Orthopedics Illustrated RK Gupta
Chapter Notes

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1Traumatic Orthopedics
  • 1. General Orthopedics
  • 2. Fracture Clavicle
  • 3. Dislocation of the Shoulder
  • 4. Fracture Scapula
  • 5. Proximal Humeral Fracture
  • 6. Fracture Shaft Humerus
  • 7. Supracondylar Fracture of the Humerus
  • 8. Physeal Injury
  • 9. Intercondylar Fracture of Humerus
  • 10. Dislocation of the Elbow
  • 11. Pulled Elbow
  • 12. Fracture of the Olecranon
  • 13. Fracture of Head of the Radius
  • 14. Fractures of Forearm Bones
  • 15. Fracture of Distal End of Radius
  • 16. Scaphoid Fracture
  • 17. Fracture of the Metacarpals
  • 18. Fractures of the Phalanges
  • 19. Fracture Pelvis
  • 20. Spine
  • 21. Injuries Around the Hip
  • 22. Fracture Acetabulum
  • 23. Dislocation of Hip
  • 24. Fracture of Neck of the Femur
  • 25. Intertrochanteric Fracture
  • 26. Fracture Shaft Femur
  • 27. Condylar Fracture of Femur
  • 28. Fracture of the Patella
  • 29. Internal Derangement of Knee (IDK)
  • 30. Dislocation of the Patella
  • 31. Proximal Tibial Fracture
  • 32. Fracture of Shaft of Tibia and Fibula
  • 33. Ankle Injury
  • 34. Fracture Calcaneum
  • 35. Fracture Neck Talus
  • 36. Injuries of the Forefoot2

General OrthopedicsCHAPTER 1

The term orthopedics was coined by ?'Nicholas Andrey’—A French physician.
There are total 206 bones in the human body.
These can be divided into two groups:
  1. Axial skeleton—80 bones.
  2. Appendicular skeleton—126 bones.
On the basis of shape and size, these can be of following types:
  1. Long bones, e.g. humerus, femur.
  2. Short bones, e.g. carpals, tarsals.
  3. Flat bones, e.g. skull.
  4. Irregular bones, e.g. vertebrae.
  5. ? Sesamoid bones—It develops within the substance of a tendon or fascia, e.g. patella.
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Long Bones
The long bone can be divided into:
  1. Epiphysis—This is an expanded portion at the ends (between growth plate and articular cartilage).
  2. Diaphysis—The central portion of the shaft upto the metaphysis at bone ends. It contains cortical (compact) bone.
  3. Metaphysis—These are the ends of the diaphysis containing highly vascular cancellous or spongy bone.
  4. Epiphyseal growth plate—It lies transversely between metaphysis and epiphysis, it helps longitudinal growth.
Bone Cells
  1. ? Osteoblasts—Concerned with ossification and consist ?alkaline phosphatase.
  2. Osteocytes—Mature bone cells.
  3. Osteoclasts—Multinucleated cells concern with bone resorption and consist ?acid phosphatase.
Blood Supply of the Long Bones
There are four main sources of blood supply:
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A joint exists between two or more bones or cartilaginous components. These may be of following types:
  1. Fibrous joints or synarthrosis—(Immobile joint)
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  2. Cartilaginous joints—(Slight movement)
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  3. Synovial joint—(Most mobile joint)—It is formed between two bones with formation of a synovial cavity which is filled up with synovial fluid. It may be of different types:
? It is a structural break in the normal continuity of bone
  • Dislocation—complete displacement of articular surfaces of a joint
  • Subluxation—partial displacement of articular surfaces of a joint
  • Sprain—Tear in the ligaments or capsule
  • Strain—Tear in the muscle or tendon.
Fracture Healing
Repair of bone injury differs from soft tissue repair insofar as formation of the specialized calcified tissue of bone involving the activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. There are five stages of healing:
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1. Stage of hematoma—Tissue damage results bleeding at the fracture site (less than 1 week).
