Textbook of Nursing Foundations I Clement
Abdomen 204
hernia 645
paracentesis 419
Ability of communicator 60
characteristics of feces 337
pulse 152
respirations 155
Abrasions 617
Aconite poisoning 650
immunization 663
listening 64
Activities of daily living 351
Administration of
medication into
ear 329
nose 330
medicines 296
Advantages of
enteral tube feeding 454
tube feeding 234
Adventitious breath sounds 157
Agent-host-environmental model 26, 93
Age-specific spiritual interventions 488
Agricultural poisons 649
Aims of
crisis intervention technique 524
first aid 612
rehabilitation 657
and water mattresses 172
cushion 173
movement 119
Alarm reaction 514
Allergic reactions 438
Alterations in urinary elimination 557
Alternative therapies on health 530
Aminophylline 311
Amputation bed 133
Area of application 269
Arsenic poisoning 649
Artificial feeding 238
Asepsis 111, 176
Asphyxia 646
Assessment of
body alignment 353
hearing 560
self-care ability 561
Assumption of sick role 24
Attributes of primary health care 32
Autoclave machine 186
Autopsy 598
Auxiliary temperature 148
massage 209
rest 171
rub 209
Badly expressed messages 66
Bandaging 287
enema 459
meal 463
in communication 65
of transcultural 497
Basal gastric analysis 469
characteristics of theory 87
communication skills 64
food groups 225
principles 3
systems theory 91
bath 201
blocks 173
cradles 173
making 126
shampoo 215
Benzoin inhalation 271
Bicarbonate 404
Binders 291
Biomedical waste 671, 680
aspects of health and illness 27
Bites and stings 625
Bladder irrigation 249, 250
Blindness 559
culture 341
pressure 157
systolic diastolic 158
smear 340
transfusion 436
fluids 395
heat 145
mechanics for health care workers 353
substance isolation 111
Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration 428
elimination 252
irrigation 261
wash 260
Breast feeding 237
Burns and scalds 622
Calcium 403
Cancer 546
Cardiac bed 132
Cardinal signs of inflammation 539
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 387
Care of
body after death 385, 597
dentures 200
dying patient and after death 384
eyes, nose and ears 196, 205
hair 196, 213
hands, feet and nails 207
medicine and medicine cupboard 302
oral cavity 195
patient with
disabilities 369
dyspnea 373, 569
fever 369
paralysis 371
traction 374
unconsciousness 381
perineum 219
personal hygiene 371
pressure and prevention of fool drops 384
points/bed sore 210
records 689
safety factors 371
sleep and rest 371
thermometer 146
of urinary bladder 246
procedure 246
Causes of
disabilities 657
discomfort 170
pressure sores 210
shock 640
Central nursing station 584
Chair method 637
Characteristics of
abnormal urine 345
commonly observed respiratory patterns 155
culture 491
effective team 652
normal urine 345
professional nurse 4
pulse 152
respiration 155, 569
sexual health 223, 498
spirituality 485
sputum 339
Chemical disinfections 189
Chemotherapy 550
Chloride 404
Cholangiography 471
Cholecystography 449
Classification of
cancer 546
chemotherapeutic agents 550
coma 382
counter-irritants 276
enema 256
hospital waste 670
surgical procedure 602
traction 375
Cleaning surgical wound 447
Clinical manifestation of
pain 571
pressure sore 212
Closing stretcher 638
Code of ethics 7
Cognitive symptoms 516
application 278, 279
compress 280
pack 284
sponge 282
Collaborative problems 42
Colles fracture 628
Colonoscopy 466
Colostomy irrigation 456
alterations in urinary elimination 244
hair scalp problems 214
hospital acquired infections 106
legal issues 13
poisons in India 649
in bowel elimination 253
of bad habits 222
of neglected care 197
sites of IV injection 319
sleep disorders 393
urinary problems 243
functions in nursing 68
methods and special considerations 563
process 58
systems used in hospitals 65
within nursing process 82
Comparison of
formal and informal communications 58
good posture and poor posture 352
one-way and two-way communications 63
Complications of
cold application 279
hot applications 266
injections 307
IV infusion 323
mouth care 199
oral hygiene 196
radiation therapy 549
traction 378
tube feeding 456
Components of
critical thinking 478
sexuality 223, 498
Concept of
disease 19
health 18
illness and sick behaviors 21
waste 669
and theoretical models 86
framework/models 87
Concern of nurse in implementation 654
Concurrent disinfection 182
Cone-shaped shells 627
Congenital disorders 540
Constriction of circulation 566
for breastfeeding 237
to cold application 279
to hot application 265
CPR in progress 389
Crisis intervention centers 528
Criteria for selection of site 316
Critical thinking
in nursing 478
skills and subskills 479
