Management of Nursing Services and Education BT Basavanthappa
analysis 30, 323
method of inventory control 328
Abilities of professional nurse 534
Accounting for inventory 326
Additional facilities for nurses working in rural areas 498
Adequate facilities 263
policies 83
structure of staff development programme 431
nursing assessment 362
selection committee 478
Adult education 435
Advantages and disadvantages of budget 129
Advantages of
budget 129
delegation 388
nursing audit 207
personnel policies 66
planning 45
Advisory committees 263
Allocation of personnel 83
American nurses association 595
Analysis of
health situation 49
medical record data 223
Application of management concepts for nursing service in hospital 297
Appraisal interview 314
Apprentices training 442
Approaches to
in-service education 433
quality improvement 216
staff development 431
Assessment of resources 50
Assumptions 101
Audio-visual aids
in training 453
instructional media 476
Audit 136
committee 207
Automatic inventory system 326
Autonomy 583
Average unit price method 330
Barriers to communication 119, 190
Basis for philosophy of nursing 264
Bedside nursing hours 214
Benefits of manpower planning 95
Budget 484
in health care systems 131
variance 137
in hospital 334
process 132
Bureaucratic theory of organisation 383
Canadian nurses association 595
Care plan conference 371
development 438, 592
structure 108
management 288, 360
method 281
Cash budget 336
government 340
sterile supply services department 244
Centralised approach 433
Change-of-shift reports 370
Characteristics of
adult learner 437
personnel policies 66
planning 45
professional nursing practice 535
professionalisation 524
standard 210
Classical theory of organisation 383
Classification according to
clinical basis 235
length of stay of patient 234
management 236
objectives 235
ownership/control 235
size 236
system 236
Classification of
budget 130
hospitals 234
management techniques 28
standards 211
training aids 454
Classroom training 442
Clinical facilities 476, 480
Code for nurses 539, 541
Code of ethics 581
of profession 536
Collaborative practice 289
administration 475
management committee 477
teaching staff 475
Committee organisation 475
behaviours in human relations 410
network 182
chests 343
health nursing field practiced area 482
nursing services 500
Components and characteristics of legal process 561
Components of
career development 438
planning 46
Computerised documentation 359
Computing number of nurses
assigned on weekly basis 73
required on
daily basis 73
yearly basis 73
Concept of
hard technology in training 452
human relations 405
management and administration 3
economics in budgeting 124
effective management 4
motivation 143
profession 521
Congruent leadership 169
Cons 363
Consent for operation 563
Contacts with patients 301
Content of operational budget 476
education 591
and staff development 499
in nursing 430
Contributions in kind 338
Controlling authority 474
Coordinated approach 433
Corporate hospitals 235
Correct identity 564
analysis 134
avoidance 136
awareness 135
benefit analysis 30
containment 135
effective analysis 30
expenditure 134
fairs 135
incentives 136
management 135
monitoring 135
reduction 136
Costing out nursing services 140
Costs per relative intensity measures 140
Criteria for appraisal of nursing colleges 486
Criteria of
evaluation in community health nursing 304
good codes 537
profession 522
Critical path method 59
Dangerous drug register 331
Decentralised approach 433
making 52, 458
in nursing 54
process in nursing 54
tools 56
trees 57
Definitions of
communication 175
educational administration 457
hospital 231
human resources management 85
management 1
motivation 145
nurses 548
nursing audit 206
organisation 372
planning 43
Demand estimation 321
Dental department/unit 242
Department of
medicine 239
nursing 245
pathology/laboratory 243
pharmacy 243
psychiatry/mental health 243
radiology or X-ray department 242
surgery 239
Departmental organisation within college 475
Determining number of personnel 98
Dietary department 244
Differentiated practice 290
Direct supervision 199
Direction of communication 119
Disadvantages of
budget 129
nursing audit 207
planning 46
Discharge on parole 575
Doctor-to-beds ratio 246
of records 215
systems 354
Documenting nursing activities 362
Drugs maintenance 564
ECG department 253
Educational administration 457
in nursing 463
Elements of
administration 9
educational administration 458
manpower resource 93
materials management system 321
ranking 309
rights 549
Ensuring confidentiality of computer records 352
Environment of organization 373
Essentials of
communication 118, 176
training 447
B.Sc nursing programme 474
standards 40
