Pathology Quick Review and MCQs Harsh Mohan
AA protein, 55, 56, 57
Abscess, 105
Bartholin's, 603
brain, 29, 732
Brodie's, 694
cold, 434, 694
crypt, 659
liver, 517
lung, 396
pyaemic, 105
tubo-ovarian, 615
Absolute values, 754
Accumulations, intracellular, 2426
glycogen, 26
proteins, 26
Acetyl choline receptors (AChRs), 488, 713
Achalasia, 455
Achondroplasia, 695
Acid-base balance, 63
Acinus, lung, 385
Acoustic neuroma, 432, 746
Acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS), 4650
Acrochordons, 604, 649
Acromegaly, 661
ACTH, 663
Actinic keratosis, 650
Actinomycosis, 121
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), 270
Acute transforming viruses, 174
Adaptations, cellular, 3437
Addison's disease, 66566
Addisonian anaemia, 246
Adenocarcinoma, colon, 49295
Adenocarcinoma, kidney, 57778
Adenocarcinoma, oesophagus, 459
Adenocarcinoma, stomach, 47072
Adenocarcinoma, prostate, 598600
Adenocarcinoma salivary gland, 452
Adenolymphoma, 451
adrenocortical, 66667
bronchial, 418
cortical, kidney, 578
hepatocellular, 530
monomorphic, 451
parathyroid, 680
pituitary, 66263
pleomorphic, 45051
rectum, 491
thyroid, 675
tubular, 491
tubulovillous, 491
villoglandular, 491
villous, 491
Adenoma-carcinoma sequence, colon, 49394
Adenomyosis, 612
Adenosis, sclerosing, 631
ADH, 660, 662
Adhesion molecules, 1617
Adipose tissue, tumours of, 722
Adnexal (appendageal) tumours, 65253
Adrenal gland, 66368
tumours of, 66668
Adrenocortical hyperfunction (hyperadrenalism), 66465
Adrenocortical insufficiency, 66566
Adrenogenital syndrome, 665
Adult T cell leukaemia-lymphoma (ATLL), 17475, 312
Aeroembolism, 85
Aging, cellular, 3738
Air-dried smears versus wet-dried smears, 220, 221
Air pollution, 185
AL protein, 55, 56, 57
Albinism, 26
Albright syndrome, 699
Alcoholic hyalin, 23, 522
Alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis, 52023
Alcoholism, 18788, 521
Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency,
cirrhosis in, 528
emphysema, 39899
Alpha-foetoprotein (AFP), 181, 591
Alpha-protease inhibitor, 398, 526
Alport's syndrome, 565
Alternate pathway disease, 554
Alveolar soft part sarcoma, 724
Alzheimer's disease, 739
Ameloblastoma, 44748
Ames' test, 16768
Amniotic fluid embolism, 86
Amyloidosis, 5560
primary, 57
secondary, 5758
Anaemia, aplastic, 26162
Anaemia, blood loss, 234
Anaemia, chronic disorders, 24041
Anaemia, classification of, 23334
Anaemia, Cooley's, 259
Anaemia, Fanconi's, 261
Anaemia, general considerations, 23034
Anaemia, haemolytic, 24761
acquired (extracorpuscular), 24851
autoimmune (AIHA), 24850
classification of, 247
cold antibody, 24950
drug-induced AIHA, 250
general features of, 24748
hereditary (intracorpuscular), 25161
isoimmune, 250, 278
microangiopathic, 250
red cell morphology in, 232
warm antibody, 24849
Anaemia, hypochromic, 23438
Anaemia, iron deficiency, 23438
Anaemia, Mediterranean, 259
Anaemia, megaloblastic, 24147
Anaemia, microcytic hypochromic, 233, 234
Anaemia, myelophthisic, 262
Anaemia, normocytic and normochromic, 233
Anaemia, pernicious, 24546
Anaemia, sideroblastic, 23839
Anal canal, tumours of, 495
Anaplasia, 148
Anasarca, 55
Aneuploidy, 149, 205
Aneurysmal bone cyst, 700
Aneurysms, 33537
Berry, 335, 737
Angiitis, 33035
Angina pectoris, 35455
Angiofibroma, nasopharyngeal, 43435
Angiogenesis, bacillary, 342
Angiomyolipoma, 576
Angioplasty, 381
Angiosarcoma, 342
Anitschkow cells, 363
Ann Arbor staging, 307
Annexin V, 31
Anthracosis, 28, 405
Anthrax, 13334
Anti-endothelial cell antibody, 332, 555
Anti-GBM disease, 554
Anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs), 555
Anti-oncogenes, 16162
Antioxidants, 22
Antoni A and B, 746
Aortic atheroma versus syphilitic
aortitis, 331
Aortic valve,
insufficiency, 372
stenosis, 352, 37172
Apoptosis, 3032
Appendicitis, 48586
Appendix, 48586
Arachidonic acid metabolites, 98
Argentaffin cells, 473
Arias-Stella reaction, 611
Armanni-Ebstein lesions, 565
Arnold-Chiari malformation, 729
Arteriolosclerosis, 323
Mönckeberg's, 323
Arteritis, 33035
gouty, 71011
osteoarthritis, 708
rheumatoid, 70810
suppurative, 710
tuberculous, 710
Asbestos disease, 40709
Aschoff cells, 363
Ascites, 59, 529
Aspiration, bone marrow, 227
Asthma, 40102
Astrocytoma, 74142
Atelectasis, 389
Atheroma, 324, 32930
Atheromatous plaques, 32930
Atherosclerosis, 32430
Atmospheric pollutants, 185
Atrial septal defect (ASD), 351
Atrophy, 3435
brown, 28
testicular, 587
Atypical lymphocytes, 290
Australia antigen, 511
Autoimmune diseases, 5255
Autopsy pathology, 6
Azotaemia, 547
Bacterial diseases, 13236
Bacterial endocarditis, 36770
Bactericidal mechanisms, 9697
Balanitis xerotica obliterans, 596
Balanoposthitis, 595
Ballooning degeneration, 514
Banding techniques, 20405
Banti's spleen (fibrocongestive splenomegaly), 72, 318
Bantu's siderosis, 27
Barr body, 204, 218
Barrett's oesophagus, 45758
Bartholin's cyst and abscess, 603
Basal cell carcinoma, 65152
BCG vaccination, 111
BCL2, 163
Bence Jones' proteins, 315
Berger's disease, 562
Beriberi, 198
Berylliosis, 409
Beta fibrillosis, 55
Beta-amyloid protein, 56, 58
Beta-catenin mechanism, 493
Beta-2 microglobulin, 56, 58
Bethesda system, 215, 609
Biliary atresia, 50708
Biliary system, 53338
Bilirubin, 27, 50405
conjugated versus unconjugated, 50406
Bilirubin metabolism, 504
Biotin, 200
Birefringence, 59
Bittner milk factor, 174, 634
Blackwater fever, 142, 251
Blast crisis in CML, 295
Blastomas, 156, 209
Bleeding disorders, 26676
Bleeding, GI, 495
Blood group antigens and antibodies, 276
Blood transfusion, 27677
complications of, 277
Blood vessels, 32243
Bones, 692707
tumour-like lesions of, 699701
tumours of, 70107
Bone marrow, 22628
aspiration versus trephine, 22728
Botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma, 606, 723
Botulism, 136
Bowen's disease, 596, 650
Bowenoid papulosis, 596
Brain, metastatic tumours, 74445
Branchial cyst, 437
BRCA gene, 162, 633
Breast, 62840
cancer, 63338
fibrocystic change in, 62931
tumours of, 63238
Brenner's tumour, ovary, 620
Broders' grading, 651
Bronchiectasis, 40203
Bronchitis, chronic, 39899
Broncho-(lobular) pneumonia, 39394
versus lobar pneumonia, 394
Bronchogenic carcinoma, 41318
Brown atrophy, heart, 28
Brown induration, lung, 72
Brown tumour of
hyperparathyroidism, 679, 697
