Instructive Case Studies in Pediatrics Suraj Gupte
Abdominal pain 27
Abetalipoproteinemia 283
Abnormal plasma lipids 462
Absent pulmonary valve 46
Acetanilid 107
Acetylsufantlamide 107
Achondroplasia 256
Acid-fast bacilli 52, 387
Acquired rheumatic heart disease 43
Acrodynia 255
bronchitis 143
flaccid paralysis 379
infective endocarditis 17
paraplegia 380
tonsillits 198
Addison's disease 113, 243
Adenovirus 104
Adrenal insufficiency 295
Adrenalectomy 433
Advanced PEM 255
Aedes aegypti 385
Aerobacter aerogenes 113
Albendazole 51, 54
Aldehyde test 326, 419
Allergic nonthrombocytope-nic purpura 70
Allopurinol 168
Ambiguous genitalia 64, 432
Amidopyrine 107
Amikacin 140
Amitryptaline 250
Amoxycillin 31
Ampicillin 31
Anaphylactoid purpura 70, 100
Anemia 462
Anesthesia 248
Annaprasana 74
Anomalous systemic venous drainage 218
Anoxia 282
therapy 336, 351
treatment 387
Apert's syndrome 110, 194
Aplastic anemia 442
Appendicitis 134
Arnold-Chiari malformation 285
Arterial thrombosis 4
Arthralgia 384
Ascaris pneumonia 177
Ascites 392
Aspiration syndromes 393
Aspirin 107, 168, 257
Asthma 400
Ataxia 19
telangiectasia 437
Atonic cerebral palsy 255
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 451
Backache 384
Bartter's syndrome 458
BCG test 245
Beckwith's syndrome 64
Benign congenital hypotonia 255
Bephenium hydroxynephtho-ate 51
Birth trauma 248
Bitot's spots 106, 261, 358
sickness 326
tongue 126
Bleeding diathesis 257
Blood transfusion 116
Bloody diarrhea 27
Blurred vision 19
Bone marrow 239
dimorphic erythropoiesis 79
Bottle-baby disease 219
Breast nodule 316
Breath holding spells 59
Broad bean 107
Bronchial asthma 135
Bronchiectasis 31
Bronchiolitis 143
Bronchopneumonia 134, 143, 197, 276
Brugia malayi 148
Brushfield spots 120
Buttoning clothes test 274
Café-au-lait spots 436
Calcification of ductus 43
Calcium gluconate 406
Campylobacter pyloridis 346
Cancer 400
Carbamazepine 19
disease 17
temponade 175
Cardiovascular disease 400
Carpenter syndrome 109, 110
Cataracts 42
Causes of rectal prolapse 29
Cefatoxime 17, 140
Cefperazone 139
Ceftriaxone 17, 139
crisis 6
disease 12, 92
abscess 282
astrocytoma 283
ataxia 134
lipidosis 255
palsy 283
Cervical lymphadenopathy 22
Cheerful idiot 120
Chiasmatic astrocytoma 434
Chickenpox 282
fever 383, 384
virus 383
Child abuse and neglect 146
Children receiving corticoste-roids 484, 487
Chlamydia trachomatidis 416
Chloramphenicol 17, 31
Chopra's antimony test 326
Chromosomal disorders 255
constipation 29
myeloid leukemia 355
Classical phenylketonuria 459
Cloxacillin 107
Coarctation of aorta 150
Cold chain 490
for vaccines 490
Combination vaccines 494
adrenal hyperplasia 432
glaucoma 42
heart disease 27, 324, 393
hydrocephalus 284, 285
hypothyroidism 2
ichthyosiform erythroderma 137
myopathy 255
pulmonary stenosis 201
Congestive cardiac failure 174, 197, 393
Conjunctiva 250
Conjunctival xerosis 358
Continuous positive airway pressure 247
Coombs’ test 391
scar 358
ulceration 358
xerosis 358
Costochondral prominence 256
Cotrimoxazole 31
Cow's milk allergy 184
Craniocleidodysostosis 110, 111
Craniosynostosis 2
Cretinism 255
Crouzon's syndrome 8890, 110, 111
Cryptosporidium pavum 475
Crystalline penicillin 17
Cushing's syndrome 97, 191