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2. Stage of inflammation and cellular proliferation—Within 8 hours, it occurs under the periosteum and within the breached medullary canal. Later on new capillaries grow into the area (1–3 weeks).
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3. Stage of callus—The cells change to osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Dead bone is removed and woven bone appears in the fracture callus (3 weeks—3 months).
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4. Stage of consolidation—Woven bone is replaced by lamellar bone. This is a slow process and takes several months before the bone is strong enough.
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5. Stage of?Remodelling (Take years)—The excess bone within the marrow space, as well as around the fracture, is slowly remodeled to resemble the normal structure, (i.e. resorbed by osteoclast).
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General Rules of Bone Healing
Time taken to unite the fractures:
Lower limb—two times
> Upper limb
Adult—two times
> Children
Transverse fractures
> Oblique/spiral#
> Simple#
> Noncomminuted#
No fracture unites in
< 3 weeks
Types of Healing
  1. Primary—Healing under rigid immobilization. External callus is not formed.
  2. Secondary—Healing under nonrigid immobilization. Abundant external callus formation occur.
Factors enhancing bone healing—There should be adequate
  1. Reduction of the fracture
  2. Immobilization of the bone
  3. Blood supply
  4. Nutrition (Particularly vitamin C)
  5. Levels of the hormones (e.g. estrogens, calcitonin, thyroid hormone).
On the Basis of Extent of Fracture
Complete fractures—The fracture involves the entire bone.
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Incomplete fractures—The bone is incompletely divided and the periosteum remains in continuity. It may be of following types:
  1. ? Green stick #s—This is seen in children where bone is bent with broken cortex on convex side while intact buckled cortex on concave side.
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  2. 7 Torus #s—A# of children, present at corticocancellous junction with circumferential buckling of cortex. It results from axial force. It is most common in distal end of radius of the child.
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  3. Plastic bowing—The bone deforms but fracture does not seen. It is seen due to micro-fractures which are not seen in X-ray.
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On the Basis of Etiology
Traumatic #s
Due to trauma:
  1. Direct violence.
  2. Indirect violence.
? Pathological #s
Due to some underlying disease:
  1. Local disease
    1. Infection—As osteomyelitis, syphilitic, etc.
    2. Bone tumors—Benign and malignant.
    3. Miscellaneous—Simple bone cyst, eosinophilic granuloma.
  2. General disease
    1. Congenital—As osteogenesis imperfecta.
    2. Diffuse rarefaction of bone—As senile osteoporosis, Cushing syndrome, rickets, osteomalacia, uremia and hyperparathyroidism.
    3. Disseminated disease—As multiple myeloma.
    4. Miscellaneous—As paget's disease, Goucher's disease, polyostotic fibroma.8
Fatigue or stress fracture
Cracks can occur in the bone due to repetitive stress. This is usually seen in tibia, fibula or metatarsals, especially in athletes, dancers, and army recruits.
On the Basis of Displacement
  1. Displaced
  2. Undisplaced.
On the Basis of Relationship with External Environment
  1. Simple/Closed #—A # not communicating with external environment.
  2. Compound/Open #—A # communicating with external environment.
    1. From within out—The sharp fracture end pierces the skin (lesser chance of infection).
    2. From without in—An object directly causes the fracture and laceration of skin (more chance of infection).
  3. Technically compound—Skin damage is minimal but does not communicate with fracture.
  4. Secondary compound—Though apparently fracture is not communicating with exterior but its blood supply has been cut and it sloughs in 2–3 weeks time.
On the Basis of Pattern of #s
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On the Basis of Deformity at Fracture Site
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It results in an alpha-numeric code which is suitable for computer sorting and which allows for research purposes but is not suitable for conveying information about the nature of an individual fracture, (e.g. over the telephone).
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Example: AO classification 12-A 1.2 means humeral shaft # (12), which is simple (A), spiral (1) and of middle part (2).
Classification of Open Fractures—(Gustillo et al Classification)
Type I : An open fracture with a wound <1 cm and clean.
Type II : An open fracture with a wound >1 cm with extensive soft tissue damage and avulsion of flaps.
