Neurology Rajendra B Kenkre
Chapter Notes

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Peripheral Neuropathy1

The entire nervous system and the special sense organs originate from three sources each derived from neural ectoderm.
The first source is clearly delineated as neural plate which gives rise to central nervous system, the motor nerves and autonomic nerves.
The second source is the neural crest cells. These are migratory cells from the neural crest and contain mainly ependymal and mesenchymal elements and they form the entire peripheral nervous system including the somatic sensory nerves, the somatic and autonomic ganglia and adrenal and chromaffin cells.
The third source is the ectodermal placodes. This is a group of cells which originates at the edge of neural plate. They contribute to hypophysis, inner ear and the cranial sensory ganglia.
Peripheral Nervous System
Each spinal nerve is connected to the spinal cord by a ventral and dorsal root. The fibers of the ventral roots grow out from cell bodies in the anterior and lateral parts of the intermediate zone. Some enter the myotomes of the somites, some penetrate somites reaching adjacent somatopleurae, ultimately forming the α, β and γ-efferents. At level segments (T1 – L2) preganglionic 2sympathetic neuroblasm axons occupy these efferents at S2 – S4. Preganglionic parasympathetic neuroblasts accompany these efferents. The fibers of the dorsal roots extend from cell somata in dorsal root ganglia into the spinal cord and also extend into the periphery. There is continuous formation of neural crest cells along the luster of the spinal cord.
Blood Supply of the Peripheral Nerves
The blood vessels supplying a nerve end in a capillary plexus which pierces the perineurium. Its branches run parallel with the fibers connected by short transverse vessels. The peripheral nerves have two separate functionally independent vascular systems—an extrinsic system and an intrinsic system.
The intrinsic system runs longitudinally along the nerves and forms microvessels in the endoneurium. In the extrinsic system, there are neuritive and epineural vessels.
There is considerable degree of anastomosis between the two systems and this renders high degree of resistance to ischemia in the peripheral nerves.
Just as in the brain there is blood-brain barrier; there is a unique blood nerve barrier which is deficient in dorsal root and autonomic ganglia, and parts of the peripheral nerves. This barrier operates at the level of endoneurial capillary walls.
Peripheral nerve fibers are grouped in bundles called fasciculi. The size, number and pattern of fasciculi vary in different nerves and at different levels along their paths. The structure of a single nerve cell is shown in Figure 1.1.
The classification of peripheral nerve fibers is based on various parameters such as conduction velocity, function and fiber diameter.3
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Fig. 1.1: Structure of a nerve cell (neuron)
The first classification system divides the fibers into three major classes designated A, B and C, corresponding to the peaks in the distribution of their conduction velocities. In the group A, fibers are divided into α (alpha), δ (delta) and γ (gamma) subgroups.
Group B are preganglionic autonomic efferents.
Group C fibers are unmyelinated nerve fibers.
Group Aα are largest and conduct most rapidly and C fibers are smallest and slowest.
Different types of changes that can occur in the nerve fibers including degeneration and regeneration are shown in Figures 1.2A to D.
Aα fibers (efferent axons) innervate cutaneous joints, muscle receptors and some large elementary enteroreceptors.4
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Figs 1.2A to D: Different types of changes that can occur in a nerve cell peripheral nerve: (A) Normal; (B) Segmental demyelination; (C) Axonal degeneration; (D) Regeneration after segmental demyelination
Aδ fibers innervate thermoreceptors and nociceptors including those in dental pulp. C fibers have thermoreceptive, nociceptive and interoceptive functions.
Aα fibers are up to 20 mm in diameter. They innervate extrafusal muscle fibers and conduct at the speed of 120 m/s.
Aγ fibers are exclusively fusiomotor to plate and trail endings on intrafusal muscle fibers.
C fibers are postganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic axons.
Second classification system used for efferent fibers of somatic muscles divides myelinated fibers into Groups I, II and III.
Group I fibers are large (12–22 μm) and include primary sensory fibers of muscle spindles (Group I a) and smaller fibers of Golgi tendon organs (Group I b).
Group II fibers include terminals of muscle spindles with diameter of 6–12 μm.5
Group III fibers are 1–6 μm in diameter have free sensory endings in the connective tissue sheaths around and within muscles and are believed to be nociceptive, relaying pressure, and pain in externally stimulated muscles.
Group IV fibers are unmyelinated with diameter below 1.5 mm. These include free endings in the muscles and are primarily nociceptive.
Nerve fibers (axons) are coated with short segment of myelin of variable length (250 to 1000 mm) each of which is enveloped by a Schwann cell and its membrane. The Schwann cell membrane surrounding the axon is myelin sheath. This axonal membrane has gaps called nodes of Ranvier which have specialized function containing high concentration of sodium channels (figs 1.3A and B).
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Fig. 1.3A and B: Transmission of nerve impulses across myelinated and non-myelinated nerve fibers
Topographic and Clinical Patterns of Neuropathy
Impairment of Motor Function
This can be defined as persistent impairment of motor function over days, weeks or months which may signify segmental demyelination, axonal interruption, or destruction of motor neurons. Muscles of feet and legs are affected earlier and more severely than those of the hands and forearms.
Sensory Loss
In most polyneuropathies’ there is impairment of both motor and sensory functions, but one may be affected more than the other. In Guillain-Barré syndrome, motor weakness is more pronounced than sensory loss although both may coexist.
In most sensory neuropathies, all sensory modalities like touch, pressure, pain, temperature, vibratory and joint position sense are impaired or lost. Vibratory sense is more affected than position and tactile sensation. It is even possible to delineate large fiber neuropathy based only on selective impairment of sensory modalities such as pain, temperature with sparing or lesser impairment of touch pressure, vibratory and position sense. This pattern resembles dissociated sensory loss of syringomyelia.
Small Fiber neuropathies
Dissociation of sensation may extend over the arms trunk and even cranial surfaces. This pattern is typically manifested in neuropathies due to toxins, amyloidosis, congenital absence of pain, Riley-Day syndrome, and Tangier's disease.7
Tendon Reflexes
Dimiuntion or absence of tendon reflexes is a sign of peripheral nerve disease. In small fiber neuropathies, tendon reflexes may be retained even with marked loss of perception of painful and thermal stimuli and loss of autonomic function. This is due to the fact that the afferent arc of the tendon reflexes utilizes the large heavily myelinated fibers that originate in muscle spindles.
Paresthesias, Pain and Dysthesias
This can be in form of “pins and needles”, stabbing, tingling, pricking, and electrical sensation. In some sensory neuropathies, paresthesias and numbness are the only demonstrable features. There may be pain which may be of burning, aching, sharp, cutting, or crushing type. Sometimes, tactile stimuli may also elicit burning, tingling, or pain. Painful paresthesias and dysthesias are common in certain type of diabetic, alcoholic, nutritional and amyloid neuropathies.
Sensory Ataxia and Tremor
Ataxia may be pronounced when there is gross loss of joint and position sense as in diabetic neuropathy and variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Action tremor may also appear in certain phases of polyneuropathies, and large fiber neuropathies like those of immune mediated forms. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy may give rise to coarse tremors.
Deformity and Trophic Changes
In chronic neuropathies, the feet, hands and spine may be deformed. This may be seen in hereditary sensory 8neuropathies. Important point includes finding of deformities like pes cavus or talipes equinus when the feet are pulled in that position. This is an important diagnostic pointer of neuromuscular disease of early childhood. Other changes may include trophic changes, diminution of hair growth in denervated areas, planter ulcers, etc.
Autonomic Changes
Autonomic changes include anhidrosis, orthostatic hypotension, small-to-medium sized unreactive pupils, lack of sweat, tears and saliva, sexual impotence, urinary retention and overflow incontinence, sinus arrhythmias and paralytic ileus. These changes correspond to degeneration of unmyelinated fibers in the peripheral nerves.
Fasciculation, Cramps, Spasms
Polyneuropathies usually do not give rise to fasciculations; they are usually manifestation of anterior horn cell disease. However, root compression gives rise to fasciculation, cramps and spasms and are frequently referred to as presenting manifestation with sensory neuropathies.
The differential diagnosis of peripheral neuropathies is better defined now as new epitopes on dorsal root ganglion cell, Schwann cell and peripheral myelin are identified and the corresponding genes are cloned. However, the diagnosis is still based on time honored criteria such as the pattern of motor and sensory loss, the time course, associated medical conditions, and exposure to toxins and drugs. Newer criteria increase diagnostic accuracy and effective therapeutic results. These are principally based on the fiber size involved in the peripheral nerve which is affected and on the genetics. 9In small c fiber neuropathies, the predominant symptom may be burning pain and autonomic dysfunction. Group A delta myelinated fibers are also small sized. Symptoms, however, may be of different kind, expressed as lancinating pain, cold sensation, deep ache, there may be increased perception to pain and altered response to cold and heat. These small fiber neuropathies are associated with decreased sensation to pain and temperature threshold, minimal weakness and retained reflexes. Large fiber neuropathies, 12–22 m predominantly show motor deficit and impaired vibratory and propioceptive function. Thus, clinical presentation may be associated with impaired balance, positive Romberg's sign, loss of reflexes, ataxia of sensory type and proximal motor weakness. In general terms, both large and small fiber neuropathies have mixed features, which are motor, sensory and autonomic features.