Bubos, 133
Buccal smear, 204, 218
Budd-Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis), 509
Buerger's disease, 334
Burkitt's lymphoma, 172, 311
Bypass, coronary, 381
Cadherins, 16, 153
Caisson's disease, 85
Calcific aortic stenosis, 352, 371
Calcification, pathologic, 3334
Calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe, 652
Calcinosis cutis, 648
Calcitonin, 669, 677
Calculi, gallbladder, 53335
Calculi, urinary, 57475
Call-Exner bodies, 622
Callender classification, 42930
Callus formation, 12627
CAMs, 1617
Cancer, definition of, 145
Cancer cervix, invasive, 25, 60910
Candidiasis, 136, 605
Caplan's syndrome, 406
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), 181
Carcinogenesis, 15875
biologic, 16975
chemical, 16468
molecular basis, 15864
physical, 16869
viral, 16975
Carcinoid heart disease, 372
Carcinoid syndrome, 485
Carcinoid tumour, 418, 48485
Carcinoma, acinic cell, 452
Carcinoma, adenoid cystic, 452
Carcinoma, adrenal cortex, 667
Carcinoma, breast, 63338
Carcinoma, cervix, 60910
cytology of, 21516, 60709
Carcinoma, colorectal, 49295
Carcinoma, embryonal, testis, 59293
Carcinoma, endometrium, 61314
Carcinoma, fibrolamellar, 532
Carcinoma, gallbladder, 53637
Carcinoma, hepatocellular, 53032
Carcinoma in situ, 157
breast, 63435
bronchus, 414
cervix, 215, 607
oral cavity, 44344
urinary bladder, 581
Carcinoma, kidney, 57778
Carcinoma, liver, 53032
Carcinoma, lung, 41318
Carcinoma, mucoepidermoid, 45152
Carcinoma, nasopharyngeal, 435
Carcinoma, oesophagus, 172, 45859
Carcinoma, oral cavity, 444
Carcinoma, pancreas, 54041
Carcinoma, parathyroid, 680
Carcinoma, penis, 59697
Carcinoma, prostate, 598600
Carcinoma, sinonasal, 434
Carcinoma, skin, 65052, 65455
Carcinoma, stomach, 47072
Carcinoma, thyroid, 67578
Carcinoma, transitional cell, 58182
Carcinoma, urinary bladder, 58182
Carcinoma, vagina, 606
Carcinoma, vulva, 605
Cardiac oedema, 6768
Cardiac transplantation, 382
Cardiomyopathy, 37578
Caries, dental, 44546
Caries, spine, 694
Carotid body tumour, 437
Cartilage-forming tumours, 70305
Caruncle, urethral, 583
Caseous necrosis, 30, 112
Castleman's disease, 283
Cat-scratch disease, 141
Cavitary lesions of lung, 415
CD markers, 42, 43, 287
Cell aging, 3738
Cell cycle, 1718
Cell death, 20, 29
Cell injury, 1838
Cellular adaptations, 3437
Cellular swelling, 2223
Cementum, 445
Central nervous system (CNS), 72745
Cerebral infarction, 736
Cerebral oedema, 69
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 729, 753
cytology of, 217
Cerebrovascular disease, 73437
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), 215, 607
Cervicitis, 60607
Cervix, 60610
carcinoma of, 60910
Chalazion, 426
Chancre, 11920
Charcot-Leyden crystals, 402
Chemical carcinogenesis, 16468
Chemical mediators of inflammation, 97100
Chemodectoma, 437
Chemotaxis, 95
Chickenpox, 645
Childhood tumours, 156, 20910
Chloasma, 26
Cholangiocarcinoma, 532
Cholangitis, 517
primary sclerosing, 524
Cholecystitis, 53536
Cholelithiasis (gallstones), 53335
Cholestasis, 50506
Cholesterolosis, 536
Choline, 200
Chondroma, 704
Chondroblastoma, 704
Chondromyxoid fibroma, 704
Chondrosarcoma, 70405
Chordoma, 707
gestational, 625
nongestational, 622
testis, 593
versus mole, 625
Choristoma, 146, 210
Choroid plexus papilloma, 743
Christmas disease, 273
Chromaffin tumour, 667
Chronic inflammation, 10622
Chronic ischaemic heart disease, 35960
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, 30910
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), 29496
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 397403
Chronic restrictive pulmonary disease, 40313
Chronic venous congestion (CVC), 7172
CIN, 215, 607
Circle of Willis, 737
Cirrhosis, liver, 52027
Clear cell sarcoma, 725
Clear cell tumours, ovary, 620
Clostridial disease, 13536
Clotting system, 79, 100, 26869
CNS tumours, 74145
Coagulation disorders, 27275
Coagulation system, 79, 100, 26869
Coagulation tests, 268
Coagulative necrosis, 29
Coal-workers' pneumoconiosis, 40506
Coarctation of aorta, 352
Codman's triangle, 702
Coeliac disease, 483
Coeliac sprue, 483
Coelomic epithelium, ovarian tumours of, 61820
Cold agglutinin disease, 249
Colitis, ulcerative, 47779
Collagen diseases, 5255
Collagen vascular disease, lung, 41112
Collapse lung, 389
Colloid carcinoma, breast, 636
Colorectal, polyps, 48992
Components, blood, 27778
Computers in pathology lab, 12
Concentration and dilution tests,
kidney, 547
Conchoid bodies, 122
Condyloma acuminatum, 596, 604
Congenital heart diseases, 35053
Congestive heart failure (CHF), 347
Congo red, 59
Conjugated versus unconjugated
bilirubin, 50506
Coronary artery disease (CAD), 324, 35559
Coronary syndromes, acute, 354
Councilman (acidophil) body, 514
Craniopharyngioma, 663
Crescents, 558
CREST syndrome, 54
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), 734
Crigler-Najjar syndrome, 506
Crohn's disease, 47779
Crypt abscess, 479
Cryptorchidism, 58788
CSF, source and circulation of, 729
Curling's ulcers, 465
Curschmann's spiral, 402
Cushing's syndrome, 664
Cyanmethaemoglobin method, 231
Cystic diseases of kidney, 54952
Cystic fibrosis, pancreas, 538
Cystic hygroma, 341, 437
Cystic hyperplasia, endometrium, 613
Cysticercosis, 14243, 734
Cystitis, 57980
Cystosarcoma phyllodes, 63233
Bartholin's, 603
bone, 700
branchial (lymphoepithelial), 437
dentigerous, 447
dermoid, 437, 621
echinococcal, 51819
epidermal, 125, 649
follicular, 617
ganglion, 712
jaw, 44647
kidney, 54952
lateral cervical, 437
luteal, 617
lymphoepithelial, 437
midline cervical, 43637
neck, 43638
odontogenic, 447
pilar (trichilemmal and sebaceous), 650
radicular, 446
sebaceous, 650
simple renal, 552
thyroglossal, 43637
trichilemmal, 650
Cytogenetics, 10, 204
Cytohormonal evaluation, 213
Cytokines, 17, 99
Cytology, diagnostic, 21225
exfoliative, 21320
fine needle aspiration (FNAC), 22023
fluids, 21618
Pap smear, applications of, 21314
Dane particle, 511
Darier-Pautrier abscess, 656
Dawney cells, 290
Decompression sickness, 8586
Degenerations, 2224
Degenerations, peripheral nervous system, 74546
Degenerative joint disease, 70810
Delayed hypersensitivity, 52, 110
Demyelinating diseases, 73839
Dengue fever, 138
Denver classification, 14
DeQuervain's thyroiditis, 672
Dermatitis (eczema), 64243
Dermatitis herpetiformis, 647