Type IIIa : An open fracture with adequate soft tissue coverage of bone in spite of extensive soft tissue lacerations or flaps or high energy trauma irrespective of the size of wound.
Type IIIb : An open fracture with extensive soft tissue loss, periosteal stripping and exposure of bone.
Type IIIc : An open fracture associated with an arterial injury which requires repair.
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Immediate complications
  • Skin injury
  • Vascular injury
  • Neurological injury
  • Muscular injury
  • Visceral—Abdomen injury
  • Thoracic injury
General (remote)
  • Multiple injuries
  • Hemorrhages → Shock
  • Crush syndrome
Early complications
  • Sequelae of immediate local complications as:
    • Skin necrosis and gangrene
    • Volkmann's ischemia
    • Gas gangrene
    • Venous thrombosis
    • Visceral complications
  • Joint infection
  • Bone infection
  • Fracture blisters
  • Fat embolism
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Pneumonia
  • Tetanus
  • Delirium tremens
Late complications
Muscle • Myositis ossificans Bone
Bone • Malunion
   • Late tendon rupture
   • Delayed/nonunion
   • Tissue atrophy
   • Growth disturbance
   • Tendinitis
   • Chronic infection
Nerve • Tardy nerve palsy
   • Disuse osteoporosis
Joint • Stiffness
   • Sudeck's atrophy
   • Secondary osteoarthritis
• Renal calculi
   • Accident necrosis
There is usually a history of trauma followed by inability to use the injured limb. The trauma may be severe, trivial or repetitive.
Due to fracture.
 Pain—Due to periosteal injury, soft tissue injury
– Abnormal mobility, crepitus
 Swelling—Due to soft tissue injury and hematoma
– Tenderness
 Deformity—Due to displacement or angulation of #
–Swelling and bruise
 Loss of function—Due to break in the lever
–Shortening, deformity
–Blisters and wound
Due to associated injury
 Nerve injury—Numbness, loss of movement.
 Vascular injury—’5'Ps → ?Pain, pallor, paresthesia, pulselessness, and paralysis.
 Abdominal pain
 Transient loss of consciousness.
First degree (Tear of only few fibers)
Second degree (Tear of most of the fibers)
Third degree (complete tear of ligament)
Local pain and swelling no joint laxity
Pain and swelling + inability to use limb + detectable joint laxity
Pain and swelling + inability to use limb + gross joint laxity
Stress test Treatment
Pain (mild to moderate) Immobilization for few weeks
Pain (severe) Immobilization for 4 to 6 weeks
Pain + opening of joint surgical repair
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Monteggia fracture dislocation—Fracture of the proximal third of the ulna with dislocation of the superior radioulnar joint.
Galeazzi fracture dislocation—Fracture of the distal third of the radius with dislocation of inferior radioulnar joint.
Nightstick fracture—Isolated fracture of the shaft of the ulna, sustained while trying to protect from a stick blow.
Essex-Lopresti fracture dislocation—It is a fracture of the head radius associated with dislocation of inferior radioulnar joint.
Colles fracture—A # of distal end of radius at corticocancellous junction within 2.5 cm of wrist with typical dorsolateral displacement, it is usually seen in elderly women.
Smiths fracture—A fracture of distal end of radius at corticocancellous junction with ventral tilt and displacements (reverse Colles #)
? Barton's fracture—A vertical, marginal intra-articular fracture of the distal end of radius occurring in coronal plane with volar or dorsal displacement.
Chauffeur fracture—An intra-articular oblique fracture of the styloid process of the radius.
? Bennett's fracture-dislocation—An oblique intra-articular fracture and dislocation of the base of the first metacarpal.
13 Boxer's fracture—A fracture through the neck of the 5th metacarpal, usually occurs in boxers. Side-swipe fracture (baby car #\traffic elbow)—An elbow injury occurs when one's elbow projecting out of a car, is side swept by another vehicle. It shows a combination fractures of the distal end of the humerus with fractures of upper ends of radius and/or ulna.
? Bumper fracture—A comminuted depressed fracture of the lateral condyle of the tibia.