Acute small fiber sensory and autonomic neuropathy.
In this type of sensory neuropathy small fibres 1 m, c fibers and unmyelinated sympathetic fibers are predominantly involved.
Clinical Presentation
Pain and temperature loss: This is greater than that of vibration and propioception. Reflexes are depressed to absent, there may be spontaneous lancinating pain, dysthesia, burning pain in the feet (c fiber), cramps of the feet and thigh, orthostatic 10hypotension, sexual dysfunction, anhydrosis, and small constricted pupils.
Mixed sensory motor neuropathy with some autonomic features: These form 70% of all diabetic neuropathies. In this form of neuropathy, small fiber modalities are involved earlier than the large fiber deficits. Hence, almost always presentation may focus on lancinating burning pain, or deep muscle ache which may later manifest with ataxia and features of diabetic pseudotabes, that is positive Romberg's sign, absent reflexes, arthropathy, foot ulcers, severe loss of joint position and vibration sense, and autonomic dysfunction manifested by decreased sweating, erectile dysfunction, nocturnal diarrhea and postural hypotension.
Certain laboratory parameters are helpful in this form of neuropathy.
EMG: EMG may show early active denervation axonal features.
Laboratory investigation: Certain laboratory parameters are helpful in this form of neuropathy including fasting blood glucose values of 110–125 mg/dl. Random venous blood glucose of 200 mg/dl is positive for diabetes. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes can present in either form of peripheral neuropathy.
Diabetic Amyotrophy
Diabetic amyotrophy affects older patients with type 2 diabetes more frequently than type 1 diabetes. It usually affects patients belonging to age group of 50–60 years, in whom blood glucose levels remain poorly controlled over prolonged periods of time. 11As with acute diabetic polyneuropathy, weight loss and anorexia is common.
There may be acute thigh pain which may later progress to quadriceps and adductor weakness. There is usually history of acute weight loss and general ill health, weeks prior to the onset of pain, which may be so excruciating that it may require the use of narcotics. Due to the insidious onset and weight loss, malignancy may be suspected. The condition usually improves over 2 years; nevertheless, it may leave sequela of wasting of quadriceps. The distribution of pain and muscle weakness suggests it is L2, L3, L4 roots that are damaged and not the femoral nerve.
EMG: Associated axonal neuropathy may be observed in 50% of patients. Fibrillation potentials may occur early in the illness.
Laboratory investigation: There may be elevated CSF protein (mean protein 90 mg/dl) probably due to root involvement.
Differential diagnosis
One often has to differentiate this form of neuropathy from motor neuron disease and polymyositis because of their insidious onset with chronic inflammation, and also from demyelinating neuropathy and malignancy in the pelvic region with lumbosacral root involvement.
Mononeuritis Multiplex
In few diabetics, this may present as cranial nerve involvement or intercostal nerve infarction. It is a type of vasculitis, probably 12due to immune complex deposition. There may be gradual improvement over a period of 12 months.
Generally, it is of acute or subacute type and painful onset with preceding weight loss in the setting of long standing diabetes mellitus. Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI, are most commonly involved. There may be partial involvement of III nerve with sparing of pupils. VII nerve palsy (Bell's palsy) is common in diabetics. Cranial nerves IX, X and XI are rarely involved.
Intercostal Neuropathy
This is commonly observed in older patients, males more than females, both in type I and type II diabetics. There may be pain and dysesthesias of burning type; complete sensory loss which may be unilateral, and focal motor deficits of abdominal wall.
Differential Diagnosis
  • Herpes zoster
  • Carcinomatous involvement of the nerve root due to lung Ca.
  • Central cord syndrome.
EMG: There may be fibrillation potentials in the paravertebral muscles.
Compression Neuropathy in Diabetics
Compression neuropathy in diabetics could be of the following types:
  • Median nerve at carpel tunnel
  • Ulnar nerve at cubital tunnel
  • Peroneal neuropathy at the fibular head
  • Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
  • Meralgia paresthetica
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Radial neuropathy at the spiral groove of the humerus.
The heavy metals are often stored in the bones and other organs, such that slow release from this compartment occurs into the circulation after the cessation of exposure, resulting in development of symptoms.
There are many heavy metals which can cause peripheral neuropathy. Of these, few are discussed in detail due to their common exposure in the environment.
Lead Exposure
Lead exposure occurs in the smelting industry, battery manufacturing, disposal auto production, paints, lead miners, plumbers and soldiers who are exposed at firing ranges or when lead bullets are retained in the body. Both organic and inorganic lead is toxic to the nervous system. Inorganic salt produces neuropathy in adults which may be absorbed through inhalation, skin contact or ingestion.
Clinical Features
The patients may present with lead colic, intermittent abdominal pain, microcytic anemia, stippling of RBCs, renal failure (nephropathy), and bluish discoloration of the gums. Commonly there may be progressive motor neuropathy with generalized weakness and fasciculations.14
EMG: There may be decreased motor and sensory NCVS; slight abnormality of sensory nerve action potential; and axonal demyelination as evidenced by fibrillation potential and reinnervation.
Laboratory investigation: These include the following:
  • Blood levels of 40 ug-100 ml
  • Neuropsychological testing may be helpful as evidenced by decreased attention span, poor visual spatial processing, and loss of short-term memory.
Differential Diagnosis
Acute infective polyneuropathy and predominant upper extremities involvement may raise the possibility of autoimmune neuropathies (GMI) and hypothyroidism.
Exposure to arsenic can occur as a result of exposure to copper and lead smelting contaminated well water, manufacture of integrated circuits, and microchips. The absorption is through the skin, GI tract or lungs.
Clinical features
Typical clinical picture following an exposure to arsenic includes gastrointestinal symptoms followed few hours later by distal paresthesia and distal muscle weakness. Areas of transverse bands (Mee's lines) are seen in the nails. The classical neuropathy begins one week after exposure and is usually associated with aching and burning pain spreading 15proximally from fingers and toes, and mild type of glove and stocking sensory loss affecting all modalities.
In severe cases, there may be a requirement for ventilatory support, especially when reflexes are depressed and absent.
In acute massive exposure, the clinical picture may simulate acute infective demyelinating neuropathy (AIDN), especially, when present with rapid ascending motor weakness and respiratory paralysis. In chronic exposure, there may be keratotic lesions of feet and hands with sensory neuropathy. Hyperkeratosis is seen in palms and soles and may simulate keratosis of neurosyphilis (Tabes Dorsalis).
EMG: Distal axonpathy with absent SNAPs (Sural nerve action potentials) and reduced MAPs (Muscle action potentials).
Laboratory investigations: These include the following:
  • Arsenic levels, greater than 25 ug/24 hrs are toxic.
  • CSF protein is raised, but less than 200 ug% with no pleocytosis.
Mercury occurs in two forms:
  1. Elemental
  2. Metallic
Elementary mercury in thermometers and metallic mercury is volatile at room temperature. Organic mercury is used in disinfectants and latex paints. Inorganic mercury salts and elementary mercury are used in dental amalgams.
There have been reports of major mercury intoxications in Minamata Bay in Japan. Organic mercury enters the body 16through GI tract. Elemental mercury may be inhaled. Effects of mercury intoxication on the peripheral nervous system are on the ganglions of the nerves and thus the patients may become ataxic. The polyneuropathy is of subacute onset, less than few weeks and presents principally as diffuse motor peripheral neuropathy.
Organophosphates are used in the following ways:
  • Insecticides: As a result, agricultural exposure is the most common form.
  • Petroleum additives
  • Lubricants
Clinical Features
Exposure to organophosphates may cause generalized motor weakness of acute onset leading to respiratory paralysis. Cranial nerve involvement may simulate poliomyelitis with bulbar involvement and Guillain-Barré syndrome. The differentiation between the two lies in the sparing of distal muscles. The recovery usually starts 5 to 15 days after exposure. The subacute and chronic forms are mixed forms of sensory motor neuropathy, with an onset 3 to 4 weeks after exposure. Prominent manifestations include ataxia and foot drop. Proximal muscles are also affected and there may even be autonomic nervous system involvement.
Thallium is usually present in insecticides and rodenticides. As a result exposure may be due to accidental causes, with 17intention of suicide or homicide or sometimes food and water may be contaminated. Absorption primarily occurs through GI tract or skin.
Clinical features
Paresthesias occur distally within 24 to 48 hours. Limb pain is more severe in lower extremities, increasing from distal to proximal areas. Other features include sensory loss, distal muscle weakness and atrophy, and loss of tendon reflexes. Sensory loss is greater than muscle weakness and both large and small nerve fibers are affected.
EMG: EMG shows mild slowing of motor conduction velocities and evidence of motor axonal degeneration.
Pathology: Axonal degeneration affecting larger fibers, more than smaller fibers and distally more than proximally is observed.