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, 656, 721
Dermatomyositis-polymyositis, 54
Dermatoses, 64249
Dermoid cyst ovary, 621
Desmoid tumours, 72021
Desmoplasia, 150, 635
Desmoplastic small cell tumour, 496
Developmental defects, 21718
Diabetes mellitus, 68187
Diabetic ketoacidosis, 68485
Diabetic microangiopathy, 685
Diabetic nephropathy, 56465, 685
Diabetic neuropathy, 685
Diabetic retinopathy, 42627, 685
Diagnosis of cancer, 17982
Diet and cancer, 201
Differentiation of neoplastic cells, 148
Diphtheria, 434
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), 27576
Disseminated sclerosis, 739
Diverticulosis coli, 488
DNA oncogenic viruses, 17174
DNA, structure of, 4, 1415
Donovan bodies, 134
Down's syndrome, 205
Downey cells, 290
Dubin-Johnson syndrome, 50607
Dukes' staging, 495
Duodenal ulcer, 46569
Dupuytren's contracture, 720
achondroplasia, 695
hypothyroid, 669
pituitary, 662
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), 611
Dysgerminoma ovary, 62122
Dyslipidaemia, 32425
Dysplasia, 37
bronchopulmonary, 38889
cervical, 607
fibromuscular, artery, 337
Dystrophic calcification, 33
Dystrophy, muscular, 714
Ear, 43032
tumours and tumour-like lesions of, 43132
Eccrine tumours, 653
Echinococcosis, 51819
Ectopia vesicae (exstrophy), 579
Ectopic hormone production, 179
Ectopic tubal pregnancy, 616
Eczema, 64243
Effusions, pleural, 21617, 419
Electron microscope, 9
Elephantiasis, 66
Elliptocytosis, 252
Embden-Meyerhof pathway, 230, 253
Embolism, 8186
Embryoma, 53233
Embryonal carcinoma testis, 59293
Embrynal rhabdomyosarcoma, 606, 723
Embryonal tumours, brain, 74344
Emphysema, 398401
gallbladder, 536
thoracis, 419
bacterial, 732
fungal, 734
HIV, 733
protozoal, 734
viral, 733
Encephalocele, 728
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated, 739
Encephalomyelitis, perivenous, 739
Encephalopathy, hepatic, 508, 529
global ischaemic-hypoxic, 73536
spongiform, 734
Enchondroma, 704
End-stage kidney, 56263
non-rheumatic, 36670
rheumatic, 36465
vegetations in, 364
Endodermal sinus tumour,
ovary, 622
testis, 593
Endometrioid tumours, 620
Endometriosis, 612
Endometritis, 611
Endomyocardial biopsy, 381
Enteric fever, 48081
Environmental chemicals, 190
Ependymoma, 74243
Epididymo-orchitis, 588
Epithelioid cells, 11112
Epithelioid sarcoma, 725
Epstein-Barr virus, 17273
Epulis, 442
Erdheim's disease, 336
Erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL), 117
Erythropoiesis, 22830
Erythropoietin, 22829
Eumycetoma, 136
Ewing's sarcoma, 70607
Extracellular matrix, 125
Exudate versus transudate, 55
Eye, 42530
FAB classification,
acute leukaemia, 300
myelodysplastic syndrome, 29899
Fabry's disease, 565
Fallopian tube, 61516
Fallot's tetralogy, 352
Familial polyposis coli syndrome, 492
Fatty liver, 2425, 522
Fibrocystic change, breast, 62931
Fibrohistiocytic tumours, 72122
Fibroma, 71920
Fibromatosis, 720
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), 22023
Flavonoids, 20001
Floppy valve syndrome, 37273
Flu, 13940
bird, 13940
swine, 140
Fluorescent microscope, 89
Fluorosis, skeletal, 698
Fordyce's granules, 440
Fracture healing, 12627
Free radicals, 2122, 99
Fungal diseases, 13637
Fungal infections, lungs, 397
skin, 645
Gallstones, 53335
Gamna-Gandy bodies, 72
Ganglion cyst, 712
Ganglioneuroma, 668
Gangrene, 3233
Gastric analysis, 46061
Gastric canal, 460
Gastric carcinoma, 47072
Gastric ulcer, 46569
benign versus malignant, 468
versus duodenal ulcer, 46569
Gastrinoma, 68788
Gastritis, 46265
Gastrointestinal tract, 45599
Gaucher's disease, 208
Genetic diseases, 20309
Germ cell tumours,
ovary, 62022
testis, 59195
Ghon's complex, 11213
Giant cell tumour of bone, 70506
Giant cell tumour of tendon sheath, 71112
Giant cells, 10304
Gigantism, 661
Gilbert's syndrome, 506
Gleason's staging, prostate, 600
Glioblastoma multiforme, 742
Gliomas, 74143
Glomerular basement membrane (GBM), 546
Glomerular diseases, 55265
Glomerular injury, pathogenesis of, 55355
Glomerulonephritis (GN), 55263
Glomerulosclerosis, 561
diabetic, 564
Glomus tumour (glomangioma), 341
Glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, 25354
Glucose tolerance test (GTT), 68687
Glucosuria, 686
alimentary (lag storage), 686
renal, 686
Gluten-sensitive enteropathy, 483
Glycogen storage diseases, 20708
Glycosaminoglycans, 126
Glycosylated Hb (Hb A1c), 687
Goitre, 67375
Goodpasture's syndrome, 557
Gout and pseudogout, 71011
G-proteins, 17
Grading of tumours, 154, 719
Granulomatous inflammation, 109
actinomycosis, 121
leprosy, 11518
sarcoidosis, 12122
syphilis, 11920
tuberculosis, 10915
Granulopoiesis, 28485
Granulosa cell tumour,
ovary, 62223
Graves' disease, 669
Growth factors, 160
receptors for, 16061
Gynaecomastia, 631
5-Hydroxy tryptamine (HT), 98
Haemangioblastoma, 743
Haemangioendothelioma, 342
Haemangioma, 34041, 530
Haemangiopericytoma, 342
of gastric origin, 469
of oesophageal origin, 457, 529
Haematin, 27
Haematogenous spread of tumours, 15152
Haematological values, 75456
Haematoma, 73
dissecting, 336
epidural, 738
subdural, 738
Haematopoiesis, 226
Haematoxylin bodies of Gross, 367
Haemochromatosis, 27, 52425
Haemodynamic derangements, 7190
Haemoglobin, 231
Haemoglobinopathies, 25461
Haemoglobinuria, 247
cold, 249
march, 250
paroxysmal nocturnal (PNH), 251
Haemolysis, general features of, 24748
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome, 269, 271
Haemophilia, 27273
Haemoptysis, causes of, 417
Haemorrhage, 73
intracerebral, 737
intracranial, 737
subarachnoid, 737
Haemorrhagic diatheses, 26672
coagulation disorders, 27276
Haemorrhagic disease of newborn (HDN), 27879
Haemorrhoids, 489
Haemosiderosis, 27, 52425
Haemostatic function, tests for, 26665
Hair follicle, tumours of, 662
Hairy cell leukaemia, 31112
Ham's test, 248, 251
Hamartoma, 146, 210
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease, 317
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 67072
HbsAg, 512
hCG, 591, 625
HDL, 325
Head injury, 738
Healing, 12228
Heart, 34684
blood supply of, 347
brown atrophy of, 28
congenital diseases of, 35053
Heart failure cells, 72
Heat shock proteins, 17
Helicobacter pylori, 169, 464, 466
Henoch-Schonlein's purpura, 269
Hepatic failure, 508
Hepatisation, lung, 392
Hepatitis, viral, 51017