Cutaneous hemorrhages 16
Cyclophosphamide 442
Cystic fibrosis 12
transmembrane regulator 93
Cystinosis 81
Cytomegalovirus 104
Cytosine arabinoside 442
anomaly 285
malformation 284, 334
Daunorusicine 442
Degenerative joint disease 400
Degrees of consanguinity 413
Dermoid cyst 434
Dextrocardia 126
insipidus 173
mellitus 131, 295, 400
Diaper rash 197
Diarrheal disease 29
Dichlorophen 90, 232
Dinner-fork position 274
Diphenhydramine hydrochlo-ride 119
Diphtheria 145
Diplopia 19
Direct agglutination test 418
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy 396
Distal femoral epiphysis 2
Dizziness 19
Double tract sign 467
Down's syndrome 11, 119, 120, 179, 202, 255, 257, 258
Drug intoxication 454
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 208
Dyselectrolytemia 454
Dysequilibrium syndrome 107
Ear lobe 316
Ebstein's anomaly 218
Ectodermal dysplasia 295
Ehler-Danlos syndrome 29, 95
Eisenmenger syndrome 43
Emphysema 31
Encephalitis 31, 97, 134
Endogenous obesity 97
End-stage renal failure 4
Entamoeba histolytica 79, 222
Enteric fever 139
Enterobius vermicularis 75
Eosinophil count 193
Eosinophilic lungs 311
Epicanthal fold 120
Epiphyseal dysgenesis 2
multiforme 163
nodosum 128
Erythroid hyperplasia 239
Ethambutol 159
Exanthema subitum 243
Exogenous obesity 97
External genitalia 1, 97
FAB classification 37
Facial dysmorphism 11
Fallot's tetralogy 61, 73, 218
Familial hypoparathyroidism 295
Fanconi's anemia 437
Fatty liver 4
Fetal alcohol syndrome 73
Fever 182
Filariasis 148
Fine needle aspiration cytology 266
Finger nose test 274
Fi-test 216
Floppy baby syndrome 253
Flumazenil 431
Focal sclerosis lesion 4
Fragilitas ossium 94
Frenular ulcer 31, 261
Friedreich's ataxia 283
Frohlich's syndrome 97
Fungal endocarditis 413
Furazolidine 107
Galactosemia 81, 313
Galactose-phosphate-uridyl-transferase 313
Gargoylism 221
Gastroesophageal reflux 426
bleeding 27
telangiectasis 27
Gaucher's disease 437
Gentamicin 107, 140
Geographical tongue 187
Germinoma 434
Giant cell pneumonia 143
Giardiasis 86
GIT parasites 257
Gitelman's syndrome 458
Glomeruli 4
Glomerulonephritis 474
Glucose tolerance 193
Glycogen storage disease 255, 295
Goiter 27
Goodpasture's syndrome 399
Gower's sign 209
Graft-vs-host disease 168
Gram-negative septicemia 16
Gram-positive septicemia 16
Growing pains 150
failure 435
hormone 433
Guillain-Barre syndrome 140, 379, 380
Hallermann-Streiff syndrome 95, 104
Headache 19, 182, 384
Helicobacter pylori 346
facies 195
uremic syndrome 16
Hemorrhage 16
Hemorrhagic measles 142
Hemorrhoids 257
Henoch's purpura 70
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 16, 70, 100
Hepatic encephalopathy 392
A vaccine 358
B 104, 525
fructose intolerance 81
tyrosinemia 81
Hermaphroditism 75
simplex 104
zoster 33, 104
Hiatus hernia 257
pressure liquid chromato-graphy 415
serum transaminases 463
Hirschsprung's disease 258
Hodgkin's disease 269
Hurler's syndrome 221, 388
Hyaline membrane disease 393
Hydrocephalus 173, 283
Hyperpyrexia 454
Hypertelorism 111
Hypertension 46
Hypertrophied muscle bundles of pylorus 307
Hypervitaminosis 241
Hypoalbuminemia 462
Hypocalcemia 454
Hypoglycemia 282, 454
Hypospadias 198
Hypothyroidism 283, 295
Hypotonia 22
Hypovolemia 4