Estimation of financial requirement 339
and legal considerations in records 352
aspects of nursing 580
dilemmas 585
obligations 542
Ethico-legal obligation of nurses 542
Evaluating quality of nursing care 221
Evaluation and community health nursing program 303
Evaluation of
nursing service 302
programme 490
training programme 449
Evolution of hospitals in India 233
Explanations of model 302, 428
External environment 375
affecting in-service education 432
impair communication 180
communication 180
human relations 407
personnel policy 65
staffing requirements in nursing service unit 82
ward management 277
inherent in nursing staff 83
of effective supervision 115, 196
of motivation 155
appointment 493
composition 487
role in higher education 492
Fayol's general principles of management 14
Features and importance of budget 126
Fiedler theory of leadership 166
Filling of positions from outside organisation 110
management in nursing 332
resources 340
First in first out method 329
Fixed last price method 330
Fixing priorities 50
Focus charting 358
Food service 251
Formal and informal leaders 167
Formulation of personnel policy 64
Framework of evaluation 450
method 281
organisation 401
Functions management 33
Functions of
educational administration 461
human resources management 86
leader 163
manager 41
professional nursing 541
staff development
personnel 431
programme 426
state nursing council 598
supervision 35, 292
Gantt chart 57
guidelines for recording 366
hospitals 235
objectives of course 483
Giving feedback to staff 226
rapport 562
Samaritan laws 562
teaching 437
Governing body 474
Government grants 340
Grants-in-aid for social welfare agencies 342
Graphic rating scales 310
Growth of professionalism 530
Guide to staffing nursing services 72
Guidelines for
effective communication 192
establishing bachelor of nursing programme in India 474
nursing legislation 490
telephone orders 371
Guiding principles for budget preparation 338
management 102
planning 102
production 102
services 264
visitors league 597
Home health care documentation 366
departments 238
infection control 257
policy 254
utilization 237
Hostel facilities 482
Human relations 404
skills and interpersonal relationship 411
theory of organisation 383
Illustration of philosophy of college of nursing 465
Implementing quality improvement 217
Importance of
learning 417
organisation 376
performance appraisal 305
procedure in health care services 256
records in hospital or health centres 346
standard 208
Important factors of staffing 75
Incident report 350
Independent functions 542
Indian nursing council (INC) 597
Indian penal code and medical practice 557
Indicators of team work 261
Indirect supervision 199
Induction training 442
Input evaluation 451
In-service education 432
of nursing personnel 264
Internal environment 374
council of nurses 595
honor society 596
Intuitive supervision 200
Inventory control 323
Isolation hospitals 236
analysis 29
descriptions of nursing personnel 502
satisfaction 157
Justice 584
Kidd's differentiation between pedagogy and androgogy 435
Knowle's differentiation between pedagogy and androgogy 436
Last in first out method 330
issues in specialty practice areas 569
obligation 543
protection for nurses 350
responsibilities of nurse 567
responsibilities of students 351
role of nurse 577
safeguards in nursing practice 562
significance of standards 212
Levels of communication 178
Licensing board/council 548
and staff organisations 401
organisation structure 400
Local bodies 340
Long-term care documentation 365
Maintaining balance between costs and risks 329
Managed care 288
of financial resources 339
science 26
functions 87
grid 165
motivation 156
Managing of human relations 408
assessment 100
inventory 99
planning 91
models 100
steps 92
systems 101
utilization 95
Master staffing pattern 262
Material management in nursing 320
Maternal and infant nursing 569
Maternity unit 240
Meaning and definition of Tort 550
Meaning of
educational administration 456
law 545
staffing 62
terms 205
Means for stable employment 104
surgical nursing 571
unit 239
Medicolegal aspects of death 576
Method to develop criteria 206
Methods of
assigning nursing personnel 84
evaluation in community health nursing practice 304
health manpower planning 102
nursing audit 206
performance evaluation 308
quality improvement 218
supervision 35, 200, 294
Midwives and auxiliary nurse-midwives association 597
Miller's differentiation between pedagogy and androgogy 436
Mobilisation of financial resources 339
Mobilising resources 41
Models on motivation 150
management theories 25
theory of organization 379
Modes of
communication 120
organising 280
Motivation and job
design 149
satisfaction 148
Motivational approach 146
