ABO incompatibility 166
Activated protein C 113
Active intervention 210
Actual management (protocol) 152
Acute renal failure 99
Advanced maternal age 148
Adverse effects of intravenous B-sympathomimetics 142
Age at pregnancy 139
Aggressive treatment of cervical and vaginal infections 139
Aim of tocolysis 140
Albumin 72
Amniocentesis 170
Amnionicity 215
Amnionicity and clinical importance 217
Antepartum management 48
Antibiotic prophylaxis 54
Anticoagulant regime 109
Anticonvulsant treatment 34
Anti-D preparations 179
Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) 121
Antimalarial in pregnancy 135
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 105
Approach in the antenatal period 97
Assessment of fetal well-being 68
Assisted reproduction technology 214
Asymptomatic bacteriuria 97
Augmentation of labor 247
Avoidance of multiple elective terminations of pregnancy 139
B-thalassemia 19
Bacterial vaginosis 138
B-adrenergic receptor agonist 141
Benson and Durfee's transabdominal cerclage 191
Bergmans Balloon test 184
Bimanual examination 243
Bleeding pattern 155
Blood glucose monitoring 60
Blood transfusion 9
Bone marrow 6
Breastfeeding and puerperium 126
Calcium channel blockers 143
disease 66
Case of anemia pernicious 16
Catamenial epilepsy 119
Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome 109
Cause of anemia 5
Causes of
antepartum hemorrhage 146
bleeding in placenta previa 149
decreased variability 254
failure of oral iron therapy 8
hydrops fetalis 168
increased prevalence in pregnancy 4
increased variability 254
intrauterine growth restriction 194
maternal alloimmunization 166
preterm labor 136
Cerebral edema 38
delivery indications 153
Changes in hypertension 22
Chemoprophylaxis 134
Chloroquine sensitive
Chorioamnionitis 137
Chorionicity 215
autoimmune thyroiditis 74
fetal distress 194
hypertension 41
hypertension in pregnancy 39
renal insufficiency 101
Cigarette smoking 156
Classification of
acardius 222
antiphospholipid syndrome 106
diabetes complicating pregnancy 56
gestational diabetes mellitus 56
pelvic shapes 240
features of megaloblastic anemia 14
Clonic stage 33
Clot observation test 159
Coagulation studies 27
Cocaine abuse 156
Color Doppler flow study 151
Computer interpretation 257
Conditions with placental abruption 156
Conduct of trial of labor 246
Confirmation of diagnosis 150
Conjoined twins 226
Consequences of iodine deficiency 72
Consumptive coagulopathy 160
Contraception in women with diabetes 69
Cord compression pattern— true knot 258
Cordocentesis 171
Cortical necrosis 100
Couvelaire uterus or uteroplacental apoplexy 161
Criteria for delivery in mild pre-eclampsia 28
Curative treatment 7
Cutis graft technique 188
Daily iron requirement 5
Decreased maternal activity and bed rest 229
Degree of anemia 5
Degrees of alloimmunization 165
Delayed complications 178
Determinants of vertical transmission 80
Determination of fetomaternal hemorrhage 173
Development of seizure in pregnancy 127
in pregnancy 55
Diagnosing GDM 59
Diagnosis of
chorionicity and amnionicity by ultrasound examination 218
GDM based on OGTT 59
IUGR 199
criteria and evaluation of antiphospholipid syndrome 107
criteria for severe pre-eclampsia 26
Dichorionic-diamniotic 217
Dietary prescription 7
Digital examination of cervix 186
Dilemma in equivocal controversial or nonreassuring findings 202
Dimorphic anemia (macrocytic hypochromic anemia) 17
Direct Coomb's test 176
Discordant growth 220
Disorders in fetal growth 65
Dizygotic twins 215
Doppler studies of placental anastomosis 225
Double trouble 129
Down's syndrome 195
Drugs producing thrombocytopenia 117
Dystocia dystrophia syndrome 242
Education about preterm labor 139
Effect of
drug disposition 123
epilepsy on pregnancy 121
fetus and newborn 133
HIV on pregnancy 83
intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) 198
iodine deficiency on fetus 74
pregnancy on anemia 5
pregnancy on epilepsy 120
pregnancy on HIV 82
pregnancy on renal function 101
renal insufficiency on pregnancy 102
Effects on pregnant woman 133
Eisenmenger's syndrome 51
Enterobacter 98
Environmental causes 195
Epilepsy in pregnancy 118
Erythropoiesis 3
Escherichia coli 98
Estriol 207
Ethanol 144
Evaluation of nutritional status and screening for anemia 139
Examination of placenta 217
