Comprehensive Nursing Manual Cecy Correia
pain and vomiting 309
paracentesis 31, 36, 314
Abducens 122
Abnormal sexual development 338
Abnormalities of pregnancy 187
Abortion 8, 341
Abrasion wound 269
Abruptio placenta 57
Abstinence 349
Accidents 172
Acetones 28
Achalasia 106
Active labor 59
Acupressure 216
illness 244
pancreatitis 125
Addison's disease 51, 73
Adequate rest 171
Administration of
injection 280
medication therapeutic agent 285
oxygen 272
Adolescent health 336, 346, 351
Adrenalectomy 51
Adriamycin 66
Aerobic exercise 106
Agriculture insecticides 144
and water mattresses 259
cushions 259
flotation 45
Alcohol 60, 167
consumption 73
Alteration in nutrition 13
Alzheimer's disease 70, 232
Amblyopia 166
Amniocenteses 8
Amputation 263
Amylase 29
Anaphylactic shock 23
Anemia 67, 174, 191, 193
Angina pectoris 4
Angiocardiography 37
Angiograms 34
Angiography 37
Anklets 275
Anopheles 99
Antenatal care 57
Antibiotic 22
Aphasia 50
Apical pulse 60
Apnea 5
of infancy 52
Arterial blood gas analysis 32
Arteriography 45
Arthroscopy 45
Aspiration 34
Aspirin 66
Assist control ventilation 12
Asthma 307
Athletic assistance 215
Attention deficit disorder 63
Authorization for operation 149
Autoimmune disorders 52
Autonomic dysreflexia 51
Autopsy 315
AV fistula 128
Baby bath 253
injury 122
rest 258
Backache 213
Bacterial infections 194
enema 40
meal 40
swallow 40
X-ray 40
BBT method 55
Beat stress 217
Beating heart bypass surgery 8
bath 252
blocks 258
cradle helps 258
Bedsore 254
Bilirubin 29
Billing method 56
Binocularity conveys 166
Biofriendly optical sensor 104
Bionic eyes 104
Biopsy 34
Bird flu 175
Birth weight 192
Bladder cancer 70
Blanket bed 263
Bleeding time 32
Blindness 165
cultures 33
hematology 32
investigations 31
isolation 265
pressure 296
cast-body jacket 277
jackets 275
biopsy 34
examination 33
transplant 115
scan 45
Bradycardia 59
absences 123
cancer 109, 137
pacemaker 112
scan 44
tumor 69
biopsy 56
tenderness 342
Breastfeeding 194
Breathing 121
Bromsulphalein 33
Bronchial asthma 76
Bronchophony 74
Bronchoscopy 308
Bryant's traction 277
Buck's extension 277
Burns 64, 76
Cadaver donor 129
Call center 192
Caloric test 43
Cancer catheter 137
Cancer of
cervix 68
lung 69
arrest 76
bed 263
catheterization 38
monitor and defibrillator 6
position 260
Cardinal signs 5
Cardio mobile device 100
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 5, 6, 65
Cardiorespiratory failure 4
Cardiotocograph apparatus 192
Cardiovascular disorders 71
Care of
cord 60
eyes 163
nose and ear 178
perineum 302
skin 171
Doppler flow 44
phonoangiography 44
Cataract 166
Cause rigor in patient 145
Causes of obesity 153
Celiac disease 49
Cell phone 109, 137
chip 116
oxygen banks 284
venous pressure measurement 33
angiography 38, 45
blood flow determination 44
palsy 63
atypical signs 3
diagnostic test 76
biopsy 35, 310
cancer 55
Cervicograph 192
Cesarean section 61
Chikungunya fever 175
Chloride 29
Cholecystography 40
Chorionic villus 8
Chromosomal abnormalities 111
illness 244
obstructive pulmonary disease 113, 306
renal failure 75
Cigarette smoke 101
Clean wound 269
lip 52
palate 52
Climate plan 222
head injury 71
renal biopsy 35
wound 268
Coagulation time 32
application 180, 301
test 179
Color blindness 165
Colostomy irrigation 304
Colposcopy 56
cold 104
problems of oral cavity 256
health 161, 244
nursing 198
procedures and minor illness 161
Compartment syndrome 51
Complete bed bath 253
Complex machine 121
Comprehensive nursing 239
Computed tomography 47
controlled inhaler 98
heart model 114
Concept of hospital 242
block 7
defect 63
disease 103
hip dysplasia 63
Constant positive airway pressure 12
Constipation 52, 166
Continuous mechanical ventilation 12
Contrast media method 46
uremia 77
ventilation 12
Cool water bath 253
COPD 306
Coping mechanism used 295
Core of nursing 240
Coronary artery disease 8
Corporate hospitals 242
Cosmetic, plastic and laser surgery 104
swabs 294
tipped applicators 303
Creating vital part of human eye 105
Creatinine 29
Credes maneuver 70
Crohn's disease 50, 72
CSF 34
CT scanning 47
Cushing's disease 51
Cystic fibrosis 51, 54, 63
Dawn of scientific medicine 246
Decrease fetal movement 193
Decreased sperm mobility 30
Dehydration 172
Dengue fever 175
Dentists drill 98
Depression 353
Detached retina 53
Detect cancer 108
Developmental dysplasia 63
Dextrostix test 193
Diabetes insipidus 72
Diagnostic studies of respiratory system 308
Diaphragm birth control method 56
Diaphragmatic hiatal hernia 49
Diarrhea 170
Dietary services 175
Different types of fever 175
Digital subtraction angiography 46
Dilantin 65, 71
Direct contact 264
Disaffirm therapy 169
Disaster management 219
Disposable sterile gloves 264
Disposal rules 222
Diverticulosis 50
DNA technology 112
Dodge ball 139
Dorsal recumbent position 259
Down syndrome 7, 52
DPT vaccine 64
Dry cold 301
Dumping syndrome 49
Duties registered medical practitioners 150
Early fetal deceleration 59
Eating disorders 126, 352
ECG 33
EH cyst 30
Elbow and knee restrains 275
heat cradle 301
heating pads 301
Electroencephalography 41
Electromyogram 33
Electromyography 43
Electronic devices 105
Electronystamography 43
Elements of nursing 239
in casualty 140
life-line care 140
Enalapril maleate 71
End stage of renal diseases 128
Endocrine and metabolic disorders 72
Endometrial biopsy 35
Endoscopes 34
Endotracheal intubations 273