Most drugs after prolonged use cause degeneration of axons of the nerves distally. Discontinuation of the drug may prevent further damage.
Pathologic changes may occur in the dorsal root ganglion, cell body (neuropathy), myelin (myelinopathy). There is differential affectation of various degrees. Hence c fibers, A-alpha, and autonomic fibers may be affected.18
Antituberculous Drugs
Features: The neuropathy caused by isoniazid shows following features:
  • Burning sensory neuropathy
  • Loss of vibration, pain and temperature sense greater than that of position sense
  • Deep pain
  • Calf pains and fasciculation
  • EMG shows sensory motor neuropathy.
Features: The neuropathy caused by ethambutol shows following features:
  • Sensory motor polyneuropathy
  • Optic neuropathy with loss of green color detection.
Features: The neuropathy caused by ethionamide shows the following features:
  • Distal paresthesias
  • Neuropathy is reversible after withdrawal of the drugs.
Antibiotics and Antimicrobials
Features: The neuropathy caused by chloramphenicol shows the following features:
  • Calf pain and tenderness followed by decreased distal pain and touch.
  • Loss of deep tendon reflexes, ankle and knee jerks.
  • Optic neuropathy may occur concomitantly with neuropathy.
Dapsone is used for treating leprosy.
Features: The neuropathy caused by dapsone shows the following features:
  • Neuropathy occurs after prolonged use.
  • Proximal muscle weakness
  • EMG shows slowed motor conduction velocity with denervation.
Metronidazole (Flagyl)
Metronidazole is commonly used in the treatment of amebiasis, and bacterial infections.
Features: The neuropathy caused by metronidazole shows following features:
  • Distal symmetrical, predominantly sensory polyneuropathy.
  • Pathological examination shows axonal degeneration of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. There may be segmental demyelination.
  • Clinical presentation includes burning paresthesias and decreased reflexes.
  • EMG shows slow motor conduction velocity and decreased sural nerve action potential (SNAP).
Misonidazole is a cell sensitizer used for cancer radiotherapy. Its sensitizes hypoxic cells to deep X-ray therapy and gives rise to similar type of peripheral neuropathy as 20seen with metronidazole. The dose at which normally neuropathy occurs is 50 gm/cumulative.
Nitrofurantoin is commonly used for treating urinary tract infections, with total toxic dose being 20 gm.
Features: The neuropathy caused by nitrofurantoin shows the following features:
  • Axonopathy with rapid onset
  • It may cause numbness in the distal legs followed by distal weakness and profound sensory loss
  • Rarely profound motor neuropathy may also be seen
  • EMG shows decreased motor and sensory conduction velocities and distal innervation.
Thalidomide is used in treatment of leprosy, treatment of multiple myeloma, and HIV infections. 100–200 mg of single dose may give rise to symptoms.
Features: The neuropathy caused by thalidomide shows the following features:
  • Predominantly sensory neuropathy tingling and numbness in feet followed by hands
  • Hyperalgesia to pinprick
  • Vibration and light touch is less affected
  • Pathological examination may show loss of large fibers.
Cardiovascular drugs
This is an antiarrhythmic drug.21
Features: The neuropathy caused by amidarone shows the following features:
  • There may be motor, and predominant large fiber sensory neuropathy
  • Distal motor weakness with sensory affectation due to combination of motor and sensory neuropathy
  • There is gait disturbance
  • EMG shows demyelinating and axonal features. There may be presence of decreased SNAPs (Sural nerve action potentials)
  • Pathological examination shows loss of myelinated fibers; lysosomal inclusion bodies in Schwann cell, muscle fibers and capillary endothelial cells.
Features: The neuropathy caused by hydralazine shows the following features:
  • Distal extremity numbness and paresthesias
  • Axonal neuropathy.
Enalapril is an ACE inhibitor.
Features: The neuropathy caused by enalapril shows the following features:
  • Reversible motor-sensory neuropathy
  • EMG shows prolonged motor and sensory latencies and reduced conduction velocities.
Streptokinase may cause bleeding into the nerves, resulting in median and ulnar neuropathy which may be permanent.22
Lipid Lowering Drugs
Features: The neuropathy caused by lovastatin shows the following features:
  • Myopathy is commonly seen
  • There may also be presentation of cranial and peripheral neuropathy, which is seen concomitantly.
Features: The neuropathy caused by simvastatin shows the following features:
  • Fasciculations with proximal and distal muscle weakness.
  • EMG shows reduced SNAPs (sural nerve action potentials) and normal nerve conduction velocities to mild slowing
  • Pathological examination shows axonal degeneration of both large and small fibers.
Antineoplastic Drugs
Paclitaxel (Taxol)
This drug is primarily used for breast cancer. Neuropathy is dose dependent and may occur at cumulative dose of 200–250 mg/M2.
Features: The neuropathy caused by paclitaxel shows the following features:
  • Sensory neuropathy
  • Paresthesias of hands and feet followed by numbness
  • Motor involvement in 20% of patients.
Features: The neuropathy caused by vincristine shows the following features:
  • Neuropathy is dose dependent.
  • Glove and stocking distribution of sensory loss.
  • Symmetric distal muscle weakness.
  • Loss of knee and ankle jerks.
  • EMG shows low amplitude SNAPs and MAPs (Sural nerve action potentials and muscle action potentials)
  • Mild slowing of NCVs (Nerve conduction velocities)
  • Denervation and reinnervation noted with secondary demyelination.
Antirheumatic Drugs
Features: The neuropathy caused by gold shows the following features:
  • Subacute progressive sensory loss
  • Hyperesthesiae in the legs
  • All modalities of sensation loss
  • Distal muscle weakness
  • Ascending sensory motor paralysis resembling Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • CSF proteins are elevated
  • EMG includes moderate slowing of MNCVs (Motor nerve conduction velocities) and SNCV (Sensory nerve conduction velocity)
  • Pathological examination shows axonal and segmental demyelination.
Indomethacin blocks synthesis of inflammatory prostaglandins.
Features: The neuropathy caused by indomethacin shows the following features:
  • Sensory motor neuropathy, and sensory ataxia.
  • Paresthesias of upper and lower extremities.
  • EMG shows decreased MNCVs and normal sensory latencies.
Other Drugs
Allopurinol is used for treatment of Gout and secondary hyperuricemia.
Clinical presentation: The toxicity with allopurinol shows the following features:
  • Delayed sensory motor polyneuropathy.
  • Glove and stocking distribution of sensory loss.
  • Absent reflexes.
  • Improvement seen after discontinuation of the drug.
Pathology: Pathological features of allopurinol toxicity include the following:
  • Axonal degeneration
  • Segmental demyelination.
EMG: EMG shows the following:
  • Mildly decreased NCVs
  • Decreased SNAPs (Sural nerve action potentials) and MAPs (Muscle action potentials).
Cyclosporine A
Cyclosporine causes reversible neuropathy associated with myoclonus and leukoencephalopathy.
Interferon Alpha
This is an immunomodulating agent primarily used in cancer patients.
Features: The neuropathy caused by interferon alpha shows the following feature:
  • Mild sensory motor neuropathy associated with encephalopathy and myoclonus.
Pyridoxine (B6)
Toxic dose is 2–6 gm per day but neuropathy may also occur at small dose.
Clinical presentation: Clinical features of toxicity with pyridoxine include the following:
  • Numb feet and unsteady gait.
  • Clumsiness of hands
  • Perioral numbness
  • Glove and stocking sensory loss
  • Large and small fibers affected
  • Decreased or absent reflexes.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Normal motor and NCVs (Nerve conduction velocities)
  • Absent SNAPs (Sural nerve action potentials).
Pathology: On pathological examination the following features are seen:
  • Loss of large and small axons
  • Axonal neuropathy with secondary demyelination
  • Normal CSF.
Primarily an antimalarial drug, it is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Clinical features: Clinical features of toxicity with chloroquine include the following:
  • Motor neuropathy
  • Weakness predominant feature
  • Absent or reduced reflexes.
EMG: Fibrillation potentials, myotonic discharges, increased recruitment.
Pathology: Segmental demyelination and remyelination of peripheral nerves.
Overdose may give a picture of ascending paralysis as seen in Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Clinical Features
  • Short duration exposure
  • Paresthesias distally
  • Mild distal muscle weakness
  • Depressed or absent reflexes.
EMG: Decreased muscle action potentials (CMAPs and SNAPs), slow motor and sensory NCVs.
Pathology: Axonal degeneration (Sural nerve biopsy).
Clinical Features
  • Long duration exposure can cause peripheral neuropathy
  • Loss of vibration and light touch in the lower extremities.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Axonal sensory motor neuropathy
  • Decreased SNAPs and MAPs
  • Slow NCV.
Pathology: Axonal degeneration and segmental demyelination.
This drug is used in patients with raised intracranial pressure, migraine and also as an antiepileptic.
Clinical Presentation
Painful distal extremity paresthesias and distal sensory loss.
