Color Atlas and Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatology Sandipan Dhar, Sahana M Srinivas
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, and t refer to table
Abacavir 426
Abrasions 482
Abscess 2
Acantholysis 255
Acanthosis nigricans 459, 459f
Acetaminophen 188
Acetazolamide 228, 396
Acetylsalicylic acid 359
Acid mucopolysaccharides 473
Acitretin 26, 90, 465, 503
Acne 416, 420, 472
cheloidalis 421f
conglobata 416
excoriée 420, 420f, 483
fulminans 416
infantile 416
juvenile 416
keloidalis 380, 421f
nuchae 420, 421f
mechanical 416
neonatal 3, 4f, 416
occupational 416
scars 417f
senile 416
types of 416
vulgaris 416, 421, 441
management in 417
Acneiform eruptions 416, 418, 419f
Acneiform lesions 466
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 158, 514
Acral necrosis, prognosis in 348
Acral peeling skin syndrome 250
Acrochordans 496
Acrocyanosis 473
Acrodermatitis continua 227f
Acrodermatitis enteropathica 23, 304, 304f, 305f, 473
diagnosis of 304
treatment of 305
Acropustulosis 21
Actinic keratosis 447
Actinic lichen planus 238
gerencseriae 158
israelii 158
Actinomycosis 158
Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome 174, 175
Acute graft-versus-host disease 468f
Acute hemorrhagic edema, lesions of 371f
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 433
Acyclovir 169
Adalimumab 367, 479
Adams-Oliver syndrome 84
Addison's disease 275, 292, 294f, 309, 333, 334, 335f
diagnosis of 334
Addisonian crisis 335
Adenitis 179
Adenoma sebaceum 260, 260f
classical lesions of 261f
deaminase 494
triphosphate 397
Adenovirus 184
Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 397
Adrenal insufficiency
primary 334
symptoms of 334
Adrenaline 437
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 334, 398
Adverse drug eruptions 426
Aedes aegypti 171
Aedes mosquito 179
Aerosol challenge craze 482
Airway compromise, potential of 316
Albinism 288
white and brown hairs in 289f
Aldosterone 334
Alitretinoin 215
Alkaptonuria 333
Allergen specific immunotherapy 215
Allopurinol 347
Alopecia 315, 356, 449
areata 149, 275, 306f, 376
extensive 377f
patch of 376f
mucinosa 380
scarring 248f, 353f, 379
totalis 377, 378f
universalis 377
Alpha feto-protein 510
Aluminum chloride 424
Ambisexual hair, loss of 334
Ambras syndrome 395
Aminoglutethimide 228
Aminoglycosides 26
Aminolevulinic acid 343
Aminopenicillins 439
Amiodarone 228
Ammoniacal ulcers 192
Amniotic band syndrome 26, 27f
Amoxicillin 217, 228, 432
Amphotericin B 156
Ampicillin 228
Anaerobic organisms 492
Anagen effluvium 386, 388f
Anakinra 464, 479
braziliense 111
caninum 111
Androgenetic alopecia 380, 386, 388f
Anemia 344, 393, 433, 479
Anetoderma 446, 446f, 447f
depression in skin in 447f
Angioedema 316, 476
ACEI-induced 321
acquired 320, 321
allergic 321
hereditary 320
idiopathic 321
of eyelid 319f
treatment of 318
types of 316, 320t
Angiofibroma 260, 263
Angioid streaks 77
Angiokeratoma 346
circumscriptum 43
corporis diffusum 345
lesions over trunk 43f
Angioleiomyoma 64
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia 44
Angiosarcoma 478, 478f
Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors 321, 442
Angular stomatitis 313
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 66
Annular erythema 358
Annular erythematous
plaques 229f
urticarial lesions 437f
Annular scaly lesions 257f, 304f
Anonychia 227
Anorexia 473
nervosa 389, 473
Anthralin 230
Antibiotics 122
therapy, adequate 182
Antibody 369
defects 486
role of 356
Anticardiolipin 369
Anticonvulsants 432
systemic 145, 152, 158
topical 5, 26, 145
Antigen mapping 246
Antihistamines 254, 437
ketotifen 442
Antinuclear antibody 352, 354
Anti-parvovirus B19 187
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 368, 368f, 369
Antipruritics agent 368
Antistreptolysin O 224
Antitubercular drugs 418
Anxiety disorder 484
Aorta, coarctation of 41
Apert syndrome 416
Aphonia 348
Aphthous ulcer 506, 506f
treatment of 506
APLA syndrome 369f
Aplasia cutis 18, 22, 84, 274, 379, 393
congenita 22, 22f, 23f
Apocrine cystadenoma 62
Appetite, loss of 310
Apremilast 90
Argininosuccinic aciduria 390
Argyria 333
Armor appearance, coat of 96
Arnold-Chiari malformation 84
Arrhythmia 382
Arsenic poisoning, chronic 503, 503f, 504f
Artefactual lesions 482
Arterial anomalies 41
Arthralgia 179, 186, 438
and exanthema, symptoms of 187
Arthritis 361, 466
chronic 188
juvenile idiopathic 358
migratory 472
Ascorbic acid 333
Ash leaf macules 261
Aspiration cytology 511
Aspirin 228, 375
Astrocytoma 398
Astrointestinal tract 38
Asymmetric periflexural exanthem 184, 185f
Ataxia 382
telangiectasia 45, 487
mutated protein 488
Atenolol 228
Atopic cataract 206f
Atopic cheilitis 205f, 208f, 209f
Atopic child, dirty neck of 207f
Atopic dermatitis 23, 194, 199, 299f, 203f, 208f, 210f, 215, 244, 411, 414, 456, 513
acute eczema in 200f
adult phase 201
childhood phase 200
infantile phase 200
infected lesions of 201
infra-auricular fissuring in 206f
management of 204
nipple eczema of 207f
proactive management 210
severe 204, 212f
treatment of 204
Atopic diathesis 25, 239
Atopic dirty neck 201
Atopic eczema 201
Atopy 199
Atrichia congenital 401, 401f
Atrophic scarring 252
Atrophie blanche 363
Atrophodermas 444
Atrophy 2
Autoantibody abnormalities 354
bullous diseases 513
cytopenias 495
enteropathy 491
hepatitis 275
hypothesis 420
polyendocrine syndrome 492
polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy 157
thyroiditis 275
Autoinflammatory disorders 471
Autoinflammatory syndromes 471t
types of 471
Autologous tissue 363
Autonomic neuropathy 485
Autosomal syndromes 87
Axillary freckling 266f
Axillary hyperhidrosis 501
Azathioprine 212, 256, 275, 366, 375, 464, 514
Azelaic acid 418, 422
Azithromycin 186, 190, 418
Azole antifungals 124
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin 397
vaccination 127
Bacillus proteus 423
Bamboo hair 25, 391, 391f
Bannayan-Zonana syndrome 54
Barbiturates 430
Barrier function 1
Bartonella henselae 369
Basal cell carcinoma 62, 63
Basal metabolic rate 228
Basaloid cells, triad of 394
Basidiobolus ranarum 159
Bathing suit ichthyosis 91f
Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndrome 389
deficiency 515
lymphoma 374, 438f
Beaded hair 382
Beau's line 184, 404
Becker's melanosis 51, 54
Becker's nevus 5153, 395
etiology of 53
Behçet's disease 449, 461, 464, 466b
family history of 466
Behçet's syndrome 506
Benoxaprofen 396
Benzoyl peroxide 123, 418
Beta-lactam-induced exanthems 428
Betamethasone dipropionate cream 351, 361
Beta-thalassemia trait 393
Biallelic mutation 350
Bile duct 460
Bindi leukoderma 282f
Binding protein 2 486
Biotin metabolism, disorders of 23
Biotinidase deficiency 311, 311f
Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome 63, 496
Black dot tinea 150f
capitis 147
Bladder 460
Blau syndrome 470
Blistering distal dactylitis 125, 125f
Blood-stained sweat over palms 500f
Bloom syndrome 80
Blue nevus 45
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome 38, 39f, 45
Blue to black punctiform macules 39
Blueberry muffin lesions 168
Bockhart's impetigo 113
Body dysmorphic disorder 483
Body louse infestation 109
Bohn's nodules 20
Bone marrow
stem cell transfer 253
transplantation 494
Borderline lepromatous leprosy 130
Borderline tuberculoid leprosy 130, 132f
Borrelia burgdorferi 464
Botulinum toxin A 424
Bourneville's disease 260
Bowen's disease 410
Box-jellyfish stings 440
Breakthrough varicella 169, 170f
Breast carcinoma 374
Brunsting-Perry, chronic pemphigoid of 242
BTD gene 311
Bulimia 473
Bullosis diabeticorum 336
Bullous dermatosis, chronic 241
Bullous dermolysis 251
Bullous disease 336
Bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma 23, 92
Bullous impetigo 10
over palms 115f
Bullous pemphigoid 242, 502
Burrowing bug pigmentation 111
Burrows over finger webspaces 107f
Bursitis 179
Butcher's wart 126
Butterfly erythema 353f
Café-au-lait macule 264, 264f, 265f, 295
Calcineurin inhibitors 254
Calciphylaxis 347, 348f
risk of 348
Calcipotriol 90, 92, 105
Calcium-sensing receptor 315
Calmette-Guérin vaccine 515
Campylobacter 369
Canakinumab 464, 479
Cancrum oris 122f
Candida 329, 406, 415, 473
albicans 5, 154, 191, 418
infection 414
ciferri 154
glabrata 154
parapsilosis 154
tropicalis 154
Candidal diaper dermatitis 191f
Candidal intertrigo 105, 150
Candidiasis 153
chronic localized 157
chronic mucocutaneous 156, 486
congenital cutaneous 23, 154, 156
Canines, peg-shaped 68f
Capecitabine 438
Capillary fragility test 171
Capillary malformation 40, 46, 274
Capillary morphogenesis gene 481
Captopril 437
Carbamazepine 346, 432, 437
Carbon baby syndrome 296, 296f
Carboxymethylcellulose 507
Carbuncle 120
Caregiver-fabricated illness 484, 484f