Enteric isolation 265
Eosinophils 30
Epiglottis 52
Epinephrine 68
Erase traumatic memories 102
atresia 72
problems 124
varices 49
Eusol solution 267
Excessive vomiting 194
Exclusive breastfeeding 189
Exercise in pill 102
Expiratory reserve volume 9
donation 165
examination 101
Eye, ear, nose and throat disorders 279
Faeces 30
Febrile seizures 52
Feeding cup with water 303
Fertility period 184
Fetal blood sampling 192
Fetoscopy 8
Fibrocystic disease of breast 56
Financial or material exploitation 369
Fistulas 312
Folded computer 82
Foley's catheter 54, 55, 293
Food adulteration 173
Footrest 258
Four levels of nursing care 248
Fowler's position 259
Fracture bed 263
Gallbladder 125
series 33
banding 154
cancer 68
fluid analysis 30
intubations 288
lavage 288
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 49
decompression 275
disorders 71
secretion 30
Gauze piece 294
Genetic health 111
Genital abnormalities 338
Gestational diabetes diet 61
assessment 124
disease 124
Glasgow coma scale 73
Glaucoma 50, 75, 165
Glossopharyngeal 122
Gloves used 264
Goiter 73
Gonorrhea 54
Graves disease 73
Green guardians 224
Gurhrie test 193
Hand washing 249
Headache 58
Health and internet 79
Hearing vocal messages 368
Heart 105, 120
attack 2, 5
Heavy menstrual flow 55
Hematocrit 67
Hemicolectomy for colon cancer 70
Hemodialysis 312
Hemophilia 67
Hemophiliac trait 63
Hemorrhage 142
Herniation of lumber disc 77
Heterosexuality 349
Hiatus hernia 54
Hiking 139
Hirschsprung's disease 52
HIV transmission 72
Holistic approach to nursing 242
deliveries 190
medicines for acne 214
Homosexuality 349
Hormonal effect 267
free contraceptive pill 116
replacement therapy 54
therapy and hearing loss 113
Hospital department 243
application 180
test 179
water bath 253
body 121, 126
brain 105
care 194, 229
ear 123
eye 123
Hydrous fetal 187
Hymen 339
Hyperbaric oxygen treatments 45
Hyperemesis gravidarum 58
Hyperthyroidism 54, 73
Hypothyroidism 72
Hypoxia of cardiac muscle 4
Hysterosalpingography 41
Ideal body weight 152
Idiopathic hypopituitarism– 64
Immune and hematologic disorder 72
Impetigo infection 66
Importance of
back care in nursing 251
breast care 129
school health 332
spirituality in nursing care 243
Incised wound 268
Independent lung ventilation 13
Indian medicine 245
Infecting infector 117
Infertility 55
Inflammatory bowel syndrome 72
Inspiratory reserve volume 9
Instant sliming 154
Institutional deliveries 191
Insulin clearance test 29
Integumentary disorders 72
Intravenous pylography 41
Introduction to nursing 239
Ischemic stroke 51
IVF test tube infertile couples 102
IVP intravenous pylelogram 33
Jaundice 77
Jaw thrust 74
Judeo Christian era 240
Kangaroo mother care 189
Kawasaki disease 52
Kerosene poisoning 144
Kidney tray 294
Klinefelters syndrome 111
Knee-chest position 259
Kwashiorkor 174
Lacerated wound 268
Lactic acid dehydrogenates 33
Lap bath 254
Laryngeal cancer 69
Lazy eye syndrome 166
Lead poisoning 62
Lithium toxicity 65
Lithotomy position 260
Lithotripsy 50
Liver 125
aspiration 35
biopsy 308
Living related donors 129
Local hot application 299
Loss of seminal fluid during sleep 66
Low back
care 251
pain 122
Low birth weight infant 62
Lower level of narcotic 61
Lowered sperm density 30
Lumbar puncture 36, 313
Lung 121
biopsy 308
scan 308
Lysol 267
Magnesium sulfate 61
Magnetic resonance imaging 42
Malaria 99, 176
drape 293
reproductive organs 347
Malignant cells 135
Malnutrition in pre-school 174
Mammograms 34
Management of cardiac arrest 91
Marasmus 174
Mastectomy 56
Masturbation 348
Maternal complications 60
Meconium-stained amniotic fluid 61
nursing 49
revolution 246
Medicolegal purpose 149
Melanoma 72
Membrane rupture 58
blood 30
cycle 55
Mercurochrome 267
Methylphenidate 65
Military nursing 241
Miracle of life 342
Mitt restrains 275
Mobile phone 109
Mode of ventilation 12
medicine 246
nursing 241
Moist heat 302
Moros Startle reflex 60
Mosquitoes 99
Mother and child health 186
Mouth care 255
Mucomyst medication 63
Multifactor disorders 112
Multiple sclerosis 51
Mummy restrains 275
disorders 73
system 124
Myasthenia gravis 76
Myelogenous leukemia 68
Myelography 46
Myelomeningocele 64
Myocardial ischemia 4
Myopia 166
Nail care 257
Nasal canula 284
National convention of nurses 242
Natural calamities 219
Nearsightedness 166
Nebulization rapid acting medicines 307
Needle biopsy 34, 35, 309
complication 61
intensive care unit 146
Nervous system 121
Neurological problems 122
Neurosensory disorder 73
Newborn circumcision 60
Nitroglycerine 4
Nocturnal emissions 66
Non ketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma 50
Non-protein nitrogen 33
saline solution 72
vaginal delivery 59
Nurse and
community 323
conflicting conflicts in working areas 330
counseling 357, 363
family 322
health education model 204
management of cancer 132
minor illness 166
Nurse's role in
community psychiatry 324
female health 184
resources conservation 222
care 167, 170
for pressure ulcer 72
career 321
in medieval period 241
profession 240, 320
responsibilities 267
Nutritional considerations 307
Obesity 152
Obstructive pulmonary diseases 306
Occult blood 30
Oculomotor 122
Oculoplethysmography 44
Odor 28
Oil bath 254
Oncology 68
Ondansetron 66
biopsy 34
reduction 277
renal biopsy 35
wound 268
bed 264
of partial thick skin graft 72
Opium 144
cavity 124
medication 180