Hepatoblastoma, 53233
Hepatocellular carcinoma, 53032
Hepatorenal syndrome, 508
Hepatotoxicity, 519
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia, 269
Hereditary hyperbilirubinaemia, 50607
Herpes virus, 140, 173, 645
Hirschsprung's disease, 48788
Histiocytoma, malignant fibrous, 72122
Histochemistry, 78
HIV, structure of, 4647
HLA system, 44
Hodgkin's disease, 30408
versus non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, 308
Howell-Jolly bodies, 232
Human herpes virus (HHV), 140, 173, 645
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 4647
Human papilloma virus (HPV), 171, 596, 608
Human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV), 174, 293
Hyaline membrane disease, 38688
Hybridisation, in situ, 11
Hydatid disease liver, 51819
Hydatidiform mole, 624
versus choriocarcinoma, 625
Hydrocephalus, 72930
Hydronephrosis, 57576
Hydropic change, 2223
Hydrostatic pressure, 64
Hyperaemia, 71
Hyperbilirubinaemia, 50507
Hypercalcaemia, 33, 699
Hypercholesterolaemia, 32425
Hyperglycaemia, 68187
Hyperlipidaemia, 32425
Hypernephroma, 57778
Hyperparathyroidism, 679
Hyperpigmentation, 26
Hyperpituitarism, 661
Hyperplasia, 3536
breast, epithelial, 63031
endometrial, 61213
prostate, 598
thyroid, primary, 669
Hyperprolactinaemia, 661
Hypersensitivity reactions, 5052
Hypersplenism, 318
Hypertension, portal, 52829
Hypertension, pulmonary, 38991
Hypertension, systemic, 57073
Hypertensive heart disease, 36061
Hypertensive retinopathy, 427
Hypertensive vascular disease, 323
Hyperthyroidism, 669
Hypertrophy, 35
cardiac, 34950
Hyperuricaemia, 575, 71011
Hypoaldosteronism, 66465
Hypoparathyroidism, 680
Hypopigmentation, 26
Hypopituitarism, 66162
Hypothyroidism, 66970
Hypoxic cell injury, 1922
Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, 73536
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, 412
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), 27071
IgA nephropathy, 562
Immotile cilia syndrome, 402, 588
Immune complex disease,
kidney, 55354
Immunofluorescence, 89
Immunohistochemistry, 910
Immunologic lung disease, 40910
Immunology of cancer, 17678
Immunosurveillance of cancer, 17678
Immunopathology, 4162
Infarction, 8890
Infections, 13144
Infectious mononucleosis, 28991
Infestations, 14143
Inflammation, acute, 92106
Inflammation, chronic, 10622
granulomatous, 10922
Inflammatory bowel disease, 47779
Inflammatory cells, 10104, 28589
In situ hybridisation, 11
Insulinoma, 687
Integrins, 16
Interferon, 17, 99
Interleukin, 17, 99
Intermediate filaments, 15
Interstitial lung disease (ILD), 40313
Intestinal biopsy, 48384
Intestine, large, 48795
Intestine, small, 47385
Intracellular accumulations, 2426
Intratubular germ cell neoplasia, 591
Intrinsic factor (IF), 241, 461
Intussusception, 475
Involucrum, 694
Ionising radiation, 22, 18283, 20405
Iron metabolism, 23435
Irreversible cell injury, 2021
Ischaemia, 8688
Ischaemic bowel disease, 47577
Ischaemic brain damage, 73536
Ischaemic heart disease (IHD), 35359
chronic, 35960
Islet cell tumours, 68788
Jamshidi needle, 227
Janeway's spots, 370
Jaundice, 27, 50407
Jaw, lumpy, 121
cysts of, 44647
Joints, disease of, 70712
Jones' criteria, modified, 366
Juvenile (retention) polyps, 480
Kaposi's sarcoma, 173, 343
Karyorrhexis, 20
Kawasaki's disease, 334
Keloid, 125
Ketoacidosis, diabetic, 68485
Kidney, diseases of, 54578
short contracted, 572
Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesions, 564
Klinefelter syndrome, 205
Koch's phenomenon, 111
Krukenberg tumour, 152, 62324
Kulchitsky cells, 473
Kviem test, 122
Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), 21, 359
histiocytosis, 317
Langhans' giant cells, 102, 108
Larynx, 43536
Laser microdissection, 12
LE cell phenomenon, 53
Lead poisoning, 18889
Legionnaire's disease, 395
Leiomyoma, 61415
Leiomyosarcoma, 615
Lepra reaction, 117
Lepromin test, 117
Leprosy, 11518
Lethal midline granuloma, 312, 433
Letterer Siwe disease, 317
Leucocytes in health and disease, 28389
Leucocytosis, 28689
Leucoerythroblastic reaction, 262
Leucopenia, 28689
Leucoplakia, oral cavity, 44344
acute lymphoid (ALL), 30809
acute myeloid (AML), 299302
chronic myeloid (CML), 29496
chronic lymphoid (CLL), 30910
hairy cell (HCL), 31112
Leukaemoid reaction, 291
Lewis experiment, 93
Leydig cell tumour, 594, 613
Lichen planus, 440, 648
Lines of Zahn, 80
Linitis plastica, 471
Lipofuscin, 28
Lipogranuloma, 25, 522
Lipoma, 722
Lipooxygenase pathway, 98
Liposarcoma, 722
Liver, 50033
Liver cell necrosis, types of, 510
Liver function tests, 50103
Löeffler's endocarditis, 377
Löeffler's syndrome, 274, 377, 410
Lukes-Collins classification, 303
Lung, 385419
Lupus nephritis, 53, 56364
Lupus, nose, 433, 645
Lupus vulgaris, 645
Lymph nodes, normal and reactive, 28183
Lymphadenitis, reactive, 28183
Lymphadenopathy, 282
Lymphangioma, 341
Lymphatic obstruction, 66, 33940
Lymphoblast, 285
Lymphocytes, 4243, 287
Lymphocytosis, 287
Lymphoedema, 66, 33940
Lymphomas, 292317
CNS, 310
Hodgkin's, 30408
non-Hodgkin's (NHL), 30817
Lymphopenia, 287
Lymphopoiesis, 285
Lysosomal components, 9899
Lysosomal storage diseases, 20709
M-band, 315
MacCallum's patch, 364
Macrophage, 43, 287
Madura foot, 136
Maffucci's syndrome, 704
Malabsorption syndrome, 48284
Malakoplakia, 580
Malaria, 142
Malignant melanoma, 42930, 65455
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (MPNST), 747
Mallory hyaline, 23, 522
Maltoma, 297, 57273
Mammary duct ectasia, 629
Mammary dysplasia, 62931
Mantoux test, 111
Marasmus, 193
Marble bone disease, 69596
Marfan syndrome, 336, 372
Marjolin's ulcer, 651
Mastitis, 62829
Meckel's diverticulum, 47374
Medial calcific sclerosis, 32324
Medial necrosis, cystic,
Erdheim's, 336
Medullary sponge kidney, 551
Megacolon, 487
Meigs' syndrome, 623
Melanoma, 42930, 65455
Melanosis coli, 488
MEN syndrome, 688
Mendelian disorders, 20607
Ménétrier's disease, 465
Meningioma, 74445
Meningitis, 73032
CSF in, 753
Meningocele, 728
Mercury chloride nephropathy, 56667
Mesonephroid tumour, ovary, 620
Mesothelioma, 42021
Metaplasia, 3637
Metastasis, 15052
mechanisms of, 15253
Metastatic calcification, 3334
Michaelis-Gutmann bodies, 580
Microalbuminuria, 572
Microarrays, 12
Microangiopathy, thrombotic, kidney, 573
MicroRNAs, 164
Microsatellite instability, 494
Microscopy, 89