Carotenemia 473, 511, 511f
Carotenodermia 511
Carpet tack sign 354
Cartilage-hair hypoplasia syndrome 486, 488
Carvajal syndrome 382
Cataracts 84
Cat-scratch disease 461
Cayler cardiofacial syndrome 489
Ceftriaxone 23
Cell-based techniques 249
Cellulitis 116, 158, 179
Central nervous system 341, 464, 472
abnormalities 84
Cephalic histiocytosis, benign 329, 329f
Cephalosporins 26, 428, 432
Cerebellar hypoplasia 42
Cerebral atrophy 41
Cerebro-oculofacioskeletal syndrome 76, 85
Cerebrospinal fluid 274
Cervical lymph nodes 127
Cetirizine 196, 319
Cetuximab 396, 418
Chancre 449
Chancroid 450
Checker-board pattern 272
Chédiak–Higashi syndrome 399, 400f, 488
Cheilitis granulomatosa 469, 470
etiology of 469
exfoliative 485
Chemotherapy 514b
discontinuation of 439
Chickenpox 168
rash over palm 169f
Chikungunya 179
arbovirus 179
diagnosis of 179
dystrophic calcification 179
fever 179
classical rash of 180f
pigmentation 179
Chilblains 496, 496f, 497f
erythematous swollen edematous fingers 497f
treatment of 497
CHILD syndrome 103
Child sexual abuse 449t
Childhood vitiligo 275
Chlamydia 449
mouthwash 506
solution 423
Chloroquine 228, 351
low-dose 345
Chlorpheniramine 319, 326
Cholecystitis 344
Cholelithiasis 344
Cholesterol 340
Chondrodysplasia punctata 358
Chorea 369
Choreoathetotic movements 347
Chorioretinal colobomas 84
Choristomas 58
Chromhidrosis 501
Chromobacterium violaceum 489
Chromomycosis 161
Chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood 241, 242
Chronic granulomatous disease 486488, 488f
Chronic granulomatous disorder 467
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis 156, 156f, 157f, 486, 487, 489
oral lesions of 157f
Churg-Strauss granuloma 127, 363
Chylomicrons 340
Cicatricial alopecia 379f
Cicatricial pemphigoid 242
Cimetidine 228
Cladosporium carrionii 161
Clarithromycin 186
lip 84
palate 84
Clindamycin 124, 186, 418
Clobetasol propionate 351, 361
Clofazamine 134, 355, 464
Clopidogrel 375
Cloxacillin 174, 217
Clustered black comedo-like lesions 63f
Cockayne syndrome 74, 75, 80
Collagen vascular diseases 351, 431, 438, 513, 514
Collagenoma 262f
Collodion baby 93
Comedones 2
Common warts 134
Complement deficiency disorders 487, 489
Complete heart block 358
congenital 356
Compression therapy 442
Condyloma 512
acuminata 451
Condylomata 450
Congenital hemangioma 37
Congenital rubella
rash of 168f
syndrome 167
Conidiobolus coronatus 159
Conjunctivitis 165, 179, 455, 465
Connective tissue disorder 363
Conradi-Hünermann syndrome 23
disease 93
syndrome 102
Constipation 452
Contact dermatitis 184, 192, 218f, 219f, 220, 282f, 455
allergic 192, 217
Contact leucoderma 282, 283
Contagious disease 168
Conventional cyst excision 507
Copper penny bodies 161
Coproporphyria, congenital erythropoietic 343
Cornea verticillata 346
Corneal opacities 346
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 17
Corona virus infection, novel 188
Coronary artery vasculitis 437
Corpus callosum
agenesis of 84
calcification of 348
Corticosteroids 228, 254, 256, 375, 396
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 334
Cortisol 334
Corynebacterium 501
diphtheriae 5
minutissimum 123
Cosmetic function 1
Cough syrups 462
diagnosis of 189
infection, skin rash of 189
symptoms of 189
Cowden syndrome 54
Coxsackie virus 172, 220
Crab louse 109
Crab-like bald patch 379f
Cradle cap 194
Craniopharyngioma 398
Crohn's disease 312, 464, 470t, 512
cutaneous 467
Crust 2
Crusted scabies 109
Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis 187
Cryopyrinopathies 471
Cryosurgery 262
Cryotherapy 442
Cubital fossae 220f
Cushing's disease 336, 337f
Cushing's syndrome 154, 410
Cutaneous disorders 23, 48
Cutaneous horn 446, 447f
Cutaneous leishmaniasis 161, 162f, 163, 163f
ulcerated lesion of 163f
Cutaneous lesions 38, 308, 482
treatment of 179, 356
Cutaneous manifestations 334, 356
Cutaneous periarteritis, benign 367
Cutis laxa 77, 78f
Cutis marmorata 17
telangiectasia 19f
congenital 17, 18
Cutis verticis gyrate 401, 401f
Cyanocobalamin deficiency 308, 310f
Cyclophosphamide 256, 366, 479, 514
Cyclosporine 41, 212, 229, 236, 275, 366, 378, 397f, 418, 437, 464, 479, 514
role of 236
Cylindromas 403
Cyst 2
Cystic fibrosis 216
Cystic renal dysplasia 84
Cytokine 486
Cytostatic drugs 418
Dandy-Walker malformation 42
Dapsone 355, 464
Darier's disease 60, 78, 79f, 80f, 105, 219, 239, 240
Darier's sign 25, 324, 324f
Dartoic leiomyomas 65
Dectin-1 deficiency 157
Deformed joints 346
Degos disease 374, 374f
Dehydroepiandrosterone 3
Delusional parasitosis 482
Demodex mites 418
arboviral 171
confluent rash 171
fever 171, 182
flagellate purpura 171
hemorrhagic rash of 171f
maculopapular rash of 171f
rash 171f
virus 171, 172
Dennie-Morgan infraorbital folds 201, 203f
Dental malocclusion 81f
Deoxyribonucleic acid 295
Depression 483, 484
Dermabrasion 262
Dermal aplasia 84
Dermal hypoplasia, focal 83
Dermal melanocytic nevus 283
Dermal-fat grafts 363
Dermatitis 191, 192
acute irritant 19f, 219f
artefacta 482, 483f
herpetiformis 242, 244
type of 192
Dermatofibroma 329, 330f, 403
Dermatologic diseases 455, 458
Dermatomyositis 358, 359, 359f, 440f
juvenile 358
Dermatophyte 414f, 473
infection 358
miscellaneous 496
neonatal 3
Dermoepidermal junction 345, 440, 502
Dermographism 316
Dermoid cyst 274, 395
Dermoscope 402
Desmoplakin gene 382
Desquamative gingivitis 258, 258f
diagnosis of 335
insulin-dependent 479
mellitus 231, 338, 347, 374, 473, 511
mellitus, type 1 358, 496
Diabetic bulla 336
Diabetic dermopathy 335, 335f
Diaper care 31
Diaphragm 30
Diarrhea 186, 324, 466
Diascopy test, positive 45
Diastematomyelia 273
DiGeorge syndrome 487, 489
Dilapidated brick wall appearance 105
Diltiazem 229, 437, 439
Dimples 274
sign 329, 330f
Diphtheria 508
tetanus, and pertussis 322
Dipyridamole 375
Dirty warty papules 79f
Dispel stigma 457f
Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis 106
Dithranol 229, 230, 378, 379
Dizziness 324
Docetaxel 438
Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa 251, 253
Dowling-Degos disease 299, 300
Down syndrome 17, 377, 393, 444
Doxorubicin 438
dermatomyositis 440
Doxycycline 182, 418, 422
D-penicillamine therapy 404
DRESS syndrome 437
maculopapular rash of 437f
Drug rash 182
Drug reactions, pathogenesis of 426
Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome 427
Dry xerotic skin 314f
DSRAD gene 298
Dupilumab 215, 255
Dymium-doped: yttrium aluminum garnet laser 447
Dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria 297, 298f
Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria 299, 299f
Dyskeratosis congenita 460, 461f
Dyslipidemia 231
Dysostosis multiplex 350
Dyspnea 324
Dysrhythmias 357
Dystocia 510
Dystrophia unguis mediana canaliformis 406
Dystrophic calcification 180f
Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa 247f, 250f, 253
Ears 31
cartilage 472
Ecchymosis 373, 373f
Eclabium 95f
Ecthyma 115
gangrenosum 116
over leg 117f
Ectodermal dysplasia 23, 66, 389
Ectopic sebaceous glands 503
Ectropion 95
Eczema 105, 191, 215, 219, 220f, 291, 405, 486, 490, 492, 493f, 497
coxsackium 220, 221f, 222
herpeticum 208, 219, 220f
vaccinatum 220
Eczematoid dermatitis, infectious 217, 217f
Eczematous dermatitis 492
Eczematous eruptions 497
Eczematous hyperpigmented patches 311f
Eczematous lesions 214f, 217, 476, 490f, 498f
Edema, acute hemorrhagic 371
Edematous papules 463
Ehler-Danlos syndrome 77, 78, 79f, 401, 442
phrynoderma over 308f
scars 349f
Elejalde syndrome 400, 401f
Elephantiasis verrucosa nostra cutis 50
Emollients 32
Empyema 179
En coup de sabre 362
Encephalitis 165
Endocrine disorders 396, 473
Endocrine organs 486
End-stage renal disease 347
Enterovirus 156, 182, 184
biotinidase 311
immunoassay 182
Eosinophilia 44
Eosinophilic leukemia 475
mucocutaneous manifestation of 475
Ependymoma 398
Ephelides 55
Epibulbar dermoids 58
Epidermal hyperplasia 479
Epidermal nevus syndrome 56, 60, 60f
Epidermolysis bullosa 10, 156, 246, 246f, 247f, 248, 502, 503f
cell based techniques 249
classification of 250t
dystrophic 251, 502f
acral 251
nails 251
pretibial 251
future therapies of 248
junctional 251
pruriginosa 253, 253f
simplex 250
acantholytic 250
generalized intermediate 250
generalized severe 250
localized 250
migratory circinate 250
mottled pigmentation 250
muscular dystrophy 250
pyloric atresia 250
superficialis 250
types of 251t
Epidermolytic ichthyosis 92
Epidermophyton floccosum 144
Epiloia 260
Epiphyses 358
Epithelioma 394
Epstein's perals 20
Epstein-Barr virus 172
Erlotinib 396
after skin grafting 247f
over back 247f
Erosive and vesicular dermatosis, congenital 26
Eruptive histiocytosis, generalized 331
Eruptive vellus hair cyst 402, 402f, 403f
Erysipelas 116
Erythema 220f, 438f