rehydration therapy 171
Osteoporosis 73
Otitis media 62
Otosclerosis 50
Ounces glass 303
Oxidation of food metabolism 267
analyzer 193
saturation 33
Oxytocin 59
Painless micro needle 99
Painting of throat 273
Pale fluid from vagina 194
Palpation uterine 59
Pancreatic cancer 69
Pap smear 56
Paper bag 303
Parkinson's disease 113
Pediatric nursing 62
Pediculosis 180, 257
Peer pressure 339, 348
Penetrating wound 269
Pericardial aspirations 31, 36
Perineal care 251
Peripheral vision 166
dialysis 311
fluid 31
Pernicious anemia 67
health 244
hygiene 349
Phenolsulfomethalein 30
Phenytoin 65, 71
Phosphates acid 33
Phototherapy 62
unit 193
Physical signs of death 295
Physiologic jaundice 62
Placement of endotracheal tube 292
Plaster casts 276
Platelet count 32
Pneumoencephalogram 33
Poison 66
Polycythemia vera 68
Polymorph nuclear cells 30
Position emission tomography 42
Positive end expiratory pressure 12
Posterior fontanel 60
Postpartum 59
Postural drainage 274
Potassium permanganate 267
Pranic healing 214
Pregnancy test 29
Preparation of ORS 171
Presbyopia 166
Presence of blood 30
support ventilation 12
ulcer 70
Primary symptoms of hypertension 77
Primitive medicine 245
Principle of skin care 254
Private hospitals 242
Progesterone 57
Prone position 260
Prophobilinogen 29
Prothrombin time 33
Provide oral hygiene 11
Psychiatric disorders 353
abuse 369
receptiveness 361
in boys 347
timeline 339
Public hospitals 242
angiography 37, 308
function tests 34, 307
Pus cells 30
RA test 33
cobalt implantation 55
implant 69
Rapid diagnostic test 99
Rationality of drugs 18
Raynauds disease 71
RBC 32
Rectal tube 287
Recycle grey water 224
Red alert on cell tower radiation 102
Refractive errors 165
Regulation of
blood pressure 296
body temperature 266
Relive pain 301
biopsy 310, 311
transplantation 128
Reproductive system 54
Residual volume 9
Respiratory isolation 265
Responsibility of nurse in
drug administration 15
fluid balance 271
Reticulocyte 32
Reye syndrome 52
Rheumatoid arthritis test 33
Rickets 174
Ritalin 65
Ritodrine hydrochloride 65
Role of cardinal nerves in body 121
Rollerblading 138
Rubber and cotton rings 259
Rubeola 64
Rye's tube feeding: 303
Safety belts 275
Sand bags 259
Savlon 267
Scabies 72
Scar free 97
Schilling test 68
Scoliosis 62
Scope of nursing 240
Sedimentation rate 32
Self-repairing-teeth 98
Sellers syndrome 108
Semen analysis 30
Serious neonatal disorders 187
Serologic tests for syphilis 33
Serous fluids spinal fluid 31
Set-up enemas tray 289
Severe abdominal pain 194
Sex education 336, 346, 351
desire 349
fantasies 340
images 339
Shock 145
Sickle cell disease 67, 116
Silent heart attack 3
Single photon emission computed tomography 42
Sitz bath 253
Skeletal traction 277
Skin 126
cancer 69, 103
cream 105
to skin contact 189
traction 277
Sleeve gastrectomy 153
Socioeconomic status 127
Sodium carbonate 144
Sore nipples 60
Special orthopedic tables 276
and epidural anesthesia 90
shock 51
Sponge bath 302
Sports medicines 215
Sputum 30
Stapedectomy 50
Steam inhalation 179
Stem cells 110
Steps of medical sepsis 250
Stereopsis abnormality 166
catheter 294
tray 310
Steroids 23
Stethoscope 297
Stomach wash 288
Stomatitis 69
Stress incontinence 74
Strong emotions and excitement 267
Substance abuse 341
cardiac death 100
cessation of cardiac action 91
Sugar 28
Suicide 341
Suprapubic prostatectomy 76
Surface temperature 266
fermentation/compress 302
hand washing 250
wound 268
Synchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation 12
Synovial fluid 31
Tensilion 65
Terminal stage cancer 69
Test for urine sugar 178
Tetracycline 77
Therapeutic bed 263
Third stage of labour 59
Thoracic fluid 31
Thoracocentesis 31, 35, 308
Thumb sucking 65
Thyroid gland 72
Tiny capillaries 121
Toe blood sample 193
hip arthroplasty 76
parenteral nutrition 50
Toxoplasmosis 57
Tracheotomy 291, 292
sets 6
tube 290
Trachoma 165
Traditional birth attendants 188
Transcultural nursing 328
Transient ischemic attacks 51
Transliminal hypnotherapy 216
Traumatic injuries 141
Traumatic wound 268
Tray containing 303
Trigeminal ophthalmic 122
Triglycerides 33
Tub bath 254
Tuberculosis 99
Tummy tucks 155
Tumors of pituitary gland 54
Turner's syndrome 64, 111
Types of
anesthesia 90
bath 254
beds 262
obesity 153
plaster 276
poisoning and nursing 143
sutures 271
tubes 292
ventilators 12
Ulcerative colitis 76
Ultraviolet lamps 301
Umbilical cord blood banking 116
Understanding of gastrointestinal disorders 287
Unsterile tray 310
Urban family 327
Urea nitrogen 33
Uric acid 29, 33
Urinalysis 28
Urinary system 74
Urine testing for albumin 179
Urobilinogen 29
Use mnemonic devices 234
Uterine contractions 59
bleeding 194
irrigation 277
Vagus 122
Varicose veins 76, 77
Venography 38
Ventilation 8, 10
Ventricular fibrillation 91
Viral hepatitis 125
Vision screening 165
Vital capacity 9
A deficiency 174
E 64, 65
Vulvectomy 56
Warning signs of pregnancy 57
Wash hands 304
Washing soda 144
birth 107
seal drainage system 273
WBC 32
Wearing light colored clothes 176
Whole blood 31
Wilms tumor 52
Worm infestation 208
Wristlets 275
Xerophthalmia 165
XYX syndrome 111
Yoga 138
Chapter Notes

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1Marching and Moving Ahead with Her Career in 21st Century

Heart Attack and Nursing InterventionsCHAPTER 1

