensory integration theory 118
balance 120
environmental modification 118
principles 120
sensory diet 118
skill training 121
traditional sensory integrative therapy 119
Jaccoud's arthropathy 495
Jumper's knee 432
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 494
management 494
therapeutic exercise 494
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 399
clinical features 399
Low back pain 514
common causes 514
management 515
Lower limb amputation 162
disarticulation 162
hip disarticulation 162
knee disarticulation 163
Syme's amputation 163
transpelvic disarticulation 162
levels of amputation lover limb 164
amputations through foot 166
below knee amputation 165
transfemoral amputation 164
Lumbar strain 431
Lumbosacral corset 148
Lumbosacral orthosis 148
Lymphedema 477
management 478
Management of disabled hand 252
examination 252
compensatory treatment 253
physical capacity evaluation 253
rehabilitation 254
remedial treatment 254
sensory re-education 253
tests used in evaluation 253
Median nerve paralysis 372
management 373
signs 372
symptoms 373
Medical rehabilitation 4
epidemiology of rehabilitation
importance of physiatry 4
Members of CBR team 31
Mental retardation 111
classification 111
prevalence 111
prevention of cerebral palsy and mental retardation 112
Milwaukee brace 147
Minerva jacket 144
Mobility aids 200
advantages of walker 202
axillary crutches 206
balance 208
crutch maintenance 208
crutch muscles 208
crutch walking 208
elbow crutches 207
gutter crutches 207
crutches 206
disadvantages of walker 202
gutter frame 203
reciprocal walking frame 203
rollators 203
standard walking frame 203
functions 200
parallel bars 201
quadruped walking aid 205
scooting board 209
tripods 205
walking frames 202
walking stick 205
Models of CBR 32
Mononeuropathy 371
Motor neuron disease 455
causes 455
rehabilitation 457
Multiple sclerosis 449
long-term goals 450
occupational therapy 450
physiotherapy 450
short-term goals 450
symptoms 449
Myoelectric prosthesis 183
advantages 183
disadvantages 184
Myositis ossificans 510
physiotherapy 510
National sample survey 2001 3
Neck pain 515
causes 515
management 517
Occupational therapy in prosthetic fitting 185
exercises for the upper limb amputee 185
first therapy session 185
functional training with the prosthesis 185
general goals 185
Opponens splints 153
dorsal long opponens splint 154
function 154
indications 154
short opponens splint 153
functions 153
indications 153
Orthosis 122
biomechanics 123
patient-orthosis interface 124
classification 125
according to function 125
regional classification 125
specialized functions 126
contraindication 127
disadvantages 127
general principles 122
principle of Jordan 123
physical assessment 127
subjective assessment 128
Osteoarthritis knee 497
management 497
pathogenesis 497
physiotherapy 498
Osteoporosis 521
clinical presentation 522
Pain 261
chronic pain 268
classification 262
etiology 261
evaluation of the client with pain 269
history 269
McGill pain questionnaire 270
pain clinic 271
pain intensity 259
submaximal effort Tourniquet test 270
team members 271
factors affecting perception of pain 262
culture 262
personality 262
social context 262
state of mind 262
threshold 262
origins of pain 263
pain from ANS 264
pain from periphery 264
referred pain 265
thalamic pain syndrome 263
pain management 272
aims 272
cognitive behavioral methods 273
medical intervention 272
vocational rehabilitation 272
pain receptors and their stimulation 262
theories of pain 265
biochemical theory 268
pain pathways 265
Pain in shoulder 519
causes 519
clinical findings 519
clinical phases 520
management 520
medical 520
surgical 520
Parkinsonism 451
bradykinesia 451
festinant gait 451
posture 451
clinical features 451
other features 452
pharmacologic management 453
rehabilitation 453
medical and nursing 453
physical therapy 453
treatment 453
Peripheral nerve injury 362
classification 362
axonotmesis 363
neuropraxia 362
neurotmesis 363
clinical features 363
special investigations 364
surgical treatment 364
Persons with disabilities (PWD) bill, 1995 77
Americans with disabilities Act (ADA) 77