Mikulicz syndrome, 450
Milroy's disease, 66, 338
Minimal change disease, 55859
Mitral stenosis and insufficiency, 37071
Mitsuda reaction, 117
Mixed salivary tumour, 45051
malignant, 452
MMTV, 174, 634
Molecular pathogenesis of cancer, 15864
Molecular pathology, 1011
Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis, 32324
Monocyte-macrophage series, 43, 10203
Morphometry, 12
Mostofi classification, 581
Mucinous tumours of ovary, 619
appendix, 486
gallbladder, 535
oral cavity, 432
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, 451
Mucopolysaccharidoses, 208
Mucormycosis, 397
Multiple myeloma, 31315
Mumps, 449
Munro abscess, 648
Muscular dystrophies, 714
Mutations, 206
Mutator genes, 16364
Myasthenia gravis, 320, 713
Mycetoma, 136
Mycosis fungoides, 312, 656
Mycosis, superficial, skin, 645
Myeloblast, 270
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), 29899
Myelogram, 756
Myeloid metaplasia, 29798
Myeloid series, 284
Myelolipoma, 677
Myeloma, 31316
kidney, 569
multiple, 31315
Myeloproliferative disorders, 294302
Myoblastoma, granular cell, 443, 72425
Myocardial infarction, 35559
Myocarditis, 37375
Myositis ossificans, 725
Myxoedema, 69, 670
Naevi, naevocellular, 65354
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 435
Neck, 43638
Necrosis, 2930
bridging, 514
zonal, liver, 510
Necrotising enterocolitis, 136, 477
Necrotising papillitis, 568
Neonatal hepatitis, 507
Neoplasia (also see under Tumours), 14584
Nephritic syndrome, 552
Nephritis, hereditary, 565
Nephritis, tubulointerstitial, 565, 567
Nephroblastoma, 578
Nephrocalcinosis, 569
Nephrolithiasis, 57475
Nephroma, 576
diabetic, 56465
IgA, 562
lupus, 56364
Nephrosclerosis, 57273
Nephrotic syndrome, 553
Nerve sheath tumours, 74647
Nervous system, 72749
central, 72745
peripheral, 74547
Neurilemmoma, 746
Neuroblastoma, 66768
Neurofibroma, 74647
Neuropathy, peripheral, 746
Neutrophil alkaline phosphatase (NAP), 291
Neutrophilia, 286
Neutrophils, 43, 101, 28586
Nexus, 16
Niacin, 199
Niemann-Pick disease, 20809
Nitric oxide mechanism, 99
Nodular fascitis, 720
Nodule, vocal, 436
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), 30817
Noncirrhotic portal fibrosis, 52728
Nonossifying fibroma, 700
Normal values, 75056
Normoblasts, 237
Nose and paranasal sinuses, 42224
Notochord, 707
Nutmeg liver, 72
Nutritional diseases, 191201
Oat cell carcinoma, lung, 416
Obesity, 19293
Ochronosis, 26
Odontogenic tumours, 44749
Oedema, 6470
Oesophagitis, 45758
Barrett's, 45758
Oesophagus, 45559
Oligodendroglioma, 742
Oncocytoma, 451
Oncogenes, 16061
Oncogenic viruses, 16975
DNA, 17174
RNA, 17475
Oncomirs, 164
Oncotic pressure, 64
Opportunistic infections, 47, 49, 131
Opsonisation, 96
Oral soft tissues, 44044
Orchitis, 58889
Osler's nodes, 369
Osmotic pressure, 64
Osteitis deformans, 69899
Osteitis fibrosa cystica, 679, 697
Osteoarthritis, 70810
Osteoblastic tumours, 70103
Osteoblastoma, 701
Osteochondroma, 703
Osteoclastoma, 70506
Osteodystrophy, renal, 69798
Osteoid osteoma, 701
Osteomalacia, 196, 696
Osteomyelitis, 69394
Osteonecrosis, avascular, 694
Osteopetrosis, 69596
Osteophytes, 708
Osteoporosis, 69697
Osteosarcoma, 70103
Otitis media, 431
Ovalocytosis, 252
Ovarian tumours, 61724
Ovaries, 61624
p53 gene, 161
P-component, 56
Paediatric diseases, 20910
Paediatric tumours, 156, 20910
Paget's disease,
of bone, 69899
of nipple, 637
of vulva, 60405
Pancarditis, rheumatic, 36465
Pancreatitis, 53940
Pancytopenia, 247
Pannus formation, 709
Papanicolaou's (Pap) smear, 21921
stain, 220
breast, intraductal, 633
choroid plexus, 743
larynx, 436
mouth, 442
nose and paranasal sinuses, 433
skin, 649
urinary bladder, 581
Papilloma viruses, 17172, 596, 608
Papovaviruses, 17172
Pappenheimer bodies, 24
Paraneoplastic syndrome (PNS), 17879
Parasitic diseases, 14143
Parathyroid gland, 67880
Paroxysmal nocturnal
haemoglobinuria (PNH), 251
Parvoviruses, 262
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), 351
Peliosis hepatis, 342, 509
Pellagra, 199
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 61516
Pemphigoid, 441, 647
Pemphigus, 440, 647
Penis, 59597
Peptic ulcer, 46569
Pericarditis, 37870
Periodontal disease, 446
Peritoneum, 49596
Peritonitis, 49596
Permeability, vascular, 9394
Pertussis, 134
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 490
Phagocytosis, 9697
Pharynx, 43435
Pheochromocytoma, 667
Philadelphia chromosome, 149, 294
Phyllodes tumour, 63233
Physaliphorous cells, 707
Pigments, 2629
Pilomatricoma, 652
Pituitary gland, 66063
Placenta, 62425
Plague, 13233
Platelets, 7879, 266
Pleomorphic adenoma, salivary gland, 45051
Pleura, 41921
Pleuritis, (pleurisy), 419
Pneumoconiosis, 40409
Pneumonias, 39196
Pneumothorax, 420
Podocytes, 559
aluminium phosphide, 190
carbon monoxide, 189
cyanide, 190
lead, 1889
mercuric chloride, 56667
Pollutants, 185
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN), 332
Polycystic kidney disease, 55051
adult, 550
infantile, 55051
Polycystic ovary disease, 617
Polycythaemia vera, 296
Polyglandular autoimmune
syndrome, 688
Polymyositis-dermatomyositis, 54
Polyploidy, 205
antrochoanal, 433
aural, 431
cervical, 607
colorectal, 48992
endometrial, 604
fibroepithelial, 604, 649
hamartomatous, 490
hyperplastic, 48990
inflammatory, 490
juvenile, 490
lymphoid, 490
nasal, 433
metaplastic, 490
otic, 431
Peutz Jeghers, 490
rectal, 48990
stomach, 469
Porphyrins, 28
Portal hypertension, 52829
Pott's disease, 694
Primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET), 70607
Prion proteins, 734
Prostate, 597600
Pulmonary embolism, 8283
Pyelonephritis, 5355
Pyloric stenosis, 462
Pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency, 254
Quick's one stage method, 268
Quinacrine banding, 204
Radicals, free, 2122, 99
Radiolysis, 22, 16869
Rappaport classification, 288, 302
Raynaud's disease and phenomenon, 33435
RB gene, 161, 430
REAL classification, 303
Red blood cell, 22830
Red cell membrane, 229
Reed-Sternberg (RS) cell, 305
Reidel's struma, 672
Reiter's syndrome, 55
Renal failure, 53335
Renal function tests, 54647
Renal osteodystrophy, 69798
Reperfusion injury, 2122
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), 38688
Response-to-injury hypothesis, 32728
Reticulocyte, 228
Retinoblastoma, 430
diabetic, 426, 685
hypertensive, 427