Most people enormously assume that all heart attacks are always preceded by a series of symptoms such as chest pain, pain in the left arm etc. however; a heart attack can also be asymptomatic as is the case with a silent heart attack. Through it comes without warning signs; it is still life threatening, often goes undetermined clinically. This increases the chances of underlining heart diseases becoming more serious heart attack and there fore the first and only symptom of a silent heart attack could be sudden death. Here section of heart does not receive blood. This lack of blood flow can cause the heart tissues to scar and even die.
Heart attack? When? Blood pressure and diabetes are not the only silent killers. Heart attack too may occur without any warning signals. Silent heart attack, offers no warning signs and no symptoms. In fact, you may have suffered one without being aware in the least. Scary? It can be scarier, if you are ignorant about it.
Certain atypical signs such as sweating, dizziness and nausea, headache, pallor, nervousness and anxiety may accompany silent heart attack. A feeling of fullness in the center of the chest, mild pain in the arms, breathlessness while doing routine physical activities such as walking to the bus stop. Usually such symptoms are mild and subside within a short span of time.
How can it be detected? It can be detected by talking ECG, talking medical history, testing blood for cardiac enzymes, a stress test, echocardiogram, coronary angiography.
Since clients have not experienced symptoms, they tend to take it lightly, or think that doctors are making a big deal.
The high risk group—You are likely to have silent heart attack if you are above 65 years, are diabetic, high blood pressure, have high elevated serum cholesterol level, are obese, lead a sedentary lifestyle, smoke regularly, had a history of strok, lack of exercise, type of personality.
Treatment—A heart attack is a medical emergency. Delaying treatment can mean lasting damage to your heart or even death. The sooner the treatment begins the better your chances of recovering almost completely.4
Thrombolytic drugs or clot busters are used to dissolve blood clots that are blocking blood flow to the heart. When given soon after a heart attack begins, these drugs can limit or prevent permanent damage to the heart. The drugs to be administered within one hour of silent heart attack. Treatment measures also involve angioplasty to unclog the blocked arteries or a coronary bypass surgery where, in arteries or veins from other areas in your body are used to bypass the blocked arteries.
How to prevent it? Tobacco and passive smokers can damage heart health. Stress levels, which are extremely high in metros, avoid food high in saturated fats, switch to food rich in fibers. Do regular exercise. After age of 35 have yearly checkups and ECG, stress test, lipid profile, sugar is tested.
Angina pectoris is pain in the chest that is caused by hypoxia of the cardiac muscle. It is a sign of myocardial ischemia. Angiana pain comes during activities. Tab. Nitroglycerine placed under the tongue three minutes before activity and repeats the dose in 5 minutes if pain occurs. The two coronary arteries are the 1st branches of the aorta and carry blood with high oxygen content to the myocardium. Coronary occlusion is caused by ischemia of the heart muscles. After cardiac catheterization check pulse distal to the insertion site.
Complication of MI is cardiac dysrhythmia; Catheter in pulmonary artery to provide information of Left Ventricular heart failure. Lab, MI, LDH, CK-MB, is enzymes released into the blood from cardiac muscle cells when myocardium is damaged.
Apical pulse less then 60 and more than 120 contraindicated when talking drugs digoxin at home. Patient receiving anticoagulant drug observe for epitaxis and hemorrhage —INR test anticoagulant cardiac shock is failure of circulatory pump, always drop BP. Adrenaline is used to treat the shock because it increases cardiac output. Atropine blocks vagal stimulation of the SA node, resulting in increased heart rate.
The SA node is the hearts natural pacemaker. Instruct patient to take daily pulse and keep accurate records, pulse remain at least equal to the pacemaker; Lidocaine decreases the irritability of ventricles; Asystole refers to absence of arterial and ventricular contraction. Which causes death? During cardiac arrest time, the patient is anoxic, irreversible brain damage will occur if patient is anoxic for more than 4 minutes.
Patient found unconscious, unresponsive, initiate a code, help must be obtained immediately; Edema comes during the day and disappears night is Right ventricular heart failure; Edema can be classified on a four point scale from 1+ to 4+. Check the degree of edema; Right ventricular heart failed patient complains of dyspoea, edema and fatigue. Elevation of plasma hydrostatic pressure at the venous end of the capillary bed, increases pressure within circulatory system causing ascities- with air conditioning the heart is relived of the strain of pumping blood through many miles of the blood vessels in the skin. Pulmonary edema associated with mitral stenosis. 6L oxygen via nasal cannula, patient in an orthopric position; cardiac catheterization check patients pedal pulses if complains of numbness. After cerebral angiogram procedure asses symmetry of the radial pulses.