Hypoxic-ischemic encephal-opathy 165
Hysteria 282
guidelines on immunization 512
immunization time table 480
congenita 137
vulgaris 137, 297
respiratory distress syn-drome 246
thrombocytopenic purpura 31
for travelers 487
in preterm infants 484
of adolescents 486
Increased intracranial pressure 286
Indian childhood cirrhosis 189
Indirect fluorescent antibody test 418
syncope 61
tremor syndrome 14, 80, 276
Infective endocarditis 16, 46
bowel disease 27
granuloma 421
Influenza virus vaccine 494
Intertrigo 197
Intestinal parasitosis 29
hemorrhage 248, 395
pressure measurements 406
Intrasutural wormian bones 2
Intravascular volume 4
Invasive tests 347
Iron-deficiency anemia 46
Iron-dependent enzyme 358
Isolated dextrocardia 126
Isoniazid 159
Jacksonian epilepsy 82
Joint pain 384
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 463
Juxta-medullary glomeruli 4
Kahn syndrome 40
Kasai's hepatoportoenter-ostomy 392
Kawasaki disease 16, 21, 22, 462
Kayser-Fleischer ring 309, 403
Kidney biopsy 4
Killed hepatitis A virus vaccine 494
Kinky hair syndrome 282
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome 45
Knee-chest position 19
Knock-knee deformity 97
Koplik's spots 260
Kwashiorkor 245
Lamellar exfoliation of newborn 137
Lamivudine 431
Language disorders 173
Large fontanels 2
Laryngotracheobronchitis 143
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syn-drome 22, 97, 211, 297
Lead poisoning 283
Leptospira 381
Leukemia 31
Levocardia 126
Listeria monocytogens 172
Live attenuated varicella vaccine 494
Liver biopsy 104
medium 145
syndrome 53, 177, 237
Loss of sensorium 152
Low birth weight 351
Lowe's syndrome 388
esophageal sphincter 426
motor neuron facial palsy 379
respiratory tract infection 414
Lung abscess 16
Lupus vulgaris 129
Lyell syndrome 168
Lymphoma 442
Macewen's sign 285
Maffucci syndrome 46
Magnesium sulphate 406
Maintenance therapy 442
Mallory's hyaline 189
Malnutrition 295
Mandibulo-facial dysostosis 252
Mantoux test 138
Marasmic kwashiorkor 39
Marble bone disease 213
March seizures 83
Marfan's syndrome 95, 214, 215
Marshall-Smith syndrome 95
Matrix 4
McCune-Albright syndrome 327, 328, 437
Measles 282
reduction 493
Mebendazole 51, 54, 90
Medulloblastoma 283
Menetrier's disease 347
Meningeal leukemia 142
Meningismus 182
Meningitis 16, 140
Meningocele 29
Meningococcemia 16
with meningitis 16
Mental retardation 421
Mepacrine 86, 107, 232
cells 4
proliferative group 4
Methotrexate 168
Methylene blue 107
Metoclopramide 119
Midfacial cleft syndrome 111
Migraine 18, 282
Miliary tuberculosis 236
Milk-maid's grip 274
Minimal change disease 4
Mixed cellularity 270
Mongolion spots 184
Mongolism 120
Moro's reflex 262, 288
Morquio's syndrome 24, 25
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome 22, 462
Mucopolysaccharidosis 295
Mucoviscidosis 29
Multidrug-resistant strains 139
Multiple myeloma 16
Mumps 497
Munchausen syndrome 438
Myasthenia gravis 255
Mycotic aneurysm 413
Myelitis 134, 140
Myelodysplastic syndromes 442
Myocarditis 16, 46, 48, 134
Nalidixic acid 107
Naphthalene 107
Natal teeth 104
National Immunization Schedule 479
Near infra-red spectroscopy 406
Necrotizing enterocolitis 72
Neisseria meningitidis 16
cholestasis syndrome 392
hepatitis 102