Narcotics 330
agencies 485
league for nursing 595
nursing policy 501
organisation in India 596
professional accrediting agency 485
student nurses association 596
Nature and
principles of planning 44
scope of supervision 291
Nature of
leadership 163
organisation 376
supervision 195
Negligence in medical field 560
Neo-classical theory 379
Non-financial incentives in motivation 154
Non-malfeasance 583
Non-teaching and supporting staff 477
Non-verbal communication 179
and responsibility of continuing education 430
ratio 214
relationship 533
Nurses pledge florence nightingale pledge 539
Nurse-to-beds ratio 247
audit 205, 206
audit 206
delivery system 280
plans 363
standards in ward management 213
college administration/ management 465
discharge/referral summaries 364
education 498
ethics 538
in hospital 133
legislation 501
management 27
organisation-international 594
practice manuals 262
school administration 483
administration 261
administrative meetings 263
and computers 272
budget 262
department 274
in hospital 273
philosophy of victoria hospital 274
standards 207, 208
Objectives of
hospital 232
human resource management 86
manpower planning 92
nursing service in hospital 273
staffing in nursing 68
supervision 35, 196, 292
Ohio state theory 165
One method for determining nursing staff of hospital 73
Operating budget 335
Operative functions 88
and management of nursing service unit 276
of nursing services 501
leadership 172
structure in nursing 400
manpower resources 89
training 451
Out-patient department 238
Overall requirements 467
nursing 570
unit 241
property 566
rights 576
Pattern of assignment of duties 214
Pay of incentives 113
Performance evaluation 304, 306, 315
Performing audit 223
Periodic stock verification 328
Perpetual inventory 326
budget 75
management in nursing 317
policies 264
records 263
Philosophy of
college of nursing 465
continuing education 431
hospital 232
nursing 266
service in hospital 267
staff development 417
staffing in nursing 68
Physical facilities in college of nursing 467
Physiological organisation theory 382
Physiotherapy 249
Pioneers of human relations 406
Plan of
action 51
organisation 262
Planning for
continuing education 434
hospital nursing service 262
formula 434
job requirement and job descriptions of hospital 245
manpower requirement 89
process in health services 48
training programme 447
Plans for appraisal of nursing 263
Plant equipment budget 335
Policies and composition of medical staff 83
Policy and administrative manuals 262
Policy, rules and regulations of hospital 253
Practical nurse pledge 539
Practice guidelines documentation 366
Preparation for mobilisation 339
Preparation of budget 334
Preparing budget estimate 133
Prerequisite for leadership 161
Prerequisites to budget 124
Presence/absence of clerical assistance 83
Primary direct contacts 301
Principles of
administration 6
budget 126
bureaucracy 7
communication in management 181
delegation 388
excellence in
leadership 265
practice 265
service 264
hierarchy and regimentation 7
learning 418
management 8
morale 7
oneness 7
organisation 384
performance evaluation 304
planning in community health nursing 52
quality-improvement 217
self-administration 8
specialism and whole 7
supervision 36, 117, 198, 292
Private nursing hospitals/nursing homes 235
Probability theory 56
Problem-oriented medical record 354
Problems in
rating 312
selection of employees 71
training 451
Procedure for
registration for fund raising 342
training 444
Procedures and rules for materials management 332
behaviours of nurses 536
confidence 566
nurse 532
organisations 592
socialisation of nursing 531
Program evaluation and review technique 58
Progress notes 357, 364
Promotional procedure 110
Protecting resources 42
Psychiatric nursing 572
Public hospitals 235
Purpose of
budget 334
criteria 486
legislation 562
performance evaluation 307
Purpose statements of hospitals 265
Purposes of
budget 123
client records 353
communication 118
evaluation 302
nursing audit 206
standards 209
Qualifications of
professional nurse 534
staff development personnel 431
Qualities of supervisor 37, 117, 295
assurance 221
circles 226
control 203
improvement 222
Queuing theory 60
Rate of consumption 324
Reaction evaluation 451
Reasons for failure in mobilisation 340
after judicial inquisition 574
direct into mental hospital voluntary admission 574
of criminal lunatics 574
order other than petition 574
Recruitment process 68
Registration of nurses 548
Regulations regarding fund raising 341
Relationship of nurse to colleagues and to community 533
Remedying deficiencies 227
Reporting crimes 351
Requirements of effective training 449
Residential accommodation 483
Responsibilities of
case managers 289