Pott's fracture—It is the fracture around ankle joint which results from a deforming force (usually twisting force).
Cotton's fracture—Trimalleolar ankle fracture.
? Maisonneuve's fracture—An ankle fracture associated with spiral fracture of neck of the fibula.
? Dupuytren's fracture dislocation—Pott's fracture with diastesis due to avulsion or tear of inferior tibiofibular ligament.
Tillaux fracture—A tibial avulsion fracture at anterior tibiofibular ligament attachment.
Pilon fracture (Explosion fracture)—A comminuted intra-articular fracture of the distal end of the tibia and fibula.
Aviators fracture—Fracture of neck of the talus.
Lisfranc's fracture dislocation—A fracture dislocation through tarsometatarsal joints.
Chopart fracture dislocation—A fracture dislocation through intertarsal joints.
Jones fracture—An avulsion fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal caused by the pull exerted by the peroneus brevis tendon.
? March fracture—A fatigue fracture usually of the 2nd metatarsal neck or shaft, caused by repeated stress.
Burst fracture—A comminuted fracture of the vertebral body, caused by axial compression injury.
Chance fracture (Car seat belt injury)—A horizontal # of the vertebra extending from body to the posterior element, caused by a strong distraction force.
? Clay shoveler fracture—An avulsion fracture of spinous process of the lower cervical or upper thoracic vertebrae.
Hangman's fracture—A fracture through the pedicle and lamina of C2 vertebra, with subluxation of C2 over C3-caused by hanging.
? Jefferson fracture—Burst fracture of Atlus vertebra.
Straddle fracture—Bilateral superior and inferior pubic rami fractures of the pelvis.
Malgaigne's fracture—A fracture of pelvis having a combination of ipsilateral fracture of pubic rami anteriorly and sacroiliac joint disruption posteriorly.
?LeFort's fracture—Faciomaxillary fracture.
? MCQ asked in various PGME examinations.14
General Principle of Treatment of Fractures
Trauma is commonest cause of death in people under 40. The management of a road traffic accident (RTA) fracture can be divided into three phases:
  • Phase 1: Emergency treatment at the scene of the accident
  • Phase 2: Management in hospital
  • Phase 3: Rehabilitation.
Phase1: Emergency Treatment
We should examine the patient as a whole:
  1. A Airway—Clean the mouth, make lateral position to prevent aspiration.
  2. B Breathing—If needed, mouth to mouth respiration should be provided.
  3. C Circulation and chest injury—If cardiac arrest, do cardiac massage. If profuse hemorrhage, check it by compression or tourniquet. If pneumothorax (develops due to open injury), cover it by pack.
  4. D Digestive region/abdominal injury—Look for absence of bowel sound, abdominal dis-tension, and tenderness and evidence of other organs (liver, spleen, etc.) injury.
  5. E Excretory region injury—Kidney, bladder or urethral injury.
  6. S Shock:
    1. Neurogenic shock occurs due to painful injuries, emotional disturbance or both.
    2. Hypovolemic shock occurs due to internal or external bleeding.
  7. S Spine injury—If present, be cautious during transportation.
  8. S Skull injury (Head injury)—Look for unconsciousness, pupil size, pupil reaction.
  9. S Sacral region and pelvis—Pelvic # can produce hypovolemic shock.
  10. Limbs—Finally we should examine the limb for signs of #/dislocation (deformity, abnormal mobility, loss of transmitted movement, swelling), neurological status, vascular status, skin condition. If # present, the splintage should be done.
Phase 2: Management in hospital
First of all stabilize the general condition of the patient and then concentrate over the injured limb.
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Any material which is used to support a fracture is called as splint. It can be either unconventional type as folded newspaper, foot rule, pillow, bamboo, or conventional type as wooden, crammer wire, Thomas splint, Bohler brawn and plaster of peris splint.