hypoglycemia. 179
Nephroblastoma 64
Nephrotic syndrome 4, 16
Netromycin 140
Nettle rash 115
Neuroblastoma 283
Neurologic abnormalities 20
Neurological disorders 255
Niclosamide 89, 232
Niclosan 89
Niemann-Pick disease 237, 319
Night blindness 358
Nikolsky's test 168
Nitazoxanide 475
Nitrofurantoin 107
Nitrofurazone 107
Noonan's syndrome 27
Novobiocin 107
Nuclear magnetic response spectroscopy 406
Nutritional recovery syndrome 40, 304
Obesity 22, 173
Oculomandibulofacial dyscephaly 104
Oral rehydration solution 220
Osler's nodes 474
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease 46
Osteogenesis imperfecta 94
Otitis media 143, 261
Pamaquine 107
Panhypopituitarism 295, 435
Patent ductus arteriosus 410
Penicillins 168
Pentaquine 107
Peptic ulcer 257
Pericardial sepsis 413
Pericarditis 48
Periorbital edema 70
Peritoneum 16
Peritonitis 4, 16
nasal discharge 1
pulmonary hypertension 393
Pertussis 29, 30
Phenacetin 107
Phenazone 107
Phenylbutazone 168
Phenylketonuria 206
Phenytoin 168
Phlyctenular conjunctivitis 110
Photophobia 384
Phrenic nerve paralysis 248
papers 22
syndrome 22
Pierre Robin syndrome 302
Piperazine 54
Pituitary adenoma 434
cortisol 193
thyroid stimulating hormone 290
Pneumatosis intestinalis 70
Pneumococcal vaccine 494
Pneumocystis carinii 401
pneumonia 401
Pneumonia 16, 393
Polio eradication 494
Poliomyelitis 255, 379
Polyarthritis 234
Polydactyly 22
Polymerase-chain reaction 159
Polymyositis 255
Polyneuritis 255
Polyradiculitis 134
Positional emission tomo-graphy scan 406
Potency test 491
Prader-Willi syndrome 21, 22, 97, 239
Praziquantel 90, 232
Precocious puberty 78, 173
Prednisole 159
Preterm and LBW infants 487
Primaquine 107
Primarily truncal 22
Probencid 107
Promethazine 119
Prosthetic valve endocarditis 413
Protein-energy malnutrition 245
Proteinuria 400
Proton pump inhibitors 427
Pseudohermaphroditism 76
Pseudohypertelorism 121
Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy 124, 208
Pseudomembranous colitis 477
Pseudomonas pyocyaneous 315
Pseudoprecocious puberty 78
Pseudotumor cerebri 2, 40
agenesis 321
atresia 218
eosinophilia 311
Pyrantel 51
Pyrazinamide 159
Pyridoxine 405
Quantitative pilocarpine ionto-phoresis test 93
Quinacrine 86
Quinidine 107
Quinine 107
Rabies 25
Rail-road track 348
Raised intracranial tension 282
pylorotomy 307
pyloromyotomy 330
Rash 384
Rathke cleft cyst 434
Reflex hypoxic crisis 61
Refsum's syndrome 137
Reiter disease 168
failure 392
infarcts 16
Respiratory distress syndrome 393
Reye's syndrome 186, 317, 454
fever 212, 234
heart disease 472
nodules 234
arthritis 186
factor 474
Rickets 255
Rifampicin 159
Robert's syndrome 95
Roth spots 474
Rubella 486
virus 104
Russel-Silver syndrome 95, 437
Ryle's tube 89, 99
Sandwich chemotherapy 343
Sarnat and Sarnat staging 165
Scalded skin syndrome 168
Scalp hair 316
Schönlein's purpura 70
Sclerotherapy 116
Scrofuloderma 128
Scurvy 255
Seizures 31, 282
Sella turcica 2
Sengstaken tube 116
Septicemia 393
Serology 347
Shingles 33
Shoulder sign 467
Simultaneous administration of multiple vacci-nes 485
Single photon emission computed tomography 406
Situs inversus 126
Sleep apnea 400
Slipped femoral epiphysis 97
Sluggishness 1
Snow-storm appearance 237
antimony gluconate 419