Exchange transfusion 177
Expectant management 152
Extent of placental separation 155
Extraplacental bleeding 146
Factors influencing alloimmunization 165
Fallacies of test 173
False positive serological test for syphilis 107
Fatty liver of pregnancy 220
Female sex 94
Fertility and pregnancy in thalassemia 19
and neonatal hypothyroidism 76
anticonvulsant syndrome 123
asphyxia 208
blood typing 170
bradycardia 253
causes of IUGR 195
complications unique in multiple gestations 220
fibronectin (FFN) 138
morbidity and mortality 221
response 168
Fetomaternal unit 195
Fetoplacental unit dysfunction 42
FIGLU test 16
First stage of labor 125
Flow cytometry 173
Fluid replacement in coagulation failure 112
Freda's method 171
Gametocytes of plasmodium species 131
Gastrointestinal system 219
Generalized tonic clonic seizure (GTCS) during labor 126
Genesis of pre-eclampsia as a two-stage disorder 25
Glomerular endotheliosis 38
Grades of incompetence 184
Grandmal 118
Hegar test 184
Hellin's law 214
HELLP syndrome 30
Hematological indices 6
Herniation of bag of membranes 185
HIV/AIDS nephropathy 102
Home uterine monitoring 229
Hospitalized bed rest 230
Hydrops fetalis 168
Hydroxychloroquine 109
Hyperbilirubinemia 66
Hypertension in pregnancy 156
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy 21
Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy 76
Hypervolemia of pregnancy 1
Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia 66
Hypoglycemia 65
Hypothesis 132
Hypothyroidism and pregnancy 75
Hysterosalpingography 184
Icteric phase 89
Icteric phase: Jaundice occurs 89
Icterus gravis neonatorum 169
Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis (IHSS) 51
Immunological factors 24
Immunosuppressive drugs in pregnancy 103
Indications for
evaluation of antiphospholipid antibodies 107
indications for cesarean delivery in women with GDM 64
parenteral iron therapy 9
valvotomy 49
Indications of MTP 49
Indirect Coombs’ test 174
Indomethacin 143
Induction at term reduces incidence of postdate pregnancy 209
Inevitable antepartum hemorrhage 146
Infections outside the uterus 137
Inhibition of thrombin activated protein C 113
Injection anti-D immunoglobulin 178
Interfering influence of bacteria and parasites 14
Interlocking twins 236
Intermediate disease 168
Intermittent therapy 8
Intranatal management 20
Intrapartum fetal blood sampling (FFS) 116
Intrapartum monitoring 145
Intrauterine fetal death 65
Intrauterine fetal demise of one twin 221
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) 193
Intrauterine transfusion (IUT) 176
Intrauterine transmission 81
Invasive measures 84
Invasive methods for diagnosing monoamniotic pregnancy 218
Investigation protocol during pregnancy 125
Investigations in megaloblastic anemia 15
Iron balance during pregnancy 3
Iron metabolism 3
Iron sources and balance during pregnancy 3
ISBT numeric terminology 165
Isoxsuprine hydrochloride 141
Issues concerning pregnancy 80
Laboratory testing in HIV infected pregnant women 86
Lash and lash procedure 187
Length of cervix 184
Less placental blood flow 24
Liley's curve 170
Localization of placenta 150
Long-term consequences 66
Lower genital tract infections 137
Magnesium sulfate 143
Major malformations 123
Malaria in pregnancy 129
during labor 10
in group A—fetus with suspected dysmaturity syndrome 210
in group B—fetus with suspected macrosomia 212
Management of
gestation with high fetal number 236
heart disease 48
hepatitis in pregnancy 93
HIV infection during pregnancy 83
HIV positive pregnant women 83
labor 125
mild anemia 7
moderate anemia 7
pregnancy 103
preterm labor 139
Rh-immunized gravida 174
Rh-negative immunized patient 174
Rh-negative nonimmunized gravida 174
severe anemia 7
thalassemia 19
trap 223
Management strategy 133
Maneuvers to help in shoulder dystocia 212
Manifestation of HAV infection during pregnancy 90
Mann's isthmic cerclage 187
Marfan's syndrome 51
adaptation 218
age, race, parity and ehthnicity 215
and fetal complications 60
and fetal effects 40
changes during pregnancy 22
complications 219
complications 66
medical disorders 137
response 167
smoking and alcohol intake 137
McDonald's cerclage 190
Meconium aspiration 208
Metabolism of folic acid 11
Milestones in the history of Rh-alloimmunization 163