Cardiorespiratory failure—The heart consumes more oxygen per minute than any other organ in the body, because it is constantly beating. Consequentently, when the lung stop working, the heart fails occurs. Conversely, the ventilation of the lungs fails soon after the 5heart stops. Due to this medulla oblongata cannot function without the continuous supply of oxygen that is normally transported to it by cardiovascular system.
It is marked by sudden fail in the arterial oxygen tension and rise in the arterial carbon dioxide content. Due to it, the oxygen content in blood fails. Tissues of the body too are affected due to that. Brain is less tolerant of hypoxia then the heart. Brain tissues begin to deteriorate and irreversible changes take place in the brain tissues. Chest pain that is angina pectoris produced due to hypoxia. Clinical death occurs with the cessation of blood flow and the respiratory arrest. If the cardiac arrest is identified quickly and cardiopulmonary resuscitation is started immediately, we will be able to bring back the patient to life from clinical death. However, 5 to 6 minutes of cerebral ischemia results in biologic death and no revival is then possible.
Causes of cardiac arrest airway obstruction, Myocardial Infarction, anesthetic depression, hypotension, retention of carbon dioxide, drowning, electric shock, poisoning, drug reaction, pulmonary embolism, extensive hemorrhage, brain injuries, and hypothermia.
The three cardinal signs are apnea, absence of carotid and femoral pulse and dilated pupils.
Sequence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation is A- Airway; B-Breathing; C-Circulation.
Because of an emergency, no time is lost for this procedure. The success of the CPR depends on the speed with basic life supporting measures are effectively initiated. Noting the cardinal signs and symptoms, get quickly help.
Clean airway to restore respiration and circulation. Keep the heart and neck in a hyper-extended position to prevent tongue falling back and obstructing airway. Place ore-pharyngeal airway if breathing is not restored start artificial ventilation. Pinch the nostrils closed, using an index finger and thumb of the hand near the patients face. Take a deep breath, place your mouth into the rescuers mouth ensures airtight seal. The expansion of the chest ensures ventilation of the lungs.
Let us say it is 7:10 PM and you are driving home alone, after an unusually hard day on the job. You are really tired, upset and frustrated.
Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five kms from the hospital nearest your home.
Unfortunately, you do not know if you will be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the person that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.
A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.6
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without letup until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm.
In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. It could save their lives!
Follow the above mentioned tips to lead a healthy and a happy life.
  • What is the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) ?
  • Heart attack is of an emergency, do not waste valuable time.
  • Keep following things ready
  • Oxygen administration sets
  • IV infusion sets and cut down sets
  • Ambu bag and mask devices
  • Endotracheal tubes of different sizes
  • Oropharyngeal and nasal airways
  • Laryngoscope of different sizes
  • Tracheotomy sets
  • Suction apparatus
  • Cardiac monitor and defibrillator
  • Mechanical respiratory aids
  • Emergency drugs such as epinephrine, sodium bicarbonate, cardiac and respiratory stimulants
  • Clean rag pieces or gauze pieces of container
  • No valuable time is lost in explaining the procedure to the patient/relatives.
Clean the airway of obvious foreign matter, e.g. Vomitus, secretions.
Hyperextend the head and neck of the patient by tilting it backward as far as possible
Pull the victim's jaw forward by placing the fingers behind the angle of the jaw and is lifted forward until the teeth on the upper jaw and the lower jaw is approximated
If breathing is restored, place on oropharyngeal airway
If breathing is not restored start artificial ventilation
To initiate breathing can be given [mouth to mouth]
Pinch the patient's nostrils closed, using an index finger and thumb of the hand near the patient's face. Take a deep breath, place your widely opened mouth over the patient's mouth and blow forcefully enough to make the patient's chest rise. Turn the face towards the patient's chest to observe its expansion.
After each inflation move, your mouth ensures airtight seal. The expansion of the chest ensures ventilation of the lungs. In children [the rescuer's mouth is placed over the mouth and nose], less volume of air is introduced, but they are given about 20–30 times per minute.7
If cardiac massage is to be given, the artificial breathing should be carried at a rate of 5% or 15 : 2, i.e. one inflation after every 15 cardiac massage when there is only one rescuer.
To maintain circulation begin external cardiac compression immediately following initial four rapid breaths.
Position the patient on his back on a flat, firm surface.
Kneel on bed at the side of patient.
CR cardiac compression at rate of 60–80/Minutes; Assess the vital signs.
Lung inflations and cardiac compressions must be followed until patient starts spontaneous respirations and pulse.
Keep patient under observation 48 to 72 hrs.
Watch pupils, pulse, movements of chest wall no retraction of muscles, blood pressure, temperature, pulse and respirations, watch for convulsions, insert Foley's catheter. Start IV infusion
Record each thing with observation
Basic CPR – follow the ABCD → that is Average Breathing Circulation Defibrillation
Advanced → Drug, ECG
CPCR → Cardiac Pulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation
Congenital heart block can be treated but city needs to make surgeries more easily available to kids. Medical science has progressed to a point where doctors can detect a slew of problems in the fetal stage itself, can detect chromosomal abnormalities, congenital neoplasm a abnormalities that is tumors, skeletal abnormalities, renal cystic disease, congenital infections as well as neurological abnormalities.
The non-invasive test- done between 11 and 13 weeks are:
The Test Detects
Downs syndrome and neural tube defects
Low levels of Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A) in maternal serum during the first three months of pregnancy may be associated with fetal chromosomal anomalies that indicate genetic abnormality. Low PAPP-A levels in the first trimester may also predict that the outcome could be different pregnancy.