bicarbonate 19
stibogluconate 326
Spontaneous pneumothorax 393
St. Vitus dance 274
Staphylococcus aureus 15, 168
Status epilepticus 453
Sterile pyuria 463
Steroids 4
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 121, 163, 463
Storage diseases 283
hemolyticus 70, 226
pneumoniae 4
Sturge-Weber syndrome 348, 349
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 177
Sulfacetamide 107
Sulfamethoxypyridazine 107
Sulfas 168
Sulfisoxazole 107
Sulfones 107
Sulfoxones 107
Sulicylazosulfapyridine 107
Suppurative arthritis 134
Swallowed blood 257
Syndenham's chorea 274
Synovial fluid 16
Systemic lupus erythematosus 47
Tenia solium 83
Tetralogy of Fallot 218, 230
Tetramisole 51
major 195
minor 195
trait 195
Thiabendazole 54
Thiazides 168
Thiazolsulfone 107
Thoracic dystrophy 322
Thrombocytosis 462
Thyroid hormone 2
Todd's postictal paralysis 83
Tolbutamide 107
anomalous pulmonary venous return 393
iron binding capacity 358
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 168
Trained birth attendant 395
corneal cloudiness 42
tachypnea of newborn 393
Transposition of great arteries 19, 197
Transthoracic echocardiogram 17
Traumatic neuritis 380
Treacher Collins syndrome 250, 252
Tricuspid atresia 218
Tropical eosinophilia 310
Tuberculoids 128
Tuberculosis 143
Tuberculous meningitis 264
Tuberous sclerosis 437
Turner's syndrome 26, 27, 437
Types of skin tuberculosis 127
Typhoid 480
Ulcerative colitis 29, 257
Urea breath test 346
Urinary tract infection 112
Urticaria 115
in HIV/AIDS 484
in adolescents 486
of unimmunized child 485
Vaccine vial monitor 491
disease 17
regurgitation 46
Vanil-Mandalic acid 293
Variceal bleeding 392
Varicella 525
zoster virus 33
Vascular phenomenon 474
Vater syndrome 321
Vector vaccines 494
Ventricular septal defect 251, 412
Vibrio parahemolyticus 56
Vincristine 442
encephalitic 276
hepatitis 403
evoked response 406
loss 435
Vitamin 107
A deficiency 10
D deficiency rickets 241
K 107
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syn-drome 324
Vomiting 182
von Willebrand's disease 67
VPD surveillance 491
Waardenburg's syndrome 111
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syn-drome 16
Weil's disease 382
Weingarten's syndrome 310
Wellcome classification 49
Werdnig-Hoffmann disease 253, 255
Widal test 138
Wide suture 2
Wilms’ tumor 64, 292, 293
Wilson's disease 81, 309, 403, 404
Worminian bones 94
Wuchereria bancrofti 148
Xerophthalmia 358
Xerophthalmic fundus 358
Ziehl-Neelsen stain 268
Chapter Notes

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1Instructive Case Studies in Pediatrics2
3Instructive Case Studies in Pediatrics
Fifth (Silver Jubilee) Edition
Suraj Gupte MD, FIAP Professor and Head, Postgraduate Department of Pediatrics Narayana Medical College/Narayana General and Superspeciality Hospitals, Nellore 524002, AP, South India.
Honorary Director: Pediatric Education Network
Editor: The Short Textbook of Pediatrics, Recent Advances in Pediatrics (Series), Textbooks of Pediatric Emergencies, Neonatal Emergencies, Pediatric Nutrition, and Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Towards MRCPCH Part II (Theory Examination), Pediatric Yearbook (Series), Newer Horizons in Tropical Pediatrics, etc.