through nursing practice 480
and transcultural nursing 490
factors in health and disease 20
Current sexuality related to childbearing 503
Dangers of pediculosis 217
Datura poisoning 649
Defecation reflex 252
Definition of
critical thinking 477
habit 222
hygiene 193
nursing 2
records and reports 687
sexual health 222, 498
theory 86
Description of rules tube 451
Developmental self-care requisites 562
Diabetic diet 230
Diet in
anemia 230
sickness 226
Dimensions of health 18
Disinfection of
articles 182
unit 124
Disinfection technique used in ICU 589
Disposable syringes and needles 300
Dobutamine 311
gloves 116
mask 116
Dopamine 311
Drawing skill 65
Dressing wound 448
Drug information sources 298
Drying cast 566
Dyspnea management 373, 570
Electric shock 642
Electrolyte 401
imbalances 405
Elements of
biomedical waste management 675
body mechanics 353
communication 563
cultural competence 495
culture 492
infection process 105
primary health care 32
professional communication 82
Embalming 599
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 474
Epidemiologic types of infection 538
Erythromycin injection 310
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 472
Esophagogastroscopy 472
Essentials of
good communication 63
sound communication system 69
decision making 11
dilemmas 10
issues in nursing 7
principles governing critical care 590
Etiology of congenital anomalies 541
Eudemonistic model 19
Examination of
abdomen 53
chest 52
ears 52
neck 52
nose, throat and mouth 52
cardiac massage 389
obstruction: suffocation 646
body temperature 552
bowel elimination 252
care 207
communication process 60
diagnostic results 474, 475
fluid movement 322
hair 214
health 20
mobility 350, 564
skin 202
sleep 392
spiritual health 486
suture removal 435
influences 245
heat loss 144
heat production 144
medication dosage 301
on hair 213
respiration 154, 569
blood pressure 158
communication in nursing 59
health beliefs and practices 493
hygiene practices 193
metastasis 547
nurse-patient relationship 73
urinary elimination 243, 556
First aid
for foreign bodies 639
kit 615
measures 626
treatment 642
aspects of human functioning 595
categories of loss 593
essential steps in every procedure 6
rights of giving medication 302
Florence nightingale 3
and electrolyte imbalance 395
imbalances 399
deficit 399
excess 400
Food guide pyramid 227
Foreign body in
ear 644
eye 644
nose 645
stomach 645
throat 645
Formal evaluation models 45
Formulating nursing care plan 43
Four handed seat 636
Fowler's position 168
Fractional test meal 575
Fracture 627
bed 133
humerus 628
of face 628
Fumigation 589
of room with sulphur 589
with formalin 183
with sulfur 183
Functioning of sensory organs 559
Functions of
critical care nurse 578
culture 491
food 225
hospital 660
Future of nursing informatics 512
analysis 468, 574
irrigation 574
lavage/irrigation 574
system 574
tract 505
Gastrojejunostomy feeding 235
adaptation syndrome 514
cold application 279
rules for
first aid 612
treatment of poisoning 648
strategies for pain management 573
Genetic counseling 545
Genitourinary tract 506
Genupectoral position 167
Glass syringes 299
Gloving 114
technique 115, 181, 182
Golden rules of
first aid 614
giving injections 309
Guidelines for
assessment of patient with pain 572
effective communication 563
maintaining medical asepsis 112
nursing care 497
taking vital signs 143
combing 214
wash 215
Handwashing 178, 538
technique 109, 163, 179, 538
and face 48
to toe examination 48
belief model 26, 93, 94
delivery system in India 28
information systems 510
deviation self-care 562
education 528
illness continuum 25
programs in India 30
promotion model 27, 94, 96
wellness model 26, 93
Henderson's definition of nursing 92
High protein diet 229
Holistic models 95
Home oxygen therapy 365
acquired infection 104, 110, 664
associated infections 107
and laboratory 673
management 666
air oven 187, 188
application 264
fomentation 269
water bag 266
milk and cows milk 238
needs theory 96
relation skills 64
Hypercalcemia 411
Hyperkalemia 409
Hypermagnesemia 413
Hypernatremia 406
Hyperphosphatemia 415
Hyperthermia 553
Hypocalcemia 410
Hypokalemia 408
Hypomagnesemia 412
Hyponatremia 405
Hypophosphatemia 414
Hypothermia 552
cap 281
collar 281
Importance of
communication 56
physical exercise 221
report and records 687
sexual health 223, 498
transcultural nursing 495
Indian hemp poisoning 650
Indication for tube feeding 233
Indigenous systems of medicine 29
Infrared therapy 268
Injections 306
Insertion of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube balloon tamponade 460
Intensive care nursing 577