annulare centrifugum 329, 331f, 476
elevatum diutinum 373
induratum 462
infectiosum 184, 187, 188f
marginatum 358, 472, 473f
mild 225f
multiforme 178, 371, 431, 433f, 434f
target lesions of 435f
nodosum 460, 462f, 466
leprosum 129, 134
toxicum neonatorum 4, 156
Erythematous boggy plaques of 118f
Erythematous follicular papules 119f
Erythematous maculopapular eruption 165
Erythematous papular lesions 359f
Erythematous papules 497f
Erythematous patches 10f
Erythematous perifollicular papules 97
Erythematous plaque 354
Erythematous swollen
legs 172f
palms 172f
Erythrasma 122, 282
over axilla 123f
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 121, 355
Erythroderma 228, 426, 475
neonatal 23, 24f, 25f
Erythrokeratodermas 71
Erythrokeratodermia variabilis 71
Erythromycin 124, 186, 418, 419, 464
Erythropoietic porphyria 343, 344f
congenital 342, 344f, 345f
prognosis of 343
Erythropoietic protoporphyria 343, 345f
Eschar 181
Escherichia coli 423
Esophageal erosions 433
Esophageal strictures 466
Esophagus 460
Essential fatty acid deficiency 23
Etanercept 178, 367, 424, 464, 471
Everolimus 263
Exanthematous pustulosis 428, 439f
acute generalized 439
Exanthems of infective etiology 165
Excoriated papules 199f
Excoriation mark 2
Exfoliative cheilitis 485, 485f
Exfoliative dermatitis 245
Extravasation injuries 31f
Eyebrows 386
persistence of 134
Eyelashes 386
Eyelid 348
beading sign 348, 349f
Eyes 513
Fabry's disease 345
angiokeratoma lesions in 346f
Facial asymmetry 84
Facial hemiatrophy 362
pathogenesis of 363
Facial melanosis 293f
Familial chronic nail candidiasis 157
Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome 471
Familial Mediterranean fever 471
Fanconi anemia 295, 296f
Farber's disease 346, 346f
Fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase gene 101
Faun tail nevus 273
Fenoterol 396
Ferrochelatase gene 343
Fetal heart block, treating 358
Fetal hydronephrosis 510
Fibromatoses 444, 480
Fibrous papule of nose 62
Filariasis 48
Filiform 3
Finger nails 409
Fingertip eczema 201
Fixed drug eruption 429, 430f
Flagellate hyperpigmentation 439
Flagellate purpura 439, 440, 440f
Flat-topped violaceous papules 232f
Flaviviridae 171
Flexural eczema, secondary infection in 211f
Flu 514
Fluconazole 149, 432
Fludrocortisone acetate 334
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 490
Fluoroquinolones 430
Flushed cheek 171f
Focal neurological deficits 39
Follicle-stimulating hormone 396
Follicular atrophoderma 444
Follicular keratosis 70f
Follicular keratotic papules 202f
Folliculitis 113, 466
decalvans 380
superficial 113
ulerythematosa reticulata 444
Fonsecaea pedrosoi 161
Food allergy 99, 201, 317
Footwear leukoderma 282f
Forchheimer spots 167
Fordyce disease 503
Fordyce spots 503
over buccal mucosa 504f
over lips 504f
Foreign body reaction 161, 441
Fossa malformations, posterior 41
Fowler's solution 503
Fox-Fordyce disease 424
Fragrance-free 219
Freckling 289
axillary 264
inguinal 266
Frictional lichenoid dermatitis lesions 499, 499f
Frontal baldness 388f
Fulminant hepatic necrosis 338
Fungal infections 113, 161
Furunculosis 113
Fusobacterium necrophorum 122
Gallbladder hydrops 186
Gamma-benzene hexachloride 109, 215
Gardner-Diamond syndrome 484
Gastroenteritis 165
Gastrointestinal manifestations 39
Gastrointestinal symptoms 184, 360
Gastrointestinal tract 252, 342, 489
Gefitinib 396, 418
Gemcitabine 438
Gene therapy 248, 346
Genetic disorders 496
Genital trauma 449
Genital ulceration 466
Genitourinary tract 253
Genodermatoses 66, 456
Geographic tongue 201
German measles 166, 166f
subsiding rash of 167f
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome 172, 173f
Giant lesions 139f
Giant molluscum contagiosum lesions 139f
Gingiva, erythema of 258
Gingival erythema 327
Gingival hyperplasia 395
Glans penis, vitiligo of 278f
Glaucoma 41
Glomerulonephritis 108
Glomus tumor 45
Glottic edema, severe 437
Glucocorticoids, high-dose 516
Gluten sensitive enteropathy 244
Glycoprotein 481
Glycopyrronium bromide 501
Golgi apparatus 105
Goltz syndrome 83, 83f
Gorlin's sign 78, 79f, 360f
Gottron's papules, erythematous 358f
disease 465
reaction 23, 25, 26
Gram stain 113
Granulation tissue 252
Granuloma annulare 508
lesions 509f
multiple lesions of 509f
over dorsum 509f
Granuloma gluteale infantum 21, 192
Granulomatous disease 495
Graves’ disease 473
Greasy papulonodular lesions 61f
Green eccrine
chromhidrosis 502f
hyperhidrosis 501
Griscelli syndrome 399, 399f, 400, 487, 488
Griseofulvin 149
Gross inguinal lymphadenopathy 490f
Growth retardation 342
Growth spurts 441
Guillain-Barré syndrome 169
Günther's disease 342, 343
H syndrome 479
H1N1 influenza 513
Habit tic deformity 408
Haemophilus 321
ducreyi 449
influenzae 321
type B 515
Hailey-Hailey disease 104, 104f
acquired progressive kinking of 389
and nail, diseases of 376
conditioners 391
hypoplasia syndrome 486
in premature canities 387f
loss 460
neonatal 386
regrowth of 376f
shaft 390
abnormalities 392
Hairy pinna 16
Hairy tragus 17f
Halo nevus 283
Hamartomas 511
formation, genetic disorders of 260
yellowish-brown 266
Hand bandages 347
Hand foot syndrome 438
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease 182, 182f, 405
Hansen's disease 133f
Harlequin baby 97f
Harlequin color change 28, 28f
Harlequin fetus 96
Hashimoto-Pritzker disease 327
Headache 165, 324, 369
Healed bullae 503f
Healed livedoid vasculopathy 365f
Hearing defects 84
block, congenital 444
congenital 84, 393
ischemic 406
Helicobacter pylori 369
Hemangioma 34, 41
cutaneous 42
infantile 34, 35f
over face 35f
rectal prolapse 512
Hematohidrosis 500, 500f
diagnosis of 500
Hematological malignancy 473
Hematopoietic stem cell 322
transplantation 486
Heme biosynthesis pathway 343
Hemochromatosis 333
Hemolacria 500
Hemolytic anemia 342, 343
Hemorrhage 324
Hemorrhagic blister 258f
Hemorrhagic bullae 242f
Hemorrhagic lesions 368, 493f
over face 493f
Hemorrhagic papules over face 498f
Henna tattoo 219f
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 187, 312, 369, 369f, 370f
Heparin and warfarin 375
Hepatic abnormalities 344
Hepatitis 186, 302, 357, 374
A 515
B 186, 508, 514, 515
C 508
Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria 343
Hereditary sensory 485
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 289, 289f
Hernias 84
Herpangina 184
Herpes genitalis 141
infection 451
serpiginous ulcer of 453f
Herpes infection 141f
Herpes labialis 142f
vesicular lesions of 140f
Herpes lesions, mucocutaneous localization of 10f
Herpes simplex 140
grouped vesicles of 10f
infection 140
lesions 141f
neonatal 10
virus 113, 156, 451
infection, diagnosis of 220
Herpes zoster 141, 179, 291, 441
ophthalmicus 143f
Herpetic gingivostomatitis 141
Herpetic lesions 10f
Herpetiform 3
configuration 506
Heterochromia iridis 382, 385f
Hidradenitis over axilla 423f
Hidradenitis suppurativa 416, 423, 423f, 489
Hidradenoma 62
Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 66
Hirschsprung's disease 382
Hirsutism 397
Histiocytic disorders 316
Histiocytosis over scalp 328f
Histoid leprosy 131, 135f
Histoid lesions 135f
Hodgkin's disease 472
Hodgkin's lymphoma 48
Homogentisate dioxygenase gene 333
Honeycomb atrophy 444
Horseshoe kidney 84
Howel-Evans syndrome 70, 71
Human herpesvirus 137, 186
Human immunodeficiency virus 329, 426, 451, 464, 472, 506, 508
infection 107, 374
consideration for 158
Human papillomavirus 134, 451
infection 478
Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome 80
Hyaline fibromatosis, juvenile 481
Hyalinosis cutis et mucosae 348
Hydrocortisone 321
Hydroxy acid 90
Hydroxychloroquine 229, 345, 351, 439
Hydroxyzine 319, 326
Hyper IgE syndrome 491
Hypercalcemia 347
Hypercarotenemia 511
Hypercholesterolemia 339
Hyperemia 178
conjunctival 178
Hypereosinophilic syndrome 438, 475
Hyperhidrosis 501
Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome 215, 486, 487, 490
Hyperkeratosis 312
epidermolytic 92, 93f, 94f, 95f
Hyperkeratotic lesions 98f, 99f
Hyperlipidemia, control of 341
Hyperlipoproteinemia 511
Hyperostosis 416
Hyperphosphatemia 347
Hyperpigmentation 199f
Addison's disease 292, 294f
causes of 179
familial, tongue 294
Fanconi anemia 295
idiopathic eruptive macular 297
knuckle and interphalangeal joints in atopics 295
over interphalangeal joints 309f
postinflammatory 238, 291, 292
Hyperpigmented patches 302f
Hypersensitivity syndrome 426
Hypersplenism 344
Hypertension 231, 366
family history of 376
Hyperthyroidism 384
Hypertrichosis 343f, 395, 396
congenital 395
drug induced 396
generalised 395
idiopathic 396
lanuginosa 395
nevoid 395
X-linked dominant 395
Hypertrophic scar 441, 443f
Hypertrophied papillae 178
Hypoalbuminemia 182, 411
Hypocalcemia 489