head nurse 213
nursing supervisor 295
Responsibility for
death and dying 569
equipment 568
observation and reporting 568
record keeping and reporting 568
training 444
Responsibility to protect public 568
Role and functions of manager in
communications 182
staffing schedules 83
Role of
chief of nursing service in hospital 300
manager in motivation 158
nurse manager in budgeting 137
training 448
trust in team work 260
Roles and functions of manager in
staff development 438
staffing 66
legal issues 580
Roles of professional nurse 588
Safeguarding public 562
Sample of organisation chart of college of nursing 466
School of general nursing 483
Scientific management 382
Scope of
hospital 233
practice 586
supervision 34
Self-discharge of patient 565
Senior staff nurse 506
Services for student 475
Setting up of school of nursing 484
Significance of
budget 122
communication 174
planning manpower 93
Significant values of training 421
Size of inventory 329
Skills needed for planning 52
Sources of
funds for health service 131
law 546
nursing care standards 210
recruitment 69
Space requirements 270
Span of control 385
development 416
for hostel 483
nurse 502
Staffing formulas 77
Staffing in
administrative set-up 81
community health settings 80
educational set-up 81
hospitals and community setting 75
pattern of hospital 481
requirements 270
Standards of
care 562, 587
nursing practice 587
professional performance 588
governments 340
nursing council 598
Statement of organisation's philosophy 265
Steps in
budgeting 133
community health planning 49
organisation 390
communication 119
process 434
recruitment process 71
supervision 293
Steps of
control 40
planning 46
Steps to problem solving process in planning care 208
Sterile supply department 252
Structural standard 211
nurses association 597
potential 475
Supervision in
direction 195
field setting 296
Supplementary budgets 339
Supportive services 83
Surgical units 239
Suspicion of theft 567
Take corrective action 41
Taylor's scientific principles 10
Teaching-cum-research hospital 235
Team nursing 283
Techniques of
management 28
supervision 200
orders 371
reports 370
Terms used in budgeting 134
Theories of
management 10
organisation 378
Tools of performance appraisal 308
Total quality management 204
Trained nurses association of India 596
and motivating nursing staff 222
in job 425
methods and techniques 440
non-managerial job 444
process in job 423
Transforming leadership 170
Types of
budgets 75, 127
communication 179
decision 53
evaluation 302
leadership 169
organization 391
patient care audits 223
planning 48
staff development 429
supervision 199, 294
Units of organisation 377
Unity of command 386
Use of nursing skills 83
Valuation of inventory 329
Values of law in nursing 547
Various types of procedures 256
Verbal communication 179
Vestibule training 441
Voluntary hospitals 235
Working conditions of nursing personnel 496
Writeup formulated plan 51
job descriptions and job specifications 263
statement of purpose and objectives of nursing service 262
X-ray department 249
Chapter Notes

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fm1Management of Nursing Services and Educationfm2
fm3Management of Nursing Services and Education
BT Basavanthappa MSc (N) PhD Professor and Principal (Rtd) Government College of Nursing, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India PhD Guide for Research Work Member Faculty of Nursing, RGUHS, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Academic Council, RGUHS, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Examiner UG and PGs Courses on Nursing of Various Universities Ex-Programme Incharge IGNOU, BSc (N) Course, Karnataka and Goa Life Member Nursing Research Society of India, New Delhi, Trained Nurses Association of India, New Delhi President RGUHS, Nursing Teachers Association, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Winner Bharat Excellence Award and Gold medal, Vikas Ratan Gold Award, UWA Life Time Achievement Award and Shree Veeranjaneya “Shrujanashri” Award
Published by
Jitendar P Vij
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Management of Nursing Services and Education
© 2011, BT Basavanthappa
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First Edition: 2011
Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit
Printed atfm5
my parents,
my nursing profession
my dear studentsfm6
It gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction to introduce the Management of Nursing Services and Education to nursing community. In offering this text, I remain grateful to the readers who supported all my 12 titles on Nursing and who have provided their constructive feedback as well as encouraging comments.