council of nursing 1973 2
day of disabled person 658
Interpersonal relationship
in nursing 78
system 79
Intradermal injections 317
Intramuscular injection
administration 312
site 314
care 606
nursing 606
cut down 439
infusion therapy 322
injection 319
Introduction to
first aid 612
health and illness 16
nursing 1
Isolation technique 175
issues in nursing 12
records 691
Levels of
disease prevention 34
prevention 102
Lifespan consideration in spiritual health 484
Lifting casualty in wheelchair 637
Liquid diets 229
Listening skills 64
Lithotomy position 165
Liver biopsy 461
Loading stretcher 632
calorie diet 229
fat diet 229
protein diet 229
Lumbar puncture 425
Magnesium 404
Maintenance of essential equipment 585
Management of
cancer 548
case 614
patient with fever 553
severe fever 554
Manifestations of metabolic coma 382
Maslow's hierarchy of human needs 96, 97
Materials used for bandage 289
Measure skull circumference 52
Mechanical barriers 505
Mechanism of
acquired immunity 506
autoclave 187
chemical disinfectants 189
hot air oven 187
and surgical asepsis 178
aseptic technique used to break chain of infection 176
care contact 24
handwashing 112, 117
Medications used for pediculosis treatment 217
Medicolegal issues 597
exercise 223
preparation 51
state 567
Mentally challenged 567
Methods of
administering IV infection 321
administration 235, 249, 318
applying traction 375
data collection 39
examination 47
giving enemas 258
handling masks 538
IM injection administration 313
measurement 143
protection of workers 679
sterilization 185
transmission of cross-infection 175
tube feeding 454
Mode of
disease transmission 103
transmission 106
Models of health and illness 19, 26, 93
Modifications of nutrients in therapeutic diet 227
Moist heating 186
Monitor serum sodium level 408
Multifactorial inheritance 542
Multiple facts of health 18
cannula 360
catheter 361
feeding 453
insertion 450
suction 574
tube insertion 231
Natural history of disease 101
Nature of communication 55
Needles 300
Neuromuscular irritability 413
Newman's theory 91
Nightingale's pledge 1
Nodes 547
Non-pharmacological therapies 532
Non-verbal communication 78
body temperature for adults 144
breath sounds types 157
characteristics of
feces 337
urine 335
Nose 49
Nosocomial infection 104
client helping relationship 80
community relationship 82
family relationship 81
health team relationship 81
Nurses responsibility in administration of oral medication 304
assessing mobility 351
drug administration 303
lifting and moving 357
Nurses role
and responsibility in BMW 678
and therapeutic communication 72
in complementary therapies 531
administration 510
care of fever 370
implementation 44, 654
intervention for FVD 399
models 88
planning 42
process 89
process and application 36
Nutrition 225, 384
Open bed 129
Operation bed 131
medication 304
route 106
temperature 146
Orem's theory 90
administration by
nasal cannula 361
nasal catheter 362
simple face mask 362
delivery system 367
mask 361
tent 363
Paralytic disease 371
Parts of thermometer 145
Past sexual activity 503
Peplau's theory 89
Pressure sore 212
Phosphate 404
instruments 50
techniques 46
methods of sterilization 186
Planning of nursing care 654
casts 564
of Paris 565
Plastic syringes 299
Poisons 647
Postoperative health teaching 446, 610
Potassium 402
Preventive measure of bed sore 212
Primary health care 31
Principles of
body mechanics 354
communication 57
hot application 265
interpersonal relationship 80
positioning 161
primary health care 32
recording and reporting 689
rehabilitation 655, 658
reporting 689
surgical asepsis 113
vital signs 142
Problem-solving therapy 524
Process of
infection 536
transmission of fecal born disease 106
Pubic region 205
Pulse 151
Purity of air 120
Purpose of
bandaging 287
bed making 126
binder 291
cast 565
communication 56
in nursing system 59
dressing 293
drug administration 300
medicine 300
positioning 161
recording and reporting 688
soaks 273
theories and conceptual model 86
Pyrogenic reactions 438
Qualities of good first Aider 612
dosage 550
method of sterilization 188
Recovery stage 24
examination 457
temperature 149
Regional anesthesia 607
Regulation of
fluids 395
temperature 551
calcium 403
fluids and electrolytes or homeostatic mechanism 397
magnesium 404
sodium 402
health care team 652
nursing 652
Renal biopsy 431
Respiratory tract 505
Roger's theory 91
Role of
culture in determining human behavior 494
nurse in
crisis intervention 525
infection control 114
primary health care 33
recording and reporting 691
urinary elimination 243
nursing informatics specialist 511