Hypochondriasis 312
Hypoglycemia 38
Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 66f
Hypomelanosis of Ito 271, 271f
Hypomelanotic streaks over abdomen 271f
Hypopigmentation, postinflammatory 7f, 138, 275, 292f
Hypopigmented patches 302f
Hypoplastic kidney 84
Hypotension 178, 182, 324
Hypothyroidism 338
Hypotrichosis 389
Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, deficiency of 346
Ibuprofen 433
Ice-pick scars 417
Ichthyosiform erythroderma, congenital 156
Ichthyosis 23, 390
self-improving congenital 93
vulgaris 86, 88f, 206f
Idiopathic eruptive macular hyperpigmentation 297, 297f
Idiopathic eruptive macular hypomelanosis 291
Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis 284, 284f
Idiopathic striae distensae 441, 441f, 442f
over axilla and shoulders 441f
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 371, 372f
deficiency, congenital 516
dysregulation 492
mediated cutaneous reactions 426
thrombocytopenia 488
thrombocytopenic purpura 312
Immunodeficiency disorder 464, 472, 486
Immunodeficiency syndrome 215
Immunofluorescence antibody test 182
Immunoglobulin 11
deficiencies 487
intravenous 178, 358
replacement 486
Immunological function 1
Immunosuppressants 464
Immunosuppressive drugs 494
Impetigo 114, 161
bullosa 116f
Incontinentia pigmenti 156, 268, 269f
papulovesicular of 270f
patches of 270f
verrucous stage of 270f
Indeterminate leprosy 130
Indirect immunofluorescence testing 255
Indirect immunoperoxidase test 182
Indomethacin 229
Infantile digital fibromatosis 497, 498f, 499f
lesions 499f
Infantile gluteal granuloma 21, 21f
Infantile perianal pyramidal protrusion 511
Infantile pustular psoriasis 229
Infantile pyramidal perineal protrusion 512f
Infantile seborrheic dermatitis 2325, 194, 196f, 197f
prognosis of 195
Infantile systemic hyalinosis 85, 480, 480f
bacterial 431
candidal 158
secondary 197
severe 11
Infiltrated asymptomatic plaque 163f
Infiltrated red scaly papules 327f
Inflammatory bowel disease 374, 492
Inflammatory dermatosis 449
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus 60
Inflammatory papules 107f
and pustules 4f, 113f, 148f
Inflammatory skin 199
ulcers 492
Infliximab 367
Influenza 515
immunization 515
vaccine 515
Infraorbital folds 201
Ingrown toe nail 406
Inherited ichthyosis 86, 86f
classification of 87t
Inorganic arsenic 503
Insect bite
blister 258f
reaction 142f, 258
Insomnia 448
Insulin injection 473
Intermediate density lipoproteins 340
Internet generation 458
Intertrigo 5
Candida 150
of inguinal folds 7f
Intractable diarrhea 480
Intralesional steroids 464, 470
Intralesional triamcinolone 411
acetonide 421
injection 332
Ipex syndrome 487, 491
Irritable bowel syndrome 422
Irritant contact dermatitis 217
Irritant dermatitis 192, 193f
neonatal 18
treatment of acute 192
Isoniazid 433
Isotretinoin 418
Itchy papules 200
Itraconazole 149
Jacquet's dermatitis 191, 191f
development of 192
Jadassohn-Pellizzari anetoderma 446
Janus kinase inhibitors 379
Japanese encephalitis 515
Jewels appearance, cluster of 241, 243f
Jewels sign, cluster of 241
Job's syndrome, extensive abscesses in 490f
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa 251
generalized 251
inversa 251
late onset 251
pyloric atresia 251
severe generalized 251
subtypes of 252t
Juvenile plantar dermatitis 204f
classical lesion of 204f
Juvenile systemic sclerosis 360
diagnosis of 362t
Kaposi sarcoma 48
hemangiopericytoma 478
Kaposi varicelliform eruption 208
Kawasaki disease 124, 174, 175, 175f177f, 182, 405, 438
atypical 178
incomplete 178
Kawasaki syndrome 178
Keloid 442
over abdomen 443f
over chin 443f
Keloidal lesions in acne 417
Keratinization, disorders of 86, 513
Keratinocytes 218, 279, 439
apoptosis, intravenous immunoglobulin 433
Keratitis 157
ichthyosis-deafness syndrome 98, 100f
Keratoacanthoma 447
Keratoconjunctivitis 141
Keratoderma 252
diffuse 67
focal 70
Keratolysis exfoliativa 209f
congenita 104
Keratosis pilaris 201, 202f
atrophicans 380
Keratosis rubra pilaris 201
Keratotic papules 308f
Kerion, multiple lesions of 149f
KID syndrome 98
Kidney 460
Killed and component vaccines 514
Kimura's disease 44
Kindler syndrome 81, 82f, 246, 251
Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome 40, 40f, 393
Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome 43
Koenen's tumor 263f
Koilonychia 405
Koplik's spots 165
Kwashiorkor 305f, 306f
Kytococcus sedentarius 123
Labia minora hypoplasia 84
Lamellar ichthyosis 23, 90, 90f
Lamotrigine 437
Langerhans cell 218
histiocytosis 156, 327
nodular lesions of 328f
over back 327f
Large cavernous lesions 38
Large necrotic aphthous ulcer 507f
Laron syndrome 389
Larva migrans 111
cutaneous 111
Laryngo-oculo-cutaneous syndrome 251
Laryngotracheobronchitis 165
ablation 40
therapy 262
Laterothoracic exanthema, unilateral 184
Lax skin, elasticity of 77f
Legionella 489
Legius syndrome 266
Leiner's disease 23, 26, 156
Leiomyoma 45, 62, 65
cutaneous 63, 64
Leishmania braziliensis 161
Leishmania donovani 161, 163
Leishmania mexicana 161
Leishmania tropica, leishmania major 161
Leishmaniasis 161
disseminated cutaneous 131
Lentigines 54, 336
Leopard syndrome 54, 55f
Lepromatous leprosy 130, 133f, 134f
diffuse 130
infiltrated 130
Lepromatous nodules 134
Leprosy 127, 128, 291
borderline lepromatous 130
borderline tuberculoid 130
histoid 131
indeterminate 130
lepromatous 130
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 346, 347f
Leser-Trélat sign 479, 480f
classical 341f
over knee 509f
over shoulder 493f
primary 2
secondary 2
special 2
chemical 282
punctate 403
Leuconychia, total 403
lymphoblastic 474f, 475f
myelogenous 295
myeloid 474
eosinophilic 476f
myelogenous 475
cutis 473
Leukocyte adhesion
defect 486
deficiencies 487, 492, 493
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis 369, 371
Leukoderma syphiliticum 449
Leukonychia 68, 98, 225, 227f
Leukopenia 354
Leukoplakia 460
Lichen nitidus 237
lesions 238f
Lichen planopilaris 240
Lichen planus 232, 234f, 236, 239f, 275, 380, 513
actinicus 238
classical lesions of 232f
lesions 233f
nail 233
oral 233
Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus 285, 286f, 512
vulva 288f
lesions of 287f
Lichen scrofulosorum 237
Lichen spinulosus 238, 239f
Lichen striatus 60, 289, 290f
Lichenification 2
Lichenified eczema, chronic 210f
Lichenoid component 291f
Lichenoid keratosis 480
Lichenoid skin-colored papules 499f
Limb edema 358
Linear lichen planus 60, 291
Linear morphea 362
Linear porokeratosis 60, 105f
Lines of Blaschko 102, 272
licker's dermatitis 194, 195f
vitiligo 277f
Lipid profile, abnormal 496
Lipoatrophy 350
Lipodystrophy 350, 358
Lipofilling 363
Lipoid proteinosis 131, 348, 348f
Lipomas 511
Lipoprotein defects 340t
Lisch nodules 266
Listeria monocytogenes 156
Lithium 229
Live vaccines 514
Live-attenuated vaccines 515, 516
Live-attenuated virus 515
Livedo reticularis 369, 473, 476
Livedoid vasculopathy 363, 365f
Liver 341, 342
disease 511
Localized scleroderma 380
Loose anagen hair syndrome 391, 392f
Louse infestation 109
Low back pain
chronic 510
symptoms of 510
Low blood
glucose 335
pressure 335
Low-calcium dialysate 347
Low-density lipoproteins 340
Low-grade fever 184
Lumbar syndrome 36
Lung 127, 341
Lupus erythematosus 240, 351, 352, 355, 377, 380
acute cutaneous 352, 355
bullous 356
chilblain 354
chronic cutaneous 352, 354
discoid 351, 351f, 352, 352f, 353f, 354
lichenoid discoid 354
linearis 354
neonatal 356
nonspecific lesions 356
panniculitis 354
pigmented 354
plaque of discoid 478f
subacute cutaneous 357f
systemic 351, 353f, 354, 464, 475
telangiectoides 354
tumidus 354
Lupus hair 356
Lupus nephritis 356
Lupus vulgaris 125, 126f
Lusterless brownish hairs and alopecia 311f
Luteinizing hormone 396
Lyell's syndrome 433
Lymphadenopathy 179, 186
dermatopathic 231
Lymphangioma circumscriptum 48, 48f, 49f
Lymphangitis 48, 118, 119f
acute 118
over forearm 119f
Lymphedema 48
congenital 48
praecox 48, 50
primary 48
secondary 48
tarda 48, 50
Lymphocytic infiltrative pneumonia 495
Lymphoedema 404
Lymphoepithelial kazal-type-related inhibitor 99
Lymphogranuloma venereum 48
Lymphohistiocytosis, hemophagocytic 477
Lymphoma 438
Lymphomatoid papulosis 475
Macrocheilitis 469
Macroglossia 473
Macular dystrophy, juvenile 389
Macule 2
Maculopapular eruptions 428
Maculopapular lesions 166f
Maculopapular rash 178f, 429f
Majocchi's granuloma 113
Mal de Meleda 68
Malaise 165
Malassezia furfur 194
Malformed hair bulbs 391
Malignancies, cutaneous 459
Malignant melanoma 477, 477f
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors 267
Marasmic kwashiorkor 307
Marasmus 305
dry lusterless skin of 306f
Marie Unna hereditary hypotrichosis 401, 402f
Massage, role of 33
Mast cell 316
sarcoma 326