Functions of splintage:
  1. To relieve the pain.
  2. To prevent complications as fat embolism, shock.
  3. To prevent further injury to skin, soft tissue, nerves and vessels.
  4. To make easier the transportation of the patient.
Types—Wooden splint:
  1. Lower limb—
    1. Long Liston (L L) splint
    2. Posterior leg (PL) splint
    3. Short PL splint (foot splint)
  2. 16 Upper limb
    1. Lateral elbow (LE) splint
    2. High LE splint.
  3. Metallic splint—Cramer wire, Thomas knee splint, cock up splint and aeroplane splint.
  4. Plaster of paris splint—POP slab as above elbow (AE), bellow elbow (BE), above knee (AK), bellow knee (BK).
Long Liston splint (LL)—It is a long wooden splint having a notch at lower end and two holes perineal (upper) and malleolar (lower). It extends from lower boundary of axilla to 2–3 inches beyond the sole of foot and this is used for first aid in fractures around hip joint, dislocation hip, # shaft femur. It can also be combined with PL splint in #s around knee. During application of this splint, bony prominences (as greater trochanter, head of fibula and, lateral malleolus) should be padded adequately.
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Posterior leg splint (PL)—It extends from junction of upper and middle third of thigh to the toes of the foot. This is used for first aid in fractures both bone leg, # pott's and # patella, it can also be combind with LL splint in #s around knee. The adequate padding should be done below the tendo-Achilles so that the heel remains free and does not rest on the splint with pressure.
Short posterior leg splint (Short PL)—It extends from 1–2 inches below the head of fibula to the toes of the foot. This is used for first aid in fractures calcaneum, tarsals and metatarsals.
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Lateral elbow splint—It extends from just above the insertion of deltoid upto metacarpophalangeal joints. This is used for first aid in fractures supracondylar humerus, #s around elbow joint, dislocation elbow, # radius and ulna. It can also be applied for fracture shaft humerus by reversing it, i.e. by applying the long arm of splint to the arm of the patient and short arm to the forearm. The adequate padding should be done over lateral epicondyle and styloid process.
High LE splint—When both the arms of LE splint are equal and long enough so that it extends from acromion process to the elbow joint. This is ideal for # shaft humerus.
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17 Cramer wire splint—This is made-up of galvanized iron and appears like a ladder. This can be manually molded to fit easily and snugly in all shape and sizes of the body parts. It can be autoclaved therefore can be used in operation theater. It does not provide rigid immobilization and its radiopaque shadow can mask the fracture line in X-ray.
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Thomas knee splint—This was devised by Sir Hugh Oven Thomas (father of orthopedic surgery) and initially used for tuberculosis knee therefore called as Thomas knee splint. It consist of a circular ring, parallel bars and a notched end. It can be applied in # shaft femur, intertrochanteric femur and after reduction of dislocated hip. The possible complications are lateral popliteal nerve palsy, pressure sores and leucoplast reaction.
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Methods of Immobilization of Fractures
  1. Traction
  2. Cast splintage
  3. Functional bracing
  4. Internal fixation
  5. External fixation.
Traction is applied to the limb distal to the # in the long axis of bone, used to reduce fracture or dislocation or to achieve immobilisation.
On the basis of method of application—It is of three types:
  1. Skin traction—Adhesive plaster applied over skin to apply traction (maximum weight 3–5 kg).
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  2. Skeletal traction—Steinmann pin/k wire inserted into bone to apply traction (maximum weight upto 20 kg).
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  3. 18 Manual traction—Traction is given manually.
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On the basis of effect of traction
  1. Fixed traction—It is given between two fixed point, e.g. In Thomas splint fixed traction, traction maintained between ischial tuberosity and end of the splint.
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  2. Balanced/Sliding traction—Gravity is utilized to provide traction while weight of the body provides counter traction.
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Different Traction Systems
Tractions and its Applications
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Cast splintage
Gypsum salt 2CaSO4.1/2 H2O + H2O → CaSO4.2H2O + Heat
Plaster of Paris can be applied in two forms:
  1. POP slab—It covers only a part of the circumference of a limb.
  2. POP cast—It covers the whole of the circumference of a limb.
On development of swelling in the limb, unlike slab, it can produce a close tight compartment resulting vascular impairment (compartmental syndrome).