central coordination committee 77
state coordination committee 77
Pathological fractures 512
management 513
Physical agents used in management of pain and paralysis 273
biofeedback 287
biofeedback instrumentation 288
EMG activity during movement 288
principles of electromyographic biofeedback 288
therapy using biofeedback 289
types of biofeedback 288
diagnostic currents 285
electrical tests 285
Faradic current 284
galvanic current 285
interferential therapy 281
contraindications 283
indications 283
methods of application 282
physiological effects 282
iontophoresis 286
light radiation 277
infrared radiation 277
ultraviolet radiation 278
mechanical methods of treatment 293
spinal traction 294
traction 293
paraffin wax 276
physiological response to paraffin wax therapy 276
short-wave diathermic currents 279
physiological effects 279
therapeutic uses 280
therapeutic cold (cryotherapy) 273
circulatory response 274
contraindications 276
excitatory cold 275
indications 275
methods of cooling 274
neural response 275
physiological effects of cold 274
properties of cold 274
techniques of application 275
therapeutic heat 276
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 283
contraindications 284
indications 284
method of application 284
parameters 283
ultrasound 290
effects 291
thermal effect 291
uses of ultrasound 291
Plantar (trophic) ulcer 366
amputations 67
footwear 369
physical management 349
splints 369
Plantar fasciitis 521
clinical findings 521
management 521
Poliomyelitis 330
clinical manifestation 330
bulbar poliomyelitis 331
paralytic poliomyelitis 331
polio encephalitis 331
spinal paralytic poliomyelitis 331
deformities in polio 332
ankle 334
lower extremity 334
lower limb 333
pelvic tilt 334
spinal deformity 333
treatment 335
upper extremity 334
etiology 330
examination 331
muscle charting 331
Polymyositis and dermatomyositis 495
dermatomyositis 496
polymyositis 496
Preventive rehabilitation 6
economic impact 8
levels of prevention 7
primary prevention 7
secondary prevention 8
tertiary prevention 8
Progressive muscular artrophy 456
clinical features 456
Prosthesis for hip disarticulation 196
bilateral amputations 197
bilateral transfemoral amputations stubbies 197
direct bone attachment 199
energy consumption 198
gait training after prosthetic fitting 198
prostheses for partial foot and ankle disarticulation 197
recent advances in prosthetic fitting 198
sockets 197
Prosthesis for lower extremity 188
body of prosthesis 189
foot 189
dynamic response 190
Jaipur foot 190
multiaxis feet 190
solid ankle cushion heel 189
socket construction 188
Prosthetics 173
classification 175
endoskeletal prosthesis 175
exoskeletal prosthesis 175
components of a prosthesis 177
body of prosthesis 177
cosmetic components 178
socket 177
suspension and harness 178
terminal devices 177
Psoriatic arthritis 501
patterns of presentation 501
Psychiatric problems in the disabled 105
behavior disorder in children 108
characteristics 108
behavioral problems in the disabled 107
dementia 107
head injury and stroke 107
management of behavior disorders 109
behavior therapy 109
techniques to increase desired behavior 111
neurosis 105
anxiety neurosis 106
delusion 107
hallucination 107
illusion 107
obsessive-compulsive neurosis 106
phobic neurosis 106
psychosis 105
functional psychosis 105
organic psychosis 105
Pulmonary rehabilitation 462
candidates 463
goals 462
surgical conditions 463
general observation 464
medical management 466
rehabilitation after thoracotomy 463
thoracoplasty 463
thoracotomy 463
Radial nerve paralysis 374
physical treatment 384
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy 510
etiology 511
treatment 511
Rehabilitation care 16
medical 16
paramedical 17
play and drama therapist 18
sociovocational 18
medical team 18
other team members 19
banks/funding agencies 26
biomedical engineer 24
creative movement therapist/dance therapist/play therapist 22
horticultural therapist 21
music therapist 22
non-Government organization 26
occupational therapist 19
physical therapist 19
placement officer 25
prosthetist-orthotist 20
psychologist and child development specialist 21