Mastocytosis 322
classification of 326b
cutaneous 326
diffuse cutaneous 23, 324, 325f
lesions 323f
types of 324
Maternal rubella 168
McCune-Albright syndrome 268, 269f, 314
Measles 165, 182, 515
management in 166
treatment of 166
Mechanobullous disorders 246
Meckel's diverticulum 11
Median nail dystrophy 406, 407f, 408
Median raphe cyst 28, 28f
Melanocyte 279
stimulating hormone 293
Melanocytic nevi, congenital 51, 283, 395
Melanocytic nevus 51, 51f
Melanoma 45
classic signs of 477
detection of 403
Melanonychia striata 410, 411f
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome 464, 465f
Meningitis 438
Meningomyelocele 274, 274f
management in 274
Menkes disease 389, 390, 393
Menkes kinky hair disease 393, 394f
Mental retardation 382
Metabolic disorders 23, 333, 396
Metabolic syndrome 459
Methicillin 229
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection 113
Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus 120
Methotrexate 212, 230, 275, 355, 366, 368, 375, 411, 464, 479, 514
Methylprednisolone 321
Metronidazole 418, 422, 430, 437, 464, 470
Mevalonate kinase deficiency 471
Mickey mouse ears 75
Micrognathia 392
Microphthalmia 84
audouinii 145
canis 144, 145
ferrugineum 145
gypseum 145
nanum 145
Mid-face toddler excoriation syndrome 485, 485f
Migratory glossitis, benign 201
Mikulicz ulcers 506
Milia 2, 5f, 156, 502
over pinna 502f
Miliaria 5, 156, 184
crystallina 6
rubra 6
and pustulosa 8f
Miliarial eczema 217, 218f
Milroy's disease 48, 49
Minocycline 410, 470
Minoxidil 387
lotion 386
Mites 215, 418
Mitochondrial disorders 389
Mitten-like deformity 248f
Mixed porphyrias 343
Molluscum contagiosum 134, 135, 447, 452, 453, 486
multiple umbilicated papules of 138f
perianal 452
Mongolian spot 3
Monilethrix 382
Mononuclear cell infiltrate 428
Moon's mulberry molars 13
Morbilliform rash 165, 466
Morphea 361
Motor incoordination 382
Muckle-Wells syndrome 471
Mucocutaneous candidiasis 156f
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 161
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome 175
Mucosal cysts 507
Mucosal cysts lip 508f
Mucosal ulcers 476
Mucous membranes, lesions of 460
Muehrcke's nails 410
Muehrcke's nails, white bands of 411f
Multibacillary leprosy 131
Multidrug therapy 127
Multinucleated giant cells 168, 220
Multiorgan dysfunction, disease of 491
Multiorgan hypersensitivity syndrome 437
Multiple alopecia patches 148f
Multiple carboxylase deficiency 23, 194
Multiple erythematous papules 214f
Multiple minute digitate hyperkeratosis 239
Multiple myeloma 374
Multiple proinflammatory cytokines 176
Multiple ringworm 140f
Multiple sulfatase deficiency 350, 350f
Multisystem neuroectodermal disorders 392
Mumps vaccine 515
Munchausen syndrome by proxy 484
Mupirocin 114
fusidic acid 119
Musculoskeletal system 303
Myalgia 179, 186, 452
Mycobacterial infection, atypical 127
marinum 461
tuberculosis 127, 463
Mycophenolate 514
mofetil 212, 396
Mycoplasma 439
pneumoniae 186
Mycosis fungoides 404, 475
Myelodysplasia 374
Myelodysplastic syndrome 472
Myelofibrosis 479
Myiasis 161
Myocarditis 165
Myositis 438, 466
Myxedema 473
N-acetylcysteine 214
Nail 31
disorders 406
dystrophy 433
involvement 252
pitting 406
psoriasis 225
shedding 412
Napkin dermatitis 191, 191f, 192
hypopigmentation 191
management 192
Napkin psoriasis 223
Nappy rash 31
Narrowband ultraviolet B 140
Nausea 324
Naxos disease 382, 383f
Neck lesions 79f
Necklace of Venus 449
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum 335, 336f
Necrosis, cutaneous 348f
Necrotic keratinocytes 240
Necrotic purpura 369
Necrotizing fasciitis 120
lesions of 121f
Necrotizing vasculitis 363, 365f, 476
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 448
Nekam's disease 240, 240f
Neonatal hemangiomatosis, diffuse 42, 43f
Neonatal milia 4, 4f
en plaque 5f
Neonatal varicella 11
diagnosis of 11
Neoplastic histiocytic disorder 327
Netherton's syndrome 23, 93, 99, 101f, 358, 390, 391f, 393, 394
Neuroblastomas 511
Neurocutaneous disorders 260, 303
Neurofibroma over palm 267f
Neurofibromatosis 134, 264, 267f
Neurological system 342
Neuropathy, severe 437
Neuropsychiatric abnormalities 348
Neuropsychotherapeutic drugs 418
Neutropenia 393
Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome 123
Nevoid hypertrichosis 395, 396f
Nevus anemicus 285, 286f
Nevus comedonicus 62
Nevus depigmentosus 284, 284f, 285f
Nevus lipomatosus superficialis 62, 63f
Nevus of Ito 50
Nevus of Ota 50, 50f
Nevus sebaceous 60, 62, 62f
Nevus spilus 55
Newborn skin, care of 30
Nicotinic acid 310
Nifedipine 360
Nikolsky's sign 8, 436f
positive 436f
Nimesulide 433
Nipple eczema 207f, 208f
Nocardia asteroides 158
Nocardia brasiliensis 158
Nocardiosis 158, 160f
NOD2 gene 471
Nodular adrenal hyperplasia 336
Nodular lepromatous leprosy 130
Nodular lesion 192, 164f
Nodular prurigo 197
Nodules 471
Noma 121
neonatorum 122
Nonadhesive dressings 246
Nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma 90
Nonbullous ichthyosiform erythroderma 23, 90, 92f
Nonhistaminergic angioedema 321
Nonimmune cutaneous reactions 426
Nonimmunologic reactions 427
Non-involuting congenital hemangioma 37
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
agent 368, 472
drugs 143, 188, 231, 316, 355, 427, 465
Noonan syndrome 442
Norwegian scabies 107, 109
Nummular eczema 200f
Nystagmus 46, 84
Obesity 5, 347
Obsessive compulsive disorders 483
Occipital alopecia 381, 382f
neonatal 382f
Ochronotic axial arthropathy 333
Ocular choristoma 57
Oculocutaneous albinism 2, 288, 288f
Oligophrenia 444
Olmsted syndrome 68
Omenn syndrome 23
Omeprazole 396
Omphalitis 11
Onychocryptosis 406
Onychodystrophy 225
Onychogryphosis 406
Onycholysis 406, 408f
Onychomadesis 406, 412, 413f, 414f
Onychomycosis 412, 413
white superficial 414f
Onychophagia 483
Onychotillomania 483
Ophiasis 377
inversus 377
Opportunistic infections 473
Optic disc 58
Oral acitretin treatment 254f
Oral antihistamines 318
Oral antistaphylococcal antibiotics 217
Oral aphthous stomatitis 466
Oral candidiasis 157f
severe 491f
Oral corticosteroid 35f, 358
Oral mucosa
lesions 183f
lichen planus of 235f
mucosal cysts of 507
Oral poliomyelitis vaccine 515
Oral poliovirus vaccine 514
Oral prednisone 470
Oral retinoids 421
role of 236
Oral steroids 275, 355, 464
Oral thrush 154, 491
Oral ulcers 358
Orange-brown chromonychia 177f
Orchitis 438
Orofacial granulomatosis 469
Orthostatic hypotension 334
Osteopenia 393
Osteosclerosis 393
Pacemaker 358
Pachydermoperiostosis 442
Pachyonychia congenita 70, 70f
Pacinomas 511
Paederus dermatitis 258
Pain, abdominal 186, 310
Palatal hemorrhagic rash 166f
Palatal ulcer 245f
Palmar erythema 359f
Palmar keratoderma 68f
Palmar lesions 434f, 439f, 503
Palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia 438
Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis 501, 501f
Palmoplantar keratoderma 66, 67, 239, 251, 252
diffuse 71f
Palmoplantar lesions 182f
Palmoplantar psoriasis 225
Palmoplantar punctate keratoderma 123
Palmoplantar warts 123
Palms, fissuring of 438
Pancytopenia 479
Panitumumab 396, 418
Pansclerotic morphea 361, 363f
Papillary dermis 440
Papillomatous elevations 459
Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome 68, 70f
Papular acrodermatitis 172, 184
Papular purpuric gloves 186
Papular urticaria 197, 197f, 198f
lesions 197
Papular-purpuric gloves 187f
Papule 2, 438
Papuloerosive lesion 192
Papulonecrotic lesions 476
Papulonecrotic tuberculid 127
Papulosquamous disorders 223
Paraffin 363
Parainfluenza virus 172, 184
Parakeratotic cells 406
Paramyxovirus 165
Parathyroid glands, hypoplasia of 489
Parkes-Weber syndrome 40, 41f
Paronychia 152, 405
acute 153f
chronic 155f, 414, 415f
Parotitis 438
Parry-Romberg syndrome 362
Parvovirus B19 369
Pastia's lines 186
Patchy pigmentation 272
Pathergy test, positive 466
Pearls, string of 241
Pediatric internists 364
Pediatric psoriasis 231
Pediculosis 109
capitis 109
corporis 109, 111f
pubis 110, 111f
Pediculus humanus capitis 109
Pediculus humanus corporis 109
Peeling skin syndrome 103, 103f
Pellagra 310, 333
skin lesions 311f
drug induced 254
foliaceus 254, 255f, 256
vegetans 105
vulgaris 254, 255f, 256f
Penicillamine 396, 397
Penicillin 26, 229, 428, 432
Penicillinase-resistant antistaphylococcal agent 174
Penicillium 329
Pentoxifylline 464
Perianal cellulitis 124
Perianal condyloma acuminata 451f
Perianal molluscum contagiosum 452, 453f
Perianal streptococcal dermatitis 124, 125f
Pericardium 30, 341
Perifollicular erythema 201
Perifolliculitis capitis 149
Periodic blood 497
Periodic fever syndrome 471
Periodontitis 70f
Perioral dermatitis 418
Perioral skin 326f
Periorificial dermatitis 418
Peripheral neuropathy 366
Periporitis 114, 115f