Triple AAA marker done between 16 and 18 weeks. This includes tests that can detect neural defects. Congenital malformation and genetic disease conditions like tiresome, Ed wards and Downs syndrome.
Nuchal cord translucent C test-done 9 and 13 weeks, it can detect neural defects such as DS, Turners or spina Bifida in which a part of the spinal cord is not formed, leads to a life long disabilities in some.
3D or 4D anomaly scan at 10 weeks. This is a detailed 3D/4D scan. Every single angel and every minor and major physical anomaly ranging from an eye problem to defects in the heart to cleft lip.
Fetal echocardiography done in 20 and 24 weeks.
It gives the complete picture of the heart and any malformation is detected.
The invasive tests are done only when any of the screening tests turn positive. Also recommended if there is a family history of genetic diseases or the parents are old.8
Amniocenteses done at 16 and 18 weeks– a needle is passed into the amniotic cavity inside the uterus. The amniotic fluids contain fetal cells, which can be grown in culture from chromosome analysis biochemical analysis and molecular analysis/it shows genetic abnormality.
Chorionic villus sampling done in 9 and 12 week.
A catheter is passed through the cervix and into the uterus to the placenta under ultrasound guidance. This allows sampling of cells for chromosome analysis for genetic abnormality.
Fetoscopy—An endoscope is introduced into the amniotic sac to get a visualization of the fetus. This helps in getting fetal blood sample, skin biopsy and liver biopsy.
USG based fetal blood sampling. This uses sonography probe/catheter to get sample of fetal blood.
We have to understand that 90% of children born with heart defects are normal after an operation. We cannot change the incident of heart defect, but we need public trust hospitals and government to come together to ensure that such operations are made easily available to children.
Abortion of such a child has adverse moral, ethical, and inhuman consequences. Know the trauma parents who have such child with disability go through. A baby with malfunctioning organs cause unlimited and cannot be explained the tribulation. We have to react when technologies is alerting us. If do not follow why technology at all. Who will be responsible for child's agony? Parents will have to watch child's agony helplessly. Which can be unbearable? Parents are not able to afford to give child latest treatment thus putting child in distress. Life will be hell for such a child. Child will lead a terrible life and will not have normal childhood.
Adding with life long medical expenses
The law is clear no person has the right to kill an unborn child.
The almighty deciding the fate of human beings
Destiny is playing its role people will misuse the law. May use as a pretext for terminating perfectly healthy child. As this issue was discussed few days back and appeared in newspapers remains unanswered.
Beating heart bypass surgery—Coronary artery disease caused by atherosclererotic narrowing of coronary arteries. If it is not treated, it can cause chest pain on exertion, when multiple coronary arteries are narrowed the treatment of choice is coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). It requires anastomosis of grafts taken from the patients own body. A new technique of operation done without the use of heart-lung machine. It is a new technique and the result of surgery is very satisfying. Old and sick patients too fare well after surgery.
Ventilation is the movement of air in and out of the lungs. The primary function of the lungs is gas exchange. The physical structure and the airway allow air to be warmer, filtered and humidified as it enters the body. In the alveolar sacs, oz is exchanged for coz. The mechanics of breathing are coordinated by the ribs, diaphragm, pleural space, elastic recoil of the lungs and nervous system provides one form of acid base balance. When there process of structure and function are altered, various disorders can occur.9
During inspiration, air flows from the environment into the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli. During expiration, alveolar gas travels the same route in reverse.
Physical factors that govern air flow in and out of the lungs are collectively referred to as the mechanics of ventilation and include air pressure variances, resistance to air flow and lung compliance.
Air flows from a region of higher pressure to a region of lower pressure. During inspiration, movement of the diaphragm and other muscles of respiration enlarge the thoracic cavity and there by lowers the pressure inside the thorax to a level below that of atmospheric pressure. Therefore, air is drawn through the trachea and bronchi into the alveoli.
During normal expiration, the diaphragm relaxes and the lungs recoil, resulting in a decrease in the size of the thoracic cavity. The alveolar pressure then exceeds atmospheric pressure and air flows from the lungs into the atmosphere.
Airway resistance is determined chiefly by the size of the airway through which the air is flowing. Any process that changes the bronchial diameter and alters the rate of air flow for a given pressure gradient during respiration. With increased resistance greater than normal respiratory effect is required by the patient to achieve normal levels of ventilation.
When pressure changes are applied in the normal lung, there is a proportional changes in the lung volume. A measure of the elasticity, expandability and dispensability of the lungs and thoracic structure is called compliance. Factors that determine lung compliance are surface tension of the alveoli and the connective tissue of the lungs. Normal compliance is (1.0 L/cm H2O) increased compliance occurs when the lungs have lost their elasticity and thorax is over distended. When lungs and thorax are stiff there is decreased compliance. Conditions associated with this pneumothorax, hemothorax, pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, atelectasis etc.
Lung function, which reflects the mechanic of ventilation. It is categorized as tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume expiratory reserve volume and residual volume.
Tidal volume(TV) is the volume of air inhaled and exhaled with each breath 500 ml which may not vary, even with sever diseases.
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) is the maximum volume of air that can be inhaled after a normal inhalation 300 ml.
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) is the maximum volume of air that can be exhaled forcing after normal exhalation 1100 ml, it is decreased in obesity, ascities and pregnancy.
Residual volume (RV) 1200 ml, it increases in obstructive diseases.
Vital capacity (VC) 4600 ml and inspiratory capacity 3500 ml total lung capacity 5800 ml functional residual volume of air remaining in the lung a normal expiration, coz is waste product of tissue metabolism.
Ventilation air flow and perfusion/blood flow determines the efficiency of gas exchange. The primary function of lung is gas exchange.
The rhythm of breathing is controlled by respiratory centers in the brain. The inspiration and expiratory centers in the medulla oblongata and pons control the rate and depth of ventilation to meet the body's metabolic demands.