recreational therapist 23
rehabilitation nurse 20
social worker 24
special educator 25
speech pathologist 21
vocational counselor 25
rehabilitation team 18
Rehabilitation medicine 3
Rehabilitation of burns 479
assessment 479
causes of burns 480
electrical 480
heat 480
light 480
radiation 480
classification 479
first-degree burns 479
fourth-degree burns 480
second-degree burns 479
third-degree burns 480
complications of burns 480
goals 482
management in acute phase 482
rehabilitation 483
contraindications to exercise 486
electrotherapy 485
exercise and ambulation 485
hand management 485
indications for splinting 484
positioning 483
post-acute/long-term rehabilitation 486
splinting 483
Rehabilitation of lower limb amputations 167
postoperative period 167
assessment of stump 167
exercises 169
preprosthetic stage 168
preoperative period 167
exercise management 167
prevention of postoperative communications 169
care of stump 171
stump bandaging and hygiene 171
Rehabilitation of the adult 337
agricultural rehabilitation 337
orthopedic workshop 338
patients with good academic education 337
recreation for the disabled 338
rehabilitation centers 337
selection of patients 337
Reiter's syndrome 488, 501
Repetitive strain injury 523
ergonomic factors 523
management 525
postural factors 523
symptoms 524
Rheumatoid arthritis 489
characteristics 489
common deformities 491
Boutonnière deformity 491
swan neck deformity 491
thumb deformity 491
criteria for classification 489
medical management 491
DMARDs 492
NSAIDs 491
surgical management 492
Role of rehabilitation professional 31
Runner's knee 432
Sacral orthosis 149
Sacro-iliac corset 149
Scoliosis 389
Sensory integration 115
identification and assessment of sensory integrative dysfunction 116
signs of sensory integrative dysfunction 116
abnormally low or high activity 116
coordination deficits 116
difficulty in adjustment to a new situation 116
less reactive to sensory inputs 116
poor self concept 116
Sensory integrative dysfunction 117
sensory integration therapy 117
Sensory processing disorders (SPD) 117
sensory modulation problems 117
Seronegative spondylarthropathies 498
ankylosing spondylitis 498
aims of management 500
clinical presentation 498
mobility 500
pain relief 500
diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis 500
Sexual dysfunction 420
complications 422
erectile dysfunction 420
female menstruation 422
male sexual function 420
pathology 423
pregnancy 422
prevention 423
Sjögren's syndrome 489
Sociolegal aspects of rehabilitation 72
acquiring employment for persons with disability (PWD) 72
constitutional responsibilities 75
limitations 76
grades of disability 74
legislation in India 76
benefits to employees 76
disablement benefit 76
landmarks in legislation in India 76
practical difficulties 75
Sociovocational rehabilitation 13
Somi brace 144
Speech therapy 93
auditory training 94
conditions treated with speech therapy 96
autism 96
Bells palsy 96
cerebral palsy 96
cleft palate 96
drooling management 96
mental retardation 96
treatment options 96
lip reading 94
sign language 94
Spinal cord injury 402
etiology 402
general examination of patient 405
management 407
safe transportation 407
surgical stabilization 407
traction 407
mechanism of injury 403
nursing assessment 407
psychological evaluation 406
staging 404
failure of reflex activity 404
reflex activity 404
spinal shock 404
syndromes associated with cord injury 404
Brown-Sequard syndrome 404
central cord syndrome 405
Conus syndrome 404
Spinal orthosis 141
functions 142
mechanism 141
principles 142
types 142
cervical orthosis 142
four poster cervical orthosis 143
head cervical orthosis 143
head cervical-thoracic orthosis 144
thoraco-lumbar-sacral orthosis 144
Splints 149
dynamic splints 150
static splints 150
types of static splints 150
aeroplane splint 150
cock-up splint 151
C-splint 153
knuckle bender splint 152
Sports injury rehabilitation 429
diagnosis 430
examination 430
injury prevention 433
investigations 431
management 432
Stroke rehabilitation 351
complications 353
conscious level assessment 352
cranial nerve examination 352
etiopathogenesis 351