Periungual fibroma 260, 263f
Pernicious anemia 275, 377, 384
Perniosis 473
Perspiration 165
Pertussis 515
Petechial eruptions 343
Petechial macules 167
Petechial spots 486
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome 54, 56, 57f, 58f
PHACES syndrome 30, 41, 42, 42f
Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis 46, 46f, 393
classification of 46t
Pharyngitis, chronic 67
Phenylketonuria 216
signs of 216
Phenytoin 346, 396, 432, 437, 462
Phialophora verrucosa 161
Phlebotomy 345
Photophobia 165, 179
Photosensitivity pigmentation 333
Phototoxic reaction, acute 289f
Phrynoderma 239, 308
Phycomycosis 159
subcutaneous 161f
Phylloid pattern 303f
Physiological exfoliation 17
Phytanoyl-coenzyme A hydroxylase 102
Piebaldism 382, 385f
treatment of 383
Pigmentary demarcation lines 300
Pigmentary disorders 275
Pigmentary mosaicism 272, 272f, 302, 302f, 303f
hyperpigmentation 302f
hypopigmentation 302f
Pigmentation persists 271
Pigmented purpuric
dermatitis 47f
dermatoses 46
Pigmented xerodermoid 76
Pili annulati 390
Pili torti 389
Piloleiomyoma 62, 64
Pilomatricoma 394
Pimecrolimus 209, 276, 419
Pinched mask facies 361f
Pitted keratolysis 123, 124f
Pityriasis alba 152, 201, 202f, 291
Pityriasis amiantacea 223, 385, 387f
Pityriasis lichenoides 367, 368
acute 368
chronic 368
chronica 367f, 368
et varioliformis acuta 127, 244, 368
etiology of 367
Pityriasis rosea 137, 152, 184
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 23, 97, 239
Pityriasis versicolor 151, 153f, 282
hypopigmented macules of 152f
Pityrosporum 424
folliculitis 424, 425f
ovale 113
yeast 417
Plane xanthoma over elbows 341f
Plantar dermatosis, juvenile 203, 203f
Plantar keratoderma 69f, 70f, 383f
diffuse 68f
Plantar lesions 183f
Plantar psoriasis 226f
Plantar warts 137f
Plaque 2
Plasma cells 479
Plethoric facies 336
Plexiform neurofibroma 265, 266
Pneumonia 165, 168, 433
Poikiloderma 358, 466, 475
Poliomyelitis, inactivated 515
Poliovirus vaccine 172
nodosa 366
prognosis of 367
Polyclonal B-cell activation 175
Polyendocrine deficiency syndrome 334
Polyhydramnios 510
Polymerase chain reaction 127
Polymorphous light eruption 505
Polymorphous rash 176f
Polythelia 17
Pompholyx 204
lesions over palms 205f
Porcelain-whitish plaque 362f
Porokeratosis 105, 106f
behind ear 105f
over palm 105f
Porphyria 342
acute 343
classification of 343t
congenital erythropoietic 342
cutanea tarda 343, 344
cutaneous 333, 343
types of 342
Port-wine stain 40
Post-burn keloid 444f
Post-hand-foot-mouth disease 405
Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation 292
Postinflammatory hypopigmentation 152, 291
Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis 131, 163, 164f
Postnatal hair 386
hydroxide 453
iodide 229
Potent steroids 351
Potentially life-threatening disease 375
Pox-like scars 417
P-phenylenediamine 219
Prednisolone 359
Premature ageing syndromes 384
Premature canities 383, 387f
Premature keratinization 391
Prenatal screening 358
Pretibial myxedema 473
Prevotella intermedia 122
Primary anetoderma 446, 446f
Primary immunodeficiency 194
diseases 486
disorder 372, 486
treatment of 494
high risk for of 486b
Primidone 437
Pristinamycin 439
Progeria 80, 81f, 442
Progressive symmetric erythrokeratoderma 73, 73f
Progressive systemic sclerosis 360
Promethazine 326
Prominent hair
abnormalities 87
follicles 381f
Prominent neurologic signs 87
Prophylaxis 166, 167, 168
acnes 416
propionicum 158
Propranolol 229
Propylene glycol 90
Prosector's wart 126
Prostaglandin E1 396
Protective creams 33
energy malnutrition 305
replacement therapy 248
Proteus syndrome 82, 83f
Pruriginous papules 476
Pruritus 473
Pseudoainhum 68
Pseudolymphoma 438
Pseudomonas 329, 406
aeruginosa 113, 116, 248, 423
Pseudomonilethrix 382
Pseudopapillary growth 50
Pseudopelade 379f, 380
Pseudotumor cerebri 236
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 77
Pseudoxanthomatous mastocytosis 324
Psoralen 332
ultraviolet-A 475
Psoriasiform lesions 357f, 492f
Psoriasis 23, 219, 224f, 230f, 275, 358, 414, 513
childhood 223
chronic plaque 223
diaper 224
drug induced 228
eruptive 223
erythrodermic 228
extensive 227f
extracutaneous involvement in 231
flexural 225f
follicular 223
generalized pustular 231
guttate 223, 225f, 226f
infantile 194
and juvenile pustular 229
inverse 123, 223
like lesions 69
napkin 223
nevoid 60
over scalp 224f
scalp 225
small plaque of 223
treatment modalities of 229
types of 223
vulgaris 223f
lesions of 223f
Zumbusch 229
Psoriatic arthritis 231, 231f
Psoriatic arthropathy 231
Psoriatic erythroderma 228f
neonatal 24
Psychiatric disorders
primary 482
secondary 482
Psychodermatoses 482
Psychogenic purpura 484, 500
Psychophysiologic disorders 482
Pterygium unguis 409, 410f
Pthirus pubis 109
Pubic hair 441
Pulmonary tuberculosis 404
Punctate leukonychia 403, 404f
Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma 71, 72f
fulminans 46, 47f, 48f
management in 48
urticaria 367
Purpuric spots 486
Pustular lesions 466
Pustular psoriasis 231
lesions 230f
juvenile 229
Pustule 2, 471
Pustulosis 416
Pyoderma 149
gangrenosum 472, 472f, 473, 492
Pyogenic arthritis 416, 472
Pyogenic granuloma 44
Pyogenic infections, chronic 67
Pyogenic lesions, multiple healed 488f
Q-switched ruby laser 54
Quarantine 190
Quinolones 439
Raccoon eye 356
Rapamycin 262
Rash over face 180f
Raynaud's phenomenon 356, 360, 366, 369
Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa 249, 253
Recurrent bacterial cellulitis 48
Red blood cell 282
Red cell aplasia 479
Red facial erythema 188
Red lunula 225
Red scaly baby 23
Red strawberry tongue 186
Redundant skin over face 77f
Refsum disease 102
Reiter's disease 67, 465, 467f, 468f
treatment for 465
Relapsing polychondritis 472
Renal angiomyolipoma 263
Renal disease 511
Renal failure 405
Repigmenting vitiligo 277f
Resolving Gottron's papules 359f
Respiratory disorders 404
Respiratory syncytial virus 172, 189
Respiratory tract 253
infections 431, 461
Restrictive dermopathy 84, 84f
Reticulate acropigmentation of Kitamura 299
Reticulocytopenia 479
Reticulohistiocytosis 131
Retinoid 236, 240
dermatitis 236
Rheumatic fever, acute 186
Rheumatoid arthritis 48
Rhinophyma 421, 422f
Rhodobacter sphaeroides 214
Riboflavin 308
deficiency 308
red lips of 308f
red tongue of 309f
Ribonucleic acid 165
Richner-Hanhart syndrome 70
Rickettsial disease 179, 181f
classical lesions of 181f
purpuric lesions of 181f
Rickettsial illnesses 179
Rickettsial infection 181, 182
Rickettsial pox lesions 181f
Rifampicin 433
Rifaximin in rosacea, role of 422
Ritter's disease 7, 156
Rituximab 464, 514
RMRP gene 488
Rosacea 48, 131, 416, 421, 422f
treatment of 421
Rosai-Dorfman disease 479
Rosenau's depression 406
Rotavirus 321
vaccines 515
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome 80
Rowell's syndrome 354
diagnosis of 355
Rubber antioxidants 194
Rubber bluish nipple lesions 39
Rubella 166
maternal 167
petechial macules, palate 167
suboccipital lymph nodes 167
vaccination 167
Rubeola 165, 515
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 442
Russell's sign 473
Ruxolitinib 477
Sabouraud's agar 159
Sacred ritual, part of 224f
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 510, 511, 511f
diagnosis of 510
management in 511
signs of 510
symptoms of 510
Saddle-nose deformity 13
Salivary glands, minor 507
Salmon patch 34, 34f
Salt and pepper appearance 76
Sarcoidal granuloma 420
Sarcoidosis 48, 131, 134, 161, 291, 464, 470
Sarcoptes scabiei 107, 215
Sash pattern 272
Scabetic burrows 107f
Scabies 107, 220, 244
secondary infections of 108
with eczematization 215
Scabietic eczema 216f
Scabietic nodules over scrotum 108f
Scales 2
Scalp 31, 386
dissecting cellulitis of 380
psoriasis 149, 225
Scaly eczematous
lesions 305f
plaques 333f
Scarlantiniform rash 178
Scarlet fever 178, 184, 185f
Scarring 343f
and psoriasiform scaling 248f
Scars 441
over back 349f
Scattered white hairs 386f
Schamberg's disease 46
Schizophrenia 483
Schmidt's syndrome 334
Schweninger-Buzzi anetoderma 446
Sclerema neonatorum 16, 16f
Sclerocornea 84
Scleroderma 80, 361, 361f
Sclerodermoid changes 81f
Scratch mark 2
Scrofuloderma 126
Scrub typhus 182
Scurvy 312
tongue in 312f
Sebaceous gland hyperplasia 20
Sebaceous hyperplasia 20f
Seborrheic alopecia 380, 381f
Seborrheic dermatitis 149, 225, 240, 358, 473
Seborrheic keratoses 403, 447, 480
Secretan's syndrome 49
Secretory function 1
Sedlackova syndrome 489
Segmental vitiligo 276f
Seizure 39, 41, 369
disorders 262
Self-healing collodion baby 96f
Sensorineural hearing loss 84
Septicemia 433
Serratia marcescens 489
Serum creatine phosphokinase 121
Serum sickness 436, 437f, 438
Severe acne 417
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 188, 189