Nurses are challenged to take part in the management of health care delivery system as they are the major driving forces to the system.
The professional nurses often assume the roles of leaders and managers. These two roles are often linked together; that is, managers must have leadership abilities and leaders will often manage but the two roles are uniquely different.
Nurses are role models to all who interact with them: clients, nursing colleagues, nursing students, physicians, health professionals, and members of the community. The ability to advocate for the client is linked to the nurse's leadership ability. Leadership activities may not only be related to professional practice but may also include the application of nursing knowledge to personal concerns. Nurses as members of the community provide leadership in matters related to health because of their special knowledge of risk factors and health promotion behaviours.
The nurses assume management functions in several ways. As a manager and provider of client care, a nurse coordinates with the various health professionals who provide service to the client, including those in X-ray, pharmacy, respiratory therapy, social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc. A nurse may also assume a situational role of manager as head nurse, nursing supervisor, and so on. In this management role, a nurse directs and evaluates the nursing and non-nursing staff members.
Keeping these views in mind, this book is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to practice in the area of management and nursing services and education. It has been written in accordance with the needs of existing curriculum prescribed for the nursing courses at degree level. The information provided is based on established knowledge and practices. Every attempt has been made to maintain simplicity and lucidity of language and style.
I am aware of manifold reasons for the errors might have crept in the text. I shall feel obliged, if such errors are brought to my notice. I sincerely welcome constructive criticism from readers that would help me enrich myself and good suggestions will be incorporated in the next edition.
I hope, this book will add a growing understanding of management of nursing services and education.
BT Basavanthappa
fm8About the Book
Management of Nursing Services and Education is based on the course and curriculum of nursing. The book is designed to provide nursing students with the knowledge and skill they need to become competent in assuming management functions in several ways. It has been written in simple language and lucid style covering the concept of management required by the nursing profession. An earnest attempt has been made to give enough exposure to nursing students for better understanding the concepts of management of nursing services and education. The book is organised into 14 chapters. Ideally, the text is flowed sequentially but every effort has been made to cover the differing needs of diverse curricula and students. Thus, each chapter stands on its own merit and may be read independently of others. Every attempt has been made to maintain simplicity and lucidity of language and style, so that students can grasp the subject matter very clearly and easily.
fm9About the Author
BT Basavanthappa attained his superannuation from Karnataka Government service and retired as Professor and Principal of Government College of Nursing, Bengaluru in 2006. He has vast experience in the field of nursing and worked as staff nurse for 16 years at McGann Distric Hospital, Shimoga, Karnataka, India. He is a very qualified personality in the field of nursing. He did BSc Nursing (1978), Master of Nursing (1998) and Doctoral degree in Nursing, i.e. PhD in Nursing (1993). He is the first person, who earned and awarded PhD in Nursing in the State of Karnataka.
With over 38 years of service as a Bedside Nurse and as an academician, BT Basavanthappa has taught all the areas of Nursing in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in nursing. He is also a recognised PhD guide by the Indian Nursing Council and Indian Universities. He has authored more than 12 titles on Nursing which are very popular everywhere in this field. He held various positions in nurses’ associations and state government employees associations. At present, he is the President of RGUHS Nursing Teachers Association of Karnataka. He takes out as a matter of pride of shoulder any responsibility in the interest of nursing profession.
I would like to exte n d my warmest appreciation and sincere thanks to many who encouraged and supported me with their time and encouragement throughout.