Reversible cell injury, 1920
Reye's syndrome, 508
embryonal, 606, 723
Rhesus system, 276
Rheumatic fever and RHD, 36166
Rheumatoid arthritis, 70810
Rheumatoid factor, 708
Rhinosporidiosis, 433
Ridley-Jopling classification, 117
Rye classification, 304
Salivary glands, 44952
Sarcoidosis, 12122
Sarcoma, definition, 145
Sarcoma, botryoides, 606, 723
SARS, 13940
Schaumann bodies, 122
Schiller Duval body, 622
Schilling test, 245
Schwannoma, 746
Selectins, 17
Seminoma, testis, 59192
classic, 59192
spermatocytic, 592
Sequestrum, 694
Serous tumours of ovary, 61819
Sex chromatin, 218, 232
Sex chromosomes, 14, 218
Sex cord-stromal tumours,
ovary, 62223
testis, 594
Sezary syndrome, 312, 656
Shock, 7377
Shock kidney, 77, 566
Shock lung, 77,
Shunts, heart, 35152
Sialadenitis, 44950
Sickle syndrome, 25456
Sideroblasts, 238
Siderocytes, 238
Signal transduction proteins, 160
Silicosis, 40607
Sinus histiocytosis, 283
Sjögren's syndrome, 54
Skeletal muscles, structure of, 71214
Skeletal system, 692716
Skin, 64158
dermatoses, 64256
tumours of, 64956
Small cell carcinoma lung, 416
Small contracted kidney, 572
Smoking, 18586, 398, 41213, 414
Soft tissue tumours, 71726
Southern blot, 11
Special stains, 7
Spermatic granuloma, 589
Spherocytosis, hereditary, 252
Spina bifida, 204, 728
Spleen, 31719
CVC of, 72, 318
Splenectomy, effects of, 319
Splenic rupture, 319
Splenic tumour, 319
Splenomegaly, 318
congestive, 72, 318
Squamous cell carcinoma,
cervix, 60910
lung, 416
oesophagus, 459
oral cavity, 444
penis, 59697
skin, 65051
vulva, 605
Squamous metaplasia, 36, 414, 607
Staging of tumours, 154, 719
Enneking, 719
AJC, 154
TNM, 154
Staphylococcal infections, 13435
Stein-Leventhal syndrome, 617
Stevens-Johnson syndrome, 441
Stomach, 45973
cancer of, 47072
tumours and tumour-like lesions of, 46973
Stomatocytosis, 252
Stones, gallbladder, 53335
Stones, kidney, 57475
Storage diseases, 20709
Storiform pattern, 718, 721
Streptococcal infections, 135
Stroke syndrome, 734
Struma ovarii, 621
Struvite (staghorn) stone, 574
Surgical pathology, protocol, 67
Synovial sarcoma, 724
Synovitis, villonodular, 71112
Syphilis, 11920
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 5354
kidneys in, 56364
heart in, 366
lung in, 411
Systemic sclerosis, 54
Tabes dorsalis, 733
Tabes mesenterica, 480
Takayasu's arteritis, 33334
Tamm Horsfall protein, 315
Telepathology, 12
Telomerase, 37, 163
ovary, 62021
sacrococcygeal, 210
testis, 57980
Testicular tumours, 59095
Testis, 58795
Tetralogy of Fallot, 352
Thalassaemias, 25661
Thrombocythaemia, essential, 297
Thrombocytopenias, 26971
immune, 27071
thrombotic, 271
Thrombocytosis, 27172, 297
Thrombophlebitis, 33637
Thrombophlebitis migrans, 339
Thrombopoiesis, 266
Thrombopoietin, 266
Thrombosis, 7781
Thrombospondin, 79, 266
Thrombotic microangiopathy, kidney, 573
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), 271
Thymoma, 320
Thymus, 31920
Thyroid cancer, 67578
Thyroid gland, 66878
Thyroiditis, 67072
Thyrotoxicosis, 669
Tobacco smoking, 18586, 398, 41213, 414
Trace elements, 201
Transfusion of blood, 27678
complications of, 27778
Transitional cell carcinoma,
nasopharynx, 435
urinary bladder, 58182
Transplant rejection, 45
Transthyretin, 55
Transudate versus exudate, 65
Trauma to brain, 738
Trephine biopsy, 227
Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC), 357
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, 288, 377, 410
Troponins, cardiac, 359
Trousseau's syndrome, 339
Tubercle, 11112
Tuberculoma, brain, 73233
Tuberculosis, pulmonary, 10915
Tuberculous meningitis, 73132
Tubular necrosis, acute (ATN), 56567
Tubulointerstitial disease, 56770
Tumoral calcinosis, 648
Tumour lysis syndrome, 178
Tumour markers, 181
Tumours, soft tissue, 71726
Turner's syndrome, 205
Typhoid fever, 48081
Typhoid ulcers, 480
Ubiquitin, 17
UICC staging, 154
amoebic, 141
Curling's, 465
Cushing's, 465
peptic, 46566
rodent, 65152
stress, 46566
Ulcerative colitis, 47779
Ultraviolet light, 168
Urachal abnormalities, 579
Uraemia, 54749
Urate nephrolithiasis, 575
Urethral caruncle, 583
Uric acid stones, 575
Urinary bladder, 57883
tumours of, 58183
Urinary cytology, 216, 219
Urinary tract infection (UTI), 567, 57982
Urine analysis, 547
Urolithiasis, 57475
Uropathy, obstructive, 57375
Urothelial tumours, 58183
Uveal melanoma, 42930
Vagina, 60516
tumours of, 60506
Vaginal smear, 21316
Vaginitis, 605
Valvulitis, rheumatic, 364
Varices, 457, 529
Varicocele, 58990
Varicosities, 338
Vascular disorders, haemostasis, 269
Vasculitis, 33035
Vegetations, heart, 364, 367, 369
Veins, 33739
Ventricular septal defect (VSD), 351
Verocay bodies, 746
Verrucae, heart, 364, 367, 369
Verrucous carcinoma, 444
Villous atrophy, 483
Viral hepatitis, 51017
Virchow cells, 118
Virchow's sign, 472
Virtual microscopy, 12
Viruses and human cancer, 175
Viruses, diseases caused by, 13741
Viruses, oncogenic,
DNA, 17174
RNA, 17475
Vitamins, 193200
Vitellointestinal duct, 47374
Vitiligo, 26
Vocal nodules, 436
Volvulus, 475
von Gierke's disease, 207
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, 577
von Recklinghausen's disease, 74647
von Willebrand's disease, 27374
Vulva, 60305
macroglobulinaemia, 31516
Warthin's tumour, 451
Warts, 644
Wegener's granulomatosis, 33233, 412
Weights and measurements, normal organs, 75051
Wilms' tumour, 578
Wilson's disease, 525
Working formulation for clinical usage, 303
Wound healing, 12425
X-linked disorders, 207
Xanthogranuloma, 721
Xanthomas, 656
Xeroderma pigmentosum, 164, 642
Y-chromatin, 218
Yellow atrophy, acute, 51617
Yellow fever, 13738
Yolk sac tumour,
ovary, 622
testis, 593
Zenker's degeneration, 23
Ziehl-Neelsen staining, 109, 15
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 68788
Zonal necrosis, liver, 510
Zoster virus infection, 140, 173, 645
Chapter Notes

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Introduction to PathologyChapter 1

The word ‘Pathology’ is derived from two Greek words—pathos meaning suffering, and logos meaning study. Pathology is, thus, scientific study of structure and function of the body in disease; or in other words, pathology consists of the abnormalities that occur in normal anatomy (including histology) and physiology owing to disease. Knowledge and understanding of pathology is essential for all would-be doctors, general medical practitioners and specialists. Remember the prophetic words of one of the eminent founders of modern medicine in late 19th and early 20th century, Sir William Osler, “Your practice of medicine will be as good as your understanding of pathology.”