Severe combined immunodeficiency 216, 487, 492
Sexual abuse 448
Sexually transmitted
disease 448, 449
infection 449
Shagreen patch 261, 262f
Short-contact dithranol therapy 230
Silicone 363
Silvery gray hair syndromes 398
Sinoatrial nodes 356
Sinopulmonary infections 487
Sinus tracts 423
Sirolimus 418
Sjögren-Larsson syndrome 93, 99, 102f
Skeletal hyperostosis, diffuse 236
Skin 513
abscesses 486
and neonatal dermatoses, basics of 1
atrophy over axilla 445f
biopsy 371, 428
care 3032
changes 390
of scurvy 312f
color of 1, 2t
diseases 457f, 459
disorders 495
eruptions 179
failure, state of 228
fragility syndromes 250
function of 1
idiopathic deciduous 104
infiltrated 349f
lesions 197, 460, 463
basic morphology of 2
classical 100f
configuration of 3
diagnosis of 448
differential diagnosis of 449t
secondary 473
malignancy, types of 74f
phototypes 2, 2t
stretching of 441
structure of 1
tags 496
types 1
waxy infiltration of 349f
Slapped cheek appearance 188, 188f
Sleep apnea 485
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth 422
Snail-track ulcer 450
Socks syndrome 186, 187f
Sodium thiosulfate 347
Soft silky hairs 273
Solitary angioleiomyoma 64
Solitary mammary leiomyomas 64
Solitary mastocytoma 322, 323f
Sorafenib 438
Spastic paraplegia 102f
Spina bifida 51, 273, 394
Spinal dysraphism 22, 274
Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma 478
Spironolactone 387, 396
Spleen 341
Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon 158, 160
Splinter hemorrhages 476
Spongiform pustules 257
Sporotrichosis 159
Spotted fever 179, 182
Squamous cell carcinoma 62, 253, 403, 447, 478, 478f
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 7, 9f, 23, 173, 174, 174f
upper extremities in 9f
Staphylococcal scarlet fever 179
Staphylococcus aureus 7, 9, 30, 113, 179, 191, 208, 248, 489, 495
infection 220
Staphylococcus epidermidis 30, 248
STAT3 deficiency 491
Steatocystoma multiplex 507, 507f
Steatocystoma simplex 507
Sternum 30
Steroid 254
induced atrophy 445f
induced rosacea 422f
modified tinea 148f
sulfatase enzyme, deficiency of 89
therapy 514b
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 178, 412, 413f, 426, 427, 432, 435f
Stewart-Treves syndrome 50
Stiff skin syndrome 85, 85f
Stork bite 34
Strabismus 84
Strawberry tongue 178, 185f, 186
Streptococcus 185, 374
pharyngitis 186
pyogenes 184
Streptomyces mediterrane 422
Streptomycin 396
Striae 441
Sturge-Weber syndrome 41
Subacute eczema 200f, 210f
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 39
Subcorneal pustular dermatoses 256, 257f
lesions 257f
Subcutaneous fat necrosis 14, 15f
Subcutaneous nodules 346f
Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma 476
Subcutaneous phycomycosis 161f
Subcutaneous zygomycosis 159
Subepidermal bullae 245f
Subsiding miliaria 8f
Subungual hyperkeratosis 68, 227, 465
Sucking blister 10, 10f
Sulfapyridine 241, 257
Sulfasalazine 355
Sulfonamides 430, 432, 433, 439, 462
Supernumerary nipples 17
Sutton's aphthous ulcer 507f
Sutton's ulcers 506
Sweet's syndrome 371, 374, 463, 463f, 473, 506
criteria for 464t
disorders with 464t
Sycosis barbae 113, 118
Syndet soap 204
Synovitis 416
Syphilis 156, 374
congenital 12
primary 449
secondary 449
Syphilitic chancre, primary 450f
Systemic corticosteroids 366, 479
Systemic diseases 459
Systemic disorders 275
Systemic leukocytoclastic vasculitis 365f
Systemic mastocytosis 326
Systemic retinoids 411
Systemic scleroderma 380
Systemic sclerosis 362
Systemic steroids, role of 438
Systemic therapy 123, 355
Tachycardia 324
Tacrolimus 275, 283, 379
Takayasu's arteritis 472
Tannerella 122
Targetoid lesions 177, 184
Tazarotene 229, 230, 418
deficiency 515
gene 477
lymphoma 26, 475, 476f
Telangiectasia 2, 45, 45f
generalized essential 45
Telogen effluvium 387
Temporal triangular alopecia 393, 393f
Tendinous xanthomas 340
Teratomas 274
Terbinafine 149, 229, 432, 439
Terra firma-forme dermatosis 508, 510, 510f
Testes 341
Testosterone into dihydrotestosterone 380
Tetanus 508, 515
toxoid 514
Tetracycline 124, 368, 419, 422, 430, 433
Thalidomide 355
Thallium toxicity 386
Thermal burn of skin 32f
Thick-everted lips 67f
Thigh dermatitis, posterior 204
Thrombocytopenia 182
secondary 372
Thrombocytopenic purpura 168
primary 500
Thrombosis 369
Thyroid 460
disease 233, 358
disorders 406, 473
Thyroiditis 377, 438
Tin tack sign 354
amiantacea 385
capitis 113, 145, 282
inflammatory type of 147
corporis 143, 144f, 358
over hands 146f
cruris et corporis 123
faciei 143, 147f
favosa 147
incognito 145
infections 184
manuum 146f, 149
pedis 123, 146f, 149, 152f
versicolor 123
Tinidazole 430
Toad skin 308
Tocilizumab 464, 479
Toes, resorption of 81f
Tofacitinib 379
familial hyperpigmentation of 294
lesion 507f
Topical calcineurin inhibitor 145
Topical calcipotriol 90, 230
Topical capsaicin 199
Topical corticosteroid 145, 351
Topical mupirocin 124
Topical oligodeoxynucleotides 214
Topical potent corticosteroids 361
Topical rapamycin, low-dose 262
Topical steroid
induced cutaneous atrophy 444
mild 195
Topical tacrolimus 209
Topical tetracycline 506
Topical therapy 123, 355
Topical tretinoin 441
Total leukonychia 403, 405f
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 433, 466
Toxic erythema 4, 6f
Toxic palmar erythema 438
Toxic palmoplantar erythema 438f
Toxic rash, severity of 439t
Toxic shock syndrome 23, 178, 178f, 179
Toxoplasma gondii 464
Trachoma 455
Trachyonychia 411, 412
Tractional alopecia 380
Transaminitis, asymptomatic 357
Transcutaneous oxygen monitors 32
Transient neonatal pustular melanosis 20, 20f, 156
Treponema pallidum 12, 449, 464
Trichodysplasia spinulosa 239
Trichoepithelioma 508, 509f
types of 508
mentagrophytes 144
rubrum 144, 412
tonsurans 144
verrucosum 144
Trichorrhexis invaginata 100f, 391, 391f
Trichorrhexis nodosa 390, 390f
Trichoscopy 403
Trichostasis spinulosa 21, 21f
Trichothiodystrophy 76, 93, 392
Trichotillomania 149, 380, 381f, 483
Triglycerides 340
Trimethylpsoralen 275
Trisomy 18 17
True hematohidrosis 500
Tsutsugamushi disease 179
Tuberculosis 334
verrucosa cutis 126, 129f
Tuberous sclerosis 63, 263f, 496
complex 260
diagnostic criteria of 264b
management in 263
Tuberous xanthoma over elbows 338f
necrosis factor 436
alpha 379
yellowish 336
Turner syndrome 393, 442
Twenty-nail dystrophy 227, 411
Twin spotting 396
Tylosis with esophageal cancer 71
Tyrosinase kinase inhibitors 418
Tzanck smear 11, 452
U2HR gene 402
Ulcer 449, 471
traumatic 161
tropical 161
erythematous 452
Ulcerated hemangioma 36f, 37f
Ulcerative colitis 233, 377, 461
Ultraviolet light therapy 332
Umbilical granuloma 11
Umbilical polyp 11, 13f
Umbilical raphe, sternal cleft with 29
Umbilical sepsis 11, 13f
Umbilicus 31
Uncombable hair 392f
syndrome 391
Upper limb, lymphedema of 48
Uric acid 347
Urinary abnormalities 354
Urinary diverticula 393
Urinary retention 452
Urticaria 292, 316, 317f, 358, 426
chronic 316
lesions 179
multiforme 321, 322f
pigmentosa 322, 324f, 325f
with bullous lesions 326f
symptom of 324
treatment of 318
Urticarial wheals 316f
Urticarial, acute 316, 316f
Uvea, coloboma of 58
Uveitis 466
Vaccinating immunocompromised children 513b
Vaccine-derived immunity 169
Vaginal candidiasis 406, 491
Vancomycin 23
Vanishing twin syndrome 22
Varicella 168, 302, 321
immunoglobulin M 169
primary 220
types of 11
lesions 169f
polymorphic eruptions of 169f
vaccine 515
zoster virus 11, 141, 156, 168, 508, 514
type of 169
Vasculitis 351, 364, 513
eruptions 436
management in 364
VDR gene 314
Venous prominence over bridge of nose 23
Vermiculate atrophoderma 444
Vernix caseosa 30
removal of 30
Verruca plana 135, 138f
Verruca vulgaris 134, 136f, 447
classical warty lesions of 135f
Verrucous epidermal nevus 57, 59f
Very low density lipoproteins 340
Vesicle and bullae 2
Vesicular dermatitis 27f
Vesiculobullous diseases 241
Vesiculobullous lesions 473
Vinorelbine 438
Viral disease, common 166
Viral exanthem 178, 182, 428, 438
Visceral larva migrans 111
Visceral leishmaniasis 161
A 308, 418
deficiency 239, 308
B 308
B1 418
B12 308, 418, 473
B6 418
B7 311
C 312, 313
D 363
resistant rickets 314, 314f
Vitiligo 152, 275, 280f, 282, 513
congenital 279f
depigmented patches of 276f
medical therapy for 275
over vulva 279f
patch 276f
type of 275
Vohwinkel syndrome 68
Vomiting 324
Vulval condyloma acuminata 452f
Waardenburg syndrome 385f
Washing and bathing 30
Waxy skin 349f
Werner syndrome 384
Wet wrap technique 212
White blood cells 473
Wickham striae 232, 238
Wilms’ tumor 511
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 215, 486, 492, 493, 494f, 497, 498f
Wood's lamp 279, 282t
examination 123
Wood's light 261, 342
Wooly hair 381, 383f
nevus 393
siblings with 383f
Worms, bags of 267
care 248
infection 248