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Functional bracing (Sarmiento 1930)
The brace works by supporting the soft tissues in a tight compartment. As the whole leg is enclosed in a confined space, it develops a sort of hydraulic pressure within the brace, which helps in maintaining the # alignment.
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Internal fixation
In this method, after reduction of fracture, it is fixed internally with the help of some metallic or nonmetallic device such as screws, plates, K-wire, SS wire, pins, nails, etc.23
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Bridge plate (biological fixation): Bridge plates are used to stabilized a comminuted unstable fracture or bony defect of the long bone in which an anatomic reduction and rigit stability of the fracture can not be restored by fracture reduction. It is done without exploration of the fracture site. Biologic plating has a high rate of union with minimal complications.
Minimally invasive technique (MIPO) is an attractive option of treating comminuted osteoporotic fracture with poor skin condition in which the plate fixation can be done by two incision technique.
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External fixation
Pin fixator—The schanz pins are inserted into the bone. Each pin is attached to a clamp which are tightened over a tubular rod. It is applied for compound fractures, unstable #, multiple trauma and # pelvis.24
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Ilizarov's ring fixator—Developed by Gavril Abramovich Ilizarov (A Russian Scientist), who described the law of tension stress, i.e. the principle of a new tissue develops between the distracted bone ends, in 1950. Indications are limb lengthening, arthrodesis, infected nonunion, deformity correction, etc.
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JESS—(Joshi's external stabilization system). It was designed by an Indian orthopedic surgeon Dr BB Joshi. It can be applied for deformity correction and trauma of hand and foot.
Orthofix fixator/Rail fixator—This is monolateral fixator available in the form of a rail or a telescoping multijoint assembly. In this, 6 mm pins are inserted into the bone. These pins are attached to the different blocks which can move over a tract. According to need, the bone can be compressed or distracted as in Ilizarov's ring fixator. However, it is less versatile as compared to the ilizarov fixator and it cannot be used at all in osteoporotic bone. It can be applied in compound fracture, limb lengthening, infected nonunion, etc.25
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Special Features of Fractures in Children
  1. The epiphyseal growth plate injuries can produce various deformities of the limbs.
  2. Due to thick periosteum the incomplete # s (e.g. greenstick #, torus # and plastic bowing) are common and the # displacements are less common.
  3. Due to loose attachment of periosteum, it is prone to be stripped off easily resulting subperiosteal hematoma formation which is responsible for abundant callus formation and myositis ossificans.
  4. The #s unite faster.
  5. The #s have greater remodelling potential.
  6. The avulsion #s are more common.
  7. Birth #s-These #s are seen at the birth.
    These may be:
    1. Intrauterine—As pseudoarthrosis of tibia and multiple #s in osteogenesis imperfecta.
    2. During difficult delivery, e.g.# clavicle (commonest) # humerus, # femur, etc.
  8. ?Child abuse (battered baby syndrome)—The commonest cause of # in children under two year of age is child abuse (Anderson 1982). If there are several #s at different stages of healing, this is very suspicious.
  9. Pathological #s—These are uncommon in children. The responsible conditions may be:
    1. Generalized—For example Osteogenesis imperfecta, generalized fibrous dysplasia.
    2. Localized to one limb—For example Monomelic fibrous dysplasia.
    3. Localized to one bone—For example Mono-ostiotic fibrous dysplasia.
    4. Localized to one lesion—For example Cysts, infections, neoplasm, etc.
  10. Stress #—It rarely occurs. It can occur in paralytic diseases. For example poliomyelitis, meningomyelocele, etc.
  11. The treatment of greenstick # is osteoclasis, reduction, setting and immobilization. The osteoclasis (The intact cortex at the # site is broken manually) is done to avoid recurrence of angulation due to intact thick elastic periosteum.
  12. Generally in children, the angulation <10° and overlap of the long bone fracture site by 1–2 cm are acceptable. The angulation is corrected at the average rate of 1° per month. The rotation is not corrected hence not acceptable.