Since pathology is the study of disease, then what is disease? In simple language, disease is opposite of health i.e. what is not healthy is disease. Health may be defined as a condition when the individual is in complete accord with the surroundings, while disease is loss of ease (or comfort) to the body (i.e. dis-ease).
It is important for a beginner in pathology to be familiar with the language used in pathology:
  • Patient is the person affected by disease.
  • Lesions are the characteristic changes in tissues and cells produced by disease in an individual or experimental animal.
  • Pathologic changes or morphology consist of examination of diseased tissues.
  • ♦ Pathologic changes can be recognised with the naked eye (gross or macroscopic changes) or studied by microscopic examination of tissues.
  • ♦ Causal factors responsible for the lesions are included in etiology of disease (i.e. ‘why’ of disease).
  • ♦ Mechanism by which the lesions are produced is termed pathogenesis of disease (i.e. ‘how’ of disease).
  • ♦ Functional implications of the lesion felt by the patient are symptoms and those discovered by the clinician are the physical signs.
Pathology as the scientific study of disease processes has its deep roots in medical history. Since the beginning of mankind, there has been desire as well as need to know more about the causes, mechanisms and nature of diseases. The answers to these questions have evolved over the centuries—from supernatural beliefs to the present state of our knowledge of modern pathology.
Present-day knowledge of primitive culture prevalent in the world in prehistoric times reveals that religion, magic and medical treatment were quite linked to each other in those times. The earliest concept of disease understood by the patient and the healer was the religious belief that disease was the outcome of ‘curse from God’ or the belief in magic that the affliction had supernatural origin from ‘evil eye of spirits.’ To ward them off, priests through prayers and sacrifices, and magicians by magic power used to act as faith-healers and invoke supernatural powers and please the gods. Remnants of ancient superstitions still exist in some parts of the world.2
But the real practice of medicine began with Hippocrates (460–370 BC), the great Greek clinical genius of all times and regarded as ‘the father of medicine’(Web Image 1.1). Hippocrates followed rational and ethical attitudes in practice and teaching of medicine as expressed in the collection of writings of that era. He firmly believed in study of patient's symptoms and described methods of diagnosis.
Hippocrates introduced ethical concepts in the practice of medicine and is revered by the medical profession by taking ‘Hippocratic oath’ at the time of entry into practice of medicine.
Hippocratic teaching was propagated in Rome by Roman physicians, notably by Cornelius Celsus (53 BC-7 AD) and Cladius Galen (130–200 AD). Celsus first described four cardinal signs of inflammation—rubor (redness), tumor (swelling), calor (heat), and dolor (pain). Galen postulated humoral theory, later called Galenic theory.
The hypothesis of disequilibrium of four elements constituting the body (Dhatus) similar to Hippocratic doctrine finds mention in ancient Indian medicine books compiled about 200 AD—Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.
The backwardness of Medieval period was followed by the Renaissance period i.e. revival of leaning. Dissection of human body was started by Vesalius (1514–1564) on executed criminals. His pupils, Gabriel Fallopius (1523–1562) who described human oviducts (Fallopian tubes) and Fabricius who discovered lymphoid tissue around the intestine of birds (bursa of Fabricius) further popularised the practice of human anatomic dissection for which special postmortem amphitheatres came in to existence in various parts of ancient Europe (Web Image 1.2).
Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723), a cloth merchant by profession in Holland, during his spare time invented the first ever microscope.
The credit for beginning of the study of morbid anatomy (pathologic anatomy), however, goes to Italian anatomist-pathologist, Giovanni B. Morgagni (1682–1771). He laid the foundations of clinicopathologic methodology in the study of disease and introduced the concept of clinicopathologic correlation (CPC), establishing a coherent sequence of cause, lesions, symptoms, and outcome of disease (Web Image 1.3).
Sir Percival Pott (1714–1788), famous surgeon in England, identified the first ever occupational cancer in the chimney sweeps in 1775 and discovered chimney soot as the first carcinogenic agent. However, the study of anatomy in England during the latter part of 18th Century was dominated by the two Hunter brothers:John Hunter (1728–1793), a student of Sir Percival Pott, rose to become greatest surgeon-anatomist of all times and he, together with his elder brother William Hunter (1718–1788) who was a reputed anatomist-obstetrician (or man-midwife), started the first ever museum of pathologic anatomy (Web Image 1.4).
R.T.H. Laennec (1781–1826), a French physician, dominated the early part of 19th century by his numerous discoveries. He described several lung diseases (tubercles, caseous lesions, miliary lesions, pleural effusion, bronchiectasis), chronic sclerotic liver disease (later called Laennec's cirrhosis) and invented stethoscope.
Morbid anatomy attained its zenith with appearance of Carl F. von Rokitansky (1804–1878), self-taught German pathologist who performed nearly 30,000 autopsies himself.
Pathology started developing as a diagnostic discipline in later half of the 19th century with the evolution of cellular pathology which was closely linked to 3technology advancements in machinery manufacture for cutting thin sections of tissue, improvement in microscope, and development of chemical industry and dyes for staining.