Antiretroviral Agents
Clinical Presentation
  • Distal sensory neuropathy
  • Intrinsic foot muscle weakness with onset 8 weeks after initiation of therapy.
  • Decreased pinprick
  • Loss of ankle jerk
  • Approximately one-third of patients may show loss of vibration sense.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Low sural nerve action potential SNAP
  • Quantitative sensory testing to quantify muscle action potentials is the better technique to follow course of neuropathy.
Alcoholic Neuropathy
  • Occurs in more than 40% of hospitalized alcoholics both sexes equally affected.
  • Pathogenesis of alcoholic neuropathy is related to nutritional deficiency, or direct neurotoxic effect.
Clinical Presentation
Clinical features include the following:
  • Subacute onset of paresthesias followed by severe burning feet.
  • Painful calves, cramps and distal weakness.
  • Sensory ataxia.
  • Areflexia: Autonomic dysfunction such as postural hypotension, anhydrosis, raised temperature, tachycardia and diarrhea.
EMG: Distal innervation, reduced or absent SNAPs, mild slowing of motor NCV, prolongation of distal sensory and motor latencies.29
Laboratory finding of significance: Decreased RBC transketolase activity, MRI shows central pontine myelinolysis.
B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency
This occurs in conditions of starvation, alcoholism, malignancy and dialysis.
Clinical presentation
  • Features of symmetric sensory motor polyneuropathy which may involve over weeks or months
  • The clinical picture is of symmetric sensory motor polyneuropathy
  • The paresthesias are distal and there is symmetrical absence of reflexes associated Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
  • Rarely, there may be vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves palsies
  • Optic nerve changes are related to central scotomata
  • Pathological examination shows axonal degeneration
  • Laboratory findings show decreased RBC transketolase activity.
B12 Deficiency
Most often due to autoimmune induced intrinsic factor deficiency, vegetarian diet, blind loop syndrome, severe steatorrhea due to infestation of fish tapeworm.30
Clinical presentation
Clinical presentation includes the following features:
  • Active large fiber neuropathy
  • Paresthesias and burning hands and feet
  • Cranial nerve I and II dysfunction
  • Myelopathy, posterior column dysfunction
  • Reflexes intact in the face of distal atrophy
  • Psychiatric manifestation
  • Recovery worse for vibration sensibility
  • Paresthesias may improve.
Laboratory: Laboratory investigations show the following features:
  • Large hypersegmented neutrophils
  • Low platelets a microcytic anemia which may be severe
  • Intrinsic factor and parietal cell antibodies may be noted.
EMG: EMG shows mild slowing of motor and sensory conduction velocities, reduced or absent SNAPs (Sural nerve action potentials) distal low extremity denervation.
Pathology: Segmental peripheral neuropathy, posterior lateral spinal cord demyelination.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 deficiency could be associated with nutritional causes, or isoniazid and hydralazine therapy, which inhibit conversion of pyridoxal phosphate.
Clinical Presentation
  • Distal burning paresthesias in feet and hands
  • Neuropathy improves with vit B6 replacement or discontinuance of INH.
EMG: Decreased SNAPs, rarely motor axons are affected, slowed sensory NCVs.
Pellagra (Niacin Deficiency)
Clinical Presentation
Clinical presentation is similar to thiamine deficiency and includes the following features:
  • Dermatitis
  • Hyperketosis of the face, neck dorsal limb surfaces
  • Diarrhea
  • Dementia and axonal neuropathy.
Vitamin E Deficiency
Vitamin E deficiency could be related to chronic lipid malabsorption state occurring in abetalipoproteinemia, cystic fibrosis, short bowel syndrome.
Clinical Presentation
  • Loss of vibration and position sense
  • Limb ataxia
  • Absent ankle jerks
  • Proximal muscle weakness.
Laboratory: The following abnormalities may be observed on laboratory examination:
  • Measurement of alpha tocopherol in the serum by high performance liquid chromatography.
  • Slowed sensory NCVs
  • Decreased SNAPs.
These metabolic neuropathies are either hereditary or acquired.
Amyloid Neuropathy
The peripheral nerves may be damaged in amyloidosis by direct deposition of amyloid around the nerve fibers, deposition of amyloid in the myelin sheath and of vasa vasorum of the nerves.
This is a small fiber type neuropathy with pain temperature and autonomic dysfunction as constant features.
Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy
It usually occurs as clinical syndromes with ethnic origins. It is commonly observed in patients of Portuguese extraction and also seen in Swedish and Japanese population. The Polyneuropathy starts in the legs in around third decade and runs a course for 10 years. It is painful, progressive sensory motor neuropathy. In Swedish patients, vitreous involvement is common. Men are affected more than women.
There are two other varieties: One of which was first detected amongst the British families in Iowa (USA) and other in the Finnish patients in Finland. The patients from Iowa show generalized polyneuropathy, while Finnish patients show multiple cranial nerve lesions and corneal dystrophy.
Laboratory features: Biopsy of sural nerve, rectum and gums detects amyloid.
EMG: EMG shows axonal polyneuropathy in long standing cases. There is denervation.33
Genetic diagnosis: By radioimmune assay and enzyme linked immunoabsorbent assay.
Differential diagnosis
The differential point is presence of vitreous abnormality-vitreous opacities are common in familial amyloid polyneuropathy particularly those of Swedish and German varieties. Another point to note is presence of cardiac and renal involvement in amyloid neuropathy which distinguishes it from other hereditary sensory neuropathies such as autonomic sensory neuropathy. In toxic neuropathies, cardiac involvement is not seen but may show optic nerve involvement in the form of demyelination.
Diabetic neuropathies again show optic disk involvement and nephropathy.
A point to note is that Charcot joints are also seen in amyloid neuropathy like in leprosy, syringomyelia, diabetes, syphilis, etc.
Nonfamilial Amyloid Polyneuropathy
  • Seen in patients with systemic amyloidosis
  • Also seen in patients with multiple myeloma
  • The clinical features are similar to familial amyloid polyneuropathy.
Porphyrias could be of various types:
  • Acute intermittent porphyria
  • Variegata porphyria
  • Hereditary coproporphyria
  • Aminolevuelinic acid dehydrase deficiency
Abdominal pain is the classical feature of porphyria; gene of hereditary coproporphyria is on chromosome 3.
Clinical presentation
  • Neurological complications of all porphyrias are similar and most attacks are provoked by drugs that induce the hepatic microsomal cytochrome 450 system.
  • Starvation, alcohol, stress and hormonal changes may precipitate attacks.
  • Abdominal pain is the most common symptom of an acute attack accompanied by nausea, vomiting and constipation.
  • Agitation, nightmares and psychosis are common.
  • Seizures could be generalized tonic/clonic.
  • Axonal motor neuropathy.
  • Ascending GBS (Guillain-Barré syndrome) with preserved reflexes.
  • Ophthalmoplegia and other cranial nerves may be involved.
  • Autonomic dysfunction, trachycardia, hypotension, pupillary dilatation, and hyperhidrosis are common.
Laboratory findings: Features observed on laboratory examination include the following:
  • Slight anemia
  • High cholesterol
  • Elevation of porphobilinogen in serum and urine
  • Direct estimation of erythrocyte urobilinogen-1 synthetase is the diagnostic test.
Pathology: Pathological examination shows axonal neuropathy with patchy demyelination.
Differential Diagnosis
  • Heavy metal intoxications particularly lead causes abdominal pain
  • Arsenic nausea and vomiting
  • Acute Guillain-Barré syndrome may resemble porphyria.
Drugs precipitating attacks of porphyria
  • Alcohol
  • Barbiturates
  • Chlordiazepoxide
  • Imipramine
  • Levodopa
  • Methyldopa
  • Phenytoin
  • Tolbutamide
  • Sulphonamides
Attacks of porphyia should be treated with intravenous glucose—at the rate of 10–20 gm per hour and hematin 4 mg/kg body weight per 12 hours, which reverses the metabolic defect. Chlorpromazine is a good sedative.
Lipoprotein disorders and peripheral neuropathy
This could be of the following types:
  • Metachromatic leukodystrophy
  • Adult onset
  • Juvenile
  • Late infantile (most common).
Clinical features
  • Infantile: Age of onset 1–2 years; normal early development
  • Neuropathy, absent reflexes, hypotonia, ataxia, progressive dementia, spasticity, dysarthria, in terminal stages, there may be myoclonic jerks and optic atrophy.
  • Juvenile form: Onset is between 3–20 years; usually first decade. There may be behavioral manifestations, and depressed and absent reflexes, which may progress insidiously.
  • Demyelination of CNS and PNS
  • Adult onset occurs in 3–4 decades of life
  • Dementia
  • Optic atrophy
  • Psychiatric and behavioral manifestation.
Pathology: Pathological features include the following:
  • Presence of Zebra bodies, prismatic inclusions, segmental demyelination and remyelination.
  • Metachromatic deposits within Schwann cell and macro-phages.
EMG: Demyelinating polyneuropathy with slow motor nerve conduction velocities; sural nerve action potentials may be absent or reduced.
Krabbe's disease
  • Onset 3–6 months of age.
