Santosh T Soans MBBS MD DCH (Pediatric Intensivist)
Professor and Head Department of Pediatrics AJ Institute of Medical Sciences
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Arun MK MD (Pediatrics) DNB (Pediatrics)
Assistant Professor Kasturba Medical College
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Jitendar P Vij
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Pediatric Intensive Care Protocol
© 2010, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
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First Edition: 2010
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4Dedicated to
Our parents who have helped and guided us during the most difficult times of our medical education
This book is intended for all those working in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Pediatrics is now blooming from its budding state. The wealth of existing and new information in pediatric intensive care and the need for a comprehensive book has prompted the evolution of this book.
In the field of pediatric intensive care, plenty of information are available, but they are scattered in segments. We have assimilated and compiled this comprehensive guide to evaluate and manage pediatric intensive care.
The hours spent on call by postgraduates students are usually thought to be stressful, exhausting and overwhelming. While this is frequently true, we believe that time spent on call is extremely valuable part of overall education of the physician in training. Evaluating and managing problems that arise in emergencies when immediate help from attending consultants may not be available encourages independent thinking, clinical reasoning and decision-making. In addition, the successful management of these problems builds confidence and offers postgraduates an opportunity to test their skills and develop their knowledge base.
Learning to manage acute problems when on call, especially very sick children in intensive care is heavily dependent on experience. There may be a great deal of uncertainty. It is at times like these that ready reference is of immense help in managing crisis. This book is both concise and thorough. It spares the pediatrician great detail usually found in textbooks. We are sure it is going to be helpful to postgraduates as well as practicing pediatricians.
Santosh T Soans
Arun MK
Bringing out a well-researched book like this is never an easy task and many people have helped in their own ways and made it possible for this book to see the light of this day. We hereby wish to acknowledge few of our colleagues and friends who have provided me help, inspiration and motivation—Dr Sanjeeva Rai, Dr Subba Rao, Dr Prakash Saldhana, Dr Habib Khan, Dr Ramesh Pai, Dr Naveen Benakappa and Dr Dinesh SR. We also acknowledge the help given by the postgraduates of our institution during this time.