rehabilitation professional 653
Route of administration 301
Roy's theory 91
for administration of medicines 302
of good mechanics 353
Salt free diet 229
Sand bags 172
Scales of thermometer 145
School health records 692
Scope of hospital 660
Scorpion bite 625
Selected nursing theories 89
Selection of
site for injection 308
syringe and needle 318, 320
Sex and health 222
Sexual response
cycle 499
in men 500
in woman 499
Shock 640
Sigmoidoscopy 465
and symptoms of crisis 521
of approaching death 596
Sims’ position 166
Site of intramuscular injections 313
Sitz bath 274
Skin 505
and hygienic care 566
conditions 48
and alteration 391
requirement of individuals 392
Sodium 402
Solutions used for Sitz bath 274
Sources of
drugs 298
infection 104, 536, 664
Spinal fracture 628
Sputum culture 338
Stages of
anesthesia 607
illness behavior 23
rigor 554
sleep 392
Standards for
deep burial 684
liquid waste 684
waste autoclaving 683
Steps of
embalming process 599
scientific method 3
Steps to assist victim in managing intense feelings 525
Stick method 635
Stimulation gastric analysis 469
Stool-routine and culture 337
Stress management strategies 517
Stretcher exercise 632
Stripping and remaking open bed 128
Subcutaneous injection site 317
Supine/dorsal position 164
asepsis 113, 177, 178
aseptic procedures 113
dressing 446
fomentation 448
gloving 182
gowning 181
handwashing 113, 180
management 558
preparation of skin 443, 605
scrub 180
soak 441
Syringes and needles 299
Teaching about infection control 115
Technical skill needed 308
Techniques of crisis intervention 527
Temperature of solution 261
commandments of good communication 65
rules for writing nursing diagnosis 42
Tepid sponge 282
Terminal disinfection 183
Testing of reflexes 47
communication techniques 75
diet 228
nurse-patient relationship 72
purpose 467
relationship 74
Thermometer 144
Thoracenthesis 422
Three aspects of hair care 213
Throat swab 342
Timings of taking vital signs 142
TPR sheet 144
Transcultural nursing and theory application 493
adhesive units 328
route 326
Transmission of
infection diseases 439
nasocomial infection 107
casualties 632
injured or sick persons 613
Trendelenburg's position 167
Trimming cast 566
Tubeless gastric analysis 469, 470
Tumor 547
Two handed seat 636
Types of
active immunity 506
admission 136
asepsis 112, 177
aseptic practices 177
bandages 288
bedpan 253
binder 291
biofeedback 532
burn 623
casts 378, 565
catheterization 249
cervical biopsy 433
cleaning 123
cleansing bath 202
cold application 278
colostomy 456
crisis 520, 523
data 39
disability 657
dressing 293, 446
drug and fluids administered drugs 308
enema 257
examination of urine 346
exercise 222
fever 553
fracture 627
hair care 196
healthy habits 222
hot application 264
hygiene 193
immunity 505
infection 103, 535
infectious diseases 537
inhalations 271
injections 306
intensive care units 581
isolation 176
IV administration 320
laws 13
medication action 301
non-verbal communication 62
normal and abnormal respiratory pattern 154
pain 571
pediculi 217
pressure 158
radiation therapy 548
range of motions 354
records 689
registers 690
relationships 74
renal biopsy 431
reports 690
respiration 568
shock 640
surgery 444
theory 88
thermometer 145
toe pleat 130
traction 376
tubes used 451
wards in patient unit 122
waste 670
wound 617
elimination 241, 250, 556
incontinence 558
retention 557
culture 336
elimination 241
testing 345
Uses of
bedpan 253
complementary therapy 530
passive immunization 507
urinal 244
Vaginal swab/smear 344
Vancomycin 310
Venipuncture site 323
Ventilation by mouth to mouth 388
Vermin and insects 124
Virginia Henderson's theory 92
Virulence determinants 537
Visual and hearing impairment 559
Vital signs
and normal values 143
types of fever 370
Vitamin K 311
Voluntary health agencies 29
Warning signs of cancer 547
Water supply and sewage disposal 120
Withholding life support 590
Wound care 293
Writing nursing diagnosis 41
Chapter Notes

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1Textbook of Nursing Foundations2
3Textbook of Nursing Foundations
I Clement Principal VSS College of Nursing Nagadevanahalli Mysore Ring Road Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
4Published by
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
Corporate Office
4838/24 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002, India Phone: +91-11-43574357, Fax: +91-11-43574314
Offices in India
Overseas Offices
Textbook of Nursing Foundations
© 2011, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
All rights reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author and the publisher.