  • Arrest of motor and intellectual development.
  • Optic atrophy and deafness.
  • Loss of reflexes at later stage after onset of neuropathy.
  • Tonic seizures.
AR gene chromosome 14 (deletion, mutation, point mutation)
Deficiency of galactosylceramide B-galactosidase.
Adult onset variant:
  • Demyelinating sensory motor neuropathy
  • Dementia.
MRI: Diffuse cerebral atrophy
Laboratory investigation: Assay of galactosyl ceramide B galactosidase activity in leucocytes or cultured fibroblasts.
EMG: Demyelinating sensory motor neuropathy; reduced motor NCVs.
Pathology: The pathological features include the following:
  • Multinucleated globoid cells in the cerebral white matter.
  • Segmental demyelination with reduced fiber density of demyelinated peripheral nerves.
  • Prismatic and tubular inclusions seen in Schwann cell and endoneurial macrophages.
Genetics of the disease shows X-linked recessive chromosome inheritance involving XQ28.
Clinical features
  • Onset in childhood (4–8 years of age) in males.
  • Cognitive decline, blindness, adrenal insufficiency, sensory motor neuropathy, seizures.
MRI: MRI shows the following features:
  • Cortical atrophy
  • T2- weighted images: increased signal intensity, in centrum semiovale of parieto-occipital lobes.
Pathology: Pathological examination shows the following features:
  • Demyelination of sensory tracts.
  • Lamella inclusions in brain macrophages, Schwann cell and the adrenal cortex.
The disease has onset in adolescence or adult life. It may be preceded by hypoadrenalism and hypogonadism. The neuropathy is sensory motor demyelinating in nature.
EMG: Axonal sensory motor neuropathy.
Pathology: Pathological examination may show the following findings:
  • Loss of myelinated and unmyelinated axons.
  • Onion bulb formation.
  • Schwann cell inclusions.
Abetalipoproteinemia (Bassen-Kornzweig Disease)
  • Chromosome 4Q 22–24 AR.
  • Gene encodes a microsomal triglyceride transfer protein.
Clinical presentation
  • Onset during first-twenty years of life may be at first decade of life.
  • Reflexes depressed.
  • Ataxia, dysarthria.
Andersen's Disease
Clinical features are similar to Bassen-Kornzweig disease. There is absence of chylomicrons in the plasma acanthocytes in the peripheral blood.
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis
Chromosome 2 is location of the gene, encoding the enzyme sterol 27-hydroxylase.
Clinical features
  • Onset in late childhood or adolescence.
  • Tuberous cutaneous xanthomas on extensor surfaces and tendons; achilles tendon and elbows are often early site of xanthomas.
  • Cataracts
  • Dementia
  • Ataxia
  • Sensory motor neuropathy – axonal and demyelinating type, sensory > motor.
  • Propioceptive loss
  • Dysarthria
  • Generalized muscle weakness
  • Extensor plantars
  • Sensory motor neuropathy with loss of temperature pain and touch.
  • Pes cavus
  • Scoliosis
  • Cardiomyopathy in few patients.
EMG: Slowed sensory NCVs.
Pathology: The pathological features include the following:
  • Large myelinated fibers show demyelination
  • Some axonal degeneration.
  • Some lipid inclusions in Schwann cell.
Laboratory: The laboratory features include the following:
  • Absence of plasma apolipoproteins B, very low density and low density lipoproteins are reduced.
  • Reduced triglycerides and cholesterol.
  • Acanthocytes in the peripheral blood.
  • Deficiency of blood clotting factors (Vitamin K deficient factors).
Niemann-pick disease (sphingomyelin lipidosis)
Clinical features
Type I
  • Disease of infancy
  • Cherry red macula, choroid seen is red
  • Hepatosplenomegaly due to accumulation of sphin-gomyelin in liver and spleen
  • Dementia
  • Seizures
  • Although neuropathy is rare it is predominantly motor with sensory involvement. Decreased motor NCVs
  • Segmental demyelination and remyelination.
Type II
  • Mutation in sphingomyelinase gene on chromosome II
  • Onset in childhood
  • Hepatosplenomegaly
  • No neurological abnormality.
Type III and Type IV
Neuropathy is present in type IV (Novascotia variant), onset in childhood, dementia, ataxia, vertical gaze palsy and hepatosplenomagly.
Tangier Disease
Tangier disease shows an autosomal recessive inheritance.
Clinical Features
  • Swollen yellow tonsils due to deposition of cholesterol may cause difficulty in swallowing and breathing.
  • High density lipoproteins absent in the serum with low cholesterol level.
  • Small fiber neuropathy affecting myelinated and unmyelinated fibers causing severe impairment of pain and temperature sensation.
  • Slow progression of neuropathy with absent reflexes.
Refsum's Disease
Also known as hereditary ataxic neuropathy, this is a phytanic acid storage disease. This disease occurs due to the inability to breakdown phytanic acid which is present in dairy products, fish, oils and beef. It starts in late teens and the 42clinical presentation is of visual loss, retinitis pigmentosa, night blindness, deafness, ataxia and progressive peripheral neuropathy. Icthyosis may be an early feature. Later, cardiac involvement may occur. Treatment is with low phytanol diet which may help modify the disease.
Fabry's Disease
Clinical features
  • Fabry's disease shows X-linked recessive inheritance. There may be presence of telangiectatic rash on the lower trunk and upper legs.
  • Myelinated and non-myelinated small fibers are affected.
  • There may be severe burning type of pain which may occur in paroxysms.
  • Loss of reflexes.
In general when one suspects inherited neuropathies; the large and small fibers are affected with dissociated sensory loss; sometimes mimicking syringomyelia or cord syndrome. This should be borne in mind and appropriate investigations planned to arrive at the correct diagnosis of peripheral nerve diseases.
Xeroderma Pigmentosa
Genetics: Chromosome 8 Genes
Clinical presentation
  • Onset between 1–2 years
  • Increased sensitivity to sunlight
  • Mental retardation
  • Spasticity
  • Deafness
  • Dystonia
  • Decreased lifespan due to associated malignancies.
Pathology: The pathological examination shows the following features:
  • Loss of myelinated and unmyelinated axons, with sensory fibers greater than motor.
EMG: Decreased SNAP (sural nerve action potentials).
Ataxia Telangiectasias
Genetics gene localized on chromosome 11Q 22–23; unstable chromosome gene which spans 150 kilo bases.
Clinical presentation
  • Onset in childhood
  • Telangiectasias on flexor creases by age 7
  • Cerebellar ataxia, Basal ganglia dysfunction
  • Distal motor weakness—propioceptive sensory loss
  • Absent deep tendon reflexes
  • Low IGA, IGE levels
  • Glucose intolerance
  • Impaired cellular and humoral immunity and increased incidence of leukemia and lymphoma.
  • EMG shows reduced SNAPs with slight decrease of motor NCV.
Cockayne syndrome
Genetics: There can be three forms of disease: A, B, C
  • A: Chromosome 5 and XP
  • B: Chromosome 10Q 11–21
  • C: Combination
There are deficient repairs of the transcribed genes.
Clinical Presentation
  • Photosensitivity
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Deafness
  • Retinopathy
  • Demyelinating polyneuropathy
  • Hyporeflexia.
EMG: Reduced motor neuro conduction velocity.
Pathology: Demyelination in PNS and CNS.
Laboratory investigations: Delayed recovery of DNA and RNA synthesis after UV radiation.
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute inflammatory polyneuropathy.
Clinical presentation
  • Symmetrical leg weakness proximal greater than distal.
  • Distal weakness develops after proximal weakness.
  • Foot drop is rare.
  • Onset to the time of maximal motor deficit is usually 3 weeks; it may be 50% after 1st week; 80% by the second week and plateaus to 90 to 100% by 3rd week.
Sensory symptoms
  • Early distal numbness and parasthesias.
  • Severe muscle and back pain is seen 80% time.
  • There may be cranial nerve involvement.
  • Lower motor facial weakness is present in 70% patients and is usually bilateral.
  • 20% patients have complete ophthalmoparesis.
  • Oropharyngeal paralysis is present in nearly 50% patients.
  • By 2nd week, 50% may have respiratory paralysis.
  • In about 2% of patients there is urinary retention and 1% of patients have fecal incontinence.
Autonomic dysfunction: Autonomic dysfunction is common and may manifest as bradycardia, sinus arrest, supraventricular arrhythmias, hypotension which may be paroxysmal, paralytic ileus and areflexia.
Unusual features
Unusual features include the following:
  • Bilateral papilledema
  • Increased CSF protein
  • Severe ataxia where large peripheral nerve fibers are affected giving rise to ataxic tremor and loss of position sense.
GBS may be associated with transverse myelitis where there may be urinary and bowel involvement and asymmetrical reflex changes. Reflexes may be brisk in the upper limbs and sluggish to absent in the lower limbs.46
Antecedent illness preceding GBS
  • 2/3 patients have some history of antecedent illness, usually one week to ten days; rarely 5 to 6 weeks.