higher cortical functions 352
management 354
medical 355
surgical 355
negative prognostic indicators 353
physiotherapy management 355
positioning of patient 357
Syme's prosthesis 191
types 191
conventional Syme's prosthesis 191
PTB Syme's prosthesis 191
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 495
clinical presentation 495
musculoskeletal system 495
systemic manifestations of SLE 495
Tennis elbow 431, 518
clinical findings 518
management 518
conservative 518
surgical 518
Therapeutic exercise 33
alternative healing techniques 71
balance training 36
dynamic balance 37
equilibrium reactions 37
maintenance of position 38
method of stimulation 37
static balance 36
coordination exercises 33
components of coordinated activity 33
Frenkel's exercises 35
general principles of coordination training 34
indications for coordination training 34
endurance exercises 68
hydrotherapy 69
suspension therapy 68
gait 38
determinants of gait 41
gait analysis 39
gait cycle 38
observational gait analysis 40
qualitative gait analysis 40
gait training 46
crutch walking: patterns of gait 46
massage techniques 70
effleurage 70
friction 71
hacking 71
keading 71
rolling 71
stroking 70
methods for training relaxation 51
meditative techniques for general relaxation 51
mobilization exercises 65
cyriax techniques 68
general principles 65
grades of mobilization 67
indications 66
pathological gaits 42
parkinsonian gait 42
antalgic gait 45
ataxic gait 43
bear walking 46
gluteus maximus gait 44
hand to knee gait 44
hemiplegic (circumduction) gait 46
high stepping gait 44
hip hiking gait 45
scissoring gait 43
sensory ataxic gait 44
waddling gait 44
physical techniques 52
classification 54
clinical evaluation 55
effects 54
local relaxation 52
management 55
pathophysiology 54
pharmacology in treatment 57
principles 55
spasticity 53
types 54
re-education exercises 58
Bobath neurodevelopmental treatment 58
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation 59
specifies of NDT treatment 59
relaxation exercises and management of spasticity 48
general principles 50
strengthening exercises 59
concentric muscle work 61
general principles 60
intensity of training 61
isokinetic exercise 64
isotonic exercise 62
isotonic resistance equipment 63
progressive resisted exercise 62
range of muscle work 61
strength 59
strength training 59
types of contraction 60
velocity of training 61
Torticollis 389
classification 389
Training for the sport 436
cool-down 438
multi-disciplinary team approach 437
prevention stiffness 438
strength training 436
taping and strapping 437
warm-up exercises 438
Treatment and care for all levels of development 324
attention deficit disorders 328
emotional and motivational factors 328
common deformities in CP 327
in lower limb 327
in upper limb 327
physiotherapy management 324
chair sitting 325
development of gait 326
development of sitting 325
floor sitting—types 325
lifting and carrying 324
occupational therapy 326
positioning 324
stages in prone management 325
supine development 325
surgical options in cerebral palsy 327
Ulnar nerve paralysis 371
signs 371
symptoms 371 management 372
Upper limb amputation 159
bilateral upper limb amputation 161
Krukenberg procedure 161
levels of amputation in upper limb 159
below elbow 160
elbow disarticulation 160
finger amputation 160
finger ray amputation 160
forequarter amputation 161
shoulder disarticulation 161
transhumeral level 161
wrist disarticulation 160
Upper limb prosthetics 178
above elbow prosthesis 182
below elbow prosthesis 183
bowden cable and control mechanism 179
elbow units 179
harness 179
plastic laminate socket 178
terminal devices 180
wrist units 180
Varicose veins 476
management 476
Visual disability and environment 229
Vocational guidance and counseling 255
ability 255
aptitude 256
co-operatives 259
home based employment 259
interest 256
open employment 258
placement officer 258
self-employment 258
sheltered workshops 259
skill 256
skilled trainer 257
Vocational rehabilitation 245
disabled hand 252
functional activities of hand 246
parts of hand important to function 248
functional position 249
hypothenar eminence 248