Ventilation is the flow of gas in and out of the lungs and perfusion is the filling of pulmonary capillaries with blood.10
Ventilation—Perfusion ratio in different areas of lung, the ratio may vary. Alteration in perfusion may occur with a change in the pulmonary artery pressure, alveolar pressure and gravity. Airway blockage, local changes in compliance and gravity may alter ventilation.
Imbalance occurs from inadequate ventilation. Ventilation and perfusion imbalance causes shunting of blood, resulting in hypoxia. Oxygen can eliminate hypoxia. Once the air enters the trachea, It becomes fully saturated with water vapour, which displays some of the gases so that the air pressure within the lung remains equal to the air pressure outside.
Low ventilation perfusion states may be called shunt producing disorders. When effusion exceeds ventilation, a shunt exists. Blood by passes, the alveoli without gas exchange occurs. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried simultaneously by virtue of there abilities to dissolve in blood. Oxygen is carried in the blood in two forms. First as physically dissolved oxygen in the plasma, second in combination with the hemoglobin in RBC.
High Ventilation—Perfusion Ratio Dead Space Results
The normal value of paoz is 80 to 100 mm Hg (95% to 98% saturation)
Paoz partial pressure of alveolar coz
Normal levels paoz above 70 mm Hg
Dangerous levels below 40 mm Hg
Nursing management of the client on mechanical ventilation indicated when the patient is unable to maintain safe levels of oz or coz by spontaneous breathing even with the assistance of other oz delivery devices. Mechanical ventilation helps to minimize the work of breathing while effectively promoting gas exchange oxygenation and ventilation. It requires the establishment of an artificial airway (usually by ET intubations initially) and use of positive pressure ventilator.
Endotracheal tube is a longer, slender hallow tube usually made of polyvinyl, chloride that is inserted into the trachea via the mouth or nose. Oral intubations is usually used for short term airway management nasal intubations is more secure and believed to be more comfortable and does not move as much in the airway. However many instillations are not using nasal intubations because of risk of sinusition if prolonged intubations required ET tube will be replaced with a tracheotomy.
Inserting the tube the client is positioned supine with all dental bridge work plates remove the head of hyperextended the lower except of the neck flexed and the mouth opened this position bring the mouth, pharynx and larynx into a straight line oxygen saturation adequate checked.
Checking tube placemen immediately after on ET tube has been inserted
Tube placement is verified by auscultation and chest X-ray to ensure to see the position of tube and if the tube is slips can correct reestablishing quickly. Secure the ET tube immediately after intubations with adhesive tape specially designed. ET tube holds.
Seal the tube against the tracheal wall to facilitate positive pressure ventilation
Protects the respiratory tract from the aspiration of foreign the amount of air required to seal on ET tube cuff I to replace by the cuff pressure which usually maintained at less than 20 mm Hg. Low cuff pressure is necessary to prevent drainage to the tracheal mucosa arterial pressure in he tracheal wall are approximately 20 to 25 mm Hg while venous pressure is 1120 mm Hg therefore cuff pressure greater than mucosa and necrosis may develop cuff pressure should be every 8 hour.
Care of the cuff-suction and hyperventilate before and after procedure
Clean the area for secretion by suctioning gently deep into the oropharyx, advance the suction catheter to the end of ET tube, deflate the cuff while applying suction to suction catheter, so that any secretion lying above the cuff will be removed. Repeat pharyngeal suctioning.
Managing cuff leaks can be a major problem. It may be because by a rupture or tear in the cuff or pilot system or by the ET tube.
The pilot balloon not filing when air is injected
The client's ability to talk when the cuff inflated
Air heard leaking during positive pressure breathing that the client is at high risk of aspiration while the cuff is leaking during positive pressure breathing.
Suctioning—ET tube improve the clients ability to cough while stimulating increases secretion formation in the lower tracheobronchial tree. It is usually required to help maintain a patient airway. It should perform only when it is needed excessive suctioning if used can lead to airway trauma, and other problems.
Sign and symptoms indicate the need for suctioning is noisy breathing restlessness; increase respiration mucus bubbling into the ET tube can identify by auscultation and increase in peak airway pressure during continuous mechanical ventilation.
Communication—Due to ET tube passes trough the vocal cords therefore the client can not laugh effectively or speak. So help the client develop a means of communication by keeping paper and pencil, pad or a picture board readily available.
Provide oral hygiene—Careful oral hygiene is essential every few hours for a client with an ET tube secretion frequent oral suctioning above the cuff is highly recommended. The client's teeth should be brushed on a oral mucosa moistened and dry mucus membranes apply lubrication to decrease the risk of necrosis of the mouth and pharynx from pressure the ET tube should be rotated from one corner of the mouth to the other at least every 24 hours.
Turn patient from side-to-side every two hours. Lateral turn of 120 degree is desirable, from right semiprone to left semiprone. Position and make patient sit in upright at regular intervals if possible. Upright posture increases lung compliance. Carry out passive range exercises of all extremities for patients unable to do so. Asses for need of suctioning at least every 2 hours. Patient with MI are unable to clear secretions on their own. Suctioning may help to clear secretion and stimulate the cough reflex.
Asses breath sounds every two hours. Listen with stethoscope to the chest for bottom to top on both sides. To confirm airway patency and placement of ET. Determine breath sounds weather normal or abnormal.
Humidifier must change every 24 hours
Assess airway pressure at frequent intervals12
Monitor for pulmonary infection. This helps for earlier detection of infection
Measure abdominal girth to asses’ degree of distension daily
Test all stool and gastric drainage for occult blood. Abdominal distention occurs frequently with respiratory failure and further hindrance respiration by elevation of the diaphragm.
Establish means of assign effectiveness and progress of treatment.