  • Commonly, there may be respiratory illness, less commonly hepatitis, cytomegalovirus, Epstein B virus infection with headache, pharyngitis, pneunomia, dry cough or fever. Rarely, it may occur following small pox, rabies, polio vaccination.
Medical complications: Medical complications associated with GBS include the following:
  • Cardiac arrythmias in 20 to 80% patients.
  • There may be tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, ventricular and atrial arrhythmias.
  • ECG may show depressed ST segments, inverted T waves, varying R-R intervals.
  • Low sodium, (hyponatremia)
  • Pseudotumor cerebri.
Early course: Prolonged distal motor latencies, conduction block with more than 20% progressive reduction in muscle action potentials (CMAP). Slowing of motor nerve conduction occurs as re-myelination occurs. Conduction velocities become slower. Slowed sensory nerve conduction velocities by 3 weeks of illness are associated with decreased sensory amplitude.
Sural nerve action potentials are normal but median and ulnar nerve sensory potentials are reduced or absent. Fibrillations may occur in about 20 to 60% cases in the first-four weeks. Abnormal spontaneous activity may be noted within 2 to 4 months in affected muscles.47
In axonal form of Guillain-Barré syndrome, poor recovery is an important feature. Paralysis is rapid, CSF proteins are raised; sensory loss occurs distally, there is axonal degeneration and demyelination of motor nerves is absent.
EMG: Reduced or absent motor and sensory potentials, nerves are inexcitable.
CSF abnormalities of note
  • In general, up to 20 lymphocytes, if more cells are seen, one must bear in mind the possibility of underlying lymphoma, carcinomatosis.
  • CSF proteins maximum may be up to 500 mg/dl usual levels are 100 to 180 mg/dl.
Differential diagnosis of GBS
Acute inflammatory myopathy: Painful muscles, diaphragmatic weakness, rare preserved reflexes and no bladder or bowel dysfunction.
Metabolic muscle disease: Periodic paralysis, no facial weakness, absent reflexes.
Myasthenia gravis: Affects facial muscle more than muscles of mastication; no sensory impairment; normal pupils.
High cervical cord lesion: These lesions cause flaccid quadriparesis. There may be loss of temperature control, loss of bladder and bowel control.
Variant of GBS: Miller Fisher Type
This may be present in 5% patients of GBS.48
Clinical features: Clinical features include the following:
  • Diplopia
  • VI nerve weakness followed by IV and III nerve (Total ophthalmoplegia).
  • Ptosis
  • Ataxia
  • Loss of reflexes
  • Action tremor.
EMG: EMG may show absent sensory nerve action potentials.
Laboratory: The following laboratory abnormalities may be observed:
  • Increased antibodies to GQ1b epitope III< IV, VI (nerves); paranoidal regions are enriched with these epitopes
  • CSF may show elevated protein levels.
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)
Clinical presentation
  • Onset and relapse are often triggered by infections.
  • Onset commonly occurs in lower extremities; proximal weakness > distal; legs > arms.
  • Touch and vibration sensibility are most commonly affected. Some have severe ataxia, propioceptive loss, and decreased or absent reflexes.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Motor NCV is decreased in two or more motor nerves.
  • Absent F waves or prolonged F wave latencies in two or more motor nerves.
  • Absent H reflexes and reduction in sensory NCV.
Laboratory investigations: The following abnormalities are observed on laboratory investigations:
  • CSF increased protein 130 to 145 mg/dl.
  • MRI shows enhancement of involved nerve roots and also of the demyelinating lesions in the brain.
Pathology: Sural nerve biopsy shows the following features:
  • Demyelination in 80%; 20% are axonal and 15 % show mixed pattern.
  • VER abnormality is detected in 50% of patients.
  • CIDP is immune mediated disorder emerging from a synergestic interaction of cell mediated and humoral immune responses directed against incompletely characterized peripheral nerve antigens.
  • An association with melanoma is of interest since both melanoma and Schwann cells derive from neural crest tissues and share similar antigens.
Clinical Features
Concurrent hypothyroid myopathy, pseudohypotrophy, axonal neuropathy, decreased mentation, trigeminal neuropathy (Pain), cerebellar ataxia, VIIth nerve dysfunction, distal sensory loss, burning and lancinating distal pain, muscle cramps, decreased relaxation phase of ankle jerk, hoarseness.50
EMG: Axonal demyelinating, decreased sensory NCVs:
Sural nerve biopsy shows large more than small fiber loss of myelinated fibers, glycogen deposition in Schwann cells, myelinated and unmyelinated axons, endothelial and perineural cells, axonal degeneration.
Clinical features
  • 35 to 45% have a peripheral neuropathy.
  • Patients may present with paresthesias of the hands and feet.
  • Legs are more affected than hands.
  • Decreased light touch, vibration sense and joint sense loss.
  • Reflexes are absent; concomitantly there may be type II fiber atrophy.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Decreased amplitude of sensory and mixed nerve action potentials.
  • Mixed axonal and demyelinating symmetric polyneuropathy.
Laboratory: Laboratory investigation may show the following abnormalities:
  • Raised insulin like growth factor, somatostatin – C and growth hormone.
  • CSF normal.
Pathology: On pathological examination the following features are seen:
  • Increased connective tissue in the perineurium and endoneurium,
  • Decreased myelinated and unmyelinated axons onion bulb formation.
Hyperthyroid Neuropathy
Clinical features
Proximal and distal leg weakness
Areflexia in the legs.
Neuropathy is associated with propioceptive loss.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Slowed NCVs (both Motor/Sensory)
  • Denervation of distal musculature.
Pathology: Pathological examination shows acute denervation.
Clinical Presentation
  • Motor neuropathy is distal and symmetrical.
  • Upper limb more involved than lower.
  • Wasting prominent.
  • Dysthesia, painful paresthesias.
  • There may not be sensory loss.
  • Neuropathy is more frequent during hypoglycemic episodes.
Hepatic Disease
Clinical features
  • Peripheral neuropathy may be observed in more than 50% patients of hepatic disease depending upon duration of hepatic disease.
  • Patient may presents with signs and symptoms referrrable to peripheral nervous system.
  • Distal sensory loss involving the small fibers is more than large fibers.
  • Loss of reflexes.
  • The severity of neuropathy runs concurrently with duration and severity of hepatic disease.
  • Autonomic features may form part of neuropathy.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Length dependent decrease of SNAPs and MAP (Sural nerve action potentials and muscle action potential).
  • Normal NCV (Nerve conduction velocity).
  • Segmental demyelination, active demyelination or inflammatory cells are not seen.
  • Myelinated fibers that are affected may reflect axonal degeneration and regeneration.
Viral hepatitis
  • Neuropathy is associated with both type A and type B hepatitis.
  • GBS presentation may be observed in both A and B hepatitis.
  • Mild sensory neuropathy.
EMG: Slowing of NCVs during episodes of severe hepatitis B
Pathology: Segmental demyelination.
Tropical Sprue
Tropical sprue results due to nutritional deficiency and bacterial contamination of the small bowel. Improvement in the symptoms occur with folic acid.
Clinical presentation
  • Fatigue bulky stool
  • Weight loss
  • Glossitis, stomatitis.
Sarcoidosis primarily affects lungs – hilar lymphadenopathy, heart, joints, skin, ocular and reticuloendothelial systems.
Clinical presentation
Besides CNS involvement affecting spinal cord and cranial nerves, neuropathy may occur as isolated manifestation or as part of generalized disease.
Mononeuritis Multiplex
Clinical features
  • Polyneuropathy – Symmetrical
  • Rarley GBS
  • Predominant distal sensory paresthesias
  • Anemia and megaloblastosis.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Decreased motor nerve amplitudes.
  • Absent sensory responses SNAPs (Sural nerve action potentials).
  • Denervation of affected muscles.
Pathology: The following features may be observed on pathological examination:
  • Localized granulomatous nerve infiltration.
  • Granuloma within the endoneurium of peripheral nerves, roots and cranial nerves.
  • Changes in the blood vessels – angiopathy is a concomitant feature of sarcoid neuropathy hyperkeratosis.
Adults Celiac Diseases (Gluten enteropathy)
Clinical features: The following clinical features may be observed:
  • Intestinal mucosa affected.
  • Villous atrophy.
  • Infiltration of the laminae propia with plasma cell and lymphocytes in jejunum and ileum.
  • Increased HLA –B8 and DW3.
  • Antibodies to gliadine.
  • Distal dying – back neuropathy- fluctuating type depending on gluten exposure.
  • Neuropathy may be associated with myelopathy and cerebellar degeneration.
EMG: Axonal feature.
Pathology: Axonal degeneration
Uremic Neuropathy
It occurs concomitantly with multiorgan failure in patients who have been in ICU for more than four weeks. Sepsis may be an added factor.
Clinical features
  • Profound motor weakness.
  • Absent deep tendon reflexes.
  • Mild sensory deficit, often concomitant encephalopathy.
  • Residual weakness in distal muscles.
  • Profound loss of position and vibration sense.
  • Decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes.
  • Autonomic dysfunction.