First Edition: 2011
Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit
Printed in India
Nurses are noble living beings; with their rich services, they serve the people; right from the birth till death, nurses provide care. It gives me immense pleasure to introduce this Textbook of Nursing Foundations which will be a great help for budding nurses, all nursing students, and faculties to prepare them as a complete nurse. I am proud and privileged to be a nurse. Through my journey in nursing profession, I have portrayed in this book, depicted in a simple and easy manner and in step-by-step fashion which I have experienced in my nursing profession.
All the contents explained in the textbook are included as per the Indian Nursing Council syllabus which will be a complete pack of knowledge boost for the upcoming nursing students; contents are thoroughly updated as per scientific principles of nursing. This book will definitely lay a strong basic knowledge foundation for all budding nurses, pictures are presented in such a manner so that theory is integrated with practice and students who go through will definitely have a strong idea about the nursing procedures.
Textbook of Nursing Foundations deals with patient care, bridges the gap between the information contained at large. It presents with basic concepts of nursing foundation, basic nursing procedures, special needs of the individual and health and hospital-related topics.
This book consists of five sections: Section-I: Basic Concepts of Nursing Foundations (Chapters 1 to 6); Section-II: Nursing Foundation Procedures (Chapters 7 to 31); Section-III: Medical Surgical Procedures (General) (Chapter 32); Section-IV: Special Needs (Chapters 33 to 45) and Section-V: Special Units (Chapters 46 to 51).
I Clement6
I am thankful to the Lord Almighty Who strengthens me with His abundant blessings through innumerable means, helping me in all my accomplishments.
My heartfelt thanks to Shri Sommanna, Minister for Food and Civil Supplies, Government of Karnataka and Chairman, VSS Group of Institutions, for his constant support and encouragement.
My sincere thanks to my guru, BT Basavanthappa, Principal, Rajarajaeswari College of Nursing, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India and PV Ramchandran, Chairman, College of Nursing, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai—a great philosopher and an internationally renowned teacher of nursing who helped me in discovering the world of knowledge.
I am thankful to Ms Shylaja Sommanna, Managing Director, Dr BS Arun, Dr BS Naveen, from the VSS Group of Institutions, for their support and encouragement.
I am also grateful to Dr Aswathnayaran, MLA, Chairman of the Padmashree Group of Institutions, and Dr Bhagavan, Professor, Department of Surgery, Kemagowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Special thanks to Dr TV Ramakrishnan, Professor of Anesthesiology and Head of Clinical Services, Department of Accident and Emergency Medicine, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai
I convey my sincere thanks to my beloved parents, brother and sisters, and my wife Nisha Clement, for her continuous support and constant encouragement in each step of my life. I take this opportunity to thank my little ones, Cibin, Cynthia and Cavin. I extend thanks to my beloved friend and brother, Mr Regi T Kurieri.
My sincere thanks to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Chairman and Managing Director), Mr Tarun Duneja (Director-Publishing) and Mr KK Raman (Production Manager) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, Mr V Venugopal (Branch Manager, Bengaluru Branch), Mr H Vasudev (Author coordinator, Bengaluru Branch) and all staff of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, to bring the excellent quality of this textbook.89101112131415161718192021222324