Continuous Mechanical Ventilation
Maintain adequate ventilation
Deliver precise concentration of froze
Deliver adequate tidal volume is obtains on adequate minute ventilator and oxygenation
Lessen the work of breathing in those clients who cannot suction adequate ventilation on their own.
Types of Ventilators
Pressure cycled ventilators deliver a volume of gas to the airway using positive pressure during inspiration. This positive pressure is delivered until the preselecled pressure has been reached when the preset pressure is reached the machine cycles into exhalation pressure cycled ventilators are used in only a small portion of clients who require continuous mechanical ventilation.
Volume—Cycled ventilators deliver a present tidal volume or inspired gas. The tidal volume that has been preselecled is delivered to the client regardless of the pressure required to client. This volume a pressure limit can beset to prevent the occumence of dangerously high airway pressures.
Mode of Ventilation
Control ventilation—delivers gas at present rate and tidal volume or pressure regardless of patient's inspiratory effects.
Assist control ventilation—Delivers gas at present tidal volume or pressure in response to clients inspiratory effects and will intake breathe if client fails to do so with in present time.
Synchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation—Delivers gas at present tidal volume or pressure and rate while allowing client to breathe spontaneously. Ventilator breaths are synchronized to clients respiratory effect.
Positive end expiratory pressure—Positive pressure applied at the end of expiration of ventilator breaths.
Constant positive airway pressure—Positive pressure applied during spontaneous breaths.
Pressure support ventilation—Preset positive pressure used inspiratory efforts, client controls rate in spiratory flow and tidal volume.
Volume—Assured pressure support ventilation-tidal volume is set to ensure client receiving minimum tidal volume with each pressure support breath.13
Independent lung ventilation—Each lung is ventilated separately.
High frequency positive pressure ventilation delivers 60–100 breaths/min.
High frequency jet ventilation delivers 100–600 cycles/min.
High frequency oscillation delivers 900–300 cycles/min.
Inverse ratio ventilation proportion of inspiratory to expiratory time is greater than 1.1 can be initiated using pressure.
Nursing responsibility—Altered respiratory function, ineffective airway clearance auscultate lung sounds and respiratory rate and pattern every one to two hours as needs,
Check ventilation setting drams and connect at lest hourly and after any removal of ventilator from client
Suction as needed provide pre- and post-hyper inflating nebulizer every 2 hours
Secure the ET tube properly
Use block or oral airway
Monitor arterial blood gas values and arterial oximetry
Anxiety related to dependency while on mechanical ventilator—develops means of communication. Place a nurse call device within the clients reach. Be available and visible. Provide distraction, explain all procedure, provide privacy, and provide a calm environment. Medicate as necessary for anxiety.
High risk for complications—assess for acute rising or severe dyspoea, agitation, panic, absence breath sounds localized hyperresonence ring breathing effort tracheal deviation abnormal findings.
Asses for acute or gradual fall in blood pressure tachey cardia, dysrthias, weak peripherals pulses, and acute reduction pulmonary copilot's pressure.
Monitor for signs of adverse estuation vocalization low pressure alarm, bilateral decrease in upper lobe airway sounds, gastric distension clinical manifestation of, inadequate ventilation, keep on incubation tray readily available.
Risk for infection related to impaired defense, wash hands thoroughly, use sterile technique for suctioning. Monitor client for increase breathing effort localized changes in auscultation and change in paoz, provide oral care every two hour. Drain water from ventilator tubing and do not drain water back into humidify. Monitor sputum for changes in colour, consistency, amount and odour. Monitor laboratory values, blood cell count etc.
Continuous mechanical ventilation is used for many different reasons. Ventilation support may be needed for short term care like severe pneumonia or long term stroke, in some emergency cases, ventilator support is to stabilize a patient's condition. Positive benefit is the continuous ventilator allows the lungs to rest so that healing may take place.
Continuous Mechanical Ventilator Artificially Prolong Death
Alteration in nutrition provides adequate nutrition, begin tube feeding as soon as it is evident that the client will remain on continuous mechanical ventilator for a length of time. Avoid excessive carbohydrate loads. Weight the client daily. Monitor intake and out put, monitor bowel sound. Asses for complication of tube feeding, aspiration, constipation; Use feeding or between bolus feeding obtain.14
Conclusions—You could save a life if you identify stroke or an attack. Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage. If one can get stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke.
10 leading causes of death—Heart disease, cancer, stroke, unintentional injuries, COPD, pneumonia, influenza, DM, suicide, chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis etc. Remember that men over age 60 years; one who has family history of high blood pressure, heart attack and diabetes, pressure 200/110 mm of Hg, IDDM uncontrolled, eight 50% or more over weight, cholesterol level over 280, serum triglycerides, fasting 400 to 1000, percentage of fat in diet over 50%, no activity, sedentary occupation, cigarette smoking over a 40 a day, stress at work and home extremely high, women who takes oral contraceptives, high air pollution, one who has only 4 to 6 hours of sleep at night. Also his social problem can affect his well being such as job being more important than family, excessive competitiveness in all areas of life, divorce, dissatisfaction with job, the primary gratification is money etc.
Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, use salt and sodium on moderation, eat a variety of foods, maintain healthy weight, choose diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and grain products, use sugar only in moderation, fats and sweets use sparingly.
Evaluate what things in your life are important to you and help you want to live each day, e.g. health, respect for others happiness, loving relationship, time spend with loved ones, friendship, religious beliefs, financial security, having job/work to do.
How important is your health to you? What do you hope to accomplish in your life time? For example, rare children successfully, become rich and famous, have satisfying career? Have you accomplished what you set out to do in your life? Are you satisfied/dissatisfied/ have any of your beliefs and values challenged you? What do you wish you could change about yourself? Describe how you feel when you become ill? Have a balance perspective of life experience, persist despite adversity and discouragement, and believe in oneself and one capability. Realization that life has purpose, realization that each persons life path is unique, some of which must be walked alone.