  • There may also be peroneal compression neuropathy.
Pathology: The pathological examination may show the following features:
  • Axonal degeneration; essentially large fiber neuropathy.
  • Some segmental demyelination and remyelination.
  • Decreased motor and sensory NCVs.
  • When the uremic changes are reversed then there may be rapid improvement in NCV.
  • Prolonged F-wave latencies.
  • Denervation and renervation noted by needle EMG in distal muscles.
  • Small fiber loss of parasympathetic nerves is more than that of sympathetic chain.
Laboratory investigations
  • CSF is usually normal
  • Creatinine clearance may be taken as an indicator for correlating EMG markers such as NCV; less than 10 ml/min of creatinine clearance is associated with decreased NCV.
Leprosy can be considered as the commonest form of sensory motor neuropathy due to infection affecting over 10–20 million cases worldwide. Leprosy is caused by lepra bacillus which is a gram-positive intracellular bacillus. Lepra bacillus reproduces at 26–30°C, and shows predilection for nose, testes, and superficial nerves – ulnar, lateral popliteal nerve, greater auricular nerve.
Lepromatous form
Lepromatous form of leprosy is associated with abnormal cell-mediated immunity and disseminates hematogenously. Tuberculoid form, on the other hand is associated with the presence of cell mediated immunity.57
Clinical presentation
  • Lepromatous macules, papules or nodular skin lesions.
  • Symmetric rash of the face, forearms, buttocks, and knees.
  • Loss of pain and temperature in dorsum of feet, ears, leg and forearm.
  • Perforating ulcers at pressure points.
  • Hoarseness of voice may be due to involvement of recurrent laryngeal nerve.
  • Thickened and enlarged nerves including greater auricular, supraclavicular, ulnar, and median nerves.
  • Patchy sensory loss in the face and trunk.
Pathology: On pathological examination the following features are seen:
  • Schwann cells of myelinated nerves are infiltrated by infection.
  • There may not be an inflammatory response.
  • In advanced disease, hypertrophy of peripheral nerves and increased levels of IL-4 and IL-10 are found in lepromatous lesions.
Tuberculoid form
Clinical features
  • Tuberculoid form is characterized by the presence of anesthetic skin plaques, which show central hypopigmentation with erythematous borders in extensor surfaces.
  • Disruption of nerve architecture.
  • Intense inflammatory granulomatous reaction.
Borderline Form
Clinical features
  • It is intermediate between lepromatous and tuberculoid anesthetic patch.
  • Borderline form is characterized by presence of hypertrophic nerves.
EMG: On EMG the following features are observed:
  • Axonal degeneration and segmental demyelination in affected areas.
  • Slow NCVs and evidence of denervation of affected muscles.
Skin Biopsy
  • Granulomas in skin, with or without bacilli.
  • Nasal smears may reveal bacilli by special staining techniques.
This disease is characterized by weakness of nasopharynx, oropharynx and diaphragmatic weakness, which is usually observed 5–7 weeks after infection.
Clinical features
  • 20% of patients have neuropathy.
  • Cranial neuropathy involving the cranial nerves IX and X.
  • Demyelinating neuropathy.
  • Sensory motor neuropathy that involves the extremities.
EMG: Slow motor conduction velocity.
Laboratory investigation: Positive culture for C-diphtheria.
Herpes Zoster
This can be described as latent dorsal root ganglion or 5th nerve infection, which is reactivated with immune deficiency such as in HIV infected patient and in patients undergoing therapy for malignancy.
Clinical presentation
  • Radicular distribution of severe lancinating pain.
  • Decreased threshold to primary modalities of cold and pinprick in the affected dermatomes.
  • Motor weakness may accompany sensory symptoms.
  • Central features which may occur with radiculopathy include transverse myelitis and stroke in the distribution of middle cerebral artery.
  • PCR for Varicella Zoster Virus DNA is positive.
  • CSF: Rarely glucose is less than 40 mg%; increased protein in CSF
MRI: Meningoencephalitis, and VI nerve involvement with dural enhancement.
EMG: Segmental denervation of involved dermatomes.60
Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
Neuropathy with hepatitis B and C infections may occur in isolation or in association with HIV infection or drug abuse.
Clinical features
  • Polyneuropathy.
  • Small fiber neuropathy.
  • Cryoglobulins are thought to cause neuropathy.
  • Sometimes isolated nerve paresis in the form of mononeuritis does occur.
  • There may be concomitant encephalitis.
Human immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1)
Clinical features
  • 30% of HIV patients have peripheral neuropathy from disease or treatment.
  • Neuropathy occurs in the form of distal symmetric polyneuropathy.
  • There may be large and small fiber neuropathies.
  • Painful Glove and stocking neuropathy in legs more than arms.
EMG: On EMG examination, following features are observed:
  • Reduced or absent sural nerve actions potentials.
  • MNCV mildly reduced compared to amplitude.
  • Reduced ulnar and median nerve motor and sensory NCVs.
  • Prolongation of F-wave and H-reflexes.
Laboratory investigations:
  • CSF proteins are elevated irrespective of seropositivity or negativity.
  • MRI shows enhancement of lumbosacral roots, lumbosacral plexitis.
  • Cytomegalovirus antibodies have been demonstrated in some patients with mononeuritis.
  • Pathology: Pathology of nerve (sural nerve biopsy) reveals the axonal pathology of both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.
This form of neuropathy has to be considered under various settings including the following:
  • Acute inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy, GBS
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy
  • Hodgkin's lymphoma
  • Diabetes
  • Alcohol abuse.
It may present as polyneuropathy, radiculopathy or mononeuritis multiplex. Central nervous involvement as encephalitis and transverse myelitis form concomitant clinical picture in large majority of patients.
Neuropraxia – Axons are intact, but fail to conduct action potentials due to focal demyelination. Axonotemesis – Transection of axons, but the nerve trunk is intact.
Neurotemesis—Transected nerve trunk.62
Sunderland Classification of peripheral nerve injury
  • First degree
    • Disruption of myelin sheath with intact axons and second degree nerve injury.
  • Second degree
    • Transection of axons with intact stroma.
  • Third degree injury
    • Transection of axons and endoneural tubes perineurium is intact.
  • Fourth degree
    • Transection of axons endoneurial tubes and the perineurium fascicular transection occurs.
  • Fifth degree
    • Transection of nerve trunk.
Prognosis of nerve injury depends on the following factors:
  • Degree of injury
  • Damage to the nerve.
  • Distance from the muscle that is innervated.
  • Wallerian degeneration.
Suprascapular Nerve
General features
  • Suprascapsular nerve comprises of C5 – 6 nerve roots arising from the upper trunk of brachial plexus and passes through the suprascapular notch.
  • An entrapment usually occurs at suprascapular notch due to repetitive movements.
  • Causes of entrapment include: ganglion cysts, metastatic disease, faulty positioning during surgical procedures, weight lifting, baseball pitches, etc.
Clinical Presentation
  • Shoulder pain, if the nerve is impinged at suprascapular notch.
  • The pain may spread to the superior border of the scapula towards the shoulder.
  • Supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle weakness.
  • Weakness of shoulder abduction and external rotation of the arms.
  • Wasting of infraspinatus.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Needle EMG demonstrates denervation in infra and suprascapular muscles.
  • NCV with stimulation at Erb's point and recording over corresponding muscle.
Differential Diagnosis
  • Musculoskeletal pains around the shoulder bursitis.
  • Pericapsular fibrosis.
  • Rotatory cuff injury.
  • C5, C6 radiculopathy.
  • Depressed biceps and branchoradialis reflexes.
  • Brachial neuritis.
  • Abrupt onset of pain may be bilateral.
  • Brachial plexus traction injury (Tinel's sign) throughout the arm supra and infraclavicular fossae.
  • Sensory loss and weakness.
Axillary Nerve
General features
  • Originates from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus; derived primarily from C5, C6, C7 roots (Upper trunk posterior cord).
  • Innervates teres minor and deltoid muscles.
  • Pathogenesis of injury: Dislocation and fracture of the shoulder; fracture of the humerus; surgical positioning causing entrapment in the quadrangular space.
  • Clinical presentation: Sensory loss over the lateral shoulder, weakness of shoulder abduction and external rotation.
EMG: Denervation of the deltoid and teres minor.
Differential Diagnosis
Orthopedic shoulder conditions; Brachial plexus injury.
Musculocutaneous Nerve injury
General features
Lateral cord of the Brachial plexus innervates coracobrachial and biceps muscles. Posterior sensory branch may anastomose with median radial sensory nerve and anterior sensory branch may anastomose with median nerve.
Clinical Presentation
  • Weakness of elbow flexion.
  • Decreased or absent biceps jerks.
  • Sensory loss in lateral forearm.
  • Pathogenesis of the injury: Trauma of upper arms and shoulder; fracture of proximal humerus and positioning during surgery.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Denervation of biceps and brachioradialis.
  • Sensory conduction abnormality of the lateral antebrachial nerve.
Differential Diagnosis
  • Brachial plexus pathology, C5 – 6 radioculopathy.