Minor anomalies 123
Miscellaneous drugs 144
Mitral incompetence 50
Moderate sources 11
Modifications of standard regimens 35
Monitoring of patient on intravenous B-sympathomimetics 142
Monochorionic-diamniotic 217
Monoclonal injection anti-D 179
Morbidly restricted 194
Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) 80
Multidrug resistant P. falciparum 134
Multifetal gestation 214
Munro Kerr Muller method 243
Mycobacterium avium complex 83
Neonatal management 87
Nevirapine 86
Newer antiepileptic agents 122
Nifedipine 143
Nitric oxide donors 142
Nitroglycerine 142
Nonpharmacological interventions 44
Nonreassuring NST 211
Nonresponders 166
Non-stress test 250
hemodynamic changes during pregnancy 47
maternal changes for fetal growth 22
physiologic changes during pregnancy 46
trophoblastic invasion 23
values in pregnancy 96
NST in special situations 256
NST vs other surveillance tests 258
Nutrition and weight gain 219
NYHA classification 48
Paired gene theory 165
Parenteral iron therapy 9
Patau's syndrome 195
Pathogenesis of maternal alloimmunization 166
Per speculum examination 150
Per vaginal examination 150
Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) 116
Perinatal asphyxia 65
Periodic FHR changes 254
Peripheral blood smear 6
Petit mal 118
Pharmacological interventions 44
Physiological changes
during pregnancy 123
Pitfalls in sonographic diagnosis 185
Polyclonal injection anti-D 179
Positive autoantibodies tests 107
Postmaturity syndrome 208
Potassium channel openers 144
Potential mechanism of anticonvulsant embryopathy 124
Precautions while doing cesarean section 153
Preconception risk factors 42
Predictors and biochemical markers for preterm labor 138
Predictors of complications 53
Predisposing factors 148
Pregestational diabetes 64
Pregnancy and cardiac surgery 52
Premature rupture of membranes 138
Premonitory stage 33
Presence and amount of virus in the genital tract 80
Prevention of preterm birth in multiple gestations 229
Previous preterm birth and abortions 137
Prior cesarean delivery 148
Pritchard's protocol 35
Production of procoagulant 111
Progesterone 144
Prolonged coagulation studies 107
Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors 143
Proteus 98
Psychological stress 137
Radiopelvimetry 245
Rates of HIV transmission 78
RBC versus lymphocyte 16
Reactive NST 255
Recombinant factor VIIA 114
Recommended criteria for HELLP syndrome 31
Red cell antigen 164
Release of thromboplastins 110
Replacement of blood products 112
Respiratory functions 219
Retained dead fetus 112
Retarded growth 194
alloimmunization in pregnancy 163
antigen 164
blood group system 164
factor 164
negative nonimmunized patient 173
Risk of antiphospholipid syndrome and pregnancy 108
Risks during pregnancy 12
Ritodrine 141
Role of folic acid in prevention of embryopathy 124
Rosenfield system 165
Rosetting test 173
Routes of delivery 233
Rupture of membranes 80
Safety of newer antimalarials 135
Selection of cases for expectant treatment 152
Sensitization phenomenon 168
Sequential events 13
Serial ultrasound examination 140
Silicone plastic cuff 188
Small for gestational age (SGA) 194
Smoking and illicit drug use 80
Socioeconomic causes 136
Specific causes of preterm labor 137
Spectrophotometry 170
Standard doses regimen of chloroquine 134
Sudden uterine decompression 157
Superfecundation 215
Superimposed pre-eclampsia 40
Systolic blood pressure (SBP) 21
Temporary blindness (amaurosis) 39
Teratogenic risks from AEDs 123
Tetralogy of Fallot 51
Thalassemia 18
Therapeutic termination of pregnancy 127
Threatened preterm 136
Thrombocytopenia 114
Thrombophilias 156
Thyroglobulin 72
binding globulin (TBG) 72
disorders in pregnancy 70
function in normal pregnancy 70
hormone transport proteins 72
hormones and disorders 71
storm or heart failure 77
Total body iron 3
Transthyretin (prealbumin). 72
Transvaginal sonography (TVS) 150
Trauma 156
Treatment of
anemia 7
antiphospholipid syndrome 108
established deficiency 17
heart failure 54
IUGR 202
lower genital tract infections 139
pulmonary edema 54
Trigger mechanisms 110
Trust your vaginal ultrasound 185
Tubulointerstitial 103
Ultrasonography 228
Universal precautions 87
Unprotected sexual intercourse 80
Urinary tract infections 97
Urine examination 26
USG and chorionicity 218