Xanthoderma 511
Xanthogranuloma, juvenile 341, 342f
Xanthoma 336, 341
development of 338
types of 339
Xanthomatous appearance 332f
Xeroderma pigmentosum 73, 74f, 75f, 477
Xerosis 308, 358
severe 200f
X-linked dominant hypertrichosis 395
X-linked ichthyosis syndromes 87
X-linked recessive ichthyosis 8
Yellow fever vaccine 515
Yellow nail syndrome 404
Zidovudine 410
Zinc supplementation 304
Zoster immune globulin 169
Zosteriform distribution, leiomyoma cutis in 64f
Zygomycosis, subcutaneous 159
Chapter Notes

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Color Atlas and Synopsis of PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY
Color Atlas and Synopsis of PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY
Fourth Edition
Sandipan Dhar MBBS MD DNB FRCP (Edin) Professor and Head Department of Pediatric Dermatology Institute of Child Health (ICH) Kolkata, West Bengal, India Sahana M Srinivas MBBS DNB DVD FRGUHS (Pediatric Dermatology) Consultant Pediatric Dermatologist and Head Department of Pediatric Dermatology Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health (IGICH) Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Color Atlas and Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatology
First Edition: 2003
Second Edition: 2008
Third Edition: 2015
Fourth Edition: 2021
Printed at:
All those innocent children who bear
the stigma of untouchability of skin diseases,
silently tolerating the humiliation and
ostracism of the civilized society…in whom
the blemish disappears with time
but the scar lingers on the mind…
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Sandipan Dhar
Sahana M Srinivas
The entire world has been going through a very trying period of COVID-19 pandemic. We have been contemplating to start working on the fourth edition of the book for quite some time. The locked down period brought our extremely busy and dynamic life to a complete standstill. We envisaged this crisis as an opportunity and started working for the book. The third edition of the book has evoked spontaneous and overwhelming response, much more than the first two editions. We have received innumerable e-mails containing valuable feedback about the book from various pediatricians and dermatologists across the country. In fact, the book ran out of print and a huge void was felt. These have inspired us to update the book and come up with the fourth edition. In this edition, we have introduced four new chapters—skin and systemic diseases and cutaneous malignancies, psychodermatoses, primary immunodeficiency disorders and skin, and principles of vaccination in immunosuppressed children. The topic of ‘patient/parents’ education and counseling’ has been elaborated further. About 100 new entities and 1000 new illustrations have been added to it. The ‘Suggested Reading’ has been added and the ‘Index’ has been updated. Altogether, a new set of quotable quotes cater to more than 500 pages of the book. We are sure, now the book will be even more useful to the pediatricians, dermatologists and all those involved in pediatric skin care. We believe still that there is scope of further improvement of this book. We will appreciate feedback ( from the readers.
Sandipan Dhar
Sahana M Srinivas
Preface to the First Edition
Dermatology in relation to children has far-reaching new connotations. There have been extensive research and rapid developments in the field of pediatric dermatology in the last two decades. It is now recognized as a separate subspecialty in most countries. Nearly 50% of all skin problems pertain to pediatric age group.
Diseases like atopic dermatitis, vitiligo and other pigmentary disorders are to be seen in a different light in relation to children as they are not intellectually mature to deal with the psychological aspect of the diseases. The concept of pediatric dermatology is a unifying one where the subjects of pediatrics and dermatology shake their hands for a better understanding of the skin diseases in infants, children and adolescents. There are a number of textbooks and color atlases on pediatric dermatology published from UK and USA which obviously do not address the difference in presentation of pediatric dermatoses in types IV and V skins. Therefore, there has been a growing need for such a color atlas in Indian context among the pediatricians in particular (as I have been insisted by my pediatrician friends and colleagues). That is why I have taken up this endeavor.
The chapters compiled in this book make an attempt to give a visual impression and important clues to diagnose a dermatosis. Most of the common (and some rare) skin diseases have been incorporated.
This book is basically meant for the pediatricians, beginners in dermatology and all those involved in the care of children. I am sure that the book will serve its purpose. The ‘quotable quotes’ have been incorporated to provide relief in-between the serious readings. Despite my best possible efforts, there may be some unwanted errors and some shortcoming in this book, which I promise to rectify in its future edition.
You may give your valuable feedback about this book to me (e-mail:
Sandipan Dhar
We are deeply indebted to a host of individuals who have made innumerable contributions towards the completion of this book, some identified below and others, with apologies, perhaps unwittingly overlooked.
I (SD) want to record my deep respect and gratitude for (Late) Dr Surinder Kaur, and Dr AJ Kanwar, for evoking my interest in the subject of Pediatric Dermatology.
We express our sincere thanks to all friends and colleagues who were kind enough to contribute some of the topics and illustrations for this book. I sincerely acknowledge the contribution of Drs Arun Inamadar, Koushik Lahiri, Rashmi Sarkar, Priyankar Pal {Institute of Child Health (ICH)}, Abhijit Saha, Bharati Sahu, Ramesh {Pediatric Radiologist, Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health (IGICH)} and Nagalakshmi.
Special thanks are due to following colleagues: Dr Samujjala Deb, for her contribution on the topic ‘patient/parents’ counseling’, Drs Rashmi Agarwal and Nishant Agarwal, for their contribution in the text and Dr Priya Jeevamani C (Bangalore Baptist Hospital) for helping us in proof correction.
Dr Mandira Roy and Mr Debraj Roy have compiled a huge set of interesting ‘Quotable quotes’ for the book; our sincere thanks to them.
I (SD) like to convey my warm regards and sincere thanks to Dr Apurba Ghosh, Professor of Pediatrics and Director, Institute of Child Health, Kolkata, West Bengal, for giving me all liberty to preach and practice pediatric dermatology. Many of the illustrations in this book are contributed by him. I hereby gratefully acknowledge Drs Maya Mukhopadhyay, Ritabrata Kundu, Nupur Ganguly, Arunaloke Bhattacharya, Swapan Roy, Jaydeep Chowdhury of ICH, Kolkata, for always being kind and supportive to me.
We would like to extend our gratitude to all our colleagues and friends in Indian Society for Pediatric Dermatology, particularly (SD) Founder of Society, Dr Deepak Parikh and my colleagues Drs Raghubir Banerjee, Rajib Malakar, Manish Shah and Rajesh Jadhav. Special thanks to ever-inspiring, (Late) Dr AK Bajaj and ever-supportive, Mr Tapas Kayal for me (SD).
My (SD) family is my strength. Heartfelt thanks to my wife Subhra and daughter Sharvi, for providing me all succour, support and personal sacrifice for this venture of mine.
I (SMS) am eternally grateful to Dr Sandipan Dhar, for giving me the opportunity to co-author this book and for his immense belief and trust in my abilities.
My (SMS) sincere thanks to Dr Sanjay KS, Professor of Pediatrics and Director, Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health (IGICH), for supporting me. I also acknowledge all the faculties and staffs of Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bengaluru, Karnataka, for their support.
My (SMS) deep and sincere gratitude to my mentor Dr Sacchidanand S for guiding and supporting me through all my endeavors. I also sincerely thank Dr Deepak Parikh for his encouragement always.
I (SMS) am forever indebted to my parents, my family for the support given which has made me who I am today.
Finally we would like to sincerely thank Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director–Content Strategy), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head), Ms Prerna Bajaj (Development Editor), Mr Sabyasachi Hazra (Commissioning Editor, Kolkata Branch) and entire team of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for their relentless dedicated work to make this book a state-of-the-art one.
Sandipan Dhar
Sahana M Srinivas