The discovery of existence of disease-causing micro-organisms was made by French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822–1895). Subsequently, G.H.A. Hansen (1841–1912) in Germany identified Hansen's bacillus as causative agent for leprosy (Hansen's disease) in 1873.
Developments in chemical industry helped in switch over from earlier dyes of plant and animal origin to synthetic dyes. The impetus for the flourishing and successful dye industry came from the works of numerous pioneers as under:
  • Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915), described Ehrlich's test for urobilinogen using Ehrlich's aldehyde reagent, staining techniques of cells and bacteria, and laid the foundations of clinical pathology (Web Image 1.5).
  • Christian Gram, who developed bacteriologic staining by crystal violet.
  • D.L. Romanowsky, Russian physician, who developed stain for peripheral blood film using eosin and methylene blue derivatives.
  • Robert Koch, German bacteriologist who, besides Koch's postulate and Koch's phenomena, developed techniques of fixation and staining for identification of bacteria, discovered tubercle bacilli in 1882 and cholera vibrio organism in 1883.
  • May-Grunwald and Giemsa developed blood stains.
  • Sir William Leishman described Leishman's stain for blood films.
  • Robert Feulgen described Feulgen reaction for DNA staining.
Until the end of the 19th century, the study of morbid anatomy had remained largely autopsy-based and thus had remained a retrospective science. Rudolf Virchow (1821–1905) in Germany is credited with the beginning of microscopic examination of diseased tissue at cellular level and thus began histopathology as a method of investigation. Virchow gave two major hypotheses:
  • ♦ All cells come from other cells.
  • ♦ Disease is an alteration of normal structure and function of these cells.
Virchow came to be referred as Pope in pathology in Europe and is aptly known as the ‘father of cellular pathology’(Web Image 1.6).
The concept of frozen section examination when the patient was still on the operation table was introduced by Virchow's student, Julius Cohnheim (1839–1884).
The concept of surgeon and physician doubling up in the role of pathologist which started in the 19th century continued as late as the middle of the 20th century in most clinical departments. Assigning biopsy pathology work to some faculty member in the clinical department was common practice; that is why some of the notable pathologists of the first half of 20th century had background of clinical training.
A few other landmarks in further evolution of modern pathology in this era are as follows:
  • Karl Landsteiner(1863–1943) described the existence of major human blood groups in 1900 and was awarded Nobel prize in 1930 and is considered father of blood transfusion (Web Image 1.7).
  • Ruska and Lorries in 1933 developed electron microscope which aided the pathologist to view ultrastructure of cell and its organelles.
  • ♦ The development of exfoliative cytology for early detection of cervical cancer began with George N. Papanicolaou(1883–1962), in 1930s who is known as ‘father of exfoliative cytology’(Web Image 1.8).
Another pioneering contribution in pathology in the 20th century was by an eminent teacher-author, William Boyd(1885–1979), dominated and inspired the students of pathology all over the world due to his flowery language and lucid style for about 50 years till 1970s (Web Image 1.9).4
The strides made in the latter half of 20th century until the beginning of 21st century have made it possible to study diseases at molecular level, and provide an evidence-based and objective diagnosis and enable the physician to institute appropriate therapy. Some of the revolutionary discoveries during this time are as under (Web Image 1.10):
  • ♦ Description of the structure of DNA of the cell by Watson and Crick in 1953.
  • ♦ Identification of chromosomes and their correct number in humans (46) by Tijo and Levan in 1956.
  • ♦ Identification of Philadelphia chromosome t(9;22) in chronic myeloid leukaemia by Nowell and Hagerford in 1960 as the first chromosomal abnormality in any cancer.
  • ♦ Flexibility and dynamism of DNA invented by Barbara McClintock for which she was awarded Nobel prize in 1983.
  • ♦ In 1998, researchers in US found a way of harvesting stem cells, a type of primitive cells, from embryos and maintaining their growth in the laboratory, and thus started the era of stem cell research. Stem cells are seen by many researchers as having virtually unlimited application in the treatment of many human diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cancer, strokes, etc.
  • ♦ In April 2003, Human Genome Project (HGP) consisting of a consortium of countries, was completed which coincided with 50 years of description of DNA double helix by Watson and Crick in April 1953. The sequencing of human genome reveals that human genome contains approximately 3 billion of the base pairs, which reside in the 23 pairs of chromosomes within the nucleus of all human cells. Each chromosome contains an estimated 30,000 genes in the human genome.
These inventions have set in an era of human molecular biology which is no longer confined to research laboratories but is ready for application as a modern diagnostic and therapeutic tool.
Human pathology is the largest branch of pathology. It is conventionally divided into General Pathology dealing with general principles of disease, and Systemic Pathology that includes study of diseases pertaining to the specific organs and body systems.
  1. HISTOPATHOLOGY. Histopathology, used synonymously with anatomic pathology, pathologic anatomy, or morbid anatomy, is the classic method of study and still the most useful one which has stood the test of time. It includes the following 3 main subdivisions:
    1. Surgical pathology deals with the study of tissues removed from the living body.
    2. Forensic pathology and autopsy work includes the study of organs and tissues removed at postmortem for medicolegal work and for determining the underlying sequence and cause of death.
    3. Cytopathology includes study of cells shed off from the lesions (exfoliative cytology) and fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of superficial and deep-seated lesions for diagnosis.
  2. HAEMATOLOGY deals with the diseases of blood.
  3. CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY includes analysis of biochemical constituents of blood, urine, semen, CSF and other body fluids.
  1. The concept of clinicopathologic correlation (CPC) by study of morbid anatomy was introduced by:
    1. Hippocrates
    2. Virchow
    3. John Hunter
    4. Morgagni
  1. The first ever museum of pathologic anatomy was developed by:
    1. John Hunter
    2. Rokitansky
    3. Rudolf Virchow
    4. Morgagni
  1. ABO human blood group system was first described by:
    1. Edward Jenner
    2. Karl Landsteiner
    3. Hippocrates
    4. Laennec
  1. Frozen section was first introduced by:
    1. Cohnheim
    2. Ackerman
    3. Virchow
    4. Feulgen
  1. Electron microscope was first developed by:
    1. Barbara McClintock
    2. Watson and Crick
    3. Tijo and Levan
    4. Ruska and Lorries
  1. Structure of DNA of the cell was described by:
    1. Watson and Crick
    2. Tijo and Levan
    3. Ruska and Lorries
    4. Barbara McClintock
  1. Flexibilty and dynamism of DNA was invented by:
    1. Watson and Crick
    2. Tijo and Levan
    3. Ruska and Lorries
    4. Barbara McClintock
  1. Father of cellular pathology is:
    1. Carl Rokitansky
    2. Rudolf Virchow
    3. G. Morgagni
    4. FT Schwann
  1. Humans genome consists of following number of genes:
    1. 20,000
    2. 30,000
    3. 50,000
    4. 100,000
  1. Stem cell research consists of:
    1. Human cells grown in vitro
    2. Plant cells grown in vitro
    3. Cadaver cells grown in vitro
    4. Synonymous with PCR
  1. PCR technique was introduced by:
    1. Ian Wilmut
    2. Watson
    3. Nowell Hagerford
    4. Kary Mullis
  1. Human genome project was completed in:
    1. 2001
    2. 2002
    3. 2003
    4. 2004
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2 = A
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4 = A
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6 = A
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12 = C