  • Median nerve compression at proximal humerus or in the region of the shoulder.
    • Pathogenesis: Most common causes are traumatic anterior dislocation of the shoulder, and aneurysm of brachial or axillary artery.
    • Clinical presentation: The person is unable to pronate the wrist, there occurs paralysis of pronater teres, pronator quadratus, weakness of wrist flexion and ulnar deviation, paralysis of thenar muscles, and impairment of sensation to those digits which are innervated by median nerve.
  • Median nerve compression at the elbow just above medial epicondyle of the humerus
    • Pathogenesis: Most common causes are trauma, direct injury, tumor, hematoma, elbow dislocated supracondylar fracture. Hereditary sensory neuropathy with sensitivity to pressure and entrapment of the nerve at this level is rare than at the wrist. The second point where the nerve may be damaged is the point where the nerve 66passes between the two heads of the pronator teres.
      Where the nerve gives off its anterior interosseous branch.
    • Clinical presentation: Pain in the forearm, local tenderness at and below the level of supracondyle prominence where the nerve traverses pronator teres. At these two levels, paresis may be a prominent feature.
    • There may be cramps in the fingers.
    • The chief diagnostic feature is the weakness of long flexors of the wrist and the fingers.
    • Other important feature at the low levels is inability to form O with the thumb and the index fingers.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Denervation of medial forearm and hand muscles.
  • Slowing of median nerve at elbow.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
At the carpal tunnel, median nerve is vulnerable and damage at this level is the commonest peripheral nerve lesion encountered. It is the commonest complication of pregnancy.
Clinical presentation
The striking feature is that pain in the hand is severe at night and may be absent during the day. The pain is classically restricted to thumb, index and middle fingers. The symptoms may be relieved by arms swinging. Often, the pain extends to the medial forearm and occasionally as high as shoulder. There are four major presentations:
  • Pure sensory syndrome: This usually occurs in women. There is objective sensory loss in the median nerve distribution. Pain may be absent. There may not be any motor weakness.
    Consequently even by EMG tests. The syndrome is seen in women involved in knitting, sewing, crocheting, etc. especially if there are arthritic changes.
  • Pure motor lesion: This is usually seen in men who use tools such as carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, etc. There may not be any sensory symptom. Patients present only with weakness of thumb for doing skilled tasks or wasting (thinning) of thenar eminence.
  • Autonomic presentation: Autonomic presentation with severe pain is a feature of carpal tunnel occurring in pregnancy. Pain at night is a classical feature. The pain occurs in two phases. The hand may feel cold, clammy, swollen and as the arm is swung the pain is relieved. Stinging and the burning sensation is the feature.
  • Classical carpal tunnel syndrome: This includes elements of all the above mentioned syndromes.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Decrease in sensory conduction at the wrist.
  • Prolonged distal motor latency.
  • Reduction of the motor and sensory amplitudes.
Ulnar Nerve Lesion
General features
  • Second most common nerve entrapment of the upper arm.
  • Ulnar nerve comprises of C8 T1 roots and lower trunk of brachial plexus; some fibers pass through the medial cord. In the proximal forearm, the nerve passes under the humeral –ulnar aponeurosis between the heads of the flexor carpal ulnaris, which make up the cubital tunnel.
Common pathogenetic mechanisms for ulnar nerve injury are:
  1. Occupational trauma.
  2. Bedridden patients due to incorrect positioning of the forearm at ulnar groove.
General features of ulnar neuropathy: Effect on the motor symptoms is greater than that of sensory loss; decreased hand dexterity and strength; positive Wartenberg sign: Little finger is abducted due to weakness of the 3rd palmar interossus muscle. Pain may radiate to the elbow, medial forearm and wrist.
Clinical Presentation
  • Hyperesthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution.
  • Weakness of hand, fifth digit.
  • Wasting of intrinsic hand muscles.
  • Decreased sensation of the ulnar aspect of the palm.
  • Tactile loss is greater than pin prick loss: distal two phalanges of the fifth digit.
Common clinical presentation of compression of the ulnar nerve at the wrist could be in the following forms:
  1. Pure motor: Weakness of deep palmaris brevis, 3rd, 4th lumbricals, interossei,
  2. Pure sensory
  3. Motor and sensory; pure motor branch of the deep palm involves hypothenar muscles.
EMG: The EMG shows the following features:
  • Slowing of motor NCV
  • Denervation of all hand muscles except those of thenar eminence.
  • Denervation of all ulnar innervated hand muscles.
  • Proximal lesion (to the wrist): There is involvement of the superficial and deep branches of the ulnar nerves and decreased SNAP.
Radial Nerve Entrapment
General features
  • Radial nerve originates in the upper arm, axilla. It comprises of C5-T1 nerve roots and also obtains contribution from all trunks of the plexus. Upper arm motor (triceps) at the elbow (brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis.
  • Radial nerve injury in the axilla could be due to crutch injury, lymphoma or tumor extension.
EMG: EMG shows the following features:
  • Focal slowing of the radial nerve in the upper arm.
  • Denervation of radial innervated muscles in the forearm.
Clinical presentation
Wrist and finger drop.
Differential Diagnosis of Radial Neuropathy
  • Majority of the patients present with a wrist drop.
  • At C7 radiculopathy – weakness of most muscles that extend to the wrist and fingers.
  • At spiral groove or axilla – triceps is spared.
  • If C5–C6 nerve roots are injured, brachioradialis muscle is involved. Triceps would be affected in C7 root injury.
Sciatic Nerve
Sciatic nerve originates from L4 – S2 roots and is formed after the merging of the superior and inferior gluteal nerves. Lateral division is the peroneal nerve and the medial division is the tibial nerve. The pyriformis muscle passes through the greater Sciatic notch to insert into the greater trochanter. In 70% of the patients, Sciatic nerve passes under the muscle. Rarely, it may pass through the muscle.
Common peroneal nerve and tibial nerve separate from the Sciatic nerve most often in the mid thigh or upper popliteal fossa.
Sciatic injury at the hip
Clinical features
  • Foot drop: Peroneal component is more affected than the tibial component, resulting in the weakness of hamstrings, gastrocnemius and posterior tibial muscles.
  • The ankle jerk may be depressed or absent.
  • Instability of the foot.
  • Decreased sensation on the lateral side of foot.
  • Spared area around the medial malleolus.
  • Sciatic mononeuropathy is uncommon.
  • Most diseases affect the L4–S2 nerve roots, including lumbar spondylosis spondylolisthesis, metastatic disease.
  • Hip replacement surgery
  • Hip fracture – Injury occurs during close reduction.
  • Severe direct trauma due to gun shot or stab wounds.
  • Hemorrhage within the gluteal compartment.
  • Hemophilia
  • Anticoagulants
  • Ischemic nerve injury
  • Inflammation of the vasovasorum
  • In the pelvis, the sciatic nerve may be damaged by direct spread of neoplasms from the rectum or genitourinary tract.
  • In the buttock, misplaced deep intramuscular injection is a common cause for injury.
Clinical features
  • There is weakness of plantar flexion and dorsiflexion of the foot.
  • It causes severe pain over the leg and foot.
Peroneal Nerve Lesion
  • Common site of peroneal nerve lesion is due to the compression of the nerve at the fibula head, where the nerve winds around, protected by the skin and fascia.
  • Trauma due to direct hit on the fibula.
  • Sitting for prolonged periods with the legs crossed.
  • In endemic areas leprosy is the commonest cause.
  • Diabetes, polyarteritis nodosa and collagen vascular disease should also be considered when in addition to peroneal nerve, one or more than one nerve is concomitantly affected. This is known as mononeuritis multiplex.
  • Whatever the cause, the patient will develop a foot drop and if the lesion is complete there is inability for inversion eversion and dorsiflexion of the foot.
  • In most cases of peroneal nerve damage there is little or no sensory loss.
Tibial Nerve Lesions
  • Tibial nerve may be damaged at hip joint and at the knee by trauma.
  • In the calf it lies deep to the muscle; it becomes superficial as it divides at the flexor retinaculum into the medial and lateral plantar nerves.
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
A rare syndrome – designated as tarsal tunnel syndrome is described in which both the medial and lateral plantar nerves are affected. The medial plantar nerve supplies only medial aspect of sole with little contribution to muscle. Lateral plantar nerve supplies lateral aspect of the sole and has major contribution to intrinsic muscles of foot. In this syndrome, pain occurs over the medial aspect of the foot and the sole. It is of burning quality and is experienced on tapping the nerve below the medial malleolus. This can be considered as a positive sign.73
Meralgia Paresthetica
  • Meralgia paresthetica occurs due to entraptment of lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
  • Paresthesia occur in the form of numbness, tingling, burning, and hypersensitivity over the middle lateral thigh.
  • It is usually of idiopathic nature; nevertheless contributory cause may be profound loss of weight. It is sometimes also seen in late pregnancy. Local trauma can occur due to wearing of tight jeans. In majority of patients, the condition remits spontaneously.
  • Surgical decompression may be considered to release the entraped nerve.