Author: Differential Diagnosis in Pediatrics, Pediatric Drug Directory, Infant Feeding, Speaking of Child Care: Everything You Wanted to Know, The Baby Book: The Parents’ Guide from Birth to Infancy
Co-editor: Asian Journal of Maternity and Child Health (Manila, Philippines)
Section Editor: Pediatric Today (New Delhi)
Editorial Advisor: Asian Journal of Pediatrics Practice (New Delhi)
Editorial Advisory Board Member/Reviewer/Referee: Indian Journal of Pediatrics (New Delhi), Indian Pediatrics (New Delhi), Synopsis (Detroit, USA), Indian Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (Jaipur), Journal of Clinical Pediatrics (Patna), Maternal and Child Nutrition (Preston, UK), Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Turkey)
Examiner: National Board of Examinations (NBE) for DNB, New Delhi, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Srinagar, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi, Dr NTR University of Health Sciences (NTRUHS), and several other universities
Pediatric Faculty Selection Expert: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission, Punjab Public Service Commission, Haryana Public Service Commission, Union Public Service Commission
Published by
Jitendar P Vij
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Instructive Case Studies in Pediatrics
© 2011, Novy Gupte, Executive Editor
All rights reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author and the publisher.
First Edition: 1983
Second Edition: 1988
Third Edition: 1999
Fourth Edition: 2002
Fifth Edition: 2011
Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit
Printed at Ajanta Offset
My dear parents
whose inspiration, motivation, blessings
and moral support continue to contribute
a great deal to our academic endeavors
everybody striving to contribute to
child health and welfare for a
brighter future globally
At the very outset, I wish to express my gratitude to the celebrated author, Dr Suraj Gupte, for giving me an opportunity to go through the drafts of his latest work, i.e. the fifth edition of the noted book, Instructive Case Studies in Pediatrics (ICSP).
Dr Gupte, a well-known pediatric author, is reputed for his academic command and brilliance as also straight-forward, clear, lucid and easy-to-grasp style. This together with the wealth of additional valuable material contribute to the emergence of the excellent, expanded, revised and updated edition of the book. As many as 200 case studies provide a plethora of exercises that assist in refining skills in handling clinical problems and in applying remedial measures for overcoming the deficiencies methodically, efficiently and effectively.
The book has a special emphasis on problems which are particularly meaningful in the Indian subcontinent. I consider it an extra-strong feature of the book.
I am most pleased to recommend this remarkable book by Dr Suraj Gupte to the target audience (undergraduate and postgraduate students of pediatrics, pediatric residents, junior and practising pediatricians and pediatric teachers) across the board, more pointedly in the resource-limited countries.
Prof WE Peterson, md, frcp
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Institute of Child and Adolescent Health,
London, United Kingdom
Formerly, WHO Adviser
8Preface to the Fifth Edition
It is with a sense of pride that the fifth (Silver Jubilee) edition of the Instructive Case Studies in Pediatrics is being brought out. The book is further enlarged and updated, offering over 200 case studies, each virtually generating a scenario as though the reader indeed is face-to-face with the patient in the ward and in an intense interaction with a knowledgeable teacher.
The case studies assist the reader in refining his clinical skills and developing a logical approach to clinical problem-solving in the critical areas of pediatric diagnosis and therapeutics. The bottomline is to guide them through reasoning process around frequently-encountered presenting complaints. More than one cases are presented for major complaints to sharpen skills in differential diagnosis and management.
The whole gamut of clinical pediatrics is covered. Each and every case presentation is followed by a list of questions that probe facts warranting special attention. The answers that follow provide authoritative comments on issues under discussion, thereby boosting the teaching value of the treatise.
The treatise intends to be an ideal study tool for undergraduate and postgraduate students of pediatrics, interns, house-physicians, residents, junior pediatricians and practising physicians dealing with children and adolescents. Even established pediatricians and teachers of pediatrics shall find a great deal of valuable information.
Hopefully, the fifth edition of the ICSP with a continuing thrust on problem-solving approach shall turn out to be yet more useful for the target readership.
Suraj Gupte
9Preface to the First Edition
Sir William Osler, the Father of Modern Medicine, is on record as saying, “The best way to learn medicine or any of its disciplines involves taking histories, doing good clinical examination, planning investigations after reviewing the differential diagnosis, and discussion with seniors and colleagues”.