interphalangeal joints 249
metacarpophalangeal joints 249
thumb 248
prehension 250
grips or grasps 251
pinches/precision 250
psychological, psychiatric and cognitive evaluation 245
Volkmann's ischemic contracture 511
etiology 512
incidence 512
management 512
Water bag technique 293
Werdnig-Hoffmann paralysis 456
Wernicke's area 85
Wheelchairs 209
parts 209
armrests 213
backrests 212
brakes 211
casters 211
cushions 213
footrests 212
frames 209
hydraulic lifts or hoists 214
push rims 212
tilt bars 212
transfers 214
tyres 210
wheelchair lifts 215
wheelchair maintenance 215
wheelchair maneuvers 215
wheels 210
tricycle 216
wheelchair modifications 215
growing wheelchair 216
one arm drive wheel chair 216
powered wheelchair 216
Whipple's disease 488
Yoga 444
benefits 444
yoga asanas 444
ardha halasana 445
ardha shalabhasana 445
bhujangasana 445
meruvakrasana 447
naukasana 447
pavanamuktasana 447
suryanamaskar 447
Chapter Notes

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1Textbook of Rehabilitation2
3Textbook of Rehabilitation
S Sunder MBBS Dip Phys Med Consultant in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medical Director Prem Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Chief Consultant Global Hospital and Health City Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
4Published by
Jitendar P Vij
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Textbook of Rehabilitation
© 2010, S Sunder
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Second Edition: 2002
Reprint: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007
Third Edition: 2010
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5Preface to the Third Edition
During my tenure as a medical intern I came across several ‘cases’ of hemiplegia, paraplegia and Parkinson's disease in the Department of Neurology. Our case discussions would cover the clinical presentation, the investigation and the therapeutics for the disease concerned, but would often stop short of rehabilitation and physical management. Considering that rehabilitation is a vital aspect of post-acute care, and that the ‘cases’ were actually patients who needed to get back to living their lives, I often would wonder why it was not touched upon. Later, when I went on to do my postgraduation in Rehabilitation Medicine, I realized the immense scope that it provided, and that it does not feature as a subject in our medical curriculum. There is, as a result, a need for a Comprehensive Textbook on rehabilitation medicine for our students.
This book, hopefully, will fulfil that need, and since it conforms to the syllabus of physiotherapy and occupational therapy, would immensely benefit students of those disciplines, or indeed anyone who is rehabilitation professional. Also, wherever possible, the use of appropriate technology has been included.
This revised edition follows-up on the enormous success of the second edition. Many chapters have been rewritten and photographs added. This book is divided into two parts—Part one deals with General Principles of Rehabilitation while the second part is concerned with the application of these principles in various conditions. There are many disabling diseases and it is beyond the scope of this book to list out all of them, as also the various lines of management. The focus is therefore to bring out the philosophy of rehabilitation and its importance in some of the common neurological and orthopedic conditions. Techniques and technology in rehabilitation (and the various specialties in rehabilitation) have advanced so dramatically in the last decade that it is virtually impossible to bring all aspects into a textbook of this nature.
I gratefully acknowledge the permission granted by Freedom Trust, KCRC, Electrocare Systems and Services, RASA Amar Seva Sangam and Callidai Motor Works to use photographs to illustrate some of the points in this book. I acknowledge with gratitude the contribution of Rupa Balaraman, in helping with some of the material for this book.
I realize that my own patients have been my clinical teachers and I dedicate this book to them.
S Sunder