Even today, Osler's advice holds as good as it did several decades ago. Medical students, including postgraduates, and young doctors would undoubtedly learn eminently in this way. Yet, the fact remains that their job often becomes difficult because of one or another constraint. First, they may have constraints of time. Secondly, they may be hesitant in imposing themselves on the sick. Thirdly, they may lack sound and critical discussion from teachers. Fourthly, some of the important problems which they are supposed to be in a position to tackle may not have confronted them.
What has been said is most eminently true in the area of pediatrics.
These concerns have prompted me to prepare this book, offering 100 instructive case studies in pediatrics. The material covers the whole gamut of pediatrics from threadworm infestation in a toddler to leukemia in a grown-up child. Each case presentation is followed by a list of questions that probe facets deserving particular attention. The answers which follow the questions on the reverse page provide authoritative comments on the issues under discussion. In most of the cases, the emphasis has been on interpretation of history and physical examination rather than on special and sophisticated investigations. All this should enhance the teaching value of these case studies.
Let it be clarified that the case studies have been deliberately organized in a random order. The index is, however, in two sections: presenting problem and diagnosis. The reader is welcome to study the cases either at random, or by presenting problem or diagnosis.10
I extend my sincere gratitude to Dr K Indira Bai, President, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, for her courtesy in writing the Foreword to the volume at a time when she has been far too busy. Her warm recommendations have indeed boosted my morale.
I also wish to record my indebtedness to my family folks for providing generous help and encouragement at various stages of this project. My younger brothers, Rajendra, Subhash, Raju, and Dr Satish graciously helped me in many ways. My special hats off to my wife, Shamma, for not only showing lots of patience as the writing was in progress, but also correcting the proofs and making many a useful suggestion.
The help rendered by Mr Ayudhia Kaul, Mrs Veenu Kaul, Dr Harsh Mahajan, Dr (Mrs) Prem Mahajan, and many others is gratefully acknowledged.
I extend my thanks also to Mr R Kumar, the Managing Editor, and Shri Jitendar P Vij, Chairman and Managing Director of Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd for the excellent production qualities of the volume.
Suraj Gupte
“Gupte House”
60 Lower Gumat,
Jammu 180001
Special acknowledgments are due to:
12Abbreviations ADS
Auto-disable syringe
Antiepileptic drug
Adverse events following immunization
Acid-fast bacilli
Acute flaccid paralysis
Acute gastroenteritis
Acquired immune-deficiency syndrome
Atrial septal defect
Activated social health activist
Antituberculous therapy/treatment
Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin
Body mass index
Capillary filling time
Cerebrospinal fluid
Child survival and safe motherhood
scan Computed tomography scan
Differential leukocyte count
Directly observed treatment schedule
Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus
Diphtheria, tetanus
Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis
Expressed breast milk
Expanded program on immunization
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Government of India
History of
Human immune deficiency virus
Integrated child development services
Intelligence quotient
International unit
Intravenous immunoglobulins
Lumbar puncture13
Lower respiratory tract infection
Mid-arm circumference
Mid-arm circumference
Magnetic resonance imaging
Mid upper arm circumference
Non-governmental organization
Neonatal intensive care unit
National immunization days
Occipitofrontal circumference
Oral polio vaccine
Oral rehydration salt
Oral rehydration therapy
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infection
Peripheral blood film
Protein-energy malnutrition
Protein-energy malnutrition
Pediatric intensive care unit
Pulse rate
Peripheral smear
Respiratory rate ratio
Revised national tuberculosis control program
Scalded skin syndrome
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Trained birth attendant
Total leukocyte count
Tetralogy of Fallot
Toxic shock syndrome
Tetanus toxoid
U/L segment
Upper /lower segment ratio
Urban health center
Universal immunization program
Upper respiratory tract infection
Urinary tract infection
Vitamin A deficiency14
Vaccine associated paralytic polio
Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis
Vaccine preventable disease
Ventricular septal defect
Vaccine vial monitor